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The ability to grow as a biofilm can facilitate survival of bacteria in the environment and promote infection. To better characterize biofilm formation in the pathogen Clostridium difficile, we established a colony biofilm culture method for this organism on a polycarbonate filter, and analyzed the matrix and the cells in biofilms from a variety of clinical isolates over several days of biofilm culture. We found that biofilms readily formed in all strains analyzed, and that spores were abundant within about 6 days. We also found that extracellular DNA (eDNA), polysaccharide and protein was readily detected in the matrix of all strains, including the major toxins A and/or B, in toxigenic strains. All the strains we analyzed formed spores. Apart from strains 630 and VPI10463, which sporulated in the biofilm at relatively low frequencies, the frequencies of biofilm sporulation varied between 46 and 65%, suggesting that variations in sporulation levels among strains is unlikely to be a major factor in variation in the severity of disease. Spores in biofilms also had reduced germination efficiency compared to spores obtained by a conventional sporulation protocol. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that in 3 day-old biofilms, the outermost structure of the spore is a lightly staining coat. However, after 6 days, material that resembles cell debris in the matrix surrounds the spore, and darkly staining granules are closely associated with the spores surface. In 14 day-old biofilms, relatively few spores are surrounded by the apparent cell debris, and the surface-associated granules are present at higher density at the coat surface. Finally, we showed that biofilm cells possess 100-fold greater resistance to the antibiotic metronidazole then do cells cultured in liquid media. Taken together, our data suggest that C. difficile cells and spores in biofilms have specialized properties that may facilitate infection.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of Clostridium difficile were examined for the effect of arginine on toxin production in a defined medium. In three strains, the production of toxins A and B was greatly enhanced in the absence of arginine. These strains showed distinctively poorer growth in the absence of arginine in comparison with the remaining 17 strains, indicating that the presence of arginine is required for good growth among the three strains. From the present results, test strains were divided into two groups: a group in which arginine insufficiency caused distinctly poor growth and enhanced toxin production, and another group in which there was neither distinctly poor growth nor enhanced toxin production. The phenomenon is discussed in relation to the biosynthesis and catabolism of arginine.  相似文献   

The first International Symposium on c-Di-GMP Signaling in Bacteria (22 to 25 March 2015, Harnack-Haus, Berlin, Germany) brought together 131 molecular microbiologists from 17 countries to discuss recent progress in our knowledge of bacterial nucleotide second messenger signaling. While the focus was on signal input, synthesis, degradation, and the striking diversity of the modes of action of the current second messenger paradigm, i.e., cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), “classics” like cAMP and (p)ppGpp were also presented, in novel facets, and more recent “newcomers,” such as c-di-AMP and c-AMP-GMP, made an impressive appearance. A number of clear trends emerged during the 30 talks, on the 71 posters, and in the lively discussions, including (i) c-di-GMP control of the activities of various ATPases and phosphorylation cascades, (ii) extensive cross talk between c-di-GMP and other nucleotide second messenger signaling pathways, and (iii) a stunning number of novel effectors for nucleotide second messengers that surprisingly include some long-known master regulators of developmental pathways. Overall, the conference made it amply clear that second messenger signaling is currently one of the most dynamic fields within molecular microbiology, with major impacts in research fields ranging from human health to microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The mouse lethality test is the most sensitive method for confirming the diagnosis of infant botulism. Both Clostridium difficile and Clostridium botulinum produce heat-labile toxins which are lethal for mice and can be found in the feces of infants. These two toxins can be distinguished from one another in this assay when both are present in the same fecal specimen because they appear to be immunologically distinct toxins.  相似文献   

本文探讨了重组艰难梭菌毒素B(rTcd B)对小鼠结肠癌CT26细胞的诱导凋亡作用。采用不同浓度rTcd B处理CT26细胞, 通过MTT法检测细胞增殖抑制率; 比色法测定Caspase 3活性; 细胞形态学和流式细胞技术检测细胞凋亡。结果表明, rTcd B显著抑制了CT26细胞的增殖, 并呈时间?剂量依赖性; Caspase 3活性在处理6 h后显著升高, 至18 h达到最大值, 与对照组相比差异显著, 具有统计学意义(P<0.05); 荧光显微镜观察到典型细胞凋亡形态学变化, 细胞膜内侧的磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)异位到了膜外侧, 细胞膜呈明亮的绿色荧光; 通过流式细胞仪检测结果表明, 细胞凋亡率呈时间?剂量依赖性增加。实验结果表明, 重组艰难梭菌毒素B能够诱导小鼠结肠癌CT26细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

A total of 80 strains of Clostridium difficile, 33 toxigenic and 11 nontoxigenic clindamycin (CLDM)-sensitive (MIC less than 12.5 μg/ml), and 23 toxigenic and 13 nontoxigenic CLDM-resistant (MIC 200 to 6,400 μg/ml) were tested for cytotoxin production in the presence of CLDM. None of the 24 nontoxigenic strains produced cytotoxin regardless of the presence of CLDM and only six out of the 56 toxigenic strains showed 16- to 64-fold higher levels of cytotoxic activity in the presence of CLDM at the concentrations of 1/2 to 1/32 of the MIC than in the absence of CLDM; all of the six strains were CLDM sensitive. Further studies revealed that addition of CLDM to the culture caused enhanced cytotoxin synthesis, and that the maximum production of cytotoxin was obtained when CLDM was added to the medium at the time of inoculation or of the ensuing early logarithmic phase. Also, the influence of other antibiotics on the effect of CLDM was examined. Addition of metronidazole, vancomycin, chloramphenicol, cephaloridine, or penicillin, which induced cytotoxin to medium containing CLDM did not increase the effect of CLDM any further. Addition of CLDM to medium containing tetracycline, which inhibited cytotoxin production, induced cytotoxin production but not fully.  相似文献   

The continuous production of Clostridium tetani toxin has been carried out in a 1-liter stirred culture vessel for as long as 65 days. Toxin production of approximately 120 flocculating units per ml was maintained with a dilution rate of 0.125 hr-1, a temperature of 34 C, a pH of 7.4, and the addition to the medium of 0.1 g of potassium chloride per liter. The average minimal lethal intraperitoneal dose of the toxin in mice was approximately 106 per ml.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile toxin B (TcdB) is a key virulence factor of bacterium and induces intestinal inflammatory disease. Because of its potent cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities, we investigated the utility of TcdB in developing anti-tumor immunity. TcdB induced cell death in mouse colorectal cancer CT26 cells, and the intoxicated cells stimulated the activation of mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells and subsequent T cell activation in vitro. Immunization of BALB/c mice with toxin-treated CT26 cells elicited potent anti-tumor immunity that protected mice from a lethal challenge of the same tumor cells and rejected pre-injected tumors. The anti-tumor immunity generated was cell-mediated, long-term, and tumor-specific. Further experiments demonstrated that the intact cell bodies were important for the immunogenicity since lysing the toxin-treated tumor cells reduced their ability to induce antitumor immunity. Finally, we showed that TcdB is able to induce potent anti-tumor immunity in B16-F10 melanoma model. Taken together, these data demonstrate the utility of C. difficile toxin B for developing anti-tumor immunity.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an important pathogen of humans and animals, representing a significant global healthcare problem. The last decade has seen the emergence of epidemic BI/NAP1/027 and ribotype 078 isolates, associated with the onset of more severe disease and higher rates of morbidity and mortality. However, little is known about these isolates at the molecular level, partly due to difficulties in the genetic manipulation of these strains. Here we report the development of an optimised Tn916-mediated plasmid transfer system, and the use of this system to construct and complement spo0A mutants in a number of different C. difficile strain backgrounds. Spo0A is a global regulator known to control sporulation, but may also be involved in the regulation of potential virulence factors and other phenotypes. Recent studies have failed to elucidate the role of Spo0A in toxin A and toxin B production by C. difficile, with conflicting data published to date. In this study, we aimed to clarify the role of Spo0A in production of the major toxins by C. difficile. Through the construction and complementation of spo0A mutants in two ribotype 027 isolates, we demonstrate that Spo0A acts as a negative regulator of toxin A and toxin B production in this strain background. In addition, spo0A was disrupted and subsequently complemented in strain 630Δerm and, for the first time, in a ribotype 078 isolate, JGS6133. In contrast to the ribotype 027 strains, Spo0A does not appear to regulate toxin production in strain 630Δerm. In strain JGS6133, Spo0A appears to negatively regulate toxin production during early stationary phase, but has little effect on toxin expression during late stationary phase. These data suggest that Spo0A may differentially regulate toxin production in phylogenetically distinct C. difficile strain types. In addition, Spo0A may be involved in regulating some aspects of C. difficile motility.  相似文献   

Toxin production is a central issue in the pathogenesis of Clostridium difficile and many other pathogenic microorganisms. Toxin synthesis is influenced by a variety of known and unknown factors of genetics, physiology, and environment. To facilitate the study of toxin production by C. difficile, we have developed a new, reliable, quantitative, and robust cell-based cytotoxicity assay. Then we combined this new assay with Phenotype MicroArrays (PM) technology which provides high throughput testing of culture conditions. This allowed us to quantitatively measure toxin production by C. difficile type strain ATCC 9689 under 768 culture conditions. The culture conditions include different carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur sources. Among these, 89 conditions produced strong toxin induction and 31 produced strong toxin repression. Strong toxin inducers included adenine, guanosine, arginine dipeptides, γ-D-Glu-Gly, methylamine, and others. Some leucine dipeptides and the triple-leucine tripeptide were among the strongest toxin repressors. While some results are consistent with previous observations, others are new observations that provide insights into toxin regulation and pathogenesis of C. difficile. Additionally, we have demonstrated that this combined assay technology can be applied broadly to a wide range of toxin producing microorganisms. This study is the first demonstration of simultaneous assessment of a large number of culture conditions influencing bacterial toxin production. The new functional cytotoxin quantitation method developed provides a valuable tool for studying toxigenic microorganisms and may also find applications in clinical and epidemiological research.  相似文献   

The production of p -cresol by Clostridium difficile on a variety of agar basal media was investigated using gas-liquid chromatography. None of the basal media studied supported the production of large amounts of p -cresol. The addition of 0–1% p -hydroxyphenylacetic acid to a basal medium stimulated the production of p -cresol. If detection of p -cresol is to be used for the presumptive identification of C1. difficile then the basal medium should be supplemented with p -hydroxyphenylacetic acid.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile Toxin B (TcdB) glucosylates low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins of the Rho subfamily and thereby causes actin re-organization (cell rounding). This "cytopathic effect" has been generally attributed to RhoA inactivation. Here we show that cells expressing non-glucosylatable Rac1-Q61L are protected from the cytopathic effect of TcdB. In contrast, cells expressing RhoA-Q63L or mock-transfected cells are fully susceptible for the cytopathic effect of TcdB. These findings are extended to the Rac1/RhoG mimic IpgB1 and the RhoA mimic IpgB2 from Shigella. Ectopic expression of IpgB1, but not IpgB2, counteracts the cytopathic effect of TcdB. These data strongly suggest that Rac1 rather than RhoA glucosylation is critical for the cytopathic effect of TcdB.  相似文献   

The action of Clostridium difficile toxins A and B depends on inactivation of host small G-proteins by glucosylation. Cellular inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) induces an autocatalytic cleavage of the toxins, releasing an N-terminal glucosyltransferase domain into the host cell cytosol. We have defined the cysteine protease domain (CPD) responsible for autoprocessing within toxin A (TcdA) and report the 1.6 Å x-ray crystal structure of the domain bound to InsP6. InsP6 is bound in a highly basic pocket that is separated from an unusual active site by a β-flap structure. Functional studies confirm an intramolecular mechanism of cleavage and highlight specific residues required for InsP6-induced TcdA processing. Analysis of the structural and functional data in the context of sequences from similar and diverse origins highlights a C-terminal extension and a π-cation interaction within the β-flap that appear to be unique among the large clostridial cytotoxins.Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive, spore-forming anaerobe that infects the colon and causes a range of disorders, including diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, and toxic megacolon (1, 2). Two large toxins, TcdA2 and TcdB (308 and 270 kDa, respectively) are recognized as the main virulence factors of C. difficile, although their relative importance is the subject of on-going study (3, 4). These proteins belong to a class of homologous toxins called large clostridial toxins (LCTs) and have been classified more broadly as AB toxins, wherein a B moiety is involved in the delivery of an enzymatic A moiety into the cytosol of a target cell. In LCTs, the A subunit is an N-terminal glucosyltransferase that inactivates small G-proteins, such as Rho, leading to cell rounding and apoptosis of the intoxicated cell (5, 6). The B subunit corresponds to the remainder of the toxin and is responsible for binding the target cell through a C-terminal receptor-binding domain (79) and forming the membrane pore needed for translocation of the A subunit (10, 11). Unlike other known AB toxins, the glucosyltransferase A domains of LCTs are released from the B subunits by an autoproteolytic cleavage event (12). Cleavage is triggered by host inositol phosphates and the reducing environment of the cytosol (12).In LCTs, autoproteolysis has been attributed to a cysteine protease activity located within the N-terminal region of the B subunit (13). This region was identified based on homology with the cysteine protease domain (CPD) found in the multifunctional autoprocessing repeats in toxins (MARTX) toxins from Gram-negative bacteria (14). Autoprocessing in the MARTX toxin from Vibrio cholera (VcRTx) is also stimulated by InsP6 (15). A recent crystal structure of VcRTx CPD bound to InsP6 suggests a novel mechanism of InsP6-induced allosteric activation (16). The CPDs of TcdA and VcRTx share only 19% sequence identity. To gain insight into the mechanistic commonalities between these entirely different toxins and to delineate the LCT-specific modes of InsP6-induced processing, we performed structural and functional analyses on the cysteine protease from TcdA.  相似文献   

A tryptone-salts medium for continuous growth and alpha toxin production of Clostridium perfringens type A in an adapted chemostat is described. In such steady-state cultures, fermentative and biochemical activity of C. perfringens remained unchanged. Toxigenic ability to produce alpha, theta, and nu toxins was preserved.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts of Clostridium botulinum 62A were prepared with the use of lysozyme. These spheroplasts were then exposed to ferritin-labeled type A antitoxin. Ultrathin sections of these specimens revealed the ferritin-labeled antibody symmetrically arranged around the outer spore coats but not within the spore cortex. The ferritin-labeled antibody was also observed in the bacterial cytoplasm. Here it was arranged in aggregates and strands, although it was not associated with any identifiable cell structure. Controls included sections of C. botulinum spheroplasts treated with a 1.5% solution of ferritin as well as spheroplasts of C. roseum and Bacillus subtilis treated with conjugated type A antitoxin or a 1.5% solution of ferritin. No intracellular or extracellular ferritin was demonstrable in these specimens.  相似文献   

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