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甘薯块根生长及其淀粉体发育过程的解剖结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明甘薯块根的生长及其淀粉体的发育规律,该试验以甘薯品种‘徐薯22’为材料,采用树脂半薄切片等方法对甘薯块根的生长及其淀粉体的发育进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)甘薯块根完成初生生长的时间短,块根初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱构成,块根横截面上皮层所占比例比中柱大。(2)甘薯移栽后10 d块根开始次生生长,次生生长形成维管形成层和木栓形成层;随着块根次生生长,位于次生木质部分散导管周围的薄壁细胞脱分化,通过平周分裂产生副形成层;维管形成层、木栓形成层和副形成层的共同作用使块根快速膨大。(3)淀粉体在块根进入次生生长时首先在皮层细胞产生,随后大量出现在次生生长产生的薄壁细胞中,块根中淀粉体的发生及发育总体上表现出由外向内的顺序。(4)块根薄壁细胞中的淀粉粒有单粒和复粒两种类型;块根生长早期,薄壁细胞中主要以复粒淀粉为主,生长后期主要以单粒淀粉为主;块根生长过程中,包含复粒淀粉的淀粉体可通过分裂形成包含单粒淀粉的淀粉体。(5)淀粉可在块根生长的整个时期积累,其中以块根生长中期积累速度最快。  相似文献   

超干贮藏榆树种子萌发过程中ATP和可溶性糖含量的变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
汪晓峰  杨世杰等 《植物生理学报》2001,27(5):413-418,T001
经过超干(种子含水量3.73%)贮藏(普通室温下2个月)的榆树种子萌发过程中ATP与可溶性糖含量和ATP酶,淀粉酶,抗氧化酶的活性都高于对照(种子含水量9.34%,普通室温下贮藏),说明适度的超干贮藏有利于保持种子活力。  相似文献   

经过超干(种子含水量3.73%)贮藏(普通室温下2个月)的榆树种子萌发过程中ATP与可溶性糖含量和ATP酶、淀粉酶、抗氧化酶的活性都高于对照(种子含水量9.34%,普通室温下贮臧),说明适度的超干贮藏有利于保持种子活力.  相似文献   

通过对若干个玉米杂交及其亲本自交授粉后1天、3天、7天、10天胚中ATP酶活性、RNA酶活性及蛋白质变化的比较来探讨杂种优势产生的生化机理。结果表明,30个组合的玉米授粉后一天,有90%组合杂交胚中ATP酶活性超过双亲或母本自交胚中ATP酶活性。授粉后3天杂交胚中ATP酶活性多数低于双亲自交胚中的ATP酶活性,看来这一表现与自交授粉后胚中合子细胞分裂较迟缓有关。以上四个时期授粉后,杂交胚中RNA酶活性介于双亲之间或低于双亲,这可能与杂交胚中核酸分解的速度较慢有关。杂交胚中蛋白质含量变化不同时期各组合间表现不同,杂交后胚胎发育初期胚中蛋白质的变化不一定是总的数量的增加,而是某些蛋白质或酶的变化。  相似文献   

中枢5-羟色胺(5-HT)可通过兴奋下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴加重大鼠冷冻加束缚应激性溃疡。本工作进一步观察了脑室注射5-HT对胃粘膜代谢的影响及其与甲状腺激素的关系。应激180min大鼠的胃粘膜ATP酶的活性较非应激发对照鼠升高42.6%;如应激前10min向侧脑室注射5-HT50μg或腹腔注射四碘甲腺原氨酸(T_4)200μg/kg,均匀进一步提高应激后胃粘膜ATP酶的活性。在侧脑室注射5-HT后应激180min的鼠,血浆三碘甲腺原氨酸(T_3)和T_4水平均与胃粘膜ATP酶的活性呈明显的正相关关系。用高效液相层析测定观察到,应激鼠胃粘膜ATP和ADP水平均明显低于非应激鼠,分别为非应激鼠的70.3%和76.8%。腹腔注射T_4进一步减少应激后胃粘膜ATP和ADP的水平。这些结果提示,中枢5-HT可能通过甲状腺激素提高胃粘膜ATP酶的活性,使ATP和ADP含量下降,这可能与其加重溃疡的机制有关。  相似文献   

研究了杂交水稻青优159(母本青A,父本R159)和广优四号(母本广A,父本青六矮)及其亲本功能叶片的希尔反应活性、光合磷酸化、ATP含量及ATP酶活性等。实验结果表明了两组杂交水稻功能叶片的希尔反应活性高于其亲本,其超亲优势分别为13.44%、13、93%,平均优势分别为26.44%、1774%;功能叶片的光合磷酸化活性亦有杂种优势,其超亲优势分别为21.35%、18.81%,平均优势分别为34.06%、22.71%;杂种F1的两种ATP酶(Cd -ATP酶和Mg -ATP酶)活性和叶组织中ATP含量均高于其亲本,亦表现出明显的杂种优势。另外从我们的试验结果中还可以见到,希尔反应活性、光合磷酸化活性、ATP酶活性及ATP含量与光合速率的大小有密切的正相关关系,说明这些生理生化特性可以作为高光合速率杂交水稻鉴别的指标。  相似文献   

为探讨外源脱落酸( ABA)及其抑制剂钨酸钠对茶树﹝Camellia sinensis ( Linn.) O. Ktze.﹞耐寒性的影响效应,以茶树品种‘龙井43’(‘Longjing 43’)的2年生幼苗为实验材料,在低温(4℃)条件下分别设置50 mg·L-1 ABA和20 mmol·L-1钨酸钠单一及复合处理共6个处理组( T1:仅喷施蒸馏水,对照;T2:仅喷施ABA;T3:仅喷施钨酸钠;T4:同时喷施ABA和钨酸钠; T5:0 h时喷施ABA,24 h时喷施钨酸钠; T6:0 h时喷施钨酸钠,24 h时喷施ABA),对处理0~72 h叶片中渗透调节物质含量和抗氧化酶活性的变化进行了比较分析。结果显示:低温条件下,各处理组幼苗叶片中可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白质含量以及超氧化物歧化酶( SOD)、过氧化氢酶( CAT)和过氧化物酶( POD)活性均在处理初期逐渐升高,之后各指标的变化趋势存在差异。在处理的中后期,除T4处理组的游离脯氨酸含量低于对照组外,各处理组的可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白质含量总体上显著高于对照组;T2处理组的SOD、CAT和POD活性均显著高于对照组,而T3处理组仅SOD活性明显高于对照组,其CAT和POD活性则低于或略高于对照组。对各单一与复合处理组的比较结果显示:T4处理组的SOD和POD活性总体上低于T2处理组,但高于T3处理组;而其CAT活性总体上低于T2和T3处理组。在处理24 h后,T5处理组的可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白质含量以及SOD和POD活性的变化趋势与T2处理组一致;T6处理组的可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸含量及POD活性变化趋势与T3处理组一致,而其可溶性蛋白质含量以及SOD和CAT活性的变化趋势却与T3处理组有一定差异。上述研究结果表明:低温条件下喷施适量的ABA或钨酸钠均可以提升茶树叶片中渗透调节物质含量及抗氧化酶活性,但同时喷施ABA和钨酸钠对茶树叶片中渗透调节物质含量及抗氧化酶活性的影响却不显著。  相似文献   

在高温锻炼(37℃,2h)过程中,豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)叶片过氧化氢(H_2O_2)和游离态水杨酸(SA)含量与质膜ATP酶(H~ -ATPase)活性都有一个高峰,H_2O_2的迸发早于游离态SA的积累,而质膜H~ -ATPase活性高峰的出现则迟于SA高峰;活性氧清除剂、抗氧化剂、质膜NADPH氧化酶抑制剂和H_2O_2的淬灭剂预处理均可有效地阻止高温下H_2O_2和SA的积累以及质膜H~ -ATPase活性的增加。根据以上结果推测,H_2O_2、质膜H~ -ATPase和SA均参与耐热性诱导相关的信号传递,前者作用于SA的上游,而后者在SA下游起作用。  相似文献   

在荔枝和龙眼种子发育过程中,内源ABA水平先是上升,至大约78-80DPA时出现高峰,之后两者ABA含量均不断下降。果实成熟时采收的种子,ABA含量比高峰时分别下降近6倍。另外,随着种子的发育,种子及其胚轴对外源ABA的敏感性亦持续下降,10^-4mol/LABA可以完全抑制90DPA前的荔枝和龙眼种子的萌发,但对成熟种子10^-2mol/LABA亦不能抑制萌发。龙眼种子离体胚轴的SABA高于荔枝  相似文献   

  • Nitrogen (N) could affect storage root growth and development of sweet potato. To manage external N concentration fluctuations, plants have developed a wide range of strategies, such as growth changes and gene expression.
  • Five sweet potato cultivars were used to analyse the functions of N in regulating storage root growth. Growth responses and physiological indicators were measured to determine the physiological changes regulated by different N concentrations. Expression profiles of related genes were analysed via microarray hybridization data and qRT‐PCR analysis to reveal the molecular mechanisms of storage root growth regulated by different N concentrations.
  • The growth responses and physiological indicators of the five cultivars were changed by N concentration. The root fresh weight of two of the sweet potato cultivars, SS19 and GS87, was higher under low N concentrations compared with the other cultivars. SS19 and GS87 were found to be having greater tolerance to low N concentration. The expression of N metabolism and storage root growth related genes was regulated by N concentration in sweet potato.
  • These results reveal that N significantly regulated storage root growth. SS19 and GS87 were more tolerant to low N concentration and produced greater storage root yield (at 30 days). Furthermore, several N response genes were involved in both N metabolism and storage root growth.

Explants from stem, leaf, and storage root tissue of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) cv. Jewel, were placed on media conaining 0.1, 1.0, and 10 mg/1NAA with 0.1, 1.0, or 10 mg/1BA in a factorial experiment. Some callus formed in every treatment, but the best callus growth was on media containing 1.0 mg/1NAA and 10 mg/1BA. Roots formed over a range of treatments but were most prolific on the medium containing 1.0 mg/1NAA and 0.1 mg/1BA. Some de novo formed roots subsequently produced shoot buds in culture. Shoot formation increased the longer the original explants remained in culture without subculture. Roots could be subcultured indefinitely on agar solidified medium, but shoot regeneration did not occur after two subcultures. Shoot formation was greatest when the roots were subcultured on medium containing 1.0 mg/NAA and 0.1 mg/1BA. The cultivar Caromex followed the same regeneration pathway, but the number of shoots formed was considerably less. Regeneration in both Jewel and Caromex explants was enhanced by light.Paper No. 8292 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.This work was done as a partial requirement for the M.S. degree at North Carolina State University.  相似文献   

Characterization of major proteins in sweet potato tuberous roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tuberous roots, but not other organs, of sweet potato contained large quantities of two proteins which accounted for more than 80% of the total proteins. The two proteins, tentatively named sporamins A and B, were monomeric forms with similar M,s (25 000). They were separated from each other by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in a non-denaturing buffer or a buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulphate without being reduced by dithiothreitol. They were very similar to each other with respect to amino acid composition, peptide map and immunological properties. These proteins decreased in preference to other proteins during sprouting. The amino acid sequencing of the amino terminal part of sporamin A suggested that it consists of at least two molecular species with different combinations of a few amino acids.  相似文献   

Although the sensitivity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase to vanadate is well known, the metabolic response of plant cells to vanadate is less well characterised in vivo and its use as an inhibitor in whole plant experiments has had mixed success. Experiments with maize (Zea mays, L.) roots and with purified plasma membrane fractions from the same tissues showed that exposure to vanadate caused: (i) a reduction in the capacity for phosphate uptake; (ii) a reduction in the extractable ATPase activity from the tissue; and (iii) a significant increase in the ATP level. The measurements on the extractable ATPase activity and the ATP level showed that the effect of vanadate developed slowly, apparently reflecting the slow accumulation of intracellular vanadate. The marked effect of vanadate on the ATP level-exposure to 500 M vanadate for 5 h doubled the ATP content of the roots tips-indicates that there is no stringent control over the ATP level in the roots and that the plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity is likely to have a significant role in determining the ATP level under normal conditions.  相似文献   

To identify the genes involved in storage root formation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), we performed a simplified differential display analysis on adventitious roots at different developmental stages of the storage root. The expression patterns were confirmed by semiquantitative RT-PCR analyses. As a result, 10 genes were identified as being developmentally regulated and were named SRF1-SRF10. The expression of SRF1, SRF2, SRF3, SRF5, SRF6, SRF7, and SRF9 increased during storage root formation, whereas the expression of SRF4, SRF8, and SRF10 decreased. For further characterization, a full-length cDNA of SRF6 was isolated from the cDNA library of the storage root. SRF6 encoded a receptor-like kinase (RLK), which was structurally similar to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) II RLK family of Arabidopsis thaliana. RNA gel blot analysis showed that the mRNA of SRF6 was most abundantly expressed in the storage roots, although a certain amount of expression was also observed in other vegetative organs. Tissue print mRNA blot analysis of the storage root showed that the mRNA of SRF6 was localized around the primary cambium and meristems in the xylem, which consist of actively dividing cells and cause the thickening of the storage root.  相似文献   

Summary Five subunits (-, -, -, - and -subunits) of the six -and -subunits) in the F1 portion (F1ATPase) of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase were isolated by an electrophoretic method. The - and -subunits were not distinguishable immunologically but showed completely different tryptic peptide maps, indicating that they were different molecular species. In vitro protein synthesis with isolated sweet potato root mitochondria produced only the -subunit when analyzed with anti-sweet potato F1ATPase antibody reacting with all the subunits except the -subunit. Sweet potato root poly(A)+RNA directed the synthesis of six polypeptides which were immunoprecipitated by the antibody: two of them immunologically related to the -subunit and the others to the - and -subunits. We conclude that the -subunit of the F1ATPase is synthesized only in the mitochondria and the -, - and -subunits are in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The pattern of isoforms of starch branching enzyme II or Q-enzyme II in the tuberous root of sweet potato was distinct from those of other organs; altogether 7 isoforms of QEII were contained in the sweet potato plant. The QEIIf isoform, one of the two major QEII isoforms in the tuberous root, was purified to homogeneity by using a variety of HPLC columns. The purified QEIIf was a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of about 85 kDa. Western blot analysis showed that the polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified QEIIf was significantly reactive to the rice endosperm QEI, but not to the rice endosperm QEIIa. Furthermore, the sweet potato QEIIf reacted with the antiserum raised against the rice endosperm QEI, but not with that against the rice endosperm QEIIa. The results suggest that the sweet potato QEIIf is more similar to the rice endosperm QEI than to the rice endosperm QEIIa.  相似文献   

Summary Sporamin accounts for more than 80% of the total soluble proteins of tuberous roots of sweet potato, but very little, if any, in other tissues of the same plant. In vitro translation of RNA fractions from the tuberous roots in wheat germ extract and subsequent immunoprecipitation with the antibody to sporamin indicated that this protein is synthesized by membrane-bound polysomes as a precursor 4 000 daltons larger than the mature protein. A cDNA expression library was constructed from the total poly(A)+ RNA from the tuberous roots by a vector-primer method, and an essentially full-length cDNA clone for the sporamin mRNA was selected by direct immunological screening of the colonies. Northern blot analysis showed that sporamin mRNA is approximately 950 nucleotides in length and is specifically present in tuberous roots and very little, if any, in leaves, petioles and non-tuberous roots. Nucleotide sequence of the cDNA predicts a 37 amino acid extension in the precursor at the amino-terminus of the mature protein.  相似文献   

Sporamin, the major soluble protein of the sweet potato tuberous root, is coded for by a multigene family. Fourty-nine essentially full-length sporamin cDNAs isolated from tuberous root cDNA library have been classified by cross hybridization, restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern and ribonuclease cleavage mapping. All the cDNAs fall into one of the two distinct homology groups, subfamilies A and B, which correspond to the polypeptide classes sporamin A and B, respectively. At least 5 different sequences are detected in both of the 22 sporamin A and 27 sporamin B cDNAs. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the coding region of three each of sporamin A and B subfamily members, four from cDNAs and two from genomic clones, indicates that intra-subfamily homologies (94 to 98%) are much higher than inter-subfamily homologies (82 to 84%), and there are deletions or insertions of one or two codons at three locations which characterize each subfamily. Large portions of base substitutions in the coding region accompany amino acid substitutions. In contrast to the coding region, most of the structural differences among the members in the 5 and 3 noncoding regions are deletions or insertions.  相似文献   

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