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Adiponectin has been shown to have a role in insulin resistance. However, little is known about the contribution of genetic variation in the adiponectin receptor 1 gene (ADIPOR1) in this regard. We hypothesized that variation in ADIPOR1 would be associated with significant changes in insulin resistance and tested this hypothesis in a cohort of 483 African-American adolescents. Seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of ADIPOR1 spanning from the promoter to the 3'-untranslated region were genotyped. We analyzed single SNPs and haplotypes for associations with insulin resistance [homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)] in the full cohort as well as lean (BMI < 85%) and non-lean (BMI >or= 85%) subsets. There was no evidence of ADIPOR1 variant effects on HOMA-IR in the full cohort or in the lean subset. However, in the non-lean subset, SNP +5843 (A allele), and haplotypes including SNPs -8505/-5692/+3002/+5843 (ATTA and AGTG) showed significant associations with decreased HOMA-IR after adjustment for sex, puberty, adiponectin, and waist z-score. Our findings suggest not only that ADIPOR1 variants influence insulin resistance in the presence of adiposity, but also that these variants and haplotypes are protective in African Americans.  相似文献   

Now diabetes is growing to be a health problems globally. However, its specific pathogenesis still needs further exploration. Here we showed that miR-15b was upregulated in the palmitate-induced HepG2 cells and livers of hyperglycemic mice. At the same time, we confirmed that the insulin receptor was a direct target of miR-15b. Then we found that the manipulation of miR-15b expression level could affect the insulin signaling pathway of HepG2 cells and the inhibition of miR-15b in liver of ob/ob mice can improve insulin sensitivity of mice. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that palmitate could upregulate the expression of miR-15b by activating PPARα. Our findings established PPARα-responsive miR-15b as a critical regulator of hepatic insulin signaling, thus serving as a new potential therapeutic target for diabetes.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids are known to play a key role in promoting loss of insulin sensitivity, thereby causing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. However, the underlying mechanism involved is still unclear. In searching for the cause of the mechanism, it has been found that palmitate inhibits insulin receptor (IR) gene expression, leading to a reduced amount of IR protein in insulin target cells. PDK1-independent phosphorylation of PKCε causes this reduction in insulin receptor gene expression. One of the pathways through which fatty acid can induce insulin resistance in insulin target cells is suggested by these studies. We provide an overview of this important area, emphasizing the current status.  相似文献   

The endocannabinoid system can modulate energy homeostasis by regulating feeding behaviour as well as peripheral energy storage and utilization. Importantly, many of its metabolic actions are mediated through the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R), whose hyperactivation is associated with obesity and impaired metabolic function. Herein, we explored the effects of administering rimonabant, a selective CB1R inverse agonist, upon key metabolic parameters in young (4 month old) and aged (17 month old) adult male C57BL/6 mice. Daily treatment with rimonabant for 14 days transiently reduced food intake in young and aged mice; however, the anorectic response was more profound in aged animals, coinciding with a substantive loss in body fat mass. Notably, reduced insulin sensitivity in aged skeletal muscle and liver concurred with increased CB1R mRNA abundance. Strikingly, rimonabant was shown to improve glucose tolerance and enhance skeletal muscle and liver insulin sensitivity in aged, but not young, adult mice. Moreover, rimonabant‐mediated insulin sensitization in aged adipose tissue coincided with amelioration of low‐grade inflammation and repressed lipogenic gene expression. Collectively, our findings indicate a key role for CB1R in aging‐related insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction and highlight CB1R blockade as a potential strategy for combating metabolic disorders associated with aging.  相似文献   

We immunized mice with insulin and found that those strains that develop insulin antibodies subsequently produce insulin-like activity in amount equivalent to 300–400 ng insulin per ml serum. The activity was due exclusively to IgG2 antibodies. Bioactivity could be blocked efficiently by insulin antibodies from guinea pigs and from mice. The active IgG2 also displaced labeled insulin from fat cells. Preliminary in vivo studies have indicated that the appearance of insulin-like antibodies in the mouse resulted in abnormal glucose homeostasis and “down regulation” of insulin receptors. These results indicate that immunization to insulin can initiate an idiotype-anti-idiotype network resulting in antibodies to the hormone receptor.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor (IR) is an important hub in insulin signaling and its activation is tightly regulated. Upon insulin stimulation, IR is activated through autophosphorylation, and consequently phosphorylates several insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins, including IRS1-6, Shc and Gab1. Certain adipokines have also been found to activate IR. On the contrary, PTP, Grb and SOCS proteins, which are responsible for the negative regulation of IR, are characterized as IR inhibitors. Additionally, many other proteins have been identified as IR substrates and participate in the insulin signaling pathway. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of the signals mediated through IR, we reviewed the upstream and downstream signal molecules of IR, summarized the positive and negative modulators of IR, and discussed the IR substrates and interacting adaptor proteins. We propose that the molecular events associated with IR should be integrated to obtain a better understanding of the insulin signaling pathway and diabetes.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains (lipid rafts) are now recognized as criticalfor proper compartmentalization of insulin signaling, but theirrole in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance has not beeninvestigated. Detergent-resistant membrane microdomains (DRMs),isolated in the low-density fractions, are highly enriched incholesterol, glycosphingolipids and various signaling molecules.Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) induces insulin resistancein type 2 diabetes, but its mechanism of action is not fullyunderstood. In other studies we have found a selective increasein the acidic glycosphingolipid ganglioside GM3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytestreated with TNF, suggesting a specific function for GM3. Inthe DRMs from TNF-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes, GM3 levels weredoubled compared with results in normal adipocytes. Additionally,insulin receptor (IR) accumulations in the DRMs were diminished,whereas caveolin and flotillin levels were unchanged. Furthermore,insulin-dependent IR internalization and intracellular movementof the IR substrate 1(IRS-1) were both greatly suppressed inthe treated cells, leading to an uncoupling of IR–IRS-1signaling. GM3 depletion was able to counteract the TNF-inducedinhibitions of IR internalization and accumulation into DRMs.Together, these findings provide compelling evidence that ininsulin resistance the insulin metabolic signaling defect canbe attributed to a loss of IRs in the microdomains due to anaccumulation of GM3.  相似文献   

Chan CB  Liu X  He K  Qi Q  Jung DY  Kim JK  Ye K 《EMBO reports》2011,12(8):847-854
Dysfunction of hepatic insulin receptor tyrosine kinase (IRTK) causes the development of type 2 diabetes. However, the molecular mechanism regulating IRTK activity in the liver remains poorly understood. Here, we show that phosphoinositide 3-kinase enhancer A (PIKE-A) is a new insulin-dependent enhancer of hepatic IRTK. Liver-specific Pike-knockout (LPKO) mice display glucose intolerance with impaired hepatic insulin sensitivity. Specifically, insulin-provoked phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt signalling is diminished in the liver of LPKO mice, leading to the failure of insulin-suppressed gluconeogenesis and hyperglycaemia. Thus, hepatic PIKE-A has a key role in mediating insulin signal transduction and regulating glucose homeostasis in the liver.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) appears to be a significant risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD). Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) also have intense effects in the central nervous system (CNS), regulating key processes such as neuronal survival and longevity, as well as learning and memory. Hyperglycaemia induces increased peripheral utilization of insulin, resulting in reduced insulin transport into the brain. Whereas the density of brain insulin receptor decreases during age, IGF-1 receptor increases, suggesting that specific insulin-mediated signals is involved in aging and possibly in cognitive decline. Molecular mechanisms that protect CNS neurons against β-amyloid-derived-diffusible ligands (ADDL), responsible for synaptic deterioration underlying AD memory failure, have been identified. The protection mechanism does not involve simple competition between ADDLs and insulin, but rather it is signalling dependent down-regulation of ADDL-binding sites. Defective insulin signalling make neurons energy deficient and vulnerable to oxidizing or other metabolic insults and impairs synaptic plasticity. In fact, destruction of mitochondria, by oxidation of a dynamic-like transporter protein, may cause synapse loss in AD. Moreover, interaction between Aβ and τ proteins could be cause of neuronal loss. Hyperinsulinaemia as well as complete lack of insulin result in increased τ phosphorylation, leading to an imbalance of insulin-regulated τ kinases and phosphatates. However, amyloid peptides accumulation is currently seen as a key step in the pathogenesis of AD. Inflammation interacts with processing and deposit of β-amyloid. Chronic hyperinsulinemia may exacerbate inflammatory responses and increase markers of oxidative stress. In addition, insulin appears to act as 'neuromodulator', influencing release and reuptake of neurotransmitters, and improving learning and memory. Thus, experimental and clinical evidence show that insulin action influences cerebral functions. In this paper, we reviewed several mechanisms by which insulin may affect pathophysiology in AD.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase is due to autophosphorylation of tyrosines 1146, 1150 and 1151 within a putative autoinhibitory domain. A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 1134–1162, with tyrosines substituted by alanine or phenylalanine, of the insulin receptor subunit was tested for its inhibitory potency and specificity towards the tyrosine kinase activity. This synthetic peptide gave inhibition of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the exogenous substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) with an approximate IC50 of 100 M. Inhibition appeared to be independent of the concentrations of insulin or the substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) but was decreased by increasing concentrations of ATP. This same peptide also inhibited the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase but not a serine/threonine protein kinase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that this autophosphorylation domain contains an autoinhibitory sequence. (Mol Cell Biochem120: 103–110, 1993)Abbreviations IR Insulin Receptor - SDS/PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - CaM Calmodulin - HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-Piperazineethane-Sulfonic Acid - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle' Medium - PMSF Phenylmethyl-Sulfonyl Fluoride - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - PKC Protein Kinase C - PKI Inhibitory Peptide for cAMP-Kinase - CaMK II Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II - CaN A A Subunit of Calcineurin  相似文献   

Inhibition of P300 acetyltransferase activity by specific inhibitor C646 has been shown to improve insulin signaling. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of this improvement remains unclear. In this study, we analyzed P300 levels of obese patients and found that they were significantly increased in liver hepatocytes. In addition, large amounts of P300 appeared in the cytoplasm. Inhibition of P300 acetyltransferase activity by C646 drastically increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor protein substrates (IRS1/2) without affecting the tyrosine phosphorylation of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor (IRβ) in hepatocytes in the absence of insulin. Since IRS1/2 requires membrane translocation and binding to inositol compounds for normal functions, we also examined the role of acetylation on binding to phosphatidylinositol(4,5)P2 and found that IRS1/2 acetylation by P300 reduced this binding. In contrast, we show that inhibition of IRS1/2 acetylation by C646 facilitates IRS1/2 membrane translocation. Intriguingly, we demonstrate that C646 activates IRβ′s tyrosine kinase activity and directly promotes IRβ interaction with IRS1/2, leading to the tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS1/2 and subsequent activation of insulin signaling even in the absence of insulin. In conclusion, these data reveal the unique effects of C646 in activating insulin signaling in patients with obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   

Seven regions of the subunit of human insulin receptor (HIR) were synthesized and examined for their ability to bind radioiodinated insulin. A peptide representing one of these regions (namely, residues 655–670) exhibited a specific binding activity for insulin. In quantitative radiometric titrations, the binding curves of125I-labeled insulin to adsorbents of peptide 655–670 and of purified placental membrane were similar or superimposable. The binding of radioiodinated insulin to peptide or to membrane adsorbents was completely inhibited by unlabeled insulin, and the inhibition curves indicated that the peptide and the membrane on the adsorbents had similar affinities. Synthetic peptides that were shorter (peptide 661–670) or longer (peptide 651–670) than the region 655–670 exhibited lower insulin-binding activity. It was concluded that an insulin-binding region in the HIR subunit resides within residues 655–670. The results do not rule out the possibility that other regions of the subunit may also participate in binding of HIR to insulin, with the region described here forming a face within a larger binding site.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance induced by high‐fat diet and impropriate life style is a major contributor to the pathogenesis of metabolic disease. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Recent studies in metabolic dysfunction have extended this beyond simply elevated cholesterol and triglycerides levels and have identified a key role for lipid metabolism. For example, altered phospholipid metabolism has now become central in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease. In this review, we discuss the association between insulin sensitivity and phospholipid metabolism and highlight the most significant discoveries generated over the last several decades. Finally, we summarize the current knowledge surrounding the molecular mechanisms related to phospholipids and insulin resistance and provide new insight for future research into their relationship.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitor (PI) therapy for the treatment of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus is frequently associated with insulin resistance and diabetic complications. These adverse effects of PI treatment result to a large extent from their inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Insulin receptor (IR) activators that enhance the insulin signaling pathway could be effective in treating this resistance. However, there are no agents reported that reverse inhibition of insulin action by PIs. Herein, we describe the effects of TLK19781. This compound is a non-peptide, small molecule, activator of the IR. We now report in cultured cells, made insulin resistant HIV by PI treatment, that TLK19781 both increased the content of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 at the plasma membrane, and enhanced insulin-stimulated glucose transport. In addition, oral administration of TLK19781 with the PI, indinavir improved glucose tolerance in rats made insulin resistant. These results suggest, therefore, that IR activators such as TLK19781 may be useful in treating the insulin resistance associated with PIs.  相似文献   

Here we report the presence of hyperphagia, obesity and insulin resistance in knockout mice deficient in IL-18 or IL-18 receptor, and in mice transgenic for expression of IL-18 binding protein. Obesity of Il18-/- mice resulted from accumulation of fat tissue based on increased food intake. Il18-/- mice also had hyperinsulinemia, consistent with insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance was secondary to obesity induced by increased food intake and occurred at the liver level as well as at the muscle and fat-tissue level. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the hepatic insulin resistance in the Il18-/- mice involved an enhanced expression of genes associated with gluconeogenesis in the liver of Il18-/- mice, resulting from defective phosphorylation of STAT3. Recombinant IL-18 (rIL-18) administered intracerebrally inhibited food intake. In addition, rIL-18 reversed hyperglycemia in Il18-/- mice through activation of STAT3 phosphorylation. These findings indicate a new role of IL-18 in the homeostasis of energy intake and insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is linked to impaired cell metabolism and survival in the peripheral tissues, as well as increased oxidative stress and activated inflammatory responses. Chronic High fat diet insulin resistant to exposure results in liver damage, impaired glucose homeostasis, hyperinsulinemia, late pancreatic-cell failure to generate insulin due to cell exhaustion, and subsequent hyperglycaemia, all of which are hallmarks of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Therefore, it is of intrest to document a short review on the impact of a high-fat diet with insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence reveals that physical exercise is an efficient therapeutical approach in the treatment of insulin resistance (IR) and related metabolic diseases. However, the potential beneficial effects of exercise on insulin resistance and its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Recent findings elucidated the negative role of ASK1 in repressing the glucose uptake through JNK1-IRS1-Akt signalling in liver. Thus, a detailed investigation of the effect of ASK1-mediated insulin signalling on exercise-mediated improvement of insulin sensitivity and its underlying mechanism was implemented in this study. Using a high-fat diet-induced IR rat model of chronic or acute swimming exercise training, we here showed that body weight and visceral fat mass were significantly reduced after chronic exercise. Moreover, chronic exercise reduced serum FFAs levels and hepatic triglyceride content. Both chronic and acute exercise promoted glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Meanwhile, both chronic and acute exercise decreased ASK1 phosphorylation and improved JNK1-IRS1-Akt signalling. Furthermore, exercise training decreased CFLAR, CREG and TRAF1 protein levels in liver of obese rats, which are positive regulator of ASK1 activity. These results suggested that swimming exercise demonstrated to be an effective ameliorator of IR through the regulation of ASK1-mediated insulin signalling and therefore, could present a prospective therapeutic mean towards the treatment of IR and several metabolic diseases based on IR, containing NAFLD and type Ⅱ diabetes.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor (IR) gene expression at the mRNA level was investigated in hindlimb skeletal muscle, epididymal adipose tissue and in the liver of rats exposed to prolonged in vivo administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA). Following treatment, plasma insulin levels were reduced while glucose levels increased compared to values in control rats. DOCA-treated animals showed an increase in blood pressure and a reduction in body weight. This treatment also induced hypokalemia and decreased plasma protein levels. Sodium levels were unaffected. Moreover, no differences in DNA and protein content or in the indicator of cell size (protein/DNA) were observed in the skeletal muscle or adipose tissue of animals. In contrast, there was a clear increase in the protein and DNA contents of the liver with no change in the indicator of cell size. Northern blot assays revealed 2 major IR mRNA species of approximately 9.5 and 7.5 Kb in the 3 tissues from control animals. DOCA treatment induced no change in the levels of either RNA species in skeletal muscle. However, a decrease of approximately 22% was detected in the levels of both species in adipose tissue whereas the liver showed an increase of 64%. These results provide the first evidence for an in vivo tissue-specific modulation of IR mRNA levels under experimental conditions of mineralocorticoid excess.  相似文献   

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