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范黎 《菌物研究》2023,(Z1):65-81
中国地下菌物种多样性丰富,是一类重要的生物资源,在森林形成、生长发育以及生态平衡维护等方面有着不可或缺的作用。自20世纪早期欧美学者在中国的零星采集,到80年代后中国本土科学家们陆续地系统研究,目前中国地下真菌种类涉及到球囊菌门、毛霉菌门、子囊菌门和担子菌门共4门5纲10目26科51属275种,其中子囊菌7科16属135种,担子菌19科35属138种,球囊菌门、毛霉菌门各1种。块菌属Tuber是中国子囊菌门中物种多样性最丰富、分布最广的地下生菌物类群,其他常见的地下子囊菌类有大团囊菌属Elaphomyces、腔块菌属Hydnotrya、粒块菌属Hydnobolites、猪块菌属Choiromyces、疣被块菌属Pachyphlodes、胶纵块菌属Balsamia等类群。层腹菌属Hymenogaster是中国担子菌类最常见的地下菌类群,其他中国常见的地下生担子菌有须腹菌属Rhizopogon、黑腹菌属Melanogaster、红菇属Russula地下类群、高腹菌属Gautieria、块腹菌属Protubera、片腹菌属Hysterangium等。我国研究地下菌的科研人员严重缺乏,断代、后...  相似文献   

中国野生食用真菌种类及生态习性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国野生食用真菌种类多,分布广泛,资源丰富。已知657种,132属,41科。其中担子菌620种,占总数的94.4%,子囊菌37种,占5.6%。有过栽培记载和试验或利用菌丝体发酵培养的约80种,32属,18科。目前大量人工栽培的约22种。上述食用真菌按其种数多少主要包括在白蘑科Tricholomataceac,红菇科Russulaceae,牛肝菌科Boletaceae,蘑菇科Agaricaceae,侧耳科Pleurotaceae,珊瑚菌科Clavariaceae,丝膜菌科Cortinariaceae,球盖菇科Strophariaceae,蜡伞科Hygrophoraceae,羊肚菌科Morchellaceae,喇叭菌科Cantharellaceae,齿菌科Hydnaceae,多孔菌科Polyporaceae。依繁殖生长的基物为主,将我国野生食用真菌的生态习性划分为五类。木生菌138种,粪生菌9种,土生菌128种,虫生菌12种,菌根真菌352种。  相似文献   

研究表明, 在一些进化分支或有机体之间存在着核苷酸或氨基酸替代速率差异. 越来越多的证据表明, 种群内的中性分子突变与物种多样化相关. 超过98%的陆生真菌属于子囊菌门和担子菌门, 而且前者的物种多样性明显多于后者. 获得了地衣型真菌红脐鳞的21种蛋白编码基因序列, 并应用这些及GenBank中的相关序列进行了随后的分析. 建立了3组矩阵: (1) 13种真菌, 包括105种蛋白编码基因; (2) 9种真菌, 包括21种蛋白编码基因; (3) 299种真菌的nu LSU rDNA序列. 应用这些数据, 检测了子囊菌门与担子菌门以及子囊菌内部主要纲之间的基因替代速率. 蛋白质数据和nu LSU rDNA数据分析显示, 子囊菌的基因替代速率显著快于担子菌; 而且在子囊菌内部, 物种丰富的粪壳菌纲进化速率最快, 物种数量较少的锤舌菌纲进化最慢. 结果提示, 子囊菌的快速进化不是得益于互惠共生、生态条件、无性繁殖、代谢速率或者短世代时间, 而可能是由奠基者效应引起的. 这是物种数量与进化速率相关的又一证据, 与奠基者效应是导致物种丰富的分支进化速率较快的主要原因的假说相吻合.  相似文献   

布雷费尔德(O. Brefeld)虽对真菌纯培养方法的改进和真菌发育与生理知识作出了不少贡献,但他的主要贡献还是对真菌系统发育的观点。按照他的这种观点,卵菌不是真正的真菌,它应与粘菌一起排除在真菌之外,而真正的真菌应从接合菌开始。他并将子囊菌和担子菌分别分为半子囊菌和真子囊菌,半担子菌和真担子菌。  相似文献   

布雷费尔德(O. Brefeld)虽对真菌纯培养方法的改进和真菌发育与生理知识作出了不少贡献,但他的主要贡献还是对真菌系统发育的观点。按照他的这种观点,卵菌不是真正的真菌,它应与粘菌一起排除在真菌之外,而真正的真菌应从接合菌开始。他并将子囊菌和担子菌分别分为半子囊菌和真子囊菌,半担子菌和真担子菌。  相似文献   

真菌是真核生物中除植物和动物的第三类生物,其中拥有肉眼可辨识的大型子实体的真菌被泛称为大型真菌,即人们所熟知的蕈菌、蘑菇。分类学上大多数物种来自担子菌门,少数来自子囊菌门。随着分子系统发育研究的开展,真菌分类学获得了巨大的进步,同时随着类群间进化关系认识的不断深入,近年来真菌分类系统经历了大量的调整,不断推陈出新,这让使用者难以把握。近期结合分子系统学研究的最新进展,担子菌门及子囊菌门的分类系统得以修订,为了方便广大研究者对大型真菌分类系统的需求,在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室、中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆、中国菌物学会、中国菌物标本馆联盟的支持下,结合相关研究成果,世界大型真菌分类系统及信息平台上线。该平台提供了完整的大型真菌分类系统及相关分类信息,并在广泛的国内外合作基础上,实现定期更新。这将满足不同领域的研究者对相关信息的需求,并为研究者提供学术交流平台,有力促进大型真菌分类系统的稳定性和前沿性。  相似文献   

植物与菌根菌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菌根是土壤中的真菌与高等植物根系所形成的共生体。共生真菌从植物体内获得碳水化合物等营养物质,而植物根也从真菌那里得到所需的营养元素和水,从而互利共生,共同进化。有趣的是,有些真菌对于一种植物来说是菌根菌,而对另一种植物来说可能是寄生菌或病原菌。据统计,种子植物中95%以上的种能与接合菌、子囊菌、担子菌等亚门的真菌共生,形成菌根。菌根学者习惯上根据其形态解剖学特征,将菌根分为三大类:外生菌根、内生菌根、内外生菌根。外生菌根是菌根真菌菌丝体包围植物尚未木栓化的营养根形成的,其菌丝体不侵染到皮层细胞内…  相似文献   

植物内生菌及其防治植物病害的研究进展   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
石晶盈  陈维信  刘爱媛 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2395-2401
综述了植物内生菌及其防治植物病害的研究进展.植物内生菌分布广,种类多,几乎存在于所有目前已研究过的陆生及水生植物中,目前全世界至少已在80个属290多种禾本科植物中发现有内生真菌,在各种农作物及经济作物中发现的内生细菌已超过120种.感染内生菌的植物宿主往往具有生长快速、抗逆境、抗病害、抗动物危害等优势,比未感染内生菌的植株更具生存竞争力.植物内生菌的防病机理主要表现在通过产生抗生素类,水解酶类,植物生长调节剂和生物碱类物质,与病原菌竞争营养物质,增强宿主植物的抵抗力以及诱导植物产生系统抗性等途径抑制病原菌生长.另外,对植物内生真菌和内生细菌的分离、筛选和检测方法;利用植物内生菌控制植物病害的途径如人工接种内生菌,利用内生菌代谢产生的抗生素以及将内生菌作为基因工程的载体菌等进行了综述.同时,对植物内生菌作为生物防治因子未来发展前景及存在的问题进行了讨论.利用植物内生菌作为生物防治因子进行大田防病,需要考虑它的病理学、生态学和形态学等方面的影响.  相似文献   

蕈菌的定义是:具有明显的、肉眼可辨的子实体的大型真菌。其菌肉为肉质、木质或革质。大多数的种属担子菌,部份种属子囊菌,有些种可形成菌根。蕈菌有重要的经济价值,不少种类可供食用和药用。过去三年内,世界食用蕈菌年产量每年平均增加24.5%,总增加率为72.5%。1989—1990年度产量为3763000吨,年产值约为74.85亿美元。今后预计产量还会增加。一些药用菌已作为医药制剂进行工业生产并在临床上应用,有的已开发成为保健饮料和化妆品的重要原料。  相似文献   

蕈菌及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张树庭 《真菌学报》1993,12(4):323-326
蕈菌的定义是:具有明显的、肉眼可辨的子实体的大型真菌。其菌肉为肉质、木质或革质。大多数的种属担子菌,部份种属子囊菌,有些种可形成菌根。蕈菌有重要的经济价值,不少种类可供食用和药用。过去三年内,世界食用蕈菌年产量每年平均增加24.5%,总增加率为72.5%。1989-1990年度产量为3763000吨,年产值约为74.85亿美元。今后预计产量还会增加,一些药用菌已作为医药制剂进行工业生产并在临床上应  相似文献   

Sporocarps (fruit bodies) are the sexual reproductive stage in the life cycle of many fungi. They are highly nutritious and consequently vulnerable to grazing by birds and small mammals, and invertebrates, and can be infected by microbial and fungal parasites and pathogens. The complexity of communities thriving inside sporocarps is largely unknown. In this study, we revealed the diversity, taxonomic composition and host preference of fungicolous fungi (i.e., fungi that feed on other fungi) in sporocarps. We carried out DNA metabarcoding of the ITS2 region from 176 sporocarps of 11 wood-decay fungal host species, all collected within a forest in northeast Finland. We assessed the influence of sporocarp traits, such as lifespan, morphology and size, on the fungicolous fungal community. The level of colonisation by fungicolous fungi, measured as the proportion of non-host ITS2 reads, varied between 2.8–39.8% across the 11 host species and was largely dominated by Ascomycota. Host species was the major determinant of the community composition and diversity of fungicolous fungi, suggesting that host adaptation is important for many fungicolous fungi. Furthermore, the alpha diversity was consistently higher in short-lived and resupinate sporocarps compared to long-lived and pileate ones, perhaps due to a more hostile environment for fungal growth in the latter too. The fungicolous fungi represented numerous lineages in the fungal tree of life, among which a significant portion was poorly represented with reference sequences in databases.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Molecular evolution  相似文献   

历经几代真菌人的艰苦奋斗,《中国真菌志》目前已出版65卷,其中子囊菌类有35卷、担子菌类26卷、接合菌类1卷、卵菌1卷、黏菌2卷;上述卷册记录923属9 228种及种下分类群。编研涉及大型和小型的类群、腐生菌、食药用菌、菌根真菌、作物和林木病原菌、捕食性真菌、虫生菌、菌生真菌以及毒菌等。编研过程中发现并发表了大量新分类群,丰富了对菌物物种多样性的认知。归纳已有成果,已立项卷册应加快编研和出版进度;资源调查与分类学研究需进一步加强,按分类群(专科、专属)继续开展编研工作,注重拟参编类群的前期研究积累;以下分类群值得在后续工作中予以关注:水霉目等部分卵菌、壶菌类、座囊菌纲部分类群、盘菌纲和锤舌菌纲中尚未参编的主要类群、伞菌纲中具有小型子实体的类群等。由于分类系统在不断更新和完善,已出版卷册中使用的部分名称和分类地位的处理需依据被大多数学者所公认的分类系统给予适时的订正。期待建设一支继往开来的菌物分类学研究队伍,不断取得令世人瞩目的编研成果,为我国菌物资源利用和物种保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Root-associated fungi, including ectomycorrhizal and root-endophytic fungi, are among the most diverse and important belowground plant symbionts in dipterocarp rainforests. Our study aimed to reveal the biodiversity, host association, and community structure of ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota and root-associated Ascomycota (including root-endophytic Ascomycota) in a lowland dipterocarp rainforest in Southeast Asia. The host plant chloroplast ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) region and fungal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region were sequenced using tag-encoded, massively parallel 454 pyrosequencing to identify host plant and root-associated fungal taxa in root samples. In total, 1245 ascomycetous and 127 putative ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetous taxa were detected from 442 root samples. The putative ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota were likely to be associated with closely related dipterocarp taxa to greater or lesser extents, whereas host association patterns of the root-associated Ascomycota were much less distinct. The community structure of the putative ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota was possibly more influenced by host genetic distances than was that of the root-associated Ascomycota. This study also indicated that in dipterocarp rainforests, root-associated Ascomycota were characterized by high biodiversity and indistinct host association patterns, whereas ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota showed less biodiversity and a strong host phylogenetic preference for dipterocarp trees. Our findings lead to the working hypothesis that root-associated Ascomycota, which might be mainly represented by root-endophytic fungi, have biodiversity hotspots in the tropics, whereas biodiversity of ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota increases with host genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The hitherto unknown relationships between the European orchid Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall and its internally associated fungi were explored by a combined approach involving microscopy-based investigations at a morpho-histological level as well as by molecular analyses of the identity of the eukaryotic endophytes present in the root tissue of the plant. We found that this orchid which is currently reported to have a vulnerable status in northern Italy, can host and interact with at least nine types of fungi. Some of these fungi show similarity to mycorrhizal genera found in orchids such as the Ceratobasidium-Rhizoctonia group. Other fungi found are from the genera Davidiella (Ascomycota), Leptosphaeria (Ascomycota), Alternaria (Ascomycota), and Malassezia (Basidiomycota), some of which until have not previously been reported to have an endophytic relationship with plants. The repeated occurrence of often pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium oxysporum, Bionectria ochroleuca, and Alternaria sp., within healthy specimens of this orchid suggests a tempered interaction with species that are sometimes deleterious to non-orchid plants. The fact is reminiscent of the symbiotic compromise established by orchids with fungi of the rhizoctonia group.  相似文献   

1. One small clade of bark beetles, out of thousands of species worldwide, has shifted from using phloem to using a combination of phloem and outer bark, or to completely using outer bark. 2. The shift to outer bark has been accompanied by a shift to non-typical bark beetle mutualist fungi in Entomocorticium (Basidiomycota) and Ceratocystiopsis (Ascomycota). 3. This study compared the growth and metabolic capabilities of fungi associated with a nearly phloem-independent species, Dendroctonus brevicomis, with those of mutualist fungi of Dendroctonus ponderosae, a completely phloem-colonising beetle in a sister clade associated with more typical Ascomycota in Grosmannia and Ophiostoma. 4. Only the basidiomycete associated with D. brevicomis could degrade cellulose and lignin, whereas both the ascomycete and basidiomycete could grow in outer bark. Ascomycetes associated with D. ponderosae could not degrade cellulose or lignin or grow in outer bark. 5. Beetles and fungi in these mutualisms may best be considered as co-niche constructors. For niche construction, one organism must modify a resource in a way that enhances its fitness while also influencing fitness of other organisms using the resource. Here, the beetles kill the tree, transport the fungi into the tree, and modify the woody substrate for use by the fungi. They have also evolved mycangia to ensure vertical dissemination of the fungi. In turn, the fungi modify tree tissues and provision nutrients to the host and have evolved traits that support their acquisition and transport by the beetle host in mycangia.  相似文献   

Fungi cause diseases in a variety of marine animal hosts. After a thorough review of published literature, we identified 225 fungal species causing infections of 193 animal species, for a total of 357 combinations of pathogenic fungi and marine animal hosts. Among the 193 animal host species, Chordata (100 species, 51.8 %) and Arthropoda (68 species, 35.2 %) were discovered to be the most frequently reported hosts of fungal pathogens. Microsporidia (111 species, 49.3 %) constitutes over half of the described pathogenic fungal species of marine animals, followed by Ascomycota (85 species, 37.8 %), Mucoromycota (22 species, 9.8 %), Basidiomycota (6 species, 2.7 %) and Chytridiomycota (1 species, 0.4 %). Microsporidia primarily parasitize marine arthropods and Teleostei fish, while Basidiomycota are primarily known to cause respiratory diseases of marine mammals. Ascomycota has a diverse host range, from mammals, fish, crustaceans, soft corals and sea turtle. Few Mucoromycota and Chytridiomycota were reported to infect marine animals. Fungal diseases documented in this review likely represent a fraction of fungal diseases in the ocean, where it was estimated to be inhabited by 2.15 million animal species. Intensification of aquaculture practices, global warming and marine pollution may increase fungal disease outbreak of marine animals. All the topics mentioned above will be discussed in greater details in this review.  相似文献   

Differences in rates of nucleotide or amino acid substitutions among major groups of organisms are repeatedly found and well documented. A growing body of evidence suggests a link between the rate of neutral molecular change within populations and the evolution of species diversity. More than 98% of terrestrial fungi belong to the phyla Ascomycota or Basidiomycota. The former is considerably richer in number of species than the latter. We obtained DNA sequences of 21 protein-coding genes from the lichenized fungus Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca and used them together with sequences from GenBank for subsequent analyses. Three datasets were used to test rate discrepancies between Ascomycota and Basidiomycota and that within Ascomycota: (i) 13 taxa including 105 protein-coding genes, (ii) nine taxa including 21 protein-coding genes, and (iii) nuclear LSU rDNA of 299 fungal species. Based on analyses of the 105 protein-coding genes and nuclear LSU rDNA datasets, we found that the evolutionary rate was higher in Ascomycota than in Basidiomycota. The differences in substitution rates between Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were significant. Within Ascomycota, the species-rich Sordariomycetes has the fastest evolutionary rate, while Leotiomycetes has the slowest. Our results indicate that the main contribution to the higher substitution rates in Ascomycota does not come from mutualism, ecological conditions, sterility, metabolic rate or shorter generation time, but is possibly caused by the founder effect. This is another example of the correlation between species number and evolutionary rates, which is consistent with the hypothesis that the founder effect is responsible for accelerated substitution rates in diverse clades.  相似文献   

Manganese-containing superoxide dismutases (MnSODs) are ubiquitous metalloenzymes involved in cell defence against endogenous and exogenous reactive oxygen species. In fungi, using this essential enzyme for phylogenetic analysis of Pneumocystis and Ganoderma genera, and of species selected among Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Zygomycota, provided interesting results in taxonomy and evolution. The role of mitochondrial and cytosolic MnSODs was explored in some pathogenic Basidiomycota yeasts (Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii, Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, Malassezia sympodialis), Ascomycota filamentous fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus), and Ascomycota yeasts (Candida albicans). MnSOD-based phylogenetic and pathogenic data are confronted in order to evaluate the roles of fungal MnSODs in pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Based on an overview of progress in molecular systematics of the true fungi (Fungi/Eumycota) since 1990, little overlap was found among single-locus data matrices, which explains why no large-scale multilocus phylogenetic analysis had been undertaken to reveal deep relationships among fungi. As part of the project "Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life" (AFTOL), results of four Bayesian analyses are reported with complementary bootstrap assessment of phylogenetic confidence based on (1) a combined two-locus data set (nucSSU and nucLSU rDNA) with 558 species representing all traditionally recognized fungal phyla (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota) and the Glomeromycota, (2) a combined three-locus data set (nucSSU, nucLSU, and mitSSU rDNA) with 236 species, (3) a combined three-locus data set (nucSSU, nucLSU rDNA, and RPB2) with 157 species, and (4) a combined four-locus data set (nucSSU, nucLSU, mitSSU rDNA, and RPB2) with 103 species. Because of the lack of complementarity among single-locus data sets, the last three analyses included only members of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The four-locus analysis resolved multiple deep relationships within the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota that were not revealed previously or that received only weak support in previous studies. The impact of this newly discovered phylogenetic structure on supraordinal classifications is discussed. Based on these results and reanalysis of subcellular data, current knowledge of the evolution of septal features of fungal hyphae is synthesized, and a preliminary reassessment of ascomal evolution is presented. Based on previously unpublished data and sequences from GenBank, this study provides a phylogenetic synthesis for the Fungi and a framework for future phylogenetic studies on fungi.  相似文献   

为研究竹叶兰Arundina graminifolia根系共生真菌的群落结构及对寄主的营养作用,采用高通量测序技术对野生竹叶兰根围土壤、根表、根内3个生态位真菌的种类及生物学功能进行鉴定与预测。所测竹叶兰根系共生真菌的平均辛普森指数为根围0.972、根 表0.905、根内0.703,说明3个位点都具有丰富的共生真菌;根围土壤真菌香农指数7.393显著高于根表和根内香农指数4.728和2.872,根表真菌多样性显著高于根内(P<0.05)。根表、根内有子囊菌门、担子菌门、罗兹壶菌门、壶菌门、毛霉菌门和被孢霉门,较根围土壤缺少球囊菌门和梳霉菌门;分子方差分析(AMOVA)证实3个生态位的真菌群落结构差异极显著(P=0.004)。各生态位丰度最高的20个真菌仅属于子囊菌和担子菌的40个属,其中子囊菌有30个属,种类数量占优势,而担子菌的单个种类丰度高于子囊菌。根围土壤腐生型真菌占优势(44.07%);根表主要有腐生、病原、共生型真菌;根内真菌营养类型差异大,样品M1的共生型真菌为优势类型(97.21%),M2、M3以腐生型占优(90.96%)。优势共生型真菌有革菌属Threlephora、根须腹菌属RhizopogonDentiscutata,腐生型真菌主要有长毛孔菌属FunaliaVuilleminia,均为担子菌。研究结果为揭示竹叶兰与根系真菌的营养关系以及共生真菌的开发提供了依据。  相似文献   

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