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RoxA is an extracellular c-type diheme cytochrome secreted by Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y during growth on rubber. RoxA cleaves poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) to 12-oxo-4,8-dimethyltrideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD). Analysis of the RoxA structure revealed that Phe317 is located in close proximity (≈5 Å) to the N-terminal heme that presumably represents the active site. To find evidence of whether Phe317 is important for catalysis, we changed it to tyrosine, tryptophan, leucine, histidine, or alanine. All five RoxA muteins were expressed after integration of the respective gene into the chromosome of a Xanthomonas sp. ΔroxA strain. Residual clearing zone formation on opaque latex agar was found for Xanthomonas sp. strains expressing the Phe317Leu, Phe317Ala, or Phe317His variant (wild type > Leu > Ala > His). Strains in which Phe317 was changed to tyrosine or tryptophan were inactive. Phe317Ala and Phe312Leu RoxA muteins were purified, and polyisoprene cleavage activities were reduced to ≈3% and 10%, respectively. UV-visible spectroscopy of RoxA muteins confirmed that both heme groups were present in an oxidized form, but spectral responses to the addition of low-molecular-weight (inhibitory) ligand molecules such as imidazole and pyridine were different from those of wild-type RoxA. Our results show that residue 317 is involved in interaction with substrates. This is the first report on structure-function analysis of a polyisoprene-cleaving enzyme and on the identification of an amino acid that is essential for polyisoprene cleavage activity.  相似文献   

Oxidative cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) by rubber oxygenase RoxA purified from Xanthomonas sp. was investigated in the presence of different combinations of 16O2, 18O2, H216O, and H218O. 12-Oxo-4,8-dimethyl-trideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD; m/z 236) was the main cleavage product in the absence of 18O-compounds. Incorporation of one 18O atom in ODTD was found if the cleavage reaction was performed in the presence of 18O2 and H216O. Incubation of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) (with RoxA) or of isolated unlabeled ODTD (without RoxA) with H218O in the presence of 16O2 indicated that the carbonyl oxygen atoms of ODTD significantly exchanged with oxygen atoms derived from water. The isotope exchange was avoided by simultaneous enzymatic reduction of both carbonyl functions of ODTD to the corresponding dialcohol (12-hydroxy-4,8-dimethyl-trideca-4,8-diene-1-ol (HDTD; m/z 240) during RoxA-mediated in vitro cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene). In the presence of 18O2, H216O, and alcohol dehydrogenase/NADH, incorporation of two atoms of 18O into the reduced metabolite HDTD was found (m/z 244), revealing that RoxA cleaves rubber by a dioxygenase mechanism. Based on the labeling results and the presence of two hemes in RoxA, a model of the enzymatic cleavage mechanism of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) is proposed.  相似文献   

Specific polyisoprene-cleaving activities of 1.5 U/mg and 4.6 U/mg were determined for purified Strep-tagged latex clearing protein (Lcp) of Streptomyces sp. strain K30 at 23°C and 37°C, respectively. Metal analysis revealed the presence of approximately one atom of iron per Lcp molecule. Copper, which had been identified in Lcp1VH2 of Gordonia polyisoprenivorans previously, was below the detection limit in LcpK30. Heme was identified as a cofactor in purified LcpK30 by (i) detection of characteristic α-, β-, and γ (Soret)-bands at 562 nm, 532 nm, and 430 nm in the visible spectrum after chemical reduction, (ii) detection of an acetone-extractable porphyrin molecule, (iii) determination of a heme b-type-specific absorption maximum (556 nm) after chemical conversion of the heme group to a bipyridyl-heme complex, and (iv) detection of a b-heme-specific m/z value of 616.2 via mass spectrometry. Spectroscopic analysis showed that purified Lcp as isolated contains an oxidized heme-Fe3+ that is free of bound dioxygen. This is in contrast to the rubber oxygenase RoxA, a c-type heme-containing polyisoprene-cleaving enzyme present in Gram-negative rubber degraders, in which the covalently bound heme firmly binds a dioxygen molecule. LcpK30 also differed from RoxA in the lengths of the rubber degradation cleavage products and in having a higher melting point of 61.5°C (RoxA, 54.3°C). In summary, RoxA and Lcp both are equipped with a heme cofactor and catalyze an oxidative C-C cleavage reaction but differ in the heme subgroup type and in several biochemical and biophysical properties. These findings suggest differences in the catalytic reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

An extracellular protein with strong absorption at 406 nm was purified from cell-free culture fluid of latex-grown Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y. This protein was identical to the gene product of a recently characterized gene cloned from Xanthomonas sp., as revealed by determination of m/z values and sequencing of selected isolated peptides obtained after trypsin fingerprint analysis. The purified protein degraded both natural rubber latex and chemosynthetic poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) in vitro by oxidative cleavage of the double bonds of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene). 12-Oxo-4,8-dimethyltrideca-4,8-diene-1-al (m/z 236) was identified and unequivocally characterized as the major cleavage product, and there was a homologous series of minor metabolites that differed from the major degradation product only in the number of repetitive isoprene units between terminal functions, CHO-CH2— and —CH2-COCH3. An in vitro enzyme assay for oxidative rubber degradation was developed based on high-performance liquid chromatography analysis and spectroscopic detection of product carbonyl functions after derivatization with dinitrophenylhydrazone. Enzymatic cleavage of rubber by the purified protein was strictly dependent on the presence of oxygen; it did not require addition of any soluble cofactors or metal ions and was optimal around pH 7.0 at 40°C. Carbon monoxide and cyanide inhibited the reaction; addition of catalase had no effect, and peroxidase activity could not be detected. The purified protein was specific for natural rubber latex and chemosynthetic poly(cis-1,4-isoprene). Analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from the cloned gene (roxA [rubber oxygenase]) revealed the presence of two heme-binding motifs (CXXCH) for covalent attachment of heme to the protein. Spectroscopic analysis confirmed the presence of heme, and approximately 2 mol of heme per mol of RoxA was found.  相似文献   

为了探讨越南热带原始森林环境中可培养粘细菌的多样性,以原始森林的土壤、腐木及树皮样品为研究对象,采用大肠杆菌法和滤纸法从中分离纯化粘细菌,将形态鉴定与16S rRNA基因测序分析相结合,对分离到的纯培养物进行分类鉴定,确定其分类地位。结果显示,从越南16个土样和22个腐木、树皮样品中共分离到70株粘细菌,经纯化后获得了32株。这些菌株分属于6个属,分别是粘球菌属(Myxococcus)14株、珊瑚球菌属(Corallococcus)7株、侏囊菌属(Nanncystis)6株、蜂窝囊菌属(Melittangium)3株、原囊菌属(Archangium)1株、软骨霉状菌属(Chondromyces)1株。这表明粘细菌在越南原始森林环境中分布广泛,并存在较为罕见的粘细菌类群。  相似文献   

140 leaf samples were examined, 73 of which (= 52.1%) contained myxobacteria. Three species of the genus Myxococcus, M. virescens, M. fulvus and M. coralloides, could be found more or less frequently in the phyllosphere of woody plants and annuals. Archangium gephyra was observed only once. There was no significant difference in the occurrence of myxobacteria between evergreen leaves and leaves from deciduous trees and shrubs. Fruit-trees yielded the best results.  相似文献   

Two types of enzyme for oxidative cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) are known. One is rubber oxygenase (RoxA) that is secreted by Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y and a few other Gram-negative rubber-degrading bacteria during growth on polyisoprene. RoxA was studied in the past, and the recently solved structure showed a structural relationship to bacterial cytochrome c peroxidases (J. Seidel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110:13833–13838, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1305560110). The other enzyme is latex-clearing protein (Lcp) that is secreted by rubber-degrading actinomycetes, but Lcp has not yet been purified. Here, we expressed Lcp of Streptomyces sp. strain K30 in a ΔroxA background of Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y and purified native (untagged) Lcp. The specific activities of Lcp and RoxA were 0.70 and 0.48 U/mg, respectively. Lcp differed from RoxA in the absence of heme groups and other characteristics. Notably, Lcp degraded polyisoprene via endo-type cleavage to tetra-C20 and higher oligo-isoprenoids with aldehyde and keto end groups, whereas RoxA used an exo-type cleavage mechanism to give the main end product 12-oxo-4,8-dimethyltrideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD). RoxA was able to cleave isolated Lcp-derived oligo-isoprenoid molecules to ODTD. Inhibitor studies, spectroscopic investigations and metal analysis gave no indication for the presence of iron, other metals, or cofactors in Lcp. Our results suggest that Lcp could be a member of the growing group of cofactor-independent oxygenases and differs in the cleavage mechanism from heme-dependent RoxA. In conclusion, RoxA and Lcp represent two different answers to the same biochemical problem, the cleavage of polyisoprene, a polymer that has carbon-carbon double bonds as the only functional groups for enzymatic attack.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight terrestrial and salt-tolerant myxobacteria were isolated from the saline-alkaline soils collected from Xinjiang, China. Based on the morphologies and the 16S rRNA gene sequences, these isolates were assigned into 6 genera, Myxococcus, Cystobacter, Corallococcus, Sorangium, Nannocystis and Polyangium. All the strains grew better with 1% NaCl than without NaCl. Some Myxococcus strains were able to grow at 2% NaCl concentration, suggesting that these strains may be particular type of terrestrial myxobacteria.  相似文献   

The genotypic diversity of insoluble macromolecules degraded myxobacteria, provided an opportunity to discover new bacterial resources and find new ecological functions. In this study, we developed a semi-nested-PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) strategy to determine the presence and genotypic diversity of myxobacteria in soil. After two rounds of PCR with myxobacteria-specific primers, an 194 bp fragment of mglA, a key gene involved in gliding motility, suitable for DGGE was obtained. A large number of bands were observed in DGGE patterns, indicating diverse myxobacteria inhabiting in soils. Furthermore, sequencing and BLAST revealed that most of the bands belonged to the myxobacteria-group, and only three of the twenty-eight bands belonged to other group, i.e., Deinococcus maricopensis. The results verified that myxobacterial strains with discrepant sequence compositions of gene mglA could be discriminated by DGGE with myxobacteria-specific primers. Collectively, the developed semi-nested-PCR-DGGE strategy is a useful tool for studying the diversity of myxobacteria.  相似文献   


Biodegradation of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) (rubber) by Gram-negative bacteria has been investigated on the enzymatic level only in Steroidobacter cummioxidans 35Y (previously Xanthomonas sp. 35Y). This species produces two kinds of rubber oxygenases, RoxA35Y and RoxB35Y, one of which (RoxB35Y) cleaves polyisoprene to a mixture of C20- and higher oligoisoprenoids while the other (RoxA35Y) cleaves polyisoprene and RoxB35Y-derived oligoisoprenoids to the C15-oligoisoprenoid 12-oxo-4,8-dimethyltrideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD). ODTD can be taken up by S. cummioxidans and used as a carbon source. Gram-positive rubber-degrading bacteria employ another type of rubber oxygenase, latex clearing protein (Lcp), for the initial oxidative attack of the polyisoprene molecule. In this contribution, we examined which type of rubber oxygenase is present in the only other well-documented Gram-negative rubber-degrading species, Rhizobacter gummiphilus NS21. No homologue for an Lcp protein but homologues for a putative RoxA and a RoxB protein (the latter identical to a previously postulated LatA-denominated rubber cleaving enzyme) were identified in the genome of strain NS21. The roxANS21 and roxBNS21 genes were separately expressed in a ∆roxA35Y/∆roxB35Y background of S. cummioxidans 35Y and restored the ability of the mutant to produce oligoisoprenoids. The RoxANS21 and RoxBNS21 proteins were each purified and biochemically characterised. The results—in combination with in silico analysis of databases—indicate that Gram-negative rubber-degrading bacteria generally utilise two synergistically acting rubber oxygenases (RoxA/RoxB) for efficient cleavage of polyisoprene to ODTD.


Sediment samples obtained from three freshwater lakes and off-shore coastal marine waters on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica have been inoculated into selective enrichment media for purple non-sulphur bacteria (Rhodospirillaceae). From the freshwater sediments strains of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides (1), Rhodopseudomonas palustris (1), Rhodospirillum fulvum (1), Rhodospirillum molischanum (1) and Rhodomicrobium vannielii (3) have been isolated. The only purple non-sulphur bacteria obtained from Lake 10 (Amos lake) were strains of Rhodomicrobium vannielii which were able to tolerate hydrogen sulphide (up to 0.04% w/v) found in this lake. Growth of all the other isolates is inhibited by the presence of hydrogen sulphide. Marine sediments yielded strains of Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Rhodomicrobium vannielii . All the isolates grow optimally at temperatures between 25 and 30 °C. mean generation times vary between 8 and 10.7 h depending on species. There is no evidence of cold adaptation in any of the strains studied.  相似文献   

RubisCO的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶(RubisCO)是调节光合和光呼吸,决定净光合作用的一个关键酶;也是植物可溶性蛋白质中含量最高的蛋白质.该酶广泛存在于植物及一些微生物体内.综述了近年来有关RubisCO的一些研究进展. 包括RubisCO的基本性质、结构与功能、酶基因工程、酶活性调节及其活化酶等.  相似文献   

对分离自近海沼泽地大米草根际的一株供试海洋细菌MWYL1进行了形态观察、生理特性检测以及16SrDNA序列分析。实验结果表明:该菌株属于海洋单胞菌属(Marinomonas),革兰氏染色呈阴性,直杆状,好氧生长,适于28℃生长。基于16SrDNA序列的Blast分析表明,菌株MWYL1与Marinomonas pontica和Marinomonas dokdonensis的序列相似性分别为97%和95%。通过基因组fosmid文库的构建,直接分离到一个产生黑色素的克隆,进一步亚克隆和测序后获得与黑色素产生相关的功能新基因(簇),并且对其进行了生物信息学的初步分析。  相似文献   

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