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Softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) were submerged at 3 degrees C in anoxic or normoxic water. Periodically, blood PO(2), PCO(2), pH, plasma [Cl(-)], [Na(+)], [K(+)], total Ca, total Mg, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass determined; and blood [HCO(3)(-)] calculated. On day 14 of anoxic submergence, five of eight softshell turtles were dead, one died immediately after removal, and the remaining two showed no signs of life other than a heartbeat. After 11 days of submergence in anoxic water, blood pH fell from 7.923 to 7.281 and lactate increased to 62.1 mM. Plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was titrated from 34.57 mM to 4.53 mM. Plasma [Cl(-)] fell, but [K(+)] and total Ca and Mg increased. In normoxic submergence, turtles survived over 150 days and no lactate accumulated. A respiratory alkalosis developed (pH-8.195, PCO(2)-5.49 after 10 days) early and persisted throughout; no other variables changed in normoxic submergence. Softshell turtles are very capable of extrapulmonary extraction of O(2), but are an anoxia-intolerant species of turtle forcing them to utilize hibernacula that are unlikely to become hypoxic or anoxic (e.g., large lakes and rivers).  相似文献   

Common snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus), were submerged in anoxic and normoxic water at 3 degrees C. Periodic blood samples were taken, and PO(2), PCO(2), pH, [Na(+)], [K(+)], [Cl(-)], total Ca, total Mg, [lactate], [glucose], hematocrit, and osmolality were measured; weight gain was determined; and plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was calculated. Submergence in normoxic water caused a decrease in PCO(2) from 10.8 to 6.9 mmHg after 125 d, partially compensating a slight increase in lactate and allowing the turtles to maintain a constant pH. Submergence in anoxic water caused a rapid increase in lactate from 1.8 to 168.1 mmol/L after 100 d. Associated with the increased lactate were decreases in pH from 8.057 to 7.132 and in [HCO(3)(-)] from 51.5 to 4.9 mmol/L and increases in total Ca from 2.0 to 36.6 mmol/L, in total Mg from 1.8 to 12.1 mmol/L, and in [K(+)] from 3.08 to 8.45 mmol/L. We suggest that C. serpentina is tolerant of anoxic submergence and therefore is able to exploit habitats unavailable to some other species in northern latitudes.  相似文献   

Overwintering habits of hatchling Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) are unknown. To determine whether these turtles are able to survive winter in aquatic habitats, we submerged hatchlings in normoxic (155 mmHg Po2) and hypoxic (6 mmHg Po2) water at 4 degrees C, recording survival times and measuring changes in key physiological variables. For comparison, we simultaneously studied hatchling softshell (Apalone spinifera) and snapping (Chelydra serpentina) turtles, which are known to overwinter in aquatic habitats. In normoxic water, C. serpentina and A. spinifera survived to the termination of the experiment (76 and 77 d, respectively). Approximately one-third of the E. blandingii died during 75 d of normoxic submergence, but the cause of mortality was unclear. In hypoxic water, average survival times were 6 d for A. spinifera, 13 d for E. blandingii, and 19 d for C. serpentina. Mortality during hypoxic submergence was probably caused by metabolic acidosis, which resulted from accumulated lactate. Unlike the case with adult turtles, our hatchlings did not increase plasma calcium and magnesium, nor did they sequester lactate within the shell. Our results suggest that hatchling E. blandingii are not particularly well suited to hibernation in hypoxic aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Common map turtles (Graptemys geographica) were collected from a natural underwater hibernaculum in Vermont at monthly intervals during the winter of 1997-1998. Blood was sampled by cardiac puncture and analyzed for pH, PCO(2), PO(2), and hematocrit; separated plasma was tested for Na(+), K(+), Cl(-), total [Ca], total [Mg], [lactate], and osmolality (mOsm kg(-1) H(2)O). Control (eupneic; 1 degrees C) values for pH, PO(2), PCO(2), [HCO(3)(-)], and [lactate] were 7.98 +/- 0.03, 47.4 +/- 18.7, 10.1 +/- 0.7 (mm Hg), 36.1 +/- 0.2 (mmol liter(-1)), and 2.1 +/- 0.1 (mmol liter(-1)), respectively. Between November 1997 and March 1998, ice covered the river and the turtles rested on the substratum, fully exposed to the water, and were apneic. Blood PO(2) was maintained at less than 3 mm Hg (range 0.9 +/- 0.2 to 2.1 +/- 0.7 mm Hg), PCO(2) decreased slightly, plasma [lactate] was <5 mmol liter(-1), and plasma [HCO(3)(-)] decreased significantly. In March [lactate] rose to 7.5 +/- 1.5 mmol liter(-l), but there was no acidemia. Map turtles meet most of their metabolic demand for O(2) via aquatic respiration and tolerate prolonged submergence at 1 degrees C with little change in acid-base or ionic status. The adaptive significance of remaining essentially aerobic during winter is to avoid the life-threatening progressive acidosis that results from anaerobic metabolism. J. Exp. Zool. 286:143-148, 2000.  相似文献   

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate potential respiratory environments within their hibernacula. Those in normoxic water could survive submergence for at least 150 d, while those in anoxic water could survive for a maximum of about 125 d. Turtles in normoxic water developed a slight metabolic acidosis as plasma lactate accumulated to about 50 mM in 150 d, while anoxic turtles developed a severe lactic acidosis as plasma lactate reached about 200 mM in 125 d; there was no respiratory acidosis in either group. Plasma [Na+] changed little in either group, [Cl-] fell by about one-third in both, and [K+] increased by about fourfold in anoxic turtles but only slightly in those in normoxic water. Total plasma magnesium and calcium increased profoundly in anoxic turtles but moderately in those in normoxic water. Consideration of charge balance indicates that all major ions were measured in both groups. Plasma glucose remained unchanged in anoxic turtles until after about 75 d of submergence, when it increased and continued to increase with the duration of anoxia, with much variation among individuals; glucose remained unchanged throughout in turtles in normoxic water. Hematocrit doubled in 150 d in turtles in normoxic water; in anoxic turtles, an initial increase was no longer significant by day 100. Plasma osmolality increased markedly in anoxic turtles, largely because of accumulation of lactate, but anoxic turtles only gained about half the mass of turtles in normoxic water, who showed no increase in osmolality. The higher weight gain in the latter group is attributed to selective perfusion and ventilation of extrapulmonary gas exchange surfaces, resulting in a greater osmotic influx of water. The physiologic responses to simulated hibernation of C. picta picta are intermediate between those of Chrysemys picta bellii and Chrysemys picta dorsalis, which correlates with the severity of the winter each subspecies would be expected to encounter.  相似文献   

The proton Bohr factor (phi H = alpha log PO2/alpha pH), the carbamate Bohr factor (phi C = alpha log PO2/alpha log PCO2), the total Bohr factor (phi HC = d log PO2/dpH[base excess) and the CO2 buffer factor (d log PCO2/dpH) were determined in the blood of 12 healthy donors over the whole O2 saturation (SO2) range. All three Bohr factors proved to be dependent on SO2, although to a lesser extent than reported in some of the recent literature. At SO2 = 50% and 37 degrees C, we found phi H = -0.428 +/- 0.010 (SE), phi C = 0.054 +/- 0.006, and phi HC = -0.488 +/- 0.007. The values obtained for phi H, phi C, and d log PCO2/dpH were used to calculate phi HC. Calculated and measured values of phi HC proved to be in good agreement. In an additional series of 12 specimens of human blood we determined the influence of PCO2 on phi H and the influence of pH on phi C. At SO2 = 50%, phi H varied from -0.49 +/- 0.009 at PCO2 = 15 Torr to -0.31 +/- 0.010 at PCO2 = 105 Torr and phi C from 0.157 +/- 0.015 at pH = 7.80 to 0.006 +/- 0.009 at pH = 7.00. When on the basis of these data a second-order term is taken into account, a still slightly better agreement between measured and calculated values of phi HC can be attained.  相似文献   

The objectives of these experiments were 1) to describe the effect of maximum treadmill exercise on gas exchange, arterial blood gases, and arterial blood oxygenation in rats acclimated for 3 wk to simulated altitude (SA, barometric pressure 370-380 Torr) and 2) to determine the contribution of acid-base changes to the changes in arterial blood oxygenation of hypoxic exercise. Maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) was measured in four groups of rats: 1) normoxic controls run in normoxia (Nx), 2) normoxic controls run in acute hypoxia [AHx inspiratory PO2 (PIO2) approximately 70 Torr], 3) SA rats run in hypoxia (3WHx, PIO2 approximately 70 Torr), and 4) SA rats run in normoxia (ANx). VO2max (ml STPD.min-1.kg-1) was 70.8 +/- 0.9 in Nx, 46.4 +/- 1.9 in AHx, 52.6 +/- 1.1 in 3WHx, and 70.0 +/- 2.4 in ANx. Exercise resulted in acidosis, hypocapnia, and elevated blood lactate in all groups. Although blood lactate increased less in 3WHx and ANx, pH was the same or lower than in Nx and AHx, reflecting the low buffer capacity of SA. In AHx and 3WHx, arterial PO2 increased with exercise; however, O2 saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood (SaO2) decreased. In vitro measurements of the Bohr shift suggest that SaO2 decreased as a result of a decrease in hemoglobin O2 affinity. The data indicate that several features of hypoxic exercise in this model are similar to those seen in humans, with the exception of the mechanism of decrease in SaO2, which, in humans, appears to be due to incomplete alveolar-capillary equilibration.  相似文献   

The major avenues of extrapulmonary oxygen uptake were determined on submerged western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) at 10 degrees C by selectively blocking one or more potential pathways for exchange. Previous work indicated that the skin, the cloaca, and the buccopharyngeal cavity can all contribute significantly in various species of turtles. O(2) uptake was calculated from the rate of fall in water P(O(2)) in a closed chamber. Two series of experiments were conducted: in Series 1, each of the potential avenues was mechanically blocked either singly or in combination; in Series 2, active cloacal and buccal pumping were prevented pharmacologically using the paralytic agent rocuronium. In addition in Series 2, N(2)-breathing preceded submergence in some animals and in one set of Series 2 experiments arterial blood was sampled and analyzed for pH, lactate, P(O(2)), and P(CO(2)). Results in both Series 1 and Series 2 revealed that prevention of cloacal and/or buccopharyngeal exchange did not significantly affect total O(2) uptake. Interfering with skin diffusion in Series 1, however, significantly reduced O(2) uptake by 50%. N(2)-breathing prior to submergence in Series 2 did not affect O(2) uptake in paralyzed turtles but significantly increased uptake in unparalyzed turtles without catheters. Blood analysis revealed that all submerged turtles developed lactic acidosis, but the rate of rise in lactate was significantly lower in paralyzed animals. We conclude that passive diffusion through the integument is the principal avenue of aquatic O(2) uptake in this species.  相似文献   

Map turtles from Wisconsin were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate extremes of potential respiratory microenvironments while hibernating under ice. In predive turtles, and in turtles submerged for up to 150 days, plasma PO2, PCO2) pH, [Cl-], [Na+], [K+], total Mg, total Ca, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass were determined, and plasma [HCO3-] was calculated. Turtles in anoxic water developed a severe metabolic acidosis, accumulating lactate from a predive value of 1.7 to 116 mmol/l at 50 days, associated with a fall in pH from 8.010 to 7.128. To buffer lactate increase, total calcium and magnesium rose from 3.5 and 2.0 to 25.7 and 7.6 mmol/l, respectively. Plasma [HCO3-] was titrated from 44.7 to 4.3 mmol/l in turtles in anoxic water. Turtles in normoxic water had only minor disturbances of their acid-base status and ionic statuses; there was a marked increase in hematocrit from 31.1 to 51.9%. This study and field studies suggest that map turtles have an obligatory requirement for a hibernaculum that provides well-oxygenated water (e.g. rivers and large lakes rather than small ponds and swamps) and that this requirement is a major factor in determining their microdistribution.  相似文献   

To evaluate shell and bone buffering of lactic acid during acidosis at 3 degrees C, turtles were submerged in anoxic or aerated water and tested at intervals for blood acid-base status and plasma ions and for bone and shell percent water, percent ash, and concentrations of lactate, Ca(2+), Mg(2+), P(i), Na(+), and K(+). After 125 days, plasma lactate concentration rose from 1.6 +/- 0.2 mM (mean +/- SE) to 155.2 +/- 10.8 mM in the anoxic group but only to 25.2 +/- 6.4 mM in the aerated group. The acid-base state of the normoxic animals was stable after 25 days of submergence. Plasma calcium concentration (?Ca(2+)) rose during anoxia from 3.2 +/- 0.2 to 46.0 +/- 0.6 mM and ?Mg(2+) from 2.7 +/- 0.2 to 12.2 +/- 0.6 mM. Both shell and bone accumulated lactate to concentrations of 135.6 +/- 35.2 and 163.6 +/- 5.1 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively, after 125 days anoxia. Shell and bone ?Na(+) both fell during anoxia but the fate of this Na(+) is uncertain because plasma ?Na(+) also fell. No other shell ions changed significantly in concentration, although the concentrations of both bone calcium and bone potassium changed significantly. Control shell water (27.8 +/- 0.6%) was less than bone water (33.6 +/- 1.1%), but neither changed during submergence. Shell ash (44.7 +/- 0.8%) remained unchanged, but bone ash (41.0 +/- 1.0%) fell significantly. We conclude that bone, as well as shell, accumulate lactate when plasma lactate is elevated, and that both export sodium carbonate, as well as calcium and magnesium carbonates, to supplement ECF buffering.  相似文献   

Polychaete species belonging to the genus Branchipolynoe are commensal with mussels from deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold-seeps. Possessing hemoglobins (Hbs), the species B. symmytilida, which is found in the mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus on the East Pacific Rise, is exceptional in a family normally devoid of respiratory pigments. In a previous paper we described two major coelomic extracellular hemoglobins with unique quaternary structures. Aiming to discern respiratory adaptations to the highly variable hydrothermal environment, this paper characterizes the functional properties of these Hbs and the coelomic fluid. The two major hemoglobins (C1 and C2) exhibit spectrophotometric characteristics of both intra- and extracellular hemoglobins. However, their amino acid content is very different from other known hemoglobins and is characterized by a high proportion of alanine and glycine (up to 40% cumulated in C1). C1 and C2 differ markedly by their cysteine content (0.8% and 13% respectively). The coelomic fluid exhibits a strong buffer capacity due to the high hemoglobin content (3 mM heme). In vitro, CO2 accumulation (up to 10-12 mM CO2 for PCO2 = 7.5 Torr) occurs with limited pH changes and is only partly accounted for by carbamino-Hb formation. The two hemoglobins exhibit high oxygen-affinities (P50 0.4 Torr for C1 and 0.9 Torr for C2, at 10 degrees C, pH 8) and a normal Bohr effect (phi values ranging from -0.54 and -0.37 at 10 degrees C, to -0.24 and -0.28 at 30 degrees C, for C1 and C2, respectively). Cooperativity values range from 0.8 to 1.9 for C1 and from 0.8 to 1.7 for C2. The temperature sensitivity of O2 affinity reflect deltaH values that decrease from -30 to -60 kJ x mol(-1) with increasing pH. C2 exhibits a slight specific effect of CO2 on oxygenation properties.  相似文献   

The importance of blood hemoglobin to aquatic oxygen uptake by turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) submerged in aerated water at 3 degrees C was tested by comparing the responses of anemic turtles (hematocrit approximately 6%) to turtles with normal hematocrits (hematocrit approximately 33%). All turtles were submerged for 42 days and blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 21, 32 and 42 days. Blood was analyzed for pH, PCO(2), PO(2), hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and plasma was analyzed for concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). Plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was calculated. [Hb] correlated closely with hematocrit levels. [Lactate] reached higher final values in anemic turtles (34.5+/-5.3 mmol l(-1)) than in normal turtles (14.5+/-4.6 mmol l(-1)) indicating a greater reliance of the anemic animals on anaerobic metabolism. Both groups compensated for acidosis by reduced PCO(2) and anemic turtles also had increased [Ca(2+)] and [Mg(2+)]. Blood pH fell significantly in the anemic turtles but not in the controls. Although the data indicate that the anemic turtles relied more on anaerobic metabolism than the controls, the effect was much less than expected on the basis of the reduced blood O(2) carrying capacity. Possible compensatory mechanisms utilized by the anemic turtles to minimize anaerobic metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic hypoxia protects the heart against injury caused by acute oxygen deprivation, but its salutary mechanism is poorly understood. The aim was to find out whether cardiomyocytes isolated from chronically hypoxic hearts retain the improved resistance to injury and whether the mitochondrial large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels contribute to the protective effect. Adult male rats were adapted to continuous normobaric hypoxia (inspired O2 fraction 0.10) for 3 wk or kept at room air (normoxic controls). Myocytes, isolated separately from the left ventricle (LVM), septum (SEPM), and right ventricle, were exposed to 25-min metabolic inhibition with sodium cyanide, followed by 30-min reenergization (MI/R). Some LVM were treated with either 30 μM NS-1619 (BKCa opener), or 2 μM paxilline (BKCa blocker), starting 25 min before metabolic inhibition. Cell injury was detected by Trypan blue exclusion and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Chronic hypoxia doubled the number of rod-shaped LVM and SEPM surviving the MI/R insult and reduced LDH release. While NS-1619 protected cells from normoxic rats, it had no additive salutary effect in the hypoxic group. Paxilline attenuated the improved resistance of cells from hypoxic animals without affecting normoxic controls; it also abolished the protective effect of NS-1619 on LDH release in the normoxic group. While chronic hypoxia did not affect protein abundance of the BKCa channel regulatory β1-subunit, it markedly decreased its glycosylation level. It is concluded that ventricular myocytes isolated from chronically hypoxic rats retain the improved resistance against injury caused by MI/R. Activation of the mitochondrial BKCa channel likely contributes to this protective effect.  相似文献   

Effects of acetazolamide on cerebral acid-base balance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acetazolamide (AZ) inhibition of brain and blood carbonic anhydrase increases cerebral blood flow by acidifying cerebral extracellular fluid (ECF). This ECF acidosis was studied to determine whether it results from high PCO2, carbonic acidosis (accumulation of H2CO3), or lactic acidosis. Twenty rabbits were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated with 100% O2. The cerebral cortex was exposed and fitted with thermostatted flat-surfaced pH and PCO2 electrodes. Control values (n = 14) for cortex ECF were pH 7.10 +/- 0.11 (SD), PCO2 42.2 +/- 4.1 Torr, PO2 107 +/- 17 Torr, HCO3- 13.8 +/- 3.0 mM. Control values (n = 14) for arterial blood were arterial pH (pHa) 7.46 +/- 0.03 (SD), arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) 32.0 +/- 4.1 Torr, arterial PO2 (PaO2) 425 +/- 6 Torr, HCO3- 21.0 +/- 2.0 mM. After intravenous infusion of AZ (25 mg/kg), end-tidal PCO2 and brain ECF pH immediately fell and cortex PCO2 rose. Ventilation was increased in nine rabbits to bring ECF PCO2 back to control. The changes in ECF PCO2 then were as follows: pHa + 0.04 +/- 0.09, PaCO2 -8.0 +/- 5.9 Torr, HCO3(-)-2.7 +/- 2.3 mM, PaO2 +49 +/- 62 Torr, and changes in cortex ECF were as follows: pH -0.08 +/- 0.04, PCO2 -0.2 +/- 1.6 Torr, HCO3(-)-1.7 +/- 1.3 mM, PO2 +9 +/- 4 Torr. Thus excess acidity remained in ECF after ECF PCO2 was returned to control values. The response of intracellular pH, high-energy phosphate compounds, and lactic acid to AZ administration was followed in vivo in five other rabbits with 31P and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In an effort to examine the effects of maternal exercise on the fetus we measured maternal and fetal temperatures and blood gases and calculated uterine O2 consumption in response to three different treadmill exercise regimens in 12 chronically catheterized near-term sheep. We also measured fetal catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, blood flow distribution, blood volume, and placental diffusing capacity. Maternal and fetal temperatures increased a mean maximum of 1.5 +/- 0.5 (SE) and 1.3 +/- 0.1 degrees C, respectively. We corrected maternal and fetal blood gas values for the temperatures in vivo. Maternal arterial partial pressure of O2 (PO2), near exhaustion during prolonged (40 min) exercise at 70% maximal O2 consumption, increased 13% to a maximum of 116.7 +/- 4.0 Torr, whereas partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) decreased by 28% to 27.6 +/- 2.2 Torr. Fetal arterial PO2 decreased 11% to a minimum of 23.2 +/- 1.6 Torr, O2 content by 26% to 4.3 +/- 0.6 ml X dl -1, PCO2 by 8% to 49.6 +/- 3.2 Torr, but pH did not change significantly. Recovery was virtually complete within 20 min. During exercise total uterine O2 consumption was maintained despite the reduction in uterine blood flow because of hemoconcentration and increased O2 extraction. The decrease of 3 Torr in fetal arterial PO2 and 1.5 ml X dl -1 in O2 content did not result in major cardiovascular changes or catecholamine release. These findings suggest that maternal exercise does not represent a major stressful or hypoxic event to the fetus.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin response to acute normobaric hypoxia in humans.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hypoxia causes an increased production of erythropoietin (EPO), but the time course of the EPO response in humans has not been well characterized. This study examines the relationship between the duration of normobaric hypoxic exposure and plasma EPO levels in healthy human subjects. Six volunteers breathed a gas mixture of 10.5% O2-89.5% N2 continuously for 5, 60, and 120 or intermittently for 240 min. O2 saturations were maintained between 75 and 85% during the exposure. Arterial pH was 7.467 +/- 0.019, PO2 37.05 +/- 2.43 Torr, and PCO2 36.69 +/- 2.05 Torr. O2 half-saturation pressures of hemoglobin were normal for all subjects. Plasma EPO was measured every 30 min for 360 min by radioimmunoassay. No increase in EPO was seen after the 5- and 60-min exposures. However, a 50% increase was seen 240 min after the initiation of the 120-min hypoxic exposure (P less than 0.01). Intermittent exposure resulted in an increase of EPO by 52% 360 min after the onset of exposure (P less than 0.05). Therefore, exposing humans continuously to an inspiratory O2 fraction of 0.105 for 120 min or intermittently for 240 min provides a sufficient stimulus to increase production of EPO.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the steady-state hypometabolism seen in overwintering frogs (Rana temporaria) is reflected at the mitochondrial level either by a reduction in their resting (state 4) and active (state 3) respiration rates and/or by increases in O(2) affinity. We isolated mitochondria from the skeletal muscle of cold-submerged frogs at different stages during their hibernation in normoxic and hypoxic water. A modest metabolic depression at the whole animal level (normoxic submergence) was not associated with a reduction in mitochondrial state 4 and state 3 respiration rates. However, mitochondria isolated from frogs that were submerged for 1 mo manifested an increase in their O(2) affinity compared with controls and with animals submerged for 4 mo. Hypometabolism was more pronounced at the whole animal level during hypoxic submergence and was accompanied by 1) a reduction in mitochondrial state 4 and state 3 rates and 2) an increase in the O(2) affinity of mitochondria. These findings demonstrate that metabolic depression can be reflected at all levels of biological organization in hypoxia-tolerant animals.  相似文献   

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