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It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that interphase nitrogen transport may have a significant influence on the rate of interphase oxygen transport, and thereby also on the value of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen, kla, determined in mechanically agitated bubble fermentors using the variants of dynamic method presented in the literature. The experiments were carried out in 1M KCI solution at five stirrer frequencies and two gas inlet levels. The gas interchanges were performed either without interrupting the aeration and agitation of the charge (A) or with the aeration and agitation of the charge turned on at the same time (B). The applied variants of the interchange were N2→ O2→, O2→ N2, N2→ air, air→ N2, O→ O2, and O→ air. In the two last variants the oxygen dissolved in the charge was removed by reacting with sulfite ions. The kla values calculated by allowing for the nitrogen transport for procedure A were approximately equal to the values obtained by disregarding the nitrogen transport, whereas those for procedure B were higher (up to 40%), than the values obtained disregarding the nitrogen transport.  相似文献   

The two major types of airlift contactors, concentric-tube and external-loop, were investigated for their gas holdup (riser and downcomer) and overall mass transfer characteristics. Results obtained in batch charges of tap water and 0.15 kmol/m(3) NaCl solution are reported for external-loop airlift contactors having downcomer-to-riser cross-sectional area ratios, A(d)/A(r), ranging from 0.11 相似文献   

Recent technical advances in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have made this a sound technique for the extraction of biomacromolecules. The extraction of alpha-amylase was investigated using aqueous two-phase systems formed by sodium sulphate-polyethylene glycol (PEG) in water in a 47-mm inner diameter spray column packed with three types of static mixers. The effects of dispersed-phase flow rate, phase composition, column height and diameter were studied. The extraction column was operated in a semi-batch manner. It was found that the hold-up and volumetric mass transfer coefficients increased with an increase in dispersed (PEG-rich) phase velocity and decreased with increasing phase composition. Empirical correlations were developed for fractional dispersed-phase hold-up and volumetric mass transfer coefficients.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics and the overall volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient of a new multi-environment bioreactor which is an integrated part of a wastewater treatment system, called BioCAST, were studied. This bioreactor contains several zones with different environmental conditions including aerobic, microaerophilic and anoxic, designed to increase the contaminant removal capacity of the treatment system. The multi-environment bioreactor is designed based on the concept of airlift reactors where liquid is circulated through the zones with different environmental conditions. The presence of openings between the aerobic zone and the adjacent oxygen-depleted microaerophilic zone changes the hydrodynamic properties of this bioreactor compared to the conventional airlift designs. The impact of operating and process parameters, notably the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and superficial gas velocity (U G), on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of the system was examined. The results showed that liquid circulation velocity (V L), gas holdup (ε) and overall volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient ( $ k_{\text{L}} a_{\text{L}} $ ) increase with the increase of superficial gas velocity (U G), while the mean circulation time (t c) decreases with the increase of superficial gas velocity. The mean circulation time between the aerobic zone (riser) and microaerophilic zone (downcomer) is a stronger function of the superficial gas velocity for the smaller openings (1/2 in.) between the two zones, while for the larger opening (1 in.) the mean circulation time is almost independent of U G for U G ≥ 0.023 m/s. The smaller openings between the two zones provide higher mass transfer coefficient and better zone generation which will contribute to improved performance of the system during treatment operations.  相似文献   

The response of a polarographic oxygen electrode to a step change and to an exponential change in bulk oxygen concentration was studied theoretically and experimentally for the case where there is a significant liquid film resistance at the outerside of the membrane-covered electrode. The probe response has been described considering the start-up period of the concentration changes (the period of time that will elapse before the new concentration level is established and/or before the volumetric mass transfer coefficient kLa regains its steady-state value after the gas supply is opened to the fermentor). A linear change of the pertinent characteristics is assumed during this start-up period. It is shown that a substantial error could be introduced by neglecting the start-up period for cases frequently occurring in practice. In addition, the dependences of the probe response on the direct contact of bubbles with an electrode and on the fluid flow field around it were discussed.  相似文献   

Volumetric mass-transfer coefficients were measured in an 11-L external-loop airlift fermenter with deionized water, a fermentation medium, and during a fermentation. Both a Mackareth oxygen electrode and a novel rapid-response probe were used. When the conventional step-change dynamic method was used for water, the long, nonlinear response time of the Mackareth electrode made correction of its readings difficult; this problem did not occur when the rapid-response probe was used. A comparison was made with a method of mass-transfer coefficient determination which does not involve any assumptions about the gas residence time distribution. However, this method requires that the liquid phase is well-mixed and this requirement was not met in the airlift fermenter. Comparison of the present results with other K(L) a determinations for airlift fermenters showed that K(L) a in water depends on the active gas holdup, the value of K(L) a/epsilon at 20 degrees C being ca. 0.37 s(-1). Although higher gas holdups were obtained with the fermentation medium than for water, the values of K(L) a/epsilon were lower, ca. 0.22 s(-1) at 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

The effluent from a dairy cold storage plant was studied for the levels of dissolved oxygen saturation. The effluent to the aerobic digester mainly contains lactose, milk fat, protein and lactic acid. The study was conducted at five different temperatures in a two litre laboratory fermentor. The volumetric liquid phase mass transfer coefficient was correlated to temperature with an average absolute deviation of 6.2%.  相似文献   

The effective diffusivity of O2 inside immobilised cell particles has been much discussed. Most reported estimates are based on fitting a mass-transfer reaction model to measured total oxygen uptake rates. The particle diameter has the largest single influence in such models, but its accurate measurement has probably recieved insufficient attention. We have studied sorbitol and glucose oxidation by cells of Gluconobacter suboxydans entrapped in calcium alginate gel beads. These beads were found to shrink rapidly in air, so that size measurement under water is essential. By comparison with rigid particles of similar known size, it was shown that measurement of the microscopic image gives a systematic underestimate. In consequence, the fitted oxygen diffusivity will be around 20% too low. Careful attention to size measurement gave good agreement between diffusivity estimates from beads with different mean sizes and cell loadings, with a best value of 2.51 × 109 m2s–1, 92% of the value for pure water. The estimated diffusivity is not significantly affected by a distribution of bead sizes with up to 10% standard deviation about the same mean.  相似文献   

A torque meter has been developed for determining the power consumption in a bench stirred tank. The device has been bonded in the stirrer shaft inside a commercial bench fermentor, in order to avoid frictional losses in the mechanical seal. Power consumption measurements in ungassed and gassed systems were obtained at different agitation and aeration conditions, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Also, a simple modified sulfite method for volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa) determination was developed and the experimental data were correlated with the gassed power (Pg) by using well-known correlations presented in the literature.  相似文献   

The effects of oxygenation in cultures of Bacillus circulans BL32 on transglutaminase (TGase) production and cell sporulation were studied by varying the agitation speed and the volume of aeration. Kinetics of cultivations has been studied in batch systems using a 2 L bioreactor, and the efficiency of agitation and aeration was evaluated through the oxygen volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa). It was adopted a two-stage aeration rate control strategy: first stage to induce biomass formation, followed by a second stage, in which cell sporulation was stimulated. A correlation of TGase production, spores formation, and oxygen concentration was established. Under the best conditions (500 rpm; 2 vvm air flow, followed by no air supply during stationary phase; kLa of 33.7 h−1), TGase production reached a volumetric production of 589 U/L after 50 h of cultivation and the enzyme yield was 906 U/g cells. These values are 61% higher than that obtained in shaker cultures and TGase productivity increased 82%, when kLa varied from 4.4 to 33.7 h−1. The maximal cell concentration increased four times in relation to shaker cultures and the cultivation time for the highest TGase activity was reduced from 192 h to just 50 h. These results show the importance of bioprocess design for the production of microbial TGase, especially concerning the oxygen supply of cultures and the induction of cell sporulation.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of the propagation coefficient on the molar distribution function in a modified shell model for micellar systems was examined. The sharpness of the micelle size distribution boundary was found to depend less on the degree of polymerization, n, than on the propagation coefficient, P. Although Kegeles (J. Phys. Chem. 83 (1979) 1728) has reported a marked sharpening of the distribution boundary when P = 2.0. we found the boundary to be fairly broad at this point. However, as values of the propagation coefficient were increased from 3 to 10, the micelle distribution boundary became increasingly sharp. The possibility of such a change in the reaction boundary arising from a structural transition, accompanied by a change in the rate of dissociation of monomer from the shell, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Dynamic measurement of the viscoelastic properties of skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wave propagation technique was used to measure the dynamic viscoelastic properties of excised skin when subjected to a low incremental strain. The propagation velocity, attenuation, and storage and loss moduli were determined from measured characteristics of a pulse propagating along a strip of skin. Experiments were conducted with the skin subjected to static stresses of 1500 Pa and 20,000 Pa. At low static stresses the skin response was viscoelastic with a loss tangent of approximately 0.6. In the frequency range of 0-1000 Hz, the wave velocity was relatively constant while the attenuation increased roughly linearly with frequency. However, results depended on the static stress. At the higher stress level the velocity was greater and the attenuation less than at the lower stress. At low stresses both the storage and loss moduli were relatively constant over the frequency range tested. The strong viscoelastic behavior of the tissue at higher frequencies is not predicted from models of the tissue determined from quasi-static test methods. In selecting a model to describe the behavior of skin, the test methods used for establishing the model must be consistent with its intended application.  相似文献   

The adaptive feeding of nutrients especially of carbon and energy sources according to the demand of cells in different cell states during continuous or semicontinuous cultivation is called dynamic processing. The deduction of dynamic process control concepts is aimed at improving the efficiency of biological substrate conversions into cell mass and other reaction products. A growing number of results allows us to postulate that the principle of dynamic processing should be generally applied in biotechnical processes independent of the type of cells and substrates as well as the nature of products. The basis of the deduction of dynamic process control concepts is the exact knowledge of the dependences of efficiency and rate of product synthesis on cell states during the development of cell populations.  相似文献   

The local overall volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients at the specified point in a gas-liquid-solid three-phase reversed flow jet loop bioreactor (JLB) with a non-Newtonian fluid was experimentally investigated by a transient gassing-in method. The effects of liquid jet flow rate, gas jet flow rate, particle density, particle diameter, solids loading, nozzle diameter and CMC concentration on the local overall volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient (K(L)a) profiles were discussed. It was observed that local overall K(L)a profiles in the three-phase reversed flow JLB with non-Newtonian fluid increased with the increase of gas jet flow rate, liquid jet flow rate, particle density and particle diameter, but decreased with the increase of the nozzle diameter and CMC concentration. The presence of solids at a low concentration increased the local overall K(L)a profiles, and the optimum of solids loading for a maximum profile of the local overall K(L)a was found to be 0.18x10(-3)m(3) corresponding to a solids volume fraction, varepsilon(S)=2.8%.  相似文献   

Alkaline protease is a class of important hydrolytic enzymes having wide applications in bioprocess industries. Their optimum pH in the alkaline range and stability at higher temperatures make them ideal in detergent and leather processing industries. These enzymes have excellent depilating capacity. The present study aims at process optimization for the production of alkaline protease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ATCC 23844. Information on the optimal operating temperature and pH were elicited from specific growth rates and alkaline protease yields. It was also observed that besides pH and temperature, the oxygen transfer rate is another important limiting variable for the production of protease. Volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k L a) was estimated at various impeller speeds and aeration rates. The optimal impeller speed and aeration rates were determined from k L a and the relative protease yield data. It was understood that the oxygen transfer rate is one of the crucial parameters for the production of proteolytic enzymes by B. amyloliquefaciens.  相似文献   

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