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Synopsis Growth and diet of brook charr,Salvelinus fontinalis, during their first weeks of exogenous feeding were compared between the nearshore zone of a central Ontario lake and its small, inlet creeks. Food selection was related to size and age of charr and possibly availability of food items. Mean growth was similar between habitats despite differences in consumed food types and caloric values. Differences in social behaviour may have been responsible for different patterns of growth between habitats. The importance of creek habitats to the dynamics and fitness of lake populations of brook charr are suggested.  相似文献   

The movements of adult Atlantic salmon were recorded as they approached, entered and ascended the pool-and-orifice fish ladder at Pitlochry Dam, Scotland. Thirty-nine returning salmon were captured in the River Tummel by rod-and-line angling, radio-tagged and released near where they were caught. The subsequent movements of each fish were then monitored. An electronic fish counter collected additional data on movements of untagged fish past a fixed point in the ladder. Of the 39 fish that were radio-tagged, 29 individuals were recorded approaching and ascended the ladder. The remaining fish either did not approach the dam (three fish), approached the dam after detailed tracking had ended (two fish), were recaptured by anglers (three fish), or the radio tags failed (two fish). Salmon released earlier in the year delayed longer before first approaching the dam. Delays between first approaching the dam and ascent of the ladder were greater for fish that approached the dam earlier. The majority of salmon visited the ladder entrance more than once (maximum 10 visits) before ascending. Having entered, all but four salmon ascended the fish ladder successfully on their first attempt. The four individuals that failed to do so succeeded on their second attempt. The rate at which salmon ascended the ladder was related directly to temperature. The shortest ascent time of a radio-tagged salmon was 5·25 h. Movements of eight of 11 tagged fish through the ladder ceased with the onset of darkness but continued on the following morning. No radio-tagged fish entered the ladder at temperatures below 9) C. Similarly, few untagged fish were recorded ascending the ladder by the electronic fish counter at water temperatures below 8·5) C. Records from the fish counter indicated that 92% of upstream movements were made during daylight.  相似文献   

Surgical methods developed to implant EMG (electromyogram) transmitters in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested to calibrate electromyograms from axial red musculature to swimming speed in a swim speed chamber, and to compare electromyograms of fish from two stocks (Lone and Imsa). Ten Lone and eight Imsa salmon were equipped with internal EMG transmitters. Surgical procedures were acceptable, with 100% survival of all implanted fish during the study. It was possible to calibrate EMG pulse intervals to swimming speed in 14 of the 18 salmon run in the swim speed chamber ( r2= 0·35-0·76 for individuals, 0·63 for pooled data). Individuals differed in their EMG resting levels (EMGs recorded at 0·5 ms−1), and so higher correlations were obtained between swimming speed and an activity index (EMG pulse intervals at different speeds/EMG resting levels) (pooled data, r2 =0·75). The linear relationship between swimming speed and EMG pulse intervals differed significantly between the two stocks ( P <0·05). This successful calibration of EMGs to swimming speed opens the possibility of calibrating EMGs to oxygen consumption and the measurement of the metabolic costs of activity in field experiments.  相似文献   

Radio telemetry was utilized to track 38 Atlantic salmon Salmo salar across space and time during and following their spawning run on the Conon system, Scotland. The data collected were used to assess the proportion of S. salar able to migrate successfully from an upland oligotrophic area of the catchment and the distribution of the carcasses of those fish that remained. Of these fish, 35% successfully migrated from the study area after the spawning period. The fish that remained were distributed approximately equally between riverine and lacustrine areas, but with a strong tendency to accumulate in regions of relatively slow water flows.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of late spring and summer water temperatures on brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, growth and age structure was evaluated from 1984 to 1991 in the Ford River, Michigan. Temperature was monitored and brook charr sampled for vital statistics from late May through September using fyke nets and weirs at four locations within a 25.8 km section of stream. Scale analysis was used to determine captured brook charr age, past length at age and relative annual growth rates. Late spring and summer water temperature patterns varied between years with the greatest variability occurring in May and June. Age and size structure also varied between years and was significantly related to temperature. Years with cooler late spring and summer temperature patterns were dominated by older (age 2 and 3), larger brook charr, while years with warmer spring and summer temperature patterns were dominated by younger (age 1), smaller brook charr. Spring and summer temperature did not appear to have a significant effect on the growth of age 0 or age 1 brook charr. However, temperature was negatively related to brook charr growth from age 2 on. As spring and summer water temperatures are critical to brook charr growth and survival, it is important that a streams thermal regime be considered when establishing management goals for this species.  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, the Bishops Falls hydroelectric generating facility on the Exploits River, insular Newfoundland, Canada, underwent extensive refurbishing including replacement of turbines and installation of a ‘retrofitted’ bypass and fish handling system. The effectiveness of this new bypass system has been assessed during the annual downstream run of wild Atlantic salmon smolt and kelt in 2003 and 2004. In 2003, 195 smolt were radio tagged and released between June 9 and July 2, in the forebay of the hydro plant (19 releases) and one upstream (in-river) release. Fish guidance efficiency (FGE) of the system overall was 63% (123 of 195 fish) with 36 fish passing through the turbines, and six known mortalities. In 2004, between June 9 and July 2, a total of 358 smolt and 103 kelt were released in the forebay in 45 and 13 releases (n = 8 per release), respectively. The FGE of the system for smolt was 71.7% (257 of 358 fish) and for kelt was 92.3% (95 of 103 fish). In 2004, 96 tagged smolt passed through the turbines and 43 (44.8%) were detected at a downstream station confirming they had survived turbine passage, suggesting an overall survival of smolt passage of the Bishops Falls hydro facility in the order of 85%. A total of seven kelts (6.8%) passed through the turbines and were not detected 1.5 km downstream suggesting they did not survive turbine passage. Smolt spent on average 39.8 h in the forebay before exiting in 2003 and forebay residency averaged 26 h in 2004. In both years, most smolt selected their passage route, actively or passively, within the first 10 h with secondary peaks at 25–30 h and 50–55 h, corresponding to evening passage in the second and third night, after release. Few smolt were bypassed or entrained into turbines during daylight hours. In both years turbine passed smolt spent more time in the forebay suggesting the longer fish reside in the forebay the greater the likelihood of turbine entrainment. Kelt were either bypassed or turbine entrained relatively quickly, within 2 h of release, and virtually all kelts were bypassed/turbine entrained during the hours of 18:00 and 01:00. These data on fish behaviour and residency in the forebay will assist further refinement of operations of the bypass facility to optimize survival.  相似文献   

The year-round thermal habitat at sea for adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 49) from northern Norway was investigated using archival tags over a 10 year study period. During their ocean feeding migration, the fish spent 90% of the time in waters with temperatures from 1.6–8.4°C. Daily mean temperatures ranged from −0.5 to 12.9°C, with daily temperature variation up to 9.6°C. Fish experienced the coldest water during winter (November–March) and the greatest thermal range during the first summer at sea (July–August). Trends in sea-surface temperatures influenced the thermal habitat of salmon during late summer and autumn (August–October), with fish experiencing warmer temperatures in warmer years. This pattern was absent during winter (November–March), when daily mean temperatures ranged from 3.4–5.0°C, in both colder and warmer years. The observations of a constant thermal habitat during winter in both warmer and colder years, may suggest that the ocean distribution of salmon is flexible and that individual migration routes could shift as a response to spatiotemporal alterations of favourable prey fields and ocean temperatures.  相似文献   

Telemetered heart rate (fH) was examined as an indicator of activity and oxygen consumption rate (VO2) in adult, cultivated, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Heart rate was measured during sustained swimming in a flume for six fish at 10° C [mean weight, 1114 g; mean fork length (f. l.), 50·6 cm] and seven fish at 15° C (mean weight, 1119 g; mean f. l., 50·7 cm) at speeds of up to 2·2 body lengths/s. Semi–logarithmic relationships between heart rate and swimming speed were obtained at both temperatures. Spontaneously swimming fish in still water exhibited characteristic heart rate increases associated with activity. Heart rate and Vo2 were monitored simultaneously in a 575–1 circular respirometer for six fish (three male, three female) at 4° C (mean weight, 1804 g; mean F. L., 62· cm) and six fish (three male, three female) at 10° C (mean weight, 2045 g; mean f. l., 63·2 cm) during spontaneous but unquantified activity. Linear regressions were obtained by transforming data for both fH and Vo2 to log values. At each temperature, slopes of the regressions between fH and Vo2 for individual fishes were not significantly different, but in some cases elevations were. All differences in elevation were between male and female fish. There were no significant differences in regression slope or elevation for fish of the same sex at the two temperatures and so regressions were calculated for the sexes, pooling data from 4 and 10° C. There was no significant difference in the mean ± S. D. Vo2 between the sexes at 4° C (male, 66·0 ± 59·6 mgO2 kg?1 h?1; female, 88·0 ± 60·1 mgO2 kg?1 h?1) or 10° C (male, 166·2 ± 115·4 mgO2 kg?1 h?1; female, 169·2 ± 111–1 mgO2 kg?1h?1). Resting Vo2 (x?± s. d.) at 4°C was 36·7 ± 8.4 mgO2 kg?1 h?1, and 10° C was 72·8 ± 11·9 mgO2 kg?1 h?1. Maximum Vo2 (x?± S. D.) at 4° C was 250·6 ± 40·2 mgO2 kg?1 h?1, and at 10° C was 423·6 ± 25·2 mgO2 kg?1 h?1. Heart rate appears to be a useful indicator of metabolic rate over the temperature range examined, for the cultivated fish studied, but it is possible that the relationship for wild fish may differ.  相似文献   

The activity patterns and habitat selection of tench in a shallow eutrophic lake were determined by radio telemetry. Environmental variables, including prey availability, depth and vegetational composition were quantified in order to explain observed patterns of distribution. Tench were generally only active at night, foraging on benthic animal prey, particularly chironomid larvae. Feeding fish clearly selected for particular locations although only weak associations with depth and densities of preferred prey were found. In addition, it appears that fish spent a considerable time searching for prey and travelling relatively large distances in the process, with the result that only relatively few prey were ingested during the course of a night. During daylight, fish were almost completely inactive, resting together in favoured locations and displaying a strong association for the littoral emergent vascular plant, Typha angustifolia . This may be because Typha usually grows in relatively deep water and forms stands of relatively widely spaced stems, thus allowing such large fish to penetrate deeply into cover. Management of eutrophic waters to encourage tench should take this habitat preference into account.  相似文献   

Winter habitat use and activity patterns of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout were analysed in a comparative study between Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) technology, radio telemetry and underwater observation by snorkelling. Two study periods were conducted in Stoney River, Newfoundland, Canada. During Study period I, 49 juvenile Atlantic salmon (fork length: 11.0–18.0 cm) and 7 brown trout (11.0–17.3 cm) were tagged with PIT tags and/or radio transmitters in late winter of 2004. During Study period II, 18 juvenile Atlantic salmon (fork length: 12.0–18.4 cm) and 23 brown trout (10.9–20.8 cm) were tagged and tracked twice a day at 10:00 h and 22:00 h on five consecutive days in late winter of 2005. From the 56 fish released during Study period I, on average 19.6 ± 6.0% of the PIT tagged fish and 99.3 ± 2.2% of the radio tagged fish were relocated during any given survey. Over the Study period II, 39% of fish emigrated from the study site. PIT technology had an efficiency of 39.2 ± 14.1% to detect the remaining fish. In contrast, radio telemetry relocated on average 96.9 ± 6.5% of the tagged fish whereas by snorkelling on average only 4.1 ± 5.6% of the tagged fish were observed. PIT telemetry may however be more efficient in smaller, less heterogeneous streams. The advantage of PIT technology over radio telemetry is clearly that it is relatively less costly permitting higher numbers of individuals to be tagged and there is no limit in the operational life of the transponder. In winter, juvenile salmonids preferred low flow velocity and no preferences were observed for any specific water depth over the range of available water depths. Fish selected preferentially boulder habitat over other substrates in the environment. Habitat utilisation did not differ between day and night. The use of winter preference indices may be important for future habitat modelling.  相似文献   

Synopsis A comparison was done between growth in Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, parr from natal rivers and small tributaries in the subarctic River Teno watercourse in northern Finland (70° N, 28° E). Salmon do not spawn in these tributaries but juveniles enter the brooks from their spawning rivers. Parr from these brooks (age groups 1 + and 2 +) were larger, so were their recorded annual growth increments, than those caught simultaneously in the River Teno. First year growth was also better in brook parr, although both groups had spent their first year in the main river. The brook water temperature was lower than that in the main rivers through-out the growing season. On the other hand, drifting food resources were more abundant in brooks. It has been suggested that better growth and a longer residence in fresh water result in the larger smolts being produced in the brooks relative to the main river. Differences in habitat selection and subsequent differences in the smolt age and size of fish from the same place of origin reflect the distinct life histories of the salmon in the River Teno.  相似文献   

Synopsis Extensive limestone reefs are a characteristic feature of much of the coastline of Western Australia, and potentially represent a major habitat feature influencing the structure of the coastal fish community. The structure and temporal dynamics of the fish fauna and its relationships to nearshore patch reefs and surrounding habitat near Dongara, Western Australia, were examined using (1) diel gill-netting and (2) quantitative rotenone sampling of enclosed areas of substratum. Long-term and day-to-day variability of the fauna was low. Dominant species of gill-net collections were either associated with reefs or occurred in similar abundances at both reefs and surrounding sand/seagrass flats. The overall abundance, number of species and biomass of netted fishes was higher around reefs. Rotenone collections of the more sedentary species showed a similar pattern, but suggested, however, that a simple reef versus surrounding sand and seagrass habitat comparison is complicated by the canopy-forming seagrass Amphibolis that occurs on reef tops. Time of day had an important effect on overall fish abundance and number of species, with peaks occurring at crepuscular periods. This reflected dusk and dawn activity peaks of a dominant species rather than overlapping activities of many diurnal and nocturnal species. Diel switches between reef-edge habitat and surrounding sand/seagrass flats were uncommon despite expectations (based on literature examples) that patch reefs would function primarily as sheltering habitats and surrounding non-reef areas act as foraging habitat. High catches at reef-edge sites suggest that the majority of fishes forage on or near limestone patch reefs. Fish densities of around 0.8 individuals per m-2 of bottom on these Western Australian reefs are relatively high in comparison to visual census estimates obtained for temperate reef systems in South Australia and New Zealand, but similar to those obtained using comparable netting methods in temperate Australian seagrass systems.  相似文献   

As water temperature is projected to increase in the next decades and its rise is clearly identified as a threat for cold water fish species, it is necessary to adapt and optimize the tools allowing to assess the quantity and quality of habitats with the inclusion of temperature. In this paper, a fuzzy logic habitat model was improved by adding water temperature as a key determinant of juvenile Atlantic salmon parr habitat quality. First, salmon experts were consulted to gather their knowledge of salmon parr habitat, then the model was validated with juvenile salmon electrofishing data collected on the Sainte-Marguerite, Matapedia and Petite-Cascapedia rivers (Québec, Canada). The model indicates that when thermal contrasts exist at a site, cooler temperature offered better quality of habitat. Our field data show that when offered the choice, salmon parr significantly preferred to avoid both cold areas (<15 °C) and warm areas (>20.5 °C). Because such thermal contrasts were not consistently present among the sites sampled, the model was only validated for less than 60% of the sites. The results nevertheless indicate a significant correlation between median Habitat Quality Index and parr density for the Sainte-Marguerite River (R2 = 0.38). A less important, albeit significant (F-test; p = 0.036) relationship was observed for the Petite-Cascapedia river (R2 = 0.14). In all instances, the four-variable (depth, velocity, substrate size and temperature) model provided a better explanation of parr density than a similar model excluding water temperature.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was used to monitor the movements and landscape scale habitat use of age 2–3 year juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Newman Sound, a coastal fjord of Newfoundland, during late autumn and early winter (24 October 1999 to 22 January 2000). Substratum, bathymetric relief and depth use were studied to determine if it differed from the pattern expected given an absence of selectivity (habitat use proportional to habitat availability). Prior to winter migrations, most Atlantic cod maintained small home ranges (0·5–33·4 ha, median = 2·1 ha) although a few individuals moved more widely. No relationship between total length (LT) and home range size was detected. In Inner Newman Sound, Atlantic cod occupied depths of 10–29 m more than expected given availability, while depths of 0–9 and 40–59 m were underutilized. No significant relationship between depth and LT was detected. Areas of medium (5–10%) or high (>10%) bathymetric relief and boulder or kelp habitats were used significantly more than expected given the availability of these habitats. Sand and eelgrass substrata were underutilized given availability, although many Atlantic cod used sandy‐bottomed areas to some degree. Flexibility in habitat use by the individuals that were studied suggested reduced predation risk relative to younger conspecifics. Winter migrations to deeper water beyond Newman Sound began in mid‐November, coinciding with the disappearance of the thermocline, and continued until 27 December. Approximately 30% of monitored individuals did not migrate and maintained their home ranges into the winter season. No significant differences in LT between migrating and resident groups were detected, however, the condition of migrating fish was significantly higher than in resident fish. This finding supports the theory that feeding history plays a role in the decision to undertake migration.  相似文献   

The early marine migration of 55 Atlantic salmon post‐smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters was automatically monitored using 13 to 25 km long arrays of receivers deployed inside the Bay of Fundy, a coastal system on the east coast of Canada. The survival of post‐smolts from groups with short‐ and long‐term transmitters in coastal habitat up to 10 km from the river was 92 to 100%, indicating a successful transition to salt water and departure. Migration for 68 to 77% of post‐smolts followed a direct route and it was rapid (transit time usually <12 h). Post‐smolts initially migrated in a south to south‐west direction ( i.e . orientation towards the mouth of the bay) and they were aggregated near the coast. Post‐smolts with long‐term transmitters were monitored 20 km from the river where they continued to be aggregated, moving near the coast through a 'common corridor', and their survival to that point was at least 84%. Post‐smolts from both groups travelled heading out of the coastal system during ebb tides. Flood tides interrupted migration, and they caused changes in travel direction and delays in departure for post‐smolts not leaving by a direct route. Monitoring of coastal habitat inside the Bay of Fundy intercepted 62% of migrating post‐smolts with long‐term transmitters returning after an initial absence of 2 to 22 days. Returning post‐smolts displayed a resident behaviour, using the habitat monitored inside the Bay of Fundy during July and August.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonal changes in hypoosmoregulatory ability were compared in landlocked and anadromous strains of Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon. Seawater adaptability was assessed using periodic 48 h seawater challenge tests with 25. seawater. The landlocked strains of Arctic charr, two from northern Sweden and one from Southern Norway, displayed similar seasonal changes in seawater adaptability as the anadromous strain. Seawater tolerance increased during spring and remained high until the end of July — early August after which it declined. The two strains of Atlantic salmon displayed different seasonal patterns in hypoosmoregulatory ability. The anadromous strain showed a pronounced seasonal pattern with maximal seawater adaptability in early June. In contrast, seawater tolerance in the landlocked strain improved steadily during spring and remained high until late autumn. During the period of enhanced seawater tolerance, hypoosmoregulatory ability increased significantly with body size in both Arctic charr and anadromous Atlantic salmon. The minimum size at which fish were able to regulate plasma sodium following seawater transfer at a level comparable to freshwater levels (<170 mmol I–1) differed significantly between anadromous Atlantic salmon (ca. 14 cm) and Arctic charr (ca. 22 cm). The results show that seasonal changes in hypoosmoregulatory ability are present in both Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr, and that these physiological traits are retained in the corresponding landlocked strains. However, the seasonal pattern of seawater adaptability as well as the minimum size at which seawater tolerance occurs differs between the two species.  相似文献   

An investigation with acoustic telemetry of the passage of Salmo salar smolts through a large natural lake found heavy mortality occurred at the river‐to‐lake confluences (mean 31.2% km?1), but was lower in the main body of the lake (mean 2.4% km?1). Predation was a significant pressure on emigrating smolts as tagged pike Esox lucius aggregated at river‐to‐lake confluences during the peak of the smolt run. Tagged smolts mainly emmigrated into the lake in the late evening after dusk, possibly as a predator‐avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

The construction of dams and weirs, and associated changes to hydrological and hydraulic (e.g., water level and velocity) characteristics of rivers is a key environmental threat for fish. These multiple stressors potentially can affect fish in a variety of ways, including by causing changes in their movement, habitat use and activity. Understanding how and why these changes occur can inform management efforts to ameliorate these threats. In this context, we used acoustic telemetry to examine habitat use, longitudinal movement and activity of two lowland river fishes, Murray cod Maccullochella peelii and golden perch Macquaria ambigua, in a weir pool environment in south-eastern Australia. We compared our results to published studies on riverine populations to determine if their behaviours are similar (or not). We show that M. peelii and M. ambigua in a weir pool exhibited some similar behaviours to conspecific riverine populations, such as strong site fidelity and use of woody habitat for M. ambigua. However, some behaviours, such as large-scale (tens–hundreds of kilometres) movements documented for riverine populations, were rarely observed. These differences potentially reflect flow regulation (e.g., stable water levels, loss of hydraulic cues) in the weir pool. The two species also exhibited contrasting responses to dissolved oxygen conditions in the weir pool, which may reflect differences in their life history. Overall, this study shows that although some aspects of these two native fishes' life history can continue despite flow regulation, other aspects may change in weir pools, potentially impacting on long-term population persistence.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(6):376-383
We studied the daily activity pattern and habitat use of the lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris and their relationship with environmental and anthropic variables. We used photographic records of tapirs obtained during five camera-trap surveys conducted in three areas of the Atlantic Forest of Argentina that differ in their protection against poaching. The daily activity pattern was analyzed with circular statistics and linear regression. The effect of protection against poaching and environmental variables on habitat use of tapirs was analyzed using occupancy modeling. Tapirs were nocturnal all year round, with 89% of the records between 1800 h and 0700 h. The proportion of nocturnal records and the recording rate did not change with mean daily temperature. The daily activity pattern of tapirs was not affected by the sex of the individuals, the lunar cycle or the protection level of the area. The probability of detecting tapirs increased with the distance to the nearest access points for poachers and decreased with the abundance of bamboo in the understory and increasing trail width. The probability of use of an area by tapirs increased with increasing protection against poaching and distance to the nearest access points for poachers. These results suggest that poaching is one of the factors with significant effect on habitat use by tapirs but not on their daily activity patterns.  相似文献   

野猪是世界上分布最广的大型哺乳动物之一,也是东北虎豹国家公园内主要的有蹄类动物,东北虎主要的猎物之一。本文采集了中国虎豹观测网络架设在东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的红外相机完整一年的拍摄数据(2015年5月至2016年4月),通过占域模型和核密度分析,获得不同季节的野猪生境利用情况和日活动节律,探究人为因素、环境因素和生物因素对野猪生境利用的影响。结果显示,野猪偏好于针叶林和针阔混交林,在靠近居民点的区域活动增加。不同物种间的相互作用对野猪的生境利用产生不同影响,受捕食者压力野猪会倾向于躲避东北虎,但东北豹对野猪占域显示为正向影响。梅花鹿和狍对野猪的影响在不同季节呈现相反,梅花鹿对野猪的占域在冬季呈负向影响,而狍对野猪的占域则在夏季呈负向影响。本研究区域内的野猪夏季有2个活动高峰,冬季有1个活动高峰,在不同季节都倾向于白天和晨昏活动,在日落前达到活动最高峰。本研究揭示东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的野猪生境利用和活动节律是受到植被生境、大型食肉动物和人类因素等多种因素相互作用,长期相适应的结果。  相似文献   

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