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Regulation of retinal ganglion cell production by Sonic hedgehog   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Previous work has shown that production of retinal ganglion cells is in part regulated by inhibitory factors secreted by ganglion cell themselves; however, the identities of these molecules are not known. Recent studies have demonstrated that the signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) secreted by differentiated retinal ganglion cells is required to promote the progression of ganglion cell differentiation wave front and to induce its own expression. We present evidence that Shh signals play a role to negatively regulate ganglion cell genesis behind the differentiation wave front. Higher levels of Shh expression are detected behind the wave front as ganglion cells accumulate, while the Patched 1 receptor of Shh is expressed in adjacent retinal progenitor cells. Retroviral-mediated overexpression of Shh results in reduced ganglion cell proportions in vivo and in vitro. Conversely, inhibiting endogenous Shh activity by anti-Shh antibodies leads to an increased production of ganglion cells. Shh signals modulate ganglion cell production within the normal period of ganglion cell genesis in vitro without significantly affecting cell proliferation or cell death. Moreover, Shh signaling affects progenitor cell specification towards the ganglion cell fate during or soon after their last mitotic cycle. Thus, Shh derived from differentiated ganglion cells serves as a negative regulator behind the differentiation wave front to control ganglion cell genesis from the competent progenitor pool. Based on these results and other recent findings, we propose that Shh signals secreted by early-differentiated retinal neurons play dual roles at distinct concentration thresholds to orchestrate the progression of retinal neurogenic wave and the emergence of new neurons.  相似文献   

Regulation of Notch signaling by glycosylation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Notch receptors are approximately 300 kDa cell surface glycoproteins whose activation by Notch ligands regulates cell fate decisions in the metazoa. The extracellular domain of Notch receptors has many epidermal growth factor like repeats that are glycosylated with O-fucose and O-glucose glycans as well as N-glycans. Disruption of O-fucose glycan synthesis leads to severe Notch signaling defects in Drosophila and mammals. Removal or addition of O-fucose glycan consensus sites on Notch receptors also leads to Notch signaling defects. Ligand binding and ligand-induced Notch signaling assays have provided insights into how changes in the O-fucose glycans of Notch receptors alter Notch signaling.  相似文献   

The property of dendritic growth dynamics during development is a subject of intense interest. Here, we investigated the dendritic motility of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) during different developmental stages, using ex vivo mouse retina explant culture, Semliki Forest Virus transfection and time-lapse observations. The results illustrated that during development, the dendritic motility underwent a change from rapid growth to a relatively stable state, i.e., at P0 (day of birth), RGC dendrites were in a highly active state, whereas at postnatal 13 (P13) they were more stable, and at P3 and P8, the RGCs were in an intermediate state. At any given developmental stage, RGCs of different types displayed the same dendritic growth rate and extent. Since the mouse is the most popular mammalian model for genetic manipulation, this study provided a methodological foundation for further exploring the regulatory mechanisms of dendritic development.  相似文献   

Protein O-glucosylation is a conserved post-translational modification that occurs on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats harboring the C(1)-X-S-X-P-C(2) consensus sequence. The Drosophila protein O-glucosyltransferase (Poglut) Rumi regulates Notch signaling, but the contribution of protein O-glucosylation to mammalian Notch signaling and embryonic development is not known. Here, we show that mouse Rumi encodes a Poglut, and that Rumi(-/-) mouse embryos die before embryonic day 9.5 with posterior axis truncation and severe defects in neural tube development, somitogenesis, cardiogenesis and vascular remodeling. Rumi knockdown in mouse cell lines results in cellular and molecular phenotypes of loss of Notch signaling without affecting Notch ligand binding. Biochemical, cell culture and cross-species transgenic experiments indicate that a decrease in Rumi levels results in reduced O-glucosylation of Notch EGF repeats, and that the enzymatic activity of Rumi is key to its regulatory role in the Notch pathway. Genetic interaction studies show that removing one copy of Rumi in a Jag1(+/-) (jagged 1) background results in severe bile duct morphogenesis defects. Altogether, our data indicate that addition of O-glucose to EGF repeats is essential for mouse embryonic development and Notch signaling, and that Jag1-induced signaling is sensitive to the gene dosage of the protein O-glucosyltransferase Rumi. Given that Rumi(-/-) embryos show more severe phenotypes compared to those displayed by other global regulators of canonical Notch signaling, Rumi is likely to have additional important targets during mammalian development.  相似文献   

Cells receive and interpret extracellular signals to regulate cellular responses such as proliferation, cell survival and differentiation. However, proper inactivation of these signals is critical for appropriate homeostasis. Cbl proteins are E3-ubiquitin ligases that restrict receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, most notably EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), via the endocytic pathway. Consistently, many mutant phenotypes of Drosophila cbl (D-cbl) are due to inappropriate activation of EGFR signaling. However, not all D-cbl phenotypes can be explained by increased EGFR activity. Here, we report that D-Cbl also negatively regulates Notch activity during eye and wing development. D-cbl produces two isoforms by alternative splicing. The long isoform, D-CblL, regulates the EGFR. We found that the short isoform, D-CblS, preferentially restricts Notch signaling. Specifically, our data imply that D-CblS controls the activity of the Notch ligand Delta. Taken together, these data suggest that D-Cbl controls the EGFR and Notch/Delta signaling pathways through production of two alternatively spliced isoforms during development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

We have used dye injection and immunolabeling to investigate the relationship between connexin (Cx) expression and dye coupling between ganglion cells (GCs) and other cells of the embryonic chick retina between embryonic days 5 and 14 (E5-14). At E5, GCs were usually coupled, via soma-somatic or dendro-somatic contacts, to only one or two other cells. Coupling increased with time until E11 when GCs were often coupled to more than a dozen other cells with somata in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) or inner nuclear layer (INL). These coupled clusters occupied large areas of the retina and coupling was via dendro-dendritic contacts. By E14, after the onset of synaptogenesis and at a time of marked cell death, dye coupling was markedly decreased with GCs coupled to three or four partners. At this time, coupling was usually to cells of the same morphology, whereas earlier coupling was heterogeneous. Between E5 and E11, GCs were sometimes coupled to cells of neuroepithelial morphology that spanned the thickness of the retina. The expression of Cx 26, 32, and 43 differed and their distribution changed during the period studied, showing correlation with events such as proliferation, migration, and synaptogenesis. These results suggest specific roles for gap junctions and Cx's during retinal development.  相似文献   

Tissue growth during animal development depends on the coordination of cell proliferation and cell death. The EGF-receptor/MAPK, Hedgehog, Dpp, Wingless (Wg) and Notch signaling pathways have been implicated in growth control in the developing Drosophila wing. In this report, we examine the effects of Notch and Wg on growth in terms of cell proliferation and cell survival. Reduction of Wg signaling impaired compartment and clonal growth, and increased cell death. Inhibition of apoptosis in cells deficient for Wg signaling only partially rescued the clone growth defect, suggesting that Wg is also required to promote cell proliferation. This is supported by the finding that ectopic expression of Wg caused over-proliferation of cells in the proximal wing. Localized activation of Notch had non-autonomous effects on cell proliferation. However, only part of this effect was attributable to Notch-dependent induction of Wg, suggesting that other Notch-inducible signaling molecules contribute to the control of cell proliferation in the wing.  相似文献   

In the mammalian visual system, retinal ganglion cell axons terminate within the LGN in a series of alternating eye-specific layers. These layers are not present initially during development. In the cat they emerge secondarily following a prenatal period in which originally intermixed inputs from the two eyes gradually segregate from each other to give rise to the characteristic set of layers by birth. Many lines of evidence suggest that activity-dependent competitive interactions between ganglion cell axons from the two eyes for LGN neurons play an important role in the final patterning of retinogeniculate connections. Studies of the branching patterns of individual ganglion cell axons suggest that during the period when inputs from the two eyes are intermixed, axons from one eye send side branches into territory later occupied exclusively by axons from the other eye. Ultrastructural studies indicate that these branches in fact are sites of synaptic contacts, which are later eliminated since the side branches disappear as axons form their mature terminal arbors in appropriate territory. In vitro microelectrode recordings from LGN neurons indicate that they can receive convergent synaptic excitation from electrical stimulation of the optic nerves before but not after the eye-specific layers form, suggesting that at least some of the synaptic contacts seen at the ultrastructural level are functonal. Finally, experiments in which tetrodotoxin was infused intracranially during the two week period during which the eye-specific layers normally form demonstrate that it is possible to prevent, or at least delay, the formation of the layers. Accordingly, individual axons fail to develop their restricted terminal arbor branching pattern and instead branch widely throughout the LGN. These results indicate that all of the machinery necessary for synaptic function and competition is present during fetal life. Moreover, it is highly likely that neuronal activity is required for the formation of the eye-specific layers. If so, then activity would have to be present in the form of spontaneously generated action potentials, since vision is not possible at these early ages. Thus, the functioning of the retinogeniculate system many weeks before it is put to the use for which it is ultimately designed may contribute to the final patterning of connections present in the adult.  相似文献   

Notch signaling in lymphocyte development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

A well-known developmental event of retinal maturation is the progressive segregation of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) dendrites into a and b sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), a morphological rearrangement crucial for the emergence of the ON and OFF pathways. The factors regulating this process are not known, although electrical activity has been demonstrated to play a role. Here we report that Environmental Enrichment (EE) accelerates the developmental segregation of RGC dendrites and prevents the effects exerted on it by dark rearing (DR). Development of RGC stratification was analyzed in a line of transgenic mice expressing plasma-membrane marker green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of Thy-1 promoter; we visualized the a and b sublaminae of the IPL by using an antibody selectively directed against a specific marker of cholinergic neurons. EE precociously increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the retina, in parallel with the precocious segregation of RGC dendrites; in addition, EE counteracts retinal BDNF reduction in DR retinas and promotes a normal segregation of RGC dendrites. Blocking retinal BDNF by means of antisense oligos blocks EE effects on the maturation of RGC dendritic stratification. Thus, EE affects the development of RGC dendritic segregation and retinal BDNF is required for this effect to take place, suggesting that BDNF could play an important role in the emergence of the ON and OFF pathways.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is the process in which neurons are generated from neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs). It involves the proliferation and neuronal fate specification/differentiation of NSCs, as well as migration, maturation and functional integration of the neuronal progeny into neuronal network. NSCs exhibit the two essential properties of stem cells: self-renewal and multipotency. Contrary to previous dogma that neurogenesis happens only during development, it is generally accepted now that neurogenesis can take place throughout life in mammalian brains. This raises a new therapeutic potential of applying stem cell therapy for stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and other diseases. However, the maintenance and differentiation of NSCs/NPCs are tightly controlled by the extremely intricate molecular networks. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms that drive the differentiation, migration and maturation of specific neuronal lineages for use in regenerative medicine is, therefore, crucial for the application of stem cell for clinical therapy as well as for providing insight into the mechanisms of human neurogenesis. Here, we focus on the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in NSCs during mammalian brain development.  相似文献   

Summary All cells in the optic vesicle of Xenopus embryos from stages 27 to 31 have the same ultrastructure. They are elongated and appear to extend from the internal to the external surfaces of the optic vesicle. They are bound together by terminal bars at the internal (lumen) margin, have microvilli and a cilium on the internal margin, and are covered with a basement membrane on the external margin. Their cytoplasm contains abundant free ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria, yolk and lipid inclusions, and sparse endoplasmic reticulum.Although other studies have shown that retinal ganglion cells originate at stages 29–30 and have their central connections determined before stage 31, these events could not be correlated with any ultrastructural changes. The first sign of differentiation in retinal cells was an increase in endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus at stage 32. Microtubules and microfilaments appeared at stage 33 in association with the first axonal outgrowth from retinal ganglion cells. Cytodifferentiation proceeded gradually until large areas of Nissl substance had developed by stage 35. At larval stage 48 the ganglion cells resembled those in the adult.The authors wish to thank Marija Duda for her excellent technical assistance during this investigation.Supported by Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellowship No. 5 FO 1 GM37746-02 and Postdoctoral Fellowship 1 F2 NB37,746-01.Supported by Grant GB8315 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In the inner ear, Notch signaling has been proposed to specify the sensory regions, as well as regulate the differentiation of hair cells and supporting cell within those regions. In addition, Notch plays an important role in otic neurogenesis, by determining which cells differentiate as neurons, sensory cells and non-sensory cells. Here, I review the evidence for the complex and myriad roles Notch participates in during inner ear development. A particular challenge for those studying ear development and Notch is to decipher how activation of a single pathway can lead to different outcomes within the ear, which may include changes in the intrinsic properties of the cell, Notch modulation, and potential non-canonical pathways.  相似文献   

Somatic stem/progenitor cells actively proliferate and give rise to different types of mature cells (active state) in embryonic tissues while they are mostly dormant (quiescent state) in many adult tissues. Notch signaling is known to regulate both active and quiescent states of somatic stem cells, but how it regulates these different states is unknown. Recent studies revealed that the Notch effector Hes1 is expressed differently during the active and quiescent states during neurogenesis and myogenesis: high in the quiescent state and oscillatory in the active state. When the Hes1 expression level is high, both Ascl1 and MyoD expression are continuously suppressed. By contrast, when Hes1 expression oscillates, it periodically represses expression of the neurogenic factor Ascl1 and the myogenic factor MyoD, thereby driving Ascl1 and MyoD oscillations. High levels of Hes1 and the resultant Ascl1 suppression promote the quiescent state of neural stem cells, while Hes1 oscillation-dependent Ascl1 oscillations regulate their active state. Similarly, in satellite cells of muscles, known adult muscle stem cells, high levels of Hes1 and the resultant MyoD suppression seem to promote their quiescent state, while Hes1 oscillation-dependent MyoD oscillations activate their proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, the expression dynamics of Hes1 is a key regulatory mechanism of generating and maintaining active/quiescent stem cell states.  相似文献   

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