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Summary Flow cytometry was used to study initiation of DNA replication in Escherichia coli K12 after induced expression of a plasmid-borne dnaA + gene. When the dnaA gene was induced from either the plac or the pL promoter initiation was stimulated, as evidenced by an increase in the number of origins and in DNA content per mass unit. During prolonged growth under inducing conditions the origin and DNA content per mass unit were stabilized at levels significantly higher than those found before induction or in similarly treated control cells. The largest increase was observed when using the stronger promoter pL compared to plac. Synchrony of initiation was reasonably well maintained with elevated DnaA protein concentrations, indicating that simultaneous initiation of all origins was still preferred under these conditions. A reduced rate of replication fork movement was found in the presence of rifampin when the DnaA protein was overproduced. We conclude that increased synthesis levels or increased concentrations of the DnaA protein stimulate initiation of DNA replication. The data suggest that the DnaA protein may be the limiting factor for initiation under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmid pTSO118 containing the Escherichia coli origin of replication, oriC, initiated replication simultaneously with the chromosome when temperature-sensitive host cells were synchronized by temperature shifts. Replicating intermediates of the plasmid as well as of the chromosome were isolated from the outer membrane fraction of the cell. Plasmid DNA with eye structures was enriched when cytosine-1--arabinofuranoside was introduced into the culture during replication. Electron microscopy of the replicating molecules, after digestion with restriction endonucleases, showed that the replication fork proceeds exclusively counter-clockwise towards the unc operon. We conclude that the replication of the oriC plasmid is unidirectional or, if bidirectional, is highly asymmetric.  相似文献   

Summary Increased synthesis of DnaA protein, obtained with plasmids carrying the dnaA gene controlled by the heat inducible pL promoter, stimulated initiation of replication from oriC about threefold. The overinitiation was determined both as an increase in copy number of a minichromosome and as an increase in chromosomal gene dosage of oriC proximal DNA. The additional replication forks which were initiated on the chromosome did not lead to an overall increase in DNA content. DNA/DNA hybridization showed an amplification encompassing less than a few hundred kilobases on each side of oriC. Kinetic studies showed that the overinitiation occurred very rapidly after the induction, and that the initiation frequency then decreased to a near normal frequency per oriC. The results indicate that the DnaA protein is one important factor in regulation of initiation of DNA replication from oriC.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive mutants that filamented at the non-permissive temperature were isolated by specific mutagenesis of the terminus region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Two of them, mapping at about 35 min, failed to divide due to inhibition of DNA replication. Further characterization indicated that these mutants are temperature-sensitive for DNA chain elongation.  相似文献   

The bacterial chaperone high-temperature protein G (HtpG), a member of the Hsp90 protein family, is involved in the protection of cells against a variety of environmental stresses. The ability of HtpG to form complexes with other bacterial proteins, especially those involved in fundamental functions, is indicative of its cellular role. An interaction between HtpG and DnaA, the main initiator of DNA replication, was studied both in vivo, using a bacterial two-hybrid system, and in vitro with a modified pull-down assay and by chemical cross-linking. In vivo, this interaction was demonstrated only when htpG was expressed from a high copy number plasmid. Both in vitro assays confirmed HtpG–DnaA interactions.  相似文献   

DnaA protein binds specifically to a group of binding sites collectively called as DnaA boxes within the bacterial replication origin to induce local unwinding of duplex DNA. The DNA-binding domain of DnaA, domain IV, comprises the C-terminal 94 amino acid residues of the protein. We overproduced and purified a protein containing only this domain plus a methionine residue. This protein was stable as a monomer and maintained DnaA box-specific binding activity. We then analyzed its solution structure by CD spectrum and heteronuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments. We established extensive assignments of the 1H, 13C, and 15N nuclei, and revealed by obtaining combined analyses of chemical shift index and NOE connectivities that DnaA domain IV contains six alpha-helices and no beta-sheets, consistent with results of CD analysis. Mutations known to reduce DnaA box-binding activity were specifically located in or near two of the alpha-helices. These findings indicate that the DNA-binding fold of DnaA domain IV is unique among origin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, at high and low temperatures, and gel mobilities of circularly permuted DNA segments showed a large bending locus about 50 bp downstream from the right border of the 245 by oriC box, a minimal essential region of autonomous replication on the Escherichia coli chromosome. Bending was strongly enhanced by Dam methylation. In DNA from a Dam strain, the mobility anomaly arising from altered conformation was much reduced, but was raised to the original level by methylation in vivo or in vitro. Enhancement of the mobility anomaly was also observed by hybrid formation of the Dam strand with the Dam+ strand. Near the bending center, GATC, the target of Dam methylase, occurs seven times arranged essentially on the same face of the helix with 10.5 by per turn. We concluded that small bends at each Dam site added up to the large bending detectable by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Intracellular pool sizes of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are highly regulated. Unbalanced dNTP pools, created by abnormal accumulation or deficiency of one nucleotide, are known to be mutagenic and to have other genotoxic consequences. Recent studies in our laboratory on DNA replication in vitro suggested that balanced accumulation of dNTPs, in which all four pools increase proportionately, also stimulates mutagenesis. In this paper, we ask whether proportional dNTP pool increases are mutagenic also in living cells. Escherichia coli was transformed with recombinant plasmids that overexpress E. coli genes nrdA and nrdB, which encode the two protein subunits of aerobic ribonucleotide reductase. Roughly proportional dNTP pool expansion, by factors of 2- to 6-fold in different experiments, was accompanied by increases in spontaneous mutation frequency of up to 40-fold. Expression of a catalytically inactive ribonucleotide reductase had no effect on either dNTP pools or mutagenesis, suggesting that accumulation of dNTPs is responsible for the increased mutagenesis. Preliminary experiments with strains defective in SOS regulon induction suggest a requirement for one or more SOS functions in the dNTP-enhanced mutagenesis. Because a replisome extending from correctly matched 3'-terminal nucleotides is almost certainly saturated with dNTP substrates in vivo, whereas chain extension from mismatched nucleotides almost certainly proceeds at sub-saturating rates, we propose that the mutagenic effect of proportional dNTP pool expansion is preferential stimulation of chain extension from mismatches as a result of increases in intracellular dNTP concentrations.  相似文献   

Fossum S  Crooke E  Skarstad K 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4514-4522
The replication period of Escherichia coli cells grown in rich medium lasts longer than one generation. Initiation thus occurs in the 'mother-' or 'grandmother generation'. Sister origins in such cells were found to be colocalized for an entire generation or more, whereas sister origins in slow-growing cells were colocalized for about 0.1-0.2 generations. The role of origin inactivation (sequestration) by the SeqA protein in origin colocalization was studied by comparing sequestration-deficient mutants with wild-type cells. Cells with mutant, non-sequesterable origins showed wild-type colocalization of sister origins. In contrast, cells unable to sequester new origins due to loss of SeqA, showed aberrant localization of origins indicating a lack of organization of new origins. In these cells, aberrant replisome organization was also found. These results suggest that correct organization of sister origins and sister replisomes is dependent on the binding of SeqA protein to newly formed DNA at the replication forks, but independent of origin sequestration. In agreement, in vitro experiments indicate that SeqA is capable of pairing newly replicated DNA molecules.  相似文献   

2-Aminopurine (2AP), a base analog, causes both transition and frameshift mutations in Escherichia coli. The analog is thought to cause mutations by two mechanisms: directly, by mispairing with cytosine, and indirectly, by saturation of mismatch repair (MMR). The goal of this work was to measure the relative contribution of these two mechanisms to the occurrence of transition mutations. Our data suggest that, in contrast to 2-aminopurine-stimulated frameshift mutations, the majority of transition mutations are a direct effect of base mispairing.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli strain B SPAO on a medium containing glucose, NH4Cl and methionine resulted in production of ethylene into the culture headspace. When methionine was excluded from the medium there was little formation of ethylene. Ethylene formation in methionine-containing medium occurred for a brief period at the end of exponential growth. Ethylene formation was stimulated by increasing the medium concentration of Fe3+ when it was chelated to EDTA. Lowering the medium phosphate concentration also appeared to stimulate ethylene formation. Ethylene formation was inhibited in cultures where NH4Cl remained in the stationary phase. Synthesis of the ethylene-forming enzyme system was determined by harvesting bacteria at various stages of growth and assaying the capacity of the bacteria to form ethylene from methionine. Ethylene forming capacity was greatest in cultures harvested immediately before and during the period of optimal ethylene formation. It is concluded that ethylene production by E. coli exhibits the typical properties of secondary metabolism.Abbreviations HMBA 2-Hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyric acid (methionine hydroxy analogue) - KMBA 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyric acid - MOPS 3-[N-morpholino] propanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

Summary An 8.2 kb fragment of E. coli chromosomal DNA, when cloned in increased copy number, suppresses the dnaA46 mutation, and an abundant protein of about 68 kd (60 kd when measured by us), encoded by the fragment, is essential for the suppression (Takeda and Hirota 1982). Mapping experiments show that the fragment originates from the 94 min region of the chromosome. It encodes several proteins but only one abundant polypeptide of the correct size, the product of the groEL gene. Suppression by the fragment is allele specific; those mutations which map to the centre of the gene are suppressed. Other initiation mutants including dnaA203, dnaA204, dnaA508, dnaAam, dnaC, dnaP and dnaB252 are not suppressed. Most suppressed strains are cold-sensitive suggesting an interaction between the mutant proteins (or their genes) and the suppressing protein or proteins.  相似文献   

Summary DNA containing the Escherichia coli dam gene and sequences upstream from this gene were cloned from the Clarke-Carbon plasmids pLC29-47 and pLC13-42. Promoter activity was localized using pKO expression vectors and galactokinase assays to two regions, one 1650–2100 bp and the other beyon 2400 bp upstream of the dam gene. No promoter activity was detected immediately in front of this gene; plasmid pDam118, from which the nucleotide sequence of the dam gene was determined, is shown to contain the pBR322 promoter for the primer RNA from the pBR322 rep region present on a 76 bp Sau3A fragment inserted upstream of the dam gene in the correct orientation for dam expression. The nucleotide sequence upstream of dam has been determined. An open reading frame (ORF) is present between the nearest promoter region and the dam gene. Codon usage and base frequency analysis indicate that this is expressed as a protein of predicted size 46 kDa. A protein of size close to 46 kDa is expressed from this region, detected using minicell analysis. No function has been determined for this protein, and no significant homology exist between it and sequences in the PIR protein or GenBank DNA databases. This unidentified reading frame (URF) is termed urf-74.3, since it is an URF located at 74.3 min on the E. coli chromosome. Sequence comparisons between the regions upstream of urf-74.3 and the aroB gene show that the aroB gene is located immediately upstream of urf-74.3, and that the promoter activity nearest to dam is found within the aroB structural gene. This activity is relatively weak (about 15% of that of the E. coli gal operon promoter). The promoter activity detected beyond 2400 bp upstream of dam is likely to be that of the aroB gene, and is 3 to 4 times stronger than that found within the aroB gene. Three potential DnaA binding sites, each with homology of 8 of 9 bp, are present, two in the aroB promoter region and one just upstream of the dam gene. Expression through the site adjacent to the dam gene is enhanced 2-to 4-fold in dnaA mutants at 38°C. Restriction site comparisons map these regions precisely on the Clarke-Carbon plasmids pLC13-42 and pLC29-47, and show that the E. coli ponA (mrcA) gene resides about 6 kb upstream of aroB.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations (base changes) were introduced into the four DnaA binding sites (DnaA boxes) of theEscherichia coli replication origin,oriC. Mutations in a single DnaA box did not impair the ability of these origins to replicate in vivo and in vitro. A combination of mutations in two DnaA boxes, R1 and R4, resulted in slower growth of theoriC plasmid-bearing host cells. DnaA protein interaction with mutant and wild-type DnaA boxes was analyzed by DNase I footprinting. Binding of DnaA protein to a mutated DnaA box R1 was not affected by a mutation in DnaA box R4 and vice versa. Mutations in DnaA boxes R1 and R4 did not modify the ability of the DnaA protein to bind to other DnaA boxes inoriC.  相似文献   

Summary A 4.32 kb DNA fragment, on which the DNA replication terminus (terR) site of plasmid R 6K was located, was inserted into the unique EcoRI site of plasmid pUC9. To detect replication intermediate molecules with a replication fork halted at the terR site, a cell DNA extract was digested with EcoRI, electrophoresed through an agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. In addition to two major bands, one derived from vector DNA and the other from the ter insert fragment, two extra minor bands were detected. Following DNA-DNA hybridization and electron microscopic observation we concluded that the two minor bands corresponded to the two Y-shaped molecules, produced from the -shaped intermediate molecules by EcoRI digestion.Abbreviations Ap ampicillin - kb kilobase pair(s) - EtBr ethidium bromide  相似文献   

Escherichia coli minichromosomes are plasmids replicating exclusively from a cloned copy of oriC, the chromosomal origin of replication. They are therefore subject to the same types of replication control as imposed on the chromosome. Unlike natural plasmid replicons, minichromosomes do not adjust their replication rate to the cellular copy number and they do not contain information for active partitioning at cell division. Analysis of mutant strains where minichromosomes cannot be established suggest that their mere existence is dependent on the factors that ensure timely once per cell cycle initiation of replication. These observations indicate that replication initiation in E. coli is normally controlled in such a way that all copies of oriC contained within the cell, chromosomal and minichromosomal, are initiated within a fairly short time interval of the cell cycle. Furthermore, both replication and segregation of the bacterial chromosome seem to be controlled by sequences outside the origin itself.  相似文献   

The accumulation of glycine betaine to a high internal concentration by Escherichia coli cells in high osmolarity medium restores, within 1 h, a subnormal growth rate. The experimental results support the view that cell adaptation to high osmolarity involves a decrease in the initiation frequency of DNA replication via a stringent response; in contrast, glycine betaine transport and accumulation could suppress the stringent response within 1–2 min and restore a higher initiation frequency. High osmolarity also triggers the cells to lengthen, perhaps via an inhibition of cellular division; glycine betaine also reverses this process. It is inferred that turgor could control DNA replication and cell division in two separate ways. Glycine betaine action is not mediated by K+ ions as the internal level of K+ ions is not modified significantly following glycine betaine accumulation.  相似文献   

The fluorescent glucose analog, 2-(N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)-2-deoxyglucose (2-NBDG), was used to measure rates of glucose uptake by single Escherichia coli cells. When cell populations were exposed to the glucose analog, 2-NBDG was actively transported and accumulated in single cells to a steady-state level that depended upon its extracellular concentration, the glucose transport capacity of the cells, and the intracellular degradation rate. The dependence upon substrate concentration could be described according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with apparent saturation constant KM = 1.75 microM, and maximum 2-NBDG uptake rate= 197 molecules/cell-second. Specificity of glucose transporters to the analog was confirmed by inhibition of uptake of 2-NBDG by D-glucose, 3-o-methyl glucose, and D-glucosamine, and lack of inhibition by L-glucose. Inhibition of 2-NBDG uptake by D-glucose was competitive in nature. The assay for 2-NBDG uptake is extremely sensitive such that the presence of even trace amounts of D-glucose in the culture medium (approximately 0.2 microM) is detectable. The rates of single-cell analog uptake were found to increase proportionally with cell size as measured by microscopy or single-cell light scattering intensity. The assay was used to identify and isolate mutant cells with altered glucose uptake characteristics. A mathematical model was developed to provide a theoretical basis for estimating single-cell glucose uptake rates from single-cell 2-NBDG uptake rates. The assay provides a novel means of estimating the instantaneous rates of nutrient depletion in the growth environment during a batch cultivation.  相似文献   

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