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Protein-protein interactions play an essential role in the functioning of cell. The importance of charged residues and their diverse role in protein-protein interactions have been well studied using experimental and computational methods. Often, charged residues located in protein interaction interfaces are conserved across the families of homologous proteins and protein complexes. However, on a large scale, it has been recently shown that charged residues are significantly less conserved than other residue types in protein interaction interfaces. The goal of this work is to understand the role of charged residues in the protein interaction interfaces through their conservation patterns. Here, we propose a simple approach where the structural conservation of the charged residue pairs is analyzed among the pairs of homologous binary complexes. Specifically, we determine a large set of homologous interactions using an interaction interface similarity measure and catalog the basic types of conservation patterns among the charged residue pairs. We find an unexpected conservation pattern, which we call the correlated reappearance, occurring among the pairs of homologous interfaces more frequently than the fully conserved pairs of charged residues. Furthermore, the analysis of the conservation patterns across different superkingdoms as well as structural classes of proteins has revealed that the correlated reappearance of charged residues is by far the most prevalent conservation pattern, often occurring more frequently than the unconserved charged residues. We discuss a possible role that the new conservation pattern may play in the long-range electrostatic steering effect.  相似文献   

The analysis and prediction of protein-protein interaction sites from structural data are restricted by the limited availability of structural complexes that represent the complete protein-protein interaction space. The domain classification schemes CATH and SCOP are normally used independently in the analysis and prediction of protein domain-domain interactions. In this article, the effect of different domain classification schemes on the number and type of domain-domain interactions observed in structural data is systematically evaluated for the SCOP and CATH hierarchies. Although there is a large overlap in domain assignments between SCOP and CATH, 23.6% of CATH interfaces had no SCOP equivalent and 37.3% of SCOP interfaces had no CATH equivalent in a nonredundant set. Therefore, combining both classifications gives an increase of between 23.6 and 37.3% in domain-domain interfaces. It is suggested that if possible, both domain classification schemes should be used together, but if only one is selected, SCOP provides better coverage than CATH. Employing both SCOP and CATH reduces the false negative rate of predictive methods, which employ homology matching to structural data to predict protein-protein interaction by an estimated 6.5%.  相似文献   

We calculated interchain contacts on the atomic level for nonredundant set of 4602 protein-protein interfaces using an unbiased Voronoi-Delaune tessellation method, and made 20x20 residue contact matrixes both for homodimers and heterocomplexes. The area of contacts and the distance distribution for these contacts were calculated on both the residue and the atomic levels. We analyzed residue area distribution and showed the existence of two types of interresidue contacts: stochastic and specific. We also derived formulas describing the distribution of contact area for stochastic and specific interactions in parametric form. Maximum pairing preference index was found for Cys-Cys contacts and for oppositely charged interactions. A significant difference in residue contacts was observed between homodimers and heterocomplexes. Interfaces in homodimers were enriched with contacts between residues of the same type due to the effects of structure symmetry.  相似文献   

We developed a model of macromolecular interfaces based on the Voronoi diagram and the related alpha-complex, and we tested its properties on a set of 96 protein-protein complexes taken from the Protein Data Bank. The Voronoi model provides a natural definition of the interfaces, and it yields values of the number of interface atoms and of the interface area that have excellent correlation coefficients with those of the classical model based on solvent accessibility. Nevertheless, some atoms that do not lose solvent accessibility are part of the interface defined by the Voronoi model. The Voronoi model provides robust definitions of the curvature and of the connectivity of the interfaces, and leads to estimates of these features that generally agree with other approaches. Our implementation of the model allows an analysis of protein-water contacts that highlights the role of structural water molecules at protein-protein interfaces.  相似文献   

Triad1 was recently identified as a nuclear RING finger protein, which is up-regulated during retinoic acid induced granulocytic differentiation of acute leukemia cells. Here we show that a cysteine-rich domain (C6HC), present in Triad1, is conserved in at least 24 proteins encoded by various eukaryotes. The C6HC consensus pattern C-x(4)-C-x(14-30)-C-x(1-4)-C-x(4)-C-x(2)-C-x(4)-H-x(4)-C defines this structure as the fourth family member of the zinc-binding RING, LIM, and LAP/PHD fingers. Strikingly, in 22 of 24 proteins the C6HC domain is flanked by two RING finger structures. We have termed the novel C6HC motif DRIL (double RING finger linked). The strong conservation of the larger tripartite TRIAD (two RING fingers and DRIL) structure indicates that the three subdomains are functionally linked and identifies a novel class of proteins.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Cao H  Liu Z 《Proteins》2012,80(6):1610-1619
Since the proposal of three-dimensional (3D) domain swapping, many 3D domain-swapped structures have been reported. However, when compared with the vast protein structure space, it is still unclear whether 3D domain swapping is a general mechanism for protein assembly. Here, we investigated this possibility by constructing a dataset consisting of more than 500 domain-swapped structures. The domain-swapped structures were mapped into the protein structure space. We found that about 10% of protein folds and 5% of protein families contain domain-swapped structures. When comparing the domain-swapped structures in a family/superfamily, we found that proteins within a family/superfamily can swap in different ways. Interface analysis revealed that the hinge loops contributed more than half of the open interface in 70% of bona fide domain-swapped dimers, indicating that the hinge loops play an important role in stabilizing the domain-swapped conformations. Our study supports the suggestion that domain swapping is a general property of all proteins and will facilitate further understanding the mechanism of 3D domain swapping.  相似文献   

We present a computational procedure for modeling protein-protein association and predicting the structures of protein-protein complexes. The initial sampling stage is based on an efficient Brownian dynamics algorithm that mimics the physical process of diffusional association. Relevant biochemical data can be directly incorporated as distance constraints at this stage. The docked configurations are then grouped with a hierarchical clustering algorithm into ensembles that represent potential protein-protein encounter complexes. Flexible refinement of selected representative structures is done by molecular dynamics simulation. The protein-protein docking procedure was thoroughly tested on 10 structurally and functionally diverse protein-protein complexes. Starting from X-ray crystal structures of the unbound proteins, in 9 out of 10 cases it yields structures of protein-protein complexes close to those determined experimentally with the percentage of correct contacts >30% and interface backbone RMSD <4 A. Detailed examination of all the docking cases gives insights into important determinants of the performance of the computational approach in modeling protein-protein association and predicting of protein-protein complex structures.  相似文献   

Cho KI  Lee K  Lee KH  Kim D  Lee D 《Proteins》2006,65(3):593-606
In this study, we investigate what types of interactions are specific to their biological function, and what types of interactions are persistent regardless of their functional category in transient protein-protein heterocomplexes. This is the first approach to analyze protein-protein interfaces systematically at the molecular interaction level in the context of protein functions. We perform systematic analysis at the molecular interaction level using classification and feature subset selection technique prevalent in the field of pattern recognition. To represent the physicochemical properties of protein-protein interfaces, we design 18 molecular interaction types using canonical and noncanonical interactions. Then, we construct input vector using the frequency of each interaction type in protein-protein interface. We analyze the 131 interfaces of transient protein-protein heterocomplexes in PDB: 33 protease-inhibitors, 52 antibody-antigens, 46 signaling proteins including 4 cyclin dependent kinase and 26 G-protein. Using kNN classification and feature subset selection technique, we show that there are specific interaction types based on their functional category, and such interaction types are conserved through the common binding mechanism, rather than through the sequence or structure conservation. The extracted interaction types are C(alpha)-- H...O==C interaction, cation...anion interaction, amine...amine interaction, and amine...cation interaction. With these four interaction types, we achieve the classification success rate up to 83.2% with leave-one-out cross-validation at k = 15. Of these four interaction types, C(alpha)--H...O==C shows binding specificity for protease-inhibitor complexes, while cation-anion interaction is predominant in signaling complexes. The amine ... amine and amine...cation interaction give a minor contribution to the classification accuracy. When combined with these two interactions, they increase the accuracy by 3.8%. In the case of antibody-antigen complexes, the sign is somewhat ambiguous. From the evolutionary perspective, while protease-inhibitors and sig-naling proteins have optimized their interfaces to suit their biological functions, antibody-antigen interactions are the happenstance, implying that antibody-antigen complexes do not show distinctive interaction types. Persistent interaction types such as pi...pi, amide-carbonyl, and hydroxyl-carbonyl interaction, are also investigated. Analyzing the structural orientations of the pi...pi stacking interactions, we find that herringbone shape is a major configuration in transient protein-protein interfaces. This result is different from that of protein core, where parallel-displaced configurations are the major configuration. We also analyze overall trend of amide-carbonyl and hydroxyl-carbonyl interactions. It is noticeable that nearly 82% of the interfaces have at least one hydroxyl-carbonyl interactions.  相似文献   

New insights into the mechanism of protein-protein association   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Selzer T  Schreiber G 《Proteins》2001,45(3):190-198
Association of a protein complex follows a two-step mechanism, with the first step being the formation of an encounter complex that evolves into the final complex. Here, we analyze recent experimental data of the association of TEM1-beta-lactamase with BLIP using theoretical calculations and simulation. We show that the calculated Debye-Hückel energy of interaction for a pair of proteins during association resembles an energy funnel, with the final complex at the minima. All attraction is lost at inter-protein distances of 20 A, or rotation angles of >60 degrees from the orientation of the final complex. For faster-associating protein complexes, the energy funnel deepens and its volume increases. Mutations with the largest impact on association (hotspots for association) have the largest effect on the size and depth of the energy funnel. Analyzing existing evidence, we suggest that the transition state along the association pathway is the formation of the final complex from the encounter complex. Consequently, pairs of proteins forming an encounter complex will tend to dissociate more readily than to evolve into the final complex. Increasing directional diffusion by increasing favorable electrostatic attraction results in a faster forming and slower dissociating encounter complex. The possible applicability of electrostatic calculations for protein-protein docking is discussed.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the water molecules immobilized at the protein-protein interfaces of 115 homodimeric proteins and 46 protein-protein complexes, and compare them with 173 large crystal packing interfaces representing nonspecific interactions. With an average of 15 waters per 1000 A2 of interface area, the crystal packing interfaces are more hydrated than the specific interfaces of homodimers and complexes, which have 10-11 waters per 1000 A2, reflecting the more hydrophilic composition of crystal packing interfaces. Very different patterns of hydration are observed: Water molecules may form a ring around interfaces that remain "dry," or they may permeate "wet" interfaces. A majority of the specific interfaces are dry and most of the crystal packing interfaces are wet, but counterexamples exist in both categories. Water molecules at interfaces form hydrogen bonds with protein groups, with a preference for the main-chain carbonyl and the charged side-chains of Glu, Asp, and Arg. These interactions are essentially the same in specific and nonspecific interfaces, and very similar to those observed elsewhere on the protein surface. Water-mediated polar interactions are as abundant at the interfaces as direct protein-protein hydrogen bonds, and they may contribute to the stability of the assembly.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions are essential to all aspects of life. Specific interactions result from evolutionary pressure at the interacting interfaces of partner proteins. However, evolutionary pressure is not homogeneous within the interface: for instance, each residue does not contribute equally to the binding energy of the complex. To understand functional differences between residues within the interface, we analyzed their properties in the core and rim regions. Here, we characterized protein interfaces with two evolutionary measures, conservation and coevolution, using a comprehensive dataset of 896 protein complexes. These scores can detect different selection pressures at a given position in a multiple sequence alignment. We also analyzed how the number of interactions in which a residue is involved influences those evolutionary signals. We found that the coevolutionary signal is higher in the interface core than in the interface rim region. Additionally, the difference in coevolution between core and rim regions is comparable to the known difference in conservation between those regions. Considering proteins with multiple interactions, we found that conservation and coevolution increase with the number of different interfaces in which a residue is involved, suggesting that more constraints (i.e., a residue that must satisfy a greater number of interactions) allow fewer sequence changes at those positions, resulting in higher conservation and coevolution values. These findings shed light on the evolution of protein interfaces and provide information useful for identifying protein interfaces and predicting protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

The basic DNA-binding modules of 128 protein-DNA interfaces have been analyzed. Although these are less planar, like the protein-protein interfaces, the protein-DNA interfaces can also be dissected into core regions in which all the fully-buried atoms are located, and rim regions having atoms with residual accessibilities. The sequence entropy of the core residues is smaller than those in the rim, indicating that the former are better conserved and possibly contribute more towards the binding free energy, as has been implicated in protein-protein interactions. On the protein side, 1014 A(2) of the surface is buried of which 63% belong to the core. There are some differences in the propensities of residues to occur in the core and the rim. In the DNA strands, the nucleotide(s) containing fully-buried atoms in all three components usually occupy central positions of the binding region. A new classification scheme for the interfaces has been introduced based on the composition of secondary structural elements of residues and the results compared with the conventional classification of DNA-binding proteins, as well as the protein class of the molecule. It appears that a common framework may be developed to understand both protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The geometry of interactions of planar residues is nonrandom in protein tertiary structures and gives rise to conventional, as well as nonconventional (X--H...pi, X--H...O, where X = C, N, or O) hydrogen bonds. Whether a similar geometry is maintained when the interaction is across the protein-protein interface is addressed here. The relative geometries of interactions involving planar residues, and the percentage of contacts giving rise to different types of hydrogen bonds are quite similar in protein structures and the biological interfaces formed by protein chains in homodimers and protein-protein heterocomplexes--thus pointing to the similarity of chemical interactions that occurs during protein folding and binding. However, the percentage is considerably smaller in the nonspecific and nonphysiological interfaces that are formed in crystal lattices of monomeric proteins. The C--H...O interaction linking the aromatic and the peptide groups is quite common in protein structures as well as the three types of interfaces. However, as the interfaces formed by crystal contacts are depleted in aromatic residues, the weaker hydrogen bond interactions would contribute less toward their stability.  相似文献   

The mannitol transporter enzyme IIMtl of the bacterial phosphotransferase system is a multi‐domain protein that catalyzes mannitol uptake and phosphorylation. Here we investigated the domain association between cytosolic A and B domains of enzyme IIMtl, which are natively connected in Escherichia coli, but separated in Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. NMR backbone assignment and residual dipolar couplings indicated that backbone folds were well conserved between the homologous domains. The equilibrium binding of separately expressed domains, however, exhibited ~28‐fold higher affinity compared to the natively linked ones. Phosphorylation of the active site loop significantly contributed to the binding by reducing conformational dynamics at the binding interface, and a few key mutations at the interface were critical to further stabilize the complex by hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. The affinity increase implicated that domain associations in cell could be maintained at an optimal level regardless of the linker.  相似文献   

Using a data set of aligned protein domain superfamilies of known three-dimensional structure, we compared the location of interdomain interfaces on the tertiary folds between members of distantly related protein domain superfamilies. The data set analyzed is comprised of interdomain interfaces, with domains occurring within a polypeptide chain and those between two polypeptide chains. We observe that, in general, the interfaces between protein domains are formed entirely in different locations on the tertiary folds in such pairs. This variation in the location of interface happens in protein domains involved in a wide range of functions, such as enzymes, adapters, and domains that bind protein ligands, or cofactors. While basic biochemical functionality is preserved at the domain superfamily level, the effect of biochemical function on protein assemblies is different in these protein domains related by superfamily. The divergence between proteins, in most cases, is coupled with domain recruitment, with different modes of interaction with the recruited domain. This is in complete contrast to the observation that in closely related homologous protein domains, almost always the interaction interfaces are topologically equivalent. In a small subset of interacting domains within proteins related by remote homology, we observe that the relative positioning of domains with respect to one another is preserved. Based on the analysis of multidomain proteins of known or unknown structure, we suggest that variation in protein-protein interactions in members within a superfamily could serve as diverging points in otherwise parallel metabolic or signaling pathways. We discuss a few representative cases of diverging pathways involving domains in a superfamily.  相似文献   

Shaul Y  Schreiber G 《Proteins》2005,60(3):341-352
The rate of association of a protein complex is a function of an intrinsic basal rate and of the magnitude of electrostatic steering. In the present study we analyze the contribution of electrostatics towards the association rate of proteins in a database of 68 transient hetero-protein-protein complexes. Our calculations are based on an upgraded version of the computer algorithm PARE, which was shown to successfully predict the impact of mutations on k(on) by calculating the difference in Columbic energy of interaction of a pair of proteins. HyPare (http://bip.weizmann.ac.il/HyPare), automatically calculates the impact of mutations on a per-residue basis for all residues of a protein-protein interaction, achieving a precision similar to that of PARE. Our calculations show that electrostatics play a marginal role (<10 fold) in determining the rate of association for about half of the complexes in the database. Strong electrostatic steering, which results in an increase of over 100-fold in k(on), was calculated for about 25% of the complexes. Applying HyPare to all 68 complexes in the database shows that a small number of residues are hotspots for association. About 40% of the hotspots are calculated to increase the rate of association upon mutation, and thus increase binding affinity. This is a much higher ratio than found for hotspots for dissociation, where the large majority cause weaker binding. About 40% of the hotspots are located outside the physical boundary of the binding site, making them ideal candidates for protein engineering. Our data shows that a majority of protein-protein complexes are not optimized for fast association. Hotspots are not evenly distributed between all types of amino acids. About 75% of all hotspots are of charged residues. This is understandable, as a charge-reverse mutant changes the total charge by 2. The small number of hydrophobic residues that are hotspots upon mutation probably relates to their location and surrounding. For 18 out of the 68 complexes in the database, experimental values of k(on) are available. For these, a basal rate of association was calculated to be in the range of 10(4)M(-1)s(-1) to 10(7)M(-1)s(-1). Some of these rates were verified independently from experimental mutant data. The basal rates were correlated with the size of the proteins and the shape of the interface.  相似文献   

Proteins fold into a well-defined structure as a result of the collapse of the polypeptide chain, while transient protein-complex formation mainly is a result of binding of two folded individual monomers. Therefore, a protein-protein interface does not resemble the core of monomeric proteins, but has a more polar nature. Here, we address the question of whether the physico-chemical characteristics of intraprotein versus interprotein bonds differ, or whether interfaces are different from folded monomers only in the preference for certain types of interactions. To address this question we assembled a high resolution, nonredundant, protein-protein interaction database consisting of 1374 homodimer and 572 heterodimer complexes, and compared the physico-chemical properties of these interactions between protein interfaces and monomers. We performed extensive statistical analysis of geometrical properties of interatomic interactions of different types: hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, and aromatic interactions. Our study clearly shows that there is no significant difference in the chemistry, geometry, or packing density of individual interactions between interfaces and monomeric structures. However, the distribution of different bonds differs. For example, side-chain-side-chain interactions constitute over 62% of all interprotein interactions, while they make up only 36% of the bonds stabilizing a protein structure. As on average, properties of backbone interactions are different from those of side chains, a quantitative difference is observed. Our findings clearly show that the same knowledge-based potential can be used for protein-binding sites as for protein structures. However, one has to keep in mind the different architecture of the interfaces and their unique bond preference.  相似文献   

Chen H  Zhou HX 《Proteins》2005,61(1):21-35
The number of structures of protein-protein complexes deposited to the Protein Data Bank is growing rapidly. These structures embed important information for predicting structures of new protein complexes. This motivated us to develop the PPISP method for predicting interface residues in protein-protein complexes. In PPISP, sequence profiles and solvent accessibility of spatially neighboring surface residues were used as input to a neural network. The network was trained on native interface residues collected from the Protein Data Bank. The prediction accuracy at the time was 70% with 47% coverage of native interface residues. Now we have extensively improved PPISP. The training set now consisted of 1156 nonhomologous protein chains. Test on a set of 100 nonhomologous protein chains showed that the prediction accuracy is now increased to 80% with 51% coverage. To solve the problem of over-prediction and under-prediction associated with individual neural network models, we developed a consensus method that combines predictions from multiple models with different levels of accuracy and coverage. Applied on a benchmark set of 68 proteins for protein-protein docking, the consensus approach outperformed the best individual models by 3-8 percentage points in accuracy. To demonstrate the predictive power of cons-PPISP, eight complex-forming proteins with interfaces characterized by NMR were tested. These proteins are nonhomologous to the training set and have a total of 144 interface residues identified by chemical shift perturbation. cons-PPISP predicted 174 interface residues with 69% accuracy and 47% coverage and promises to complement experimental techniques in characterizing protein-protein interfaces. .  相似文献   

Madhurima Das  Gautam Basu 《Proteins》2015,83(9):1557-1562
Understanding factors that drive protein–protein association is of fundamental importance. We show that a single geometric parameter in crystal structures of protein–protein complexes, the angle between the electric dipole of one subunit and the partner‐generated electric field at the same subunit, linearly correlates with experimentally determined protein–protein association rates. Imprint of a dynamic kinetic process in a single static geometric parameter, associated with mutual electrostatic orientation of subunits in protein–protein complexes, is elegant and demonstrates the universality of electrostatic steering in attenuating protein–protein association rates. That the essence of a complex phenomenon could be captured by properties of the final crystal structure of the complex implies that the electrostatic orientations of protein subunits in crystal structures and the associated transition states are nearly identical. Further, the cosine of the angle, alone, is shown to be sufficient in predicting association rate constants, with accuracies comparable to currently available predictors that use more intricate methodologies. Our results offer mechanistic insights and could be useful in development of coarse‐grained models. Proteins 2015; 83:1557–1562. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Here, we present a diverse, structurally nonredundant data set of two-chain protein-protein interfaces derived from the PDB. Using a sequence order-independent structural comparison algorithm and hierarchical clustering, 3799 interface clusters are obtained. These yield 103 clusters with at least five nonhomologous members. We divide the clusters into three types. In Type I clusters, the global structures of the chains from which the interfaces are derived are also similar. This cluster type is expected because, in general, related proteins associate in similar ways. In Type II, the interfaces are similar; however, remarkably, the overall structures and functions of the chains are different. The functional spectrum is broad, from enzymes/inhibitors to immunoglobulins and toxins. The fact that structurally different monomers associate in similar ways, suggests "good" binding architectures. This observation extends a paradigm in protein science: It has been well known that proteins with similar structures may have different functions. Here, we show that it extends to interfaces. In Type III clusters, only one side of the interface is similar across the cluster. This structurally nonredundant data set provides rich data for studies of protein-protein interactions and recognition, cellular networks and drug design. In particular, it may be useful in addressing the difficult question of what are the favorable ways for proteins to interact. (The data set is available at http://protein3d.ncifcrf.gov/~keskino/ and http://home.ku.edu.tr/~okeskin/INTERFACE/INTERFACES.html.)  相似文献   

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