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Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii), endemic to China, is an endangered species of pheasants. The wintering habitat selection by the species was investigated at three scales (10, 115 m and 250 m) in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve from 2000 to 2002. At each scale, a range of habitat variables were compared between the used and the control sites. At the smallest scale (10 m), the variables influencing wintering habitat selection were slope, tree cover, and the interaction between the cosine of slope aspect and the shrub height. At the mid-scale (115 m), the area of shrub, the area of broad-leaved forest, and the area of conifer forest were the key factors. At the largest scale (250 m), broad-leaved and conifer forest coverages and their interaction were the key factors. According to the lowest AIC and AICc values at the mid-scale, the characteristics at this scale were stated as the ultimate factors influencing the habitat selection of the bird. When a range of habitat variables at all scales within a multivariate regression were considerred, the most important variables were conifer forest coverage at the mid-scale, broad-leaved forest coverage, and the interaction between the conifer forest and shrub coverages at the large-scale, and the distance to beach and farmland. These results highlight the importance of multiscale analyses when habitat selection by pheasants are considerred.  相似文献   

2000年至2002年冬季,在河南董寨国家级自然保护区对我国特有珍稀雉类白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)越冬期栖息地进行了调查,并结合RS和GIS在多个尺度上对其栖息地选择进行了分析.结果表明,不同尺度上影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的因素存在差异,影响因子之间还存在相互作用.在微生境上,影响因子主要是坡度、乔木盖度以及坡向余弦值与灌木高度的相互作用;在115 m尺度上,关键因子是灌木林、阔叶林和针叶林的面积;250m尺度上,主要因子是针叶林和阔叶林的面积及针叶林与阔叶林面积的相互作用;对于距离因素,到河漫滩和到农田的距离是影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的关键因子.根据回归分析和AIC及AICc值,115 m尺度上栖息地变量对白冠长尾雉越冬期的栖息地选择影响最大.综合分析发现,在较大的尺度上,影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的关键因子有针叶林面积、阔叶林面积、针叶林和灌丛面积的相互作用、到河漫滩的距离以及到农田的距离.  相似文献   

河南董寨白冠长尾雉繁殖期栖息地选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年至2003年春季,采用样线调查和媒鸟招引,在河南董寨国家级自然保护区对我国特有珍稀雉类白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)的栖息地选择进行了调查,结合RS和GIS分析了在景观水平上对栖息地的选择性,并借助逐步逻辑斯谛回归分析了影响繁殖期白冠长尾雉栖息地的关键尺度和主要因素。结果表明,在白云保护站,占区雄性白冠长尾雉在不同栖息地类型中的出现频率不同,出现最多的是混交林,其次是杉木林,随后是松林、灌丛、阔叶林;在董寨自然保护区内,在115 m尺度和250 m尺度上,针叶林的面积比例均是影响其栖息地选择的关键因子,而到农田的距离是距离因素中最重要的因素。根据回归分析和AICC及ΔAICC值,115 m尺度上栖息地变量对白冠长尾雉繁殖期的栖息地选择影响最大。综合分析表明,影响白冠长尾雉繁殖期栖息地选择的主要因子为115 m尺度上针叶林的面积比例和到农田的距离。建议在制定白冠长尾雉栖息地保护策略时,应加强现有适宜栖息地的管理,改善栖息地布局,并从景观尺度上开展针叶林对白冠长尾雉种群影响方面的研究工作。  相似文献   

Home range and habitat use of male Reeves's Pheasant(syrmaticus reevesii)were studied during winter of 2001~2002 and 2002~2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve,Henan Province.Results from five individuals of Reeves's Pheasant with over 30 relocations,indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03±1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method.8.60±0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method,and 9.50±1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method.It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season.The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88±0.37 hm2.Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals,a large part of the habitats used were composed of conifer and broadleaf mixed forests,masson pine forests,fir forests,and shrubs.Habitat use within the study area was non-random,while habitats within home ranges were randomly used.Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height,shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m.The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter.Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve,increasing suitable habitat for Reeves's Pheasant through artificial plantations(e.g.firs),and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests.  相似文献   

白冠长尾雉雄鸟的冬季活动区与栖息地利用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
2001年和2002年冬季,利用无线电遥测技术在河南董寨国家级自然保护区内对白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticusreevesii)雄鸟的冬季活动区和栖息地利用进行了研究。对遥测位点超过30个的5只雄性个体的研究表明,白冠长尾雉雄鸟的冬季活动区面积为10.03±1.17hm2(最小凸多边形法,MCP)、8.60±0.35hm2(90%调和平均转换法,90%HMT)和9.50±1.90hm2(95%固定核法,95%FK),明显小于其繁殖期的活动区面积。核心区面积为1.88±0.37hm2。核心区的栖息地组成在个体间变化较大,但主要是针阔混交林、松林、杉木林和灌丛。在研究区尺度上,白冠长尾雉雄鸟对栖息地有明显的选择性,但在活动区内则是随机利用栖息地。乔木胸径、灌木高度、2.0m层盖度及灌丛与森林的距离对雄性白冠长尾雉冬季的栖息地选择有重要影响。根据本项研究结果,我们建议在白冠长尾雉的栖息地管理中首先应加强对现存栖息地的保护,同时应通过适当的造林来扩大栖息地面积,此外还要注意对大面积的现有灌丛进行改造。  相似文献   

动物的生境选择具有空间尺度依赖性, 在不同空间尺度上影响生境选择的环境因素有所不同。研究不同空间尺度下动物生境选择的关键影响因子及其季节性变化, 对于全面了解物种的生境资源需求和开展生境保护具有重要意义。绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)是中国特有的高山雉类, 国家一级重点保护野生动物, 具有极高的保护价值。然而, 目前尚未对其不同尺度和时期的生境选择进行过探究。本研究于2019年10月至2020年10月, 在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区的羊角湾、魏家沟和文扎都3个区域共布设15条样线、303个样方, 并结合红外相机监测(176个红外相机位点), 对保护区内绿尾虹雉种群的生境利用状况进行了调查, 使用主成分分析和逻辑斯蒂回归模型分别从景观和微生境两个尺度对繁殖期(3‒8月)和非繁殖期(9月至翌年2月)的生境选择模式进行了分析。结果显示, 在景观尺度上, 在繁殖期和非繁殖期都显著偏好海拔较高(3,700‒ 4,300 m)、坡度较小(27°‒33°)、靠近阳坡、草甸和流石滩比例较高而森林和灌丛比例较低的生境。在微生境尺度上, 绿尾虹雉在繁殖期显著偏好岩石盖度较高的生境; 而非繁殖期则显著偏好草本盖度较高、灌木盖度和落叶盖度较低的生境。研究表明, 绿尾虹雉在景观和微生境尺度上均对生境有明显的选择性, 并且其微生境选择还存在季节性变化, 反映了该物种在生活史不同阶段具有不同的资源需求。本研究丰富了绿尾虹雉的基础生态学信息, 为卧龙及其他自然保护区绿尾虹雉的生境管理和种群保护工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

山西芦芽山褐马鸡越冬栖息地选择的多尺度研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1998~2000年在山西芦芽山自然保护区对褐马鸡的越冬栖息地选择进行了研究。采用4种空间尺度(10m、100m、300m和距离尺度),对影响褐马鸡越冬栖息地选择的主要因子进行了深入分析,并建立了褐马鸡越冬栖息地选择的逻辑斯谛回归模型。在300m尺度上.活动点和非活动点的生境类型有针叶林、针阔混交林、灌木林和草丛等。活动点周围针叶林面积显著高于非活动点(F=-3.116,P=0.002),虽然针阔混交林在两者中的面积比例都较小,但活动点周围针阔混交林的面积明显地低于非活动点(F=-2.255,P=0.024).在灌木林和草丛的面积上两者无显著差异。这表明褐马鸡在300m尺度上喜欢活动于针叶林较多的地域,由于冬季针阔混交林不如针叶林能提供很好的隐蔽条件,褐马鸡避免选择针阔混交林;在100m尺度上,活动点和非活动点的生境类型有针叶林、针阔混交林和草丛,无灌木林生境,活动点的针叶林面积明显地高于非活动点(F=-2.931,P=0.003)。这表明褐马鸡在100m尺度上虽然倾向于选择针叶林,但对其它类型的生境如针阔混交林和草丛是可以利用的,这可能与其广泛取食活动有关。褐马鸡大尺度上的隐蔽条件满足以后,在小尺度上主要是为了获取更为丰富的食物。在距离尺度上活动点距居民点的距离、距道路的距离显著大于非活动点(F=15.621;6.048,P=0.000;0.018)。通过逐步逻辑斯谛回归分析,发现距灌草丛的距离、距居民点的距离、100m范围内针叶林的面积、树高以及食物的丰盛度是冬季褐马鸡栖息地选择的重要因子。以另外一个研究地收集的数据对所建立的栖息地选择模型的可靠程度进行了检验,结果表明该模型能有效地对褐马鸡的越冬栖息地进行预测。  相似文献   

官山自然保护区白颈长尾雉季节性生境选择   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘鹏  张微微 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6005-6013
2009年10月至2010年11月,2015年7月至11月在江西官山自然保护区对白颈长尾雉不同生活史阶段的(繁殖期、育雏期、繁殖后期)生境选择进行了比较研究。调查了6条样线上的126个样方,选取与其生境相关的17个因子进行了观察与测量。研究结果表明,不同生活史阶段各生境选择样方负荷绝对值较大的因子在各主成分中的序位不尽相同,即生境选择的主要生态因子随生活史阶段而变化。卡方检验及单因素方差分析,结果显示,各生活史阶段,白颈长尾雉对林型、坡向、坡度、灌木高度、草本高度和水源距离6个生态因子上无显著差异(P≥0.05),其余11个生态因子两两之间存在显著差异或极显著差异。典则判别结果显示,白颈长尾雉在不同生活史阶段在生境选择上存在一定程度的重叠,又有较为明显的差异。逐步判别表明,在不同生活史阶段,白颈长尾雉生境选择差异上有一系列的生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为草本数量、落叶层盖度、乔木盖度、海拔和乔木数量,由这5个变量构成的方程对生境选择差异的正确区分率为80.3%。繁殖期和越冬期食物条件是影响白颈长尾雉生境选择的主要因素,而育雏期则为隐蔽条件。  相似文献   

官山保护区白颈长尾雉栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年4月-2009年5月和2009年12月-2010年1月,在江西官山国家级自然保护区对白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti) 繁殖期和越冬期的栖息地进行调查。通过实地调查,结合已有研究结果,确定了官山自然保护区白颈长尾雉栖息地适宜性评价因子,即植被类型、海拔、坡度和坡向等4个栖息地因子。基于"被利用生境-可获得生境比较法",以对各评价因子不同梯度的资源选择指数为依据,确定了白颈长尾雉适宜性评价准则。应用ArcGIS 9.3空间分析功能和栖息地片断化指数,对官山保护区白颈长尾雉栖息地进行了适宜性评价。结果表明:在官山自然保护区适宜白颈长尾雉繁殖的栖息地斑块有502个,总面积为3307 hm2,占保护区总面积的28.6%,分离度指数和片断化程度指数分别为0.365和0.912;适宜白颈长尾雉越冬的栖息地斑块有514个,总面积2755 hm2,占保护区总面积的23.8%,分离度指数和片断化程度指数分别为0.443和0.939。官山保护区白颈长尾雉栖息地片断化较严重,片断化现象在白颈长尾雉越冬期加剧。因此,迫切需要采取措施白颈长尾雉现存栖息地进行保护,特别是要高度重视其越冬栖息地的保护。  相似文献   

Ma J Z  Zong C  Wu Q M  Zou H F  Sun Y  Zheng X 《农业工程》2006,26(11):3542-3548
This study was conducted during October 2003–April 2004 in the Liangshui National Nature Reserve of the Xiao Xing'an Mountains of Northeast China. Results showed that hoarding behavior of squirrels exhibited selectivity. The preference order of hoarding habitat selection of squirrels is as follows: original Korean pine forest, secondary natural fir forest, artificial fir forest, mix-conifer leaf forest, artificial fallen leaves pine forest, mix-conifer-broadleaf forest, mix-broadleaf forest birch forest, and artificial Korean pine forest. Compared with the existing results, using the cache spots as an index, the order of habitat selection changed, revealing that this research should include more factors, such as pilferage from other animals and secondary dispersal by the squirrels or other species. The Vanderploeg and Scavia selectivity indexes, Wi and Ei, were used to evaluate the use of microhabitat by squirrels in the original Korean pine forest. Results indicated that the squirrels exhibited a significant microhabitat utilization pattern: (1) Squirrels prefer to use the microhabitat in original Korean pine forest with high canopies, the medium shrubby density, and the medium stub density, where pilferage animals are few (Ei > 0.2); (2) Squirrels did not prefer to use the microhabitat in the original Korean pine forest with a low slope degree, high density of fallen logs and stumps, a high herbage coverage, and an abundance of pilferage animals (Ei < ?0.2), and they showed an aversion for a shaded slope (Ei = ?0.5368). The selectivity of microhabitat utilization for the hoarding behavior of squirrels plays an important role in determining the spatial pattern of Korean pine seedlings.  相似文献   

基于王朗自然保护区的长期、连续监测,采用王朗保护区大熊猫野外监测数据,利用分布频率法和相似性指数法,从地形因子、森林群落结构特征和主食竹生长三方面研究大熊猫生境选择的年度与季节变化特征。结果表明:1997-2009年间,(1)随着时间的推移、环境的变化,大熊猫的生境选择是变化的。(2)大熊猫生境选择年度相似性指数曲线总体呈曲折上升趋势,尤其是2000-2009年,基本为平稳上升趋势,相似性指数总体逐渐接近于1,说明随着年度变化,大熊猫会对生境选择进行大的、明显的调整,并且是朝着某种趋势发生的。(3)大熊猫生境选择季节相似性指数均在0.90-1.00之间,表明在季节变化中,大熊猫的生境选择与13a整体的生境选择情况高度一致,说明随着季节变化,大熊猫会对生境选择进行小的、不明显的微调。此研究结果可以为大熊猫生境保护和管理提供重要借鉴和科学依据。  相似文献   

谢富赋  刘红玉  李玉凤  王娟  刘伶 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5584-5594
丹顶鹤作为湿地环境的指示物种,其种群数量逐年下降引起了野生动物保护工作者的广泛关注。近年来,随着研究的深入,鸟类生境选择具有多尺度特征的观点逐渐成为研究者的共识。江苏盐城自然保护区是丹顶鹤大陆西线种群最重要的越冬栖息地,选择该区域进行多尺度越冬生境选择研究对于丹顶鹤保护具有重要的现实意义。基于遥感影像和丹顶鹤越冬分布的调查,本文用极坐标的方法在GIS软件中对丹顶鹤分布定位进行制图。借助Arc GIS 10.2和fragstats 4.2软件,从点缓冲、景观和区域3个尺度系统分析丹顶鹤越冬生境多尺度利用特征。在点缓冲尺度上,通过缓冲分析和叠置分析描述丹顶鹤生境利用的强度,发现丹顶鹤连续利用生境和经常利用生境的植被类型是碱蓬,偶尔在芦苇中活动,偏好生境区植被覆盖度在30%以下,植被高度在60 cm以下。在景观尺度上,丹顶鹤偏好程度较高的前三类生境为芦苇沼泽、碱蓬沼泽、明水,对互花米草沼泽具有负向选择。在区域尺度上,受道路和土地利用干扰影响,丹顶鹤主要分布于保护区核心区的低干扰区域;除了干扰之外还与生境面积、生境破碎程度密切相关。综合三个尺度,研究得出丹顶鹤生境选择具有明显的多尺度利用特征,丹顶鹤保护需要考虑多尺度生境保护问题。  相似文献   

河南陕西两地白冠长尾雉的集群行为   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
20 0 1年 4月至 2 0 0 3年 6月 ,在河南董寨国家级自然保护区和陕西佛坪县瓦寨子对白冠长尾雉 (Syr maticusreevesii)的集群行为进行了研究。对 17只遥测个体的跟踪结果和 32 8次集群活动的野外记录分析表明 ,白冠长尾雉雌雄两性的集群方式有极显著的差异 ( χ2 =18 177,df=3,P =0 0 0 0 )。雄鸟有很强的领域性 ,优势个体全年以单独活动或双雄共同活动的方式占据稳定的活动区 ,很少与其他雄性个体集群 ;雌鸟有很强的集群倾向 ,除繁殖季节因孵卵、育雏而离开群体单独活动外 ,通常以 4~ 6只的群体游荡于雄性个体的活动区之间 ,与该活动区的雄鸟形成不稳定的混合群 ,偶尔与其他群体形成暂时性的、更大的混合群。两性集群方式的差异可能与其各自经受的捕食压力和交配竞争强度 (雄 >雌 )差异有关  相似文献   

From April to July of 2003–2005, we investigated habitat selection of breeding brown eared-pheasants (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) in the Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve, Hebei Province. Our results show that brown eared-pheasants preferred deciduous-coniferous mixed or deciduous forests with altitudes ranging from 1600 to 2200 m, steep gradients of slopes and medium or high positions on slopes. Moreover, they preferred habitats with more tree species, larger diameters at the breast height, more density and cover of trees and habitats with more types of grasses, high density and cover of grasses, but with fewer types of shrubs and lower density and cover of shrubs. They had larger territories in the early breeding stage than in the late breeding stage. There were significant differences in diameters at the breast height of trees, average height of trees, cover of trees, density of shrubs, cover of shrubs, aspect, distance to path, distance to water, distance to forest edge (P < 0.01, respectively), density of trees, type of shrubs, height of shrubs, type of grasses, density of grasses and proportion of bareness (P < 0.05, respectively). The result of the principal component analysis suggested that the principal components among the 23 habitat factors were the average height of trees, density of trees, diameters at the breast height of trees, density of shrubs, cover of shrubs and density of grasses. The differences in habitat selection of brown eared-pheasants between early breeding and late breeding stages may correlate with the dynamics of ambient environmental conditions, the reproductive behavior and energy requirements in their sub-stages of breeding.  相似文献   

曹铭昌  刘高焕  徐海根 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6344-6352
生境在鸟类生活史中发挥着重要的作用,关系到鸟类的生存和繁衍。由于鸟类对环境变化的响应发生在等级序列空间尺度上,基于多尺度的研究更能深入刻画鸟类-环境之间关系。以丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)为研究对象,以其迁徙和越冬的重要地区-黄河三角洲自然保护区为研究区域,应用等级方差分解法和等级划分法,分析丹顶鹤与微生境、斑块、景观尺度因子之间的关系,探求丹顶鹤生境选择的主要影响因素和尺度。等级方差分解结果表明,在第1等级水平,景观尺度因子与微生境、斑块尺度因子之间的联合效应大于独立效应,景观尺度因子的独立效应大于微生境和斑块尺度因子;在第2等级水平,景观尺度上的景观组成因子重要性大于景观结构因子,微生境尺度上的植被和水分因子为重要影响因素。等级划分结果表明,景观尺度上,翅碱蓬滩涂、水体面积大小是主要影响因素;微生境尺度上,植被盖度和水深为主要限制因子;在斑块尺度上,斑块类型对丹顶鹤生境选择最为重要。研究认为,在黄河三角洲自然保护区,景观尺度是影响丹顶鹤生境选择的主要尺度,景观尺度因子通过与微生境和斑块尺度因子的独立和联合作用制约着丹顶鹤在保护区的生境选择和空间分布格局。建议加强对翅碱蓬滩涂、芦苇沼泽、水体等湿地生境的保护和管理,规范和控制保护区内人类活动强度。  相似文献   

2009年12月—2010年1月,在黄泥河自然保护区采用样线法对狍冬季栖息地选择进行了研究。共设置了47条样线,调查了109个狍利用样方和109个对照样方,测定了海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位、隐蔽级、郁闭度、食物丰富度、灌丛盖度、树胸径、人为干扰距离、林型、裸岩、雪深、倒木和针叶树15类栖息地因子。Baileys法和Mann-WhiteyU检验表明:在黄泥河自然保护区冬季,狍喜欢在坡度平缓、平均海拔602m,位于阳坡或半阴半阳坡的中坡位上雪被较浅,食物丰富度、灌丛盖度和隐蔽级都较高的针阔混交林生境中活动,对倒木因子表现出明显的选择性,避开选择阴坡、裸岩和针叶林生境。在主成分分析中,前5个主成分中的累积贡献率达到88.6%,第一主成分贡献率为30.8%,主要反映利用样方的林型、海拔和隐蔽级的影响,第二主成分贡献率为26.5%,主要反映利用样方的食物丰富度和灌丛盖度影响。  相似文献   

This study was conducted during October 2003–April 2004 in the Liangshui National Nature Reserve of the Xiao Xing'an Mountains of Northeast China. Results showed that hoarding behavior of squirrels exhibited selectivity. The preference order of hoarding habitat selection of squirrels is as follows: original Korean pine forest, secondary natural fir forest, artificial fir forest, mix-conifer leaf forest, artificial fallen leaves pine forest, mix-conifer-broadleaf forest, mix-broadleaf forest birch forest, and artificial Korean pine forest. Compared with the existing results, using the cache spots as an index, the order of habitat selection changed, revealing that this research should include more factors, such as pilferage from other animals and secondary dispersal by the squirrels or other species. The Vanderploeg and Scavia selectivity indexes, Wi and Ei, were used to evaluate the use of microhabitat by squirrels in the original Korean pine forest. Results indicated that the squirrels exhibited a significant microhabitat utilization pattern: (1) Squirrels prefer to use the microhabitat in original Korean pine forest with high canopies, the medium shrubby density, and the medium stub density, where pilferage animals are few (Ei > 0.2); (2) Squirrels did not prefer to use the microhabitat in the original Korean pine forest with a low slope degree, high density of fallen logs and stumps, a high herbage coverage, and an abundance of pilferage animals (Ei < ?0.2), and they showed an aversion for a shaded slope (Ei = ?0.5368). The selectivity of microhabitat utilization for the hoarding behavior of squirrels plays an important role in determining the spatial pattern of Korean pine seedlings.  相似文献   

From April to July of 2003-2005,we investigated habitat selection of breeding brown eared-pheasants (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) in the Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve,Hebei Province.Our results show that brown eared-pheasants preferred deciduousconiferous mixed or deciduous forests with altitudes ranging from 1600 to 2200 m,steep gradients of slopes and medium or high positions on slopes.Moreover,they preferred habitats with more tree species,larger diameters at the breast height,more density and cover of trees and habitats with more types of grasses,high density and cover of grasses,but with fewer types of shrubs and lower density and cover of shrubs.They had larger territories in the early breeding stage than in the late breeding stage.There were significant differences in diameters at the breast height of trees,average height of trees,cover of trees,density of shrubs,cover of shrubs,aspect,distance to path,distance to water,distance to forest edge (P < 0.01,respectively),density of trees,type of shrubs,height of shrubs,type of grasses,density of grasses and proportion of bareness (P < 0.05,respectively).The result of the principal component analysis suggested that the principal components among the 23 habitat factors were the average height of trees,density of trees,diameters at the breast height of trees,density of shrubs,cover of shrubs and density of grasses.The differences in habitat selection of brown eared-pheasants between early breeding and late breeding stages may correlate with the dynamics of ambient environmental conditions,the reproductive behavior and energy requirements in their sub-stages of breeding.  相似文献   

兴隆山自然保护区马麝春季生境选择   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
孟秀祥  潘世秀  栾晓峰  冯金朝 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5509-5517
于2006年3月和2007年4月,采用样线样带结合调查法,在甘肃兴隆山自然保护区对野生马麝(Moschus Sifanicus)的春季生境选择和栖息地利用格局进行了研究,共布设280个空白对照样地和52个利用样地,对海拔和郁闭度等17个生境变量进行了计测和比较,结果表明,与对照的非利用样地相比,兴隆山马麝春季利用样地的海拔相对较低(2280.94±17.06)m、乔木平均高度较高(9.36±1.21)m、乔木胸径较大(102.44±14.25)cm及地表植被盖度较好(26.67±3.27)%,上述差异均达显著程度(P0.05);此外,马麝春季趋于利用南坡(44.23%)和西坡(36.54%)的中下坡位(86.54%)的坡度适中(30°—60°,55.77%)的生境,其避风性(63.46%)和隐蔽度(76.92%)均较差,距离水源(1000m,80.77%)和人为干扰距离(1000m,76.92%)也较近(P0.05)。马麝春季生境变量的主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分可以解释76.08%的数据差异,灌木因子(由灌木盖度组成)、乔木因子(由乔郁闭度和乔木密度组成)、食物因子(由坡位、乔木高度、食物多度组成)和隐蔽因子(由植被类型、隐蔽度组成)是影响马麝春季生境选择的重要因素。兴隆山马麝的生境选择是多维度进行的,是对其春季生境的食物可得性、隐蔽性、水资源及栖息基底等生态需求的综合适应。  相似文献   

武正军  戴冬亮  宁加佳  黄乘明  于海 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4691-4699
2006年3-10月,在广东省罗坑鳄蜥自然保护区利用直接观察法对鳄蜥春、夏、秋3季的生境选择进行研究。春、夏、秋3季各测定了31、71、31个有鳄蜥样方以及50、90、51个对照样方的14种生态因子。利用生态因子对比分析和逐步判别分析确定各季节生境选择的主要影响因素。结果表明,春季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量和植被盖度,正确判别率为97.5%;夏季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量、植被盖度、溪流宽度和枯枝百分比,正确判别率为94.4%;秋季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量、植被盖度和可利用食物量,正确判别率为97.6%。在区分春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥生境选择方面有一系列生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为可利用食物量、干扰距离、枯枝百分比、溪水流速、溪沟坡度和溪宽等6个因子,由这6个变量构成的方程对春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥生境的正确区分率达到76.7%。判别函数的分析表明,春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥的生境选择具有较高的差异性,以判别函数建立的判别分类图表明,春、夏季以及夏、秋季鳄蜥的生境选择重叠较多,而秋季与春季的重叠较少。  相似文献   

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