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ABSTRACT To analyze chromosome inversions of Drosophila immigrans , wild flies were captured from large vineyards located in the suburbs of Yecheon and Gyeongsan from October 1999 to 2001. With the egg samples obtained singly at each of the 799 females of D. immigrans , cytological examinations were carried out for the type and frequency of inversions. Two types of different inversions were found only in the second chromosome. The inversions detected were known to be the cosmopolitan inversion "A" and "B". The mean frequency of inversion A was estimated to be 0.074 in Yecheon and 0.066 in Gyeongsan and that of B was to be 0.026 in Yecheon and 0.021 in Gyeongsan, respectively. In the frequency ratio, inversion A was significantly higher than that of B. The present populations of D. immigrans showed subtle differences from other Korean populations in inversion frequencies. To account for the local variations observed in inversion frequencies, several hypotheses are discussed such as founding event or selective force.  相似文献   

The natural and laboratory heritabilities of a series of parameters related to wing size and shape were estimated in a population of Drosophila gouveai (repleta group) under field and laboratory conditions. A morphometric analysis was done using 17 wing parameters related to wing landmark positions obtained using the method of the best adjustment of an ellipse to the wing edge. Three parameters (thetaA, thetaC and thetaD) showed highly significant heritability in the wild (average 0.61), whereas only wing size (W(SI)) had significant heritability in the laboratory (0.71). The additive genetic variance of most parameters was greater in the wild than in the laboratory. These results showed that some parameters possessed a substantial genetic additive component in their phenotypic variance, and that morphometric parameters of D. gouveai wings are appropriate quantitative markers for assessing morphological differentiation among populations.  相似文献   

Isofemale strains of Drosophila melanogaster were established from single inseminated females collected from populations along the east coast of Australia. Strains were tested for resistance to the organophosphorus insecticide diazinon at larval and/or adult stages of the life cycle. Considerable phenotypic variation was observed within and between population samples but there was no association between collection site of a sample and resistance status. Adult and larval resistance levels were uncorrelated. Resistance levels in adults were low (2-fold) and polygenically based. Larval resistance levels, due to single genes (or gene complexes) on chromosomes II and III, were significant (15-fold). Evidence indicates that the gene on chromosome II is Cyp6g1.  相似文献   

植物自然群体适应逆境的分子机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Recent advances in studies of genetic variation at protein and DNA levels in plant natural populations and its relationship with environmental changes were reviewed with special reference to the works on the wild barley ( Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch.). On one side, adaptation was shown in statistic data, on the other side, the fact that a considerable part of genetic variation does exist within populations (subpopulations) under same ecological condition indicated its maintainability of neutral or near-neutral mutations in natural populations. The researches on adaptive populations of plants, especially on wild soybean ( Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.) mainly conducted in author's laboratory, have shown that the most part of molecular variation within and among populations can not be explained by selection particularly as far as the individual uniqueness was concerned. There are some data shown that adaptation may be caused by accumulation of a few near-neutral mutations. Recent publications on molecular mechanisms of morphological evolution has been received special attention to elucidate the discrepancy between molecular evolution and morphological adaptive evolution. A frame on the unified evolution theory has been built. Finally some related viewpoints of philosophy were discussed.  相似文献   


In the absence of insemination or of a suitable oviposition site, Drosophila melanogaster females react with egg retention patterns which differ as to the position in the genital tract at which the mechanism operates (ovarioles for initial retention; uterus for oviposition blocking) and to physiological basis. A study of the first laboratory generation of isofemale lines, founded by using three different samples of wild flies collected the same year from a natural population, showed a significant genetic variability in initial egg retention by virgin females and in the capacity for oviposition blocking by mated flies reacting to an unfavorable oviposition site. Comparison of isofemale lines showed that these two adaptive behavior patterns also differ in their genetic determination. They are controlled, and therefore can react, independently to selection pressures resulting from seasonal variation in the natural environment.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1993,301(2):121-124
Previous screens for autosomal genes that are necessary to resistance to DNA cross-linking agents but not to monofunctional agents have produced 6 mutations; all of which fall within the third chromosomal gene mus308. In an effort to identify analogous sex-linked genes, a screen of mutagenized X-chromosomes has been conducted for mutations that confer hypersensitivity to nitrogen mustard. This search has identified a new locus, mus115, through the recovery of a mutant that is strongly hypersensitive to nitrogen mustard but marginally sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate.  相似文献   

Summary The three yolk proteins (YP1, YP2 and YP3) of Drosophila melanogaster are synthesised in the fat body and ovarian follicle cells and selectively accumulated in the developing oocytes to provide a nutrient source for embryogenesis. We have described the phenotype of a temperaturesensitive female-sterile mutant, fs(1) K313, and characterised its yolk proteins. This mutation affects the secretion of YP2 and is the first mutation affecting YP2 to be described. Using genetic and molecular tests we argue that the female-sterile phenotype results, at least in part, from the abnormal secretion of YP2 perturbing the follicle cell secretory pathway in general and thus causing defects in chorion protein secretion. The gene coding for YP2 in fs (1) K313 has been cloned and sequenced. Two amino acid substitutions have been found which probably cause the abnormal secretion of YP2 and the resulting female-sterile phenotype.  相似文献   

樱桃新害虫黑腹果蝇的生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭建明 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):743-745
果蝇是近几年发现危害樱桃果实的一类重要害虫,在国内外樱桃产区均有发生。天水地区危害甜樱桃的果蝇有3个种,分别是黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen、铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii(Matsumura)和海德氏果蝇Drosophila hydei(Sturtevant),黑腹果蝇为优势种。作者记述黑腹果蝇对甜樱桃果实的危害情况、寄主范围及其生活史、生活习性、发育历期与温度的关系等,调查发现蚂蚁是樱桃果蝇的天敌之一。  相似文献   

Osteoclast differentiation is one of the critical steps that control bone mass levels in osteoporosis, but the molecules involved in osteoclastogenesis are still incompletely understood. Here, we show that two-pore channel 2 (TPC2) is expressed in osteoclast precursor cells, and its knockdown (TPC2-KD) in these cells suppressed RANKL-induced key events including multinucleation, enhancement of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activities, and TRAP mRNA expression levels. With respect to intracellular signaling, TPC2-KD reduced the levels of the RANKL-induced dynamic waving of Ca2+ in RAW cells. The search for the target of TPC2 identified that nuclear localization of NFATc1 is retarded in TPC2-KD cells. Finally, TPC2-KD suppressed osteoclastic pit formation in cultures. We conclude that TPC2 is a novel critical molecule for osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   

Spectrin cytoskeleton defects produce a host of phenotypes affecting the plasma membrane, cell polarity, and secretory membrane traffic. However, many of the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unexplained by prevailing models. Here we used the larval fat body of Drosophila melanogaster as a genetic model system to further elucidate mechanisms of αβ-spectrin function. The results provide unexpected new insights into spectrin function as well as mechanisms of dietary fat uptake and storage. We show that loss of α- or β-spectrin in the fat body eliminated a population of small cortical lipid droplets and altered plasma membrane architecture, but did not affect viability of the organism. We present a novel model in which αβ-spectrin directly couples lipid uptake at the plasma membrane to lipid droplet growth in the cytoplasm. In contrast, strong overexpression of β-spectrin caused fat body atrophy and larval lethality. Overexpression of β-spectrin also perturbed transport of dietary fat from the midgut to the fat body. This hypermorphic phenotype appears to be the result of blocking secretion of the lipid carrier lipophorin from fat cells. However, this midgut phenotype was never seen with spectrin loss of function, suggesting that spectrin is not normally required for lipophorin secretion or function. The β-spectrin hypermorphic phenotype was ameliorated by co-overexpression of α-spectrin. Based on the overexpression results here, we propose that β-spectrin family members may be prone to hypermorphic effects (including effects on secretion) if their activity is not properly regulated.  相似文献   

The nonrecombining Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome is heterochromatic and has few genes. Despite these limitations, there remains ample opportunity for natural selection to act on the genes that are vital for male fertility and on Y factors that modulate gene expression elsewhere in the genome. Y chromosomes of many organisms have low levels of nucleotide variability, but a formal survey of D. melanogaster Y chromosome variation had yet to be performed. Here we surveyed Y-linked variation in six populations of D. melanogaster spread across the globe. We find surprisingly low levels of variability in African relative to Cosmopolitan (i.e., non-African) populations. While the low levels of Cosmopolitan Y chromosome polymorphism can be explained by the demographic histories of these populations, the staggeringly low polymorphism of African Y chromosomes cannot be explained by demographic history. An explanation that is entirely consistent with the data is that the Y chromosomes of Zimbabwe and Uganda populations have experienced recent selective sweeps. Interestingly, the Zimbabwe and Uganda Y chromosomes differ: in Zimbabwe, a European Y chromosome appears to have swept through the population.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the evolutionary response of wing area (a trait highly correlated with other measures of body size) to relative humidity (RH), temperature, and their interaction in Drosophila melanogaster , using replicated lines that had been allowed to evolve at low or high humidity at 18°C or at 25°C. We found that after 20 weeks of selection (5–10 generations), low RH lines had significantly greater wing areas than high RH lines in both sexes. This evolutionary response may have resulted from selection of larger flies with a smaller surface area for water loss relative to their weight, or as a correlated response to selection on some other unidentified trait. There were no evolutionary effects of temperature on wing area or cell density. This may have been due to the short duration of the selection experiment, and/or counteracting selection pressures on body size at warm temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Although laboratory studies demonstrate that cooling to ecologically relevant temperatures and/or at ecologically relevant rates induces rapid cold-hardening (RCH) in a variety of insects, little is known of the induction of RCH in nature. In the present study, caged Drosophila melanogaster (1–2 days posteclosion) from a colony established with flies collected locally are placed in a field setting (i.e. in approximately 4-cm deep leaf litter beneath an apple tree in Mount Pleasant, Michigan) during late afternoon (18.00 h EST; 05.00 h GMT). As the cage temperature falls from 22.1 ± 0.8 to 10.1 ± 0.1 °C between 18.00 and 06.00 h, the proportion of flies surviving a transfer to –6 °C for 1 h increases from 10.0 ± 6.2% to 68.1 ± 7.2%. When obtained from field cages, and then cooled from 23 °C at approximately 0.33 °C min−1, more female flies remain behaviourally responsive (clinging to surfaces, exhibiting an active righting response, and/or climbing) at temperatures of 8–12 °C (24.00 h samples) or 7–12 °C (06.00 h samples), than do those sampled from cages kept in an incubator (23 °C). Field cooling reduces chill coma temperature from 8.7 ± 0.2 °C at 06.00 h to 7.1 ± 0.2 °C at 24.00 h, and to 6.6 ± 0.2 °C at 06.00 h. These data demonstrate that, in a recently collected culture of D. melanogaster , natural changes in microenvironmental temperature induce RCH that can benefit the organism at temperatures encountered in nature.  相似文献   

Suitable alterations in gene expression are believed to allow animals to survive drastic changes in environmental conditions. Drosophila melanogaster larvae cease eating and exit moist food to search for dry pupation sites after the foraging stage in what is known as the wandering stage. Although the behavioral change from foraging to wandering causes desiccation stress, the mechanism by which Drosophila larvae protect themselves from desiccation remains obscure. Here, we identified a gene, CG14686 (designated as Desiccate (Desi)), whose expression was elevated during the wandering stage. The Desi expression level was reversibly decreased by transferring wandering larvae to wet conditions and increased again by transferring them to dry conditions. Elevation of Desi expression was also observed in foraging larvae when they were placed in dry conditions. Desi encoded a 261-amino acid single-pass transmembrane protein with notable motifs, such as SH2 and PDZ domain-binding motifs and a cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation motif, in the cytoplasmic region, and its expression was observed mainly in the epidermal cells of the larval integuments. Overexpression of Desi slightly increased the larval resistance to desiccation stress during the second instar. Furthermore, Desi RNAi larvae lost more weight under dry conditions, and subsequently, their mortalities significantly increased compared with control larvae. Under dry conditions, consumption of carbohydrate was much higher in Desi RNAi larvae than control larvae. Based on these results, it is reasonable to conclude that Desi contributes to the resistance of Drosophila larvae to desiccation stress.  相似文献   

No mariner-like elements (MLEs) have been described until now in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster despite many experiments using molecular methods. However, analyses of sequence data from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project show that there are DNA sequences corresponding to pieces of MLE in the genome of D. melanogaster. The sequences of these elements have diverged considerably (about 40%) from any other sequences observed elsewhere. Moreover, the putative amino acid sequences encoded by the best conserved regions reveal that these sequences are clearly homologous to MLEs transposase.  相似文献   

完整基因结构的预测是当前生命科学研究的一个重要基础课题,其中一个关键环节是剪接位点和各种可变剪接事件的精确识别.基于转录组测序(RNA-seq)数据,识别剪接位点和可变剪接事件是近几年随着新一代测序技术发展起来的新技术策略和方法.本工作基于黑腹果蝇睾丸RNA-seq数据,使用TopHat软件成功识别出39718个果蝇剪接位点,其中有10584个新剪接位点.同时,基于剪接位点的不同组合,针对各类型可变剪接特征开发出计算识别算法,成功识别了8477个可变剪接事件(其中新识别的可变剪接事件3922个),包括可变供体位点、可变受体位点、内含子保留和外显子缺失4种类型.RT-PCR实验验证了2个果蝇基因上新识别的可变剪接事件,发现了全新的剪接异构体.进一步表明,RNA-seq数据可有效应用于识别剪接位点和可变剪接事件,为深入揭示剪接机制及可变剪接生物学功能提供新思路和新手段.  相似文献   

The effects of sexual selection on population mean fitness are unclear and a subject of debate. Recent models propose that, because reproductive success may be condition dependent, much of the genome may be a target of sexual selection. Under this scenario, mutations that reduce health, and thus nonsexual fitness, may also be deleterious with respect to reproductive success, meaning that sexual selection may contribute to the purging of deleterious alleles. We tested this hypothesis directly by subjecting replicate Drosophila melanogaster populations to two treatments that altered the opportunity for sexual selection and then tracked changes in the frequency of six separate deleterious alleles with recessive and visible phenotypic effects. While natural selection acted to decrease the frequency of all six mutations, the addition of sexual selection did not aid in the purging of any of them, and for three of them appears to have hampered it. Courtship and mating have harmful effects in this species and mate choice assays showed that males directed more courtship and mating behavior toward wild-type over mutant females, providing a likely explanation for sexual selection's cost. Whether this cost extends to other mutations (e.g., those lacking visible phenotypic effects) is an important topic for future research.  相似文献   

wings apart (wap) is a recessive, semilethal gene located on the X chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster, which is required for normal wing-vein patterning. We show that the wap mutation also results in loss of the adult jump muscle. We use complementation mapping and gene-specific RNA interference to localize the wap locus to the proximal X chromosome. We identify the annotated gene CG14614 as the gene affected by the wap mutation, since one wap allele contains a non-sense mutation in CG14614, and a genomic fragment containing only CG14614 rescues the jump-muscle phenotypes of two wap mutant alleles. The wap gene lies centromere-proximal to touch-insensitive larva B and centromere-distal to CG14619, which is tentatively assigned as the gene affected in introverted mutants. In mutant wap animals, founder cell precursors for the jump muscle are specified early in development, but are later lost. Through tissue-specific knockdowns, we demonstrate that wap function is required in both the musculature and the nervous system for normal jump-muscle formation. wap/CG14614 is homologous to vertebrate wdr68, DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7, which also are expressed in neuromuscular tissues. Thus, our findings provide insight into mechanisms of neuromuscular development in higher animals and facilitate the understanding of neuromuscular diseases that may result from mis-expression of muscle-specific or neuron-specific genes.  相似文献   

Artificial selection was carried out on a deviant character of remnants of the anal papillae in pupae of Drosophila melanogaster, i. e. stretched (S) instead of the normal retracted (R) papillae. A chromosomal interchange between the R- and S-selection lines revealed the polygenic determination of the S-character. A comparison of lines with a different number of chromosomes of the S-line shows the importance of properties of the anal papillae for salt adaptation. By a comparison of populations obtained by artificial selection for anal papillae and by natural selection for salt adaptation we could analyse the significance of the deviant character under natural selection on media with increasing percentages of salt. Our results shows that taking into account only one character in natural selection is often a simplification. However, applying artificial selection on components of the phenotype contributing to the adaptation make an important contribution to the analysis of adaptive processes.  相似文献   

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