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The person-to-person transmission of the hepatitis A virus primarily occurs in enclosed spaces, particularly in the presence of inadequate hygiene conditions and a high proportion of susceptible individuals. Thus, intimate family contact stands out as a risk factor for HAV infection dissemination. The present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of household HAV transmission. Blood samples were collected from patients with hepatitis A (index cases) and their family members (contacts) that were referred to an ambulatory care clinic specializing in viral hepatitis. A total of 97 samples were collected from 30 families with a confirmed hepatitis A case (index case). Serological and molecular techniques for the diagnosis of hepatitis A were conducted on all samples. HAV infection (anti-HAV IgM + and/or HAV RNA +) was detected in 34.3% (23/67) of the contacts; 34.3% (23/67) of the contacts were immune to HAV, and 31.4% (21/67) were susceptible. In the household contacts, HAV immunity was significantly associated with older age; susceptibility to infection and HAV infection were associated with younger age. Household outbreaks were detected in 16/30 families studied. Co-circulation of subgenotypes IA and IB was found in the household outbreaks, and person-to-person transmission was evidenced in six of the household outbreaks, with 100% homology between the index case and contact strains. The results demonstrated the relevance of HAV household transmission, reaffirming the need for hepatitis A vaccine administration in susceptible contacts and effective infection control procedures to prevent the extension of household outbreaks.  相似文献   

After intraperitoneal inoculation with a high-virulent mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) a significant difference was seen in survival time between DDD and CDF1 (BALB/c × DDD) mice, while 50% lethal doses were not significantly different. With 3 × 103 PFU of the virus CDF1 and DDD mice died in 45 and 120 hr, respectively, on the average. This difference of susceptibility between DDD and CDF1 mice was first demonstrable at the age of 1 week and was more pronounced at the age of 4 weeks but showed no dependence on the sex. Virus titers ran 2 to 3 log higher in the liver and blood of CDF1 than in those of DDD mice, while being only 1 log higher in the spleen. At an early stage of infection viral antigen was demonstrable by immunofluorescence in sinusoidal lining cells of the liver more prominently in CDF1 than in DDD mice. Interferon production occurring in parallel with virus growth was significantly higher in CDF1 than in DDD mice. In DDD mice, liver lesions were rather focal with some accumulation of round cells, while they were confluent with poor cellular response in CDF1 mice. Viral growth in cultured peritoneal macrophages from CDF1 mice was 1 log higher than in those from DDD mice. The results suggest that the divergence in response to MHV among susceptible mice greatly depends upon the susceptibility of macrophages and reticuloendothelial cells which constitute primary targets of the virus.  相似文献   

The influence of viral factors on the severity of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related liver disease is controversial. We studied 68 liver transplant patients with recurrent hepatitis C, of whom 53 were infected by genotype 1 strains. Relationships between core sequences, serum HCV RNA levels, and fibrosis scores for each patient were analyzed in pairwise fashion 5 years after transplantation. We used Mantel's test, a matrix correlation method, to evaluate the correspondence between measured genetic distances and observed phenotypic differences. No clear relationship was found when all 68 patients were analyzed. In contrast, when the 53 patients infected by genotype 1 strains were analyzed, a strong positive relationship was found between genetic distance and differences in 5-year fibrosis scores (P = 0.001) and differences in virus load (P = 0.009). In other words, the smaller the genetic distance between two patients' viral core sequences, the smaller the difference between the two patients' fibrosis scores and viral replication levels. No relationship was found between genetic distance and differences in age, sex, or immunosuppression. In multivariate analysis, the degree of fibrosis was negatively related to the virus load (r = -0.68; P = 0.003). In the particular setting of liver transplantation, and among strains with closely related phylogenetic backgrounds (genotype 1), this study points to a correlation between the HCV genetic sequence and the variability of disease expression.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates from two 2006 outbreaks were compared to other O157:H7 isolates for virulence genotype, biofilm formation, and stress responses. Spinach- and lettuce-related-outbreak strains had similar pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns, and all carried both stx2 and stx2c variant genes. Cooperative biofilm formation involving an E. coli O157:H7 strain and a non-O157:H7 strain was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Among food-borne pathogens, some strains could be resistant to hydrostatic pressure treatment. This information is necessary to establish processing parameters to ensure safety of pressure-pasteurized foods (N. Kalchayanand, A. Sikes, C. P. Dunne, and B. Ray, J. Food Prot. 61:425–431, 1998). We studied variation in pressure resistance among strains of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Salmonella species at two temperatures of pressurization. Early-stationary-phase cells in 1% peptone solution were pressurized at 345 MPa either for 5 min at 25°C or for 5, 10, or 15 min at 50°C. The viability loss (in log cycles) following pressurization at 25°C ranged from 0.9 to 3.5 among nine L. monocytogenes strains, 0.7 to 7.8 among seven S. aureus strains, 2.8 to 5.6 among six E. coli O157:H7 strains, and 5.5 to 8.3 among six Salmonella strains. The results show that at 25°C some strains of each species are more resistant to pressure than the others. However, when one resistant and one sensitive strain from each species were pressurized at 345 MPa and 50°C, the population of all except the resistant S. aureus strain was reduced by more than 8 log cycles within 5 min. Viability loss of the resistant S. aureus strain was 6.3 log cycles even after 15 min of pressurization. This shows that strains of food-borne pathogens differ in resistance to hydrostatic pressure (345 MPa) at 25°C, but this difference is greatly reduced at 50°C. Pressurization at 50°C, in place of 25°C, will ensure greater safety of foods.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy-seven former heroin addicts, consisting of 85 who were newly admitted to a methadone maintenance program and 92 who had received methadone for a mean period of 30 months, were prospectively studied for up to 2 years in order to determine: (1) the effect of heroin withdrawal on the hepatic abnormalities, and (2) the incidence of HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HCc as indices of the frequency of hepatitis B virus infection. Our study indicates that (1) hepatic abnormalities persist when heroin is discontinued and are not temporally related to drug and/or needle usage, and (2) that 71% of subjects had either HBsAg or anti-HBs; anti-HBc was tested for in 16 patients and was present in 100%, although 9 of the 16 were both HBsAg- and anti-HBs-negative. This study suggests that hepatitis B is largely responsible for the liver dysfunction. It is proposed that an abnormality in immune function, induced by heroin, is responsible for the high incidence of chronic hepatitis. Attention is drawn to the similarity between former drug addicts and hemophiliacs, since both develop chronic hepatitis in spite of anti-HBs in the serum.  相似文献   

Cereulide-producing Bacillus cereus can cause an emetic type of food-borne disease that mimics the symptoms provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. Based on the recently discovered genetic background for cereulide formation, a novel 5′ nuclease (TaqMan) real-time PCR assay was developed to provide a rapid and sensitive method for the specific detection of emetic B. cereus in food. The TaqMan assay includes an internal amplification control and primers and a probe designed to target a highly specific part of the cereulide synthetase genes. Additionally, a specific SYBR green I assay was developed and extended to create a duplex SYBR green I assay for the one-step identification and discrimination of the two emesis-causing food pathogens B. cereus and S. aureus. The inclusivity and exclusivity of the assay were assessed using a panel of 100 strains, including 23 emetic B. cereus and 14 S. aureus strains. Different methods for DNA isolation from artificially contaminated foods were evaluated, and established real-time assays were used to analyze two recent emetic food poisonings in southern Germany. One of the food-borne outbreaks included 17 children visiting a day care center who vomited after consuming a reheated rice dish, collapsed, and were hospitalized; the other case concerned a single food-poisoning incident occurring after consumption of cauliflower. Within 2 h, the etiological agent of these food poisonings was identified as emetic B. cereus by using the real-time PCR assay.  相似文献   

Hyperimmune antisera against four Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus strains, ThCMAr4492 and ThCMAr6793 from Thailand and Nakayama and JaGAr01 from Japan, were used to analyze the antigenic relationships among 12 Thai strains belonging to genotype 1, and two Japanese strains and one Chinese strain belonging to genotype 3. The antiserum for ThCMAr6793 significantly neutralized nine of the 12 Thai strains, none of which was significantly neutralized by antisera for the Nakayama and JaGAr01 strains. The antiserum for ThCMAr4492 neutralized only its homologous strain; therefore, ThCMAr4492 was antigenically different from all other strains. Two Thai strains (Subin and KE-093/83) were significantly less neutralized by all four of the antisera tested. In the deduced amino-acid sequence of the E protein, the 12 Thai strains revealed 100 to 98.2% identity among them and 90.0 to 98.8% identity with the published strains, respectively. Among significant amino-acid substitutions, three residues at positions E-222, E-327 and E-366 were shared by all of the Thai strains, whereas residues at E-89, E-123, E-131, E-178, E-293, E-351 and E-373 seemed to be strain-specific. The amino acids at positions E-178, E-327, E-351, E-373 and E-366 are found either in the peptides with functional T-helper cell epitopes or in the ectodomain of the E protein of other flaviviruses. These amino acids may therefore be responsible for determining the antigenic heterogeneity of these strains.  相似文献   

Genetic relatedness among 85 Lansium domesticum Corr. accessionsfrom Peninsular Malaysia were investigated using random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Ten primers were used for amplificationand yielded a total of 113 bands, of which 107 were polymorphic.Homology tests showed that the RAPD bands used in the studysatisfy assumptions of homology and non-allelic behaviour. Adendrogram showing genetic similarities among accessions wasconstructed based on the 107 polymorphic bands using UPGMA clusteranalysis. Jaccard similarity coefficients ranged from 0.25 to1.00 among accessions indicating a diverse genepool in the speciesindicative of different species parentage. The dendrogram separatedthe 85 accessions into three main clusters, one comprising 56accessions which possess thin-skinned fruit (mostly Dokong andLangsat), while the second has 28 accessions (mostly Duku-langsat,Duku Terengganu and Duku Johor) with thick fruit skin and thethird comprising only one accession, namely Duku hutan. Thus,RAPD analysis was a useful tool for determining the geneticrelatedness among accessions and identifying different typesof L. domesticum. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Lansium domesticum, genetic relatedness, RAPD markers, cluster analysis  相似文献   

Genetic Relatedness Studies with Adenovirus-associated Viruses   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Adenovirus-associated viruses (AAV) contain double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA from each of the four AAV serotypes was used as template for the in vitro synthesis of complementary (3)H-ribonucleic acids(RNA). An estimation of genetic interrelatedness was made on the basis of hybridization reactions between synthetic AAV RNA and AAV DNA. Heterologous reactions were 27 to 37% of homologous reactions, suggesting that the AAV serotypes are related to about the same extent. AAV-1 synthetic RNA was also reacted with DNA from helper adenovirus types 2, 7, and SV15. Very low levels of RNA binding were observed, but it is not likely that these reactions represent AAV-adenovirus genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

Most persons infected with enterically transmitted viruses shed large amounts of virus in feces for days or weeks, both before and after onset of symptoms. Therefore, viruses causing gastroenteritis may be detected in wastewater, even if only a few persons are infected. In this study, the presence of eight pathogenic viruses (norovirus, astrovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, Aichi virus, parechovirus, hepatitis A virus [HAV], and hepatitis E virus) was investigated in sewage to explore whether their identification could be used as an early warning of outbreaks. Samples of the untreated sewage were collected in proportion to flow at Ryaverket, Gothenburg, Sweden. Daily samples collected during every second week between January and May 2013 were pooled and analyzed for detection of viruses by concentration through adsorption to milk proteins and PCR. The largest amount of noroviruses was detected in sewage 2 to 3 weeks before most patients were diagnosed with this infection in Gothenburg. The other viruses were detected at lower levels. HAV was detected between weeks 5 and 13, and partial sequencing of the structural VP1protein identified three different strains. Two strains were involved in an ongoing outbreak in Scandinavia and were also identified in samples from patients with acute hepatitis A in Gothenburg during spring of 2013. The third strain was unique and was not detected in any patient sample. The method used may thus be a tool to detect incipient outbreaks of these viruses and provide early warning before the causative pathogens have been recognized in health care.  相似文献   

中国五省市甲型肝炎病毒基因分型的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了解甲型肝炎(甲肝)病毒(HAV)在中国几个城市的基因型分布,选择浙江杭州、江苏启东、安徽铜陵、云南昆明和上海市等的甲肝病人粪便标本或血清标本,以逆转录-套式聚合酶链反应(RT-nPCR)扩增合成HAV VP1/2A交接区基因区,并进行直接核苷酸序列分析和差异比较。结果表明,从这些城市甲肝病人分离到的17株HAV株均属基因Ⅰ型,为IA和IB亚型;所有HAV株间核苷酸差异均小于15%,但约50%H  相似文献   

Variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis was used for high-resolution discrimination among Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype IIB sequevar 1 (PIIB-1) isolates and further evaluated for use in source tracing. Five tandem-repeat-containing loci (comprising six tandem repeats) discriminated 17 different VNTR profiles among 75 isolates from potato, geranium, bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara), tomato, and the environment. R. solanacearum isolates from crops at three unrelated outbreak sites where river water had been used for irrigation had distinct VNTR profiles that were shared with PIIB-1 isolates from infected bittersweet growing upriver of each site. The VNTR profiling results supported the implication that the source of R. solanacearum at each outbreak was contaminated river water. Analysis of 51 isolates from bittersweet growing in river water at different locations provided a means to evaluate the technique for studying the epidemiology of the pathogen in the environment. Ten different VNTR profiles were identified among bittersweet PIIB-1 isolates from the River Thames. Repeated findings of contiguous river stretches that produced isolates that shared single VNTR profiles supported the hypothesis that the pathogen had disseminated from infected bittersweet plants located upriver. VNTR profiles shared between bittersweet isolates from two widely separated Thames tributaries (River Ray and River Colne) suggested they were independently contaminated with the same clonal type. Some bittersweet isolates had VNTR profiles that were shared with potato isolates collected outside the United Kingdom. It was concluded that VNTR profiling could contribute to further understanding of R. solanacearum epidemiology and assist in control of future disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

The International Haplotype Map Project (HapMap) has provided an essential database for studies of human population genetics and genome-wide association. Phases I and II of the HapMap project generated genotype data across ∼3 million SNP loci in 270 individuals representing four populations. Phase III provides dense genotype data on ∼1.5 million SNPs, generated by Illumina and Affymetrix platforms in a larger set of individuals. Release 3 of phase III of the HapMap contains 1397 individuals from 11 populations, including 250 of the original 270 phase I and phase II individuals and 1147 additional individuals. Although some known relationships among the phase III individuals have been described in the data release, the genotype data that are currently available provide an opportunity to empirically ascertain previously unknown relationships. We performed a systematic analysis of genetic relatedness and were able not only to confirm the reported relationships, but also to detect numerous additional, previously unidentified pairs of close relatives in the HapMap sample. The inferred relative pairs make it possible to propose standardized subsets of unrelated individuals for use in future studies in which relatedness needs to be clearly defined.  相似文献   

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