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Summary DNA recombinant technology, combined with improvements in hybridization efficiency and quality of chromosome spreads, has made the method of in situ hybridization a reliable tool for gene mapping used by mammalian cytogeneticists to complement other methods. By appropriate alterations of the method, we demonstrate that detection of unique genes can be achieved along plant chromosomes despite some inherent disadvantages of the plant material. Using genomic subclones homologous to 6.6 kb of the single-copy chalcone synthase gene in parsley, we report the first example of chromosomal detection and localization of a unique endogenous gene in plants.  相似文献   

Peng R  Zhang T  Liu F  Ling J  Wang C  Li S  Zhang X  Wang Y  Wang K 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33847
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has become one of the most important techniques applied in plant molecular cytogenetics. However, the application of this technique in cotton has lagged behind because of difficulties in chromosome preparation. The focus of this article was FISH performed not only on cotton pachytene chromosomes, but also on cotton extended DNA fibers. The cotton pollen mother cells (PMCs) instead of buds or anthers were directly digested in enzyme to completely breakdown the cell wall. Before the routine acetic acid treatment, PMCs were incubated in acetic acid and enzyme mixture to remove the cytoplasm and clear the background. The method of ice-cold Carnoy's solution spreading chromosome was adopted instead of nitrogen removed method to avoid chromosomes losing and fully stretch chromosome. With the above-improved steps, the high-quality well-differentiated pachytene chromosomes with clear background were obtained. FISH results demonstrated that a mature protocol of cotton pachytene chromosomes preparation was presented. Intact and no debris cotton nuclei were obtained by chopping from etiolation cotyledons instead of the conventional liquid nitrogen grinding method. After incubating the nuclei with nucleus lysis buffer on slide, the parallel and clear background DNA fibers were acquired along the slide. This method overcomes the twist, accumulation and fracture of DNA fibers compared with other methods. The entire process of DNA fibers preparation requires only 30 min, in contrast, it takes 3 h with routine nitrogen grinding method. The poisonous mercaptoethanol in nucleus lysis buffer is replaced by nonpoisonous dithiothreitol. PVP40 in nucleus isolation buffer is used to prevent oxidation. The probability of success in isolating nuclei for DNA fiber preparation is almost 100% tested with this method in cotton. So a rapid, safe, and efficient method for the preparation of cotton extended DNA fibers suitable for FISH was established.  相似文献   

M L Irigoyen  C Linares  E Ferrer  A Fominaya 《Génome》2002,45(6):1230-1237
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) employing multiple probes was used with mitotic or meiotic chromosome spreads of Avena sativa L. cv. SunII and its monosomic lines to produce physical chromosome maps. The probes used were Avena strigosa pAs120a (which hybridizes exclusively to A-genome chromosomes), Avena murphyi pAm1 (which hybridizes exclusively to C-genome chromosomes), A. strigosa pAs121 (which hybridizes exclusively to A- and D-genome chromosomes), and the wheat rDNA probes pTa71 and pTa794. Simultaneous and sequential FISH employing two-by-two combinations of these probes allowed the unequivocal identification and genome assignation of all chromosomes. Ten pairs were found carrying intergenomic translocations: (i) between the A and C genomes (chromosome pair 5A); (ii) between the C and D genomes (pairs 1C, 2C, 4C, 10C, and 16C); and (iii) between the D and C genomes (pairs 9D, 11D, 13D, and 14D). The existence of a reciprocal intergenomic translocation (10C-14D) is also proposed. Comparing these results with those of other hexaploids, three intergenomic translocations (10C, 9D, and 14D) were found to be unique to A. sativa cv. SunII, supporting the view that 'SunII' is genetically distinct from other hexaploid Avena species and from cultivars of the A. sativa species. FISH mapping using meiotic and mitotic metaphases facilitated the genomic and chromosomal identification of the aneuploid chromosome in each monosomic line. Of the 18 analyzed, only 11 distinct monosomic lines were actually found, corresponding to 5 lines of the A genome, 2 lines of the C genome, and 4 lines of the D genome. The presence or absence of the 10C-14D interchange was also monitored in these lines.  相似文献   

Prieto P  Moore G  Shaw P 《Nature protocols》2007,2(7):1831-1838
This protocol describes the application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to three-dimensionally (3D) preserved tissue sections derived from intact plant structures such as roots or florets. The method is based on the combination of vibratome sectioning with confocal microscopy. The protocol provides an excellent tool to investigate chromosome organization in plant nuclei in all cell types and has been used on tissues of both monocot and dicot plant species. The visualization of 3D well-preserved tissues means that cell types can be confidently identified. For example, meiocytes can be clearly identified at all stages of meiosis and can be imaged in the context of their surrounding maternal tissue. FISH can be used to localize centromeres, telomeres, repetitive regions as well as unique regions, and total genomic DNAs can be used as probes to visualize chromosomes or chromosome segments. The method can be adapted to RNA FISH and can be combined with immunofluorescence labeling. Once the desired plant material is sectioned, which depends on the number of samples, the protocol that we present here can be carried out within 3 d.  相似文献   

A repetitive DNA sequence, ZmCR2.6c, was isolated from maize based on centromeric sequence CCS1 of the wild grass Brachypodium sylvaticum. ZmCR2.6c is 309 bp in length and shares 65% homology to bases 421–721 of the sorghum centromeric sequence pSau3A9. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) localized ZmCR2.6c to the primary constrictions of pachytene bivalents and to the stretched regions of MI/AI chromosomes, indicating that ZmCR2.6c is an important part of the centromere. Based on measurements of chromosome lengths and the positions of FISH signals of several cells, a pachytene karyotype was constructed for maize inbred line KYS. The karyotype agrees well with those derived from traditional analyses. Four classes of tandemly repeated sequences were mapped to the karyotype by FISH. Repeats 180 bp long are present in cytologically detectable knobs on 5L, 6S, 6L, 7L, and 9S, as well as at the termini and in the interstitial regions of many chromosomes not reported previously. A most interesting finding is the presence of 180-bp repeats in the NOR-secondary constriction. TR-1 elements co-exist with 180-bp repeats in the knob on 6S and form alone a small cluster in 4L. 26S and 5S rRNA genes are located in the NOR and at 2L.88, respectively. The combination of chromosome length, centromere position, and distribution of the tandem repeats allows all chromosomes to be identified unambiguously. The results presented form an important basis for using FISH for physical mapping and for investigating genome organization in maize. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

In the present study, we developed a rapid and efficient fluorescence in situ hybridization assay (FISH) in non-embedded tissues of the model plant Catharanthus roseus for co-localizing phytoplasmas and endophytic bacteria, opening new perspectives for studying the interaction between these microorganisms.  相似文献   

S Segal  M Garner  M F Singer  M Rosenberg 《Cell》1976,9(2):247-257
The origin of a repetitive monkey DNA sequence that is incorporated into a defective simian virus 40 genome has been studied. A fragment (about 140 base pairs in length) containing essentially all the repetitive monkey DNA present in the defective and few, if any, SV40 sequences can be cleaved from the purified defective DNA by restriction endonucleases Hind(II and III). Radioactive cRNA prepared with the isolated fragment as template was hybridized in situ to African green monkey chromosomes. The results indicate that all or part of the sequence in question occurs at both centromeric and noncentromeric positions in many, but not all, chromosomes. Of the typical 60 chromosomes, between nine and eleven hybridize with the cRNA in noncentromeric regions.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads from bird oocytes and spermatocytes show the complete chromosome complement and can be observed at the light microscope using immunostaining of the proteins that compose the lateral elements. To investigate the use of avian SC spreads as substrates for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with immunostaining, we applied two single-copy sequences to chicken oocyte spreads. Signals for both target sequences were consistently observed on the short arm of bivalent 1 in a large number of nuclei. Based on previous data about the size of chromosome 1 and from measurements on probed SC spreads, an estimate of the physical distance in Mb between each sequence and the telomere was calculated. The crossover frequencies along SC 1 obtained by immunolocalization of MLH1 foci during pachytene were used to calculate the distances in cM to the target sequences and to compare this cytogenetic SC map with the consensus linkage map for GGA1. The combination of SC-FISH and immunostaining could be generally applied to obtain high-resolution mapping of single-copy sequences in birds and, coupled with MLH1 crossover maps, it could be a reliable approach to obtain genetic distances between markers to test the genetic linkage maps generated from molecular markers.  相似文献   

In this study the T-DNA composition of four antisense potato transformants showing complete or very strong inhibition of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) activity was analysed in detail. By Southern blot hybridizations, it was determined that all four transformants contained T-DNAs on multiple linkage groups and that most linkage groups contained multiple T-DNA copies, often in combination with non-T-DNA vector sequences. Subsequently, fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed on extended DNA fibres (‘fibre-FISH’) of three progeny plants each containing a single linkage group with a complex T-DNA organization. By using two differently labelled probes, one consisting of T-DNA sequences and the other of vector DNA sequences, it was possible to visualize the composition of complex loci. DNA sequences of 5–6 kb were well distinguishable. With this technique it is possible to determine T-DNA copy number, and arrangement of T-DNA and vector DNA sequences in a locus, more accurately than by Southern blot analysis alone. Therefore, fibre-FISH is a valuable supplementary tool to study T-DNA integrations in detail.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization with a cloned banded krait sex-specific repetitive DNA probe (Bkm) indicates a high concentration of Bkm sequences on the horse Y chromosome in both normal XY males and XY sex-reversed females. Lesser, but still significant, concentrations of Bkm sequences were mapped to horse chromosomes 3, 4, and 30.  相似文献   

Thirty-five single-copy and 17 repetitive sequence DNA probes specific for human chromosome 3 were isolated from human chromosome 3-derived genomic libraries. Seven DNA clones, including three that are polymorphic for BglII or MspI, were mapped by in situ hybridization. Four probes were mapped to 3p subregions and 3 were mapped to 3q subregions. Three of the DNA sequences map to regions overlapping a segment of chromosome 3 (3p14-23) frequently deleted in small cell lung cancer cells. By Southern blot analysis on a deletion hybrid panel, we previously mapped 6 of these probes to three distinct chromosome 3 subregions. Our in situ data support these assignments and more precisely determine the localization of each clone to the following regions: D3S34 (3p14-21), D3S35 (3p21), D3S39 (3p21), D3S40 (3p12-13), D3S37 (3q21-23), and D3S36 (3q21). Clone pL84c, a low repeat sequence clone (approximately 30 copies), was mapped to the 3q21-29 subregion. These DNA clones mapped by in situ hybridization can provide useful landmarks for the ordering and localization of other clones.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that a human repetitive DNA sequence (Sau3A family) belonging to a satellite DNA is unstable and constantly excised from the chromosomes (R. Kiyama, H. Matsui, and M. Oishi, 1986, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4665). The unusual property of the repetitive DNA, along with another repetitive DNA (Alu sequence), was further investigated by in situ hybridization in several different human cells including HeLa, bone marrow, and peripheral blood cells. We found that the excised repetitive DNA sequences are localized not only in nuclei, but also in cytoplasm. These results have confirmed the instability of these DNA sequences in the chromosomes and further suggest that the alpha satellite DNA and the Alu sequence which were excised from the chromosomes are released from nuclei to cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Four recombinant DNA clones (H1, H7, H12, and H15) carrying low-repetitive human DNA were previously isolated from a human genomic library based on their specificity for chromosome 21 and were studied for their distribution as determined by in situ hybridization. Clone H7 hybridized to the satellite regions of chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 as well as to the centromere region of chromosome 1. Clone H12 hybridized strongly to chromosomes 11 and 17 and the centromere of the X. Clones H1 and H15 had a very widespread distribution throughout the genome. Clone H15 hybridized significantly more to the short arm of chromosome 18 than to any other chromosomal segment. Clone H1 hybridized strongly to the centromere of chromosome 19 and also showed random distribution on all the other human chromosomes. We conclude that these probes appear to represent four repetitive families that demonstrate in situ hybridization patterns that do not correspond with those of any other repetitive family. Further, the in situ hybridization patterns do not show the strong chromosome 21 specificity originally defined by Southern blot analysis. The nature and chromosomal localization of these repetitive families should be useful in regional mapping and evolutionary studies and give additional insight into chromosomal organization.  相似文献   

The interspersed periodic arrangement of repetitive and unique sequences in eukaryotic DNAs is proposed as the underlying molecular basis for higher-order DNA coiling in chromatin and mitotic chromosomes. It is assumed that (i) two types of interspersed repetitive sequences are distributed strictly periodically throughout the genome, splitting the single copy DNA into short and long periods respectively in such a pattern that each long period is composed of a definite number of short periods and repeats (ii) the short and long periods make the turn lengths of the solenoid and supersolenoid structures respectively determing their diameters; (iii) specific proteins interact with each type of repeats making cross ties between nearby repeats of each class helping to form, constrain, and stabilize the solenoid and the supersolenoid structures; (iv) the long period may be equated with the basic chromomere unit. The model predicts: (i) splitting of contiguous genes by inserted repetitive sequences; and (ii) two types of genomes differing in the hierarchy of DNA coiling.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes of four Vicia species (V. sativa, V. grandiflora, V. pannonica and V. narbonensis) were subjected to in situ hybridization with probes derived from conserved plant repetitive DNA sequences (18S-25S and 5S rDNA, telomeres) and genus-specific satellite repeats (VicTR-A and VicTR-B). Numbers and positions of hybridization signals provided cytogenetic landmarks suitable for unambiguous identification of all chromosomes, and establishment of the karyotypes. The VicTR-A and -B sequences, in particular, produced highly informative banding patterns that alone were sufficient for discrimination of all chromosomes. However, these patterns were not conserved among species and thus could not be employed for identification of homologous chromosomes. This fact, together with observed variations in positions and numbers of rDNA loci, suggests considerable divergence between karyotypes of the species studied.  相似文献   

Summary A technique of in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes with biotinylated DNA probes is described. This technique was used to localize unique DNA sequences on chromosomes and allowed a localization of two probes 1.8 and 1.3 kb long. The hybridization signal appears like two, twin, spots on the two sister chromatids, allowing a clear distinction from the background. Moreover a chromosomal localization is possible by counting a relatively small number of mitoses compared with the technique using 3H-labeled DNA probes.  相似文献   

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