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Summary Freeze-fracture autoradiography is accepted as an adequate technique for localization studies of soluble substances at the electron microscopical level. The method, however, involves many critical preparation steps, among them a protective carbon coating of the developed nuclear emulsion adhering to the replica. We demonstrate here that this additional carbon coating may be omitted. This simplification leads to a significant improvement of the sample yield as compared with the previously described procedures.These studies were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Detection of surface-bound ligands by freeze-fracture autoradiography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article describes a new freeze-fracture autoradiographic technique for the detection of radioactive ligands associated with the surface of cells in monolayer or suspension culture. Since freeze-fracture replicas are produced in the conventional way, all membrane features normally seen in freeze-fracture are retained, and autoradiographic grains produced by the labeled ligands are seen superimposed on unaltered exoplasmic membrane fracture faces. To assess the feasibility and resolution of this technique, we compared the surface distribution of alpha 2-macroglobulin and cholera toxin, labeled either with 125I or with colloidal gold, on 3T3-L1 fibroblasts. Both by autoradiography and cytochemical gold labeling, alpha 2-macroglobulin was associated specifically with coated pits, whereas cholera toxin was preferentially found over smaller, apparently non-coated membrane invaginations. Together with data on the surface localization of 125I-transferrin on HL-60 myelomonocytic cells, these results demonstrate the application of this technique for the accurate determination of ligand distribution over large areas of plasma membrane. The simplicity and reproducibility of the method should now allow freeze-fracture autoradiography to become a standard technique for investigating the distribution of both endogenous and exogenous cell surface-associated molecules, as well as the redistribution of such molecules under different experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Uptake of radiolabeled 125I monoclonal antibodies in small metastases can only be characterized by autoradiographic techniques. To obtain quantitative data out of autoradiographic images, a transformation of the essentially two-dimensional signal into the Bq per unit volume information is needed. Part of the calibration problem could be solved by using tissue-equivalent standard preparations. However, when aiming at a quantification of radioactivity in small areas (⩽- 2 mm diameter), special criteria had to be expanded upon for the reconstruction of the area in the dose matrix and for the correct integration of the radioactivity content.  相似文献   

Summary Tissues of rats given 3H-oestradiol were prepared for autoradiography according to methods commonly used in light and electron microscopy.By formalin fixation large amounts of radioactive material were lost, both in the fixative and during dehydration. Altogether 78.6±7.5 per cent was extracted from uterine tissue, while 49.0±4.6 per cent was lost from liver tissue removed 15 minutes after the injection. Significantly more radioactivity was lost in the fixative from liver tissue than from uterine. In the former fixation accounted for about 60 per cent of the loss, whereas in the latter it was responsible for about 25 per cent.Osmium tetroxide fixation was found to retain the radioactivity of liver and uterine tissue almost completely. However, large amounts were invariably extracted during dehydration. Although only 3.9±1.2 per cent of the radioactivity of uterine tissue diffused into the fixative, 72.8±12.4 per cent was extracted during ethanol dehydration. A heavy loss was also registered when dehydration and infiltration were carried out in glycol methacrylate.Glutaraldehyde perfusion and postfixation with osmium tetroxide retained almost completely the radioactivity of uterine and pituitary tissue. Nevertheless, nearly all of it was extracted during ethanol/propylene oxide dehydration and Epon embedding.The methods studied are not adequate for accurate autoradiographic localization of oestradiol.This work was supported by grants from The Norwegian Cancer Society and by Nordisk Insulinfond. The skilful assistance of Miss Helga Friedl and Mrs. Jane Larsen is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The analysis of the distribution and density of nuclear tracks forming an autoradiography in a nuclear track detector (NTD) allows the determination of 10B atoms concentration and location in tissue samples from Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) protocols. This knowledge is of great importance for BNCT dosimetry and treatment planning. Tissue sections studied with this technique are obtained by cryosectioning frozen tissue specimens. After the slicing procedure, the tissue section is put on the NTD and the sample starts drying. The thickness varies from its original value allowing more particles to reach the detector and, as the mass of the sample decreases, the boron concentration in the sample increases. So in order to determine the concentration present in the hydrated tissue, the application of corrective coefficients is required. Evaporation mechanisms as well as various factors that could affect the process of mass variation are outlined in this work. Mass evolution for tissue samples coming from BDIX rats was registered with a semimicro analytical scale and measurements were analyzed with software developed to that end. Ambient conditions were simultaneously recorded, obtaining reproducible evaporation curves. Mathematical models found in the literature were applied for the first time to this type of samples and the best fit of the experimental data was determined. The correlation coefficients and the variability of the parameters were evaluated, pointing to Page’s model as the one that best represented the evaporation curves. These studies will contribute to a more precise assessment of boron concentration in tissue samples by the Neutron Autoradiography technique.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of 3H-oestradiol in various tissues was examined. For this purpose standard autoradiograms were prepared after freeze drying, osmium vapour fixation and Epon embedding. The radioactive material showed a preferential localization in all the tissues studied, viz. uterus, vagina and anterior pituitary gland. In all tissues a major proportion of the radioactivity was associated with the cell nuclei. Radioactive labelling outside the cell boundaries and in the surrounding connective tissue was almost lacking. Likewise, a very low number of silver grains were found over the Epon in the clefts and at the margin of the tissue sections. The observations appear to indicate that the diffusion and probably also the intracellular dislocation of the radioactive material are very limited.The validity of the results was examined. Pre- and postmortem changes, rapid freezing and osmium vapour fixation were not observed to influence the localization of the radioactivity. Furthermore, the localization was the same whether embedding was carried out at –10°C or at 50°C.It is concluded that freeze drying, osmium vapour fixation and Epon embedding provide a valid method for accurate intracellular localization of steroid sex hormones.This work was supported by grants from The Norwegian Cancer Society and by Nordisk Insulinfond. The skilful assistance of Miss Helga Friedl and Mrs. Jane Larsen is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Tissues of the young chick and chick embryo were prepared in a relatively unaltered condition by the freeze-fracture technique. The ultrastructure of the microvasculature and surrounding interstitial region is compared with that seen in conventional thin-sectioned material. In the undifferentiated vessels of the 3-day chick embryo, no distinct basement lamina can be distinguished in either type of preparation. In the 3-week chick, a continuous basement lamina is present beneath the endothelium only in chemically fixed and sectioned tissue; it cannot be distinguished from the remaining interstitial substance in freeze-fracture preparations. Blood-tissue exchange may depend on permeability characteristics of the entire interstitial region rather than on the basement lamina alone.Work supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.We acknowledge the services of George T. Chubb and Paul W. Ellwanger in maintaining the electron microscope center.  相似文献   

Interpretation of the data from experiments using autoradiography (e.g. using in situ hybridization histochemistry, receptor binding, neuronal tract-tracing etc.) is aided when the autoradiographic grains can be seen in the context of cellular boundaries. Studies making use of autoradiography in the central nervous system have sometimes used tinctorial stains, such as cresyl violet, as counterstains to visualize the labeling. Tinctorial stains are excellent Nissl stains however, under bright-field illumination such dyes tend to obscure autoradiographic grains. In addition, dark-field illumination provides a common means of visualizing autoradiographic grains but tictorial stains are not optimally visible under these conditions. In an effort to find a counterstain that would be compatible with dark-field illumination, we have investigated the use of fluorescent dyes. Of the fluorescent dyes tested, bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33258) in pH 2.0 buffer was found to be optimal. Bisbenzimide counterstaining gave good resolution of cellular boundaries and appeared not to interfere with the ability to visualize autoradiographic grains. Furthermore, the illumination of bisbenzimide and of the autoradiographic grains could be controlled independently, making it easy to visualize or photograph the bisbenzimide Nissl staining and the autoradiographic grains simultaneously. Thus bisbenzimide is well suited for use as a fluorescent counterstain in autoradiographic studies.  相似文献   

Summary 65Zn was infused at a constant rate for 10 days into a rat. Glutaraldehyde fixed, Epon-araldite embedded ultrathin sections of pancreatic tissue were coated with Ilford L4 emulsion and at 211 days exposure were developed. Silver grains were found over the zymogen granules and over the rough endoplasmic reticulum of exocrine cells. Islet tissue was not observed in these studies. The failure of other zinc localization methods to demonstrate zinc in acinar tissue is discussed as are some of the pitfalls of the autoradiographic method and suggestions for future improvement.Published with the approval of the Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison. Supported in part by USPHS Research Grant AM-05606 from the Nat. Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases.Supported by an NIH post-doctoral fellowship.  相似文献   



Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a binary hadrontherapy which exploits the neutron capture reaction in boron, together with a selective uptake of boronated substances by the neoplastic tissue. There is increasing evidence that future improvements in clinical BNCT will be triggered by the discovery of new boronated compounds, with higher selectivity for the tumor with respect to clinically used sodium borocaptate (BSH) and boronophenylalanine (BPA).


Therefore, a 10B quantification technique for biological samples is needed in order to evaluate the performance of new boronated formulations.

Materials and methods

This article describes an improved neutron autoradiography set-up employing radiation sensitive films where the latent tracks are made visible by proper etching conditions.


Calibration curves for both liquid and tissue samples were obtained.


The obtained calibration curves were adopted to set-up a mechanism to point out boron concentration in the whole sample.  相似文献   

An apparatus for monitoring efflux rates of specific substances from cellular preparations is described. Tissue samples (homogenates, subcellular fractions, small tissue slices, cell suspensions etc.) are placed on a filter, perfused with several different media sequentially and aliquots of the perfusate collected at intervals of 5 sec. Under maximum perfusion rates, the changeover in perfusion media is completed in less than 1 sec, produces no detectable disturbance of the sample and allows only minimal mixing of the different media. The apparatus has been used successfully to study stimulus secretion coupling during release of the neurotransmitter [14C]γ-aminobutyric acid from synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated a method for autoradiography of cell and tissue preparations which is both rapid and safe. The method utilizes only the primary scintillator, PPO, placed under the final emulsion to facilitate activation of the silver grains in the emulsion. Exposure of the autoradiographs is complete under the conditions described within 4 h at ambient temperature. The method is sensitive to exposure time and to the concentration of added radioisotope. The exclusion of volatile, toxic chemicals from the preparations allows the experiments to be performed without any health hazard to the investigator.  相似文献   

To facilitate autoradiographic subcellular localization of arachidonoyl phospholipids, the retention of radioactivity during tissue processing of murine fibrosarcoma cells labeled in vitro with 3H-arachidonate was assessed. Approximately 94% of cell radioactivity was incorporated into phospholipids. During tissue processing, extraction of radioactivity was monitored by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Fixation of cells in glutaraldehyde-tannic acid, postfixation in osmium tetroxide, en bloc staining in uranyl magnesium acetate, dehydration in ethanol, and embedding in Epon resulted in preservation of 93.5% of total tissue radioactivity. Analysis of extracted radioactivity by thin layer chromatography revealed that no specific class of phospholipids was selectively extracted. Fixation with osmium tetroxide alone was nearly as effective as the complete fixation protocol and resulted in retention of 90.0% of radioactivity. However, fixation with glutaraldehyde-tannic acid alone without osmium tetroxide post-fixation led to extraction of 69.8% of total cell radioactivity. Thus, osmium tetroxide is crucial in the preservation of arachidonoyl phospholipids and presumably forms extensive cross-links between polyunsaturated acyl residues. This degree of preservation of arachidonoyl phospholipids is indicative of spatial fixation of the radiolabeled moieties and will permit quantitative studies of subcellular loci of eicosanoid metabolism by electron microscopic autoradiography.  相似文献   

The use of microautoradiography at the electron microscopic level indicates that the vacuole is the site of accumulation of the cyanogenic glucoside of Sorghum bicolor. When a specific biosynthetic precursor of dhurrin, p-hydroxy[3,5-(3)H]phenylacetaldoxime, was used, 90% of the tritium label was recovered in the vacuoles of tissue prepared for microautoradiography. l-[3,5-(3)H]Tyrosine and d-[1-(3)H(N)]glucose, nonspecific precursors of dhurrin, of differing solubilities and biosynthetic capacity, were also fed to the shoots. The data obtained from these controls indicated that the high recovery of label in the vacuole of aldoxime-fed shoots was not indicative simply of the size of the vacuole, nor was it a result of movement of labeled compounds during preparation of the tissue for electron microscopy. The problem of movement of these labeled compounds during dehydration of tissue was dramatically reduced by chemical dehydration in 2,2-dimethoxypropane in less than 30 minutes rather than with routine dehydration in acetone or alcohol series for 24 hours.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular and subcellular localization of 6.7-3H-estradiol-17 in the pituitaries of five immature and two mature castrated female rats was studied by autoradiography. The autoradiographic technique used minimizes or eliminates translocation. It is based on low temperature tissue preparation of freeze-dried sections which are dry-mounted on dried photographic emulsion, excluding known sources of translocation artifacts such as liquid fixatives, dehydrating and clearing fluids, embedding media and thawing. The animals were given from 0.093 to 0.63 g of 3H-estradiol and were sacrificed at 15 min, 1, 2, or 6 hours after the injection. A large portion of the anterior pituitary cells was found to be labeled; the extent of this labeling varied with dose, time of sacrifice after the injection, and photographic exposure time, but apparently not with the endocrine status of the animal. The portions labeled were 76 and 86 per cent for the immature and mature rats respectively, exceeding single tinctorial light-microscopic groups. Gomori trichrome chromophiles and chromophobes, cells with intense and weak pyronin basophilia, as well as morphologically defined castration cells, were all partially labeled and unlabeled. Acidophiles appeared to be labeled in a somewhat higher proportion. Cells of the intermediate and posterior lobe were generally unlabeled except for occasionally interspersed cell groups or single cells, especially at the border between intermediate and posterior lobe, probably identical with basophilic invaginations in man and other mammals. The subcellular concentration of radioactivity was always nuclear. The findings are interpreted as suggesting a) feedback control on the pituitary level, in addition to the diencephalic level, b) pluripotentiality of anterior pituitary cells, and c) possible positive feedback mechanism of estradiol with secondary negative effect. Dry-mount autoradiography with labeled hormones, as applied in this study, provides a new methodological approach to the elucidation of pituitary physiology and pharmacology.Supported by USPHS Grants 1-ROl-AM-12, 649-01, GRS Grant FR-5367, ACS Grant IN-41-H, and Otho Sprague Memorial Institutional Grant. — The author thanks Dr. N. S. HALMI for consultation.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 3H-dihydroalprenolol (3H-DHA) binding to mounted tissue sections of rat brain were studied. The binding had all the characteristics of a beta-receptor. It was reversible, saturable (KD 2.3 nM, Bmax 23 fmol/mg tissue, wet wt) and was inhibited only by beta-adrenergic drugs. The forebrain binding had the properties of a beta-1 receptor, while cerebellar binding had beta-2 characteristics. Beta-adrenergic receptors were widely distributed in the rat brain. High concentrations were localized in the superficial layers of the neocortex, in the caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercles, substantia nigra, nucleus interpeduncularis, subiculum and pia mater. Areas containing intermediate concentrations of receptors included the cerebellum, hippocampus and thalamus. Areas containing low concentrations of receptors included the hypothalamus, amygdala, brainstem and medulla. Co-incubation with low concentrations of zinterol to preferentially block beta-2 receptor resulted in an inhibition of most of the binding to the cerebellum and pia matter and produced only a small and generalized decrease in the rest of the brain. Beta receptors were found in many areas known to contain noradrenergic nerve terminals. Paradoxically some areas with high densities of dopaminergic nerve terminals, had high densities of receptors. Results of electrophysiologica and lesion studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Frozen thin sections and sections from freeze-dried and embedded tissue are used for the autoradiographic localization of diffusible substances at the electron microscope level. The presence of ice crystals in such sections may limit the autoradiographic resolution. Ice crystals are formed during freezing and may grow during subsequent processing of tissue. The contribution of ice crystal growth to the final image was estimated by measuring the distribution of the ice crystal sizes in freeze-etch replicas and in sections from freeze-dried and embedded tissues. A surface layer (10-15 mu) without visible ice crystals was present in both preparations. Beneath this surface layer the diameter of ice crystals increased towards the interior with the same relationship between crystal size and distance from the surface in the freeze-etch preparation as in the freeze-dry preparation. Ice crystal growth occurring during a much longer time during freeze-drying compared to freeze-etching does not significantly contribute to the final image in the electron microscope. The formation of ice crystals during freezing determines to a large extent the image (and therefore the autoradiographic resolution) of freeze-dry preparations and this probably holds also for thin cryosections of which examples are given.  相似文献   

An enzymatic assay for myo-inositol (MI) was modified. The method is based on the oxidation of MI by NAD(+)-dependent MI dehydrogenase, coupled to reoxidation of NADH by iodonitrotetrazolium chloride and diaphorase. The resultant formazan is measured spectrophotometrically. In order to remove interference by glucose, preliminary phosphorylation of glucose by hexokinase was employed before the above reaction. The assay is quantitative for MI in amounts ranging from 1 to 20 nmol. This method gives a negligible blank, even in the measurement of rat serum. The reduced MI content in the sciatic nerve and lens of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats recovered in a dose-dependent manner by treatment with a novel potent aldose reductase inhibitor, GP-1447 ?3-[(4,5, 7-trifluorobenzothiazol-2-yl)methyl]-5-methylphenylacetic acid?.  相似文献   

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