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Previous studies have shown that the Xenopus laevis egg envelope exists in three forms with differing ultrastructural, macromolecular, and sperm penetrability properties. The coelomic envelope (CE) is derived from eggs released from the ovary into the body cavity of the female, the vitelline envelope (VE) from eggs which have passed through the oviduct, and the fertilization envelope (FE) from fertilized eggs. In the present study, the physicochemical characteristics of these three envelope types were differentiated. Investigation of envelope solubility, deformability, sulfhydryl reactivity, and hydrophobic dye and ferritin binding capacity demonstrated that profound physicochemical changes occur in envelope conversions CE----VE----FE. The physical strength of the envelopes, as evidenced by deformability studies, ranked FE greater than CE greater than VE. These differences were not accountable by differences in the number of disulfide bonds, although the CE sulfhydryl groups were significantly less accessible than those in the VE or FE. All three envelope forms were hydrophilic in nature, exhibiting little ability to bind 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid. The CE bound greater amounts of ferritin in comparison to the VE and FE, indicating the presence of a basic domain, presumably in the 43-kDa glycoprotein, which is lost upon proteolysis to 41 kDa during the CE----VE conversion. The envelope integrity of all three forms was maintained by both noncovalent and covalent (disulfide) bonds. Measurements of the effect of pH on envelope solubilization indicated the involvement of an ionizable group with pKa of 8.0 in maintaining envelope structure.  相似文献   

Nucleotide triphosphate hydrolase (NTPase, EC is present in the vitelline membrane of the avian egg and increases strikingly, both in total and in specific activity, within a few minutes after ovulation. Protein material found within the lumen of the first part of the oviduct is also high in NTPase activity. Hydrolytic activity toward other phosphate-bearing substrates is minor in the case of both vitelline membrane and oviductal lumen material. Oviductal lumen NTPase is very similar to vitelline membrane NTPase in pH dependency, solubility characteristics, substrate specificities, and electrophoretic mobility. Furthermore, oviductal lumen material has no activating effect on preovulatory vitelline membrane NTPase. It is concluded that the source of vitelline membrane NTPase is material (probably secretory in nature) present in the first part of the oviduct.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix surrounding the oocyte before ovulation is called the perivitelline membrane (PL) in avian species. We have previously reported that one of its components, ZPC, is produced in ovarian granulosa cells by the stimulation of follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone. Another component, ZP1, is synthesized in the liver and might be transported to the surface of the oocyte of the follicles. These glycoproteins are assembled to form a three-dimensional network of coarse fibers between the granulosa cells and the oocyte. In the present study, we have evaluated the involvement of the interaction of ZPC and ZP1 in the formation of the PL of Japanese quail. By measuring the incorporation of tritium-labeled proteins into the PL, we have found that tritium-labeled ZPC is specifically incorporated into the PL. Whole-mount autoradiographic analysis of the PL has also revealed the incorporation of the secreted ZPC into the isolated PL. To study which component in the PL is responsible for the specific incorporation of ZPC, PL lysates were incubated with the conditioned medium of the granulosa cells and were immunoprecipitated with anti-ZPC antiserum. Western blot analysis of the immunoprecipitated materials indicated that the 175-kDa and 97-kDa ZP1 forms were co-immunoprecipitated with anti-ZPC antiserum. These results demonstrate that ZPC secreted from the granulosa cells specifically binds with ZP1, and that the phenomenon might be involved in insoluble PL fiber formation in quail ovary.Funding for this work was provided by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan (Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research: 14760177 and 16780192 to T.S. and 15380191 to M.M.)  相似文献   

Hamster oviducts in culture incorporate [35S]-methionine into secretory proteins. One of these proteins is immunoprecipitated by a monoclonal antibody specific to an antigen found in oviductal oocytes but not in ovarian oocytes. This antigen, called oviductin, is progressively added to the oocyte during its transit through the oviduct. Oviductin migrates as a diffuse band with a molecular mass between 160 and 250 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The electrophoretic behavior of this protein suggests the presence of polysaccharide side chains. Chemical deglycosylation causes a decrease in molecular mass and removes the antigenic determinant originally present on the glycoprotein. By using the radiation inactivation method, the molecular mass of the core protein has been found to be approximately 44 kDa. These results indicate that the oviduct is an actual site of synthesis of the oviductin. This glycoprotein contains a high proportion of sugar residues, which account for antigenic determinant recognized by the monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The vitelline envelope (VE) participates in sperm-egg interactions during the first steps of fertilization. In Bufo arenarum, this envelope is composed of at least four glycoproteins, with molecular masses of 120, 75, 41, and 38 kDa and molar ratio of 1:1.3:7.4:4.8, respectively. These components were isolated and covalently coupled to silanized glass slides in order to study their sperm-binding capacity. When considering the molar ratio of the glycoproteins in the egg-envelope and assuming that each protein is monovalent for sperm, the assay showed that gp41 and gp38 possess 55 and 25% of total sperm-binding activity. We obtained a full-length cDNA of gp41 (ZPC), comprising a sequence for 486 amino acids, with 43.3% homology with Xenopus laevis ZPC. As in the case of mammalian ZP3 and Xenopus ZPC, Bufo ZPC presented a furin-like (convertase) and a C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD) reflecting common biosynthetic and secretory pathways. As it was reported for some fishes, we obtained evidence that suggests the presence of more than one zpc gene in Bufo genome, based on different partial cDNA sequences of zpc, Southern blots and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of deglycosylated egg-envelope components. As far as we are aware, this is the first observation of the presence of different zpc genes in an Amphibian species.  相似文献   

The inner layer of vitelline membrane is an investment of avian ovum at the time of ovulation, but its formation is poorly understood. In order to elucidate the origin of the inner layer of vitelline membrane, a 33 kDa protein, one of the components of the inner layer, was purified from quail eggs and polyclonal antibody was raised against this protein. The tissue distribution of protein interacted with the antibody was studied by Western blotting technique. No immunoreactive component could be observed in extracts of liver, kidney, heart, lung, small intestine, brain, infundibulum, albumen-secreting region of oviduct, uterus, and wall of small white follicles. The intensive band was detected in the granulosa layer, which was isolated from the large preovulatory follicles as a monolayer of granulosa cells sandwiched between the inner layer of vitelline membrane and the basal lamina. The granulosa cells isolated from the granulosa layer also reacted with this antibody. Theca layer had no immunoreactive components. The position of the band of the 33 kDa protein on SDS-PAGE was sifted to higher molecular weight in follicular tissues as compared with that in the laid eggs, indicating that the structural change of the protein occurs after ovulation. These studies indicate that the material reactive to the antibody raised against a 33 kDa protein of quail vitelline membrane is synthesized by the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Ueda Y  Kubo H  Iwao Y 《Developmental biology》2003,264(1):289-298
We previously demonstrated that Xenopus sperm undergo an acrosome reaction on the vitelline envelope (VE) in response to the materials secreted from the oviductal pars recta [Dev. Biol. 243 (2002), 55]. A monoclonal antibody against the acrosome reaction-inducing substance in Xenopus (ARISX) was obtained by immunizing mice with pars recta extract (PRE). The acrosome reaction by PRE or on the VE was effectively inhibited by the intact anti-ARISX antibody as well as its Fab fragment, indicating that the antibody recognizes the epitopes localized on the acrosome reaction-inducing substance. On Western blots, the anti-ARISX antibody recognized a molecule with an apparent molecular mass of 300 kDa in PRE and in the VE, but this molecule was not detected in the coelomic envelope. The amount of ARISX in PRE was increased by the treatment of females with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. Periodate oxidation of PRE completely abolished the acrosome reaction-inducing activity, indicating the involvement of the carbohydrate moieties of ARISX in inducing the acrosome reaction. On immunofluorescence observation, ARISX was localized in the epithelial cells in the posterior region of the pars recta and on the VE as fibrous structures.  相似文献   

Using nonradioactive in situ hybridization (ISH), the mRNA encoding the zona glycoprotein bZPC was localized in bovine ovaries, oocytes, and embryos. In the ovary, the distribution of the mRNA was correlated with the developmental stage of the follicle. Whereas in primordial and primary follicles the mRNA was predominantly seen in the oocyte, it was found in both the oocyte and the follicle cells of secondary and tertiary follicles. In 2-day-old embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF), no mRNA encoding ZPC could be demonstrated. Immunoblotting using monospecific polyclonal antibodies against porcine ZPC revealed a distinct band at a molecular weight of 47 kD in the ovarian cortex of cows, calves, and fetuses as well as in bovine follicle cells. Immunohistochemistry using the ZPC antibody displayed a strong signal in the zona pellucida of bovine oocytes and 2- to 6-day-old embryos as well as in the follicle cells. Our results show that during follicular development bovine ZPC is synthesized by the oocyte of the primary follicle and by both the oocyte and the follicle cells of the secondary and tertiary follicle. After fertilization, the synthesis of the zona protein is finished. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:435–443, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis egg vitelline envelope is composed of five glycoproteins (ZPA, ZPB, ZPC, ZPD, and ZPX). As shown previously, ZPC is the primary ligand for sperm binding to the egg envelope, and this binding involves the oligosaccharide moieties of the glycoprotein (Biol. Reprod., 62:766-774, 2000). To understand the molecular mechanism of sperm-egg envelope binding, we characterized the N-linked glycans of the vitelline envelope (VE) glycoproteins. The N-linked glycans of the VE were composed predominantly of a heterogeneous mixture of high-mannose (5-9) and neutral, complex oligosaccharides primarily derived from ZPC (the dominant glycoprotein). However, the ZPA N-linked glycans were composed of acidic-complex and high-mannose oligosaccharides, ZPX had only high-mannose oligosaccharides, and ZPB lacked N-linked oligosaccharides. The consensus sequence for N-linked glycosylation at the evolutionarily conserved residue N113 of the ZPC protein sequence was glycosylated solely with high-mannose oligosaccharides. This conserved glycosylation site may be of importance to the three-dimensional structure of the ZPC glycoproteins. One of the complex oligosaccharides of ZPC possessed terminal beta-N-acetyl-glucosamine residues. The same ZPC oligosaccharide species isolated from the activated egg envelopes lacked terminal beta-N-acetyl-glucosamine residues. We previously showed that the cortical granules contain beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (J. Exp. Zool., 235:335-340, 1985). We propose that an alteration in the oligosaccharide structure of ZPC by glucosaminidase released from the cortical granule reaction is responsible for the loss of sperm binding ligand activity at fertilization.  相似文献   

In avian species, an egg envelope homologous to the mammalian zona pellucida is called the perivitelline membrane. We have previously reported that one of its components, a glycoprotein homologous to mammalian ZPC, is synthesized in the granulosa cells of the quail ovary. In the present study, we investigated the proteolytic cleavage of the newly synthesized ZPC and the secretion of ZPC from the granulosa cells. Western blot analysis of the cell lysates demonstrated that the 43-kDa protein is the precursor of mature ZPC (proZPC), and is converted to the 35-kDa protein before secretion. The accumulation of proZPC in the presence of brefeldin A, and conversion of proZPC to ZPC in the presence of monensin, indicate the possibility that the proteolytic processing of ZPC occurs in the Golgi apparatus. An analysis of amino-acid sequence identified that the C terminus of mature ZPC protein is Phe360, and the N-terminal amino-acid sequence of the proZPC-derived fragment was determined as Asp363. These results suggest that newly synthesized ZPC is cleaved at the consensus furin cleavage site, and the resulting two basic residues at the C terminus are subsequently trimmed off to generate mature ZPC prior to secretion.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of the chicken egg vitelline membrane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mann K 《Proteomics》2008,8(11):2322-2332
The avian vitelline membrane (VM) is a multilayered proteinaceous structure separating egg white from yolk. The innermost layer of the VM, deposited onto the oocyte plasma membrane in the ovary, corresponds to the mammalian zona pellucida (ZP). The outer layer is produced in the infundibulum, the first section of the oviduct. Using high-throughput, high-end LC-MS(n) 137 proteins were identified, only 13 of which were known previously to be components of the VM. Depending on the washing protocol, two largely overlapping, but not identical, sets of identified proteins were produced from water-washed and salt-washed VMs. Most of the components of the VM were known previously from other egg compartments, such as, for instance, the egg white proteins lysozyme C, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, and ovomucin. Specific components of the VM not identified previously in other egg compartments included eight ZP proteins, oviductin protease, and two ATPases. The vitelline outer membrane protein (VMO) VMO II was identified as beta-defensin-11. The list of VM proteins presented in this report is by far the most comprehensive dataset available at present and complements proteomic analyses of chicken egg compartments published previously.  相似文献   

In the presence of KCl, tryptic digestion of vesicles derived from pigeon erythrocyte membranes inactivates sodium-dependent uptake of alanine by the vesicles, whereas digestion in the presence of NaCl does not. Extensive degradation of vesicle proteins occurs under both conditions. Similarly, the extent of inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide of the sodium-dependent influxes of both glycine and alanine into human erythrocytes is greater when the cells are exposed to the thiol reagent in the presence of KCl than when NaCl is used. These observations are interpreted as providing evidence for sodium-induced conformation changes in these transport proteins.  相似文献   

In avian species, a glycoprotein homologous to mammalian ZPC is synthesized in the granulosa cells of developing follicles. We have previously reported that the newly synthesized ZPC (proZPC) in the granulosa cells is cleaved at the consensus furin cleavage site to generate mature ZPC prior to secretion. In the present study, we examined the role of asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides in the proteolytic processing of proZPC and the subsequent secretion of ZPC by using site-directed mutagenesis of the consensus sequence for N-glycosylation, and tunicamycin, an inhibitor for N-glycosylation of glycoprotein. Western blot analysis demonstrated that tunicamycin did not block either proteolytic cleavage of proZPC or the subsequent ZPC secretion. Moreover, a site-directed mutant that possesses a mutated sequence for N-glycosylation was efficiently secreted from the cells. These results indicate that proteolytic cleavage of proZPC, and the subsequent ZPC secretion occur in the absence of N-linked oligosaccharides. Therefore, the addition of N-glycans to ZPC polypeptide is not required for quail ZPC secretion.  相似文献   

Identification of vitelline membrane proteins in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Drosophila melanogaster, proteins involved in vitelline membrane production are secreted by ovarian follicle cells during stages 9 and 10 of oogenesis. We have used SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis to identify six major size classes of radiolabeled components in purified vitelline membrane preparations. Analyses of in vivo labeled proteins from egg chambers of different developmental stages and stage 10 follicle cells show that components of five of these size classes are synthesized by follicle cells during the period of vitelline membrane deposition. Immunological analysis of eggshell antigens utilizing complex antisera raised to purified eggshell fragments has confirmed the identity of components of three size classes.  相似文献   

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