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Devitt TJ 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(14):4387-4407
The Western Lyresnake (Trimorphodon biscutatus) is a widespread, polytypic taxon inhabiting arid regions from the warm deserts of the southwestern United States southward along the Pacific versant of Mexico to the tropical deciduous forests of Mesoamerica. This broadly distributed species provides a unique opportunity to evaluate a priori biogeographical hypotheses spanning two major distinct biogeographical realms (the Nearctic and Neotropical) that are usually treated separately in phylogeographical analyses. I investigated the phylogeography of T. biscutatus using maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from across this species' range. Phylogenetic analyses recovered five well-supported clades whose boundaries are concordant with existing geographical barriers, a pattern consistent with a model of vicariant allopatric divergence. Assuming a vicariance model, divergence times between mitochondrial lineages were estimated using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock methods calibrated using geological information from putative vicariant events. Divergence time point estimates were bounded by broad confidence intervals, and thus these highly conservative estimates should be considered tentative hypotheses at best. Comparison of mtDNA lineages and taxa traditionally recognized as subspecies based on morphology suggest this taxon is comprised of multiple independent lineages at various stages of divergence, ranging from putative secondary contact and hybridization to sympatry of 'subspecies'.  相似文献   

Male calling effort and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were examined in a breeding chorus of toads from a hybrid zone between Bufo microscaphus and B. woodhousii in central Arizona. The chorus comprised 50 B. microscaphus and 17 hybrids, identified on the basis of morphology and advertisement calls; no pure B. woodhousii were observed. Males produced advertisement calls throughout the early evening, even when relatively large numbers of males (>50) were present at the chorus; active searching and satellite tactics were not observed. Calling efforts (call duration x call rate) of hybrids (23.9%, n = 8) and B. microscaphus (24.9%, n = 19) were similar and comparable to call efforts of B. woodhousii (21.9%, n = 10) from a different site. Moreover, repeatabilities of calling effort were significant (r = 0.45) for hybrid males, but not for B. microscaphus and B. woodhousii. Thus, calling behavior of hybrid males was neither significantly reduced nor more variable than that of their parental species. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes revealed directional introgression is occurring between male B. microscaphus and female B. woodhousii: All 17 hybrids possessed B. woodhousii mtDNA. The proximate mechanism driving hybridization appears to involve common male (B. microscaphus) and rare female (B. woodhousii) matings as B. woodhousii expands its range.  相似文献   

The arrival of a toxic invasive species may impose selection on local predators to avoid consuming it. Feeding responses may be modified via evolutionary changes to behaviour, or via phenotypic plasticity (e.g. learning, taste aversion). The recent arrival of cane toads (Bufo marinus) in the Northern Territory of Australia induced rapid aversion learning in a predatory marsupial (the common planigale, Planigale maculata). Here, we examine the responses of planigales to cane toads in north‐eastern Queensland, where they have been sympatric for over 60 years, to investigate whether planigale responses to cane toads have been modified by long‐term exposure. Responses to toads were broadly similar to those documented for toad‐naïve predators. Most Queensland planigales seized (21 of 22) and partially consumed (11 of 22) the first toad they were offered, but were likely to ignore toads in subsequent trials. However, unlike their toad‐naïve conspecifics from the Northern Territory, the Queensland planigales all survived ingestion of toad tissue without overt ill effects and continued to attack toads in a substantial proportion of subsequent trials. Our data suggest that (i) learning by these small predators is sufficiently rapid and effective that selection on behaviour has been weak; and (ii) physiological tolerance to toad toxins may be higher in planigales after 60 years (approximately 60 generations) of exposure to this toxic prey.  相似文献   

Previous hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships among Nearctic toads (Bufonidae) and their congeners suggest contradictory biogeographic histories. These hypotheses argue that the Nearctic Bufo are: (1) a polyphyletic assemblage resulting from multiple colonizations from Africa; (2) a paraphyletic assemblage resulting from a single colonization event from South America with subsequent dispersal into Eurasia; or (3) a monophyletic group derived from the Neotropics. We obtained approximately 2.5 kb of mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the 12S, 16S, and intervening valine tRNA gene from 82 individuals representing 56 species and used parametric bootstrapping to test hypotheses of the biogeographic history of the Nearctic Bufo. We find that the Nearctic species of Bufo are monophyletic and nested within a large clade of New World Bufo to the exclusion of Eurasian and African taxa. This suggests that Nearctic Bufo result from a single colonization from the Neotropics. More generally, we demonstrate the utility of parametric bootstrapping for testing alternative biogeographic hypotheses. Through parametric bootstrapping, we refute several previously published biogeographic hypotheses regarding Bufo. These previous studies may have been influenced by homoplasy in osteological characters. Given the Neotropical origin for Nearctic Bufo, we examine current distributional patterns to assess whether the Nearctic-Neotropical boundary is a broad transition zone or a narrow boundary. We also survey fossil and paleogeographic evidence to examine potential Tertiary and Cretaceous dispersal routes, including the Paleocene Isthmian Link, the Antillean and Aves Ridges, and the current Central American Land Bridge, that may have allowed colonization of the Nearctic.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical and systematic relationships among species in the tropical marine fish genus Dascyllus were inferred using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data. Although our results were generally consistent with previously published phylogenies based on both morphological and mitochondrial data, our broad taxonomic and geographical sampling design revealed novel insights into the phylogenetic history of Dascyllus that had escaped previous notice. These results include: (a) the polyphyletic nature of D. reticulatus mtDNAs, representing two divergent and geographically separated lineages, one shared with D. flavicaudus and the second forming the sister lineage of D. carneus; (b) the paraphyly of D. trimaculatus relative to the closely related D. abisella; and (c) phylogeographical structure within the widespread taxa D. aruanus and D. trimaculatus. Application of a molecular clock permits us to posit a causative role for tectonic and oceanic changes regarding some Dascyllus speciation events. Finally, we mapped body size and the presence or absence of protogynous sex change on the mtDNA tree, and tested published hypotheses regarding determinants of the evolution of mating system and protogyny in the genus. Our data rejected a model based on body size but not one based on phylogenetic inertia. The ability to change sex arose once in the ancestor to the entire genus, and was lost once in the ancestor of the D. trimaculatus complex. For taxa that are as geographically widespread as many Indo-Pacific genera, this study highlights the importance of adequate geographical sampling when inferring patterns of species diversification and life history evolution.  相似文献   

We define the geographical distributions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages embedded within a broadly distributed, arid-dwelling toad, Bufo punctatus. These patterns were evaluated as they relate to hypothesized vicariant events leading to the formation of desert biotas within western North America. We assessed mtDNA sequence variation among 191 samples from 82 sites located throughout much of the species' range. Parsimony-based haplotype networks of major identified lineages were used in nested clade analysis (NCA) to further elucidate and evaluate shallow phylogeographic patterns potentially associated with Quaternary (Pleistocene-Holocene) vicariance and dispersal. Phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for three monophyletic lineages (clades) within B. punctatus. The geographical distributions of the clades showed little overlap and corresponded to the general boundaries of the Peninsular Desert, and two continental desert regions, Eastern (Chihuahuan Desert-Colorado Plateau) and Western (Mojave-Sonoran deserts), geographically separated along the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Madre Occidental. The observed divergence levels and congruence with postulated events in earth history implicate a late Neogene (latest Miocene-early Pliocene) time frame for separation of the major mtDNA lineages. Evaluation of nucleotide and haplotype diversity and interpretations from NCA reveal that populations on the Colorado Plateau resulted from a recent, likely post-Pleistocene, range expansion from the Chihuahuan Desert. Dispersal across historical barriers separating major continental clades appear to be recent, resulting in secondary contacts in at least two areas. Given the observed contact between major clades, we speculated as to why the observed deep phylogeographic structure has not been eroded during the multiple previous interglacials of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Tapirira chimalapana is a new species of tree common in the rain forests and lower montane forests of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the Mexican states of Veracruz and Oaxaca. It is most similar to the AndeanT. guianensis Aubl. subsp.subandina Barfod &; Holm-Niels. but differs from this and all other congeners by having larger petals on pistillate flowers than on staminate flowers and by pubescence features. Details of field characteristics, distribution, ecology, phenology, germination, and local names and uses are included.  相似文献   

In most pan-Eurasiatic species complexes, two phenomena have been traditionally considered key processes of their cladogenesis and biogeography. First, it is hypothesized that the origin and development of the Central Asian Deserts generated a biogeographic barrier that fragmented past continuous distributions in Eastern and Western domains. Second, Pleistocene glaciations have been proposed as the main process driving the regional diversification within each of these domains. The European common toad and its closest relatives provide an interesting opportunity to examine the relative contributions of these paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events to the phylogeny and biogeography of a widespread Eurasiatic group. We investigate this issue by applying a multiproxy approach combining information from molecular phylogenies, a multiple correspondence analysis of allozyme data and species distribution models. Our study includes 304 specimens from 164 populations, covering most of the distributional range of the Bufo bufo species complex in the Western Palearctic. The phylogenies (ML and Bayesian analyses) were based on a total of 1988 bp of mitochondrial DNA encompassing three genes (tRNAval, 16S and ND1). A dataset with 173 species of the family Bufonidae was assembled to estimate the separation of the two pan-Eurasiatic species complexes of Bufo and to date the main biogeographic events within the Bufo bufo species complex. The allozyme study included sixteen protein systems, corresponding to 21 presumptive loci. Finally, the distribution models were based on maximum entropy. Our distribution models show that Eastern and Western species complexes are greatly isolated by the Central Asian Deserts, and our dating estimates place this divergence during the Middle Miocene, a moment in which different sources of evidence document a major upturn of the aridification rate of Central Asia. This climate-driven process likely separated the Eastern and Western species. At the level of the Western Palearctic, our dating estimates place most of the deepest phylogenetic structure before the Pleistocene, indicating that Pleistocene glaciations did not have a major role in splitting the major lineages. At a shallow level, the glacial dynamics contributed unevenly to the genetic structuring of populations, with a strong influence in the European-Caucasian populations, and a more relaxed effect in the Iberian populations.  相似文献   

Aim To devise a robust phylogenetic hypothesis for midwife toads (Alytes: Anura: Discoglossidae) and to discuss its implications for the reconstruction of the biogeographical history of the group. Location Western Palearctic. Methods Analysis of sequences of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and 16S RNA, 861 bp) and 29 characters of cranial osteology of all species and subspecies within Alytes. Results Phylogenetic analyses support a sister group relationship between Alytes dickhilleni and A. muletensis, and of this clade with A. maurus. The monophyly of A. obstetricans is controversial; in particular, the phylogenetic position of A. obstetricans almogavarii is uncertain. The estimated dates for the cladogenetic events within Alytes are congruent with those derived from independent analyses (allozymes), except for the differentiation of A. o. almogavarii and the split between A. dickhilleni and A. muletensis. Main conclusions The phylogeny based on the analysis of morphological and mtDNA data differs from previous hypotheses in the positions of A. o. almogavarii and A. maurus. Events associated with the radiation of Alytes are the formation of large inland saline lakes in Iberia c. 16 Ma and the 11 ° C dramatic decrease in average annual temperature during the Middle–Late Badenian transition c. 14–13.5 Ma (A.cisternasii vs. the ancestor of the remaining clades), the structuring of the Neo‐Pyrenees and the reopening of the Betic Strait c. 10–8 Ma(A. o. almogavarii vs. A. obstetricans and vs. the subgenus Baleaphryne), the opening of the Gibraltar Strait at the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis at c. 5.3 Ma (A. maurus vs. the ancestor of the A. dickhilleni A. muletensis clade) and a transmarine colonization event at c. 3 Ma (the ancestor of A. muletensis vs. A. dickhilleni). Following the new hypothesis, A. maurus, previously considered a subspecies of A. obstetricans, deserves species status. Second, A. o. almogavarii is a well‐differentiated lineage that was isolated from other A. obstetricans more than c. 5 Ma, but later lost its genetic and specific identity following secondary contact, hybridization and introgression with the main stock. The presence of a marked morphological and genetic diversity within A. obstetricans renders reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the genus more complicated than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

To assess the historical biogeography of freshwater topminnows in the genus Poeciliopsis, we examined sequence variation in two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b (1140 bp) and NADH subunit 2 (1047 bp). This widespread fish genus is distributed from Arizona to western Colombia, and nearly half of its 21 named species have distributions that border on the geologically active Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), a region that defines the uplifted plateau (Mesa Central) of Mexico. We used the parametric bootstrap method to test the hypothesis that a single vicariant event associated with the TMVB was responsible for divergence of taxa found to the north and south of this boundary. Because the single-event hypothesis was rejected as highly unlikely, we hypothesize that at least two geological events were responsible for divergence of these species. The first (8-16 million years ago) separated ancestral populations that were distributed across the present TMVB region. A second event (2.8-6.4 million years ago) was associated with northward dispersal and subsequent vicariance of two independent southern lineages across the TMVB. The geological history of this tectonically and volcanically active region is discussed and systematic implications for the genus are outlined.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary and biogeographical history of Peromyscus keeni and P. maniculatus within the coastal forest ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest of North America, we sampled 128 individuals from 43 localities from southeastern Alaska through Oregon. We analysed mitochondrial DNA variation using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene and control region, and we found two distinct clades consistent with the morphological designation of the two species. The sequence divergence between the two clades was 0.0484 substitutions per site for cyt-b and 0.0396 for the control region, suggesting that divergence of the two clades occurred during the middle to late Pleistocene. We also examined the historical demography of the two clades using stepwise and exponential expansion models, both of which indicated recent rapid population growth. Furthermore, using the program migrate we found evidence of migration from populations north of the Fraser River (British Columbia) to the south in both clades. This study demonstrates the utility of these model-based demographic methods in illuminating the evolutionary and biogegographic history of natural systems.  相似文献   

Invasive species affect native ecosystems in a variety of ways, and the magnitude of impact may depend upon many factors. In an invading species such as the cane toad (Bufo marinus), the multiphasic life history creates a potential for impact to differ between life history stages. Previous research on the impact of cane toads in Australia has focused on fatal poisoning of predators that ingest terrestrial stages of the toad, but aquatic stages (eggs, larvae) are toxic also. We exposed nine native Australian fish species and one native Australian turtle species to the eggs and larvae of toads. Strong species differences were evident, both in palatability (propensity to attack the egg or larva), and in subsequent responses (e.g. taste and reject the item, vs. ingest it). Toad eggs were less likely than toad tadpoles to be attacked, but also less likely to be rejected before ingestion (probably because the non‐toxic jelly coat masks the presence of toxins in the ovum). As a result, predators were far more likely to be killed by ingesting toad eggs than toad tadpoles. Fortuitously, the spatial and temporal availability of toad egg masses restricts encounter rates with predators, so that overall ecological impact may be low despite the high vulnerability of a fish or turtle that encounters such an egg mass. Understanding such ontogenetic shifts in the nature of interactions and magnitude of impact is crucial if we are to understand the overall ecological impact of invasive species.  相似文献   

New analytical methods are improving our ability to reconstruct robust species trees from multilocus datasets, despite difficulties in phylogenetic reconstruction associated with recent, rapid divergence, incomplete lineage sorting and/or introgression. In this study, we applied these methods to resolve the radiation of toads in the Bufo bufo (Anura, Bufonidae) species group, ranging from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa to Siberia, based on sequences from two mitochondrial and four nuclear DNA regions (3490 base pairs). We obtained a fully-resolved topology, with the recently described Bufo eichwaldi from the Talysh Mountains in south Azerbaijan and Iran as the sister taxon to a clade including: (1) north African, Iberian, and most French populations, referred herein to Bufo spinosus based on the implied inclusion of populations from its type locality and (2) a second clade, sister to B. spinosus, including two sister subclades: one with all samples of Bufo verrucosissimus from the Caucasus and another one with samples of B. bufo from northern France to Russia, including the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas and most of Anatolia. Coalescent-based estimations of time to most recent common ancestors for each species and selected subclades allowed historical reconstruction of the diversification of the species group in the context of Mediterranean paleogeography and indicated a long evolutionary history in this region. Finally, we used our data to delimit the ranges of the four species, particularly the more widespread and historically confused B. spinosus and B. bufo, and identify potential contact zones, some of which show striking parallels with other co-distributed species.  相似文献   

Nested cladistic analysis (NCA) is increasingly being used to infer historical population-level processes, including population fragmentation, range expansion and long-distance colonization. However, the effects on interpretation of NCA inferences of stochastic extinction of haplotypes due to genetic drift (lineage sorting), or of haplotype loss via localized biotic or climatic influences, have not been thoroughly explored. We provide empirical evidence suggesting that NCA may misinterpret population history when haplotypes or haplotype groups from one clade are replaced by those of another clade. We do so by using NCA to analyse mitochondrial sequences from the toad Bufo woodhousii from 45 locations spanning the Great Plains and southwestern USA. Portions of this region were glaciated and/or desertified in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, and hence uninhabitable for plains-dwelling organisms. Although NCA inferences of isolation-by-distance and gradual range expansion in B. woodhousii are compatible with expectations based on climatic data and toad biology, NCA also detected several instances of long-distance movement. Such movement seems unlikely, given the low vagility of this species. We conclude that inferences of long-distance colonization likely result from extinction of haplotypes in intervening areas. We suggest using additional methods to look for congruent inferences, and amending the NCA inference key, to help avoid misinterpretations resulting from haplotype extinction.  相似文献   

Although generalized habitat use may contribute to the success of invasive taxa, even species that are typically described as habitat generalists exhibit non‐random patterns of habitat use. We measured abiotic and biotic factors in 42 plots (each 100 × 10 m) along a 4.2‐km long unpaved road in tropical Australia, at a site that had been invaded by cane toads (Rhinella marina Bufonidae) seven years previously. We also counted anurans at night in each of these plots on 103 nights during the tropical wet season, over a five‐year period, beginning soon after the initial toad invasion. Spatial distributions differed significantly among adult male toads (n = 1047), adult female toads (n = 1222), juvenile toads (n = 342) and native frogs (Cyclorana australis Hylidae, n = 234). Adult male toads were closely associated with water bodies used as calling and/or spawning sites, whereas adult female toads and native frogs were most commonly encountered in drier forested areas on sloping ground. Juvenile toads used the margins of the floodplain more than conspecific adults did, but the floodplain itself was rarely used. Understanding which components of the habitat are most important to specific age and sex classes within a population, or how invasive species differ from native species in this respect, can clarify issues such as the spatial and temporal location of ecological impact by an invader, and the most effective places for control of the invader with minimal collateral effects on the native biota.  相似文献   

Aim We used inferences of phylogeographical structure and estimates of divergence times for three species of gophersnakes (Colubridae: Pituophis) distributed across the Mexican Transition Zone (MTZ) to evaluate the postulated association of three Neogene geological events (marine seaway inundation of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, formation of the Transvolcanic Belt across central Mexico, and secondary uplifting of the Sierra Madre Occidental) and of Pleistocene climate change with inter‐ and intraspecific diversification. Location Mexico, Guatemala, and the western United States. Methods We combined range‐wide sampling (67 individuals representing three putative species distributed across northern Middle America and western North America) and phylogenetic analyses of 1637 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA to estimate genealogical relationships and divergence times. The hypothesized concordance of inferred gene trees with geological histories was assessed using topology tests. Results We identified three major lineages of Middle American gophersnakes, and strong phylogeographical structure within each lineage. Gene trees were statistically congruent with hypothesized geological histories for two of the three postulated geological events. Estimated divergence dates and the geographical distribution of genetic variation further support mixed responses to these geological events. Considerable phylogeographical structure appears to have been generated during the Pleistocene. Main conclusions Phylogenetic and phylogeographical structure in gophersnakes distributed across northern Middle America and western North America highlights the influence of both Neogene vicariance events and Pleistocene climate change in shaping genetic diversity in this region. Despite the presence of two major geographical barriers in southern Mexico, extreme geological and environmental heterogeneity in this area may have differentially structured genetic diversity in highland taxa. To the north, co‐distributed taxa may display a more predictable pattern of diversification across the warm desert regions. Future studies should incorporate nuclear data to disentangle inferred lineage boundaries and further elucidate patterns of mitochondrial introgression.  相似文献   

Bufo marinus (L) has been present in the northern edge of the Darling River catchment for more than 25 years and the species currently occupies an area north of Chinchilla on the northern Darling Downs. This paper reports on preliminary findings of competition trials between larvae of B. marinus and native anurans in the Darling Downs area. Trials conducted in artificial ponds (1.4 × 1.2 × 0.2 m) indicated that Bufo reduced the growth of three native species (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Gunther), Limnodynastes terraereginae (Fry) and Notaden bennetti (Gunther)), and in some trials reduced the survival of two species (L. tasmaniensis and L. terraereginae). A fourth species (Limnodynastes ornatus (Grey)) showed higher growth rates with Bufo resulting from a non-significant reduction in survival in those treatments. One of two trials conducted in enclosures (1.0 × 0.5 × 0.4 m) placed in a permanent water body indicated that B. marinus had a negative effect on growth of L. tasmaniensis. A survey of 30 breeding sites in the area found that Bufo used only a small number of water bodies in one breeding season and showed little overlap of pool use with most native species. Therefore, although B. marinus may negatively affect growth and survival of native anurans under some circumstances, the potential impact of B. marinus may be minimal if there are always many breeding sites where native anurans can breed in the absence of B. marinus. A more extensive assessment of temporal and spatial overlap of water body use by B. marinus and native anurans is needed to understand the exact impact of B. marinus in this region.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and genetic variation are present in all species, but lineages differ in how variation is partitioned among populations. Examining phenotypic clustering and genetic structure within a phylogeographic framework can clarify which biological processes have contributed to extant biodiversity in a given lineage. Here, we investigate genetic and phenotypic variation among populations and subspecies within a Neotropical songbird complex, the White‐collared Seedeater (Sporophila torqueola) of Central America and Mexico. We combine measurements of morphology and plumage patterning with thousands of nuclear loci derived from ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and mitochondrial DNA to evaluate population differentiation. We find deep levels of molecular divergence between two S. torqueola lineages that are phenotypically diagnosable: One corresponds to S. t. torqueola along the Pacific coast of Mexico, and the other includes S. t. morelleti and S. t. sharpei from the Gulf Coast of Mexico and Central America. Surprisingly, these two lineages are strongly differentiated in both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and each is more closely related to other Sporophila species than to one another. We infer low levels of gene flow between these two groups based on demographic models, suggesting multiple independent evolutionary lineages within S. torqueola have been obscured by coarse‐scale similarity in plumage patterning. These findings improve our understanding of the biogeographic history of this lineage, which includes multiple dispersal events out of South America and across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec into Mesoamerica. Finally, the phenotypic and genetic distinctiveness of the range‐restricted S. t. torqueola highlights the Pacific Coast of Mexico as an important region of endemism and conservation priority.  相似文献   

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