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This review discusses data analysis strategies for the discovery of biomarkers in clinical proteomics. Proteomics studies produce large amounts of data, characterized by few samples of which many variables are measured. A wealth of classification methods exists for extracting information from the data. Feature selection plays an important role in reducing the dimensionality of the data prior to classification and in discovering biomarker leads. The question which classification strategy works best is yet unanswered. Validation is a crucial step for biomarker leads towards clinical use. Here we only discuss statistical validation, recognizing that biological and clinical validation is of utmost importance. First, there is the need for validated model selection to develop a generalized classifier that predicts new samples correctly. A cross-validation loop that is wrapped around the model development procedure assesses the performance using unseen data. The significance of the model should be tested; we use permutations of the data for comparison with uninformative data. This procedure also tests the correctness of the performance validation. Preferably, a new set of samples is measured to test the classifier and rule out results specific for a machine, analyst, laboratory or the first set of samples. This is not yet standard practice. We present a modular framework that combines feature selection, classification, biomarker discovery and statistical validation; these data analysis aspects are all discussed in this review. The feature selection, classification and biomarker discovery modules can be incorporated or omitted to the preference of the researcher. The validation modules, however, should not be optional. In each module, the researcher can select from a wide range of methods, since there is not one unique way that leads to the correct model and proper validation. We discuss many possibilities for feature selection, classification and biomarker discovery. For validation we advice a combination of cross-validation and permutation testing, a validation strategy supported in the literature.  相似文献   

Huang HL  Chang FL 《Bio Systems》2007,90(2):516-528
An optimal design of support vector machine (SVM)-based classifiers for prediction aims to optimize the combination of feature selection, parameter setting of SVM, and cross-validation methods. However, SVMs do not offer the mechanism of automatic internal relevant feature detection. The appropriate setting of their control parameters is often treated as another independent problem. This paper proposes an evolutionary approach to designing an SVM-based classifier (named ESVM) by simultaneous optimization of automatic feature selection and parameter tuning using an intelligent genetic algorithm, combined with k-fold cross-validation regarded as an estimator of generalization ability. To illustrate and evaluate the efficiency of ESVM, a typical application to microarray classification using 11 multi-class datasets is adopted. By considering model uncertainty, a frequency-based technique by voting on multiple sets of potentially informative features is used to identify the most effective subset of genes. It is shown that ESVM can obtain a high accuracy of 96.88% with a small number 10.0 of selected genes using 10-fold cross-validation for the 11 datasets averagely. The merits of ESVM are three-fold: (1) automatic feature selection and parameter setting embedded into ESVM can advance prediction abilities, compared to traditional SVMs; (2) ESVM can serve not only as an accurate classifier but also as an adaptive feature extractor; (3) ESVM is developed as an efficient tool so that various SVMs can be used conveniently as the core of ESVM for bioinformatics problems.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel generic approach for classification problems with the objective of achieving maximum classification accuracy with minimum number of features selected. The method is illustrated with several case studies of gene expression data. Our approach integrates filter and wrapper gene selection methods with an added objective of selecting a small set of non-redundant genes that are most relevant for classification with the provision of bins for genes to be swapped in the search for their biological relevance. It is capable of selecting relatively few marker genes while giving comparable or better leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy when compared with gene ranking selection approaches. Additionally, gene profiles can be extracted from the evolving connectionist system, which provides a set of rules that can be further developed into expert systems. The approach uses an integration of Pearson correlation coefficient and signal-to-noise ratio methods with an adaptive evolving classifier applied through the leave-one-out method for validation. Datasets of gene expression from four case studies are used to illustrate the method. The results show the proposed approach leads to an improved feature selection process in terms of reducing the number of variables required and an increased in classification accuracy.  相似文献   

To solve the class imbalance problem in the classification of pre-miRNAs with the ab initio method, we developed a novel sample selection method according to the characteristics of pre-miRNAs. Real/pseudo pre-miRNAs are clustered based on their stem similarity and their distribution in high dimensional sample space, respectively. The training samples are selected according to the sample density of each cluster. Experimental results are validated by the cross-validation and other testing datasets composed of human real/pseudo pre-miRNAs. When compared with the previous method, microPred, our classifier miRNAPred is nearly 12% more accurate. The selected training samples also could be used to train other SVM classifiers, such as triplet-SVM, MiPred, miPred, and microPred, to improve their classification performance. The sample selection algorithm is useful for constructing a more efficient classifier for the classification of real pre-miRNAs and pseudo hairpin sequences.  相似文献   

Proposed molecular classifiers may be overfit to idiosyncrasies of noisy genomic and proteomic data. Cross-validation methods are often used to obtain estimates of classification accuracy, but both simulations and case studies suggest that, when inappropriate methods are used, bias may ensue. Bias can be bypassed and generalizability can be tested by external (independent) validation. We evaluated 35 studies that have reported on external validation of a molecular classifier. We extracted information on study design and methodological features, and compared the performance of molecular classifiers in internal cross-validation versus external validation for 28 studies where both had been performed. We demonstrate that the majority of studies pursued cross-validation practices that are likely to overestimate classifier performance. Most studies were markedly underpowered to detect a 20% decrease in sensitivity or specificity between internal cross-validation and external validation [median power was 36% (IQR, 21-61%) and 29% (IQR, 15-65%), respectively]. The median reported classification performance for sensitivity and specificity was 94% and 98%, respectively, in cross-validation and 88% and 81% for independent validation. The relative diagnostic odds ratio was 3.26 (95% CI 2.04-5.21) for cross-validation versus independent validation. Finally, we reviewed all studies (n = 758) which cited those in our study sample, and identified only one instance of additional subsequent independent validation of these classifiers. In conclusion, these results document that many cross-validation practices employed in the literature are potentially biased and genuine progress in this field will require adoption of routine external validation of molecular classifiers, preferably in much larger studies than in current practice.  相似文献   

SELDI-TOF-MS is rapidly gaining popularity as a screening tool for clinical applications of proteomics. Application of adequate statistical techniques in all the stages from measurement to information is obligatory. One of the statistical methods often used in proteomics is classification: the assignment of subjects to discrete categories, for example healthy or diseased. Lately, many new classification methods have been developed, often specifically for the analysis of X-omics data. For proteomics studies a good strategy for evaluating classification results is of prime importance, because usually the number of objects will be small and it would be wasteful to set aside part of these as a 'mere' test set. The present paper offers such a strategy in the form of a protocol which can be used for choosing among different statistical classification methods and obtaining figures of merit of their performance. This paper also illustrates the usefulness of proteomics in a clinical setting, serum samples from Gaucher disease patients, when used in combination with an appropriate classification method.  相似文献   

Clinical trials increasingly employ medical imaging data in conjunction with supervised classifiers, where the latter require large amounts of training data to accurately model the system. Yet, a classifier selected at the start of the trial based on smaller and more accessible datasets may yield inaccurate and unstable classification performance. In this paper, we aim to address two common concerns in classifier selection for clinical trials: (1) predicting expected classifier performance for large datasets based on error rates calculated from smaller datasets and (2) the selection of appropriate classifiers based on expected performance for larger datasets. We present a framework for comparative evaluation of classifiers using only limited amounts of training data by using random repeated sampling (RRS) in conjunction with a cross-validation sampling strategy. Extrapolated error rates are subsequently validated via comparison with leave-one-out cross-validation performed on a larger dataset. The ability to predict error rates as dataset size increases is demonstrated on both synthetic data as well as three different computational imaging tasks: detecting cancerous image regions in prostate histopathology, differentiating high and low grade cancer in breast histopathology, and detecting cancerous metavoxels in prostate magnetic resonance spectroscopy. For each task, the relationships between 3 distinct classifiers (k-nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine) are explored. Further quantitative evaluation in terms of interquartile range (IQR) suggests that our approach consistently yields error rates with lower variability (mean IQRs of 0.0070, 0.0127, and 0.0140) than a traditional RRS approach (mean IQRs of 0.0297, 0.0779, and 0.305) that does not employ cross-validation sampling for all three datasets.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Ranking gene feature sets is a key issue for both phenotype classification, for instance, tumor classification in a DNA microarray experiment, and prediction in the context of genetic regulatory networks. Two broad methods are available to estimate the error (misclassification rate) of a classifier. Resubstitution fits a single classifier to the data, and applies this classifier in turn to each data observation. Cross-validation (in leave-one-out form) removes each observation in turn, constructs the classifier, and then computes whether this leave-one-out classifier correctly classifies the deleted observation. Resubstitution typically underestimates classifier error, severely so in many cases. Cross-validation has the advantage of producing an effectively unbiased error estimate, but the estimate is highly variable. In many applications it is not the misclassification rate per se that is of interest, but rather the construction of gene sets that have the potential to classify or predict. Hence, one needs to rank feature sets based on their performance. RESULTS: A model-based approach is used to compare the ranking performances of resubstitution and cross-validation for classification based on real-valued feature sets and for prediction in the context of probabilistic Boolean networks (PBNs). For classification, a Gaussian model is considered, along with classification via linear discriminant analysis and the 3-nearest-neighbor classification rule. Prediction is examined in the steady-distribution of a PBN. Three metrics are proposed to compare feature-set ranking based on error estimation with ranking based on the true error, which is known owing to the model-based approach. In all cases, resubstitution is competitive with cross-validation relative to ranking accuracy. This is in addition to the enormous savings in computation time afforded by resubstitution.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Cancer diagnosis is one of the most important emerging clinical applications of gene expression microarray technology. We are seeking to develop a computer system for powerful and reliable cancer diagnostic model creation based on microarray data. To keep a realistic perspective on clinical applications we focus on multicategory diagnosis. To equip the system with the optimum combination of classifier, gene selection and cross-validation methods, we performed a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of several major algorithms for multicategory classification, several gene selection methods, multiple ensemble classifier methods and two cross-validation designs using 11 datasets spanning 74 diagnostic categories and 41 cancer types and 12 normal tissue types. RESULTS: Multicategory support vector machines (MC-SVMs) are the most effective classifiers in performing accurate cancer diagnosis from gene expression data. The MC-SVM techniques by Crammer and Singer, Weston and Watkins and one-versus-rest were found to be the best methods in this domain. MC-SVMs outperform other popular machine learning algorithms, such as k-nearest neighbors, backpropagation and probabilistic neural networks, often to a remarkable degree. Gene selection techniques can significantly improve the classification performance of both MC-SVMs and other non-SVM learning algorithms. Ensemble classifiers do not generally improve performance of the best non-ensemble models. These results guided the construction of a software system GEMS (Gene Expression Model Selector) that automates high-quality model construction and enforces sound optimization and performance estimation procedures. This is the first such system to be informed by a rigorous comparative analysis of the available algorithms and datasets. AVAILABILITY: The software system GEMS is available for download from http://www.gems-system.org for non-commercial use. CONTACT: alexander.statnikov@vanderbilt.edu.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for direct identification of fungal species solely by means of digital image analysis of colonies as seen after growth on a standard medium. The method described is completely automated and hence objective once digital images of the reference fungi have been established. Using a digital image it is possible to extract precise information from the surface of the fungal colony. This includes color distribution, colony dimensions and texture measurements. For fungal identification, this is normally done by visual observation that often results in a very subjective data recording. Isolates of nine different species of the genus Penicillium have been selected for the purpose. After incubation for 7 days, the fungal colonies are digitized using a very accurate digital camera. Prior to the image analysis each image is corrected for self-illumination, thereby gaining a set of directly corresponding images with respect to illumination. A Windows application has been developed to locate the position and size of up to three colonies in the digitized image. Using the estimated positions and sizes of the colonies, a number of relevant features can be extracted for further analysis. The method used to determine the position of the colonies will be covered as well as the feature selection. The texture measurements of colonies of the nine species were analyzed and a clustering of the data into the correct species was confirmed. This indicates that it is indeed possible to identify a given colony merely by macromorphological features. A classifier (in the normal distribution) based on measurements of 151 colonies incubated on yeast extract sucrose agar (YES) was used to discriminate between the species. This resulted in a correct classification rate of 100% when used on the training set and 96% using cross-validation. The same methods applied to 194 colonies incubated on Czapek yeast extract agar (CYA) resulted in a correct classification rate of 98% on the training set and 71% using cross-validation.  相似文献   

Development and testing of protein classification algorithms are hampered by the fact that the protein universe is characterized by groups vastly different in the number of members, in average protein size, similarity within group, etc. Datasets based on traditional cross-validation (k-fold, leave-one-out, etc.) may not give reliable estimates on how an algorithm will generalize to novel, distantly related subtypes of the known protein classes. Supervised cross-validation, i.e., selection of test and train sets according to the known subtypes within a database has been successfully used earlier in conjunction with the SCOP database. Our goal was to extend this principle to other databases and to design standardized benchmark datasets for protein classification. Hierarchical classification trees of protein categories provide a simple and general framework for designing supervised cross-validation strategies for protein classification. Benchmark datasets can be designed at various levels of the concept hierarchy using a simple graph-theoretic distance. A combination of supervised and random sampling was selected to construct reduced size model datasets, suitable for algorithm comparison. Over 3000 new classification tasks were added to our recently established protein classification benchmark collection that currently includes protein sequence (including protein domains and entire proteins), protein structure and reading frame DNA sequence data. We carried out an extensive evaluation based on various machine-learning algorithms such as nearest neighbor, support vector machines, artificial neural networks, random forests and logistic regression, used in conjunction with comparison algorithms, BLAST, Smith-Waterman, Needleman-Wunsch, as well as 3D comparison methods DALI and PRIDE. The resulting datasets provide lower, and in our opinion more realistic estimates of the classifier performance than do random cross-validation schemes. A combination of supervised and random sampling was used to construct model datasets, suitable for algorithm comparison.

The datasets are available at http://hydra.icgeb.trieste.it/benchmark.  相似文献   

PCP: a program for supervised classification of gene expression profiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PCP (Pattern Classification Program) is an open-source machine learning program for supervised classification of patterns (vectors of measurements). The principal use of PCP in bioinformatics is design and evaluation of classifiers for use in clinical diagnostic tests based on measurements of gene expression. PCP implements leading pattern classification and gene selection algorithms and incorporates cross-validation estimation of classifier performance. Importantly, the implementation integrates gene selection and class prediction stages, which is vital for computing reliable performance estimates in small-sample scenarios. Additionally, the program includes automated and efficient model selection (optimization of parameters) for support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The distribution includes Linux and Windows/Cygwin binaries. The program can easily be ported to other platforms. AVAILABILITY: Free download at http://pcp.sourceforge.net  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of gene expression has enabled numerous insights into biological systems, but current methods have several limitations. We developed a method to perform a meta-analysis using the elastic net, a powerful and versatile approach for classification and regression. To demonstrate the utility of our method, we conducted a meta-analysis of lung cancer gene expression based on publicly available data. Using 629 samples from five data sets, we trained a multinomial classifier to distinguish between four lung cancer subtypes. Our meta-analysis-derived classifier included 58 genes and achieved 91% accuracy on leave-one-study-out cross-validation and on three independent data sets. Our method makes meta-analysis of gene expression more systematic and expands the range of questions that a meta-analysis can be used to address. As the amount of publicly available gene expression data continues to grow, our method will be an effective tool to help distill these data into knowledge.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Gene expression data offer a large number of potentially useful predictors for the classification of tissue samples into classes, such as diseased and non-diseased. The predictive error rate of classifiers can be estimated using methods such as cross-validation. We have investigated issues of interpretation and potential bias in the reporting of error rate estimates. The issues considered here are optimization and selection biases, sampling effects, measures of misclassification rate, baseline error rates, two-level external cross-validation and a novel proposal for detection of bias using the permutation mean. RESULTS: Reporting an optimal estimated error rate incurs an optimization bias. Downward bias of 3-5% was found in an existing study of classification based on gene expression data and may be endemic in similar studies. Using a simulated non-informative dataset and two example datasets from existing studies, we show how bias can be detected through the use of label permutations and avoided using two-level external cross-validation. Some studies avoid optimization bias by using single-level cross-validation and a test set, but error rates can be more accurately estimated via two-level cross-validation. In addition to estimating the simple overall error rate, we recommend reporting class error rates plus where possible the conditional risk incorporating prior class probabilities and a misclassification cost matrix. We also describe baseline error rates derived from three trivial classifiers which ignore the predictors. AVAILABILITY: R code which implements two-level external cross-validation with the PAMR package, experiment code, dataset details and additional figures are freely available for non-commercial use from http://www.maths.qut.edu.au/profiles/wood/permr.jsp  相似文献   

Li Y  Wang N  Perkins EJ  Zhang C  Gong P 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13715
Monitoring, assessment and prediction of environmental risks that chemicals pose demand rapid and accurate diagnostic assays. A variety of toxicological effects have been associated with explosive compounds TNT and RDX. One important goal of microarray experiments is to discover novel biomarkers for toxicity evaluation. We have developed an earthworm microarray containing 15,208 unique oligo probes and have used it to profile gene expression in 248 earthworms exposed to TNT, RDX or neither. We assembled a new machine learning pipeline consisting of several well-established feature filtering/selection and classification techniques to analyze the 248-array dataset in order to construct classifier models that can separate earthworm samples into three groups: control, TNT-treated, and RDX-treated. First, a total of 869 genes differentially expressed in response to TNT or RDX exposure were identified using a univariate statistical algorithm of class comparison. Then, decision tree-based algorithms were applied to select a subset of 354 classifier genes, which were ranked by their overall weight of significance. A multiclass support vector machine (MC-SVM) method and an unsupervised K-mean clustering method were applied to independently refine the classifier, producing a smaller subset of 39 and 30 classifier genes, separately, with 11 common genes being potential biomarkers. The combined 58 genes were considered the refined subset and used to build MC-SVM and clustering models with classification accuracy of 83.5% and 56.9%, respectively. This study demonstrates that the machine learning approach can be used to identify and optimize a small subset of classifier/biomarker genes from high dimensional datasets and generate classification models of acceptable precision for multiple classes.  相似文献   



Modern experimental techniques deliver data sets containing profiles of tens of thousands of potential molecular and genetic markers that can be used to improve medical diagnostics. Previous studies performed with three different experimental methods for the same set of neuroblastoma patients create opportunity to examine whether augmenting gene expression profiles with information on copy number variation can lead to improved predictions of patients survival. We propose methodology based on comprehensive cross-validation protocol, that includes feature selection within cross-validation loop and classification using machine learning. We also test dependence of results on the feature selection process using four different feature selection methods.


The models utilising features selected based on information entropy are slightly, but significantly, better than those using features obtained with t-test. The synergy between data on genetic variation and gene expression is possible, but not confirmed. A slight, but statistically significant, increase of the predictive power of machine learning models has been observed for models built on combined data sets. It was found while using both out of bag estimate and in cross-validation performed on a single set of variables. However, the improvement was smaller and non-significant when models were built within full cross-validation procedure that included feature selection within cross-validation loop. Good correlation between performance of the models in the internal and external cross-validation was observed, confirming the robustness of the proposed protocol and results.


We have developed a protocol for building predictive machine learning models. The protocol can provide robust estimates of the model performance on unseen data. It is particularly well-suited for small data sets. We have applied this protocol to develop prognostic models for neuroblastoma, using data on copy number variation and gene expression. We have shown that combining these two sources of information may increase the quality of the models. Nevertheless, the increase is small and larger samples are required to reduce noise and bias arising due to overfitting.


This article was reviewed by Lan Hu, Tim Beissbarth and Dimitar Vassilev.

Acute cellular rejection (ACR) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) recurrence (HCVrec) are common complications after liver transplantation (LT) in HCV patients, who share common clinical and histological features, making a differential diagnosis difficult. Fifty-three liver allograft samples from unique HCV LT recipients were studied using microarrays, including a training set (n = 32) and a validation set (n = 19). Two no-HCV-ACR samples from LT recipients were also included. Probe set intensity values were obtained using the robust multiarray average method (RMA) method. Analysis of variance identified statistically differentially expressed genes (P ≤ 0.005). The limma package was used to fit the mixed-effects models using a restricted maximum likelihood procedure. The last absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) model was fit with HCVrec versus ACR as the dependent variable predicted. N-fold cross-validation was performed to provide an unbiased estimate of generalization error. A total of 179 probe sets were differentially expressed among groups, with 71 exclusive genes between HCVrec and HCV-ACR. No differences were found within ACR group (HCV-ACR vs. no-HCV-ACR). Supervised clustering analysis displayed two clearly independent groups, and no-HCV-ACR clustered within HCV-ACR. HCVrec-related genes were associated with a cytotoxic T-cell profile, and HCV-ACR-related genes were associated with the inflammatory response. The best-fitting LASSO model classifier accuracy, including 15 genes, has an accuracy of 100% in the training set. N-fold cross-validation accuracy was 78.1%, and sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were 50.0%, 90.9%, 71.4% and 80.0%, respectively. Arginase type II (ARG2), ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 (ETHE1), transmembrane protein 176A (TMEM176A) and TMEM176B genes were significantly confirmed in the validation set. A molecular signature capable of distinguishing HCVrec and ACR in HCV LT recipients was identified and validated.  相似文献   

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