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Abstract: Axonal transport of phospholipids in normal and regenerating sciatic nerve of the rat was studied. At various intervals after axotomy of the right sciatic nerve in the midthigh region and subsequent perineurial sutures of the transected fascicles, a mixture of 60 μCi [Me-HC]choline and 15 μCi [2-3H]glycerol in the region of the spinal motor neurons of the L5 and L6 segments was injected bilaterally. The amount of radioactive lipid (and in certain cases its distribution in various lipid classes) along the nerve was determined as a function of time. Three days after fascicular suture and 6 h after spinal cord injection of precursors, there was an accumulation of labeled phospholipids and sphingolipids in the transected sciatic nerve in the region immediately proximal to the site of suture. Nine days after, there was a marked increase in the accumulation of radioactivity in the distal segments of the injured nerve, which increased up to 14 days after cutting and disappeared as regeneration proceeded (21–45 days). In all segments of both normal and regenerating nerve fibers, as well as in L5 and L6 spinal cord segments, only phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin were labeled with [14C]choline. These results suggest that the regeneration process in a distal segment of a peripheral neuron, following cutting and fascicular repairing by surgical sutures, is sustained in the first 3 weeks by changes in the amount of phospholipids rapidly transported along the axon towards the site of nerve fiber outgrowth.  相似文献   

With the development of tissue engineering and the shortage of autologous nerve grafts in nerve reconstruction, cell transplantation in a conduit is an alternative strategy to improve nerve regeneration. The present study evaluated the effects and mechanism of brain-derived neural stem cells (NSCs) on sciatic nerve injury in rats. At the transection of the sciatic nerve, a 10-mm gap between the nerve stumps was bridged with a silicon conduit filled with 5?×?105 NSCs. In control experiments, the conduit was filled with nerve growth factor (NGF) or normal saline (NS). The functional and morphological properties of regenerated nerves were investigated, and expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and NGF was measured. One week later, there was no connection through the conduit. Four or eight weeks later, fibrous connections were evident between the proximal and distal segments. Motor function was revealed by measurement of the sciatic functional index (SFI) and sciatic nerve conduction velocity (NCV). Functional recovery in the NSC and NGF groups was significantly more advanced than that in the NS group. NSCs showed significant improvement in axon myelination of the regenerated nerves. Expression of NGF and HGF in the injured sciatic nerve was significantly lower in the NS group than in the NSCs and NGF groups. These results and other advantages of NSCs, such as ease of harvest and relative abundance, suggest that NSCs could be used clinically to enhance peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Abstract: Retrograde axonal transport of phospholipid was studied in rat sciatic motoneuron axons by placing collection crushes on the nerve at intervals after injection of [methyl-3H]choline into the lumbosacral spinal cord, and allowing labelled material undergoing anterograde or retrograde movement to accumulate adjacent to the collection crushes. Control experiments showed that the accumulations of label were not a result of local uptake of circulating precursor. The majority of the 3H label was associated with phosphatidylcholine. Accumulation of label at the distal collection crush, representing retrograde transport, was observed subsequent to the anterograde transport of phospholipid. In comparison with previous study on retrograde transport of protein, the following points were noted: (1) onset of retrograde transport occurred at approximately the same time after precursor injection (10–20 h) for both protein and phospholipid; (2) retrograde transport of lipids was more prolonged: maximum retrograde transport occurred later for phospholipid (30 h) than for protein (15–20 h), and declined to half-maximum between 49 and 99 h, compared to a corresponding value of 24–28 h for protein; (3) the proportion of total anterograde-transported activity subsequently undergoing retrograde transport was less in the case of phospholipid, at least over the time interval studied (up to 99 h after precursor injection). The similar times of onset of retrograde transport of phospholipid and protein support the concept of retrograde transport as a recycling mechanism returning to the cell body membrane fragments that were earlier transported into the axon. Coordinated retrograde transport of labelled protein and phospholipid components of the recycled membranes would be predicted. Differences between protein and phospholipid in the subsequent time course and amount of retrograde transport may reflect differences in axonal handling of protein and lipid. Both the more prolonged outflow of labelled lipids from cell body into axon and exchange with a distal pool of unlabelled phospholipid may account for the prolonged time course of retrograde transport of labelled lipid.  相似文献   

The distribution of 5'-nucleotidase activity, dopaminergic [3H]spiperone binding sites, and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) binding sites in different subcellular fractions of bovine caudate nucleus has been studied. Each activity was enriched in a microsomal (P3) preparation from that tissue. The microsomal preparation was further fractionated by different techniques. First, the P3 fraction, or a sonicated P3 fraction, was fractionated on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Second, the P3 fraction, or a digitonin pretreated P3 fraction, was fractionated on a continuous sucrose density gradient. The results obtained demonstrate that 5'-nucleotidase activity does not cofractionate with radioligand binding activity, although no difference between the distributions of [3H]spiperone binding and [3H]QNB binding were seen. It is concluded that the two radioligand binding activities are located on nonglial membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Western blotting of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and sciatic nerve under nonreducing conditions revealed that a peripherin-specific antibody recognized a protein species of 116/130 kDa, pi 5.6, in addition to peripherin (56 kDa, pl 5.6). We showed that this 116/130 kDa protein is a disulfide dimer of peripherin, because it gave rise to a single protein band comigrating with peripherin under reducing conditions and yielded the same proteolytic pattern as peripherin upon N-chlorosuccinimide digestion. In addition, the immunological characteristics of the resulting peptides were identical to those of peripherin. We investigated the changes in peripherin monomer and dimer protein levels during axonal development and regeneration. During postnatal development, quantitative analysis of western blots of DRG proteins showed a significant increase in peripherin monomer (+52%) and dimer (+33%) levels from the day of birth [postnatal day 0 (PO)] to P7. The monomer levels remained high until P14 and then decreased so that at P21 and later ages, the monomer levels were similar to those observed at birth. In contrast, the dimer levels decreased continuously after P7, and in the adult, its level represented only 30% of the level at birth. Changes in [35S]methionine incorporation into adult DRG proteins were studied during regeneration of axotomized sciatic axons. Quantitative analysis of proteins showed a strong increase in labeling of both peripherin monomer (+56%) and dimer (+88%) 7 days after the crush. These levels, which remained high until 28 days after the axotomy, had returned to normal 70 days post axotomy. Our results show that peripherin monomer and dimer greatly increase during DRG fiber development and regeneration, suggesting that the two forms are involved in the growth of axons.  相似文献   

The ganglioside 9-O-acetyl GD3 is overexpressed in peripheral nerves after lesioning, and its expression is correlated with axonal degeneration and regeneration in adult rodents. However, the biological roles of this ganglioside during the regenerative process are unclear. We used mice lacking GD3 synthase (Siat3a KO), an enzyme that converts GM3 to GD3, which can be further converted to 9-O-acetyl GD3. Morphological analyses of longitudinal and transverse sections of the sciatic nerve revealed significant differences in the transverse area and nerve thickness. The number of axons and the levels of myelin basic protein were significantly reduced in adult KO mice compared to wild-type (WT) mice. The G-ratio was increased in KO mice compared to WT mice based on quantification of thin transverse sections stained with toluidine blue. We found that neurite outgrowth was significantly reduced in the absence of GD3. However, addition of exogenous GD3 led to neurite growth after 3 days, similar to that in WT mice. To evaluate fiber regeneration after nerve lesioning, we compared the regenerated distance from the lesion site and found that this distance was one-fourth the length in KO mice compared to WT mice. KO mice in which GD3 was administered showed markedly improved regeneration compared to the control KO mice. In summary, we suggest that 9-O-acetyl GD3 plays biological roles in neuron-glia interactions, facilitating axonal growth and myelination induced by Schwann cells. Moreover, exogenous GD3 can be converted to 9-O-acetyl GD3 in mice lacking GD3 synthase, improving regeneration.  相似文献   

Protein Synthesis and Axonal Transport During Nerve Regeneration   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
Abstract— Protein synthesis and axonal transport have been studied in regenerating peripheral nerves. Sciatic nerves of bullfrogs were unilaterally crushed or cut. The animals were killed 1, 2, or 4 weeks later, and 8th and 9th dorsal root ganglia removed together with sciatic nerves and dorsal roots. The ganglia were selectively labeled in vitro with [35S]-methionine. Labeled proteins, in dorsal root ganglia and rapidly transported to ligatures placed on the sciatic nerves and dorsal roots, were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. Qualitative analysis of protein patterns revealed no totally new proteins synthesized or rapidly transported in regenerating nerves. However, quantitative comparison of regenerating and contralateral control nerves revealed significant differences in abundance for some of the proteins synthesized in dorsal root ganglia, and for a few of the rapidly transported proteins. Quantitative analysis of rapidly transported proteins in both the peripheral processes (spinal nerves) and central processes (dorsal roots) revealed similar changes despite the fact that the roots were undamaged. The overall lack of drastic changes seen in protein synthesis and transport suggests that the neuron in its program of normal maintenance synthesizes and supplies most of the materials required for axon regrowth.  相似文献   

Abstract: Biochemical methods were used to study the time course of transport of choline phospholipids (labeled by the injection of [3H]choline into the ventral horn of the lumbar spinal cord) in rat sciatic nerve. Autoradiographic methods were used to localize the transported lipid within motor axons. Transported phospholipid, primarily phosphatidylcholine, present in the nerve at 6 h, continued to accumulate over the following 12 days. No discrete waves of transported lipid were observed (a small wave of radioactive phospholipid moving at the high rate would have been missed); the amounts of radioactive lipid increased uniformly along the entire sciatic nerve. In light-microscope autoradiographs, a class of large-caliber axons, presumably motor axons, retained the labeled lipid. Some lipid, even at 6 h, was seen within the myelin sheaths. Later, the labeling of the myelin relative to axon increased. The continued accumulation of choline phospholipids in the axons probably signifies their prolonged release from cell bodies and their retention in various axonal membranes, including the axolemma. The build-up of these phospholipids in myelin probably represents their transfer from the axons to the myelin sheaths surrounding them. When nerves are crushed and allowed to regenerate for 6 or 12 days, choline phospholipids transported during these times enter the regenerating nerve. In light and electron microscope autoradiographs, transported lipid was seen to be localized primarily in the regenerating axons. However, grains overlay the adjacent Schwann cell cytoplasm, indicating transported lipids were transferred from the regenerating axons to the associated Schwann cells. In addition, some cells not associated with growing axons were labeled, suggesting that phosphatidylcholine and possibly acetylcholine, carried to the regenerating axons by axonal transport, were actively metabolized in the terminal, with released choline label being used by other cells. These results demonstrate that axonal transport supplies mature and growing axons and their glial cells with choline phospholipids.  相似文献   

Abstract: Retrograde axonal transport of phosphatidylcholine in the sciatic nerve has been demonstrated only after injection of lipid precursors into the cell body region. We now report, however, that after microinjection (1 μl) of [methyl-3H]choline chloride into the rat sciatic nerve (35-40 mm distal to the L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia), time-dependent accumulation of 3H-labeled material occurred in dorsal root ganglia ipsilateral, but not contralateral, to the injection site. The level of radioactivity in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia was minimal at 2 h after isotope injection but was significantly increased at 7, 24, 48, and 72 h after intraneural isotope injection (n = 3–8 per time point); at these time points, all of the radiolabel in the chloroform/methanol extract of the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia was present in phosphatidylcholine. The radioactivity in the water-soluble fraction did not show a time-dependent accumulation in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia as compared with the contralateral DRGs, ruling out transport or diffusion of precursor molecules. In addition, colchicine injection into the sciatic nerve proximal to the isotope injection site prevented the accumulation of radiolabel in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia. Therefore, this time-dependent accumulation of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia is most likely due to retrograde axonal transport of locally synthesized phospholipid material. Moreover, 24 h after injection of both [3H]choline and [35S]-methionine into the sciatic nerve, the ipsilateral/contralateral ratio of radiolabel was 11.7 for 3H but only 1.1 for 35S. indicating that only locally synthesized choline phospholipids, but not protein, were retrogradely transported.  相似文献   

The distribution of axonally transported gangliosides and glycoproteins along the sciatic nerve was examined from 3 h to 4 weeks following injection of[3H]glucosamine into the fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion of adult rats. Incorporation of labeled precursor into these glycoconjugates reached a maximal level in the ganglion within 6 h. Outflow patterns of radioactivity for glycoproteins showed a well-defined crest with a transport rate of approximately 330 mm/day. In contrast, the crest of transported gangliosides was continuously attenuated, implying a significant deposition along the axon, and an alternative method of calculating velocity was required. Analysis of accumulation of labeled material at double ligatures demonstrated both anterograde and retrograde transport of glycoproteins and gangliosides and allowed for the calculation of an anterograde transport rate of about 270 mm/day for each. Additional evidence of ganglioside transport is provided in that the TLC pattern of transported radioactive gangliosides accumulating at a ligature is significantly different from the pattern seen in the dorsal root ganglion or following intraneural administration of the labeled precursor. These data indicate that gangliosides are transported at the same rapid rate as glycoproteins but are subject to a more extensive exchange with stationary material than are glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Although autoradiography has demonstrated local incorporation of [3H]inositol into axonal phospholipids after intraneural injection, retrograde axonal transport of phosphatidylinositol has only been demonstrated after injection of lipid precursor into the cell body regions (L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia) of the sciatic nerve. We now report the retrograde axonal transport of inositol phospholipids synthesized locally in the axons. Following microinjection of myo-[3H]inositol into the rat sciatic nerve (50-55 mm distal to L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia), a time-dependent accumulation of 3H label occurred in the dorsal root ganglia ipsilateral to the injection site. The ratio of dpm present in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia to that in the contralateral dorsal root ganglia was not significantly different from unity between 2 and 8 h following isotope injection but increased to 10-12-fold between 24 and 72 h following precursor injection. By 24 h following precursor injection, the ipsilateral/contralateral ratio of the water-soluble label in the dorsal root ganglia still remained approximately 1.0, whereas the corresponding ratio in the chloroform/methanol-soluble fraction was approximately 20. The time course of appearance of labeled lipids in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia after injection of precursor into the nerve at various distances from the dorsal root ganglia indicated a transport rate of at least 5 mm/h. Accumulation of label in the dorsal root ganglia could be prevented by intraneural injection of colchicine or ligation of the sciatic nerve between the dorsal root ganglia and the isotope injection site. These results demonstrate that inositol phospholipids synthesized locally in the sciatic nerve are retrogradely transported back to the nerve cell bodies located in the dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) polymorphism was studied in the sciatic nerve of 4-week-old Leghorn chicks, by sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis. Four main AChE molecular forms were found with sedimentation coefficients of 5S, 7.5S, 11.5S and 20S respectively. Axonal transport of each of these forms was investigated on the basis of the enzyme accumulation kinetics measured on both sides of nerve transections and of the enzyme redistribution kinetics in nerve segments isolated in vivo. After nerve transection, 11.5S and 20S forms accumulated faster in the anterograde than in the retrograde direction and also much faster than 5S and 7.5S forms in the anterograde direction. Retrograde accumulations of 5S and 7.5S were faint or negligible. In addition, 1 h after nerve cutting, the accumulation rates for 11.5S and 20S forms (but not for 5S and 7.5S) fell, in both directions, to about one-third of their initial values, probably owing to reversal of axonal transport at the axotomy site. Local protein synthesis inhibition by cycloheximide did not affect the accumulation of 11.5S and 20S in front of a transection, at least during the first hours, but reduced that of 5S and 7.5S by about 40%. In isolated nerve segments in vivo, the rapidly mobile fraction of AChE was estimated to constitute 23% of the total enzyme activity present in the nerve, 14% of it moving in an anterograde and 9% in a retrograde direction. A small amount of 11.5S molecules (approx. 20%) was in rapid transit (two-thirds in the anterograde and one-third in the retrograde direction), whereas almost all the 20S--about 90%--migrated rapidly (two-thirds forwards and one-third backwards). Anterograde velocities of 408 +/- 94 and 411 +/- 161 mm/day respectively were estimated for the 11.5S and 20S forms. Their respective retrograde velocities were 175 +/- 85 and 145 +/- 107 mm/day. Assuming that the totality of 5S and 7.5S molecules are moving in the anterograde direction, their accumulation rates were consistent with the average anterograde velocities of 2.9 +/- 1.3 and 5.1 +/- 1.4 mm/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Neuroactive steroids such as progesterone, testosterone, and their derivatives have been widely studied for their neuroprotective roles in the nervous system. Autologous nerve transplantation is considered as the gold standard repair technique when primary suture is impossible; nevertheless, this method is far from ideal. In this study, we aimed to explore the impact of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a 5α-reduced derivative of testosterone, on the recovery of peripheral nerve injury treated with autologous nerve transplantation. Sprague–Dawley rats were subjected to a 10-mm right side sciatic nerve reversed autologous nerve transplantation and randomly divided into groups that received DHT or DHT?+?flutamide (an androgen receptor blocker) daily for 8 weeks after operation. Our results demonstrated that DHT could speed up the rate of axonal regeneration and increase the expression of myelin protein zero (P0) in autograft reversal sciatic nerves. Thus, our study provided new insights into improving the prognosis of patients with long gap peripheral nerve defects.  相似文献   

Objectives To observe the effect of ultrashortwave (USW) therapy on nerve regeneration after acellular nerve allografts(ANA) repairing the sciatic nerve gap of rats and discuss its acting mechanisms. Methods Sixteen Wistar rats weighing 180–220 g were randomly divided into four groups with four rats in each group: normal control group; acellular group (ANA, treated by hypotonic-chemical detergent, was applied for bridging a 10 mm-long sciatic nerve defect); USW group (After 24 h of ANA repairing the sciatic nerve gap, low dose USW was administrated for 7 min, once a day, 20 times a course of treatment, three courses of treatment in all); and autografts group. 12 weeks after operation, a series of examinations was performed, including electrophysiological methods, the restoring rate of tibialis anterior muscle wet weight, histopathological observation (myelinated nerve number, myelin sheath thickness, and axon diameter), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression of spinal cord, and muscle at injury site, and analyzed statistically. Results Compared to acellular nerve allografts alone, USW therapy can increase nerve conductive velocity, the restoring rate of tibialis anterior muscle wet weight, myelinated nerve number, axon diameter, VEGF mRNA expression of spinal cord, and muscle at injury site, the difference is significant. There were no differences between USW group and autografts group except myelin sheath thickness. Conclusions USW therapy can promote nerve axon regeneration and Schwann cells proliferation after ANA repairing the sciatic nerve gap of rats, the upregulation of VEGF mRNA expression of spinal cord and muscle may play an important role.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of glycoconjugates was studied in the motoneurons of rat sciatic nerve following injection of [3H]glucosamine into the lumbosacral spinal cord. After varying time intervals, the sciatic nerve was exposed, and two ligatures were tied for collection of materials undergoing anterograde and retrograde transport. Gangliosides and glycoproteins were found to undergo fast anterograde transport, estimated at 284-446 mm/day. Both classes underwent retrograde transport as well, with labeled glycoproteins returning slightly ahead of labeled gangliosides. Only minor quantities of labeled proteoglycans were detected. Purified gangliosides extracted from nerve segments were fractionated according to sialic acid number on diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex; the distributional pattern tended to resemble that of brain gangliosides. The similarity between anterograde and retrograde patterns suggested absence of metabolic changes in gangliosides entering and leaving the axon-nerve terminal structures.  相似文献   

The axonal transport of putrescine or its polyamine derivatives spermidine or spermine is a subject of some debate. We investigated this question by injecting [3H]putrescine into the lumbar spinal cord of the rat and measuring the accumulation of radioactivity central to ligatures placed on intact and regenerating sciatic nerves. In normal nerves, approximately twice as much radioactivity built up proximal to these ligatures 2 or 3 days after injection than at more distal ligatures used to control for accumulation of radioactivity which might be due to tissue damage alone. In regenerating nerves the amount of radioactivity accumulating at the ligature was approximately five times that at the distal ligature and two to three times greater than in intact nerves. The identity of the radioactivity in regenerating nerves, determined on an amino acid analyzer, was found to be primarily spermidine and an unknown compound that migrated as a frontal elution peak. Autoradiographic analysis showed that the radioactivity was largely confined to axons, but a significant amount of the silver grains was associated with Schwann cells and myelin sheaths surrounding labeled axons in both intact and regenerating nerves. The data indicate that polyamine derivatives of putrescine are transported axonally in rat sciatic nerves, and some of this transported material accumulates in Schwann cells surrounding the labeled axons. These processes are apparently augmented during regeneration of the injured axons.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain arises as a consequence of a lesion or a disease affecting the somatosensory system. This syndrome results from maladaptive changes in injured sensory neurons and along the entire nociceptive pathway within the central nervous system. It is usually chronic and challenging to treat. In order to study neuropathic pain and its treatments, different models have been developed in rodents. These models derive from known etiologies, thus reproducing peripheral nerve injuries, central injuries, and metabolic-, infectious- or chemotherapy-related neuropathies. Murine models of peripheral nerve injury often target the sciatic nerve which is easy to access and allows nociceptive tests on the hind paw. These models rely on a compression and/or a section. Here, the detailed surgery procedure for the "cuff model" of neuropathic pain in mice is described. In this model, a cuff of PE-20 polyethylene tubing of standardized length (2 mm) is unilaterally implanted around the main branch of the sciatic nerve. It induces a long-lasting mechanical allodynia, i.e., a nociceptive response to a normally non-nociceptive stimulus that can be evaluated by using von Frey filaments. Besides the detailed surgery and testing procedures, the interest of this model for the study of neuropathic pain mechanism, for the study of neuropathic pain sensory and anxiodepressive aspects, and for the study of neuropathic pain treatments are also discussed.  相似文献   

There are currently no available options to promote nerve regeneration through chronically denervated distal nerve stumps. Here we used a rat model of delayed nerve repair asking of prior insertion of side-to-side cross-bridges between a donor tibial (TIB) nerve and a recipient denervated common peroneal (CP) nerve stump ameliorates poor nerve regeneration. First, numbers of retrogradely-labelled TIB neurons that grew axons into the nerve stump within three months, increased with the size of the perineurial windows opened in the TIB and CP nerves. Equal numbers of donor TIB axons regenerated into CP stumps either side of the cross-bridges, not being affected by target neurotrophic effects, or by removing the perineurium to insert 5-9 cross-bridges. Second, CP nerve stumps were coapted three months after inserting 0-9 cross-bridges and the number of 1) CP neurons that regenerated their axons within three months or 2) CP motor nerves that reinnervated the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle within five months was determined by counting and motor unit number estimation (MUNE), respectively. We found that three but not more cross-bridges promoted the regeneration of axons and reinnervation of EDL muscle by all the CP motoneurons as compared to only 33% regenerating their axons when no cross-bridges were inserted. The same 3-fold increase in sensory nerve regeneration was found. In conclusion, side-to-side cross-bridges ameliorate poor regeneration after delayed nerve repair possibly by sustaining the growth-permissive state of denervated nerve stumps. Such autografts may be used in human repair surgery to improve outcomes after unavoidable delays.  相似文献   

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