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Archamoebae: the ancestral eukaryotes?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The archezoan phylum Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith, 1983 is here modified by adding a new order Phreatamoebida (presently containing only Phreatamoeba) and removing the family Entamoebidae. Entamoebidae are instead tentatively placed as a class Entamoebea together with the classes Heterolobosea, Percolomonadea and Pseudociliatea in the new protozoan phylum Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991. Thus emended the phylum Archamoebae is more homogeneous; it is more distinguished from the other two phyla of the primitively amitochondrial kingdom and superkingdom Archezoa (i.e. Metamonada and Microsporidia) by having kinetids with only a single flagellum and basal body and a flagellar root consisting of a cone of evenly spaced microtubules. This unikont character of the archamoebae suggests that they may be ancestral to the tetrakont Metamonada, from which the non-flagellate Microsporidia possibly evolved. Higher eukaryotes (superkingdom Metakaryota) probably evolved from a tetrakont metamonad by the symbiotic origin of mitochondria and peroxisomes. If so, the Archamoebae are the most primitive extant phylum of eukaryotes; if molecular phylogenetic studies confirm this idea, Archamoebae will deserve intensive study, which could reveal much about the origin of the eukaryote condition and also establish what is truly universal among eukaryotes. Archamoebae, like other Archezoa, lack mitochondria and peroxisomes and have no obvious Golgi dictyosomes. Their evolutionary significance is discussed and a detailed classification is presented in which the two earlier classes are merged into a single one: Pelobiontea Page, 1976 stat. nov., containing two orders Mastigamoebida Frenzel, 1892 (Syn. Rhizo-Flagellata Kent, 1880 non Rhizomastigida auct.) (including Mastigamoeba, Mastigina, Mastigella, Pelomyxa and probably a few other genera, which have one or more flagella or cilia (motile or immotile, 9 + 2 or otherwise) in the amoeboid trophic phase), and Phreatamoebida ord. nov. (including only Phreatamoeba in the new family Phreatamoebidae, which has alternating phases of non-flagellate amoebae and uniflagellate cells). Mastigamoebida are divided into three families: Mastigamoebidae Goldschmidt, 1907; Mastigellidae fam. nov.; Pelomyxidae Schulze, 1877. Archamoebae may be uni- or multi-nucleate and either gut parasites or (more usually) free-living in soil, freshwater, or marine habitats. Some can form cysts that would probably fossilize; the earliest (1450 My old) smooth-walled fossil cells large enough to be probable eukaryotes might therefore be archamoebal cysts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The recently established protozoan phylum Opalozoa Cavalier-Smith 1991 includes all those zooflagellates with tubular mitochondrial cristae that never have cortical alveoli or rigid tubular ciliary hairs (retronemes), and also the opalinids, proteomyxids sensu stricto, and plasmodiophorids. Opalozoa totally lack plastids but usually (though not invariably) have peroxisomes. They always have well-developed Golgi dictyosomes. The trophic phase is a unicellular ciliated phagotroph except in the only intracellular parasites, the plasmodiophorids, where it is a non-phagotrophic and non-ciliated microplasmodium, and in the proteomyxids where it is an amoeboflagellate (which may sometimes be nonciliated) or a multicellular meroplasmodium. Unlike the phagotrophic Mycetozoa, opalozoans do not form aerial fruiting bodies, but encystation is common. The first detailed classification of the phylum is presented here. It is divided into four subphyla (three new), eight classes (four new, one emended), three subclasses (all new), three superorders (all new) and 22 orders of which 12 are new and one is emended. Diagnoses of these taxa are given, as well as lists of the 31 families (11 new) and 62 genera included within them. Opalozoa, which include Cercomonas and Heterornita , the commonest soil flagellates, are ecologically and evolutionarily important.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the trophozoite of Acanthamoeba palestinensis with a special emphasis on the Golgi complex, microbodies, and mitochondria has been examined. Golgi complexes are distributed throughout the cytoplasm but are most abundant in the perinuclear region. Usually two Goigi complexes are found in the same plane on opposite sides of the nucleus. One of them appears to be in an intimate association with the nuclear membrane. The region of contact contains compact cisternae, vesicles of various sizes, as well as granular and amorphous electron-dense material. Structural changes in the nuclear envelope are also observed in this area. A structure consisting of a Golgi complex and electron-dense microtubule organizing center, comparable to the centrosphere of other Acanthamoeba species, has been observed. Microbodies, surrounded by a single unit membrane and containing a granular matrix and tubular inclusions, are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. These organelles, circular (~1 μm in diameter) or ovoidal (~1 μm in length and ~0.5 μm in width) in section, have often an irregular outline. These microbodies are probably the morphological equivalent of peroxisomes and glyoxysomes. Most mitochondria show a typical structure including tubular cristae and intracristal inclusions. Occasionally mitochondria with two apposed double membranes running through the midline are found. Such atypical cristae have never been reported in small amoebae before.  相似文献   

微孢子虫(Microsporidia)是一类专性细胞内寄生的单细胞真核生物,在科研、医疗、农业、商业等领域具有重要影响。由于其不具有某些典型的真核生物细胞结构,如线粒体、过氧化物酶体、高尔基体、鞭毛,曾将其归属于古真核生物谱系,认为其进化历程先于这些细胞器的起源,该假说也得到了一些生物化学和分子生物学研究证据的支持。然而,在最近十年里,通过更深入的研究,尤其是基于分子序列的系统进化分析,表明微孢子虫和真菌具有一定亲缘关系,并认为其结构的简约性恰好体现了微孢子虫营寄生生活的高度退化现象。目前对微孢子虫的系统进化仍存在各种不同意见,对其进化研究历史进行探讨有着重要意义。本文将按照时间顺序回顾微孢子虫进化分类研究过程中的各种研究成果,并讨论为什么微孢子虫独特的细胞和基因组特性会导致众多的学者在其进化分类问题上争执这么久。  相似文献   

Abstract The primary diversification of eukaryotes involved protozoa, especially zooflagellates—flagellate protozoa without plastids. Understanding the origins of the higher eukaryotic kingdoms (two purely heterotrophic, Animalia and Fungi, and two primarily photosynthetic, Plantae and Chromista) depends on clarifying evolutionary relationships among the phyla of the ancestral kingdom Protozoa. We therefore sequenced 18S rRNA genes from 10 strains from the protozoan phyla Choanozoa and Apusozoa. Eukaryote diversity is encompassed by three early-radiating, arguably monophyletic groups: Amoebozoa, opisthokonts, and bikonts. Our taxon-rich rRNA phylogeny for eukaryotes allowing for intersite rate variation strongly supports the opisthokont clade (animals, Choanozoa, Fungi). It agrees with the view that Choanozoa are sisters of or ancestral to animals and reveals a novel nonflagellate choanozoan lineage, Ministeriida, sister either to choanoflagellates, traditionally considered animal ancestors, or to animals. Maximum likelihood trees suggest that within animals Placozoa are derived from medusozoan Cnidaria (we therefore place Placozoa as a class within subphylum Medusozoa of the Cnidaria) and hexactinellid sponges evolved from demosponges. The bikont and amoebozoan radiations are both very ill resolved. Bikonts comprise the kingdoms Plantae and Chromista and three major protozoan groups: alveolates, excavates, and Rhizaria. Our analysis weakly suggests that Apusozoa, represented by Ancyromonas and the apusomonads (Apusomonas and the highly diverse and much more ancient genus Amastigomonas, from which it evolved), are not closely related to other Rhizaria and may be the most divergent bikont lineages. Although Ancyromonas and apusomonads appear deeply divergent in 18S rRNA trees, the trees neither refute nor support the monophyly of Apusozoa. The bikont phylum Cercozoa weakly but consistently appears as sister to Retaria (Foraminifera; Radiolaria), together forming a hitherto largely unrecognized major protozoan assemblage (core Rhizaria) in the eukaryote tree. Both 18S rRNA sequence trees and a rare deletion show that nonciliate haplosporidian and paramyxid parasites of shellfish (together comprising the Ascetosporea) are not two separate phyla, as often thought, but part of the Cercozoa, and may be related to the plant-parasitic plasmodiophorids and phagomyxids, which were originally the only parasites included in the Cercozoa. We discuss rRNA trees in relation to other evidence concerning the basal diversification and root of the eukaryotic tree and argue that bikonts and opisthokonts, at least, are holophyletic. Amoebozoa and bikonts may be sisters—jointly called anterokonts, as they ancestrally had an anterior cilium, not a posterior one like opisthokonts; this contrasting ciliary orientation may reflect a primary divergence in feeding mode of the first eukaryotes. Anterokonts also differ from opisthokonts in sterol biosynthesis (cycloartenol versus lanosterol pathway), major exoskeletal polymers (cellulose versus chitin), and mitochondrial cristae (ancestrally tubular not flat), possibly also primary divergences.  相似文献   

Investigation of a possibility of long-term storage of frozen (-196 degrees C) viable neurons and nervous tissue is one of the central present day problems. In this study ultrastructural changes in neurons of frozen-thawed snail brain were examined as a function of time. We studied the influence of cryopreservation, cryoprotectant (Me2SO), cooling to 4-6 degrees C, and a prolonged incubation in physiological solution at 4-6 degrees C on dictyosomes of Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae and mitochondria. It has been found that responses of these intracellular structures of cryopreserved neurons to the above influences are similar: dissociation of Golgi dictyosomes, swelling of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and mitochondrial cristae. Both freezing-thawing and cryoprotectant were seen to cause an increase in the number of lysosomes, liposomes, myelin-like structures, and to form large vacuoles. The structural changes in molluscan neurons caused by cryopreservation with Me2SO (2 M) were reversible.  相似文献   

Phytomonas davidi (Trypanosomatidae) possesses typical trypanosomatid organelles: subpellicular microtubules, kinetoplast-mitochondrial complex, K-DNA, and four subflagellar pocket microtubules. A greater concentration of subpellicular microtubules was observed in the latex forms than in those found in the salivary glands of its insect vector. Only in the latex flagellates (the stage with postnuclear torsion) were subpellicular microtubules interconnected by crossbridges observed. Morphology and development of mitochondrial aristae varied according to the source of the flagellates. Organisms taken from culture medium had extensively developed plate-like cristae; sparse tubular cristae were observed in the latex forms; and highly developed tubular cristae were seen in flagellates from the lumen of the vector's salivary glands, though organisms in the salivary gland channels had few or none.  相似文献   

To date (1 November 2023), the online database AlgaeBase has documented 50,589 species of living algae and 10,556 fossil species here referred to four kingdoms (Eubacteria, Chromista, Plantae, and Protozoa), 14 phyla, and 63 classes. The algae are the third most speciose grouping of plant-like organisms after the flowering plants (≈382,000 species) and fungi (≈170,000 species, including lichens) but are the least well defined of all the botanical groupings. Priority is given to phyla and class names that are familiar to phycologists and that are nomenclaturally valid. The most species-rich phylum is the Heterokontophyta to which 18 classes are referred with 21,052 living species and which is dominated by the diatoms in three classes with 18,673 species (16,427 living; 2239 fossil). The next most species-rich phyla are the red algae (7276 living), the green algae (6851 living), the blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria, 5723 living), the charophytes (4950 living, including the Charophyceae, 511 species living, and the Zygnematophyceae, 4335 living species), Dinoflagellata (2956 living, including the Dinophyceae, 2828 extant), and haptophytes (Haptophyta 1722 species, 517 living).  相似文献   

The Golgi Apparatus of Tetrahymena Thermophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Electron microsocpic investigations reveal that the Golgi apparatus of Tetrahymena thermophila consists of numerous tiny dictyosomes, each consisting of one or two cisternae. the dictyosomes are localized predominantly in the cell cortex closely associated with the mitochondria, arranged in meridians alternating with the ciliary meridians. We estimated about 300-400 of these dictyosomes in the periphery of a cell, a value corresponding to the number of somatic cilia per cell. Cytochemical assays of thiamine pyrophosphatase and acid phosphatase, both marker enzymes of trans Golgi cisternae, resulted in deposits of lead or cerium phosphate in the outermost cisternae of the dictyosomes. In addition, cisternae located at the bases of the basal body/parasomal sac arrangements are stained. This indicates that these cisternae may belong to the Golgi apparatus of the cell.  相似文献   

Adrenal glands from ACTH-treated intact ducks and chronically adenohypophysectomized ducks showed clear zonation into a subcapsular zone (SCZ) and an inner zone (IZ). Adenohypophysectomy caused ultrastructural changes in the IZ but not in the SCZ cells. These included increases in lipid droplets, changes in mitochondrial cristae from tubular to shelf-like, and changes in the shape of the nuclei from spherical to crenated. These changes were reversed by treatment with ACTH. Also, cells of the IZ, but not the SCZ, of adrenals from intact birds given ACTH showed more SER, more dense bodies, fewer lipid droplets and more prominent Golgi complexes. IZ cells incubated in buffer containing no ACTH developed mitochondria with shelf-like cristae and numerous opaque granules in the matrix. Exposure to buffer containing ACTH caused the mitochondrial cristae to become tubular and the matrix granules either decreased in number or disappeared. The granules could be extracted by incubating sections with chelating agents. The mitochondria in SCZ cells did not respond structurally to the presence of ACTH in the incubation medium but the matrix granules, like those in IZ cells, responded to the presence of chelating agents.  相似文献   

The zona fasciculata of the rat adrenal cortex synthesizes and secretes glucocorticoids. As observed after aldehyde fixation, the cells in this zone contain an extensive endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a small Golgi apparatus, a moderate number of lipid droplets, and abundant mitochondria with tubulovesicular cristae. Numerous areas within the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial cristae appear clear. In addition, a small percentage of mitochondria encompasses large, clear areas. After immersion of finely minced adrenal cortex in unbuffered 2% OsO4 (40–48 hr at 40°C), deposits of osmium are seen within the Golgi apparatus, the entirety of the ER, and occasionally within mitochondria. In some mitochondria, the deposits are within cristae; in others, within vacuoles; in still others, in both cristae and vacuoles. These localizations correspond best to the clear areas found in aldehyde-fixed tissue. Osmium is not deposited in lipid droplets, in bar-containing inclusions, in mitochondrial matrix inclusions, or in the peripheral, outer mitochondrial spaces. Addition of zinc-iodide to OsO4 increases the amount of Golgi apparatus and mitochondrial staining. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) does not affect the localization of deposits; hypophysectomy decreases mitochondrial staining. This study (a) emphasizes the necessity for electron microscopic confirmation of osmium localization when this technique is used as a Golgi apparatus stain; and (b) suggests that the ER-staining pattern may be consistent in cells actively synthesizing steroids or steroid-like compounds.  相似文献   

The role of plant mitochondria in the programmed cell death (PCD) is widely discussed. However, spectrum and sequence of mitochondrial structural changes during different types of PCD in leaves are poorly described. Pea, cucumber and rye plants were grown under controlled growing conditions. A part of them were sprinkled with ethylene releaser to accelerate cell death. During yellowing the palisade parenchyma mitochondria were attracted to nuclear envelope. Mitochondrial matrix became electron translucent. Mitochondria entered vacuole by invagination of tonoplast and formed multivesicular bodies. Ethephon treatment increased the frequency of sticking of mitochondria to the nuclear envelope or chloroplasts and peroxisomes. Mitochondria divided by different mechanisms and became enclosed in Golgi and ER derived authopagic vacuoles or in the central vacuole. Several fold increase of the diameter of cristae became typical. In all cases mitochondria were attached to nuclear envelope. It can be considered as structural mechanism of promoting of PCD.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent molecular and cellular evidence indicates that eukaryotes comprise three major lineages: the probably ancestrally uniciliate protozoan phylum Amoebozoa; the ancestrally posteriorly uniciliate opisthokont clade (animals, Choanozoa, and fungi); and a very diverse ancestrally biciliate clade, the bikonts—plants, chromalveolates, and excavate and rhizarian Protozoa. As Heliozoa are the only eukaryote phylum not yet placed on molecular sequence trees, we have sequenced the 18S rRNA genes of three centrohelid heliozoa, Raphidiophrys ambigua, Heterophrys marina, and Chlamydaster sterni, to investigate their phylogenetic position. Phylogenetic analysis by distance and maximum likelihood methods allowing for intersite rate variation and invariable sites confirms that centrohelid heliozoa are a robust clade that does not fall within any other phyla. In particular, they are decisively very distant from the heterokont pedinellid chromists, at one time thought to be related to heliozoa, and lack the unique heterokont signature sequence. They also appear not to be specifically related to either Amoebozoa or Radiolaria, with which they have sometimes been classified, so it is desirable to retain Heliozoa as a separate protozoan phylum. Even though centrohelids have no cilia or centrioles, the centrohelid clade branches among the bikont eukaryotes, but there is no strong bootstrap support for any particular position. Distance trees usually place centrohelids as sisters to haptophytes, whereas parsimony puts them as sisters to red algae, but there is no reason to think that either position is correct; both have very low bootstrap support. Quartet puzzling places them with fairly low support as sisters to the apusozoan zooflagellate Ancyromonas. As Ancyromonas is the only other eukaryote that shares the character combination of flat plate-like mitochondrial cristae and kinetocyst-type extrusomes with centrohelids, this position is biologically plausible, but because of weak support and conflict between trees it might not be correct. Irrespective of their precise position, our trees (together with previous evidence that Chlamydaster sterni has the derived dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthetase gene fusion unique to bikonts) indicate that centrohelid heliozoa are ancestrally derived from a bikont flagellate by the loss of cilia. The centroplast that nucleates their axonemal microtubules is therefore almost certainly homologous with the centrosome of ciliated eukaryotes and should simply be called a centrosome.  相似文献   

The structure of the unicellular cell of filose amoeba, Rhogostoma minus Belar, 1921, is studied. Zoospores, cysts, and multinuclear plasmodia have not been found. The cell is covered by a thin shell made out of organic matter. Narrow and branched pseudopodia arise from the pseudostome. The vesicle-shaped nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies, and Golgi apparatus are of a usual structure. The oval-shaped mitochondria carry tubular cristae. No flagellar apparatus, fibrillar structures, or extrusive organelles have been found. The amoeba feeds on bacteria. The phylogeny of R. minus in regard to other filose amoebas and flagellates is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Comparisons are made between sectioned and negatively-stained mitochondria of the ciliate Spirostomum ambiguum. Particulate elements 70–80 A in diameter are associated with the surface of tubular cristae of negatively-stained and disrupted mitochondria; such particles are not seen in sectioned mitochondria fixed in various ways. As measured in sectioned material, the inner mitochondrial membrane forming the tubular cristae is about 100 A thick, while the outer mitochondrial membrane is about 50 A thick and is the more labile of the 2.  相似文献   

There are many more phyla of microbes than of macro-organisms, but microbial biodiversity is poorly understood because most microbes are uncultured. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences cloned after PCR amplification of DNA extracted directly from environmental samples is a powerful way of exploring our degree of ignorance of major groups. As there are only five eukaryotic kingdoms, two claims using such methods for numerous novel 'kingdom-level' lineages among anaerobic eukaryotes would be remarkable, if true. By reanalysing those data with 167 known species (not merely 8-37), I identified relatives for all 8-10 'mysterious' lineages. All probably belong to one of five already recognized phyla (Amoebozoa, Cercozoa, Apusozoa, Myzozoa, Loukozoa) within the basal kingdom Protozoa, mostly in known classes, sometimes even in known orders, families or genera. This strengthens the idea that the ancestral eukaryote was a mitochondrial aerobe. Analogous claims of novel bacterial divisions or kingdoms may reflect the weak resolution and grossly non-clock-like evolution of ribosomal rRNA, not genuine phylum-level biological disparity. Critical interpretation of environmental DNA sequences suggests that our overall picture of microbial biodiversity at phylum or division level is already rather good and comprehensive and that there are no uncharacterized kingdoms of life. However, immense lower-level diversity remains to be mapped, as does the root of the tree of life.  相似文献   

The internal structure of mitochondria   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Electron microscopic (EM) tomography is providing important new insights into the internal organization of mitochondria. The standard baffle model for cristae structure, called into question years ago, has now clearly been shown to be inaccurate. Depending on source and conformational state, cristae can vary from simple tubular structures to more complex lamellar structures merging with the inner boundary membrane through tubular structures 28 nm in diameter. The structural information provided by EM tomography has important implications for mitochondrial bioenergetics, biogenesis and the role of mitochondria in apoptosis. The structural paradigm defined by EM tomography is helping in the design of new experimental approaches to mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

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