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Telomeric repeat sequences, located at the end of eukaryotic chromosomes, have been detected at intrachromosomal locations in many species. Large blocks of telomeric sequences are located near the centromeres in hamster cells, and have been reported to break spontaneously or after exposure to ionizing radiation, leading to chromosome aberrations. In human cells, interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS) can be composed of short tracts of telomeric repeats (less than twenty), or of longer stretches of exact and degenerated hexanucleotides, mainly localized at subtelomeres. In this paper, we analyzed the radiation sensitivity of a naturally occurring short ITS localized in 2q31 and we found that this region is not a hot spot of radiation-induced chromosome breaks. We then selected a human cell line in which approximately 800 bp of telomeric DNA had been introduced by transfection into an internal euchromatic chromosomal region in chromosome 4q. In parallel, a cell line containing the plasmid without telomeric sequences was also analyzed. Both regions containing the transfected plasmids showed a higher frequency of radiation-induced breaks than expected, indicating that the instability of the regions containing the transfected sequences is not due to the presence of telomeric sequences. Taken together, our data show that ITS themselves do not enhance the formation of radiation-induced chromosome rearrangements in these human cell lines.  相似文献   

Reduced replicative capacity is a consistent characteristic of cells derived from patients with Werner syndrome. This premature senescence is phenotypically similar to replicative senescence observed in normal cell strains and includes altered cell morphology and gene expression patterns. Telomeres shorten with in vitro passaging of both WRN and normal cell strains; however, the rate of shortening has been reported to be faster in WRN cell strains, and the length of telomeres in senescent WRN cells appears to be longer than that observed in normal strains, leading to the suggestion that senescence in WRN cell strains may not be exclusively associated with telomere effects. We report here that the telomere restriction fragment length in senescent WRN fibroblasts cultures is within the size range observed for normal fibroblasts strains and that the expression of a telomerase transgene in WRN cell strains results in lengthened telomeres and replicative immortalization, thus indicating that telomere effects are the predominant trigger of premature senescence in WRN cells. Microarray analyses showed that mRNA expression patterns induced in senescent WRN cells appeared similar to those in normal strains and that hTERT expression could prevent the induction of most of these genes. However, substantial differences in expression were seen in comparisons of early-passage and telomerase-immortalized derivative lines, indicating that telomerase expression does not prevent the phenotypic drift, or destabilized genotype, resulting from the WRN defect.  相似文献   

Loss of the RecQ helicase WRN protein causes the cancer-prone progeroid disorder Werner syndrome (WS). WS cells exhibit defects in DNA replication and telomere preservation. The telomeric single-stranded binding protein POT1 stimulates WRN helicase to unwind longer telomeric duplexes that are otherwise poorly unwound. We reasoned that stimulation might occur by POT1 recruiting and retaining WRN on telomeric substrates during unwinding and/or by POT1 loading on partially unwound ssDNA strands to prevent strand re-annealing. To test these possibilities, we used substrates with POT1-binding sequences in the single-stranded tail, duplex or both. POT1 binding to ssDNA tails did not alter WRN activity on nontelomeric duplexes or recruit WRN to telomeric ssDNA. However, POT1 bound tails inhibited WRN activity on telomeric duplexes with a single 3'-ssDNA tail, which mimic telomeric ends in the open conformation. In contrast, POT1 bound tails stimulated WRN unwinding of forked telomeric duplexes. This indicates that POT1 interaction with the ssDNA/dsDNA junction regulates WRN activity. Furthermore, POT1 did not enhance retention of WRN on telomeric forks during unwinding. Collectively, these data suggest POT1 promotes the apparent processivity of WRN helicase by maintaining partially unwound strands in a melted state, rather than preventing WRN dissociation from the substrate.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a disorder characterized by features of premature aging and increased cancer that is caused by loss of the RecQ helicase WRN. Telomeres consisting of duplex TTAGGG repeats in humans protect chromosome ends and sustain cellular proliferation. WRN prevents the loss of telomeres replicated from the G-rich strand, which can form secondary G-quadruplex (G4) structures. Here, we dissected WRN roles in the replication of telomeric sequences by examining factors inherent to telomeric repeats, such as G4 DNA, independently from other factors at chromosome ends that can also impede replication. For this we used the supF shuttle vector (SV) mutagenesis assay. We demonstrate that SVs with [TTAGGG]6 sequences are stably replicated in human cells, and that the repeats suppress the frequency of large deletions despite G4 folding potential. WRN depletion increased the supF mutant frequency for both the telomeric and non-telomeric SVs, compared with the control cells, but this increase was much greater (27-fold) for telomeric SVs. The higher SV mutant frequencies in WRN-deficient cells were primarily due to an increase in large sequence deletions and rearrangements. However, WRN depletion caused a more dramatic increase in deletions and rearrangements arising within the telomeric SV (70-fold), compared with non-telomeric SV (8-fold). Our results indicate that WRN prevents large deletions and rearrangements during replication, and that this role is particularly important in templates with telomeric sequence. This provides a possible explanation for increased telomere loss in WS cells.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a disorder characterized by features of premature aging and increased cancer that is caused by loss of the RecQ helicase WRN. Telomeres consisting of duplex TTAGGG repeats in humans protect chromosome ends and sustain cellular proliferation. WRN prevents the loss of telomeres replicated from the G-rich strand, which can form secondary G-quadruplex (G4) structures. Here, we dissected WRN roles in the replication of telomeric sequences by examining factors inherent to telomeric repeats, such as G4 DNA, independently from other factors at chromosome ends that can also impede replication. For this we used the supF shuttle vector (SV) mutagenesis assay. We demonstrate that SVs with [TTAGGG]6 sequences are stably replicated in human cells, and that the repeats suppress the frequency of large deletions despite G4 folding potential. WRN depletion increased the supF mutant frequency for both the telomeric and non-telomeric SVs, compared with the control cells, but this increase was much greater (27-fold) for telomeric SVs. The higher SV mutant frequencies in WRN-deficient cells were primarily due to an increase in large sequence deletions and rearrangements. However, WRN depletion caused a more dramatic increase in deletions and rearrangements arising within the telomeric SV (70-fold), compared with non-telomeric SV (8-fold). Our results indicate that WRN prevents large deletions and rearrangements during replication, and that this role is particularly important in templates with telomeric sequence. This provides a possible explanation for increased telomere loss in WS cells.  相似文献   

A Machwe  D K Orren  V A Bohr 《FASEB journal》2000,14(12):1715-1724
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) metabolism has been implicated in cellular and organismal aging. The role of rDNA in premature and normal human aging was investigated by measuring rDNA gene copy number, the level of rDNA methylation, and rRNA expression during the in vitro senescence of primary fibroblasts from normal (young and old) donors and from Werner syndrome (WS) patients. In comparison to their normal counterparts, WS fibroblasts grew slowly and reached senescence after fewer doublings. The rDNA copy number did not change significantly throughout the life span of both normal and WS fibroblasts. However, in senescent WS and normal old fibroblasts, we detected rDNA species with unusually slow electrophoretic mobility. Cellular aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is accompanied by the formation and accumulation of rDNA circles. Our analysis revealed that the rDNA species observed in this study were longer, linear rDNA molecules attributable to the inhibition of ECO:RI cleavage by methylation. Furthermore, isoschizomeric restriction analysis confirmed that in vitro senescence of fibroblasts is accompanied by significant increases in cytosine methylation within rDNA genes. This increased methylation is maximal during the abbreviated life span of WS fibroblasts. Despite increased methylation of rDNA in senescent cells, the steady-state levels of 28S rRNA remained constant over the life span of both normal and WS fibroblasts.  相似文献   

When entering a new community, introduced species leave behind members of their native community while simultaneously forming novel biotic interactions. Escape from enemies during the process of introduction has long been hypothesized to drive the increased performance of invasive species. However, recent studies and quantitative syntheses find that invaders often receive similar, or even more, damage from enemies than do native species. Therefore, invasives may be those more tolerant to enemy damage, or those able to maintain competitive ability in light of enemy damage. Here, we investigate whether tolerance and competitive ability could contribute to invasive plant success. We determined whether invasive plants were more competitive than native or noninvasive exotic species in both the presence and absence of simulated herbivory. We found competition and herbivory additively reduced individual performance, and affected the performance of native, invasive, and noninvasive exotic species’ to the same degree. However, invasives exerted stronger competitive effects on an abundant native species (Elymus canadensis) in both the presence and absence of herbivory. Therefore, while invasive species responded similarly to competition and simulated herbivory, their competitive effects on natives may contribute to their success in their introduced range.  相似文献   

Correlated suites of behaviours, or behavioural syndromes, appear to be widespread, and yet few studies have explored how they arise and are maintained. One possibility holds that correlational selection can generate and maintain behavioural syndrome if certain behavioural combinations enjoy greater fitness than other combinations. Here we test this correlational selection hypothesis by comparing behavioural syndrome structure with a multivariate fitness surface based on reproductive success of male water striders. We measured the structure of a behavioural syndrome including dispersal ability, exploration behaviour, latency to remount and sex recognition sensitivity in males. We then measured the relationship between these behaviours and mating success in a range of sex ratio environments. Despite the presence of some significant correlational selection, behavioural syndrome structure was not associated with correlational selection on behaviours. Although we cannot conclusively reject the correlational selection hypothesis, our evidence suggests that correlational selection and resulting linkage disequilibrium might not be responsible for maintaining the strong correlations between behaviours. Instead, we suggest alternative ways in which this behavioural syndrome may have arisen and outline the need for physiological and quantitative genetic tests of these suggestions.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ku complex, while important for nonhomologous DNA end joining, is also necessary for maintaining wild-type telomere length and a normal chromosomal DNA end structure. Yeast cells lacking Ku can grow at 23 degrees C but are unable to do so at elevated temperatures due to an activation of DNA damage checkpoints. To gain insights into the mechanisms affected by temperature in such strains, we isolated and characterized a new allele of the YKU70 gene, yku70-30(ts). By several criteria, the Yku70-30p protein is functional at 23 degrees C and nonfunctional at 37 degrees C. The analyses of telomeric repeat maintenance as well as the terminal DNA end structure in strains harboring this allele alone or in strains with a combination of other mutations affecting telomere maintenance show that the altered DNA end structure in yeast cells lacking Ku is not generated in a telomerase-dependent fashion. Moreover, the single-stranded G-rich DNA on such telomeres is not detected by DNA damage checkpoints to arrest cell growth, provided that there are sufficient double-stranded telomeric repeats present. The results also demonstrate that mutations in genes negatively affecting G-strand synthesis (e.g., RIF1) or C-strand synthesis (e.g., the DNA polymerase alpha gene) allow for the maintenance of longer telomeric repeat tracts in cells lacking Ku. Finally, extending telomeric repeat tracts in such cells at least temporarily suppresses checkpoint activation and growth defects at higher temperatures. Thus, we hypothesize that an aspect of the coordinated synthesis of double-stranded telomeric repeats is sensitive to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS), caused by loss of function of the RecQ helicase WRN, is a hereditary disease characterized by premature aging and elevated cancer incidence. WRN has DNA binding, exonuclease, ATPase, helicase and strand annealing activities, suggesting possible roles in recombination-related processes. Evidence indicates that WRN deficiency causes telomeric abnormalities that likely underlie early onset of aging phenotypes in WS. Furthermore, TRF2, a protein essential for telomere protection, interacts with WRN and influences its basic helicase and exonuclease activities. However, these studies provided little insight into WRN''s specific function at telomeres. Here, we explored the possibility that WRN and TRF2 cooperate during telomeric recombination processes. Our results indicate that TRF2, through its interactions with both WRN and telomeric DNA, stimulates WRN-mediated strand exchange specifically between telomeric substrates; TRF2''s basic domain is particularly important for this stimulation. Although TRF1 binds telomeric DNA with similar affinity, it has minimal effects on WRN-mediated strand exchange of telomeric DNA. Moreover, TRF2 is displaced from telomeric DNA by WRN, independent of its ATPase and helicase activities. Together, these results suggest that TRF2 and WRN act coordinately during telomeric recombination processes, consistent with certain telomeric abnormalities associated with alteration of WRN function.  相似文献   

The preservation of the replicative life span of memory CD8(+) T cells is vital for long-term immune protection. Although IL-15 plays a key role in the homeostasis of memory CD8(+) T cells, it is unknown whether IL-15 regulates the replicative life span of memory CD8(+) T cells. In this study, we report an analysis of telomerase expression and telomere length in human memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells maintained by IL-15 in vitro. We demonstrate that IL-15 is capable of activating telomerase in memory CD8(+) T cells via Jak3 and PI3K signaling pathways. Furthermore, IL-15 induces a sustained level of telomerase activity over long periods of time, and in turn minimizes telomere loss in memory CD8(+) T cells after substantial cell divisions. These findings suggest that IL-15 activates stable telomerase expression and compensates telomere loss in memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells, and that telomerase may play an important role in memory CD8(+) T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

The clinical phenotype of Werner's syndrome (WS) includes short stature, premature cataracts, skin atrophy, osteoporosis, graying and loss of hair, neoplasia, diabetes mellitus, and arteriosclerosis. Cultured cells from patients with this autosomal recessive disorder exhibit chromosomal instability and a markedly reduced replicative lifespan and growth rate. To elucidate the cell cycle alterations associated with the growth deficit, we continuously labeled lymphoid cell lines from five WS patients and from four healthy adult controls with 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Bivariate Hoechst 33258/ethidium bromide flow cytometry revealed a 2.4-h prolongation in the minimal duration of the S phase of WS cells (P less than 0.005). Moreover, the fraction of proliferating cells irreversibly arrested in the S phase (5.4% vs 1.4% in controls) was significantly elevated in WS (P less than 0.001). Other cell cycle compartments were not significantly affected in WS cell lines. As a partial test of the hypothesis that the WS phenotype is due to a defect in DNA topoisomerase I (topo I) or DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) we exposed lymphoid cells from a healthy control to the topo I inhibitor camptothecin or to the topo II inhibitor 4'-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidine. The cell kinetic alterations elicited by these compounds differed from that exhibited by untreated WS patients. Thus, a primary defect in topo I or II is unlikely in WS. Our cell cycle results, however, provide important evidence that the biochemical genetic lesion is in fact expressed in lymphoblastoid cell lines, the most readily available cells from such subjects.  相似文献   

Metal-catalyzed oxidation reactions target amino acids in the metal binding pocket of proteins. Such oxidation reactions generally result in either preferential degradation of the protein or accumulation of a catalytically inactive pool of protein with age. Consistently, levels of oxidized proteins have been shown to increase with age. The segmental, progeroid disorder Werner syndrome results from loss of the Werner syndrome protein (WRN). WRN is a member of the RecQ family of DNA helicases and possesses exonuclease and ATP-dependent helicase activities. Furthermore, each of the helicase and exonuclease domains of WRN contains a metal binding pocket. In this report we examined for metal-catalyzed oxidation of WRN in the presence of iron or copper. We found that WRN was oxidized in vitro by iron but not by copper. Iron-mediated oxidation resulted in the inhibition of both WRN helicase and exonuclease activities. Oxidation of WRN also inhibited binding to several known protein partners. In addition, we did not observe degradation of oxidized WRN by the 20 S proteasome in vitro. Finally, exposure of cells to hydrogen peroxide resulted in oxidation of WRN in vivo. Therefore, our results demonstrate that WRN undergoes metal-catalyzed oxidation in the presence of iron, and iron-mediated oxidation of WRN likely results in the accumulation of a catalytically inactive form of the protein, which may contribute to age-related phenotypes.  相似文献   

It has become widely accepted that the osmolality gradient along the corticomedullary axis of the mammalian outer medulla is generated and sustained by a process of countercurrent multiplication: active NaCl absorption from thick ascending limbs is coupled with the counterflow configuration of the descending and ascending limbs of the loops of Henle to generate an axial osmolality gradient along the outer medulla. However, aspects of anatomic structure (e.g., the physical separation of the descending limbs of short loops of Henle from contiguous ascending limbs), recent physiologic experiments (e.g., those that suggest that the thin descending limbs of short loops of Henle have a low osmotic water permeability), and mathematical modeling studies (e.g., those that predict that water-permeable descending limbs of short loops are not required for the generation of an axial osmolality gradient) suggest that countercurrent multiplication may be an incomplete, or perhaps even erroneous, explanation. We propose an alternative explanation for the axial osmolality gradient: we regard the thick limbs as NaCl sources for the surrounding interstitium, and we hypothesize that the increasing axial osmolality gradient along the outer medulla is primarily sustained by an increasing ratio, as a function of increasing medullary depth, of NaCl absorption (from thick limbs) to water absorption (from thin descending limbs of long loops of Henle and, in antidiuresis, from collecting ducts). We further hypothesize that ascending vasa recta that are external to vascular bundles will carry, toward the cortex, an absorbate that at each medullary level is hyperosmotic relative to the adjacent interstitium.  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro age on thymidine triphosphate (TTP) synthesis was assessed in WI38 cultures according to the following measurements: (1) thymidine kinase activity of broken cell preparations; (2) in situ incorporation of [3H]thymidine into acid-soluble material; and (3) total intracellular TTP content as determined by an enzymatic assay. All three parameters were maximal in exponentially proliferating populations and minimal in quiescent monolayers; no significant differences between young and old cultures were observed despite the reduced replicative capacity of the latter. The addition of serum to density-arrested cultures induced both TTP synthesis and DNA replication after a lag of approx. 12 h; although a greater percentage of young cells initiated replication as compared with old, pool sizes expanded to a similar extent in both populations. Pool expansion did not require entry into S phase; the pool sizes of control and cytosyl arabinoside-treated cultures were comparable. These findings suggest that senescent cells retain the ability to synthesize TTP, even though they are incapable of replicating DNA. Because TTP synthesis is a cell cycle-dependent event that normally begins in late G1, senescent cells might be blocked in the latter portion of the prereplicative phase and not in G0 as are quiescent cells.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a human autosomal recessive genetic instability and cancer predisposition syndrome with features of premature aging. Several genetically determined mouse models of WS have been generated, however, none develops features of premature aging or an elevated risk of neoplasia unless additional genetic perturbations are introduced. In order to determine whether differences in cellular phenotype could explain the discrepant phenotypes of Wrn?/? mice and WRN-deficient humans, we compared the cellular phenotype of newly derived Wrn?/? mouse primary fibroblasts with previous analyses of primary and transformed fibroblasts from WS patients and with newly derived, WRN-depleted human primary fibroblasts. These analyses confirmed previously reported cellular phenotypes of WRN-mutant and WRN-deficient human fibroblasts, and demonstrated that the human WRN-deficient cellular phenotype can be detected in cells grown in 5% or in 20% oxygen. In contrast, we did not identify prominent cellular phenotypes present in WRN-deficient human cells in Wrn?/? mouse fibroblasts. Our results indicate that human and mouse fibroblasts have different functional requirements for WRN protein, and that the absence of a strong cellular phenotype may in part explain the failure of Wrn?/? mice to develop an organismal phenotype resembling Werner syndrome.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that the accumulation of endogenous DNA damage can induce senescence and limit the function of adult stem cells. It remains elusive whether deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with the functional alteration of mammary stem cells. In this article, we reported that senescence was induced in mammary epithelial cells during aging along with increased expression of p16Ink4a (p16), an inhibitor of CDK4 and CKD6. Loss of p16 abrogated the age-induced senescence in mammary epithelial cells and significantly increased mammary stem cell function. We showed that loss of Brca1, a tumor suppressor that functions in DNA damage repair, in the mammary epithelium induced senescence with induction of p16 and a decline of stem cell function, which was rescued by p16 loss. These data not only answer the question as to whether deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with the functional decline of mammary stem cells, but also identify the role of p16 in suppressing Brca1-deficient mammary stem cell function.  相似文献   

Summary In order to test the hypothesis that the high prevalence of the mar(X) syndrome is caused by a high mutation rate in male germ cells only, the fraction of new mutants among mothers of probands in 112 informative families has been examined by segregation analysis among their brothers and sisters. The estimated fraction of new mutants among these mothers is much lower than expected if a stable equilibrium existed between an unusually high mutation rate and a selective disadvantage of mentally retarded, male and female mar(X) carriers. Hence, the above-mentioned hypothesis could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

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