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For many years, investigators have sought after high-resolution fluorescence imaging in centimeter-deep tissue because many interesting in vivo phenomena—such as the presence of immune system cells, tumor angiogenesis, and metastasis—may be located deep in tissue. Previously, we developed a new imaging technique to achieve high spatial resolution in sub-centimeter deep tissue phantoms named continuous-wave ultrasound-switchable fluorescence (CW-USF). The principle is to use a focused ultrasound wave to externally and locally switch on and off the fluorophore emission from a small volume (close to ultrasound focal volume). By making improvements in three aspects of this technique: excellent near-infrared USF contrast agents, a sensitive frequency-domain USF imaging system, and an effective signal processing algorithm, for the first time this study has achieved high spatial resolution (~ 900 μm) in 3-centimeter-deep tissue phantoms with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and high sensitivity (3.4 picomoles of fluorophore in a volume of 68 nanoliters can be detected). We have achieved these results in both tissue-mimic phantoms and porcine muscle tissues. We have also demonstrated multi-color USF to image and distinguish two fluorophores with different wavelengths, which might be very useful for simultaneously imaging of multiple targets and observing their interactions in the future. This work has opened the door for future studies of high-resolution centimeter-deep tissue fluorescence imaging.  相似文献   

Summary Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data sets are large and characterized by complex dependence structures driven by highly sophisticated neurophysiology and aspects of the experimental designs. Typical analyses investigating task‐related changes in measured brain activity use a two‐stage procedure in which the first stage involves subject‐specific models and the second‐stage specifies group (or population) level parameters. Customarily, the first‐level accounts for temporal correlations between the serial scans acquired during one scanning session. Despite accounting for these correlations, fMRI studies often include multiple sessions and temporal dependencies may persist between the corresponding estimates of mean neural activity. Further, spatial correlations between brain activity measurements in different locations are often unaccounted for in statistical modeling and estimation. We propose a two‐stage, spatio‐temporal, autoregressive model that simultaneously accounts for spatial dependencies between voxels within the same anatomical region and for temporal dependencies between a subject's estimates from multiple sessions. We develop an algorithm that leverages the special structure of our covariance model, enabling relatively fast and efficient estimation. Using our proposed method, we analyze fMRI data from a study of inhibitory control in cocaine addicts.  相似文献   

In brain imaging, solving learning problems in multi-subjects settings is difficult because of the differences that exist across individuals. Here we introduce a novel classification framework based on group-invariant graphical representations, allowing to overcome the inter-subject variability present in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data and to perform multivariate pattern analysis across subjects. Our contribution is twofold: first, we propose an unsupervised representation learning scheme that encodes all relevant characteristics of distributed fMRI patterns into attributed graphs; second, we introduce a custom-designed graph kernel that exploits all these characteristics and makes it possible to perform supervised learning (here, classification) directly in graph space. The well-foundedness of our technique and the robustness of the performance to the parameter setting are demonstrated through inter-subject classification experiments conducted on both artificial data and a real fMRI experiment aimed at characterizing local cortical representations. Our results show that our framework produces accurate inter-subject predictions and that it outperforms a wide range of state-of-the-art vector- and parcel-based classification methods. Moreover, the genericity of our method makes it is easily adaptable to a wide range of potential applications. The dataset used in this study and an implementation of our framework are available at http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1086317.  相似文献   

Constrained independent component analysis (CICA) is capable of eliminating the order ambiguity that is found in the standard ICA and extracting the desired independent components by incorporating prior information into the ICA contrast function. However, the current CICA method produces constraints that are based on only one type of prior information (temporal/spatial), which may increase the dependency of CICA on the accuracy of the prior information. To improve the robustness of CICA and to reduce the impact of the accuracy of prior information on CICA, we proposed a temporally and spatially constrained ICA (TSCICA) method that incorporated two types of prior information, both temporal and spatial, as constraints in the ICA. The proposed approach was tested using simulated fMRI data and was applied to a real fMRI experiment using 13 subjects who performed a movement task. Additionally, the performance of TSCICA was compared with the ICA method, the temporally CICA (TCICA) method and the spatially CICA (SCICA) method. The results from the simulation and from the real fMRI data demonstrated that TSCICA outperformed TCICA, SCICA and ICA in terms of robustness to noise. Moreover, the TSCICA method displayed better robustness to prior temporal/spatial information than the TCICA/SCICA method.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance data acquired in a task-absent condition (“resting state”) require new data analysis techniques that do not depend on an activation model. In this work, we introduce an alternative assumption- and parameter-free method based on a particular form of node centrality called eigenvector centrality. Eigenvector centrality attributes a value to each voxel in the brain such that a voxel receives a large value if it is strongly correlated with many other nodes that are themselves central within the network. Google''s PageRank algorithm is a variant of eigenvector centrality. Thus far, other centrality measures - in particular “betweenness centrality” - have been applied to fMRI data using a pre-selected set of nodes consisting of several hundred elements. Eigenvector centrality is computationally much more efficient than betweenness centrality and does not require thresholding of similarity values so that it can be applied to thousands of voxels in a region of interest covering the entire cerebrum which would have been infeasible using betweenness centrality. Eigenvector centrality can be used on a variety of different similarity metrics. Here, we present applications based on linear correlations and on spectral coherences between fMRI times series. This latter approach allows us to draw conclusions of connectivity patterns in different spectral bands. We apply this method to fMRI data in task-absent conditions where subjects were in states of hunger or satiety. We show that eigenvector centrality is modulated by the state that the subjects were in. Our analyses demonstrate that eigenvector centrality is a computationally efficient tool for capturing intrinsic neural architecture on a voxel-wise level.  相似文献   

Internal dose metrics, as computed with pharmacokinetic models, are increasingly used as a means for extrapolating animal toxicological data to humans and to extrapolate across routes of administration. These internal dose metrics are thought to provide a more scientific means of comparing toxicological effects across animal species. The use of internal dose metrics is based on the universal assumption that toxic effects are equal across species if and only if the concentration of the toxic moieties in the target tissue is equal across species. Herein it is shown that this assumption is inconsistent with empirical toxicological data. It is shown that measurement of internal dose metrics in chronological time, as is done for AUC (Area under the concentration curve) and rate of metabolite production per kg of target tissue, does not produce equal toxic effects across species. A consequence of this observation is that the application of pharmacokinetics in risk assessments for such important chemicals as trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, perchloroethylene, and perchlorate may need reassessment.  相似文献   

详细讨论并定义了主要的猕猴桃属植物形态描述专业术语,并给出了所有讨论术语的准确对应的英文专业术语。  相似文献   

Independent component analysis (ICA) has been successfully utilized for analysis of functional MRI (fMRI) data for task related as well as resting state studies. Although it holds the promise of becoming an unbiased data-driven analysis technique, a few choices have to be made prior to performing ICA, selection of a method for determining the number of independent components (nIC) being one of them. Choice of nIC has been shown to influence the ICA maps, and various approaches (mostly relying on information theoretic criteria) have been proposed and implemented in commonly used ICA analysis packages, such as MELODIC and GIFT. However, there has been no consensus on the optimal method for nIC selection, and many studies utilize arbitrarily chosen values for nIC. Accurate and reliable determination of true nIC is especially important in the setting where the signals of interest contribute only a small fraction of the total variance, i.e. very low contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and/or very focal response. In this study, we evaluate the performance of different model order selection criteria and demonstrate that the model order selected based upon bootstrap stability of principal components yields more reliable and accurate estimates of model order. We then demonstrate the utility of this fully data-driven approach to detect weak and focal stimulus-driven responses in real data. Finally, we compare the performance of different multi-run ICA approaches using pseudo-real data.  相似文献   

Spurious correlations is a fundamental problem in situations where the y‐variable is a function of x, such as ratios u/x versus x or u, or products, such as u × x versus x or u, or expressions such as (u–x) versus x. The theory of spurious correlations was developed more than 100 years ago and yet there are numerous papers in aquatic ecology presenting results as if they were mechanistically meaningful when they, in fact, are clearly spurious. This is specifically so in contexts related to some of the most important issues in aquatic ecology namely the question of “limiting” nutrient and the Redfield ratio, defined as either TN/TP or DIN/DIP (TN = total‐N, TP = total‐P, DIN = dissolved inorganic N, DIP dissolved inorganic P). We have demonstrated by systematic tests using randomly generated data that the patterns in spurious relationships can be identical to patterns in empirical data that have been interpretated in mechanistic terms. We have collected empirical data from the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerack and tested those data to see if spurious relationships exist. The r2 ‐values vary from 0.90 (TN/TP versus TP), 0.67 (DIN/DIP versus DIN), 0.40 (DIN/DIP versus DIP) to 0.014 (TN/TP versus TN). Very little mechanistic understanding about “limiting nutrient” and/or the role of TN/TP or DIN/DIP‐ratios can be deduced from these – and similar results – because they are spurious. We have also shown that the ratios TN/TP and DIN/DIP have significantly higher coefficients of variations (CV) than TN, TP, DIN and DIP individually. This explains why these ratios generally are poor predictors in contexts of nutrient limitation and in modeling of primary production. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   



Previous studies using hierarchical clustering approach to analyze resting-state fMRI data were limited to a few slices or regions-of-interest (ROIs) after substantial data reduction.


To develop a framework that can perform voxel-wise hierarchical clustering of whole-brain resting-state fMRI data from a group of subjects.

Materials and Methods

Resting-state fMRI measurements were conducted for 86 adult subjects using a single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) technique. After pre-processing and co-registration to a standard template, pair-wise cross-correlation coefficients (CC) were calculated for all voxels inside the brain and translated into absolute Pearson''s distances after imposing a threshold CC≥0.3. The group averages of the Pearson''s distances were then used to perform hierarchical clustering with the developed framework, which entails gray matter masking and an iterative scheme to analyze the dendrogram.


With the hierarchical clustering framework, we identified most of the functional connectivity networks reported previously in the literature, such as the motor, sensory, visual, memory, and the default-mode functional networks (DMN). Furthermore, the DMN and visual system were split into their corresponding hierarchical sub-networks.


It is feasible to use the proposed hierarchical clustering scheme for voxel-wise analysis of whole-brain resting-state fMRI data. The hierarchical clustering result not only confirmed generally the finding in functional connectivity networks identified previously using other data processing techniques, such as ICA, but also revealed directly the hierarchical structure within the functional connectivity networks.  相似文献   

Statistics in Biosciences - The paper proposes a class of semiparametric transformation models for survival data with a cure fraction. Particularly, we assume a semiparametric density ratio model...  相似文献   

AGARWAL and KUMAR (1980) proposed an estimator, combining ratio and pps estimators of population mean and proved that the proposed estimator would always be better (in minimum mean square error sense) than the pps estimator or the ratio estimator under pps sampling scheme for optimum value of constant k (parameter). The optimum value of k is rarely known in practice, hence the alternative is to replace k from the sample-values. In this paper, an estimator depending on estimated optimum value of k based on sample-values, under pps sampling scheme is proposed and studied.  相似文献   

When comparing two competing interventions, confidence intervals for cost‐effectiveness ratios (CERs) provide information on the uncertainty in their point estimates. Techniques for constructing these confidence intervals are much debated. We provide a formal comparison of the Fieller, symmetric and Bonferroni methods for constructing confidence intervals for the CER using only the joint asymptotic distribution of the incremental cost and incremental effectiveness of the two interventions being compared. We prove the existence of a finite interval under the Fieller method when the incremental effectiveness is statistically significant. When this difference is not significant the Fieller method yields an unbounded confidence interval. The Fieller interval is always wider than the symmetric interval, but the latter is an approximation to the Fieller interval when the incremental effectiveness is highly significant. The Bonferroni method is shown to produce the widest interval. Because it accounts for the likely correlation between cost and effectiveness measures, and the intuitively appealing relationship between the existence of a bounded interval and the significance of the incremental effectiveness, the Fieller interval is to be preferred in reporting a confidence interval for the CER.  相似文献   



During the last years, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain has been introduced as a new tool to measure consciousness, both in a clinical setting and in a basic neurocognitive research. Moreover, advanced mathematical methods and theories have arrived the field of fMRI (e.g. computational neuroimaging), and functional and structural brain connectivity can now be assessed non-invasively.


The present work deals with a pluralistic approach to "consciousness'', where we connect theory and tools from three quite different disciplines: (1) philosophy of mind (emergentism and global workspace theory), (2) functional neuroimaging acquisitions, and (3) theory of deterministic and statistical neurodynamics – in particular the Wilson-Cowan model and stochastic resonance.


Based on recent experimental and theoretical work, we believe that the study of large-scale neuronal processes (activity fluctuations, state transitions) that goes on in the living human brain while examined with functional MRI during "resting state", can deepen our understanding of graded consciousness in a clinical setting, and clarify the concept of "consiousness" in neurocognitive and neurophilosophy research.

The aim of toxicology testing is the safety assessment of a substance such as a new pharmaceutical compound or a pesticide relative to a vehicle or negative control. This paper is concerned with the direct safety approach when safety is expressed in terms of the ratio of population means and when the toxicological endpoint is normally distributed. The methodology for power and sample size calculation is derived for the parallel group design and results are presented for various situations.  相似文献   

In forensic science, trace evidence found at a crime scene and on suspect has to be evaluated from the measurements performed on them, usually in the form of multivariate data (for example, several chemical compound or physical characteristics). In order to assess the strength of that evidence, the likelihood ratio framework is being increasingly adopted. Several methods have been derived in order to obtain likelihood ratios directly from univariate or multivariate data by modelling both the variation appearing between observations (or features) coming from the same source (within-source variation) and that appearing between observations coming from different sources (between-source variation). In the widely used multivariate kernel likelihood-ratio, the within-source distribution is assumed to be normally distributed and constant among different sources and the between-source variation is modelled through a kernel density function (KDF). In order to better fit the observed distribution of the between-source variation, this paper presents a different approach in which a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used instead of a KDF. As it will be shown, this approach provides better-calibrated likelihood ratios as measured by the log-likelihood ratio cost (Cllr) in experiments performed on freely available forensic datasets involving different trace evidences: inks, glass fragments and car paints.  相似文献   

Under the matched‐pair design, this paper discusses estimation of the general odds ratio ORG for ordinal exposure in case‐control studies and the general risk difference RDG for ordinal outcomes in cross‐sectional or cohort studies. To illustrate the practical usefulness of interval estimators of ORG and RDG developed here, this paper uses the data from a case‐control study investigating the effect of the number of beverages drunk at “burning hot” temperature on the risk of possessing esophageal cancer, and the data from a cross‐sectional study comparing the grade distributions of unaided distance vision between two eyes. Finally, this paper notes that using the commonly‐used statistics related to odds ratio for dichotomous data by collapsing the ordinal exposure into two categories: the exposure versus the non‐exposure, tends to be less efficient than using the statistics related to ORG proposed herein.  相似文献   

Independent component analysis (ICA) can unravel functional brain networks from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The number of the estimated components affects both the spatial pattern of the identified networks and their time-course estimates. Here group-ICA was applied at four dimensionalities (10, 20, 40, and 58 components) to fMRI data collected from 15 subjects who viewed a 15-min silent film ("At land" by Maya Deren). We focused on the dorsal attention network, the default-mode network, and the sensorimotor network. The lowest dimensionalities demonstrated most prominent activity within the dorsal attention network, combined with the visual areas, and in the default-mode network; the sensorimotor network only appeared with ICA comprising at least 20 components. The results suggest that even very low-dimensional ICA can unravel the most prominent functionally-connected brain networks. However, increasing the number of components gives a more detailed picture and functionally feasible subdivision of the major networks. These results improve our understanding of the hierarchical subdivision of brain networks during viewing of a movie that provides continuous stimulation embedded in an attention-directing narrative.  相似文献   

In the present work, we demonstrate a method for concurrent collection of EEG/fMRI data. In our setup, EEG data are collected using a high-density 256-channel sensor net. The EEG amplifier itself is contained in a field isolation containment system (FICS), and MRI clock signals are synchronized with EEG data collection for subsequent MR artifact characterization and removal. We demonstrate this method first for resting state data collection. Thereafter, we demonstrate a protocol for EEG/fMRI data recording, while subjects listen to a tape asking them to visualize that their left hand is immersed in a cold-water bath and referred to, here, as the cold glove paradigm. Thermal differentials between each hand are measured throughout EEG/fMRI data collection using an MR compatible temperature sensor that we developed for this purpose. We collect cold glove EEG/fMRI data along with simultaneous differential hand temperature measurements both before and after hypnotic induction. Between pre and post sessions, single modality EEG data are collected during the hypnotic induction and depth assessment process. Our representative results demonstrate that significant changes in the EEG power spectrum can be measured during hypnotic induction, and that hand temperature changes during the cold glove paradigm can be detected rapidly using our MR compatible differential thermometry device.  相似文献   

A test is developed to determine whether the mean survival times are equal when dealing with paired survival data. We assume the data follow a bivariate exponential distribution for which the variables are conditionally independent. The unconditional distribution is derived in which the distribution of the nuissance variable is general. A method based on the likelihood ratio is derived to obtain the test. The data are allowed to have both left and right censoring.  相似文献   

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