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濒危植物秦岭冷杉生殖生态学特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张文辉  许晓波  周建云 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2417-2424
为了探索秦岭冷杉种群生殖生态学主要特征,通过样地调查、固定样地观测和室内实验分析,系统研究了秦岭地区5个秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)种群生殖特性及其与环境因素的关系,结果表明,5个不同生境的种群都具有结实能力,海拔1500~1600m之间,秦岭冷杉球果的产量较高;各种群球果主要分布在树冠中上部和东、南、西方向;球果以中部产生饱满种子比率最高;秦岭冷杉种子千粒重为43.2g,其中具有生活力者占44.8%,种子的平均含水量为5.7%左右;在天然林散落条件下,种子库的萌发率仅为6.1%,霉坏、搬迁率93.9%;人工播种条件下,种子发芽率在苗圃内高于天然条件下,中低海拔高于高海拔地区。天然条件下,由种子转化成幼苗的过程是秦岭冷杉种群生活史的脆弱环节。秦岭冷杉林经营管理要以就地保护为主,促进种群生殖;要通过森林经营措施,为林下种子萌发和幼苗创造条件;种子脱落后,要及时扰动林下灌木、草本,使种子能够顺利落地,促其发芽成苗;种子大年要注意采种、育苗,扩大人工种群;速生丰产林培育应该以中低海拔的阴坡为主。  相似文献   

Liu Z J  Liu K W  Chen L J  Lei S P  Li L Q  Shi X C  Huang L Q 《农业工程》2006,26(9):2791-2799
Paphiopedilum armeniacum is an endangered orchid species, endemic to China. During the period of April 2000 to October 2005, 66 observation sites were selected in Luoshapo of Nushan Mountains in Yunnan, China, to carry out the conservation ecological research on P. armeniacum. A total of 443 genets (1302 ramets in total) of P. armeniacum were sampled, their biological characteristics such as reproductive pattern, phenology, and life cycle were observed, and the ecological habits of the species such as the habitat and the structure of communities were studied. Experiments on ex-situ conservation were conducted, and the cloned ramets were replanted to their original habitat after ex-situ reproduction in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The relationships between P. armeniacum and climate, vegetation, other environmental factors in the original habitat, and the biological characteristics of asexual offsprings of P. armeniacum, which were replanted to the original habitat after ex-situ cultivation and reproduction, were investigated. The studies show that P. armeniacum in Luoshapo grows very well in secondary shrub boskets or in tussocks on limestone hills. It has both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction serves to complete the sexual reproduction and to extend the lifetime of genets, while it does not reduce sexual reproduction. There are two modes of asexual reproduction-by tillering or by producing rhizomes. The litter of shrub boskets or tussocks provides P. armeniacum with humus, and the rhizome reproduction of P. armeniacum is an adaptation to the litter-covered condition, i.e. to escape from the unfavorable environment. Blooming rate of ramets is 7.39% 1.02%, and fruit set rate from the blooming ramets is 32.23% 12.08%. P. armeniacum is able to invade the moderately destroyed forests and those in early restoring but is unable to grow in large dense forests. P. armeniacum also grows very well in artificial spare woods in Shenzhen and can reproduce many cloned ramets, which can normally bloom and yield fruits after being replanted to the original habitat. The results of this study show that P. armeniacum can be conserved by ex-situ conservation and by replanting the ex-situ reproduced ramets to original habitat. On the basis of the analysis of endangered mechanisms of P. armeniacum, it can be concluded that P. armeniacum has strong capability of both asexual and sexual reproductions, and an emergency mechanism consisted of massive production of rhizomes to cope with damage. Because highly effective pollinating insects that facilitate pollination in P. armeniacum are present in the habitat, flowering ramets produce fruits with large quantity of seeds, many of which in turn grow into new genets that can reproduce many cloned ramets. P. armeniacum makes very effective use of its environment and has distinct characteristics of enduring harsh environmental conditions; therefore, rather than its own inherent biological defects, the main threats facing this species are the destruction of its survival space and the wipe-out collecting of the plants as a result of trading. Based on the analysis mentioned above, certain appropriate strategies have been proposed for the conservation of P. armeniacum.  相似文献   

濒危植物长叶榧的光合生理生态特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王强  金则新  郭水良  管铭  王兴龙 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6460-6470
利用Li-6400 XT便携式光合作用仪对林窗、林缘、林下3种生境中的长叶榧(Torreya ackii)在春、夏、秋、冬4个季节里的光合生理生态指标进行测定,探讨3种生境中长叶榧光合能力的季节变化及其对不同光环境的响应,分析其濒危机制,为长叶榧的迁地保护和种群的繁衍复壮提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)林窗、林缘的长叶榧净光合速率(Pn)日变化在夏季呈"双峰"曲线,其它3个季节均呈"单峰"曲线;林下的Pn日变化在4个季节均呈"单峰"曲线。(2)3种生境中最大净光合速率(Pnmax)、光饱和点(LSP)、表观量子效率(AQY)、最大羧化速率(Vcmax)、最大电子传递速率(Jmax)、磷酸丙糖利用率(TPU)均为夏季最高,使得夏季有较强的光合作用能力,但夏季林窗、林缘的长叶榧出现光合"午休"现象,光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)也较高,使得夏季林窗生境的长叶榧日均Pn明显低于于秋季,林缘的日均Pn与秋季差异不显著。(3)4个季节的日均Pn、Pnmax、LSP、Vcmax、Jma、TPU均为林窗最高,林窗与林下差异显著,表明长叶榧具有阳性植物的特点,适宜生长在光照较强的林窗生境。(4)在生长旺盛的夏、秋季,长叶榧的LSP比伴生物种低,LCP比伴生物种高,对光适应的生态幅度较窄;与伴生物种相比,长叶榧的Pn较低,光合能力较弱,在激烈的种间竞争中处于不利地位,可能成为其濒危的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

梵净山冷杉(Abies fanjingshanensis)为国家一级保护濒危植物。为了揭示梵净山冷杉球果发育和成熟过程的性状特征,以确定成熟球果的适宜采种期。该研究对梵净山冷杉自然生长区内成年结实母树的球果进行跟踪观测和定期采集,通过物理解剖和形态学参数测定,比较分析不同采种期梵净山冷杉的球果、种鳞和种子的性状差异。结果显示:(1)梵净山冷杉的球果每年7月中旬开始形成,10月中旬开始成熟,发育早期至发育后期球果的长度和宽度显著增加,发育后期至成熟期形态和颜色均无明显变化。(2)成熟球果平均长、宽、鲜重、干重和相对含水量分别为7.18 cm、3.84 cm、36.98 g、20.33 g和45.06%。(3)成熟球果的平均种鳞层数为30.76层,种鳞总数为250.67片,平均出种量436.67粒,平均种子饱满率82.49%。(4)成熟球果基部、中部、上部的种子性状不同,且球果中部的种子性状参数最大,饱满率最高,种子平均长、宽、厚分别为9.14、2.30、2.37 mm,千粒重11.44 g。研究表明,梵净山冷杉的球果从形成至成熟过程约3个月,成熟球果的最佳采种时间为10月下旬,发育后期和成熟球果的形态和颜色差异不明显,不能以颜色和形态作为球果成熟的判定依据;种鳞与球果的发育和成熟同步,球果中部的种鳞能够完全发育,且形状参数最大,孕育的种子最饱满;梵净山冷杉成熟球果出种量大、饱满率高,但是种子小、重量轻。  相似文献   

The effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation (280-400 nm: UVR) on the fecundity of Acropora cervicornis were measured in field-transplanted colonies from 20 m to 1 m depth and vice versa at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Fecundity was estimated from histological sections made from tissue samples obtained at different time intervals during the experimental period (March - August 2003). All colonies transplanted from 20 m to 1 m showed a 100% reduction in gonads per mesentery per polyp one month after transplantation, while those transplanted from 1 m to 20 m did not show any significant reduction in fecundity throughout the experimental period. The latter colonies did show however, a delay in the spawning times by releasing their gamete bundles approximately two-three weeks after the controls at 1 m and two months after the controls at 20 m suggesting an induced response as a consequence of changes in their daily light cycle due to less radiation (PAR and UVR) available at 20 m compared to 1 m. Control colonies at 20 m spawned after the full moon of June 2003, while the controls at 1 m spawned 5-6 days after the full moon of July 2003. While a possible reabsorption of the gametes occurred in A. cervicornis colonies transplanted from 20 m to 1 m, the expulsion of these gametes due to the sudden stress caused by the transplantation is not discarded. The results suggest that sudden increases in UVR can completely stop sexual reproduction in ramose broadcasting coral species, which in turn can affect the dominance of the species and the composition and structure of shallow reef environments.  相似文献   

Abies alba Mill. (European silver fir) and Fagus sylvatica L. (beech) are Eurosiberian species dispersed over the Iberian Peninsula. Climate change predictions indicate a rise in temperature and a decrease in precipitation in this region, threatening the future existence of these species. In the present study we analyzed the future topo-climatic suitability of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica and the mixed forests of these two species, using the General Linear Models technique and data from the third National Forest Inventory (Ministerio de Agricultura PyA, 2007). We considered two modeling approaches based on niche theory: modeling community (Abieti-Fagetum) and overlapping individual species models. General trends showed an overall decrease in both species’ topo-climatic suitability and indicated that the Pyrenees will play a crucial role as a climatic refuge. The modeling approaches markedly differed, however, in their current and future spatial agreement. Despite good accuracy results, community modeling through co-occurrence does not encompass the environmental space of individual species prejudicing future assessments in new environmental situations, suggesting a need for future studies in community modeling.  相似文献   

西江颗粒直链藻种群生态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
西江肇庆段是珠江干流汇入珠三角河网水域的咽喉通道,结合长期定点连续采样和空间季节性调查,重点对2009年西江干流肇庆段的颗粒直链藻(Aulacoseira granulata)的种群生态学特征进行系统分析。结果显示:全年中,颗粒直链藻在总种群中所占百分比均值为25.37%,与总种群丰度存在极显著正相关关系,这表明颗粒直链藻是西江浮游植物群落的重要优势种。调查期间发现了颗粒直链藻的4种形态,包括原变种(var.granulata)、极狭变种(var.angustissima)、弯曲变种(var.curvata)和极狭变种螺旋变型(var.angustissima f.spiralis)。其中,原变种占有绝对优势地位,其相对百分组成的年均值为91.47%,推测为原变种的形态结构比其它3种形态更容易适应外界环境变化,进而形成优势群体。颗粒直链藻总密度的周年变化呈现明显的双峰型,两个峰值分别出现在8月和11月,主要得益于适宜的水温、相对稳定的水体和较高的营养盐水平,这些均有助于颗粒直链藻的生长繁殖。第一个高峰之前,颗粒直链藻总密度未出现明显的波动,这很可能是由于水体径流量增大导致的稀释作用和频繁降雨导致的水体剧烈波动对颗粒直链藻增长的负作用掩盖了水温上升所带来的益处。从空间分布来看,颗粒直链藻总丰度的最大值一般出现在S1、S5和S6站点,这与营养盐最大值的空间分布格局是一致的。  相似文献   

The genus Hebeloma has a number of species highly specific to Cistus and others that occur with several host genera. This paper discusses the species of Hebeloma that appear to be ectomycorrhizal with Cistus, judging from their occurrence when Cistus is the only available host. The previously unknown species H. plesiocistum spec. nov. is described. We also provide a key to the known Hebeloma associates of Cistus. Molecular analyses based on ITS sequence data further illustrate the distinctness of the newly described species and difficulties in the species delimitation with view to H. erumpens. Specific associations with Cistus may have evolved more than once within the genus Hebeloma.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the body temperature of 16 populations belonging to five species of the genus Cnemidophorus from restinga habitats along the eastern coast of Brazil in order to evaluate the importance of how some environmental factors affect lizard body temperatures. Cloacal body temperatures (Tb) were taken immediately after capture with a quick-reading thermometer (Schultheis). Substrate temperatures (Ts) and air temperatures (Ta; approximately 1 cm above the substrate) were taken as close as possible to the point when each lizard was initially sighted. Most of the mean body temperatures in activity of the different populations and species of Cnemidophorus along the coast of Brazil ranged from 36.5 to 39.3 °C, except for Cnemidophorus lacertoides (Tb=35.2 °C) in the restinga of Joaquina, SC and for Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Tb=34.8 °C ) in the restinga of Praia do Porto, SE. Some studies show that the body temperature of lizards is more related to phylogenetic than ecological factors, suggesting that species of the same genus tend to have similar body temperatures even occurring in different types of environments. In general, regardless of the locality and latitude along the eastern coast of Brazil, the different species of lizards of the genus Cnemidophorus and their respective populations have similar body temperatures in activity and the apparent differences result from the influence of the local thermal environment of each restinga.  相似文献   

中国珍稀濒危孑遗植物珙桐种群的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈艳  苏智先 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5466-5474
珙桐(Davidia involucrata Baill.)为我国特有的珙桐科单型种,第三纪孑遗植物,素有"活化石"之称,是国家一级重点保护珍稀濒危植物,其特殊的分类地位决定它在全球生物多样性保育中具有不可替代的作用。从珙桐濒危状况和原因、保育技术、保护策略3个方面回顾和总结了珙桐种群保护的研究,并对未来研究方向提出一些建议。  相似文献   

贡嘎山雅家埂峨眉冷杉林线种群的时空动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冉飞  梁一鸣  杨燕  杨阳  王根绪 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6872-6878
通过对贡嘎山雅家埂峨眉冷杉种群林线附近6个3000 m2样地(阴阳坡各3个)中峨眉冷杉(Abies fabri Craib)种群的定位调查,分析了过去100a间该区峨眉冷杉种群的时间-空间动态。结果表明:1)雅家埂林线附近峨眉冷杉种群密度在过去100 a(主要是近50 a)有显著的升高,但树线的海拔位置并无明显的爬升;2)阴阳坡林线格局存在显著的坡向分异:阴坡林线和树线的海拔高度显著高于阳坡(分别比阳坡高152.5 m和135.8 m),阳坡林线附近峨眉冷杉早期的生长速率在大于阴坡,但后期的生长速率却低于阴坡;3)热量(温度)控制假说不能完全解释雅家埂目前的树线格局,除气候因素之外,其它因素也限制了雅家梗地区树线位置的变化。  相似文献   

川西北冷杉林恢复过程中土壤动物群落动态   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为了掌握川西北冷杉林群落恢复过程中土壤动物群落的变化动态,2008年4月对川西北地区的原始冷杉林和50a冷杉林的土壤动物群落进行了调查。共捕获大型土壤动物287个,33科(类);中小型土壤动物4681个,57科(类)。50a冷杉林大型土壤动物群落的类群数和密度显著高于原始冷杉林(P<0.05);中小型土壤动物群落的类群数和密度分别显著低于(P<0.05)和高于原始林(P<0.05)。PCA排序结果表明两个不同年龄段间的大型和中小型土壤动物群落结构均存在明显差异,但大型土壤动物群落间的相似性系数小于中小型土壤动物群落,表明大型土壤动物群落的恢复速度慢于中小型土壤动物群落;且大型和中小型土壤动物群落间的Srenson相似性均低于Morisita-Horn相似性,进一步表明群落物种组成的恢复速度较慢,而优势类群及常见类群的数量恢复较快。50a冷杉林的大型和中小型土壤动物的多样性指数H、丰富度指数D和优势度指数C均高于原始冷杉林,而均匀度指数E则低于原始冷杉林,但仅大型土壤动物的丰富度指数D存在显著差异(P<0.05)。以上研究结果表明,冷杉林的恢复过程可显著提高大型土壤动物群落多样性,且土壤动物群落的组成恢复较慢,而优势类群和常见类群的个体数量恢复较快。  相似文献   

珍稀药用植物白及光合与蒸腾生理生态及抗旱特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴明开  刘海  沈志君  罗鸣  吴沿友 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5531-5537
以珍稀濒危药用植物白及(Bletilla striata)叶片为研究对象,应用Li-6400XT便携式光合仪分别在晴天和阴天进行光合生理生态特性研究。结果显示晴天GsPnTr日变化呈现双峰型,阴天为单峰型;光合-蒸腾具有极显著线性正相关关系与良好的线性耦合关系(晴天和阴天的相关系数分别为0.883**、0.954**,回归直线斜率分别为2.38、3.78);PAR-PnPAR-TrTl-PnTl-TrGs-PnGs-Tr 的回归直线形态非常相似,除晴天TlPn外,其余两两相关关系均达到了显著水平;PARTlGs三个因子与PnTr均表现为正相关关系,其中Gs是调控PnTr的最主要因子。进行聚乙二醇6000(PEG6000) 渗透胁迫实验以评价白及抗旱能力,分析不同质量分数PEG6000(0、5、20、40、60g/L)下的白及幼苗叶绿素含量、叶片含水量、相对电导率3个生理指标,结果表明叶绿素含量与与胁迫浓度呈负相关(R2=0.7854),随着PEG质量分数的增加,叶片的叶绿素含量持续显著下降;叶片含水量与胁迫浓度呈负相关(R2=0.9936);相对电导率与与胁迫浓度呈正相关(R2=0.8755),相对电导率会随着PEG质量分数的增加而显著增加。试验结果综合分析显示白及为耐荫植物,抗旱能力不强。白及进行人工栽培应适当遮阴保持土壤与空气湿度。  相似文献   

采用国际上使用的"统一特定描述"和"齿体定位描述"方法对寄生在瓦氏黄颡鱼(Peleteobagrusvachelli)鳃上的适度车轮虫(Trichodina modesta)和马氏车轮虫(T.mastu)2种车轮虫的虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等形态特征进行了较为详细的描述,并分别与已报道的其他适度车轮虫、马氏车轮虫种群及相似种的形态特征进行了比较。实验证实了瓦氏黄颡鱼为适度车轮虫的寄主新纪录。  相似文献   

The origin of Hordelymus genome has been debated for years, and no consensus conclusion was reached. In this study, we sequenced and analyzed the RPB2 (RNA polymerase subunit II) gene from Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz, and its potential diploid ancestor species those were suggested in previous studies. The focus of this study was to examine the phylogenetic relationship of Hordelymus genomes with its potential donor Hordeum, Psathyrostachys, and Taeniatherum species. Two distinguishable copies of sequences were obtained from H. europaeus. The obvious difference between the two copies of sequences is a 24 bp indel (insertion/deletion). Phylogenetic analysis showed a strong affinity between Hordeum genome and Hordelymus with 85% bootstrap support. These results suggested that one genome in tetraploid H. europaeus closely related to the genome in Hordeum species. Another genome in H. europaeus is sister to the genomes in Triticeae species examined here, which corresponds well with the recently published EF-G data. No obvious relationship was found between Hordelymus and either Ta genome donor, Taeniatherum caput-medusae or Ns genome donor, Psathyrostachys juncea. Our data does not support the presence of Ta and Ns genome in H. europaeus, and further confirms that H. europaeus is allopolyploid.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the levels of genetic diversity of the endangered species Kirengeshoma palmata (Saxifragaceae), four extant populations were sampled and analyzed using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. We expected a low genetic diversity level, but our results revealed a high level of intraspecific genetic diversity, probably resulting from this species being in a refuge during the last glaciation (at population level: P = 63.25%, Ae = 1.47, HE = 0.26 and HO = 0.37; at species level: P = 79.00%, A = 1.5538, HT = 0.2586 and Hsp = 0.3104). A low level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity analysis (16.69%) and AMOVA (19.36%). Populations shared high levels of genetic identity. Insect pollination and seed dispersal by wind may have facilitated extensive gene flow and are likely responsible for this present structure of genetic variation.  相似文献   

The extent and seasonal pattern of asexual reproduction and ability to germinate in the rare liverwort Lophozia ascendens and the common liverworts L. ventricosa and L. longiflora were studied in the Boubínský prales National Nature Reserve in Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest), South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Asexual reproduction was quantified as the number of gemmae produced per individual shoot. Numbers of gemmae per shoot among sampling months differed significantly; increase of gemma production was delayed in L. ascendens in comparison with gemma production of L. ventricosa and L. longiflora. We suggest that gemma production is influenced by environmental factors, mainly air humidity. Germinability of gemmae was low in early spring, highest in August and September and slightly depressed in October. This pattern suggests that rather mild winters in the Czech Republic cause the lower mortality of shoots during winter and the environmental pressure towards the production of dormant gemmae is not a prominent factor affecting the population dynamics of the species under study.  相似文献   

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