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In order to resolve long-standing issues surrounding the age of the Skhul early modern humans, new analyses have been conducted, including the dating of four well-provenanced fossils by ESR and U-series. If the Skhul burials took place within a relatively short time span, then the best age estimate lies between 100 and 135 ka. This result agrees very well with TL ages obtained from burnt flint of 119+/-18 ka (Mercier et al., 1993). However, we cannot exclude the possibility that the material associated with the Skhul IX burial is older than those of Skhul II and Skhul V. These and other recent age estimates suggest that the three burial sites, Skhul, Qafzeh and Tabun are broadly contemporaneous, falling within the time range of 100 to 130 ka. The presence of early representatives of both early modern humans and Neanderthals in the Levant during Marine Isotope Stage 5 inevitably complicates attempts at segregating these populations by date or archaeological association. Nevertheless, it does appear that the oldest known symbolic burials are those of early modern humans at Skhul and Qafzeh. This supports the view that, despite the associated Middle Palaeolithic technology, elements of modern human behaviour were represented at Skhul and Qafzeh prior to 100 ka.  相似文献   

The Banyoles mandible presents a puzzle. Its anatomy has been described as pre-Neandertal, but the travertine in which it was found has been dated to 45,000 +/- 4000 years. By this time, any pre-Neandertals had supposedly been absent from the European fossil record for more than 100,000 years. It was therefore proposed that the age of the travertine may represent a minimum age estimate, with the mandible possibly having been reworked from older deposits. We carried out a non-destructive ESR analysis of an enamel fragment removed from a molar and performed a series of in situ laser ablation U-series analyses on dentine fragments adjacent to the enamel piece. The analyses resulted in an apparent combined ESR-U-series age of 66,000 +/- 7000 years. The encasing travertine matrix was also analyzed for U-series isotopes and showed signs of U-mobilization. It cannot be excluded that the travertine matrix is older than the previously determined age. If the mandible was not reworked, then the combined ESR-U-series result on the tooth enamel would give its best age estimate. If, on the other hand, the mandible was reworked from another deposit, the actual ESR-U-series age will depend on the external dose rate from the previous matrix and the depth of its burial, which controls the degree of the attenuation of the cosmic dose rate over time. Considering a range of possible burial histories, the mean age of the mandible would lie somewhere between the combined ESR-U-series age and the previously determined age of the travertine matrix. Regarding the morphology of the mandible, a review of its features in the context of larger Neandertal samples indicates that the anatomy of the specimen is not incompatible with such a young age determination, although it further highlights morphological variation in the late Neandertal sample.  相似文献   

The Sierra de Atapuerca, northern Spain, is known from many prehistoric and palaeontological sites documenting human prehistory in Europe. Three major sites, Gran Dolina, Galería and Sima del Elefante, range in age from the oldest hominin of Western Europe dated to 1.1 to 1.3 Ma (millions of years ago) at Sima del Elefante to c.a. 0.2 Ma on the top of the Galería archaeological sequence. Recently, a chronology based on luminescence methods (Thermoluminescence [TL] and Infrared Stimulated Luminescence [IRSL]) applied to cave sediments was published for the Gran Dolina and Galería sites. The authors proposed for Galería an age of 450 ka (thousands of years ago) for the units lower GIII and GII, suggesting that the human occupation there is younger than the hominid remains of Sima de los Huesos (>530 ka) around 1 km away.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that from the late Middle to the early Late Pleistocene (~340–90 ka BP), Neanderthals were occupying Europe and Western Asia, whereas anatomically modern humans were present in the African continent. In contrast, the paucity of hominin fossil evidence from East Asia from this period impedes a complete evolutionary picture of the genus Homo, as well as assessment of the possible contribution of or interaction with Asian hominins in the evolution of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. Here we present a comparative study of a hominin dental sample recovered from the Xujiayao site, in Northern China, attributed to the early Late Pleistocene (MIS 5 to 4). Our dental study reveals a mosaic of primitive and derived dental features for the Xujiayao hominins that can be summarized as follows: i) they are different from archaic and recent modern humans, ii) they present some features that are common but not exclusive to the Neanderthal lineage, and iii) they retain some primitive conformations classically found in East Asian Early and Middle Pleistocene hominins despite their young geological age. Thus, our study evinces the existence in China of a population of unclear taxonomic status with regard to other contemporary populations such as H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis. The morphological and metric studies of the Xujiayao teeth expand the variability known for early Late Pleistocene hominin fossils and suggest the possibility that a primitive hominin lineage may have survived late into the Late Pleistocene in China. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:224–240, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

刻槽盆是一种内壁遍布粗糙刻划纹的特殊陶器。目前,对其功能尚没有统一的认识,而淀粉粒分析无疑将提供重要信息。本文对安徽省含山县凌家滩遗址(5500~5300 BP)发掘出土的18件刻槽盆残片开展淀粉粒分析,在陶片上发现种类丰富的淀粉粒,其中以薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi L.)和未定禾本科(Poaceae)为主,其次是小麦族(Triticeae tribe)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus L.)和其他根茎类植物的淀粉粒,豇豆属(Vigna sp.)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)和山药(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.)的淀粉粒相对较少。上述结果表明刻槽盆主要用于加工野生植物资源。值得注意的是,在器物上发现了大量受到研磨/杵捣处理的破损淀粉粒或烹煮导致的糊化淀粉粒,这表明它们应该用于研磨/杵捣和烹煮食物。淀粉粒的统计分析结果表明,先民的生业方式在不同时期发生了细微变化,薏苡和未定禾本科植物的比例虽仍占据着优势,但先民已开始有意识地减少对这两类植物的依赖,逐渐加强了对小麦族、栎属、豇豆属和根茎类植物资源的开发和利用。对具有加工痕迹的淀粉粒进行分析,发现先民在加工各类型植物时,始终采用研磨为主、烹煮为辅的方式,刻槽盆的功能在不同时期无明显变化。  相似文献   

师雪芹  王健 《生物多样性》2021,29(6):798-159
物种名录是一个地区生物多样性的本底性资料, 及时更新生物物种名录对生物多样性的保护及促进基础数据共享都具有重要意义。为了及时总结安徽省苔藓植物的分类学研究成果, 本文通过对文献的收集和分析, 整理出安徽省苔藓植物名录。结果显示, 安徽省共有苔藓植物95科253属777种, 其中角苔类3科3属3种, 苔类36科62属185种, 藓类56科188属589种。种数多于25的科为青藓科、细鳞苔科、丛藓科、真藓科、灰藓科、提灯藓科、白发藓科、绢藓科和蔓藓科。种数多于15的属为青藓属(Brachythecium)、真藓属(Bryum)、绢藓属(Entodon)、光萼苔属(Porella)、羽苔属(Plagiochila)、灰藓属(Hypnum)、凤尾藓属(Fissidens)、棉藓属(Plagiothecium)和耳叶苔属(Frullania)。区系成分组成上, 安徽苔藓植物以东亚成分占优势, 达到44.40%, 温带成分占31.53% (其中以北温带型最多, 占25.61%), 热带成分占18.92% (其中以热带亚洲成分最多, 达到10.30%)。安徽省共有中国特有苔藓55种, 濒危种1个, 易危种8个。安徽苔藓植物调查呈现出地区不均衡性, 建议在广泛调查的同时加强名录修订和专科专属研究, 对有条件的地区开展时空变化下物种多样性比较研究。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present data on the morphological features and linear measurements for the Hexian Homo erectus and other comparative endocasts, in order to highlight variation during human brain evolution. The endocast of Hexian was reconstructed in 1982, and an endocranial volume of 1,025 ml was estimated. The geological age is about 412 ka, or roughly contemporaneous with the Zhoukoudian (ZKD) specimens. There are some differences between Hexian and the modern Chinese male endocasts in our sample, including low position of the greatest breadth, low maximum height, a well-marked and prominent frontal keel, the flat surface of the frontal lobes, prominent sagittal keel along the center frontal and parietal lobes, depressed Sylvian areas and parietal lobes superiorly, strong posterior projection of the occipital lobes, anterior position of the cerebellar lobes relative to the occipital lobes, and the relative simplicity of the meningeal vessels. Compared with the ZKD, Indonesian, and African Homo erectus specimens, Hexian has more morphological features in common with ZKD. Principal component analyses indicate that Hexian is closest to the ZKD Homo erectus compared with the modern Chinese and other Homo erectus, but its great breadth distinguishes it. Metric analyses show that the brain height, frontal breadth, cerebral height, frontal height, and parietal chord from Homo erectus to modern humans increased, while the length, breadth, frontal chord, and occipital breadth did not change substantially.  相似文献   

描述了自中国安徽省发现的毛茛科唐松草属一新种, 岳西唐松草Thalictrum yuexiense, 并给出了其与近缘种尖叶唐松草的区别特征。  相似文献   

描述了自中国安徽省发现的毛茛科唐松草属一新种,岳西唐松草Thalictrumyuexiense,并给出了其与近缘种尖叶唐松草的区别特征。  相似文献   

本文利用植硅体分析方法,对安徽蚌埠禹会村遗址双墩文化时期44份土壤样品开展植物考古研究,重点关注典型农作物植硅体类型及其形态特征,以及敏感型与固定型植硅体组合特征等。结果显示,禹会村遗址大部分样品中皆发现有水稻特征型植硅体,并未发现粟、黍等旱地作物遗存;水稻扇型及双峰型植硅体形态特征分析显示,水稻遗存为驯化程度较高的粳型稻。以上研究结果表明,该遗址双墩文化时期的农业结构延续了顺山集文化时期以来种植粳型稻为主的传统。此外,通过水稻植硅体高密度样品中敏感型与固定型植硅体含量比值为0.7±0.2推测,该遗址水稻栽培环境属于“高地势-雨水供给”或“低地势-雨水供给”类型。本文研究结果为探讨淮河中游地区新石器时代农业发展、水稻栽培与驯化以及人类适应策略等问题提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地因发育良好的晚新生代湖相地层、丰富的旧石器遗址和哺乳动物化石而广受关注.盆地内已发现旧石器遗址100余处,被学术界称为"东方奥杜韦(Olduvai)峡谷".由于缺乏合适的年代测定方法,许多重要的遗址,尤其是中更新世时间段的遗址缺乏年龄数据,如三棵树遗址,使得旧石器遗址研究少了时间轴合理的年代学框架.电子自旋共...  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region were determined from seven adults of species Paragonimus collected from Jinde and Xiuning Counties, Anhui Province, China. Among these, the nucleotide sequence obtained from one Paragonimus adult (Jinde County) was identical to the ITS2 sequence of P. ohirai previously reported. In order to confirm the result, partial regions of mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 (ND1) from the putative P. ohirai sample were further sequenced. They showed a high level of similarity with those of P. ohirai, COI (99.7%) and ND1 (99.5%), supporting the result obtained from the ITS2. In addition to this, we designed P. ohirai- and P. westermani-specific primers (BDW and BD2OH) from ITS2 to identify P. westermani and P. ohirai easily and rapidly. After testing utility of the primers, they were applied to identify seven unidentified Paragonimus samples collected from Jinde and Xiuning Counties, China. All the examined samples showed P. westermani band pattern, and it was reconfirmed by sequencing their ITS2 regions that they are P. westermani. This result indicates that the two newly designed specific primers could be quite helpful for easily identifying P. westermani and P. ohirai, that most of Paragonimus in Jinde and Xiuning Counties consist of P. westermani, and that P. ohirai exists in Jinde County with minority.  相似文献   

安徽苦草属—新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了1个新种,即安徽苦草,并提供了该属全部已知国产种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

描述了1个新种,即安徽苦草,并提供了该属全部已知国产种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

安徽藓类植物区系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作者在对安徽省进行实地考察和采集的2000余号苔藓植物标本的基础上,经过研究鉴定,并收集整理了有关安徽藓类的资料,对照现有文献,发现安徽已知藓类植物有46科、164属、545种(包括8亚种和32变种),其中新记录95种(包括3变种1亚种);青藓科为安徽省藓类第一大科,含9属52种,占总种数的9.6,青藓属是第一大属,包括有29种,占总种数5.3;科内种数(≥19种)优势科有10个,属内种数(≥6种)的优势属有22个。在安徽省藓类区系中,以东亚成分为主并占了28.6、北温带成分占23.0、热带亚洲成分占17.8,温带亚洲成分为10.6,中国特有成分占到10.4,这5种区系成分都超过10,它们是本省最主要的区系地理成分。  相似文献   

Laser ablation U-series dating results on human and faunal bone fragments from Wajak, Indonesia, indicate a minimum age of between 37.4 and 28.5 ka (thousands of years ago) for the whole assemblage. These are significantly older than previously published radiocarbon estimates on bone carbonate, which suggested a Holocene age for a human bone fragment and a late Pleistocene age for a faunal bone. The analysis of the organic components in the faunal material show severe degradation and a positive δ13C ratio indicate a high degree of secondary carbonatisation. This may explain why the thermal release method used for the original age assessments yielded such young ages. While the older U-series ages are not in contradiction with the morphology of the Wajak human fossils or Javanese biostratigraphy, they will require a reassessment of the evolutionary relationships of modern human remains in Southeast Asia and Oceania. It can be expected that systematic direct dating of human fossils from this area will lead to further revisions of our understanding of modern human evolution.  相似文献   

作者在对安徽省进行实地考察和采集的2000 余号苔藓植物标本的基础上, 经过研究鉴定, 并收集整理了有关安徽藓类的资料, 对照现有文献, 发现安徽已知藓类植物有46 科、164 属、545 种( 包括8 亚种和32 变种) , 其中新记录95 种( 包括3 变种1 亚种) ; 青藓科为安徽省藓类第一大科, 含9 属52 种, 占总种数的9.6% , 青藓属是第一大属, 包括有29 种, 占总种数5. 3% ; 科内种数( ≥19 种) 优势科有10个, 属内种数( ≥6 种) 的优势属有22 个。在安徽省藓类区系中, 以东亚成分为主并占了28 . 6%、北温带成分占23 . 0%、热带亚洲成分占17 . 8% , 温带亚洲成分为10. 6% , 中国特有成分占到10 .4% , 这5 种区系成分都超过10% , 它们是本省最主要的区系地理成分。  相似文献   

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