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Two new species of Culicoides Latreille of the Neotropical subgenus Mataemyia Vargas are described and illustrated based on female specimens from Juruti, Pará, Brazil and compared with their similar congeners. This paper also presents a diagnosis of the subgenus Mataemyia and a systematic key for the identification of the 19 species of the subgenus.  相似文献   

The Culicoides communities have been analyzed between 1993/1998 in the area influenced by the Yacyret Dam Lake (Paran River, Argentina-Paraguay). Adults of Culicoides were collected monthly by using CDC light traps exposed for 24 h in 9 sampling sites located at both margins of the river; 21 species were recorded. Highest values of species richness were recorded during 1993/1994, being Quiteria and Corpus the sites with the higest number of species (10 and 11, respectively). The species diversity was elevated in Quiteria, Zaim n, Candelaria, Santa Tecla, Capit n Meza and Corpus (Shannon's diversity index 1.0-1.9) while Corate , Ituzaing and Aguapey showed less richness and diversity. The more abundant species were C. insignis, C. venezuelensis, C. leopoldoi, C. limai, C. flinti, C. debilipalpis, C. paraensis and C. guttatus. C. insignis, potential vector of bluetongue virus (BTV) to domestic and wild rumiants in the Neotropical region, is the predominant species in the area and was the only species widely distributed. C. paraensis, a proven vector of Oropouche virus to humans, is a common and abundant species. C. pusillus and C. lahillei, potential vectors of BTV and a filarial parasite, respectively, were occasionally collected. The taxonomic structure of communities was constant during the study period. The occasional species were not characteristic to one particular site and their presence could be related to non-intrinsic conditions.  相似文献   


A taxonomic study of midges collected in the subantarctic islands of New Zealand yielded 22 species of Chironomidae and 4 of Ceratopogonidae. Only four of the chironomids occur elsewhere, three on ‘mainland’ New Zealand and one on The Snares islands. Of the 15 species found on the Auckland Islands, 11 on Campbell Island, and 5 on the Antipodes Islands, respectively 9, 4, and 2 are endemic. Nine new species are proposed in existing genera: Parochlus rennelli, P. reductus, P. gressitti, P. brevis, Telmatogeton antipodensis, Eukiefferiella heveli, Cricotopus aucklandensis, Chironomus antipodensis, and C. subantarcticus. Gressittius n.gen. is proposed for Corethra antarctica Hudson (type-species). Semiocladius n.gen. is proposed for Camptocladius crassipennis Skuse, and S. kuscheli n.sp. is described. Eight further new genera are proposed, with the following new species as type-species: Kuschelius dentifer, Mecaorus elongatus, Pterosis wisei, Hevelius carinatus, Gynnidocladius pilulus, Nesiocladius gressitti, Nakataia cisdentifer, and Maryella reducta. Genera Halirytus Eaton and Psamathiomya Deby are synonymised with Telmatogeton Schiner. Gressittius antarcticus (Hudson), Ablabesmyia mala (Hutton), Telmatogeton magellanicus (Jacobs), T. amphibius (Eaton), T. macquariensis (Brundin), Semiocladius crassipennis (Skuse), S. endocladiae (Tokunaga), and Calopsectra funebris (Freeman) are new combinations. Of the ceratopogonids, only one species occurs elsewhere in New Zealand. Three species, only one of them endemic, were found on the Auckland Islands; two were found on Campbell, of which only one is endemic. Forcipomyia kuscheli and Dasyhelea aucklandensis are proposed as new species.  相似文献   

Cardinium bacteria, members of the phylum Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB), are intracellular bacteria in arthropods that are capable of inducing reproductive abnormalities in their hosts, which include parasitic wasps, mites, and spiders. A high frequency of Cardinium infection was detected in planthoppers (27 out of 57 species were infected). A high frequency of Cardinium infection was also found in spider mites (9 out of 22 species were infected). Frequencies of double infection by Cardinium and Wolbachia bacteria (Alphaproteobacteria capable of manipulating reproduction of their hosts) were disproportionately high in planthoppers but not in spider mites. A new group of bacteria, phylogenetically closely related to but distinct from previously described Cardinium bacteria (based on 16S rRNA and gyrB genes) was found in 4 out of 25 species of Culicoides biting midges. These bacteria possessed a microfilament-like structure that is a morphological feature previously found in Cardinium and Paenicardinium. The bacteria close to the genus Cardinium consist of at least three groups, A, B, and C. Group A is present in various species of arthropods and was previously referred to as “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii,” group B is present in plant parasitic nematodes and was previously referred to as “Candidatus Paenicardinium endonii,” and group C is present in Culicoides biting midges. On the basis of morphological and molecular data, we propose that the nomenclature of these three groups be integrated into a single species, “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii.”Compared to the Wolbachia bacteria, which belong to the alpha subdivision of the phylum Proteobacteria and are known as master manipulators of arthropod reproduction (48), the Cardinium bacteria, which belong to the phylum Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB), are relatively new to biological study. The phylum CFB includes many other bacteria associated with arthropods, such as symbionts in cockroaches (3) and termites (4) and the male-killing agents of ladybird beetles (21). Cardinium was first observed in tick cell cultures as an unknown intracellular prokaryote that was rod shaped and had an array of tubes extending from the cytoplasmic membrane (22). In 2001, related symbiotic bacteria were reported as manipulators of arthropod reproduction because they caused feminization, by which genetic males were converted into phenotypic females, in the false spider mite Brevipalpas obovatus (45) and parthenogenesis, in which haploid eggs were converted into viable diploid females, in the parasitoid wasp Encarsia pergandiella (50). Since the 16S rRNA gene sequences of these bacteria exhibited 96% to 98% similarity to the tick microorganism, they were classified in the phylum CFB. Subsequently, bacteria in this group were found to induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), in which uninfected female hosts produce few offspring when mated with infected males in parasitic wasps of the genus Encarsia (20) and in two spider mites, Eotetranychus suginamensis and Bryobia sarothamni (14, 35). These bacteria were arbitrarily called CFB or Cytophaga-like organisms in earlier studies until the scientific name of “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii” was proposed by Zchori-Fein et al. (52). Since then, the bacteria have often been referred to as Cardinium for convenience. Recently, a bacterium related to Cardinium was found in plant parasitic nematodes, for which the scientific name “Candidatus Paenicardinium endonii” was proposed (31).Three independent studies have shown that rates of Cardinium infection were consistently low in wide samplings of arthropods, i.e., 7.2% of 223 species (46), 6% of 99 species (51), and 4.4% of 136 species (11). However, the infection frequencies in mites and spiders were 31.6% (46) and 22% (12), respectively. Cardinium has previously been detected only in hymenopteran insects (20, 25, 46, 50, 51), hemipteran insects (6, 24, 37, 46, 51), mites (13, 14, 15, 19, 45, 46), and spiders (11, 12). Infection by Wolbachia, another group of bacteria belonging to the Alphaproteobacteria that are capable of manipulating arthropod reproduction, is more widespread among arthropods. A recent meta-analysis of published data on Wolbachia infection surveys demonstrated that the proportion of insect species with at least one infected individual is around 66% (16). Other arthropods, such as wood lice, spiders, and mites, are also infected with Wolbachia. Outside of arthropods, Wolbachia infection has been detected in filarial nematodes (2, 23). Compared to Wolbachia, Cardinium organisms have been found in more restricted taxonomic groups (11, 46, 51).In this study, we performed PCR-based screening of various species of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea), spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae), and Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) for Cardinium infection by using primers that detect bacteria closely related to Cardinium. The frequencies of Cardinium infection were considerably higher in planthoppers and spider mites. In Culicoides biting midges, which are important vectors of arthropod-borne viruses pathogenic to livestock (27), some species were infected with Cardinium-like bacteria that had lower nucleotide sequence similarity to other Cardinium species, including those previously found in arthropods. Morphological characteristics and molecular phylogenetic analyses of these bacteria are reported, and their taxonomic classification is reconsidered.  相似文献   

La Maladie de la Langue bleue est une maladie non contagieuse qui affecte les ruminants domestiques et sauvages. Depuis son extension au Nord de l’Europe en 2006, cette épizootie virale a engendré des pertes économiques considérables sur le cheptel ovin et bovin. Les vecteurs biologiques du virus de la FCO (BTV) sont des moucherons appartenant au genre Culicoides. De nombreuses inconnues subsistent encore sur leur biologie, physiologie, écologie et distribution. Cette étude montre que ces moucherons piqueurs sont bien plus abondants au niveau de la ferme que dans les prairies avoisinantes; ces dernières présentent toutefois une plus grande diversité spécifique. C’est ainsi que la possibilité de migration entre la prairie et la ferme est émise pour les espèces C. chiopterus et C. dewulfi. Tant pour la ferme que pour la prairie, les femelles sont beaucoup plus représentées que les mâles. L’observation de la physiologie de celles-ci est réalisée tout au long de l’étude.  相似文献   

The current environmental paradigm of attempting to maintain, to the extent possible, the “status quo” is intellectually dishonest and untenable. Man has long been at least implicitly recognized as “the measure of all things.” Ecological risk assessments (ERAs) need to be based on the reality that humans have primacy in nature and are a major evolutionary force, albeit a selfish one: the “status humana” paradigm. A variety of facts are set out in support of this paradigm and to demonstrate both its relevance and its value. Examples of applications of this paradigm include hormesis, chemicals, food production and biodiversity, socioeconomic and environmental issues, ecotoxicology and bioavailability, introduced species, and environmental relevance.  相似文献   

Brevipalpus californicus (Banks) was infected with ‘Candidatus Cardinium’ bacteria (Cardinium). Tetracycline-treated females produced many male progeny even though untreated females produced only female progeny. B. californicus appears to be feminized by Cardinium. The values for net reproduction rate (R0), generation time (T) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) calculated for B. californicus were 7.48/day, 31.45 days and 0.064/day, respectively. The comparison of infected females with uninfected males and other closely related species, indicated that Cardinium does not have a negative effect on the fitness of B. californicus.  相似文献   

Game theory models predict that individuals in contests adjust their strategy appropriately to the current value of the contested resource and the resource holding potential (RHP) of their opponent. In the current investigation, I examined interactively operating, multiple contest asymmetries on dyadic disputes for precopulatory guarding positions in the crab spider Misumenoides formosipes. In contests between equally sized adult males with no previous contest experience, residents had clear advantages in fighting success over intruders. Asymmetries in experience predicted outcome when tested against residency status, and experience operating in concert with residency status predicted resolution when tested against size asymmetries. Data from this investigation suggest that crab spiders learn strategies through experience rather than rely solely on the assessment of their opponent's RHP before determining contest effort.  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) serve as biological vectors for several pathogens, including the Bluetongue virus and the recently described Schmallenberg virus in northern Europe. These diseases have caused considerable direct and indirect economic losses to the sheep and cattle industries. This study undertaken between August and December 2007 on a sheep farm in the Namur province (Belgium) aims to evaluate Culicoides populations present inside a partially opened sheepfold and in a nearby sheep meadow, using light traps. The comparative analysis of insects trapped at 18 dates at regular intervals showed that Culicoides were most abundant inside this livestock building (17,450 midges) than in surrounding meadow (1,121 midges); this meadow had however a greater species diversity. The two species C. obsoletus and C. scoticus constituting the Obsoletus complex predominated for all trappings and females were much more numerous than males. Important capture of engorged females of the Obsoletus complex inside the sheepfold seems to reflect the possibility of an opportunistic endophagous behavior. Maintaining sheep inside livestock buildings in order to reduce the risk of Culicoides bites – and thus of pathogens transmission – however requires to limit biting midge populations which are likely to enter or to develop inside these buildings. Implementation of effective sanitation and hygiene measures against midges present inside farms, as well as establishing of measures to protect livestock against intrusion and improvement of “midge-proofing” of animal housing are therefore highly recommended.  相似文献   

Many mycophagous species of Drosophila can tolerate the mushroom poison α-amanitin in wild mushrooms and in artificial diet. We conducted feeding assays with sixteen Drosophila species and α-amanitin in artificial diet to better determine the phylogenetic distribution of this tolerance. For eight tolerant and one related susceptible species, we sequenced the gene encoding the large subunit of RNA Polymerase II, which is the target site of α-amanitin. We found no differences in the gene that could account for differences in susceptibility to the toxin. We also conducted feeding assays in which α-amanitin was combined with chemical inhibitors of cytochrome P450s or glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in artificial diet to determine if either of these enzyme families is involved in tolerance to α-amanitin. We found that an inhibitor of GSTs did not reduce tolerance to α-amanitin, but that an inhibitor of cytochrome P450s reduced tolerance in several species. It is possible that the same cytochrome P450 activity that produces tolerance of α-amanitin might produce tolerance of other mushroom toxins as well. If so, a general detoxification mechanism based on cytochrome P450s might answer the question of how tolerance to α-amanitin arose in mycophagous Drosophila when this toxin is found in relatively few mushrooms.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS ) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):124-131
Predation and cannibalism can affect the co-existence of mosquito species or the assemblage of mosquito species (i.e., community structure). In this study, predatory feeding patterns and cannibalism of larvae of Armigeres subalbatus mosquitoes were quantified under laboratory conditions using Aedes albopictus and Culex uniformis larvae as prey organisms. Rate of consumption of prey larvae and the rate of cannibalism of 1st to 4th instar larvae of Armigeres subalbatus were reported at 24 h intervals with and without alternative food supplement. Both the 3rd and 4th instar larvae of Ar. subalbatus showed a substantial predation on the larvae of Ae. albopictus (33.6 ± 4.4) and Cx uniformis (47.3 ± 7.6). The cannibalism of the predatory larvae was strongly correlated to the larval density (r = 0.9). The predator and the prey density and the given food type were significant factors that determined the rate of pupation, death and the emergence as adults. A significant relationship was shown for the co-occurrence of predatory larvae and the prey larvae at the 85 natural breeding habitats observed at the field (χ2 = 74.4, p < 0.001). Nine breeding sites (10.6%) were positive for both prey and predatory larvae. Our study showed robust information about the predatory and cannibalistic behavior of Ar. subalbatus larvae emphasizing their role in managing the population structure of mosquito communities.  相似文献   

Newly isolated strains of the ciliate Paramecium calkinsi and their cytoplasmic bacterial endosymbionts were characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, including live observation, ultrastructural investigation, and molecular analysis. Despite morphological resemblance, the characterized P. calkinsi strains showed a significant molecular divergence compared to conspecifics, possibly hinting for a cryptic speciation. The endosymbionts were clearly found to be affiliated to the species “Candidatus Trichorickettsia mobilis” (Rickettsiales, Rickettsiaceae), currently encompassing only bacteria retrieved in an obligate intracellular association with other ciliates. However, a relatively high degree of intraspecific divergence was observed as well, thus it was possible to split “Candidatus Trichorickettsia” into three subspecies, one of which represented so far only by the newly characterized endosymbionts of P. calkinsi. Other features distinguished the members of each different subspecies. In particular, the endosymbionts of P. calkinsi resided in the cytoplasm and possessed numerous peritrichous flagella, although no motility was evidenced, whereas their conspecifics in other hosts were either cytoplasmic and devoid of flagella, or macronuclear, displaying flagellar-driven motility. Moreover, contrarily to previously analyzed “Candidatus Trichorickettsia” hosts, infected P. calkinsi cells frequently became amicronucleate and demonstrated abnormal cell division, eventually leading to decline of the laboratory culture.  相似文献   

The loss of the L-chromosomes from the germ line of a newly-collected strain of Sciara impatiens was used as a genetic marker to test whether the supernumeraries in this genus obey the rule of origin which governs the behavior of the regular homologues at first meiotic anaphase in the male. Reciprocal crosses between a normal strain which possessed L's and the no-L line yielded F1 males whose germ cells contained L-chromosomes of paternal or of maternal origin. Cytological study of the gonads of these males showed that in all instances, irrespective of their origin, the L-chromosomes were conserved. To demonstrate that the L's thus conserved are not lost subsequently during spermiogenesis, the F1 males derived from normal fathers were bred to females from the no-L line; the gonads of the test-cross progeny showed that these individuals had inherited L-chromosomes. The failure of the paternal L's to obey the rule of origin during spermatogenesis indicates that the supernumeraries in this genus are not subject to the reversible imprinting which the regular complement undergoes. And the genetic effects of exclusively paternal or maternal L-chromosomes on germ cell development and maturation are indistinguishable. Concomitant with the loss of L's from the germ line, the newly-collected strain of S. impatiens underwent an abrupt alteration from unisexual families to variable sex ratios. These ratios are discussed in relation to the problem of sex determination in S. ocellaris, a species which sustained L-chromosome loss during the course of evolution. Discussed also are some new unpublished data which reveal, unexpectedly, a genetic affinity between ocellaris and impatiens. The no-L line of impatiens, which has been kept in laboratory culture for approximately four years, provides a unique opportunity to examine the conditions under which the supernumeraries are retained or lost and also to determine more precisely the nature of their genetic effects.It is a pleasure to acknowledge support by the National Science FoundationIt is a pleasure to acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

Accurate species-level identifications underpin many aspects of basic and applied biology;however,identifications can be hampered by a lack of discriminating morphological characters,taxonomic expertise or time.Molecular approaches,such as DNA"barcoding"of the cytochrome c oxidase(COI)gene,are argued to overcome these issues.However,nuclear encoding of mitochondrial genes(numts)and poor amplification success of suboptimally preserved specimens can lead to erroneous identifications.One insect group for which these molecular and morphological problems are significant are the dacine fruit flies(Diptera:Tephritidae:Dacini).We addressed these issues associated with COI barcoding in the dacines by first assessing several"universal"COI primers against public mitochondrial genome and numt sequences for dacine taxa.We then modified a set of four primers that more closely matched true dacine COI sequence and amplified two overlapping portions of the COI barcode region.Our new primers were tested alongside universal primers on a selection of dacine species,including both fresh preserved and decades-old dry specimens.Additionally,Bactrocera tiyoni mitochondrial and nuclear genomes were compared to identify putative numts.Four numt clades were identified,three of which were amplified using existing universal primers.In contrast,our new primers preferentially amplified the"true"mitochondrial COI barcode in all dacine species tested.The new primers also successfully amplified partial barcodes from dry specimens for which full length barcodes were unobtainable.Thus we recommend these new primers be incorporated into the suites of primers used by diagnosticians and quarantine labs for the accurate identification of dacine species.  相似文献   

Maggot debridement therapy using live Lucilia sericata (Meigen) larvae is an efficient and cost-effective way to treat chronic wounds. The recent increase in studies to assess the antibacterial properties of L. sericata has created a need for a simple, low-cost, and comprehensible rearing and investigative method for researchers with little or no entomological experience. This paper describes and evaluates a reproducible protocol for sterilising and rearing blowfly larvae utilising two sterile artificial diets (blood–yeast agar and pre-prepared blood agar plates) that is suitable for directly investigating the effect of larvae on microbial growth. Using Lucilia sericata as a model, the results show that larval growth on the pre-prepared blood agar diet is detrimental to larval growth and survival, whereas larval growth and survival on the blood–yeast agar diet are comparable to those of larvae raised on porcine liver. This diet is proposed as a standard for blowfly and bacteria interaction studies investigating clinical microbial strains. Developmental data are provided for L. sericata larvae raised on both sterile and nonsterile diets so that researchers can determine the effect of treatment based on the length of time for larvae to reach the required life stage at 25 ± 2 °C. Information on larval ageing (instars at an average of 1, 2, 3 and 4 days), oviposition times (4–5 days after adult emergence) and adult longevity on the diets (102–116 days) is also given.  相似文献   

Females of many insect species analyse and select specific male signals for possible mates. Mate choice can benefit fecundity and survival of females, or have an indirect effect by providing optimal genes. Assortative mating by size is one of the most commonly observed sexual behaviors. Additionally, chemical cues may be detected by females, as these can also be indicators of body size and condition. Little is known about mate choice behavior among Thysanoptera. The mating system of Echinothrips americanus (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) is characterized by a strong competition for mates, leading to assortative mating. In this species very prominent gland structures are located on sternites III to VIII, of which the function still remains unknown. However, given the individual differences in expression of the gland release areas, a probable role in mate selection is postulated. In this study, we are interested in possible correlations between male body size, gland release areas, glandular substances, and mating success. Additionally, we used an experimental approach to test for a possible function in mate-assessment, or as an anti-aphrodisiac. Whereas pronotum length, distance between 1st and 2nd coxa, as well as total sternite area show a significant correlation with mating success, no direct correlation with sternal gland structures was observed. Furthermore, we failed to constitute a mate-assessment or anti-aphrodisiac-like function of sternal gland products.  相似文献   

The tick-borne bacterium “Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis” has recently been recognized as a human pathogen. Together with Borrelia afzelii, it is one of the most common pathogens found in the tick Ixodes ricinus. Here, we compared the epidemiologies of “Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis” and B. afzelii by longitudinal sampling from May to September in one of their most abundant vertebrate hosts, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus), using real-time PCR for detection and quantification. The prevalences of “Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis” and B. afzelii were determined to be 19% (50/261) and 22% (56/261), respectively. The prevalence of “Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis” increased significantly during the sampling season. The clearance rate of “Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis” was significantly higher than that of B. afzelii. We found a high frequency of double infections; 46% of all samples infected with “Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis” also had a coinfection with B. afzelii. The frequency of coinfections was significantly higher than expected from the prevalence of each pathogen. The high level of coinfections can be caused by interactions between the pathogens or might reflect variation in general susceptibility among voles.  相似文献   

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