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Cak1 Is Required for Kin28 Phosphorylation and Activation In Vivo   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Complete activation of most cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) requires phosphorylation by the CDK-activating kinase (CAK). In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the major CAK is a 44-kDa protein kinase known as Cak1. Cak1 is required for the phosphorylation and activation of Cdc28, a major CDK involved in cell cycle control. We addressed the possibility that Cak1 is also required for the activation of other yeast CDKs, such as Kin28, Pho85, and Srb10. We generated three new temperature-sensitive cak1 mutant strains, which arrested at the restrictive temperature with nonuniform budding morphology. All three cak1 mutants displayed significant synthetic interactions with loss-of-function mutations in CDC28 and KIN28. Loss of Cak1 function reduced the phosphorylation and activity of both Cdc28 and Kin28 but did not affect the activity of Pho85 or Srb10. In the presence of the Kin28 regulatory subunits Ccl1 and Tfb3, Kin28 was phosphorylated and activated when coexpressed with Cak1 in insect cells. We conclude that Cak1 is required for the activating phosphorylation of Kin28 as well as that of Cdc28.  相似文献   

Upon apoptotic stimuli, epithelial cells compensate the gaps left by dead cells by activating proliferation. This has led to the proposal that dying cells signal to surrounding living cells to maintain homeostasis. Although the nature of these signals is not clear, reactive oxygen species (ROS) could act as a signaling mechanism as they can trigger pro-inflammatory responses to protect epithelia from environmental insults. Whether ROS emerge from dead cells and what is the genetic response triggered by ROS is pivotal to understand regeneration of Drosophila imaginal discs. We genetically induced cell death in wing imaginal discs, monitored the production of ROS and analyzed the signals required for repair. We found that cell death generates a burst of ROS that propagate to the nearby surviving cells. Propagated ROS activate p38 and induce tolerable levels of JNK. The activation of JNK and p38 results in the expression of the cytokines Unpaired (Upd), which triggers the JAK/STAT signaling pathway required for regeneration. Our findings demonstrate that this ROS/JNK/p38/Upd stress responsive module restores tissue homeostasis. This module is not only activated after cell death induction but also after physical damage and reveals one of the earliest responses for imaginal disc regeneration.  相似文献   

Mammalian Notch receptors require modification by fucose on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats of their extracellular domain to respond optimally to signal induction by canonical Notch ligands. Inactivation of the Golgi GDP-fucose transporter Slc35c1 in mouse or human does not cause marked defects in Notch signaling during development, and shows milder fucosylation defects than those observed in mice unable to synthesize GDP-fucose, indicating the existence of another mechanism for GDP-fucose transport into the secretory pathway. We show here that fibroblasts from mice or humans lacking Slc35c1 exhibit robust Notch signaling in co-culture signaling assays. A potential candidate for a second GDP-fucose transporter is the related gene Slc35c2. Overexpression of Slc35c2 reduces expression of the fucosylated epitopes Lewis X and sialylated Lewis X in CHO cells, indicating competition with Slc35c1. The fucosylation of a Notch1 EGF repeat fragment that occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum was increased in CHO transfectants overexpressing Slc35c2. In CHO cells with low levels of Slc35c2, both Delta1- and Jagged1-induced Notch signaling were reduced, and the fucosylation of a Notch1 fragment was also decreased. Immunofluorescence microscopy of rat intestinal epithelial cells and HeLa cells, and analysis of rat liver membrane fractions showed that Slc35c2 is primarily colocalized with markers of the cis-Golgi network and endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC). The combined results suggest that Slc35c2 is either a GDP-fucose transporter that competes with Slc35c1 for GDP-fucose, or a factor that otherwise enhances the fucosylation of Notch and is required for optimal Notch signaling in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

In Vivo Inactivation of Lysozyme by Ozone   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Bronchial mucus contains large quantities of the antibacterial enzyme lysozyme. Acutely exposing mice or rabbits to ozone reduced the amount of active lysozyme obtainable by bronchopulmonary lavage. The effect was proportional to ozone concentration, as well as to duration of exposure. Enzyme activity returned to normal levels during the 12 hr following exposure. Ozone (5 muliters/liter; 5 parts per million) for 3 hr reduced lysozyme levels approximately 30%. Studies of the release of lysozyme by alveolar cells support the theory that loss of activity is due to in vivo oxidation of lysozyme.  相似文献   

Multivesicular endosome (MVE) sorting depends on proteins of the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) family. These are organized in four complexes (ESCRT-0, -I, -II, -III) that act in a sequential fashion to deliver ubiquitylated cargoes into the internal luminal vesicles (ILVs) of the MVE. Drosophila genes encoding ESCRT-I, -II, -III components function in sorting signaling receptors, including Notch and the JAK/STAT signaling receptor Domeless. Loss of ESCRT-I, -II, -III in Drosophila epithelia causes altered signaling and cell polarity, suggesting that ESCRTs genes are tumor suppressors. However, the nature of the tumor suppressive function of ESCRTs, and whether tumor suppression is linked to receptor sorting is unclear. Unexpectedly, a null mutant in Hrs, encoding one of the components of the ESCRT-0 complex, which acts upstream of ESCRT-I, -II, -III in MVE sorting is dispensable for tumor suppression. Here, we report that two Drosophila epithelia lacking activity of Stam, the other known components of the ESCRT-0 complex, or of both Hrs and Stam, accumulate the signaling receptors Notch and Dome in endosomes. However, mutant tissue surprisingly maintains normal apico-basal polarity and proliferation control and does not display ectopic Notch signaling activation, unlike cells that lack ESCRT-I, -II, -III activity. Overall, our in vivo data confirm previous evidence indicating that the ESCRT-0 complex plays no crucial role in regulation of tumor suppression, and suggest re-evaluation of the relationship of signaling modulation in endosomes and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Wound healing is a complex process that relies on proper levels of cytokines and growth factors to successfully repair the tissue. Of particular interest are the members of the transforming growth factor family. There are three TGF-ß isoforms–TGF- ß 1, 2, and 3, each isoform showing a unique expression pattern, suggesting that they each play a distinct function during development and repair. Previous studies reported an exclusive role for TGF-ß 3 in orofacial development and a potent anti-scarring effect. However, the role of TGF- ß 3 in excisional wound healing and keratinocyte migration remains poorly understood. We tested the effect of TGF-ß 3 levels on excisional cutaneous wounds in the adult mouse by directly injecting recombinant TGF-ß 3 or neutralizing antibody against TGF-ß 3 (NAB) in the wounds. Our results demonstrate that TGF-ß 3 does not promote epithelialization. However, TGF-ß 3 is necessary for wound closure as wounds injected with neutralizing antibody against TGF-ß 3 showed increased epidermal volume and proliferation in conjunction with a delay in keratinocyte migration. Wild type keratinocytes treated with NAB and Tgfb3-deficient keratinocytes closed an in vitro scratch wound with no delay, suggesting that our in vivo observations likely result from a paracrine effect.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid separation at the metaphase–anaphase transition is regulated by a proteolytic cascade. Destruction of the securin Pds1p liberates the Esp1p separase, which ultimately targets the mitotic cohesin Mcd1p/Scc1p for destruction. Pds1p stabilization by the spindle or DNA damage checkpoints prevents sister-chromatid separation while mutants lacking PDS1 (pds1Δ) are temperature sensitive for growth due to elevated chromosome loss. This report examined the role of the budding yeast Pds1p in meiotic progression using genetic, cytological, and biochemical assays. Similar to its mitotic function, Pds1p destruction is required for metaphase I–anaphase I transition. However, even at the permissive temperature for growth, pds1Δ mutants arrest with prophase I spindle and nuclear characteristics. This arrest was partially suppressed by preventing recombination initiation or by inactivating a subset of recombination checkpoint components. Further studies revealed that Pds1p is required for recombination in both double-strand-break formation and synaptonemal complex assembly. Although deleting PDS1 did not affect the degradation of the meiotic cohesin Rec8p, Mcd1p was precociously destroyed as cells entered the meiotic program. This role is meiosis specific as Mcd1p destruction is not altered in vegetative pds1Δ cultures. These results define a previously undescribed role for Pds1p in cohesin maintenance, recombination, and meiotic progression.  相似文献   

Stat3 Activation Is Required for Cellular Transformation by v-src   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
Stat3 activation has been associated with cytokine-induced proliferation, anti-apoptosis, and transformation. Constitutively activated Stat3 has been found in many human tumors as well as v-abl- and v-src-transformed cell lines. Because of these correlations, we examined directly the relationship of activated Stat3 to cellular transformation and found that wild-type Stat3 enhances the transforming potential of v-src while three dominant negative Stat3 mutants inhibit v-src transformation. Stat3 wild-type or mutant proteins did not affect v-ras transformation. We conclude that Stat3 has a necessary role in v-src transformation.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the prevacuolar secretion pathway in biofilm formation and virulence in Candida albicans, we cloned and analyzed the C. albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae prevacuolar trafficking gene PEP12. C. albicans PEP12 encodes a deduced t-SNARE that is 28% identical to S. cerevisiae Pep12p, and plasmids bearing C. albicans PEP12 complemented the abnormal vacuolar morphology and temperature-sensitive growth of an S. cerevisiae pep12 null mutant. The C. albicans pep12 Δ null mutant was defective in endocytosis and vacuolar acidification and accumulated 40- to 60-nm cytoplasmic vesicles near the plasma membrane. Secretory defects included increased extracellular proteolytic activity and absent lipolytic activity. The pep12Δ null mutant was more sensitive to cell wall stresses and antifungal agents than the isogenic complemented strain or the control strain DAY185. Notably, the biofilm formed by the pep12Δ mutant was reduced in overall mass and fragmented completely upon the slightest disturbance. The pep12Δ mutant was markedly reduced in virulence in an in vitro macrophage infection model and an in vivo mouse model of disseminated candidiasis. These results suggest that C. albicans PEP12 plays a key role in biofilm integrity and in vivo virulence.In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, distinct secreted marker proteins are trafficked differentially through a prevacuolar compartment (PVC) prior to exocytosis (14). Furthermore, prevacuolar protein sorting genes play an important role in cargo transport in the prevacuolar branch of the exocytic pathway in S. cerevisiae (13, 15). By isolating dense- and light-vesicle populations in S. cerevisiae vps1 sec6-4, vps4 sec6-4, and pep12 sec6-4 mutants, it was observed that mutants blocked in this prevacuolar pathway missort marker proteins that are normally found in high-density post-Golgi compartment vesicles into low-density vesicles (15). Gurunathan et al. (13) also demonstrated these findings for vps1 and pep12 mutants with a late secretory mutant (snc1) background similar to that of the sec6-4 strains. These results indicate that some exocytic cargo, including the conditionally regulated soluble secretory proteins invertase and acid phosphatase, are differentially sorted through a PVC prior to exocytosis in the model yeast S. cerevisiae.To study the prevacuolar branch of exocytosis in Candida albicans and its role in virulence, we have previously cloned and analyzed the C. albicans prevacuolar trafficking genes VPS1 and VPS4. We demonstrated that C. albicans VPS4 is required for extracellular secretion of Sap2p and Sap4-6p and for virulence in an in vivo model of disseminated candidiasis (19, 20). C. albicans VPS1 is required for Sap2p secretion and biofilm formation (4). Interestingly, although the C. albicans null mutant lacking VPS4 forms a biofilm that is denser than that formed by the isogenic reintegrant strain, the conditional mutant lacking VPS1 expression forms a patchy biofilm of reduced density (4, 34). Thus, it appears that interference with normal prevacuolar trafficking affects both the secretion of virulence-associated proteins and biofilm formation.S. cerevisiae PEP12 encodes a 288-amino-acid syntaxin which regulates docking of Golgi compartment-derived transport vesicles at the PVC (3). Pep12p interacts with the v-SNARE Vti1p, and overexpression of Pep12p suppresses extracellular missorting of carboxypeptidase in the vti1 mutant (37). The S. cerevisiae pep12 null mutant displays a temperature-sensitive growth defect and is characterized by an enlarged vacuole with morphology defined as class D (3). A search of the C. albicans genome database identified a structural homolog of S. cerevisiae PEP12. Thus, the experiments described below were designed to determine whether the C. albicans PEP12 homolog is functionally homologous to S. cerevisiae PEP12 and to investigate its role in secretion, biofilm formation, and virulence.  相似文献   

The CDC37 gene is essential for the activity of p60v-src when expressed in yeast cells. Since the activation pathway for p60v-src and steroid hormone receptors is similar, the present study analyzed the hormone-dependent transactivation by androgen receptors and glucocorticoid receptors in yeast cells expressing a mutant version of the CDC37 gene. In this mutant, hormone-dependent transactivation by androgen receptors was defective at both permissive and restrictive temperatures, although transactivation by glucocorticoid receptors was mildly defective only at the restrictive temperature. Cdc37p appears to function via the androgen receptor ligand-binding domain, although it does not influence receptor hormone-binding affinity. Models for Cdc37p regulation of steroid hormone receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

The hominoid oncogene TBC1D3 enhances epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling and induces cell transformation. However, little is known regarding its spatio-temporal regulation and mechanism of tumorigenesis. In the current study, we identified the microtubule subunit β-tubulin as a potential interaction partner for TBC1D3 using affinity purification combined with mass spectrometry analysis. The interaction between TBC1D3 and β-tubulin was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Using the same method, we also revealed that TBC1D3 co-precipitated with endogenous α-tubulin, another subunit of the microtubule. In agreement with these results, microtubule cosedimentation assays showed that TBC1D3 associated with the microtubule network. The β-tubulin-interacting site of TBC1D3 was mapped to amino acids 286∼353 near the C-terminus of the TBC domain. Deletion mutation within these amino acids was shown to abolish the interaction of TBC1D3 with β-tubulin. Interestingly, the deletion mutation caused a complete loss of TBC1D3 from the cytoplasmic filamentous and punctate structures, and TBC1D3 instead appeared in the nucleus. Consistent with this, wild-type TBC1D3 exhibited the same nucleocytoplasmic distribution in cells treated with the microtubule depolymerizing agent nocodazole, suggesting that the microtubule network associates with and retains TBC1D3 in the cytoplasm. We further found that deficiency in β-tubulin-interacting resulted in TBC1D3''s inability to inhibit c-Cbl recruitment and EGFR ubiquitination, ultimately leading to dysregulation of EGFR degradation and signaling. Taken together, these studies indicate a novel model by which the microtubule network regulates EGFR stability and signaling through tubulin dimer/oligomer interaction with the nucleocytoplasmic protein TBC1D3.  相似文献   

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