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Ion channels in the plasma membrane of root cell protoplasts of Plantago media L. were studied with the patch clamp technique in the cell-attached patch and outside-out patch configuration. An outward rectifying potassium channel was dominantly present in the plasma membrane. It appears responsible for the diffusional part, dominated by the K+ diffusion potential, of the cell membrane potential, in vivo. This channel is activated at potentials near to and more positive than the K+ diffusion potential. The dependence of this ion channel on K+ activity and voltage has been characterized. The current-voltage relationships of the open channel at various K+ concentrations are described by a four-state model. The membrane potential of intact protoplasts appears either dominated by the K+ diffusion potential, the protoplast is then said to be in the K state, or by the pump potential generated by the plasma membrane-bound proton pump/H+ ATPase, the P state. An experimental procedure is described to determine in cell-attached patch mode the state of the protoplast, either K or P state.Institution paper no.: ECOTRANS publication no. 45.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative analysis of the time and voltage dependence of outward-rectifying K+ currents ( ) in guard cells fromVicia faba is described using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. After step depolarizations from –75 mV to potentials positive to –40 mV, time-dependent outward currents were produced, which have recently been identified as K+ channel currents. This K+ current was characterized according to its time dependence and its steady-state activation. could be described in terms of a Hodgkin-Huxley type conductance. Activation of the current in time was sigmoid and was well fitted by raising the activation variable to the second power. Deactivating tail currents were single exponentials, which suggests that only one conductance underlies this slow outward K+ current. Rates of channel closing were strongly dependent on the membrane potential, while rates of channel opening showed only limited voltage dependence leading to a highly asymmetric voltage dependence for channel closing and opening. The presented analysis provides a quantitative basis for the understanding of channel gating and channel functions in plant cells.  相似文献   

Plant roots accumulate K+ over a range of external concentrations. Root cells have evolved at least two parallel plasma-membrane K+ transporters which operate at millimolar and micromolar external [K+]: high-affinity K+ uptake is energised by symport with H+, while low-affinity uptake is assumed to occur via ion channels. To determine the role of ion channels in low-affinity K+ uptake, a characterisation of the principal K+-selective ion channels in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Columbia roots was undertaken. Two classes of K+-selective channels were frequently observed: one inward (IRC) and one outward (ORC) rectifying with unitary conductances of 5 pS, 20 pS (IRCs) and 15 pS (ORC), measured in symmetrical 10 mM KCl. The dominant IRC (5 pS) and ORC (15 pS) were highly cation-selective (PCl PK < 0.025) but less selective amongst monovalent cations (PNaPK0.17–0.3). Both the IRC and the ORC were blocked by Ba2+, Cs+ and tetra-ethyl-ammonium, whereas 4-aminopyridine and quinidine selectively inhibited the ORC. The ORC open probability was steeply voltage-dependent and ORC activation potentials were close to the potassium equilibrium potential (EK+), enabling ORCs to conduct mainly outward, but occasionally inward, K+ current. By contrast, gating of the 5-pS IRC was weakly voltageependent and IRC gating was invariably restricted to membrane potentials more negative than EK+, ensuring K+ transport was always inwardly directed. Studies on channel activity were conducted for a large number of root cells grown at two levels of external [K+], one where K+ uptake is likely to be principally through channels (6 mM K+) and one where it must be energised (100 M K+). Shifting growth conditions from high to low K+ did not affect single-channel properties such as conductance and selectivity, nor the manifestation of the ORC and 20-pS IRC, but led to enhanced activity of the 5-pS IRC. The enhanced activity of the 5-pS IRC was mirrored by a parallel increase in unidirectional 86Rb+ influx after low-K+ growth, clearly indicating a dominant role of this particular channel in K+ uptake at supra millimolar external [K+].Abbreviations EK+ potassium equilibrium potential - Em membrane potential - HK high [K+] - IRC inward rectifying channel - LK low [K+] - ORC outward rectifying channel - TEA tetra-ethyl-ammonium Financial support was provided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant PG87/529) and by the European Union (Framework III, Biotechnology Programme).  相似文献   

Summary A convenient and rapid isolation procedure for root cell protoplasts suitable for patch clamp experiments, was developed for root cells of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) andPlantago species, grown on hydroculture. The procedure is based on a minimal exposure of cells to cell wall degrading enzyme mixtures. After an incubation period of 30 min in a cell wall degrading enzyme mixture all free floating cells were discarded. Subsequently the root material was rinsed and a second group of cells, still present inside the tissue, was freed by application of mechanical pressure. The newly released protoplasts were filtered and collected on the glass bottom of a patch clamp dish. The bathing medium was rinsed extensively removing cellulose fibrils and protoplasts not attached to the glass. Removal of these cellulose fibrils significantly improved the seal success ratio. The isolated protoplasts were suitable for patch clamp experiments in the cell-attached patch, the whole cell and the isolated patch configuration.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - BTP bis-tris propane - CAP cell-attached patch - OOP outside out patch - PEG polyethylene glycol - WC whole cell  相似文献   

Summary Hyperpolarization of voltage-clampedParamecium tetraurelia in K+ solutions elicits a complex of Ca2+ and K+ currents. The tail current that accompanies a return to holding potential (–40 mV) contains two K+ components. The tail current elicited by a step to –110 mV of 50-msec duration contains fast-decaying (3.5 msec) and slow-decaying (20 msec) components. The reversal potential of both components shifts by 55–57 mV/10-fold change in external [K+], suggesting that they represent pure K+ currents. The dependence of the relative amplitudes of the two tail currents on duration of hyperpolarization suggests that the slow K+ current activates slowly and is sustained, whereas the fast current activates rapidly during hyperpolarization and then rapidly inactivates. Iontophoretic injection of a Ca2+ chelator, EGTA, specifically reduces slow tail-current amplitude without affecting the fast tail component. Both K+ currents are inhibited by extracellular TEA+ in a concentration-dependent, noncooperative manner, whereas the fast K+ current alone is inhibited by 0.7mm quinidine.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of an F2 generation derived from crosses between two ecotypes of Plantago lanceolata L. had previously been studied in a greenhouse. In the present experiment, F2 plants were transplanted into their original habitats (a hayfield and a pasture). Six allozyme loci were used as markers in the analysis of survival and performance of the segregating genotypes. Fitness differences between the plants were large enough to detect natural selection. In both transplantation sites selection appeared to operate, though in different ways. In the hayfield habitat directional selection was hypothesized and both survival and performance of the plants were related to genotype, with the genotypes originating from the hayfield almost always performing better. In the pasture habitat where the habitat is not uniform and unpredictable hazardous droughts occur, survival was nearly genotype independent and environmentally determined, whereas performance of the plants was genotype dependent. The expression of two morphological characteristics, number of leaves and leaf length, was often not in concordance with the greenhouse results and was contradictory in both sites. Expression of both characters in the field, therefore, appeared to be strongly dependent on the general performance and growth conditions of the plant and not on the genotype.Grassland Species Research Group Publication no. 143  相似文献   

Summary Morphological variability was analysed in an F2-generation derived from crosses between two ecotypes of Plantago lanceolata L. Six allozyme loci, localised in five linkage groups, were used as markers. For two marker loci, Got-2 and Gpi-1, segregations did not fit monogenic ratios. In the linkage groups to which these two loci belonged, male sterility genes appeared to be present. In these crosses, male sterility (type 3, as described by Van Damme 1983) may be determined by two recessive loci located in the linkage groups of Got-2 and of Gpi-1. Many correlations of morphological and life history characters with allozyme markers were observed. The quantitative trait loci did not appear to be concentrated in major gene complexes. Often many loci were involved, sometimes with effects opposite to those expected from the population values. Main effects of the linkage groups appeared to be more important than interaction effects in determining variability. It also appeared that there is a positive correlation between the number of heterozygous allozyme loci and generative growth.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 115  相似文献   

Summary Morphological variability was studied in two populations of Plantago lanceolata using diallel analysis. In each population, reciprocal crosses between all possible pairs of ten plants were made. In the greenhouse, six members of each family were grown and many characters were measured. Using the model of Cockerham and Weir, the contributions of the different genetic variance components were calculated. From earlier papers it was postulated in advance to what extent and by which effect the characters in both populations were genetically determined. The populations had been differentiated for life history and morphological characters, and varied also in the relative contribution of genetic components to variability. In the Merrevliet (Me) population, where strong biotic selection was assumed, low levels of additive-genetic variability were present and the relative dominance appeared to be high. The contrasting population, Westduinen (Wd), which is abiotically controlled and shows strong environmental variability, possessed higher levels of additive-genetic variability and lower levels of relative dominance. It is possible that differential natural selection has diminished additive-genetic variability to different extents in both populations: plasticity and environmental heterogeneity prevented the loss of additive-genetic variability in Wd, whereas in the stable population, Me, natural selection had the opportunity of not only changing the means of the characters but also of diminishing additive-genetic variability to a great extent.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 146  相似文献   

We describe and compare inward and outward whole-cell K+ currents across the plasma membrane surrounding guard-cell protoplasts from the dicotyledon, Vicia faba, and the graminaceous monocotyledon, Zea mays. Macrosopic whole-cell current is considered in terms of microscopic single-channel activity, which involves discrete steps between conducting (open) and nonconducting (closed) states of the channel protein. Kinetic equations are used to model the number of open and closed states for channels conducting K+ influx (K(in)) and K+ efflux (K(out)) in the two species, and to calculate the rate at which open-closed transitions occur. The opening and closure of K(in) channels in both Vicia and Zea follow single-exponential timecourses, indicating that K(in)-channel proteins in each species simply fluctuate between one open and one closed state. In both species, opening of K(in) channels is voltage-independent, but closure of K(in) channels is faster at more positive membrane potentials. In response to identical voltage stimuli, K(in) channels in Zea open and close approximately three times as fast as in Vicia. In contrast to K(in), K(out) channels in Zea open and close more slowly than in Vicia. The closure of K(out) channels follows a single-exponential timecourse in each species, indicating one open state. The kinetics of K(out)-channel opening are more complicated and indicate the presence of at least two (Vicia) or three (Zea) closed states. The authors thank Professor N.A. Walker and Dr. D.R. Laver for the use of laboratory equipment, for helpful discussion and for provision of the program, GETHH. Thanks also to Dr. R.J. Ritchie for assistance with statistical analyses and to Ms. Janet Sherwood for maintenance of Vicia and Zea plants. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (DCB-89-04041) and the McKnight Foundation (S.M.A) and by a Charles Gilbert Heydon Travelling Fellowship (K.F-G).  相似文献   

Summary The use of measurements on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of roots in competition experiments with two plant species is suggested. If the root-CEC differences between the two species are not too small, measurement of this parameter offers a very simple way to determine the separate contributions of the two plant species in the total root biomass of the mixture. This root-CEC method can be applied to total root yields as well as to detailed root-zone studies.Grassland Species Research Group, Publication no. 48  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the time- and voltage-dependent kinetics of the guard cell anion channel (GCAC1) current in guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba was analyzed using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. The voltage-dependent steady-state activation of GCAC1 current followed a Boltzmann distribution. For the corresponding steady-state value of the activation variable a power of two was derived which yielded suitable fits of the time course of voltage-dependent current activation. The GCAC1 mediated chloride current could successfully be described in terms of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations commonly evoked for the Na channel in nerve. After step depolarizations from a potential in the range of the resting potential to potentials above the equilibrium potential for chloride an activation and also an inactivation could be described. The gating of both processes exhibited an inverse relationship on the polarity of the applied step potentials in the order of milliseconds. Deactivating tail currents decline exponentially. The presented analysis contributes to the understanding of the rising phase of the observed action potentials in guard cells of V. faba. Evidence is presented that the voltage-dependent kinetic properties of the GCAC1 current are different from those properties described for the excitable anion currents in the plasmalemma of Chara corallina (Beilby & Coster, 1979a).The authors gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of Dr. David Colquhoun to apply the Hodgkin-Huxley model to the GCAC1 channel. The work was in part supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to R.H. and a grant of the Herman and Lilly Schilling Stiftung to H.-A.K.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on nitrate influx, efflux, nitrate net uptake rate and net nitrogen translocation to the shoot was assessed in a 15N steady state labelling experiment in the halophyte Plantago maritima L. raised for 14 days on solution supplied with 50, 100 and 200 mol m–3 sodium chloride or without sodium chloride. Additionally, salinity induced changes in root morphology were determined. Specific root length increased upon exposure to elevated sodium chloride concentrations due to variations in biomass allocation and length growth of the tap root. Changes in root morphology, however, had a minor effect on nitrate fluxes when expressed on a root fresh weight basis. The decreased rate of nitrate net uptake in plants grown on elevated levels of sodium chloride was almost entirely due to a decrease in nitrate influx. Expressed as a proportion of influx, nitrate efflux remained unchanged and was even lower at the highest salinity level. At all sodium chloride concentrations applied the initial rate of nitrogen net translocation to the shoot decreased relative to the rate of nitrate net uptake. It is concluded that under steady state conditions the negative effect of sodium chloride on the rate of nitrate net uptake at non growth-limiting salinity levels was due to the interaction between sodium chloride and nitrate transporters in the root plasma membrane and/or processes mediating the translocation of nitrogen compounds, possibly nitrate, to the shoot.  相似文献   

烟草根皮层原生质体质膜钾通道的特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用膜片钳技术对烟草根皮层原生质体质膜上的钾通道进行全细胞记录,从而深入研究烟草K^+的吸收机制和调控机理。结果表明,内向钾通道在膜电压低于-40mV时,可以被K^+激活。内向电流可以被钾通道的专一抑制剂TEA^+抑制。动力学分析表明内向钾电流产生的K^+表观解离常数(Km)≈15.2mmol/L,类似于低亲和性钾通道。该通道具有依赖于胞外K^+浓度的特性,对胞外NH4^+、Ca^2+、Mg^2+浓度变化反应敏感,内向K^+电流可被不同程度地抑制。  相似文献   

Paramecium Na+ channels, which were Ca2+-calmodulin activated, were studied in the inside-out mode of patch clamp. After excision of the membrane patch, they were active in the presence of 10–5 to 10–3 m Ca2+ in the bath. They became much less active in the presence of 10–6 m Ca2+, and their activity subsided completely at 10–8 m Ca2+. A Hill plot showed a dissociation constant of 6 m for Ca2+ binding. This dissociation constant shifted to a submicromolar range in the presence of 1 mm Mg2+. The channels also exhibited a mild voltage dependence. When exposed to 10–8 m Ca2+ for an extended period of 2–4 min, channels were further inactivated even after bath Ca2+ was restored to 10–4 m. Whereas neither high voltage (+100 mV) nor high Ca2+ (10–3 m) was effective in reactivation of the inactive channels, addition of Paramecium wild-type calmodulin together with high Ca2+ to the bath restored channel activity without a requirement of additional Mg2+ and metabolites such as ATP. The channels reactivated by calmodulin had the same ion conductance, ion selectivity and Ca2+ sensitivity as those prior to inactivation. These inactivation and reactivation of the channels could be repeated, indicating that the direct calmodulin effect on the Na+ channel was reversible. Thus, calmodulin is a physiological factor critically required for Na+ channel activation, and is the Ca2+ sensor of the Na+-channel gating machinery.We thank C. Kung for his kind support, and A. Boileau for critical reading. Supported by grants from National Institutes of Health GM 22714-20 and 36386-09.  相似文献   

Levels of abscisis acid (ABA) were determined in isolated guard cell (GCP) and mesophyll cell (MCP) protoplasts of Vicia faba L. in relation to water stress. Incubation of GCP and MCP in 0.4 M or 0.8 M mannitol resulted in an average increase in the level of free abscisic acid (ABA) in the cells of 34% (GCP) and 38% (MCP) within 15–60 min. It is concluded that guard cell protoplasts form ABA in response to osmotic stress.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - GCP guard cell protoplasts - MCP mesophyll cell protoplasts - MES [2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid] - TLC thin layer chromatography Part 20 in the series, Use of Immunoassay in Plant Science  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular variations in Plantago asiatica L. var. densiuscula Pilg. were analyzed to evaluate the genetic basis for recognizing the dwarf variety P. asiatica var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwi. Considerable variation in the leaf size of P. asiatica var. densiuscula was observed, and no morphological discontinuities were found between the dwarf types of P. asiatica var. densiuscula and P. asiatica var. yakusimensis. Morphological analysis of plants grown under standardized conditions revealed that both environmental plasticity and genetic differentiation contributed to the dwarfisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the SUC1 locus encoding a sucrose transporter revealed that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis was genetically unique although the differentiation level was low. From the above results, we concluded that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis should be reduced to a form of P. asiatica var. densiuscula. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the SUC1 genotype suggested multiple origins of dwarves, and possible hypotheses for the origins of dwarves are discussed.  相似文献   

Roots of Plantago lanceolata L. showed an iron stress-induced increase in the rates of electron transport to the extracytoplasmatic acceptors FeEDTA and ferricyanide. No significant changes in the reduction of hexachloroiridate were observed with respect to the iron-nutritional status of the plants. The reduction activity of iron-deficient roots was inhibited by the translation inhibitor cycloheximide (CHM) and the amino acid analog p-fluorophenylalanine (FPA). In both cases, the reduction of FeEDTA and ferricyanide was affected to a different extent, providing evidence for enzyme heterogeneity. Resupply of FeEDTA to iron-deficient plants resulted in a qualitatively similar pattern of decrease in FeEDTA and ferricyanide reduction rates, although a longer time period was required for the decrease of the redox activity by iron resupply compared to the effect of inhibitors of protein synthesis.Inhibitors of the plasma membrane (PM)-bound H+-ATPase decreased the FeEDTA reduction activity of iron-deficient plants. In contrast, the reduction of ferricyanide and hexachloroiridate was not inhibited. Oxidation of ferrocyanide occurs in both iron-deficient and iron-sufficient plants at comparable rates. The reaction was decreased by the H+-ATPase inhibitor orthovanadate.The results are interpreted in terms of a simultaneous action of distinct redox systems in iron-deficient roots. The role of proton extrusion in the regulation of iron stress-induced electron transport is discussed.  相似文献   

To study possible adaptive mechanisms inbred lines from three populations of Plantago major from sites that were found to differ in P availability were compared. In a pot experiment the growth and P uptake either in the presence or absence of Glomus fasciculatum was determined. Under these P-limited conditions it was shown by partitioning the relative growth rate (RGR, in mg g-1 day-1) in the components root weight ratio (RWR, in groots gplant -1), specific P uptake rate (SPUR, in mol P groots -1 day-1), and P-efficiency (PEFF, in mg mol P-1), that the increase in RGR of mycorrhizal infected plants was related to an increase in SPUR, and a decrease in RWR and PEFF. P. major ssp. major had a lower RGR (related to a lower PEFF and SPUR) and a higher RWR than P. major ssp. pleiosperma. In a second experiment three inbred lines were compared upon P depletion in a nutrient solution. The P. major ssp. major line had a lower RGR and higher RWR, and a higher accumulation of P in the roots than the P. major ssp. pleiosperma lines under optimal growing conditions. There were no differences among the inbred lines in the relative contribution of inorganic P to the total P concentration in the shoot. The results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the habitats of the investigated P. major populations.  相似文献   

Helianthus annuus L. responds to iron deficiency by forming a thickened cortex and abundant root hairs in a zone near the root apex that corresponds to the primary developmental stage. Cytological investigations revealed that within 24 to 48 h of iron deficiency most of the peripheral cells differentiate into transfer cells. The wall labyrinth is always situated on the peripheral walls that face the external medium. The cytoplasm of these cells is characterized by numerous mitochondria, extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, and large leucoplasts containing protein bodies. These observations are discussed in relation to the fact that Helianthus, as an iron efficient plant, responds physiologically to iron deficiency by extrusion of H+, production of reducing substances, and a steep increase in the uptake efficiency of Fe.  相似文献   

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