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Estimates of effective population size in the Holstein cattle breed have usually been low despite the large number of animals that constitute this breed. Effective population size is inversely related to the rates at which coancestry and inbreeding increase and these rates have been high as a consequence of intense and accurate selection. Traditionally, coancestry and inbreeding coefficients have been calculated from pedigree data. However, the development of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms has increased the interest of calculating these coefficients from molecular data in order to improve their accuracy. In this study, genomic estimates of coancestry, inbreeding and effective population size were obtained in the Spanish Holstein population and then compared with pedigree-based estimates. A total of 11,135 animals genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip were available for the study. After applying filtering criteria, the final genomic dataset included 36,693 autosomal SNPs and 10,569 animals. Pedigree data from those genotyped animals included 31,203 animals. These individuals represented only the last five generations in order to homogenise the amount of pedigree information across animals. Genomic estimates of coancestry and inbreeding were obtained from identity by descent segments (coancestry) or runs of homozygosity (inbreeding). The results indicate that the percentage of variance of pedigree-based coancestry estimates explained by genomic coancestry estimates was higher than that for inbreeding. Estimates of effective population size obtained from genome-wide and pedigree information were consistent and ranged from about 66 to 79. These low values emphasize the need of controlling the rate of increase of coancestry and inbreeding in Holstein selection programmes.  相似文献   

Group Inbreeding and Coancestry   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Martin Curie-Cohen 《Genetics》1982,100(2):339-358
The average inbreeding coefficient f of a population can be estimated in several different ways based solely on the genotypic frequencies at a single locus. The means and variances of four different estimates have been compared. While the four estimates are equivalent when there are two alleles, the best estimates when there are three or more alleles are based upon total heterozygosity (see PDF) where x and y are the expected and observed number of heterozygotes) and the proportion of alleles that are homozygous (see PDF) where k = the number of alleles, aii = the number of AiAi homozygotes, and 2aij = the number of AiAj heterozygotes). Both are minimally biased estimates of f and have identical sampling variances when all alleles are equally frequent. However, when alleles have different frequencies, the choice between these two estimates depends on the gene frequencies and the true inbreeding coefficient of a population; f2 is the best estimate when the true average inbreeding coefficient is suspected to be low or f = 0, while f1 is best in populations with large average inbreeding coefficients. Approximate sampling variances of these two estimates are given for any f and any number of alleles with arbitrary gene frequencies; these approximations are accurate for samples as small as n = 100. The chi-square and maximum likelihood estimates of f are not as good for realistic sample sizes.  相似文献   

Multiple geographical regions have been proposed for the domestication of Equus caballus . It has been suggested, based on zooarchaeological and genetic analyses that wild horses from the Iberian Peninsula were involved in the process, and the overrepresentation of mitochondrial D1 cluster in modern Iberian horses supports this suggestion. To test this hypothesis, we analysed mitochondrial DNA from 22 ancient Iberian horse remains belonging to the Neolithic, the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages, against previously published sequences. Only the medieval Iberian sequence appeared in the D1 group. Neolithic and Bronze Age sequences grouped in other clusters, one of which (Lusitano group C) is exclusively represented by modern horses of Iberian origin. Moreover, Bronze Age Iberian sequences displayed the lowest nucleotide diversity values when compared with modern horses, ancient wild horses and other ancient domesticates using nonparametric bootstrapping analyses. We conclude that the excessive clustering of Bronze Age horses in the Lusitano group C, the observed nucleotide diversity and the local continuity from wild Neolithic Iberian to modern Iberian horses, could be explained by the use of local wild mares during an early Iberian domestication or restocking event, whereas the D1 group probably was introduced into Iberia in later historical times.  相似文献   

Today's European sturgeons are relics of erstwhile widely distributed populations, diminished mainly by overfishing and habitat changes over the centuries. While extinct European populations in the Baltic and North seas have been identified as Acipenser oxyrhinchus or A. sturio , a clear species determination on the Iberian Peninsula is still lacking. Plans to conserve existing populations and to re-introduce extinct wild populations in European rivers will benefit from information of historic population/genotype composition. In this study, we used techniques involving ancient DNA as well as morphological comparisons based on bony scutes to identify twelve samples from five archaeological sites (650 bc –1500 ad , one sample dated 10.1–11.8 ky) on the Iberian Peninsula. All amplified PCR products of bony scutes (n = 5) had the mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of European sturgeon. Neither mitochondrial haplotypes of A. naccarii nor mitochondrial haplotypes of A. oxyrinchus were found.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of large-scale genome-wide association studies have been published for human traits adjusted for other correlated traits with a genetic basis. In most studies, the motivation for such an adjustment is to discover genetic variants associated with the primary outcome independently of the correlated trait. In this report, we contend that this objective is fulfilled when the tested variants have no effect on the covariate or when the correlation between the covariate and the outcome is fully explained by a direct effect of the covariate on the outcome. For all other scenarios, an unintended bias is introduced with respect to the primary outcome as a result of the adjustment, and this bias might lead to false positives. Here, we illustrate this point by providing examples from published genome-wide association studies, including large meta-analysis of waist-to-hip ratio and waist circumference adjusted for body mass index (BMI), where genetic effects might be biased as a result of adjustment for body mass index. Using both theory and simulations, we explore this phenomenon in detail and discuss the ramifications for future genome-wide association studies of correlated traits and diseases.  相似文献   

Dominance has been suggested as one of the genetic mechanisms explaining heterosis. However, using traditional quantitative genetic methods it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of dominance effects. With the availability of dense SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) panels, we now have new opportunities for the detection and use of dominance at individual loci. Thus, the aim of this study was to detect additive and dominance effects on number of teats (NT), specifically to investigate the importance of dominance in a Landrace-based population of pigs. In total, 1,550 animals, genotyped for 32,911 SNPs, were used in single SNP analysis. SNPs with a significant genetic effect were tested for their mode of gene action being additive, dominant or a combination. In total, 21 SNPs were associated with NT, located in three regions with additive (SSC6, 7 and 12) and one region with dominant effects (SSC4). Estimates of additive effects ranged from 0.24 to 0.29 teats. The dominance effect of the QTL located on SSC4 was negative (−0.26 teats). The additive variance of the four QTLs together explained 7.37% of the total phenotypic variance. The dominance variance of the four QTLs together explained 1.82% of the total phenotypic variance, which corresponds to one-fourth of the variance explained by additive effects. The results suggest that dominance effects play a relevant role in the genetic architecture of NT. The QTL region on SSC7 contains the most promising candidate gene: VRTN. This gene has been suggested to be related to the number of vertebrae, a trait correlated with NT.  相似文献   

Many health outcomes are influenced by a person''s body mass index, as well as by the trajectory of body mass index through a lifetime. Although previous research has established that body mass index related traits are influenced by genetics, the relationship between these traits and genetics has not been well characterized in people of South Asian ancestry. To begin to characterize this relationship, we analyzed the association between common genetic variation and five phenotypes related to body mass index in a population-based sample of 5,354 Bangladeshi adults. We discovered a significant association between SNV rs347313 (intron of NOS1AP) and change in body mass index in women over two years. In a linear mixed-model, the G allele was associated with an increase of 0.25 kg/m2 in body mass index over two years (p-value of 2.3·10−8). We also estimated the heritability of these phenotypes from our genotype data. We found significant estimates of heritability for all of the body mass index-related phenotypes. Our study evaluated the genetic determinants of body mass index related phenotypes for the first time in South Asians. The results suggest that these phenotypes are heritable and some of this heritability is driven by variation that differs from those previously reported. We also provide evidence that the genetic etiology of body mass index related traits may differ by ancestry, sex, and environment, and consequently that these factors should be considered when assessing the genetic determinants of the risk of body mass index-related disease.  相似文献   

A method for predicting response to selection and inbreeding depression in a dynamic population for amount of inbreeding was derived and illustrated with an example of selection under full-sib mating.  相似文献   

Records from up to 19054 registered cows and 10297 calves in 155 herds of the Alentejana cattle breed were used to study the effects of individual (Fi) and maternal (Fm) inbreeding on reproductive, growth and carcass traits, as well as assessing the importance of non-linear associations between inbreeding and performance, and evaluating the differences among sire-families in the effect of Fi and Fm on calf weight at 7 months of age (W7M). Overall, regression coefficients of performance traits on inbreeding were small, indicating a minor but still detrimental effect of both Fi and Fm on most traits. The traits with the highest percentage impact of Fi were total number of calvings through life and calf weight at 3 months of age (W3M), followed by longevity and number of calves produced up to 7 years, while the highest effect of Fm was on W3M. Inbreeding depression on feed efficiency and carcass traits was extremely small and not significant. No evidence was found of a non-linear association between inbreeding and performance for the traits analyzed. Large differences were detected among sire-families in inbreeding depression on W7M, for both Fi and Fm, encouraging the possibility of incorporating sire effects on inbreeding depression into selection decisions.  相似文献   

In a herd of 65 goats with outbreaks of listeriosis (Herd A) blood, faeces and milk were collected just after the outbreaks, about 1 month later and at delivery about 4 months thereafter. Faeces and milk were examined bacteriologically and blood and milk serologically for Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), and the results were compared with those of 2 similar samplings in a healthy herd (Herd B). In Herd A Lm was isolated from faeces in 5 of 14 septicaemic does and in 6 of 48 other animals on the first sampling, and in 4 and 1 animals respectively, on the subsequent 2 samplings. In milk Lm was demonstrated just after the outbreaks only, viz. in 3 of 12 septicaemic does and in 16 of the other 32 examined. Four does excreted Lm in both faeces and milk on this date. In Herd B Lm was demonstrated only at delivery, i.e. from 10 of 43 animals. Most of the isolates belonged to serotype 1. Reciprocal geometrical mean titres (GMT) of antibodies in sera from the septicaemic group decreased from 236 to 140 and 136 respectively on the subsequent samplings, whereas GMT of the encephalitic animals and of the remainder of Herd A increased from about 20 to about 100 at delivery. GMT of Herd B increased toward delivery from 23 to 39, with largest increase for the does. GMT in whey were ≤ 18 for all groups.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genetic variation in the face of strong natural selection is a long‐standing problem in evolutionary biology. One of the most extreme examples of within‐population variation is the polymorphic, genetically determined color pattern of male Trinidad guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Female mating preference for rare or novel patterns has been implicated as a factor in maintaining this variation. The origin of this preference is not understood, although inbreeding avoidance has been proposed as a mechanism. Inbreeding avoidance is advantageous when populations exhibit inbreeding depression and the opportunity for mating between relatives exists. To determine whether these conditions are met in a natural guppy population, we assessed mating and reproductive patterns using polymorphic molecular markers. Females produced more offspring with less‐related males than with more‐related ones. In addition, females were more likely to have mated with less‐related males, but this trend was only marginally significant. Male heterozygosity was positively correlated with mating success and with the number of offspring sired, consistent with strong inbreeding depression for adult male fitness. These results provide substantial insight into mating patterns of a wild guppy population: strong inbreeding depression occurs, and individuals tend to avoid mating with relatives.  相似文献   

The earth-boring dung beetles belong to the family Geotrupidae that includes more than 350 species classified into three subfamilies Geotrupinae, Lethrinae, and Taurocerastinae, mainly distributed across temperate regions. Phylogenetic relationships within the family are based exclusively on morphology and remain controversial. In the Iberian Peninsula there are 33 species, 20 of them endemic, which suggests that these lineages might have experienced a radiation event. The evolution of morphological adaptations to the Iberian semi-arid environments such as the loss of wings (apterism) or the ability to exploit alternative food resources is thought to have promoted diversification. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of 31 species of Geotrupidae, 17 endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, and the remaining from southeastern Europe, Morocco, and Austral South America based on partial mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence data. The reconstructed maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference phylogenies recovered Geotrupinae and Lethrinae as sister groups to the exclusion of Taurocerastinae. Monophyly of the analyzed geotrupid genera was supported but phylogenetic relationships among genera were poorly resolved. Ancestral character-state reconstruction of wing loss evolution, dating, and diversification tests altogether showed neither evidence of a burst of cladogenesis of the Iberian Peninsula group nor an association between apterism and higher diversification rates. Loss of flight did not accelerate speciation rates but it was likely responsible for the high levels of endemism of Iberian geotrupids by preventing their expansion to central Europe. These Iberian flightless beetle lineages are probably paleoendemics that have survived since the Tertiary in this refuge area during Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations by evolving adaptations to arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   



To date the influence of herpesviruses on the development of equine ocular diseases has not been clearly determined.


The purpose of this study was to illustrate the course of equine ocular findings over a period of 18 months at 6 month intervals, in correlation with the results of herpesvirus detection.


266 Lipizzaners in 3 federal states of Austria underwent complete ophthalmologic examination 4 times. Blood samples, nasal- and conjunctival swabs were obtained at the same time and used for the detection of the equid gammaherpesviruses EHV-2 and EHV-5 using consensus herpesvirus PCR and type-specific qPCRs. Ophthalmic findings and results of herpesvirus PCRs were recorded and statistically analysed using one-way ANOVA, and multiple logistic regression analysis to determine the influence of herpesvirus infections and other contributing factors on the presence of ophthalmic findings.


In the first, second, third and fourth examination period 266, 261, 249 and 230 horses were included, respectively. Ophthalmic findings consistent with herpesvirus infections included conjunctival- and corneal pathologies. Statistical analysis revealed that the probability of positive herpesvirus PCR results decreased with progressing age; however the presence of corneal findings increased over time. At the time of each examination 45.1%, 41.8%, 43.0%, and 57.0% of horses with conjunctival or corneal findings, respectively, were positive for EHV-2 and/or EHV-5. However, 31.6%, 17.6%, 20.1%, and 13.0% of clinically sound horses were positive for these herpesviruses at each examination period, too.


Based on the results of our study there is a significant influence of young age on EHV-2 and/or EHV-5 infection. Corneal pathologies increased over time and with progressing age. Whether the identified findings were caused by herpesviruses could not be unequivocally determined.  相似文献   

Genealogical pedigrees were collected from 976 farming couples who lived in a canton of central France in the XIXth and XXth century. Several methods (genealogical, isonymic and probability of origin of genes) were used to appraise the evolution of the biological structure of this population, which has gone through two phases. The first phase from 1800 to the World War I, shows gene flows between the farming population of the canton and those of neighbouring rural districts which are linked to an increase in consanguineous marriages. The second phase, from 1920 onwards, shows important gene flow from distant areas. This trend implies a decrease in consanguineous marriages.  相似文献   

Pigs are a food-producing species that readily carry Salmonella but, in the great majority of cases, do not show clinical signs of disease. Little is known about the functions required by Salmonella to be maintained in pigs. We have devised a recombinase-based promoter-trapping strategy to identify genes with elevated expression during pig infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. A total of 55 clones with in vivo-induced promoters were selected from a genomic library of ~10,000 random Salmonella DNA fragments fused to the recombinase cre, and the cloned DNA fragments were analyzed by sequencing. Thirty-one genes encoding proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and colonization (including bcfA, hscA, rffG, and yciR), virulence (metL), heat shock (hscA), and a sensor of a two-component regulator (hydH) were identified. Among the 55 clones, 19 were isolated from both the tonsils and the intestine, while 23 were identified only in the intestine and 13 only in tonsils. High temperature and increased osmolarity were identified as environmental signals that induced in vivo-expressed genes, suggesting possible signals for expression.  相似文献   

Genetic markers associated with parasite indicator traits are ideal targets for study of marker assisted selection aimed at controlling infections that reduce herd use of anthelminthics. For this study, we collected gastrointestinal (GI) nematode fecal egg count (FEC) data from post-weaning animals of an Angus resource population challenged to a 26 week natural exposure on pasture. In all, data from 487 animals was collected over a 16 year period between 1992 and 2007, most of which were selected for a specific DRB1 allele to reduce the influence of potential allelic variant effects of the MHC locus. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) based on BovineSNP50 genotypes revealed six genomic regions located on bovine Chromosomes 3, 5, 8, 15 and 27; which were significantly associated (-log10 p=4.3) with Box-Cox transformed mean FEC (BC-MFEC). DAVID analysis of the genes within the significant genomic regions suggested a correlation between our results and annotation for genes involved in inflammatory response to infection. Furthermore, ROH and selection signature analyses provided strong evidence that the genomic regions associated BC-MFEC have not been affected by local autozygosity or recent experimental selection. These findings provide useful information for parasite resistance prediction for young grazing cattle and suggest new candidate gene targets for development of disease-modifying therapies or future studies of host response to GI parasite infection.  相似文献   

Owing to the risk of inbreeding depression, the evolution of inbreeding avoidance by means of kin recognition is expected for many biological systems. Nevertheless, an ability to distinguish among relatives and non‐relatives has been only rarely demonstrated, especially so in non‐social organisms. We here show that, in the non‐social tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, females discriminate against relatives by preferentially mating with non‐relatives. Inbreeding avoidance was more pronounced in inbred as compared with outbred butterflies, suggesting that it is partly condition dependent. We argue that, in our system, the evolution of inbreeding avoidance is related to carrying a high genetic load and thus to being particularly sensitive to inbreeding depression. We suggest that kin recognition might be more widespread than currently thought and that future studies may possibly benefit from considering condition dependence, especially by paying attention to and/or manipulating population history, genetic load, and the risk of inbreeding depression. We further suggest that kin recognition in B. anynana might be based on cuticular hydrocarbons used for self‐referencing.  相似文献   

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