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Cordylophora caspia is a hydrozoan which causes biofouling in power plants and is an increasing problem in UK drinking water treatment works. Thermal control is not usually feasible without a ready source of hot water so laboratory experiments were conducted to assess whether using pulsed doses of chlorine is an alternative solution. C. caspia polyps disintegrated after a single 20 min dose (the length of one backwash cycle in water treatment work filter beds) of 2.5 ppm chlorine. Without further treatment colonies regenerated within 3 days, but repeated dosing with chlorine for 20 min each day inhibited this regeneration. The resistance of surviving colonies to chlorine increased over time, although colony size and polyp regeneration continued to fall. These results suggest pulsed treatment with chlorinated backwashes at 2 ppm could be used to control C. caspia biofouling in rapid gravity filters and this may have relevance to other settings where thermal control is not feasible.  相似文献   

Fingerling size Salmo gairdneri, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Notemigonus crysoleucas, Cyprinus carpio, and Ictalurus punctatus were exposed in the laboratory three times daily for up to seven days to pulses of either free chlorine or monochloramine. This regime simulated conditions often encountered in the outfall of steam electric generating plants which chlorinate intermittently. LC50's, LT50's and response isopleths giving various percentage mortalities, were computed from the bioassays. S. gairdneri, O. kisutch, and I. punctatus were the most sensitive to both types of chlorine. C. carpio were most resistant and the N. crysoleucas were intermediate in sensitivity. Temperature had relatively little effect on the toxicity of intermittent chlorine to the species tested. In this type of test regime, free chlorine was three to fourteen-fold more toxic (depending on the species) than monochloramine. Water quality criteria for the protection of fish should, in the future, take this differential toxicity into consideration.  相似文献   

In this study, bacteria isolated from a lake were characterised for their chlorine resistivity and the effects of chlorination on growth, mortality, protein expression and attachment propensity towards membranes. Biofouling and membrane performance were analysed. All isolated chlorine resistant strains, characterised by 16s rRNA gene sequencing, belonged to the genus Bacillus. Chlorination caused limited effects on bacterial growth and mortality. B. safensis and B. lechinoformis suffered the maximum effects due to chlorination. Live-to-dead ratios immediately after chlorination were above 1.3, with some exceptions. The membrane pure water flux recovery was highly strain dependent. Irreversible membrane fouling was observed with B. aquimaris. Membrane flux decreased substantially during ultrafiltration of water containing chlorine resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Climate change and invasive species can both have negative impacts on native species diversity. Additionally, climate change has the potential to favor invasive species over natives, dealing a double blow to native biodiversity. It is, therefore, vital to determine how changing climate conditions are directly linked to demographic rates and population growth of non-native species so we can quantitatively evaluate how invasive populations may be affected by changing conditions and, in turn, impact native species. Cordylophora caspia, a hydrozoan from the Ponto-Caspian region, has become established in the brackish water habitats of the San Francisco Estuary (SFE). We conducted laboratory experiments to study how temperature and salinity affect C. caspia population growth rates, in order to predict possible responses to climate change. C. Caspia population growth increased nonlinearly with temperature and leveled off at a maximum growth rate near the annual maximum temperature predicted under a conservative climate change scenario. Increasing salinity, however, did not influence growth rates. Our results indicate that C. caspia populations in the SFE will benefit from predicted regional warming trends and be little affected by changes in salinity. The population of C. caspia in the SFE has the potential to thrive under future climate conditions and may subsequently increase its negative impact on the food web.  相似文献   

Liu  Wei  Xu  Mengzhen  Zhang  Jiahao  Zhang  Tongyu 《Limnology》2020,21(2):245-255
Limnology - The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) has caused worldwide problems for the eco-environment and man-made structures. There have been many control strategies proposed, which have...  相似文献   

Many strategies have been developed to improve the fouling release (FR) performance of silicone coatings. However, biofilms inevitably build on these surfaces over time. Previous studies have shown that intentional deformation of silicone elastomers can be employed to detach biofouling species. In this study, inspired by the methods used in soft-robotic systems, controlled deformation of silicone elastomers via pneumatic actuation was employed to detach adherent biofilms. Using programmed surface deformation, it was possible to release > 90% of biofilm from surfaces in both laboratory and field environments. A higher substratum strain was required to remove biofilms accumulated in the field environment as compared with laboratory-grown biofilms. Further, the study indicated that substratum modulus influences the strain needed to de-bond biofilms. Surface deformation-based approaches have potential for use in the management of biofouling in a number of technological areas, including in niche applications where pneumatic actuation of surface deformation is feasible.  相似文献   


Biofouling poses severe challenges to pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata culture in China, and controlling it is both labor- and capital-intensive. The antifouling properties of wax, and wax mixed with Chinese herbs, sprayed onto pearl oyster shell surfaces during peak biofouling seasons were evaluated. Pearl oysters coated with three wax treatments (plain wax, Chinaberry seed extract, Chinese honeylocust fruit extract) and a control (no treatment), were cultured in nets for up to 60?days. Mortality rate, fouling organism and pearl-oyster weights, and shell height are reported for individual oysters on each of six sampling dates. With the exception of oysters submerged for 12?days, all oysters were significantly affected by treatment type and submersion duration. Fouling weight increased more rapidly over time in the control-treatment oysters. Wax-based coatings deterred fouling-organism settlement on oysters for at least 2?months during the intensive fouling season, reducing mortality and not adversely effecting growth.  相似文献   

Biofouling and biocorrosion can be significant problems in oilfield water injection systems, despite extensive use of chemical biocides. This work set out to establish relevant testing and monitoring procedures to optimise microbiological control in these systems.A combination of laboratory based sessile biocide screening trials and onsite monitoring of biofilm bacteria was developed to ensure that an effective biocontrol programme was set up. It is important to use a mixed population of bacteria freshly isolated from biofilms in the system to ensure that any biocide tolerance of the system bacteria is reflected in the laboratory tests. In general, the results are borne out by the site audits of the control regime against sessile bacteria in the system.In an industrial system, biocide resistant populations develop from time to time. In practice it was found that even a small change to the biocide formulation could improve biocontrol, with concomitant reduction in corrosion rates and maintenance costs.  相似文献   

Biodeterioration of mortars by the photosynthetic microorganisms is affected by their intrinsic properties such as porosity, roughness and surface pH. The influence of these parameters was examined using an accelerated fouling test in laboratory and a natural fouling test in the real-world (in situ). Based on color measurement and image analysis, the impact of each intrinsic parameter was evaluated. The results differed from a scale to the other one. No influence of porosity was measured on the algal colonization rate in the laboratory test whereas, a high porosity seemed to increase slightly the bioreceptivity of the mortars exposed outdoor. The roughness, in both tests, promoted the microbial colonization. However, the discrimination of roughness grades was better in the laboratory test than in the in situ one. The surface pH influenced remarkably on the accelerated biofouling test but not on the in situ one. These dissimilarities resulted from the differences in experimental configurations of the two tests.  相似文献   

Chlorination is the most common antifouling procedure, but the search for alternatives is ongoing. Although concentrations that kill adults will also be effective against larvae, it is advisable to evaluate the toxicity of any candidate toxicant against the combatable life stage. For mussels, the earliest life stages are the most vulnerable ones and thus may require the lowest doses biocides. Since the period of larval presence is restricted to a couple of months, a pointed dosage of biocides during this period will be as effective as a continuous dosage throughout the year. This study reports on the lethal acute toxicity of sodium hypochlorite and peracetic acid to 4 h old embryos of Mytilopsis leucophaeata and Dreissena polymorpha. Chlorination was found effective against M. leucophaeata from a concentration of 0.6 mg/l onwards, even at short exposure times. Commercial peracetic acid showed to be a very good alternative in both species although the most appropriate level still has to be determined.  相似文献   

The impact of biodiversity on the stability of ecological communities has been debated among biologists for more than a century. Recently summarized empirical evidence suggests that biodiversity tends to enhance the temporal stability of community-level properties such as biomass; however, the underlying mechanisms driving this relationship remain poorly understood. Here, we report the results of a microcosm study in which we used simplified systems of freshwater microalgae to explore how the phylogenetic relatedness of species influences the temporal stability of community biomass by altering the nature of their competitive interactions. We show that combinations of two species that are more evolutionarily divergent tend to have lower temporal stability of biomass. In part, this is due to negative ‘selection effects’ in which bicultures composed of distantly related species are more likely to contain strong competitors that achieve low biomass. In addition, bicultures of distantly related species had on average weaker competitive interactions, which reduced compensatory dynamics and decreased the stability of community biomass. Our results demonstrate that evolutionary history plays a key role in controlling the mechanisms, which give rise to diversity–stability relationships. As such, patterns of shared ancestry may help us predict the ecosystem-level consequences of biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inactivation of simian rotavirus SA11 by chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and monochloramine were studied at 5 degrees C with a purified preparation of single virions and a preparation of cell-associated virions. Inactivation of the virus preparations with chlorine and chlorine dioxide was studied at pH 6 and 10. The monochloramine studies were done at pH 8. With 0.5 mg of chlorine per liter at pH 6, more than 4 logs (99.99%) of the single virions were inactivated in less than 15 s. Both virus preparations were inactivated more rapidly at pH 6 than at pH 10. With chlorine dioxide, however, the opposite was true. Both virus preparations were inactivated more rapidly at pH 10 than at pH 6. With 0.5 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter at pH 10, more than 4 logs of the single-virus preparation were inactivated in less than 15 s. The cell-associated virus was more resistant to inactivation by the three disinfectants than was the preparation of single virions. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide, each at a concentration of 0.5 mg/liter and at pH 6 and 10, respectively, inactivated 99% of both virus preparations within 4 min. Monochloramine at a concentration of 10 mg/liter and at pH 8 required more than 6 h for the same amount of inactivation.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites are likely to strongly influence food web-structure. The extent to which they change the trophic ecology of their host remains nevertheless poorly investigated and field evidence is lacking. This is particularly true for acanthocephalan parasites whose invertebrate hosts can prey on other invertebrates and contribute to leaf-litter breakdown. We used a multiple approach combining feeding experiments, neutral lipids and stable isotopes to investigate the trophic ecology of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli parasitized by the bird acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus. Infected compared to uninfected amphipods consumed as many dead isopods, but fewer live isopods and less leaf material. Infection had no influence on the total concentration of neutral lipids. Contrary to what we expected based on laboratory findings, the nitrogen isotope signature, which allows for the estimation of consumer's trophic position, was not influenced by infection status. Conversely, the carbon isotope signature, which is used to identify food sources, changed with infection and suggested that the diet of infected G. roeseli includes less perilithon (i.e. fixed algae on rocks, stones) but more terrestrial inputs (e.g. leaf material) than that of uninfected conspecifics. This study shows evidence of changes in the trophic ecology of P. minutus-infected G. roeseli and we stress the need to complement feeding experiments with field data when investigating top-down effects of infection in an opportunistic feeder which adapts its diet to the available food sources.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inactivation of simian rotavirus SA11 by chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and monochloramine were studied at 5 degrees C with a purified preparation of single virions and a preparation of cell-associated virions. Inactivation of the virus preparations with chlorine and chlorine dioxide was studied at pH 6 and 10. The monochloramine studies were done at pH 8. With 0.5 mg of chlorine per liter at pH 6, more than 4 logs (99.99%) of the single virions were inactivated in less than 15 s. Both virus preparations were inactivated more rapidly at pH 6 than at pH 10. With chlorine dioxide, however, the opposite was true. Both virus preparations were inactivated more rapidly at pH 10 than at pH 6. With 0.5 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter at pH 10, more than 4 logs of the single-virus preparation were inactivated in less than 15 s. The cell-associated virus was more resistant to inactivation by the three disinfectants than was the preparation of single virions. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide, each at a concentration of 0.5 mg/liter and at pH 6 and 10, respectively, inactivated 99% of both virus preparations within 4 min. Monochloramine at a concentration of 10 mg/liter and at pH 8 required more than 6 h for the same amount of inactivation.  相似文献   

The psychrophilic freshwater alga Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan has previously resisted laboratory culturing in liquid media. We investigated the use of microbiological techniques adapted to specific requirement for low temperature and high turbulence of the alga. We found that successful culturing required cleaning steps, where pieces of the alga were dissected out and plated on agar under cold conditions. From here, unialgal colonies could be isolated and inoculated into liquid media under appropriate conditions. Turbulence, created by a laboratory shaker, is critical. Sufficient light (30–100 µmol m–2 s–1) and low temperature (here 2–3°C) are necessary. This rather common but highly under‐investigated freshwater alga has potential for basic and applied research when available as laboratory cultures.  相似文献   


Acoustic pulses generated by an electrical discharge (pulsed acoustics) were investigated as a means for biofouling control in two test formats, viz. a 5/8" outside diameter titanium tube and a mockup heat exchanger. The pulsed acoustic device, when operated at 17 kV, demonstrated 95% inhibition of microfouling over a 20 ft length of titanium tube over a 4-week period, comparable to chlorination in combination with a high-velocity flush. The pulsed acoustic device inhibited microfouling over a downstream distance of 15 ft, therefore, a single pulsed acoustic device is theoretically capable of protecting at least 30 ft of tube from microfouling (15 ft on either side of the device). A correlation between acoustic intensity in the frequency range 0.01-1 MHz and the level of biofouling inhibition was observed. The threshold acoustic intensity for microfouling inhibition was determined for this frequency range. It was also observed that the orientation of the device is critical to obtaining microfouling inhibition.  相似文献   

Acoustic pulses generated by an electrical discharge (pulsed acoustics) were investigated as a means for biofouling control in two test formats, viz. a 5/8" outside diameter titanium tube and a mockup heat exchanger. The pulsed acoustic device, when operated at 17 kV, demonstrated 95% inhibition of microfouling over a 20 ft length of titanium tube over a 4-week period, comparable to chlorination in combination with a high-velocity flush. The pulsed acoustic device inhibited microfouling over a downstream distance of 15 ft, therefore, a single pulsed acoustic device is theoretically capable of protecting at least 30 ft of tube from microfouling (15 ft on either side of the device). A correlation between acoustic intensity in the frequency range 0.01-1 MHz and the level of biofouling inhibition was observed. The threshold acoustic intensity for microfouling inhibition was determined for this frequency range. It was also observed that the orientation of the device is critical to obtaining microfouling inhibition.  相似文献   

Physical cage enrichment—exercise devices for rodents in the laboratory—often includes running wheels. This study compared responses of mice in enriched physical and social conditions and in standard social conditions to wheel running, individual housing, and open-field test. The study divided into 6 groups, 48 female BALB/c mice group housed in enriched and standard conditions. On alternate days, the study exposed 2 groups to individual running wheel cages. It intermittently separated from their cage mates and housed individually 2 groups with no running wheels; 2 control groups remained in enriched or standard condition cages. There were no significant differences between enriched and standard group housed mice in alternate days' wheel running. Over time, enriched, group housed mice ran less. Both groups responded similarly to individual housing. In open-field test, mice exposed to individual housing without running wheel moved more and faster than wheel running and home cage control mice. They have lower body weights than group housed and wheel running mice. Intermittent withdrawal of individual housing affects the animals more than other commodities. Wheel running normalizes some effects of intermittent separation from the enriched, social home cage.  相似文献   

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