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After adoptive transfer, the spleen cells from mice made tolerant to human gamma-globulin (HGG) specifically suppress the immune response of normal spleen cells. However, this suppressive activity in the spleen cells of tolerant mice is only present for a brief period after treatment with tolerogen. Spleen cells from animals injected 10 days earlier with tolerogen reduce the immune response of an equal number of normal spleen cells by 75%. Spleen cells from mice made tolerant 40 days previously are, however, no longer suppressive, even though they remain completely unresponsive. These data suggest that active suppression of antigen-reactive cells is not the mechanism responsible for maintaining tolerance to HGG, but rather is only transiently associated with the tolerant state. Further evidence in favor of the separation of the tolerant state from suppressive activity is that complete suppression of the normal spleen cell response requires either a high ratio of tolerant to immune competent cells or a delay in the antigenic challenge of the reconstituted recipients. By contrast, such manipulations are not required to demonstrate the complete unresponsiveness of the tolerant cells after adoptive transfer.  相似文献   

An antigen-specific suppressive factor was extracted from spleen cells of mice made tolerant by injection of deaggregated human gamma-globulin (HGG). The active material could be prepared from T cells, obtained by passaging spleen cells through an anti-immunoglobulin column, although not from cells adherent to the column nor from spleen cells pretreated with anti-Thy-1 serum and C. This factor was antigen-specific since it was retained on immunoadsorbents containing HGG, but not on columns coated with antibody to HGG or with irrelevant antigens. Despite its specificity for antigen it did not bear any classical immunoglobulin determinants. Its m.w. ranged between 30,000 and 55,000 daltons. It was a product of the I region of the major histocompatibility complex since it carried Ia determinants. The properties of this factor are very similar to those reported elsewhere for suppressive factors obtained from primed T cells, cells from nonresponder mice, and allotype-specific cells. This suggest the existence of a major class of immunoregulatory molecules, nonimmunoglobulin in nature, and responsible for the mediation of antigen-specific T cell-dependent suppression.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of spleen cells or spleen cell lysates from mice tolerant to human-gamma-globulin (HGG) specifically suppressed the response of normal syngeneic recipients to HGG. The suppressive activity could be transferred for over 100 days after tolerance induction. The suppression induced by both spleen cells and spleen cell lysate was found to be specific as evidenced by a normal response to a challenge with turkey-gamma-globulin or goat erythrocytes. The activity of the suppressive lysate could be removed by passing the material through an HGG immunoadsorbent column but not by passing it through an anti-HGG column or a BSA column. These results indicated that the factor had antigen specificity and was probably not antigen-antibody complexes. That this suppression was not due to a shifting of the kinetics of the antibody response has also been demonstrated. The antigen-specific suppressor factor in the tolerant spleen cell lysates was a protein with a m.w. of approximately 45,000 daltons. The kinetics of the appearance of both suppressor cells and suppressor factor were consistent with a mechanism of active suppression functioning in the maintenance of tolerance to HGG.  相似文献   

Supernatants from concanavalin A- (Con A) activated murine spleen cells have been shown to suppress the in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The present study examined the effect of such Con A-activated spleen cell supernatants (herein termed CONS) on the in vivo immune response to SRBC in C57BL/6, BALB/c and CDF1 mice. CONS derived from BALB/c spleen cells suppressed direct PFC 4 and 8 days after immunization with 2 X 10(8) SRBC. CONS also suppressed indirect PFC 8 days after immunization, as well as serum hemagglutinins to SRBC. The PFC response of C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice was suppressed as much as that of BALB/c (H-2d) by CONS derived from BALB/c mice, indicating a lack of H-2 specificity of the CONS. In addition to suppression of the antibody response to SRBC, in vivo CONS administration resulted in reduction in spleen cell number. This reduction was not sufficient to explain the decreased PFC response. When the CONS was separated into less than 10,000 m.w. and greater than or equal to 10,000 m.w. fractions, the immunosuppressive activity was found in the less than 10,000 m.w. fraction. This observation suggests that intact interferon, SIRS, and MIF were not responsible for the results obtained.  相似文献   

The production of immunoglobulin (Ig) bearing the b4 and b5 allotypic markers by b4b5 heterozygous spleen cells cultured in vitro was assessed by means of a sensitive and reproducible radioimmunoassay. Ig synthesis was demonstrated by the increasing amounts of the b4 and b5 allotypes appearing with time in the supernatant fluids. To determine the effect of anti-b4 or anti-b5 antibody on the synthesis of the b4 and b5 allotypes, spleen cells from b4b5 heterozygous rabbits were incubated for 24 hr in the presence of anti-b4 or anti-b5 and then washed and cultured for an additional 4 days. Anti-b4 suppressed the production of the b4 allotype with no effect on b5 production, whereas anti-b5 suppressed the production of b5 allotype with no effect on b4 production. This suppression of allotype synthesis in vitro presumably results from an antigen-antibody reaction occurring on the surface of lymphoid cells by a mechanism which may be similar to that which brings about allotype suppression in vivo for fetal and newborn rabbits.  相似文献   

The presence of active splenic suppressor cells in neonatal chickens, either normal or tolerant to bovine serum albumin (BSA), was examined by assessment of their effect on both primary and adoptively transferred secondary responses to BSA or sheep red blood cells (SRC). Both normal and BSA tolerized spleen cells were shown to be highly suppressive of secondary anti-BSA responses generated by specifically primed adult spleen cells in inert recipients. Suppression of the secondary anti-BSA response by normal spleen cells was slightly less effective than that seen with BSA tolerant spleen cells. Transfer of BSA tolerant spleen cells into normal recipients, followed by BSA challenge, prevented any significant primary anti-BSA response. In contrast, transfer of normal spleen cells into normal recipients, followed by BSA challenge, failed to show any suppression of the resulting primary response. Neither normal nor BSA tolerant neonatal spleen cells were capable of suppressing either primary or secondary responses to SRC. Thus, chickens tolerized to BSA have suppressor cells specific for the tolerizing antigen. We present evidence that both the tolerance associated suppressors and the suppressors detected in normal neonatal chickens are T cells.  相似文献   

The specificity of T cells for syngeneic target cells is directed to both antigens and products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the target cell surface. This dual requirement is best accounted for by the altered-self hypothesis, which implies that the MHC products on a cell's surface are able to form complexes with many other proteins on the surface of the same cell. To account for the ability of MHC products to bind so many different cell surface antigens we propose that interactions in general among macromolecules on the surface of a membrane may be dramatically enhanced by a purely physical effect. This effect derives from the confinement of membrane macromolecules to an effective volume which is the product of membrane surface area times d, the distance over which the center of mass of the molecules can move in a vertical direction (perpendicular to the membrane surface). Because d is very small the effective concentrations of surface molecules are extremely high and their interactions are correspondingly enhanced.  相似文献   

The immune response to chicken egg-white lysozyme (HEL) is actively and specifically regulated by antigen-specific T cell-mediated suppression in mice bearing the H-2b haplotype; the suppression is therefore MHC-linked. In this report, we propose a possible mechanism for MHC-linked suppression of HEL-helper T cells based on expression of I region-encoded cell surface determinants. We determined whether inhibition of anti-HEL antibody responses correlated with expression of serologically detectable I-A-encoded cell surface determinants by antigen-specific helper, suppressor-inducer, or suppressor-effector T cells. It was observed that HEL-suppressor-effector T cells, but not helper or suppressor-inducer T cells, were eliminated after treatment with anti-I-Ab antibody and complement. Furthermore, suppressor-effector T cells co-express Thy-1, Lyt-2, and I-A cell surface antigens. These results raise the possibility that HEL-specific helper T cells become functionally inhibited after recognition of HEL and I-A alloantigen displayed by suppressor-effector T cells. Thus, the interaction between helper and suppressor T cells may be analogous to the mechanism of T cell-B cell interaction.  相似文献   

Idiotope-specific immunoenhancement or suppression was induced in C57BL/6 mice by the injection of physiological amounts (100 ng-10 micrograms) of monoclonal anti-idiotope antibody. As previously described, nanogram doses enhanced idiotope expression while a 10-micrograms dose of anti-idiotope antibody induced the activation of a population of Thy 1.2+, Lyt 1-, 2+ suppressors. Both positive and negative regulatory activities were confined to the non-mu, idiotope+ compartment of the plaque-forming cell response. Administration of intermediate doses of anti-idiotope antibody resulted in an immune state indistinguishable from that of naive mice. This apparently normal response was in fact the product of a simultaneous activation of balanced enhancing and suppressive activities. When treated with anti-Lyt 2 or Lyt 1 and complement, spleen cell populations taken from such phenotypically "naive" mice revealed latent idiotope-specific immunoenhancement or suppression, demonstrating the components of a functional regulatory equilibrium.  相似文献   

Further studies have been carried out on the nature and the behaviour of the anti-SRC plaque-forming cells from the adherent fraction of mouse spleen cells. In this fraction many phagocytic, acid phosphatase-positive cells were observed in the center of the plaques. The glass-adherent PFC were found to be highly radioresistant in vitro, compared to the nonadherent fraction. In both primary and secondary immune responses, only the direct PFC showed the tendency to adhere to glass. The phenomenon of the glass adherence of a fraction of direct PFC is also apparent in mouse spleen cells stimulated in vitro with SRC.  相似文献   

Thioglycollate-stimulated peritoneal exudate cells (PEC), harvested from mice immunized against sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) and transferred to normal syngeneic recipients, reverse the immunosuppression caused by passively administered anti-SRBC antibody. Macrophages purified from PEC on BSA gradients did not reverse immunosuppression; neither did suspensions of cells from mesenteric lymph nodes of immune mice. Mixtures of the purified macrophages and lymph node cells were fully capable of reversing immunosuppression. Thus, two types of cell, one a macrophage and one a lymphocyte, are required. Both must be compatible with the recipient mice at the H-2 complex. However, only the macrophages must necessarily be obtained from an immune donor. When “immune” macrophages were preincubated in vitro with “normal” lymph node cells before transfer to antibody-treated syngeneic recipients, a significant reversal of the immunosuppressive effect occurred. The ability of whole PEC or spleen cells to reverse the immunosuppressive effect of passive antibody is acquired rapidly after injection of a single low dose of antigen. Development of this ability precedes the appearance, in the circulation, of immunosuppressive antibody.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice immunized with either the whole vaccine or the C-polysaccharide obtained from the R36A strain of pneumococcus produce antibody to phosphorylcholine. Mice injected i.v. with a single high dose of the C-polysaccharide are specifically unresponsive to immunization to phosphorylcholine for many months and are considered paralyzed. The induction of paralysis does not eliminate cells reactive to phosphorylcholine; however, serum from paralyzed mice specifically suppresses the response of cultures of normal spleen cells to phosphorylcholine. Paralyzed mice have an early low antibody response to phosphorylcholine and to the receptor for phosphorylcholine as indicated by plaque-forming cell assays. The factor or factors present in serum which may suppress cultures, and, by presumption, be responsible for paralysis are complexes of antigen, antibody, and antibody to the receptor for phosphorylcholine.  相似文献   

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