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Plastic responses can have adaptive significance for organisms occurring in unpredictable environments, migratory species and organisms occupying novel environments. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) occur in a wide range of habitats and environments that fluctuate frequently across seasons and habitats. We expect wild populations of fish to be behaviorally more flexible than fish reared in conventional laboratory and hatchery environments. We measured three behavioral traits among 2 wild (U and PN) and 1 laboratory bred (SH) zebrafish populations in four environments differing in water flow and vegetation regimes. We found that the degree of plasticity varied with the type of behavior and also among populations. In general, vegetation increased aggression and water flow decreased latency to feed after a disturbance, but the patterns were population dependent. For example, while wild U fish fed more readily after a disturbance in vegetated and/or flowing habitats, fish from the wild PN population and lab-reared SH strain showed little variation in foraging across different environmental conditions. Zebrafish from all the three populations were more aggressive when tested in an arena with vegetation. In contrast, while there was an inter- population difference in shoaling distances, variation in shoaling distance across environmental conditions within populations was not significant. These results suggest that both foraging and aggression in zebrafish are more plastic and influenced by immediate context than is shoaling distance, which may have a stronger genetic basis. Our findings point to different underlying mechanisms influencing the expression of these traits and warrants further investigations.  相似文献   

Lorimer N 《Genetics》1979,92(2):555-561
The forest tent caterpillar is polymorphic for two melanic genes affecting wing color of moths. These are the first genetically determined morphological traits reported for the genus. Dark (D) is a sex-limited, autosomal dominant with a phenotype of dark brown males. Frequencies in population samples varied from 8 to 44%. Characteristics of Dark and nonmelanic males were compared. Larval development times, larval survival and pupal weights were not significantly different, but mean fecundity was higher for females with Dark progeny. Band (b), a darkened area across the forewings, occurred in low frequency in both sexes.  相似文献   

The success of invasive species is frequently attributed to phenotypic plasticity, which facilitates persistence in novel environments. Here we report on experimental tests to determine whether the intensity of cryptic coloration patterns in a global invader (brown trout, Salmo trutta) was primarily the result of plasticity or heritable variation. Juvenile F1 offspring were created through experimental crosses of wild-caught parents and reared for 30 days in the laboratory in a split-brood design on either light or dark-colored gravel substrate. Skin and fin coloration quantified with digital photography and image analysis indicated strong plastic effects in response to substrate color; individuals reared on dark substrate had both darker melanin-based skin color and carotenoid-based fin colors than other members of their population reared on light substrate. Slopes of skin and fin color reaction norms were parallel between environments, which is not consistent with heritable population-level plasticity to substrate color. Similarly, we observed weak differences in population-level color within an environment, again suggesting little genetic control on the intensity of skin and fin colors. Taken as whole, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that phenotypic plasticity may have facilitated the success of brown trout invasions and suggests that plasticity is the most likely explanation for the variation in color intensity observed among these populations in nature.  相似文献   

Preliminary observations of the harvestman Leiobunum vittatum found that individuals rub their bodies against the substrate, presenting the possibility of chemical marking. To determine whether or not L. vittatum individuals can detect substrate-borne chemical cues, we compared responses of L. vittatum males and females to substrate-borne male and female cues. We found that individuals of L. vittatum do respond to conspecific cues and that their responses are sex-specific. In response to substrate-borne conspecific cues, male L. vittatum spent more time, engaged in more scraping with their sensory legs I, and engaged in pedipalpal tapping more often in the presence versus absence of conspecific cues (male and female equally). Furthermore, in the presence of conspecific cues, males engaged in two behaviors never observed in females—(a) “fast approach” and (b) “jerking”, the latter of which was never observed in the presence of cricket cues. In contrast to males, females did not spend more time on conspecific cues, but did spend more time tapping their pedipalps in the presence of male vs female cues, suggesting an ability to distinguish between them. A final experiment explored the possibility that females could discriminate among males of varying histories of agonistic interactions based upon their chemical cues. We found no support for this hypothesis. Our results demonstrate that L. vitattum do respond to conspecific cues, and introduce the possibility that intraspecific communication may be mediated in part by chemical cues.  相似文献   

The apple snail Pomacea canaliculata is an invasive species and a serious pest of rice in many Asian countries. We studied predatory activities of various animals living in Japanese freshwater habitats, by keeping each individual of a potential predator species with 36 snails of various sizes for three days in the aquarium. Forty-six species were tested, and 26 in eight classes fed on small snails. A species of leech, crabs, the common carp, turtles, the mallard duck and the Norway rat attacked even adult snails of 20–30 mm in shell height. These findings will be helpful in identifying effective predators for biological control of the pest snail. In addition, most of the animals attacking snails are reported to be common in rivers or ponds, but few live in modernized paddy fields having little connections with natural water systems. This may be a reason why this snail maintains large populations in paddy fields but not in other freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

The caddisfly Sericostoma vittatum Rambur (Trichoptera: Sericostomatidae) is an endemic species of the Iberian Peninsula. Under laboratory conditions, larvae of S. vittatum had a higher activity and metabolism during the night. Besides consuming particulate allochthonous organic matter, young stages are also able to feed and grow on faecal pellets from adults. Daily growth rates varied from 0.02 mg (0.8–3.7 mg size class animals) to 0.31 mg dry mass (10.6–22.8 mg size class animals). Due to the high densities of this species (annual mean of 25 individuals m–2; maximum of 96 individuals m–2) and high consumption rates (0.47 mg leaf dry mass mg animal–1 d–1for small larvae), this species has a potential key role on the fragmentation of allochthonous organic matter of streams in central Portugal.  相似文献   

This study is the first on the genetics of invasive populations of one of the most widely spread land mollusc species known in the world, the “Brown Snail” Cornu aspersum aspersum. Deliberately or accidentally imported, the species has become recently a notorious pest outside its native Mediterranean range. We compared the spatial structure and genetic variability of invasive (America, Oceania, South Africa) versus native populations using five microsatellite loci and mitochondrial (Cyt b and 16S rRNA) genes as a first step towards (i) the detection of potential source populations, and (ii) a better understanding of mechanisms governing evolutionary changes involved in the invasion process. Results based on multivariate analysis (Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components), Bayesian statistical inference (Clustering, Approximate Bayesian Computation) and demographic tests allowed a construction of the introduction pathways of the species over recent centuries. While emigrants originated from only one of the two native lineages, the West one, the most likely scenario involved several introduction events and “source switching” comprising (i) an early stage (around 1660) of simultaneous introductions from Europe (France, Spain) towards Oceania (New Zealand) and California, (ii) from the early 18th century, a second colonization wave from bridgehead populations successfully established in California, (iii) genetic admixture in invasive areas where highly divergent populations came into contact as in New Zealand. Although these man-made pathways are consistent with historical data, introduction time estimates suggest that the two putative waves of invasion would have occurred long before the first field observations recorded, both in America and in Oceania. A prolonged lag period as the use of an incorrect generation time could explain such 100–150 years discrepancy. Lastly, the contrasting patterns of neutral genetic signal left in invasive populations are discussed in light of possible ways of facing novel environments (standing genetic variation versus new mutation).  相似文献   

Extensive collecting of grasshoppers of the genus Phaulacridium in New Zealand has indicated the presence of a new species, P. otagoense Ritchie & Westerman, distributed parapatrically with respect to the common and widespread species, P. marginale (Walker) in the Mackenzie Plains and Central Otago regions of South Island. Phaulacridium otagoense occurs on exposed hillsides with bare patches caused by rabbit grazing while P. marginale is found in adjoining areas with lusher vegetation and less severe erosion. A key to the two species and a differential diagnosis are provided. Statistically significant differences in morphology and in nuclear DNA content and chiasma frequency confirm the separate species status of the two taxa. The present-day distribution and probable allopatric origin of P. otagoense from P. marginale is discussed in the light of past and present vegetational and climatic factors and their recent disruption by human agencies. The holotype and some paratypes of P. otagoense are deposited in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand and further paratypes are deposited in the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra and the British Museum (Natural History), London  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri is currently the major threat to the citrus industry as it is the vector of Candidatus Liberibacter, the causal agent of huanglongbing disease (HLB). D. citri is native to Asia and now colonizes the Americas. Although it has been known in some countries for a long time, invasion routes remain undetermined. There are no efficient control methods for the HLB despite the intensive management tools currently in use. We investigated the genetic variability and structure of populations of D. citri to aid in the decision making processes toward sustainable management of this species/disease. We employed different methods to quantify and compare the genetic diversity and structure of D. citri populations among 36 localities in Brazil, using an almost complete sequence of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Our analyses led to the identification of two geographically and genetically structured groups. The indices of molecular diversity pointed to a recent population expansion, and we discuss the role of multiple invasion events in this scenario. We also argue that such genetic diversity and population structure may have implications for the best management strategies to be adopted for controlling this psyllid and/or the disease it vectors in Brazil.  相似文献   

Reintroduction to the wild of threatened species has become a modern additional justification for captive propagation. This conservation procedure is costly, and both economic resources and the absence of optimal conditions in the field limit the IUCN recommendations for reintroduction to a small proportion of potential candidate species. Furthermore reintroduction attempts often fail. In carnivores, reintroduction failure is attributed to unsuitable adaptation in the field by captive-reared animals, due to their lack of hunting skills, their tendency to leave the target area, their inadequate interaction with conspecifics or their excessive confidence in humans. This list of causes is based on very few studies of carnivore adaptation after reintroduction. In very rare and endangered species, monitoring individual case-histories is the only way to evaluate reintroduction success. We report a successful experimental release of an Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) which grew up in captivity. Careful feeding-training and avoidance of human contact during the captive phase, as well as good habitat quality and correct interaction with other wild lynx in the release site, seem to account for the observed success. Permanence of the lynx within the release area might be related to the availability of territory vacancies in the receiving population. Our results allow some optimism for future reintroductions of this endangered species in areas where it has become extinct recently.  相似文献   

Elucidating interrelationships between rate of growth and sexual maturation in unpredictable or stochastic environments could increase our understanding of life-history strategies of small mammals. It has been hypothesized that species living in environments where food availability is unpredictable might become sexually mature at smaller sizes and channel excess energy into reproduction rather than into compensatory growth. We explored this hypothesis in female cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) by feeding variable levels of dietary protein during early postweanling development (14–45days of age) and monitoring compensatory growth and fitness after nutritional rehabilitation (45–100days of age). Growth was optimum in females fed diets containing 16% protein, with minimal requirements estimated to be 12%. Females fed diets containing <12% protein exhibited suppressed development, including delayed puberty. However, these nulliparous females demonstrated compensatory growth during the early period of nutritional rehabilitation, regardless of the severity of previous restrictions in protein. No long-lasting fitness consequences from postweanling nutritional restrictions were apparent as we observed no difference in date of conception, body mass of dams at parturition, litter size, or rate of growth of neonates. We offer a possible adaptive explanation for this observed plasticity in growth and development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The highly polyphagous Old World cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera is a quarantine agricultural pest for the American continents. Historically H. armigera is thought to have colonised the American continents around 1.5 to 2 million years ago, leading to the current H. zea populations on the American continents. The relatively recent species divergence history is evident in mating compatibility between H. zea and H. armigera under laboratory conditions. Despite periodic interceptions of H. armigera into North America, this pest species is not believed to have successfully established significant populations on either continent. In this study, we provide molecular evidence via mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b) partial gene sequences for the successful recent incursion of H. armigera into the New World, with individuals being detected at two sites (Primavera do Leste, Pedra Preta) within the State of Mato Grosso in Brazil. The mtDNA COI and Cyt b haplotypes detected in the Brazilian H. armigera individuals are common throughout the Old World, thus precluding identification of the founder populations. Combining the two partial mtDNA gene sequences showed that at least two matrilines are present in Brazil, while the inclusion of three nuclear DNA Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing (EPIC) markers identified a further two possible matrilines in our samples. The economic, biosecurity, resistance management, ecological and evolutionary implications of this incursion are discussed in relation to the current agricultural practices in the Americas.  相似文献   

In annual plants, including amphicarpic annuals, variation in light availability can evoke phenotypic plasticity in multiple traits. We examined plasticity to light availability of vegetative and reproductive performance traits in Amphicarpaea bracteata (Fabaceae) by developing and evaluating three path-analysis models using data from a greenhouse study. To assess whether light availability altered the phenotypic integration of these performance traits, we examined the models' fit to data collected within a high- or a low-light treatment. We also examined whether a single model or alternate models were required to fit data from the two contrasting light treatments. Using our path-analysis approach, we also made comparisons among three population types: shade- and sun-native populations of the widespread variety A. bracteata var. bracteata and sun-native populations of the variety A. bracteata var. comosa. Although each type of population was somewhat distinctive in patterns of integration and in the plasticity of integration, patterns did not correspond to contrasting ecological affinity, i.e., shade- and sun-native population types or to genetic relatedness of the two varieties. Counter to the prediction that selection regimes involving variation in one or more environmental factor favor intermediate levels of integration, phenotypic integration in A. bracteata was very flexible, with plasticity occurring in a trait-by-trait manner. In particular, there was an inverse relationship between aerial and subterranean reproductive modes in low but not high light. Previous studies of amphicarpic annuals have not observed this type of environment-specific life history trade-off.  相似文献   

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