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Abstract: Logging has often been implicated in the decline of caribou (Rangifer tarandus), but its effects are incompletely understood. We used a distance-based approach to assess the effects of progressive clearcut logging on the summer (28 May to 15 Sep) range of caribou in Newfoundland, Canada. We compared distances of random locations and of caribou, from 9 years of radiotelemetry, to landcover types across 3 spatial scales: population range, individual ranges, and radiolocations. We tested for incremental avoidance of cutovers and mature softwood forests, the preferred type for caribou and forest harvesting, while controlling for the confounding effects of each. At the individual range, females selected for hardwood and softwood forests, bogs, and barrens, and they avoided open water. Patterns for males were similar, although they avoided bogs and barrens at both scales. The sexes differed in their response to forest harvesting. Females progressively avoided cutovers, both pre- and postharvest, likely due to their spatial proximity. Females maintained an average of 9.2 km from active cutovers. Cutover avoidance was evident even if we controlled statistically for distances to other habitats, and it accounted for heightened disuse of softwood forests. Compared with females, males occurred in proximity, with no incremental response to clearcutting. These results imply deleterious effects of timber harvesting on female caribou. Long-term investigations will enhance our capacity to evaluate such anthropogenic habitat changes.  相似文献   

The ideal free distribution assumes that animals select habitats that are beneficial to their fitness. When the needs of dependent offspring differ from those of the parent, ideal habitat selection patterns could vary with the presence or absence of offspring. We test whether habitat selection depends on reproductive state due to top‐down or bottom‐up influences on the fitness of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), a threatened, wide‐ranging herbivore. We combined established methods of fitting resource and step selection functions derived from locations of collared animals in Ontario with newer techniques, including identifying calf status from video collar footage and seasonal habitat selection analysis through latent selection difference functions. We found that females with calves avoided predation risk and proximity to roads more strongly than females without calves within their seasonal ranges. At the local scale, females with calves avoided predation more strongly than females without calves. Females with calves increased predation avoidance but not selection for food availability upon calving, whereas females without calves increased selection for food availability across the same season. These behavioral responses suggest that habitat selection by woodland caribou is influenced by reproductive state, such that females with calves at heel use habitat selection to offset the increased vulnerability of their offspring to predation risk.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances are increasing worldwide, causing wildlife habitat loss, alteration, and fragmentation. In Canada, the decommissioning of linear anthropogenic structures is identified as a promising tool to restore the habitat of threatened populations of boreal caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) by reducing food availability for alternate prey and decreasing encounter probabilities with predators. In this study, we monitored the use of 40 km of decommissioned forest roads by caribou, gray wolves (Canis lupus), black bears (Ursus americanus), and moose (Alces americanus) 1–3 years after reclamation, using 232 motion-activated camera traps. We compared four additive treatments (meaning that each successive treatment included the treatment prior): closing the road to human access, decompacting its soil, planting black spruce (Picea mariana) trees, and adding enriched soil. We assessed the influence of treatments, use by other large mammals, and characteristics of the surrounding environment on road use by the four species. Caribou used the planted treatment (which also included closing and decompacting) more than the closed-only (reference) treatment, but treatments did not influence the use of decommissioned roads by bears and moose. We could not assess the use of treated roads by wolves because of low sample size. Road use by caribou declined with local moose density, but increased with local bear density. Caribou were observed more frequently on roads surrounded by regenerating and mature coniferous stands; caribou also preferentially used roads surrounded by wetlands. Our results suggest that the treatment combining road closure, soil decompaction, and tree planting could be beneficial to caribou, highlighting the relevance of including active restoration efforts in caribou conservation programs. We recommend that such a treatment be added to road decommissioning protocols for the conservation of caribou, alongside broad-scale habitat protection.  相似文献   

Logging negatively affects the threatened forest-dwelling caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) through its positive effects on large predator populations. As recruitment is a key component of caribou population growth rate, we assessed calving rates of females and calf survival rates during the most critical period for calf survival, the calving period. We also identified causes of calf mortality and investigated the influence of predation risk, food availability, and human disturbance on habitat selection of females during the calving period at both the home-range and forest stand scales. We hypothesized that caribou should display habitat selection patterns to reduce predation risk at both scales. Using telemetry, we followed 22 females and their calves from 2004 to 2007 in a highly managed study area in Québec, Canada. Most females (78.5 ± 0.05 [SE]) gave birth each year, but only 46.3 ± 8.0% of the calves survived during the first 50 days following birth, and 57.3 ± 14.9% of them died from black bear (Ursus americanus) predation. At the home-range scale, caribou selected calving areas located at upper slope positions and avoided high road density areas. Surprisingly, they also selected the forested habitat type having the lowest lateral cover (mixed and deciduous stands) while avoiding the highest cover (regenerating conifer stands). At the forest stand scale, caribou selected areas located at relatively high elevations and with a lower basal area of black spruce trees. The selection of upper slope positions likely favored spatial segregation between calving females and wolves (Canis lupus) but not black bear. Our results suggest that calving females used areas from which they could visually detect approaching predators. While wolf avoidance appeared to be effective in a highly managed landscape, caribou did not appear to have adjusted their predator avoidance strategy to the recent increase in black bear abundance, who have benefited from increased food abundance. This situation requires focused attention from wildlife managers as logging activities are progressing towards the north within the core of forest-dwelling caribou range. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Predation risk is a driver of species’ distributions. Animals can increase risk avoidance in response to fluctuations in predation risk, but questions remain regarding individual variability and the capacity to respond to changes in spatial risk across human‐altered landscapes. In northeast British Columbia, Canada, boreal caribou populations declined as roads and seismic lines have increased, which are theorized to increase gray wolf predation. Our goal was to model risk and to evaluate individual variability and the development of risk perception by examining individual risk avoidance in response to reproductive status and age. We used locations from collared caribou and wolves to identify landscape features associated with the risk of a potential wolf‐caribou encounter and risk of being killed given an encounter. We built resource selection functions to estimate individual responses to risk. We used general linear regressions to evaluate individual risk and linear feature avoidance as a function of age and reproductive status (calf or no calf). Linear features increased the risk of encounter. Older caribou and caribou with calves demonstrated stronger avoidance of the risk of encounter and roads, but weaker avoidance in late summer to the risk of being killed relative to younger and calf‐less individuals. Mechanisms explaining the inverse relationships between the risk of encounter and risk of being killed are uncertain, but it is conceivable that caribou learn to avoid the risk of encounter and roads. Responses by females with vulnerable calves to the risk of encounter and risk of being killed might be explained by a trade‐off between these two risk types and a prioritization on the risk of encounter. Despite the capacity to alter their responses to risk, the global decline in Rangifer populations (caribou and wild reindeer) suggests these behaviors are insufficient to mitigate the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation often induces edge effects that can increase, decrease or have minimal effect upon the population density of a species, depending upon environmental conditions and the requirements of the species. Using a trapping study and generalized linear mixed models, we evaluated edge effects on small tropical mammals living near roads, including two ground‐dwelling (Akodon sp. and Cerradomys subflavus) and two arboreal (Marmosops incanus and Rhipidomys sp.) species. We examined the relationship of these edge effects to environmental factors at both plot and patch scales. Generalist ground‐dwelling species were attracted to edges, with higher population densities recorded in habitats close to road or matrix edges where vegetation density was lower. In contrast, populations of the generalist arboreal species avoided edge habitats, their populations were found in greater density in habitats far from roads/matrix edges. Thus, our results show that patterns of edge habitat utilization were related to the ecological requirements of each species. These findings are especially important in the tropics, where demand for economic growth in many countries has accelerated the fragmentation process and has recently culminated in increased road construction and expansion. Fragmented habitats promote an increase in edge environments, and consequently will reduce the abundance of arboreal small mammal species, such as those used as models in this study.  相似文献   

For conservation purposes, it is important to design studies that explicitly quantify responses of focal species to different land management scenarios. Here, we propose an approach that combines the influence of landscape matrices with the intrinsic attributes of remaining habitat patches on the space use behavior of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), a threatened subspecies of Rangifer. We sought to link characteristics of forest remnants and their surrounding environment to caribou use (i.e., occurrence and intensity). We tracked 51 females using GPS telemetry north of the Saguenay River (Québec, Canada) between 2004 and 2010 and documented their use of mature forest remnants ranging between 30 and ~170 000 ha in a highly managed landscape. Habitat proportion and anthropogenic feature density within incremental buffer zones (from 100 to 7500 m), together with intrinsic residual forest patch characteristics, were linked to caribou GPS location occurrence and density to establish the range of influence of the surrounding matrix. We found that patch size and composition influence caribou occurrence and intensity of use within a patch. Patch size had to reach approximately 270 km2 to attain 75% probability of use by caribou. We found that small patches (<100 km2) induced concentration of caribou activities that were shown to make them more vulnerable to predation and to act as ecological traps. Woodland caribou clearly need large residual forest patches, embedded in a relatively undisturbed matrix, to achieve low densities as an antipredator strategy. Our patch‐based methodological approach, using GPS telemetry data, offers a new perspective of space use behavior of wide‐ranging species inhabiting fragmented landscapes and allows us to highlight the impacts of large scale management. Furthermore, our study provides insights that might have important implications for effective caribou conservation and forest management.  相似文献   

Predictions from forest ecosystem models are limited in part by large uncertainties in the current state of the land surface, as previous disturbances have important and lasting influences on ecosystem structure and fluxes that can be difficult to detect. Likewise, future disturbances also present a challenge to prediction as their dynamics are episodic and complex and occur across a range of spatial and temporal scales. While large extreme events such as tropical cyclones, fires, or pest outbreaks can produce dramatic consequences, small fine-scale disturbance events are typically much more common and may be as or even more important. This study focuses on the impacts of these smaller disturbance events on the predictability of vegetation dynamics and carbon flux. Using data on vegetation structure collected for the same domain at two different times, i.e. “repeat lidar data”, we test high-resolution model predictions of vegetation dynamics and carbon flux across a range of spatial scales at an important tropical forest site at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We found that predicted height change from a height-structured ecosystem model compared well to lidar measured height change at the domain scale (~150 ha), but that the model-data mismatch increased exponentially as the spatial scale of evaluation decreased below 20 ha. We demonstrate that such scale-dependent errors can be attributed to errors predicting the pattern of fine-scale forest disturbances. The results of this study illustrate the strong impact fine-scale forest disturbances have on forest dynamics, ultimately limiting the spatial resolution of accurate model predictions.  相似文献   

Behavioural strategies may have important fitness, ecological and evolutionary consequences. In woodland caribou, human disturbances are associated with higher predation risk. Between 2004 and 2011, we investigated if habitat selection strategies of female caribou towards disturbances influenced their calf’s survival in managed boreal forest with varying intensities of human disturbances. Calf survival was 53 % and 43 % after 30 and 90 days following birth, respectively, and 52 % of calves that died were killed by black bear. The probability that a female lose its calf to predation was not influenced by habitat composition of her annual home range, but decreased with an increase in proportion of open lichen woodland within her calving home range. At the local scale, females that did not lose their calf displayed stronger avoidance of high road density areas than females that lost their calf to predation. Further, females that lost their calf to predation and that had a low proportion of ≤5-year-old cutovers within their calving home range were mostly observed in areas where these young cutovers were locally absent. Also, females that lost their calf to predation and that had a high proportion of ≤5-year-old cutovers within their calving home range were mostly observed in areas with a high local density of ≤5-year-old cutovers. Our study demonstrates that we have to account for human-induced disturbances at both local and regional scales in order to further enhance effective caribou management plans. We demonstrate that disturbances not only impact spatial distribution of individuals, but also their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Animal movements in the landscape are influenced by linear features such as rivers, roads and power lines. Prior studies have investigated how linear features, particularly roads, affect movement rates by comparing animal's movement rate measured as step lengths (i.e., the distance between consecutive observations such as GPS locations) before, during and after crossing of a linear feature. The null hypothesis has been that the length of crossing steps should not differ from other steps, and a deviation from this, mainly that steps are longer during crossing, has been taken as support for a disturbance effect of the linear feature. However, based on the simple relationship between the length of a step and its probability to cross a linear feature, we claim that this assumption is inappropriate to test for behavioural responses to linear features. The probability is related to the proportion of the total length of the trajectory (i.e., the path of movement) a step constitutes. Consequently, care should be taken when formulating hypotheses about how animal moves in relation to linear features in the landscape. Statistical tests should be set up with respect to the expected length based on the distribution of step lengths in the trajectory. We propose two methods that accounts for the bias in crossing frequency that is caused by step lengths, and illustrates their applications by using simulated animal trajectories as well as empirical data on reindeer in an area with a power line.  相似文献   

We examined the foraging behavior of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) relative to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of their environment. We assessed (1) whether caribou altered their behavior over time while making trade-offs between forage abundance and accessibility; and (2) whether foraging decisions were consistent across spatial scales (i.e., as scale increased, similar decision criteria were used at each scale). We discuss whether caribou adjusted their behavior to take advantage of changing forage availability through time and space. At the scale of the feeding site (as revealed by discriminant function analyses), caribou in both forested and alpine (above tree-line) environments selected sites where the biomass of particular lichen species was greatest and snow the least deep. Caribou did not select those species with the highest nutritional value (i.e., digestible protein and energy) in either area. Where snow depth, density, and hardness limited access to terrestrial lichens in the forest, caribou foraged instead at those trees with the greatest amount of arboreal lichen. Selection of lichen species and the influence of snow differed across time, indicating that in this system the abundance or accessibility of forage temporally influenced foraging behavior. A path analysis of forest data and multiple regression analysis of alpine data were used to test the hypothesis that variables important at the scale of the feeding site explained foraging effort at the scale of the patch. For forest patches, our hypothesized model reliably explained foraging effort, but not all variables that were statistically important at the scale of the feeding site were significant predictors at the scale of the patch. For alpine patches, our hypothesized model did not explain a statistically significant portion of the variation in the number of feeding sites within the patch, and none of the individual variables from the feeding site remained statistically significant at the patch scale. The incongruity between those variables important at the scale of the feeding site and those important at the patch showed that spatial scale affects the foraging decisions of woodland caribou. At the scale of the landscape, there was a trade-off between forage abundance and accessibility. Relative to the alpine environment, caribou in the forest foraged at feeding sites and patches with greater amounts of less variably distributed lichen, but deeper less variable snow depths. Considering the behavioral plasticity of woodland caribou, there may be no distinct advantage to foraging in one landscape over the other.  相似文献   

Many caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations are declining worldwide in part due to disturbance from human development. Prior to human development, important areas of habitat should be identified to help managers minimize adverse effects. Resource selection functions can help identify these areas by providing a link between space use and landscape attributes. We estimated resource selection during five summer periods at two spatial scales for the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd in northern Alaska prior to industrial development to identify areas of high predicted use for the herd. Additionally, given the strong influence parturition and insect harassment have on space use, we determined how selection differed between parturient and non-parturient females, and between periods with and without insect harassment. We used location data acquired between 2004–2010 for 41 female caribou to estimate resource selection functions. Patterns of selection varied through summer but caribou consistently avoided patches of flooded vegetation and selected areas with a high density of sedge-grass meadow. Predicted use by parturient females during calving was almost entirely restricted to the area surrounding Teshekpuk Lake presumably due to high concentration of sedge-grass meadows, whereas selection for this area by non-parturient females was less strong. When insect harassment was low, caribou primarily selected the areas around Teshekpuk Lake but when it was high, caribou used areas having climates where insect abundance would be lower (i.e., coastal margins, gravel bars). Areas with a high probability of use were predominately restricted to the area surrounding Teshekpuk Lake except during late summer when high use areas were less aggregated because of more general patterns of resource selection. Planning is currently underway for establishing where oil and gas development can occur in the herd’s range, so our results provide land managers with information that can help predict and minimize impacts of development on the herd.  相似文献   

The negative effects of roads on wildlife in tropical rainforests are poorly understood. Road construction has high priority in Africa, while negative impacts of roads on wildlife movement often are neglected. This study aims at providing information on the effects of roads on crossing behaviour of rainforest wildlife. The probability that wildlife would cross forest roads was analysed for association with ten different factors that were linked to road presence or construction. Factors were divided into three classes: vegetation cover, topography and human influence. A trackplot survey was done in southern Cameroon, Africa. Trackplots were laid along a 32 km unpaved logging road that intersects Campo‐Ma’an National Park. Tracks of several species were found frequently (e.g. genets and porcupines); while others were found only sporadically (e.g. forest duikers and apes). The actual physical obstacles found along the road (e.g. logs, banks, etc.) were highly negatively correlated with crossing probabilities. For all wildlife species high vegetation cover was positively correlated to crossing probability. This study indicates that roads have a large impact on wildlife, and suggests which factors could be altered during road construction and maintenance in order to mitigate these impacts.  相似文献   

Many animal species exhibit broad-scale latitudinal or longitudinal gradients in their response to biotic and abiotic components of their habitat. Although knowing the underlying mechanism of these patterns can be critical to the development of sound measures for the preservation or recovery of endangered species, few studies have yet identified which processes drive the existence of geographical gradients in habitat selection. Using extensive spatial data of broad latitudinal and longitudinal extent, we tested three hypotheses that could explain the presence of geographical gradients in landscape selection of the endangered boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) during winter in Eastern Canadian boreal forests: 1) climate-driven selection, which postulates that geographic gradients are surrogates for climatic gradients; 2) road-driven selection, which proposes that boreal caribou adjust their selection for certain habitat classes as a function of proximity to roads; and 3) an additive effect of both roads and climate. Our data strongly supported road-driven selection over climate influences. Thus, direct human alteration of landscapes drives boreal caribou distribution and should likely remain so until the climate changes sufficiently from present conditions. Boreal caribou avoided logged areas two-fold more strongly than burnt areas. Limiting the spread of road networks and accounting for the uneven impact of logging compared to wildfire should therefore be integral parts of any habitat management plan and conservation measures within the range of the endangered boreal caribou. The use of hierarchical spatial models allowed us to explore the distribution of spatially-structured errors in our models, which in turn provided valuable insights for generating alternative hypotheses about processes responsible for boreal caribou distribution.  相似文献   

Increasing fragmentation of forests worldwide by timber and industrial development makes it important to understand the edge effects of common anthropogenic disturbances on forest fauna. We collected ground-active spiders along transects across the edge of logging clearcuts, gravel roads and gas pipelines in the boreal forest of Alberta, sampling on the disturbance (10?m from forest edge), and 10, 45, and 200?m into the forest. We asked whether the three disturbances were associated with edge effects on spider communities, and whether the extent of their associated edge effects were equivalent. The spider community at the edges of clearcuts was distinct from interior and on-disturbance communities 10?m into the forest from the clearcut edge, showing an edge effect of between 10 and 45?m from clearcut edges, while no edge effects were apparent at road and pipeline edges. Edge effects therefore differ at linear and non-linear openings in the boreal forest, which suggests that small linear openings may be associated with minimal edge effects compared to large polygonal forest openings. This result has important consequences for forest management, where clearcuts and other non-linear openings are likely to cause edge effects on spider communities that are between 10 and 45?m in their extent. The small size of clearcuts as practiced in the public forests of Canada, and their dense and broad application across the landscape, makes this edge effect of broad spatial significance in protecting biodiversity in managed landscapes.  相似文献   

I studied the party sizes of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)and factors assumed to affect them at Bossou, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Party size is negatively correlated with feeding ratio, and larger parties tend to be formed in more dangerous situations (i.e. crossing roads with much traffic). When parties included estrous females, young (i.e., late juvenile and adolescent) males tended to forage with them, independently from their mothers. Lactating females with infants tended to spend more time alone, but the trend was not as apparent as it is in P. t. schweinfurthiat Gombe, Tanzania. These facts suggest that several factors, in addition to food availability, affect party formation, or fission-fusion, of chimpanzees. I also briefly discuss comparatively the pattern of party formation in P. paniscus.  相似文献   

In the face of climate change and habitat fragmentation there is an increasingly urgent need to learn more about factors that influence species distribution patterns and levels of environmental tolerance. Particular insights can be obtained by looking at the edges of a species range, especially from species with wide distributions. The European roe deer was chosen as a model species due to its widespread distribution. By using pellet group counts, we studied summer and winter habitat use of this herbivore at two of the extreme edges of its distribution – southwest of Portugal, and northeast of Norway – in relation to a range of fine-scale environmental factors including forest structure, vegetation characteristics and human disturbance. Our first prediction that roe deer would respond differently to human activity in both counties was supported. While in Norway roe deer are always close to houses, in Portugal they are either far (in summer) or indifferent (winter). However, everywhere and in every season, roe deer are far from roads. Our second prediction that roe deer better tolerate anthropogenic disturbances in the area where the importance of limiting factors is higher (Norway) was validated. However, our third prediction that anthropogenic disturbance would be less tolerated by roe deer outside the limiting seasons in each country was not supported. Our results suggest that roe deer perceive human activities differently in the two countries and that roe deer better tolerate anthropogenic disturbances in Norway.  相似文献   

In western Canada, anthropogenic disturbances resulting from resource extraction activities are associated with habitat loss and altered predator–prey dynamics. These habitat changes are linked to increased predation risk and unsustainable mortality rates for caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). To inform effective habitat restoration, our goal was to examine whether specific linear disturbance features were associated with caribou predation in central mountain caribou ranges. We used predation‐caused caribou mortalities and caribou GPS‐collar data collected between 2008 and 2015 to assess caribou predation risk within and outside of protected areas at four spatio‐temporal scales: habitat use during the (a) 30 days, (b) 7 days, and (c) 24 hours prior to caribou being killed, and (d) characteristics at caribou kill site locations. Outside of protected areas, predation risk increased closer to pipelines, seismic lines, and streams. Within protected areas, predation risk increased closer to alpine habitat. Factors predicting predation risk differed among spatio‐temporal scales and linear feature types: predation risk increased closer to pipelines during the 30 and 7 days prior to caribou being killed and closer to seismic lines during the 30 days, 7 days, and 24 hours prior, but decreased closer to roads during the 30 days prior to being killed. By assessing habitat use prior to caribou being killed, we identified caribou predation risk factors that would not have been detected by analysis of kill site locations alone. These results provide further evidence that restoration of anthropogenic linear disturbance features should be an immediate priority for caribou recovery in central mountain caribou ranges.  相似文献   

Human disturbance directly affects animal populations and communities, but indirect effects of disturbance on species behaviors are less well understood. For instance, disturbance may alter predator activity and cause knock‐on effects to predator‐sensitive foraging in prey. Camera traps provide an emerging opportunity to investigate such disturbance‐mediated impacts to animal behaviors across multiple scales. We used camera trap data to test predictions about predator‐sensitive behavior in three ungulate species (caribou Rangifer tarandus; white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus; moose, Alces alces) across two western boreal forest landscapes varying in disturbance. We quantified behavior as the number of camera trap photos per detection event and tested its relationship to inferred human‐mediated predation risk between a landscape with greater industrial disturbance and predator activity and a “control” landscape with lower human and predator activity. We also assessed the finer‐scale influence on behavior of variation in predation risk (relative to habitat variation) across camera sites within the more disturbed landscape. We predicted that animals in areas with greater predation risk (e.g., more wolf activity, less cover) would travel faster past cameras and generate fewer photos per detection event, while animals in areas with less predation risk would linger (rest, forage, investigate), generating more photos per event. Our predictions were supported at the landscape‐level, as caribou and moose had more photos per event in the control landscape where disturbance‐mediated predation risk was lower. At a finer‐scale within the disturbed landscape, no prey species showed a significant behavioral response to wolf activity, but the number of photos per event decreased for white‐tailed deer with increasing line of sight (m) along seismic lines (i.e., decreasing visual cover), consistent with a predator‐sensitive response. The presence of juveniles was associated with shorter behavioral events for caribou and moose, suggesting greater predator sensitivity for females with calves. Only moose demonstrated a positive behavioral association (i.e., longer events) with vegetation productivity (16‐day NDVI), suggesting that for other species bottom‐up influences of forage availability were generally weaker than top‐down influences from predation risk. Behavioral insights can be gleaned from camera trap surveys and provide complementary information about animal responses to predation risk, and thus about the indirect impacts of human disturbances on predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

As industrial development increases in the range of barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) across the warming Arctic, the need to understand the responses of caribou to development and to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures increase accordingly. The Central Arctic Herd (CAH) of caribou ranges across northern Alaska, USA, and the herd's summer range includes the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk oilfields, where the herd has been exposed to oil development for >4 decades. We used location data from global positioning system (GPS) radio-collars deployed on female CAH caribou for 106 collar-years, recording locations every 2 hours during 2008–2019, to examine caribou distribution and movements during 7 different seasons of the year in relation to infrastructure in the Kuparuk oilfield, which is characterized by more design improvements and mitigation measures than the older Prudhoe Bay oilfield. We examined movement metrics in terms of distance to gravel infrastructure (roads and pads) and time before and after movements across infrastructure (crossings). We also employed integrated step-selection analysis to compare caribou movements with random movements. Caribou distribution was influenced by insect activity, distance to coast, landcover, and terrain ruggedness, and we found large seasonal differences in caribou responses to infrastructure. Consistent with previous research findings, avoidance of areas near roads and pads was strongest during the calving season and some caribou used roads and pads as insect-relief habitat when oestrid flies (warble fly [Hypoderma tarandi] and nose bot fly [Cephenemyia trompe]) were active. Caribou moved through the Kuparuk oilfield repeatedly during summer, averaging >2 road or pad crossings a day when harassment by mosquitoes (Aedes [Ochlerotatus] spp.) and oestrid flies were the predominant factors influencing caribou movements. Caribou moved faster while crossing roads and pads but showed little pattern in speed or turn angle with distance to roads and pads. These results demonstrate that the effects of petroleum development on a caribou herd with long-term exposure to industrial activity vary widely by season. Maternal caribou avoid active roads and pads during calving, but the incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures in oilfield design allows caribou to move through the Kuparuk oilfield during other snow-free seasons. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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