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In muscle tissue of lamellibranch molluscs and crustaceans (cf. Table for the species studied), high levels of malate dehydrogenase and low ones of lactade dehydrogenase were detected. There is a direct relationship between the value of MDH/LDH ratio and the capacity of organisms to withstand temporary anaerobiosis. Animals with high ratio may adapt to hypoxia by transition from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic one.  相似文献   

There is a possibility that the cardioprotective effect of adaptation to intermittent hypoxia is due to changes in receptors apparatus of the heart. In this connection the effect of preliminary adaptation to intermittent hypoxia (4 hours per day at the altitude of 4000 m during 40 days) on the state of beta-receptors-adenylate-cyclase system and same other receptors of the heart were studied. It was shown that at the end of the course of adaptation the number of beta-adrenoceptors in the heart was increased with simultaneous decrease in basal adenylate-cyclase activity, accompanied by the diminution of its response to beta-agonist. The number of beta-adrenoceptors was increased by 48% and their affinity to ligand was increased by almost 2 times. The revealed decrease in the reactivity of beta-receptor-adenylate-cyclase system and increase of alpha 1-adrenoreactivity can play a certain role in the mechanism of cardioprotective effect of adaptation to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Acute stress concomitant to the experimental myocardial infarction has induced endothelial hyperactivation of the rat aorta exhibited in an increase of inhibition of norepinephrine-induced contractions of vascular smooth muscle, enhanced endothelium-dependent relaxation correlating with a fall of systemic blood pressure. Preliminary adaptation of rats to intermittent hypobaric hypoxia greatly prevented the stress-induced endothelial hyperactivation and beneficially affected the postinfarction time course of blood pressure.  相似文献   

Action potential of cardiomyocytes was recorded in experiments on isolated papillary muscle of the rat left ventricle. The effect was estimated of preliminary adaptation to intermittent hypobaric hypoxia or to short-term stress exposure on the incidence and the pronouncement of delayed after depolarization and of trigger activity induced by a high frequency stimulation against the background of isoproterenol (10(-8) M). It was shown that adaptation to hypoxia or to stress reduced the incidence of delayed after depolarization and of trigger activity, adaptation to stress exerting a more pronounced effect. Immobilization stress (6 hours) potentiated the trigger activity, adaptation to stress exerting a more pronounced effect. Immobilization stress (6 hours) potentiated the trigger activity and this potentiation was effectively prevented by either type of adaptation.  相似文献   

Addition of N-acetylcysteine induced relaxation of the coronary and basilar arteries thus indicating some basilar NO-stores in these vessels. The maximum capacity of the NO-stores was similar in the coronary and the basilar arteries. Following adaptation to hypoxia, however, the depot was much greater in the coronary artery wall. This seems to be connected with different degree of participation of the NO-dependent vasodiatation in implementation of the adaptive response to hypoxia in coronary and cerebral vascular systems.  相似文献   

It is known that NO-dependent mechanisms are involved in mitochondrial adaptive reactions to different factors. The object of this study was to investigate the role of cholino- and adrenoreceptors in NO-dependent reactions of rat liver mitochondria to acute hypoxia (AH) and intermittent hypoxic training (IHT). Eight groups of Wistar male rats participated in the study. Animals of Gr. I underwent daily i.p. saline injections during 14 days. Gr. II was examined after a single AH test (inhalation of 7% O2, 30 min) with the same saline treatment. Another six groups were exposed to IHT (11% O2, 15-min sessions with 15 min rest intervals, 5 times daily during 14-days), at that 15 min before every IHT session animals underwent i.p. treatment: Gr. III and IV--saline, Gr. V--L-arginine, Gr. VI--NO synthase blocker L-NNA, Gr. VII--L-arginine with alpha-, beta-adrenoblockers phentolamine and obzidane, Gr. VIII--L-arginine with M- and N-cholinoreceptor blockers athropine and benzohexonium. After IHT Gr. IV-VIII were exposed to a single AH test and decapitated just after that. In control rats AH provoked: 1) in the presence of succinate, a 33% augmentation of ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration (V3) with a 18% decrease of O2 uptake efficiency (ADP/O ratio); 2) in the presence of alpha-ketoglutarate, a NAD-dependent substrate, no changes in V3 were observed, also 21% augmentation of ADP/O ratio registered. These events were accompanied by 36% increase in succinate dehydrogenase (SDG) activity, two-fold augmentation of malon dialdehyde (MDA) content and 43% increase in diene conjugates (DK). IHT caused reorganization of mitochondrial energy metabolism improving the protection against acute hypoxia. A decrease by 40% in activation of mitochondrial respiration in the presence of succinate (V3--by 40% and V4--by 34%), a reduction of MDA and DK content (by 32% and 20%, respectively), an increase in SGD activity by 31% was observed in Gr. IY compared to Gr. II. Extra exogenous NO (Gr.Y) did not influence V3 and V4 in the presence of succinate, but in the presence of alpha-ketoglutarate decreased them by 9% and 29%, respectively, as well as ADP/O ratio by 28% on the background of SDG inhibition by 24% and the decrease of MDA content by 34%, that is reduced aerobic energy supply and reactive oxygen species production. L-arginine effects were abolished by L-NNA. Effects of cholinoreceptor blockers over L-arginine (Gr. VIII) resembled effects of AH: considerable activation of succinate and alpha-ketoglutarate oxidation in stage V3 by 44% and 75%, respectively, was observed which was accompanied by a decrease in ADP/O by 21% and 31%, and V3/V4 by 15% and 28%, respectively, in comparison to Gr.Y. It indicates that effects of L-arginine are mediated mainly by cholinoreceptors. The effects of adrenoreceptors blockade strengthened the combined effects of IHT with L-arginine treatment, confirming primary role of cholinoreceptors in NO-dependent mitochondrial reactions to IHT. Thus, oxygen uptake and its effective usage depend on dynamic status of adreno- and cholinoreceptors. We conclude that protective effects of the combination of IHT with NO-donor treatment under acute hypoxia are mainly realized through cholinoreceptors.  相似文献   

自主神经系统参与低氧下的免疫调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨低氧条件下自主祖辈 经系统对大鼠脾淋巴细胞转化的调节作用。方法:检测减压低氧下外周血中神经递质与脾淋巴细胞转化。结果:大鼠5km低氧暴露24h,脾淋巴细胞对丝裂原反应性下降,外周交感神经损毁后则可阻断低氧对此的抑制作用;小鼠于真空瓶中0.07MPa缺氧10min血浆中去甲肾上腺素(NE)与肾上腺素(E)均明显升高;大鼠5km低氧24h,血浆中乙酰胆碱水平下降;体外培养的大鼠脾淋邓细胞中加入不同浓度的乙酰胆碱,胸腺嘧啶核苷掺入作用呈浓度依赖性增加。结论:以上结果提示自主神经系统参与低氧下的免疫调节,交感神经系统有免疫抑制作用,副交感神经起免疫增强作用。  相似文献   

The intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO), reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH and GSSG) contents, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH), and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-IDH) activities were studied in the heart of male rats exposed to two modes of intermittent hypoxic training (IHT): I-breathing in normobaric chamber with 7% O2 gas mixture for 5 min with 15 min normoxic intervals 4 times daily during 3 weeks; II-breathing by 12% O2 gas mixture in the same manner). After adaptation to hypoxia, the rats were subjected to 6h-immobilization stress. It has been shown that stress action after IHT (regime I) caused the increase in LPO and the shift of GSH/GSSG to disulfides. A disbalance in antioxidative defense system was determined by the decrease in glutatione peroxidase, G-6-PDH activities, and GSH content. The support of glutathione reductase activity under stress in this group with simultaneous decrease of enzyme activity in the pentose phosphate pathway was realized through the participation of NADP-IDH. Hypoxic training in regime II induced LPO decrease in the heart tissue after stress. The increase in the heart GSH content, optimal balance of glutathione-related enzymes in this group evidences for the dependence of adaptation effects on the vigor of hypoxic exposition. Our results suggest the active participation of glutathione system in the formation of adaptation reactions under the extreme factor influences through the action on intracellular red/ox potential as well as effectiveness of antioxidant defense.  相似文献   

In experiments on Wistar rats processes nitric oxide production on concentration of anions (NO2-, NO3-), carbamide and polyamines contents were investigated in processes of rats adaptation to acute hypoxia (7% O2 in N2, 30 min) and intermittent hypoxia training (10% O2 in N2, 15 min, 5 cycles daily) during 14 days. NO production by oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent metabolites paths has been investigated. It is concluded that the disturbances in nitric oxide system induced by acute hypoxia by L-arginine injections may result in acute hypoxia.  相似文献   

Cold storage of the whole liver at 4 degrees C in SBS and UW solution allowed to prevent from osmotic swelling of cells, which appeared at early stages of liver storage at 4 degrees C in just saline solutions. This effect of preserving solutions contributes to the preservation of quite high level of intracellular ATP content in liver at the first two stages of hypothermic storage (6 and 18 hrs), which preserves even during following normothermic reperfusion of an organ. A statistical ATP reduction in comparison with the control level (almost twice) can be explained on the one hand by the exhaustion of intracellular substrates of oxidation and on the other hand by their loss for the supporting of homeostasis under cold ischemia and following incubation of liver at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The formation of blood system adoptive reaction in many cases is defined by the type of action and the condition of hemopoietic inductive microenvironment: hemodynamics of hemopoietic tissue, functional conditions of bone marrow macrophages, mast cells and glycosaminoglycans content. The shift in hemodlobin fraction occurs in extreme conditions requiring an increased gas transport by the blood. In case of tissue lesion, lymphocytes stimulate their regeneration. Morphogenetic function of lymphoid cells may be alerted by immunomodulators. Blood cells participate in angiogenesis, and this property may be used for vessel grafts production.  相似文献   

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