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The formation of creatine phosphate by isolated rabbit heart mitochondria in the presence of creatine, α-ketoglutarate, ATP, and inorganic phosphate was studied. Creatine phosphate formation was inhibited by oligomycin. This was most probably due to increased concentration of ADP favoring the reverse reaction (formation of creatine and ATP from phosphocreatine and ADP). The inhibitory effect of oligomycin disappeared in the presence of phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase. The results do not indicate any direct coupling between mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase and ATP-ADP translocase as has been suggested for rat heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

1. The kinetic properties of mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase (Km for all substrates and maximal rates of the forward and reverse reaction) have been studied. Since (a) Km value for MgADP- (0.05 mM) and creatine phosphate (0.5 mM) are significantly lower than Km for MgATP2- (0.7 mM) and creatine (5.0 mM) and (b) maximal rate of the reverse reaction (creatine phosphate + ADP leads to ATP + creatine) equal to 3.5 mumol times min-1 times mg-1 is essentially higher than maximal rate of the forward reaction (0.8 mumol times min-1 times mg-1), ATP synthesis from ADP and creatine phosphate is kinetically preferable over the forward reaction. 2. A possible regulatory role of Mg2+ ions in the creatine phosphokinase reaction has been tested. It has been shown that in the presence of all substrates and products of the reaction the ratio of the rates of forward and reverse reactions can be effectively regulated by the concentration of Mg2+ ions. At limited Mg2+ concentrations creatine phosphate is preferably synthesized while at high Mg2+ concentrations (more ATP in the reaction medium) ATP synthesis takes place. 3. The kinetic (mathematical) model of the mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase reaction has been developed. This model accounts for the existence of a variety of molecular forms of adenine nucleotides in solution and the formation of their complexes with magnesium. It is based on the assumption that the mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase reactions mechanism is analogous to that for soluble isoenzymes. 4. The dependence of the overall rate of the creatine phosphokinase reaction on the concentration of total Mg2+ ions calculated from the kinetic model quantitatively correlates with the experimentally determined dependence through a wide range of substrates (ATP, ADP, creatine and creatine phosphate) concentration. The analysis of the kinetic model demonstrates that the observed regulatory effect of Mg2+ on the overall reaction rate can be expained by (a) the sigmoidal variation in the concentration of the MgADP- complex resulting from the competition between ATP AND ADP for Mg2+ and (b) the high affinity of the enzyme to MgADP-. 5. The results predicted by the model for the behavior of mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation point to an intimate functional interaction of mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase and ATP-ADP translocase.  相似文献   

The mechanism of functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase (MiCK) and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) in isolated heart mitochondria is analyzed. Two alternative mechanisms are studied: 1), dynamic compartmentation of ATP and ADP, which assumes the differences in concentrations of the substrates between intermembrane space and surrounding solution due to some diffusion restriction and 2), direct transfer of the substrates between MiCK and ANT. The mathematical models based on these possible mechanisms were composed and simulation results were compared with the available experimental data. The first model, based on a dynamic compartmentation mechanism, was not sufficient to reproduce the measured values of apparent dissociation constants of MiCK reaction coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. The second model, which assumes the direct transfer of substrates between MiCK and ANT, is shown to be in good agreement with experiments—i.e., the second model reproduced the measured constants and the estimated ADP flux, entering mitochondria after the MiCK reaction. This model is thermodynamically consistent, utilizing the free energy profiles of reactions. The analysis revealed the minimal changes in the free energy profile of the MiCK-ANT interaction required to reproduce the experimental data. A possible free energy profile of the coupled MiCK-ANT system is presented.  相似文献   

The synthesis of creatine phosphate (CP) by mitochondrial creatine kinase during oxidative phosphorylation was terminated when the mass action ratio of the creatine kinase reaction = [ADP]·[CP][ATP]·[Cr] became equal to the apparent equilibrium constant (K eq app) of this reaction. Subsequent excess of over the K eq app was due to an increase in the ADP concentration in the medium. A comparable increase in the ADP concentration also occurred in the absence of creatine (Cr) in the incubation medium. Increase in the ADP concentration was shown to be associated with a decrease in the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and with a relative increase in the ATPase activity of mitochondria during the incubation. A low concentration of ADP (<30 M) and relatively high concentrations (1-6 mM) of other components of the creatine kinase reaction prevented the detection of the reverse reaction within 10 min after exceeded the K eq app, but the reverse reaction became evident on more prolonged incubation. The reverse reaction was accompanied by a further increase in . Low ADP concentration in the medium was also responsible for the lack of an immediate conversion of the excess creatine phosphate added although > K eq app. The findings are concluded to be in contradiction with the concept of microcompartment formation between mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

The functional role of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in the process of energy supply for the Ca2+-ATPase reaction and ion transport across the membrane of heart sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) has been studied. It has been shown that isolated and purified preparations of heart SR contain significant activity of CPK. The localization of CPK on the membrane of SR has been revealed also by an electron microscopic histochemical method. Under conditions of the Ca+-ATPase reaction in the presence of creatine phosphate the release of creatine into the reaction medium is observed, the rate of the latter process being dependent upon the MgATP concentration in accordance with the kinetic parameters of the Ca2+-ATPase reaction. CPK localized on the SR membrane is able to maintain higher rate of calcium uptake by SR vesicles, as compared to that with added ATP-regenerating system. The results obtained demonstrate the close functional coupling between CPK and Ca2+-ATPase in the membrane of SR.  相似文献   

The kinetic coupling of mitochondrial creatine kinase (MiMi-CK) to ADP/ATP translocase in chicken heart mitochondrial preparations is demonstrated. Measuring the MiMi-CK apparent Km value for MgATP2- (at saturating creatine) gives a value of 36 microM when MiMi-CK is coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. This Km value is threefold lower than the Km for enzyme bound to mitoplasts or free in solution. The nucleotide translocase Km value for ADP decreases from 20 to 10 microM in the presence of 50 mM creatine only with intact mitochondria. Similar experiments with mitoplasts do not give decreased Km values. The observed Km differences can be used to calculate the concentration of ATP and ADP under steady-state conditions showing that the observed differences in the kinetic constants accurately reflect the enzyme activities of MiMi-CK under the different conditions. The behavior of the Km values provides evidence for what we term compartmented coupling. Therefore, like the rabbit heart system (S. Erickson-Viitanen, P. Viitanen, P. J. Geiger, W. C. T. Yang, and S. P. Bessman (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14395-14404) compartmented coupling requires an intact outer mitochondrial membrane. The apparent Km values for normal or compartmentally coupled systems can be used to calculate steady-state values of ATP and ADP by coupling enzyme theory. Hence, the overall kinetic parameters accurately reflect the behavior of the enzymes whether free in solution or in the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

The functional role of particulate MM isozyme of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) bound to heart myofibrils has been studied. It has been shown that in the presence of heart myofibrils and MgATP creatine phosphate can be used to rephosphorylate ADP formed in the MgATPase reaction. The rate of creatine phosphate splitting is determined by the kinetic properties of myofibrillar MgATPase and by the kinetic parameters of myofibrillar CPK. It has been found that a purified heart plasma membrane preparation contains high CPK activity. CPK isozyme bound to plasma membrane of heart cells is identical to MM isozyme of CPK and is able to rephosphorylate effectively ADP, formed in the (Na K)ATPase reaction. The rate of creatine phosphate splitting in these coupled reactions is sensitive to ouabain and is determined by the kinetic parameters both of the (Na, K)ATPase and plasma membrane CPK. The results obtained indicate the important role of myofibrillar and plasma membrane CPK in the intracellular energy transport processes.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from the pectoralis and gastrocnemius muscles of chickens with a hereditary muscular dystrophy, and age-matched controls. In the pectoralis, for dystrophic birds aged 0.12, 0.25, 0.55, and 1.55 yr, the creatine phosphokinase activity of the intact mitochondria, expressed in terms of pellet protein, was 69%, 45%, 24%, and 13% as great, respectively, as that of the controls. The corresponding figures for the gastrocnemius were 79%, 46%, 51%, and 28%. The mitochondria from dystrophic muscles exhibited satisfactory respiratory control ratios, P:0 ratios, and state 3 respiratory rates. To check whether their apparent loss of creatine phosphokinase activity was due to the presence of increasing amounts of non-mitochondrial pellet protein, the state 3 respiratory rate was used as a mitochondrial marker; the rates per mg protein were similar in mitochondria from normal and dystrophic muscles of each age group.  相似文献   

An investigation of isolated and purified heart sarcoplasmic reticulum performed in the current study indicates the presence of significant creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity in this preparation. The localization of CPK on the membrane of sarcoplasmic reticulum has been revealed also by an electron microscopic histochemical method. Under the conditions of the Ca(2+)-ATPase reaction in the presence of creatine phosphate, the release of creatine into the reaction medium is observed, the rate of the latter process being dependent on the MgATP concentration in accordance with the kinetic parameters of the Ca2+-ATPase reaction. CPK localized on the reticular membrane is able to maintain the high rate of calcium consumption by the sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. The results obtained demonstrate the close functional coupling between CPK and Ca2+-ATPase in the membrane of sarcoplasmic reticulum and indicate the important functional role of CPK in supplying energy for the Ca(2+)-ATPase reaction and ion transport across the membrane of heart sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The reaction of mitochondrial F1-ATPase with immobilized substrate was studied by using columns of agarose-hexane-ATP. Mg2+ was required for binding of the enzyme to the column matrix. The column-bound enzyme could be eluted fully by ATP and other nucleoside triphosphates. Nucleoside di- and mono-phosphates were less effective. At a fixed concentration of nucleotide the effectiveness of elution was proportional to the charge on the eluting molecule. The ATP of the column matrix was hydrolysed by the bound F1-ATPase to release phosphate, probably by a uni-site reaction mechanism. Thus the F1-ATPase was bound to the immobilized ATP by a catalytic site. Treatment of the bound F1-ATPase with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan prevented complete release of the enzyme by ATP. Only one-third of the bound enzyme was now eluted by the nucleotide. The inhibition of release could be due either to the inhibitor blocking co-operative interactions between sites or to its increasing the tightness of binding of immobilized ADP at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the ADP,ATP carrier was studied in mitochondria of Neurospora crassa. The carrier was isolated as the carboxyatractylate-protein complex and characterized in dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to have a Mr = 33 000. Applying the inhibitors chloramphenicol for the intramitochondrial translation and cycloheximide for extramitochondrial translation, the site of synthesis of this polypeptide was found to be extramitochondrially located.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from guinea-pig cerebral cortex incubated in the presence of Pi or acetate are unable to regulate the extramitochondrial free Ca2+ at a steady-state which is independent of the Ca2+ accumulated in the matrix. This is due to the superimposition on kinetically regulated Ca2+ cycling of a membrane-potential-dependent reversal of the Ca2+ uniporter. The latter efflux is a consequence of a low membrane potential, which correlates with a loss of adenine nucleotide loss from the matrix, enable the mitochondria to maintain a high membrane potential and allow the mitochondria to buffer the extramitochondrial free Ca2+ precisely when up to 200 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein is accumulated in the matrix. The steady-state extramitochondrial free Ca2+ is maintained as low as 0.3 microM. The Na+-activated efflux pathway is functional in the presence of ATP and oligomycin and accounts precisely for the change in steady-state free Ca2+ induced by Na+ addition. The need to distinguish carefully between kinetic and membrane-potential-dependent efflux pathways is emphasized and the competence of brain mitochondria to regulate cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

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The mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier plays a central role in aerobic cell energetics by providing to the cytosol the ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation. Though discovered around 40 years ago owing to the existence of unique inhibitors and in spite of numerous experimental approaches, this carrier, which stands as a model of the mitochondrial solute carriers keeps some long-standing mystery. There are still open challenging questions among them the precise ADP/ATP transport mechanism, the functional oligomeric state of the carrier and relationships between human ADP/ATP carrier dysfunctioning and pathologies. Deciphering the 3D structure of this carrier afforded a considerable progress of the knowledge but requires now additional data focused on molecular dynamics from this static picture. State of the art in this topic is reviewed and debated in this paper in view of better comprehending origin of the discrepancies in these questions and, finally, the multiple physiological roles of this carrier in eukaryotic cell economy.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial adenine nucleotide carrier, or Ancp, plays a key role in the maintenance of the energetic fluxes in eukaryotic cells. Human disorders have been found associated to unusual human ANC gene (HANC) expression but also to direct inactivation of the protein, either by autoantibody binding or by mutation. However, the individual biochemical properties of the three HAncp isoforms have not yet been deciphered. To do so, the three HANC ORF were expressed in yeast under the control of the regulatory sequences of ScANC2. Each of the three HANC was able to restore growth on a nonfermentable carbon source of a yeast mutant strain lacking its three endogenous ANC. Their ADP/ATP exchange properties could then be measured for the first time in isolated mitochondria. HANC3 was the most efficient to restore yeast growth, and HAnc3p presented the highest V(M) (80 nmol ADP min(-1) mg protein(-1)) and K(ADP)(M)(8.4 microM). HAnc1p and HAnc2p presented similar kinetic constants (V(M) approximately 30-40 nmol ADP min(-(1) mg protein(-1) and K(ADP)(M) approximately 2.5-3.7 microM), whose values were consistent with HANC1's and HANC2's lower capacity to restore yeast growth. However, the HANC genes restored growth at a lower level than ScANC2, indicating that HAncp amount may be limiting in vivo. To optimize the HAncp production, we investigated their biogenesis into mitochondria by mutagenesis of two charged amino acids in the N-terminus of HAnc1p. Severe effects were observed with the D3A and D3K mutations that precluded yeast growth. On the contrary, the K10A mutation increased yeast growth complementation and nucleotide exchange rate as compared to the wild type. These results point to the importance of the N-terminal region of HAnc1p for its biogenesis and transport activity in yeast mitochondria.  相似文献   

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