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A number of mouse x mouse hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against bovine growth hormone (bGH) were prepared by fusion of spleen cells from bGH-primed mice (Balb/c) with non-secretory mouse myeloma cells (PAIOP3) and characterized. MAbs obtained from three fusion experiments belonged to IgM, IgG1 and IgG2b class/subclass of antibodies. Cross-reaction studies indicated that generated antibodies were against three different epitopes of bGH. VIA6E8 (IgG1) and VIIB2E11C9 (IgM) did not cross-react with ovine prolactin (oPRL), ovine leutinizing hormone (oLH) and porcine follicle stimulating hormone. Antibody VIB3C9E8 (IgM) exhibited cross-reaction with oPRL and oLH. Antibody VIC1F9 (IgG2b) cross reacted with oPRL. All MAbs were against conformational epitopes of bGH.  相似文献   

The main step in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) is the conformational change of the normal cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into the abnormal isoform, named prion (PrP(Sc)). Since PrP is a highly conserved protein, the production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) of high specificity and affinity to PrP is a difficult task. In the present study we show that it is possible to overcome the unresponsiveness of the immune system by immunizing wild-type BALB/c mice with a 13 amino acid PrP peptide from the C-terminal part of PrP, bound to the keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Immunization induced predominantly anti-PrP(Sc) humoral immune response. Furthermore, we were able to obtain a panel of mAbs of IgG class specific for different non-self-conformations of PrP, with anti-PrP(Sc)-specific mAbs being the most abundant.  相似文献   

The relationship between the structure of human growth hormone (hGH) and the hormone-receptor interaction was investigated by studying the effects of specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to hGH on the binding of [125I]hGH to rabbit liver and mouse liver microsomes. Receptor binding assays were carried out using a constant dose (1 ng) of [125I]hGH and varying concentrations of MAbs. The assay was carried out in the presence of either excess ovine prolactin for the measurement of somatogenic (SOM) binding sites, or excess bovine growth hormone for the determination of lactogenic (LAC) binding sites. Anti-hGH MAbs were found to have a whole spectrum of effects on hGH binding, including inhibitory, non-effect and enhancing activities. Enhancement of the binding of [125I]hGH to both SOM and LAC receptors was observed in liver membranes of rabbit or mouse. The observed amplified signal of [125I]hGH binding to various receptors in the presence of MAb no. 8 may be due to conformational changes which occur following MAb binding to hGH. On the other hand, most of the other MAbs caused inhibition of [125I]hGH binding. A negative correlation exists between the cross-reaction of various MAbs with the N-terminus truncated forms of hGH (Met14-hGH or Met8Leu-hGH) and their respective KD/IC50 values enabled the evaluation of the crucial role of the N-terminus region in hGH binding to both LAC and SOM receptors. MAb nos 1 and 19, which are directed towards acid residues 95-134 and the C-terminus, inhibited SOM binding more potently than LAC binding. Thus, it seems that these mid-molecule and C-terminus regions are also important in hGH binding, and that they play a role in the partial overlap of SOM and LAC binding.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of eukaryotic parasitic infection using antibody-based tests such as ELISAs (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) is often problematic because of the need to differentiate between homologous host and pathogen proteins and to ensure that antibodies raised against a peptide will also bind to the peptide in the context of its three-dimensional protein structure. Filariasis caused by the nematode, Brugia malayi, is an important worldwide tropical disease in which parasites disappear from the bloodstream during daylight hours, thus hampering standard microscopic diagnostic methods. To address this problem, a structural approach was used to develop monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that detect asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) secreted from B. malayi. B. malayi and human AsnRS amino acid sequences were aligned to identify regions that are relatively unconserved, and a 1.9 A crystallographic structure of B. malayi AsnRS was used to identify peptidyl regions that are surface accessible and available for antibody binding. Sequery and SSA (Superpositional Structural Analysis) software was used to analyze which of these peptides was most likely to maintain its native conformation as a synthetic peptide, and its predicted helical structure was confirmed by NMR. A 22-residue peptide was synthesized to produce murine mAbs. Four IgG(1) mAbs were identified that recognized the synthetic peptide and the full-length parasite AsnRS, but not human AsnRS. The specificity and affinity of mAbs was confirmed by Western blot, immunohistochemistry, surface plasmon resonance, and enzyme inhibition assays. These results support the success of structural modeling to choose peptides for raising selective antibodies that bind to the native protein.  相似文献   

The specificity of hormone-receptor interactions has been examined with the aid of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) (EB1, EB2, QA68 and NA71) defining four non-overlapping antigenic determinants on human growth hormone (hGH). The results indicate that growth-hormone receptors in liver obtained from different sources differ with regard to their affinities and relative numbers; they may also differ with respect to the region of the growth-hormone molecule to which they bind. Antibody NA71 effectively inhibited hormone binding to all receptor preparations tested, although with various degrees of potency. Monoclonal antibody EB1 demonstrated a graded inhibition with respect to its ability to block 125I-hGH binding to receptors from various sources, the maximum inhibition being seen in receptor preparations from mouse and ovine liver and the minimum in rat liver. MABs EB2 and QA68 also showed various abilities to inhibit hormone-receptor interaction, depending on the origin of the receptor preparation. Furthermore, the receptor-binding characteristics of hormone-antibody complexes were dependent on whether the binding-site preparation was derived from pregnant, lactating or 'normal' animals. A particularly striking difference between the ability of hormone-MAB complexes to bind to receptors from different sources was seen for microsomes (microsomal fractions) derived from livers of animals of the 'Little' mouse strain. These animals become progressively obese, and it was shown that MABs were considerably more effective in inhibiting 125I-labelled hGH binding to microsomes from phenotypically obese mice than to those derived from their non-obese littermates. The results can be explained by the presence of multiple receptor types for GH, the relative proportions of which vary according to the physiological state of the animal, and possibly between species.  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to obtain the hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies against human growth hormone (Mabs hGH), to investigate the properties of the obtained Mabs and the possibility of their application in immunoanalytical systems. Two hybridomas secreting Mabs against hGH and belonging to the IgGI subclass have been obtained. The cross-reactivity of the Mabs with structurally similar to hGH hormones (hGHbio, hPL, hPRL, bGH, bPRL, pPRL) using indirect IFA has been studied. It has been shown that Mabs hGHI and Mabs hGH2 are directed to common specific antigenic determinant i.e. they have the same epitope specificity and don't react with other structurally related hormones, i.-e. this determinant is unique for hGH. The obtained Mabs hGH2 would find application for determination hGH by immunochemical methods in fractions while the hormone isolation from pituitaries and hGH obtained recombinant DNA methodology. The development of immunosorbents on the basis Mabs hGH2 seems to be perspective. Application of this immunosorbent may give possibility to optimize hormone isolation process.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a monoclonal antibody (MAb) recognizing the human growth hormone (hGH) antigenic domain left exposed after binding to lactogenic receptors enhanced hGH binding probably through allosteric effects on the hormone binding site. Since receptors displaying different specificities would not recognize exactly the same hGH region, we explored whether some of our MAb could affect hGH binding to somatogenic receptors from rabbit liver and to human liver hGH-specific receptors.The effect of MAbAE5, AC8 and F11 on hGH binding was measured by determining the formation of125I-MAb:hGH:receptor complexes using two different experimental approaches. Results from procedure A, which involved the previous binding of the hormone to microsomes before adding125I-MAb, indicated that the hGH domain defined by epitopes AE5, AC8 and F11 is uncovered in the various hormone:receptor complexes.Procedure B was devised to reveal any alteration in the hGH molecule induced by the MAb. In this case preformed125I-MAb:hGH complexes were added to microsomes. Data showed that125I-MAb AE5:hGH complexes bound better to the various receptors than125I-MAb AE5 to hGH:receptor complexes. On the contrary, hGH previously bound to125I-MAb AC8 or125I-MAb F11 was less recognized by the receptors than the free hormone. Furthermore, binding of MAb AE5 or MAb F11 to hGH 20 K (a natural hGH variant lacking residues 32–46) also enhanced its affinity to the various receptors whereas MAb AC8 did not inhibit hGH 20 K binding.Results indicated that MAb recognizing the hGH antigenic area that remains unmasked after binding to different membrane-bound receptors are able to affect hormone binding site. MAb would induce either positive or negative allosteric changes in the hormone region involved in its binding to lactogenic, somatogenic and hGH-specific receptors.  相似文献   

A major problem in sequence alignments based on the standard dynamic programming method is that the optimal path does not necessarily yield the best equivalencing of residues assessed by structural or functional criteria. An algorithm is presented that finds suboptimal alignments of protein sequences by a simple modification to the standard dynamic programming method. The standard pairwise weight matrix elements are modified in order to penalize, but not eliminate, the equivalencing of residues obtained from previous alignments. The algorithm thereby yields a limited set of alternate alignments that can differ considerably from the optimal. The approach is benchmarked on the alignments of immunoglobulin domains. Without a prior knowledge of the optimal choice of gap penalty, one of the suboptimal alignments is shown to be more accurate than the optimal.  相似文献   

The immunochemical behavior of several fragments of equine growth hormone (eGH) was examined using competitive binding assays with antibodies (Abs) to eGH obtained from different sources. Antigenicity was detected within the sequences 5-72 and 73-123 by rabbit Abs to eGH and by three mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) produced by using bovine growth hormone as immunogen, but showing heteroclitic properties towards eGH. The polyclonal Abs to eGH also recognized as immunoreactive two smaller peptides corresponding to the amino acid residues 52-72 and 110-123. By contrast, the heteroclitic Abs to eGH developed by hypopituitary patients therapeutically injected with human growth hormone failed to react with any eGH-derived fragment. The rabbit polyclonal Abs and the mouse MAbs scarely discriminated between native and S-carbamidomethylated eGH, while the heteroclitic human Abs detected a clear difference between the native and the modified hormone.  相似文献   


The potentiation of the biological effects of recombinant porcine growth hormone (pGH) by immunologic manipulation was investigated. A monoclonal antibody (mAb), designated PS‐7.6, was raised against pGH and repeatedly shown to enhance the responsiveness of hypophysectomized (hypox) rats to pGH. As a result, animals receiving a combination treatment of pGH and mAb PS‐7.6 together gained significantly more weight than those receiving the same doses of pGH alone. The enhancing action of the mAb was a rapid process and its effective doses ranged from 0.1 to 2 mg/injection. The ability of the antibody to augment the hormonal activity persisted beyond the 5‐day treatment period and the differences in net weight gain between treated and control animals remained significant for 28 days. Results from treatment frequency studies further suggested that pGH when complexed with mAb PS‐7.6 required fewer injections and produced a greater efficacy than being administered alone. Therefore, present findings suggest that mAb PS‐7.6 may prove useful for not only improving the efficiency of pGH, but also developing a novel formulation for sustained pGH release.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the capsid protein of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) was cloned into pGEX-6P-1 expression vector and then transformed into the Escherichia coli strain BL21. After induction, capsid protein-glutathione-S-transferase (GST-MrNV; 64 kDa) was produced. The recombinant protein was separated using SDS-PAGE, excised from the gel, electro-eluted and then used for immunization for monoclonal antibody (MAb) production. Four MAbs specific to the capsid protein were selected and could be used to detect natural MrNV infections in M. rosenbergii by dot blotting, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry without cross-reaction with uninfected shrimp tissues or other common shrimp viruses. The detection sensitivity of the MAbs was 10 fmol μl-1 of the GST-MrNV, as determined using dot blotting. However, the sensitivity of the MAb on dot blotting with homogenate from naturally infected M. rosenbergii was approximately 200-fold lower than that of 1-step RT-PCR. Immunohistochemical analysis using these MAbs with infected shrimp tissues demonstrated staining in the muscles, nerve cord, gill, heart, loose connective tissue and inter-tubular tissue of the hepatopancreas. Although the positive reactions occurred in small focal areas, the immunoreactivity was clearly demonstrated. The MAbs targeted different epitopes of the capsid protein and will be used to develop a simple immunoassay strip test for rapid detection of MrNV.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence assays on acetone-fixed smears of a series of different parasites, we have shown that two monoclonal antibodies bind specifically to Trypanosoma congolense organisms. The antibodies bind to both bloodstream trypomastigotes and procyclic culture forms of the parasite and are thus not stage specific. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analysis showed that both monoclonal reagents bound a protein of approximately 31,000 m.w. This antigen appeared to be located on the plasma membrane of T. congolense, but the epitope was not exposed on the surface of living bloodstream or procyclic organisms. The antigen was detectable on acetone-fixed organisms or in trypanosome lysates in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and may therefore by useful as a species-specific marker in field assays for epidemiologic and clinical investigations.  相似文献   

The recent development of screening strategies based on the generation and display of large libraries of antibody fragments has allowed considerable advances for the in vitro isolation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). We previously developed a technology referred to as the 'ADLib (Autonomously Diversifying Library) system', which allows the rapid screening and isolation in vitro of antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from libraries of immunoglobulin M (IgM) displayed by the chicken B-cell line DT40. Here, we report a novel application of the ADLib system to the production of chimeric human mAbs. We have designed gene knock-in constructs to generate DT40 strains that coexpress chimeric human IgG and chicken IgM via B-cell-specific RNA alternative splicing. We demonstrate that the application of the ADLib system to these strains allows the one-step selection of antigen-specific human chimeric IgG. In addition, the production of chimeric IgG can be selectively increased when we modulate RNA processing by overexpressing the polyadenylation factor CstF-64. This method provides a new way to efficiently design mAbs suitable for a wide range of purposes including antibody therapy.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone was chemically modified with picryl sulfonic acid, at pH 8.4 during 2 and 5 min of reaction. The N-terminal residue provides the most reactive amino group followed by the epsilon-amino groups of lysine 179 and lysines 143, 69, 111, 170 and 166 in decreasing order. These results agree with those obtained previously with equine growth hormone, except that residue 156 is not modified in bovine growth hormone. An important decrease in biological activity occurs between 2 and 5 min of reaction without sensible modification in the alpha-helix content of the molecule.  相似文献   

Sixteen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to 2 urochordate genera (Botryllus schlosseri and Botrylloides) intracellular epitopes were generated in mice immunized with a mixture of fresh and paraformaldehyde-fixed cells obtained from animal's blood and cells from dissociated organs. Hybridoma clones were selected by ELISA tests and immunohistochemistry assays on paraffin-embedded animal tissues. Five MAbs were tested for reactions with different zooidal organs and cell compartments; 7 MAbs were tested, separately, on 5 different botryllid colonies (3 Botryllus and 2 Botrylloides). The results revealed high polymorphism. Whereas some of the MAbs recognized, specifically, only part of the botryllid genotypes tested, others recognized only part of the cellular compartments. These MAbs will be used as an important tool in the study of botryllid ascidian immunology and developmental biology, revealing the first wide panel of MAbs specific to urochordate intracellular antigens.  相似文献   

Five Hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies (MAT) to bovine nerve growth factor (NGF) were developed. The biological effects of antibodies were studied: the influence of MAT on neurit outgrowth induced by NGF in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 or spinal chicken ganglia was investigated. MAT fell into two groups. Two of them inhibited neurit induction by NGF, three others stimulated this process. The stimulation of the neurit outgrowth by MAT was observed at low concentration of NGF (3 ng/ml of culture medium). Mechanisms of antibodies effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary— In the work reported here, we have compared the elimination from the blood, the uptake by the liver and the intracellular distribution of bovine growth hormone, free(Gh) or bound to a monoclonal antibody (GhAb). Results show that: a) the elimination from the blood is more rapid for Gh than for GhAb; b) both molecules are quickly taken up by the liver; c) probably after travelling through endosomes, Gh and GhAb get to lysosomes where they are degraded. However, Gh mostly ends in hepatocyte lysosomes while GhAb is recovered to a large extent in sinusoidal cell lysosomes; and d) binding by isolated hepatocytes is markedly less efficient for GhAb than for Gh.  相似文献   

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