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A technique for transvaginal, ultrasound-guided intrauterine injection was developed. After preliminary study using different approaches, the procedure was successful in 24 of 25 (96%) mares, based on detecting fluid in the uterine lumen during and after the injection. The technique was used to study the effect of PGE2, reportedly produced by the embryonic vesicle, on uterine contractility on Day 12 (Day 0 = ovulation). Uterine contractility was scored (1 = minimal, 4 = maximal) every 10 min for 1 h and every 30 min for the next hour by a continuous 1-min ultrasound examination of a longitudinal section of the uterine body without knowledge of group. In Experiment 1, the main effect of group (1-mL vehicle, n = 6; 0.25 microgram PGE2, n = 7) tended to be significant (P < 0.09), and the effect of time was significant (P < 0.008). The mean score was higher for the PGE2 group (2.0 +/- 0.1) than for the vehicle group (1.7 +/- 0.1). An increase in contractility occurred between 0 and 5 min in the vehicle group (P < 0.0004) and between 0 and 10 min in the PGE2 group (P < 0.04). In Experiment 2, there was a tendency (P < 0.08) for effect of group (control without injection, n = 6; 1-mL vehicle, n = 6; 0.025 microgram PGE2, n = 6). The PGE2 group (2.0 +/- 0.1) was different from the vehicle group (1.6 +/- 0.1) and the control group (1.6 +/- 0.1). An increase in contractility occurred between 0 and 20 min in the PGE2 group, and the changes were not significant in the other groups. However, scores were higher in the PGE2 group before treatment, and there were no significant effects when data were converted to percentage changes. The results for an effect of intrauterine treatment of PGE2 on uterine contractility are considered uncertain because of the transient increase in contractility from vehicle injections in Experiment 1 and the higher score in the PGE2 group before treatment, with no significant differences in percentages in Experiment 2. Indirectly, however, an effect of PGE2 was suggested by a shorter (P < 0.05) period of detectability of intrauterine fluid in the PGE2 groups (21 +/- 31 min) than in the vehicle groups (50 +/- 42 min). The shorter period was attributable to greater dispersion of the fluid as a result of increased contractility. In Experiment 3, PGE2 (10 mg, n = 5) and vehicle (4 mL, n = 5) were given intravenously. In addition to uterine contractility, uterine tone was scored (1 = minimal, 4 = maximal) by transrectal digital compression. The main effect of group was significant (P < 0.03) for uterine contractility score, which increased between 0 and 20 min after PGE2 injection. The time effect and interaction were highly significant (P < 0.0001) for uterine tone score, and tone increased in the PGE2 group between 0 and 20 min after injection. The results indicated that PGE2 should be considered as a potential stimulator of both uterine contractions and uterine tone during the time of embryo mobility in mares.  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out which were designed to examine the hormonal requirement for the appearance of estrogen sulfotransferase activity in porcine uteri. Mature, ovariectomized (OVX) gilts were housed for 3 weeks before being treated with various regimens of estradiol-17 beta (E2) and progesterone (P). Uteri were then removed, minced, incubated for 2 h with [3H] E2 (10(-8) M) and Na2 35SO4 (10(-4) M) and the labeled metabolic products were extracted and analyzed. Endometrial samples were also taken for the determination of E2 and P cytoplasmic and nuclear receptors (R). It was found that 4 daily injections of 250 micrograms of E2 was sufficient to bring plasma E2 concentrations to that representative of a normal estrous cycle (approx. 30 pg/ml) and to induce cytoplasmic PR to high levels (7000--19000 fmol/mg DNA). Estrogen sulfotransferase activity, which was negligible in OVX and E2-treated pigs, increased to near normal secretory levels (4 pmol product/h per 0.4 g tissue) only in pigs primed with E2 and subsequently treated with E2 and P (25--250 mg/day, 3 days). This treatment also brought about the translocation of PR to the nuclear compartment. The steroid alcohol sulfotransferase activity in these tissues decreased upon ovariectomy and remained unaffected by the hormone treatments. Endometria from treated and untreated pigs were cultured for a period up to 7 days. During this time E2 (10(-8) M) induced and/or maintained PR and P (10(-6) M) was shown to stimulate estrogen sulfurylation concomitant with the translocation of PR to the nucleus. These studies have demonstrated that, in OVX pigs and endometrial cultures, P stimulated uterine estrogen sulfotransferase activity to a level normally found in secretory uteri. In order for P to bring about elevated levels of estrogen sulfurylation it was necessary that the endometrium contain adequate concentrations of cytoplasmic PR (which required E2 priming of the system) and the P receptor complex must display nuclear translocation.  相似文献   

Characteristics of spontaneous embryonic loss in 21 mares were compared with those of 52 contemporary mares that maintained pregnancy. Embryonic losses were, in retrospect, grouped according to day of loss and length of the interovulatory interval, respectively, as follows: group 1, less than or equal to day 20 and less than or equal to 30 days (n = 10); group 2, less than or equal to day 20 and greater than 30 days (n = 3); and group 3, greater than day 20 and greater than 30 days (n = 8); ovulation was day 0. Mean diameter of the embryonic vesicle in group 1 was smaller (P less than 0.05) on days 12-18 than in the pregnancy-maintained group, but among the pregnancy-maintained group and the embryonic-loss groups, the mean individual growth rates of vesicles was similar (no significant difference). A more frequent (P less than 0.05) location of the vesicles in the uterine body on day 13 in group 1 was due to a greater proportion of small vesicles and for day 18 was due to a greater incidence of fixation failure. Luteal regression occurred at the expected time in 77% of the mares with loss sooner than day 20. Low concentration of progesterone on days 12, 15 and 18, a detected decrease in diameter of the corpus luteum on days 15 and 18, and an interovulatory interval of less than or equal to 30 days indicated that luteolysis was not prevented by the embryonic vesicle in group 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four pony mares were used in a cross-over study to investigate the effect of different treatments on experimentally-induced endometritis. The mares were treated with progesterone to facilitate establishment of uterine infections. They received an intrauterine infusion of Streptococcus zooepidemicus 5 days after the start of progesterone therapy. Five days later, they were treated by intrauterine infusions of 2 g ampicillin in 50 ml sterile water or by sterile water without antibiotic for 3 consecutive days. Prior to infusion of Strep. zooepidemicus , no bacteria were cultured from the uteri of the mares. However, 5 days after infusion of Strep. zooepidemicus and prior to antibiotic therapy, mixed bacterial growths were cultured from endometrial swabbings. After antibiotic therapy, ampicillin-resistant organisms were cultured from endometrial swabbings. Two other progesterone-treated mares received an intrauterine infusion of sterile phosphate buffered saline instead of bacteria. Mixed bacterial cultures were recovered 5 days later from the endometrial swabbings of these mares. It was concluded that the high circulating concentrations of progesterone were probably responsible for the treatment failure and that in clinical situations, therapy involving transcervical manipulations should not be administered when mares are in diestrus.  相似文献   

T.G. Kennedy  C.W. Emmens 《Steroids》1975,25(2):285-295
The effects of estradiol-17β and progesterone on uterine sialic acid of ovariectomized rats have been examined. In contrast to a previous report, progesterone was found in two of three experiments of different design to increase uterine sialic acid concentration above that produced by estradiol-17β alone; in the third experiment, it had no significant effect. This effect of progesterone was independent of the duration of treatment with exogenous hormones or of whether or not uterine luminal fluid was removed by blotting before assaying sialic acid. In a factorially designed experiment with four levels of estradiol-17β and three of progesterone, a dose-response relationship was found between estradiol-17β, but not progesterone, and uterine sialic acid concentration. It is concluded that, in some circumstances, estrogen and progesterone can act synergistically to increase uterine sialic acid concentration.  相似文献   

Estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) is a progesterone (Pg) induced secretory endometrial enzyme which may effect estrogen receptor levels by esterifying estradiol-17 beta (E2) to an inactive, sulfate form. The effects of this enzyme were studied using specific inhibitors of EST that do not bind to estrogen receptor (ER): 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ether and 4-fluoroestrone 3-methyl ether. A 1 h pulse with 4 nM E2 caused ERn (i.e. E2-bound, chromatin-bound receptor) to increase 40% in incubations of proliferative gilt endometrium (no EST activity), while the same E2 treatment of secretory endometrium (high EST activity) caused no increase in ERn. ERn accumulation was completely restored in these experiments by preincubating secretory endometrium with 4 microM 4-fluoroestrone 3-methyl ether. Gilt endometrial explants cultured 7 days with 1 nM E2 plus 1 microM Pg (which induced EST activity) possessed half the ERn as explants devoid of EST activity which were cultured in E2 alone. The addition of 10 microM 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ester to the cultures of secretory endometrium restored ERn to the levels seen in minces cultured with E2 alone. Furthermore, ovariectomized gilts injected daily with 250 micrograms E2 plus 25 mg Pg had much lower ERn (0.06 fmol/micrograms DNA) than gilts injected with E2 only (0.21 fmol/microgram DNA). ERn was restored completely by supplementing the E2 plus Pg injections with 0.5 g 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ether administered by vaginal suppositories.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A series of experiments was performed to investigate the influence of progesterone at Days 2 and 3 of pregnancy on conceptus development and uterine capacity. In experiment 1, unilaterally hysterectomized-ovariectomized (UHO) white crossbred gilts were given no treatment, estradiol valerate (5 mg given on Days 11 and 12), or progesterone (200 mg/day on Days 2 and 3 after mating). On Day 105 of pregnancy, each fetus and its associated placenta were weighed, and the number of live and dead fetuses was recorded for each litter. Early progesterone treatment reduced (P < 0.05) litter size (a measure of uterine capacity in UHO gilts). In experiment 2, intact white crossbred gilts were mated, given no treatment or progesterone treatment on Days 2 and 3 of pregnancy, and farrowed. Progesterone treatment decreased (P < 0.05) pregnancy rates. In pregnant gilts, progesterone had no effect on the number of live or stillborn piglets at birth, and gestation length was decreased (P < 0.05). Progesterone treatment did not affect the number of large or small piglets. In experiment 3, intact gilts were mated at estrus and then received 1). no treatment or treatment with 2). 100 mg, 3). 200 mg, or 4). 400 mg mifepristone (also known as RU486) on Day 2 of pregnancy. On Day 11 of pregnancy, both uterine horns were flushed, the number and diameter of each conceptus was recorded, and the flushed material was assayed for total protein and acid phosphatase. The 400 mg mifepristone treatment decreased conceptus diameter (P < 0.05) and total protein (P = 0.06) in the uterine flushings. In experiment 4, UHO gilts were mated at estrus, injected with either corn oil (control) or mifepristone (400 mg) on Day 2 of pregnancy, and killed on Day 105 of pregnancy, and the number and weight of live fetuses and placentas was recorded. In contrast to the effect of progesterone treatment, mifepristone decreased uterine capacity by decreasing the number of small conceptuses. These data suggest that progesterone concentrations on Days 2 and 3 of pregnancy in swine influence the rate of conceptus development during early pregnancy and uterine capacity during later pregnancy.  相似文献   

The effects of several doses of progesterone on FSH and LH concentrations were used to study the role of the gonadotropins on deviation in growth rates of the two largest follicles during the establishment of follicle dominance. Progesterone was given to pony mares at a daily dose rate of 0 mg (controls), 30 mg (low dose), 100 mg (intermediate dose), and 300 mg (high dose). All follicles > or = 6 mm were ablated at Day 10 (Day 0 = ovulation) to initiate a new follicular wave; prostaglandin F(2alpha) was given to induce luteolysis, and progesterone was given from Days 10 to 24. The low dose did not significantly alter any of the ovarian or gonadotropin end points. The high dose reduced (P < 0.05) the ablation-induced FSH concentrations on Day 11. Maximum diameter of the largest follicle (17.2 +/- 0.6 mm) and the second-largest follicle (15.5 +/- 0.9 mm) in the high-dose group was less (P < 0.04) than the diameter of the second-largest follicle in the controls (20.0 +/- 1.0 mm) at the beginning of deviation (Day 16.7 +/- 0.4). Thus, the growth of the two largest follicles was reduced by the high dose, presumably through depression of FSH, so that the follicles did not attain a diameter characteristic of deviation in the controls. The intermediate dose did not affect FSH concentrations. However, the LH concentrations increased in the control, low, and intermediate groups, but then decreased (P < 0.05) in the intermediate group to pretreatment levels. The LH decrease in the intermediate group occurred 2 days before deviation in the controls. The maximum diameter of the largest follicle was less (P < 0.0001) in the intermediate group (27.3 +/- 1.8 mm) than in the controls (38.9 +/- 1.5 mm), but the maximum diameter of the second-largest follicle was not different between the two groups (19.0 +/- 1.1 vs. 20.3 +/- 1.0 mm). Thus, the onset of deviation, as assessed by the second-largest follicle, was not delayed by the decrease in LH. Diameter of the largest follicle by Day 18 in the intermediate group (23.1 +/- 1.6 mm) was less (P < 0.05) than in the controls (28.0 +/- 1.0 mm). These results suggest that circulating LH was not involved in the initiation of dominance (inhibition of other follicles by the largest follicle) but was required for the continued growth of the largest follicle after or concurrently with its initial expression of dominance.  相似文献   

Intact and ovariectomized pony mares were treated with either progesterone in-oil or repositol progesterone. Serum progesterone, endometrial progesterone and endometrial histology were examined. There were no differences in serum or tissue progesterone between intact and ovariectomized mares. Serum and tissue progesterone were greater for progesterone in-oil treated mares than for repositol treated mares. Both progesterone in-oil and repositol progesterone initiated endometrial gland proliferation with no difference in response observed between the two preparations.  相似文献   

The temporal relationships between blood flow in the corpus luteum (CL) and circulating progesterone concentrations were studied in 20 mares. Retrospective inspection of plasma progesterone concentrations indicated that a precipitous decrease occurred during Days 15-17 (Day 0 = ovulation) and was defined as the luteolytic period. Mean percentage of CL with color-Doppler signals for blood flow was maximum on Day 10 (77.3%), and Days 10-14 (49.8%) were defined as the preluteolytic period. The cross-sectional area of the CL decreased progressively from Day 4 (9.0 cm2) to Day 19 (1.5 cm2). Progesterone reached maximum concentration on Day 8 (12.8 ng/ml) and thereafter CL area and plasma progesterone decreased in parallel until the onset of luteolysis. During the luteolytic period, the decrease in plasma progesterone was about sixfold greater than during the preluteolytic period, whereas the decrease in CL area and in percentage of CL with blood-flow area were about twofold greater. There was no indication that an acute increase or decrease in luteal blood flow occurred prior to the precipitous decrease in plasma progesterone.  相似文献   

Regulation of progesterone receptor (PR) in uterine stroma (endometrial stroma plus myometrium) by estrogen was investigated in estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) knockout (alphaERKO) mice. 17 beta-Estradiol (E(2)) increased PR levels in uterine stroma of ovariectomized alphaERKO mice, and ICI 182 780 (ICI) inhibited this E(2)-induced PR expression. Estrogen receptor-beta(ER beta) was detected in both uterine epithelium and stroma of wild-type and alphaERKO mice by immunohistochemistry. In organ cultures of alphaERKO uterus, both E(2) and diethylstilbestrol induced stromal PR, and ICI inhibited this induction. These findings suggest that estrogen induces stromal PR via ERbeta in alphaERKO uterus. However, this process is not mediated exclusively by ERbeta+, because in ERbeta knockout mice, which express ERalpha, PR was up-regulated by E(2) in uterine stroma. In both wild-type and alphaERKO mice, progesterone and mechanical traumatization were essential and sufficient to induce decidual cells, even though E(2) and ERalpha were also required for increase in uterine weight. Progesterone receptor was strongly expressed in decidual cells in alphaERKO mice, and ICI did not inhibit decidualization or PR expression. This study suggests that up-regulation of PR in endometrial stroma is mediated through at least three mechanisms: 1) classical estrogen signaling through ERalpha, 2) estrogen signaling through ERbeta, and 3) as a result of mechanical stimulation plus progesterone, which induces stromal cells to differentiate into decidual cells. Each of these pathways can function independently of the others.  相似文献   

The expression of steroid hormone receptors as molecules reflecting processes of development and differentiation in the human uterine tissue was analysed in a spatial distinct fashion: tissue samples were excised at the fundus and at different, spatially distinct positions of the uterus. They were analysed for concentrations of cytosolic estrogen and progesterone receptors in supernatants from frozen sections using an isoelectric focusing technique. The spatial and molecular distinct, qualitative and quantitative pattern of their expression in the human uterus and uterine adenocarcinomas were studied by sectioning tissue sample from the functionalis through the basalis of the endometrium until reaching deep myometrial parts of the tissue: (1) Specific spatial patterns of estrogen and progesterone receptor levels were detectable throughout the menstrual cycle. (2) For proliferative endometrium from the functionalis to the basalis of the endometrium, the content of both cytosolic receptor species increased up to 6-fold. (3) Differences detectable were less pronounced in the myometrial part of the tissue. (4) Differences of steroid receptor concentrations measured in the endometrium at different uterine positions were highest between fundus and corpus of the endometrium. (5) Maximal differences were detectable around ovulation. (6) After secretory transformation of the organ, specific patterns were still detectable, however quantitative differences were less pronounced. (7) Additionally, quantitative differences measurable were accompanied by variations of molecular properties of the progesterone receptor as demonstrated in an isoelectric focusing gel. (8) In endometrial adenocarcinomas, not only significant quantitative alterations in steroid receptor content were measured, but also a significantly changed spatial pattern of receptor concentrations, also a change of the molecular properties of the progesterone receptor was resolved if these tumor parameters were compared to those detected in the normal tissue of the same organ surrounding the tumor.  相似文献   

Deeply acyclic (seasonally anovulatory) mares were treated with GnRH or a GnRH analogue to induce follicular development and ovulation. Courses of GnRH (3--4) were administered at approximately 10-day intervals to reproduce the gonadotrophin surges which precede ovulation in the normal cycle. Exogenous progesterone was administered in an attempt to reproduce the luteal phase pattern. Induced serum FSH concentrations were comparable to those causing follicular development in the normal cycle, but induced LH levels were lower and of shorter duration than those of the periovulatory surge. Three of 4 mares treated with GnRH appeared to ovulate, but did not establish CL. Nine of 10 mares given GnRH analogue also developed follicles during the final treatment course, as did mares treated with progesterone only, while only 1 of 5 untreated control mares showed any ovarian development. Failure to induce final follicular maturation and CL development by this treatment regimen may be due to an inadequate LH surge at the time of the expected ovulation associated with the low preovulatory oestradiol-17 beta surge, possibly caused by the preceding FSH stimulation being inadequate or inappropriate. Progesterone treatment increased baseline FSH concentrations in GnRH-treated mares, and also stimulated follicular development in mares not treated with GnRH, indicating a possible role for progesterone in folliculogenesis and, indirectly, ovulation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to investigate relationships between oxytocin, prostaglandin release, uterine emptying and fluid accumulation in the uterus. In Experiment 1, the effect of oxytocin on the pattern of prostaglandin release during uterine clearance of radiocolloid was measured in 5 normal mares and 5 mares with delayed uterine clearance. Uterine clearance was measured during estrus by scintigraphy at 0, 60 and 120 min after colloid infusion. After the 120-min reading, 20 IU, i.v., oxytocin were given, and the amount of colloid cleared was measured at 135, 150 and 180 min. Plasma was obtained prior to and during scintigraphy at 5- and 15-min intervals to measure concentrations of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha metabolite (PGFM) by RIA. In Experiment 2, plasma PGFM levels were compared after administration of oxytocin in 8 normal mares and 6 mares with delayed uterine clearance to determine if intrauterine fluid stimulated prostaglandin release. Mares received 2 treatments in a cross-over design. Treatment 1 consisted of 20 IU, i.v., oxytocin during estrus. Treatment 2 consisted of an infusion of 10 mL, i.u., saline 15 min prior to oxytocin administration. Treatments were performed 4 to 6 h apart. Blood was collected and PGFM was measured as in experiment 1. Data were analyzed by least squares analysis of variance. In Experiment 1, regression analysis of scintigraphy and PGFM profiles indicated that time response curves differed between groups (P < 0.01). At 120 min, normal mares retained 40.4 +/- 4.9% (mean +/- SEM) of the radiocolloid while mares with delayed clearance retained 88 +/- 5%. Fifteen minutes after oxytocin administration (135 min), all normal mares and 4 of 5 mares with delayed clearance retained only < 6% of the colloid. During the first 120 min, plasma PGFM concentrations did not differ between the 2 groups. After oxytocin was given, plasma PGFM concentrations increased in 4 of 5 mares with delayed uterine clearance (80 to 3,096 pg/mL) but not in normal mares (13 to 46 pg/mL). In Experiment 2, plasma PGFM concentrations did not rise in normal mares but rose in 3 of 6 mares with delayed clearance (135 to 483 pg/mL) independent of treatment or period. The results suggest that intrauterine clearance of radiocolloid after oxytocin administration appears to be independent of PGF2 alpha release in normal mares during estrus. The difference in prostaglandin release response after oxytocin administration between the 2 groups was unrelated to the presence of intrauterine fluid.  相似文献   

Histoarchitectural changes of the uterine cervix allow its successful adaptation to different physiological conditions. In this study, we evaluated cell turnover in each cellular compartment of the uterine cervix in association with steroid hormone receptor expression in order to establish the range of physiological changes. Proliferation, apoptosis, and progesterone receptor (PR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression were evaluated in cycling, pregnant, and postpartum rats. In estrus and diestrus II, ERalpha and PR expression exhibited variations according to the region evaluated. Proliferation and apoptosis showed a reciprocal pattern, the epithelium being the region with higher cell turnover. High apoptotic index (AI) in estrus was associated with the lowest ERalpha and the highest PR scores. During pregnancy, proliferation of the epithelium was the predominant event and AI was low. On Postpartum Day 1 (PPD1), proliferation decreased while apoptosis increased. As described for the estrous cycle, during pregnancy and PPD1, AI and ERalpha were negatively correlated. In the fibroblastic stroma, low proliferation was observed throughout pregnancy; however, there was a net increase in cell number because very few cells underwent apoptosis. No difference in ERalpha was observed in fibroblastic cells during pregnancy and postpartum; however, a great decrease of this receptor in the epithelial compartment was observed after delivery. Unlike cervical epithelium, PR was highly expressed in stromal cells. At term, a dramatic increase in epithelial PR was observed. While epithelial PR remained high on PPD1, a decrease was observed in muscle stroma. These results show that, in all stages studied, 1) ERalpha and PR have different patterns of expression with differential responses to signals that modulate proliferation and/or apoptosis depending on the cellular compartment, and 2) even though the epithelium is the region with the highest cell turnover, the fibroblastic and muscle stroma are active regions that have their own patterns of behavior.  相似文献   

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