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Using ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) treatment of the seeds ofline SGE, a new mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.) with alterationsin root development was obtained. The mutant phenotype dependson the density of the growth substrate: on sand (a high densitysubstrate) the mutant forms a small compact curly root systemwhereas on vermiculite (a low density substrate) differencesbetween the root systems of the mutant and wild type plantsare less pronounced. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutantcarries a mutation in a new pea gene designedcrt (curly roots).Gene crt has been localized in pea linkage group V. The mutantline named SGEcrt showed increased sensitivity to exogenousauxin and an increased concentration of endogenous indole-3-aceticacid (IAA) in comparison with the wild type line SGE. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Pisum sativum L., root development, garden pea mutant, curly roots, auxin, environmental stimulus response  相似文献   

A method is described for separating mitochondria from microbodies in cotyledon preparations of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska. Pure and intact mitochondria were obtained on a continuous: discontinuous sucrose density gradient as shown by marke-enzyme assay and electron microscopy. Manipulation of sucrose-gradient construction to widen the distance between organelles provided a quick method for the separation of the mitochondria from the microbodies. The shorter time of exposure of mitochondria to centrifugation and osmotic stress produces mitochondria free of contamination.  相似文献   

Although phytochrome is known to regulate gene expression inplants, the location of the phytochrome molecules involved inthe response remains unclear. Thus the aim of this investigationwas to test the possibility that nuclei contain phytochrome.Nuclei were isolated from dark-grown pea (Pisum sativum cv.Alaska) plumules in the dark and the nuclear proteins were resolvedon SDS polyacrylamide gels and transferred to nitrocelluloseby western blotting. A significant amount of phytochrome wasdetected in the nuclear proteins by immunostaining using monoclonaland polyclonal anti-phytochrome antibodies. Most of the phytochromeassociated with the nuclei could not be removed by treatmentwith high salt and low magnesium, indicating that the bindingwas rather stable. However, the isolation of nuclei in the presenceof exogenously added [125I]phytochrome of PR form in the darksuggested that significant amount of the phytochrome detectedin the nuclei was derived from contamination by the solublefraction during isolation. It is an open question as to whether,besides this contaminated phytochrome, isolated nuclei endogenouslycontain very small amount of phytochrome. 4Present Address: Plant Molecular Biology and Biochemistry ResearchGroup, Departments of Biochemistry and Botany, University ofGlasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K. (Received February 8, 1988; Accepted July 27, 1988)  相似文献   

P. A. Jones 《Planta》1977,135(3):233-240
Maturing embryos of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) were treated with an aqueous solution of tritiated thymidine for 1 h, sectioned, and processed for autoradiography. An analysis of the distribution of labelled nuclei and mitotic figures demonstrated the presence of a quiescent center (QC) in the radicles of developing embryos. The QC developed in the radicle during the growth of the embryo. Immature radicles that did not contain a well-formed zone of root-cap initials did not show a QC. In the latter stages of seed ripening, the pattern of arrest of DNA synthesis and mitosis was tissue-specific. Cells within the QC remained inactive. The region lacking labelled nuclei and mitotic figures progressively expanded to include the root cap initials and then the provascular cylinder. Mitosis was arrested before DNA synthesis in the embryonic cortex. Cells within the QC synthesized DNA during the first stages of seed germination.Abbreviations [3H]TdR tritiated thymidine - QC quiescent center  相似文献   

Determinations were made of the percentage of chloroplast DNA (ct DNA) in total cell DNA isolated from shoots of pea at different stages of development. Labeled pea ct DNA was reassociated with a high concentration of total DNA; the percentage of ct DNA was estimated by comparing the rate of reassociation of this reaction with that of a model reaction containing a known concentration of unlabeled ct DNA. The maximum change in ct DNA content was from 1.3% of total DNA in young shoots to 7.3% in fully greened shoots. Analyses were also performed on DNA from embryos, etiolated tissue, roots, and leaves. The first leaf set to develop in pea was excised over a growth period of 8 days during which leaf length increased from 4 to 12 millimeters. Young leaves contained about 8% ct DNA; in fully greened leaves the level of ct DNA approached 12%, equivalent to as many as 9,575 copies of ct DNA per cell. Root tissue contained only 0.4% ct DNA.  相似文献   

The morphology of axillary shoots of pea plants (Pisum sativumL. cv. Alaska) was analysed as a function of the position ofthe bud on the plant axis and the stage of plant developmentwhen the buds began to grow. Buds from the three most basalnodes were stimulated to develop by decapitating the main shootwhen buds were still growing (4 d plants), shortly after budsbecame dormant (7 d plants) or after the initiation of floweringon the main shoot (post-flowering plants, about 21 d after sowing).Branch shoots were scored for node of floral initiation (NFI),shoot length, and node of multiple leaflets (NML), a measureof leaf complexity. Shoots that developed spontaneously fromupper nodes (nodes 5-9) on intact post-flowering plants werescored for NFI. NFI for basal buds on 4 and 7 d plants variedas a function of nodal position and ranged from 5 to 6·7nodes. NFI on these plants was not influenced by bud size orwhether a bud was growing or dormant when the plant was decapitated.NFI for shoots derived from basal buds on decapitated post-floweringplants and upper nodes on intact post-flowering plants was about4. Reduced NFI on post-flowering plants may be due to depletionof a cotyledon-derived floral inhibitor. Basal axillary shootson 4 d plants were about 20% longer than those on 7 d plantsand about five times longer than those on post-flowering plants.These differences may be due to depletion of gibberellic acidsfrom the cotyledons. NFI and NML for the main shoot and forbasal axillary shoots were similar under some experimental conditionsbut different under other conditions, so it is likely that eachdevelopmental transition is regulated independently.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Apical dominance, bud development, garden pea, initiation of flowering, Pisum sativum L., shoot morphology  相似文献   

Eight monoclonal antibodies to pea 114,000 dalton phytochrome(mAP-1 to mAP-8) were produced by fusing spleen cells from immunizedBALB/c mice with NS-1 myeloma cells. Antibody production bymAP-1 to mAP-7 was detected by cellular radioimmunoassay usingsheep red blood cells coated with pea phytochrome. Relativebinding positions of these mAPs were determined using a competitivebinding assay, and at least 6 different antigenic regions weredefined on the 114,000 dalton chromopeptide. Location of theregions in relation to the chromophore was studied by examiningthe cross-reactions of the relevant mAPs with chromophore-containingproteolytic fragments (62,000, 37,000 and 24,000 daltons) ofphytochrome. The following cross-reactions were observed; mAP-1with 62,000, mAP-6 and mAP-7 with 62,000, 37,000 and 24,000.Only mAP-7 caused "spectral denaturation" of phytochrome. AllmAPs reacted with PR and PFR with similar affinity. These mAPswill be useful probes in future studies for detecting each siteof the apoprotein of phytochrome. By using another screeningmethod, namely radioimmunoassay with antigen-coupled Sepharose4B, mAP-8 was also obtained. (Received May 4, 1984; Accepted June 25, 1984)  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) amidosynthetases catalyzing the ATP-dependent conjugation of IAA and amino acids play an important role in the maintenance of auxin homeostasis in plant cells. A new amidosynthetase, indole-3-acetic acid:l-aspartic acid ligase (IAA-Asp synthetase) involved in IAA-amino acid biosynthesis, was isolated via a biochemical approach from immature seeds of the pea (Pisum sativum L). The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by a three-step procedure, involving PEG 6000 fractionation, DEAE-Sephacel anion-exchange chromatography, and preparative PAGE, and characterized as a 70-kDa monomeric protein by analytical gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. Rabbit antiserum against recombinant AtGH3.5 cross-reacted with the pea IAA-Asp synthetase, and a single immunoreactive polypeptide band was observed at 70 kDa. The purified enzyme had an apparent isoelectric point at pH 4.7, the highest activity at pH 8.2, preferred Mg2+ as a cofactor, and was strongly activated by reducing agents. Similar to known recombinant GH3 enzymes, an IAA-Asp synthetase from pea catalyzes the conjugation of phytohormone acyl substrates to amino acids. The enzyme had the highest synthesizing activity on IAA, followed by 1-NAA, SA, 2,4-D, and IBA, whereas activities on l-Trp, IPA, PAA, (±)JA, and 2-NAA were not significant or not detected. Of 14 amino acids tested, the enzyme had the highest activity on Asp and lower activity on Ala and Lys. Glutamate was found to be a very poor substrate and no conjugating activity was observed on the rest of the amino acids. Steady-state kinetic analysis indicated that IAA and aspartate were preferred substrates for the pea IAA-Asp synthetase. The enzyme exhibited both higher affinities for IAA and Asp (K m = 0.2 and 2.5 mM, respectively) and catalytic efficiencies (k cat/K m = 682,608.7 and 5080 s−1 M−1, respectively) compared with other auxins and amino acids examined. This study describes the first amidosynthetase isolated and purified from plant tissue and provides the foundation for future genetic approaches to explain the role of IAA-Asp in Pisum sativum physiology.  相似文献   

In many species, root system development depends on cultivar and sowing date, with consequences for aerial growth, and seed yield. Most of the peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in France are sown in spring or in mid-November. We analyzed the effect of two sowing periods (November and February) and three pea cultivars (a spring cultivar, a winter cultivar, a winter recombinant inbred line) on root development in field conditions. For all treatments, rooting depth at various dates seemed to be strongly correlated with cumulative radiation since sowing. Maximum root depth varied from 0.88 to 1.06 m, with the roots penetrating to greater depths for February sowing than for November sowing in very cold winters. The earlier the crop was sown, the sooner maximum root depth was reached. No difference in root dynamics between cultivars was observed. In contrast, the winter recombinant inbred line presented the highest root density in the ploughed layer. These findings are discussed in terms of their possible implications for yield stability and environmental impact.  相似文献   

Cell organelles have been isolated from protoplast lysates and total homogenates obtained from root tips of Pisum sativum L. (cv Little Marvel) and Medicago media Pers. (cv Saranac) grown in hydroponics with nitrate nutrient solutions. Density-gradient and differential centrifugation procedures have been used to prepare mitochondria-and plastid-enriched fractions in which glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was estimated. Even when purified protoplasts were gently ruptured, significant breakage of plastids occurred during preparation as shown by the high proportion of nitrite reductase recovered in the soluble fraction. Of the total GS activity recovered, up to 20% was associated with the plastid fraction, depending on the source of plant material and the GS assay utilized; when corrected for recovery of the plastid marker nitrite reductase, it was calculated that 15 to 57% of alfalfa and 14 to 64% of pea root GS was located in the plastids. A true biosynthetic assay in which glutamine production was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography was devised to estimate the physiological significance of the transferase and the semibiosynthetic assays currently used for activity measurements. When compared with the true and semibiosynthetic assays, the transferase assay for GS appeared to underestimate the root plastid enzyme. Root plastid GS was partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography, and results show that the isoenzyme found in root plastids is different from chloroplastic or cytosolic GS.  相似文献   

Isogenic lines of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were used to determine the physiological site of action of the Rms-2 gene, which maintains apical dominance, and its effect on endogenous free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels. In mutant rms-2 scions, which normally produce lateral branches below node 3 and above node 7, apical dominance was almost fully restored by grafting to Rms-2 (wild-type) stocks. In the reciprocal grafts, rms-2 stocks did not promote branching in wild-type shoots. Together, these results suggest that the Rms-2 gene inhibits branching in the shoot of pea by controlling the synthesis of a translocatable (hormone-like) substance that is produced in the roots and/or cotyledons and in the shoot. At all stages, including the stage at which aerial lateral buds commence outgrowth, the level of IAA in rms-2 shoots was elevated (up to 5-fold) in comparison with that in wild-type shoots. The internode length of rms-2 plants was 40% less than in wild-type plants, and the mutant plants allocated significantly more dry weight to the shoot than to the root in comparison with wild-type plants. Grafting to wild-type stocks did not normalize IAA levels or internode length in rms-2 scions, even though it inhibited branching, suggesting that the involvement of Rms-2 in the control of IAA level and internode length may be confined to processes in the shoot.  相似文献   

Radioactive l-phenylalanine-l-14C or -U-14C was fed to pea seeds during imbibition. More than 95% was imbibed. Less than 1% of the radioactivity was respired as CO2. Of the radioactivity taken into the embryos, 80% was still in the cotyledons by 3 days. About half of this was unchanged phenylalanine: 5% free, 10 to 20% in soluble proteins, 1 to 6% in cell wall proteins, and 14% released by mild acid hydrolysis. No other radioactive amino acid was found. About 0.3% of the radioactivity was identified as free caffeic, ferulic, and coumaric acids or their glycosides, and a further 5% was released by mild acid hydrolysis into a phenolic acid fraction. About half of the radioactivity in the cotyledons was lost in the fractionation procedures.  相似文献   

Spring peas are known to be very sensitive to compaction, particularly when sowing takes place soon after winter. Winter peas, which are sown in autumn, should present an opportunity to sow the crop in better soil structural conditions than for spring peas, because of more favourable moisture conditions at that time. As environmental conditions have a big influence on root systems, it is important to determine the effects of soil structure on pea root systems for different cultivars and sowing dates. A spring pea cultivar and a winter pea cultivar were both sown at two dates (one in autumn and one in spring) on soils with different plough-layer structures (compacted and uncompacted) at two sites in 2002 and one site in 2003. Soil structure was characterised by bulk density and the percentage of highly compacted zones in the ploughed layer. Root distribution maps were produced every month, from February to maturity. Root development was described in terms of general root dynamics, root elongation rate (RER) in the subsoil, final maximum root depth (Dmax) and root distribution at maturity. Root depth dynamics depended on compaction and its interaction with climatic conditions. The effects of compaction on RER in the subsoil depended on the experimental conditions. Dmax was reduced by 0.10 m by compaction. Compaction also reduced root distribution between 10 and 40% in the ploughed layer only. Pea cultivars differed in sensitivity to soil compaction, with a direct effect on the final depth explored by roots. These results are discussed in terms of their relevance to water and nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Long JM  Widders IE 《Plant physiology》1990,94(3):1040-1047
K+ content and concentration within the apoplast of mesophyll tissue of pea (Pisum sativum L., cv Argenteum) leaflets were determined using an elution procedure. Following removal of the epidermis, a 1 centimeter (inside diameter) glass cylinder was attached to the exposed mesophyll tissue and filled with 5 millimolar CaCl2 solution (1°C). From time-course curves of cumulative K+ diffusion from the tissue, the amount of K+ of extracellular origin was estimated. Apoplastic K+ contents for leaves from plants cultured in nutrient solution containing 2 or 10 millimolar K+ were found to range from 1 to 4.5 micromoles per gram fresh weight, comprising less than 3% of the total K+ content within the lamina tissue. Assuming an apoplastic solution volume of 0.04 to 0.1 milliliters per gram fresh weight and a Donnan cation exchange capacity of 2.63 micromoles per gram fresh weight (experimentally determined), the K+ concentration within apoplastic solution was estimated at 2.4 to 11.8 millimolar. Net movement of Rb+ label from the extracellular compartment within mesophyll tissue into the symplast was demonstrated by pulse-chase experiments. It was concluded that the mesophyll apoplast in pea has a relatively low capacitance as an ion reservoir. Apoplastic K+ content was found to be highly sensitive to changes in xylem solution concentration.  相似文献   

Etiolated pea (Pisum sativum cv. Midfreezer) seedlings respond to illumination with white light by changes in the activity of phenylpropanoid and flavonoid synthesizing enzymes. Unlike in cell cultures, changes in enzyme activity in pea seedlings are not concerted. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC activity peaked approximately 18 hours after onset of illumination. The phenylacetate path did not interfere with the measurement of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity. Activity of cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase (EC showed an early peak after 8 hours illumination, declined thereafter sharply, then gradually increased during the remainder of the experiment. Activities of chalcone synthase and UDP glucose:flavonol 3-O-glucosyltransferase (EC increased steadily and reached a plateau after approximately 70 hours illumination time. Activity of 4-hydroxycinnamate:coenzyme A ligase (EC remained relatively unchanged, whereas that of chalcone isomerase (EC declined steadily during the course of the experiment. The relative in vitro enzyme activities suggest that the rate-limiting step for the phenylpropanoid path is the cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase, that of the flavonoid pathway is the chalcone synthase. Integration of enzyme activity curves, however, show that only the curve deriving from phenylanine ammonia-lyase activity matches closely the production of the flavonol glycosides.  相似文献   

In addition to the previously-reported gibberellins: GA1; GA8, GA20 and GA29 (García-Martínez et al., 1987, Planta 170, 130–137), GA3 and GA19 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in pods and ovules of 4-d-old pollinated pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) ovaries. Pods contained additionally GA17, GA81 (2-hydroxy GA20) and GA29-catabolite. The concentrations of GA1, GA3, GA8, GA19, GA20 and GA29 were higher in the ovules than in the pod, although, with the exception of GA3, the total content of these GAs in the pod exceeded that in the seeds. About 80% of the GA3 content of the ovary was present in the seeds. The concentrations of GA19 and GA20 in pollinated ovaries remained fairly constant for the first 12 ds after an thesis, after which they increased sharply. In contrast, GA1 and GA3 concentrations were maximal at 7 d and 4–6 d, respectively, after anthesis, at about the time of maximum pod growth rate, and declined thereafter. Emasculated ovaries at anthesis contained GA8, GA19 and GA20 at concentrations comparable with pollinated fruit, but they decreased rapidly. Gibberellins a1 and A3 were present in only trace amounts in emasculated ovaries at any stage. Parthenocarpic fruit, produced by decapitating plants immediately above an emasculated flower, or by treating such flowers with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or GA7, contained GA19 and GA20 at similar concentrations to seeded fruit, but very low amounts of GA1 and GA3 Thus, it appears that the presence of fertilised ovules is necessary for the synthesis of these last two GAs. Mature leaves and leaf diffusates contained GA1, GA8, GA19 and GA20 as determined by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using selected ion monitoring. This provides further evidence that vegetative tissues are a possible alternative source of GAs for fruit-set, particularly in decapitated plants.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FW fresh weight - GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - KRI Kovats retention index - m/z mass to charge ratio We thank Mr M.J. Lewis for qualitative GC-MS analyses and Ms M.V. Cuthbert (LARS), R. Martinez Pardo and T. Sabater (IATA) for technical assistance. We are also grateful to Professor B.O. Phinney, University of California, Los Angeles, for gifts of [17-13C]GA8 and -GA29 and to Mr Paul Gaskin, University of Bristol, for the mass spectrum of GA29-catabolite and for a sample of GA81 The work in Spain was supported by Dirección General de Investigación Cientifica y Técnica (grant PB87-0402 to J.L.G.-M.). We also acknowledge the British Council and Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia for travel grants through Accion Integrada Hispano-Britanica 56/142 (J.L.G.-M. and P.H.).  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of twenty-two free amino acids and in the amino acid composition of the total protein were measured throughout the development of cotyledons of a dwarf garden pea, Pisum sativum cv Greenfeast, grown in a constant environment. A sensitive double-isotope dansylation technique was used. Fresh weight, dry weight, and protein content were also followed. Twenty of the amino acids showed synchronous changes in levels, giving a developmental pattern containing four peaks; major peaks occurred very early and very late in development. The amino acid composition of the total protein, which was always very different from that of the free amino acid pool, showed early changes to one consistent with the final storage protein composition of the seed. These changes included a 50% drop in methionine content and a 70% rise in cysteine. While the maximum free methionine level occurred early in development, that of cysteine was late.  相似文献   

The terminal buds of intact dark grown Alaska pea plants (Pisum sativum) respond to low intensity red light by an enhanced rate of expansion of their leaflets. Twenty four hours after irradiation, red light was found to have increased the ribosomal fraction of the RNA content of the terminal buds. The increase in total RNA liter did not occur if the red light was immediately followed by irradiance with low intensity far red light.  相似文献   

Wound-induced ethylene synthesis by subapical stem sections of etiolated Pisum sativum L., cv. Alaska seedlings, as described by Saltveit and Dilley (Plant Physiol 1978 61: 447-450), was half-saturated at 3.6% (v/v) O2 and saturated at about 10% O2. Corresponding values for CO2 production during the same period were 1.1% and 10% O2, respectively. Anaerobiosis stopped all ethylene evolution and delayed the characteristic pattern of wound ethylene synthesis. Exposing tissue to 3.5% CO2 in air in a flow-through system reduced wound ethylene synthesis by 30%. Enhancing gas diffusivity by reducing the total pressure to 130 mm Hg almost doubled the rate of wound ethylene synthesis and this effect was negated by exposure to 250 μl liter−1 propylene. Applied ethylene or propylene stopped wound ethylene synthesis during the period of application, but unlike N2, no lag period was observed upon flushing with air. It is concluded that the characteristic pattern of wound-induced ethylene synthesis resulted from negative feedback control by endogenous ethylene.

No wound ethylene was produced for 2 hours after excision at 10 or 38 C. Low temperatures prolonged the lag period, but did not prevent induction of the wound response, since tissue held for 2 hours at 10 C produced wound ethylene immediately when warmed to 30 C. In contrast, temperatures above 36 C prevented induction of wound ethylene synthesis, since tissue cooled to 30 C after 1 hour at 40 C required 2 hours before ethylene production returned to normal levels. The activation energy between 15 and 36 C was 12.1 mole kilocalories degree−1.


以豌豆植物为实验材料建立了一种瞬时表达外源蛋白的新方法-发芽种子真空侵染法。以绿色荧光蛋白作为报告基因对该体系进行优化的结果表明其最佳工作条件为:菌体工作液浓度OD600=1.0~1.5,真空压力0.08 MPa,真空侵染时间1 min。该方法操作简单,可以同时侵染大量的豌豆植物材料,并将实验周期缩短为15 d,植物侵染后12~14 d可收获外源蛋白,外源蛋白表达量与叶片注射法相当,是一种在豌豆植物中批量生产外源蛋白的新方法。  相似文献   

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