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Savannas are characterized by the coexistence of trees and flammable grasses. Yet, tree–grass coexistence has been labeled as paradoxical—how do these two functional groups coexist over such an extensive area, despite being generally predisposed to excluding each other? For instance, many trees develop dense canopies that limit grass growth, and many grasses facilitate frequent/intense fires, increasing tree mortality. This study revisits tree–grass coexistence with a model of hierarchical competition between pyrogenic grasses, “forest trees” adapted to closed-canopy competition, and “savanna trees” that are inferior competitors in closed-canopy communities, but more resistant to fire. The assumptions of this model are supported by empirical observations, including a systematic review of savanna and forest tree community composition reported here. In general, the model simulations show that when savanna trees exert weaker competitive effects on grasses, a self-reinforcing grass community is maintained, which limits forest tree expansion while still allowing savanna trees to persist (albeit as a subdominant to grasses). When savanna trees exert strong competitive effects on grasses, savanna trees cover increases initially, but as grasses decline their inhibitory effect on forest trees weakens, allowing forest trees to expand and exclude grasses and savanna trees. Rather than paradoxical, these results suggest that having weaker competitive effects on grasses may be advantageous for savanna trees, leading to greater long-term abundance and stability. We label this the “enemy of my enemy hypothesis,” which might apply to species coexistence in communities defined by hierarchical competition or with species capable of generating strong ecological feedbacks.  相似文献   

Fire shapes the distribution of savanna and forest through complex interactions involving climate, resources and species traits. Based on data from central Brazil, we propose that these interactions are governed by two critical thresholds. The fire-resistance threshold is reached when individual trees have accumulated sufficient bark to avoid stem death, whereas the fire-suppression threshold is reached when an ecosystem has sufficient canopy cover to suppress fire by excluding grasses. Surpassing either threshold is dependent upon long fire-free intervals, which are rare in mesic savanna. On high-resource sites, the thresholds are reached quickly, increasing the probability that savanna switches to forest, whereas low-resource sites are likely to remain as savanna even if fire is infrequent. Species traits influence both thresholds; saplings of savanna trees accumulate bark thickness more quickly than forest trees, and are more likely to become fire resistant during fire-free intervals. Forest trees accumulate leaf area more rapidly than savanna trees, thereby accelerating the transition to forest. Thus, multiple factors interact with fire to determine the distribution of savanna and forest by influencing the time needed to reach these thresholds. Future work should decipher multiple environmental controls over the rates of tree growth and canopy closure in savanna.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of dynamical phase coexistence to provide a simple solution for a long-standing problem in theoretical ecology, the so-called “savanna problem”. The challenge is to understand why in savanna ecosystems trees and grasses coexist in a robust way with large spatiotemporal variability. We propose a simple model, a variant of the contact process (CP), which includes two key extra features: varying external (environmental/rainfall) conditions and tree age. The system fluctuates locally between a woodland and a grassland phase, corresponding to the active and absorbing phases of the underlying pure contact process. This leads to a highly variable stable phase characterized by patches of the woodland and grassland phases coexisting dynamically. We show that the mean time to tree extinction under this model increases as a power-law of system size and can be of the order of 10,000,000 years in even moderately sized savannas. Finally, we demonstrate that while local interactions among trees may influence tree spatial distribution and the order of the transition between woodland and grassland phases, they do not affect dynamical coexistence. We expect dynamical coexistence to be relevant in other contexts in physics, biology or the social sciences.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of tree–grass coexistence in savannas have focused primarily on the role of resource availability and fire. It is clear that herbivores heavily impact vegetation structure in many savannas, but their role in driving tree–grass coexistence and the stability of the savanna state has received less attention. Theoretical models of tree–grass dynamics tend to treat herbivory as a constant rather than a dynamic variable, yet herbivores respond dynamically to changes in vegetation structure in addition to modifying it. In particular, many savannas host two distinct herbivore guilds, grazers and browsers, both of which have the potential to exert profound effects on tree/grass balance. For example, grazers may indirectly favor tree recruitment by suppressing the destructive effects of fire, and browsers may facilitate the expansion of grassland by reducing the competitive dominance of trees. We use a simple theoretical model to explore the role of grazer and browser dynamics on savanna vegetation structure and stability across fire and resource availability gradients. Our model suggests that herbivores may expand the range of conditions under which trees and grasses are able to stably coexist, as well as having positive reciprocal effects on their own niche spaces. In addition, we suggest that given reasonable assumptions, indirect mutualisms can arise in savannas between functional groups of herbivores because of the interplay of consumption and ecosystem feedbacks.  相似文献   

Interactions between trees and grasses that influence leaf area index (LAI) have important consequences for savanna ecosystem processes through their controls on water, carbon, and energy fluxes as well as fire regimes. We measured LAI, of the groundlayer (herbaceous and woody plants <1-m tall) and shrub and tree layer (woody plants >1-m tall), in the Brazilian cerrado over a range of tree densities from open shrub savanna to closed woodland through the annual cycle. During the dry season, soil water potential was strongly and positively correlated with grass LAI, and less strongly with tree and shrub LAI. By the end of the dry season, LAI of grasses, groundlayer dicots and trees declined to 28, 60, and 68% of mean wet-season values, respectively. We compared the data to remotely sensed vegetation indices, finding that field measurements were more strongly correlated to the enhanced vegetation index (EVI, r 2=0.71) than to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, r 2=0.49). Although the latter has been more widely used in quantifying leaf dynamics of tropical savannas, EVI appears better suited for this purpose. Our ground-based measurements demonstrate that groundlayer LAI declines with increasing tree density across sites, with savanna grasses being excluded at a tree LAI of approximately 3.3. LAI averaged 4.2 in nearby gallery (riparian) forest, so savanna grasses were absent, thereby greatly reducing fire risk and permitting survival of fire-sensitive forest tree species. Although edaphic conditions may partly explain the larger tree LAI of forests, relative to savanna, biological differences between savanna and forest tree species play an important role. Overall, forest tree species had 48% greater LAI than congeneric savanna trees under similar growing conditions. Savanna and forest species play distinct roles in the structure and dynamics of savanna–forest boundaries, contributing to the differences in fire regimes, microclimate, and nutrient cycling between savanna and forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Both resource and disturbance controls have been invoked to explain tree persistence among grasses in savannas. Here we determine the extent to which competition for available resources restricts the rooting depth of both grasses and trees, and how this may influence nutrient cycling under an infrequently burned savanna near Darwin, Australia. We sampled fine roots <2 mm in diameter from 24 soil pits under perennial as well as annual grasses and three levels of canopy cover. The relative proportion of C3 (trees) and C4 (grasses) derived carbon in a sample was determined using mass balance calculations. Our results show that regardless of the type of grass both tree and grass roots are concentrated in the top 20 cm of the soil. While trees have greater root production and contribute more fine root biomass grass roots contribute a disproportional amount of nitrogen and carbon to the soil relative to total root biomass. We postulate that grasses maintain soil nutrient pools and provide biomass for regular fires that prevent forest trees from establishing while savanna trees, are important for increasing soil N content, cycling and mineralization rates. We put forward our ideas as a hypothesis of resource‐regulated tree–grass coexistence in tropical savannas.  相似文献   

A classic problem in coexistence theory is how grasses and trees coexist in savannas. A popular deterministic model of savannas, the rooting niche separation model, is based on an assumption that is not empirically supported in many savannas. Alternative models that do not rely on the rooting niche assumption invoke intricate stochastic mechanisms that limit their attractiveness as general models of savannas. In this article we develop an alternative deterministic model of grass-tree interactions and use it to analyze the conditions under which grass-tree coexistence is possible. The novel feature of this model is that it partitions aboveground and belowground competition and simulates the fact that fire and herbivory remove only aboveground biomass. The model predicts that stable coexistence of grasses and trees is possible, even when grasses and trees do not have separate rooting niches. We show that when aboveground competition is intense, grasses can be excluded by trees; under such conditions, fire can prevent grasses from exclusion and induce a stable savanna state. The model provides a general framework for exploring the interactive effects of competition, herbivory, and fire on savanna systems.  相似文献   

Tree–grass coexistence is broadly observed in tropical savannas. Recent studies indicate that, in arid savannas, such coexistence is stable and related to water availability. The role of different factors (from niche separation to demographic structure) has been explored. Nevertheless, spatial mechanisms of water–vegetation interactions have been rarely taken into account, despite their well-known importance for vegetation distribution. Here, we introduce a spatial model including tree and grass biomass dynamics, together with soil and surface water dynamics. We consider two water–vegetation feedbacks. Grasses increase water infiltration into the soil, while tree shadow limits evaporation, and both mechanisms increase soil water availability, leading to positive feedbacks. The infiltration feedback can also lead to spatial pattern formation. Despite the fact that trees and grasses compete for the same resource, namely water, we observe stable coexistence as a possible model outcome. The system displays a complex behavior, with multiple stable states and possible catastrophic shifts between states, e.g., patterned grassland, bare soil and forest. In our model, coexistence is always linked with multi-stability and spatial pattern formation, driven by grass infiltration feedback. Given such complex model solutions, we expect that, under real conditions, heterogeneities and disturbances, acting on the multi-stable states, may further foster coexistence.  相似文献   

Several explanations for the persistence of tree–grass mixtures in savannas have been advanced thus far. In general, these either concentrate on competition‐based mechanisms, where niche separation with respect to limiting resources such as water lead to tree–grass coexistence, or demographic mechanisms, where factors such as fire, herbivory and rainfall variability promote tree–grass persistence through their dissimilar effects on different life‐history stages of trees. Tests of these models have been largely site‐specific, and although different models find support in empirical data from some savanna sites, enough dissenting evidence exists from others to question their validity as general mechanisms of tree–grass coexistence. This lack of consensus on determinants of savanna structure and function arises because different models: (i) focus on different demographic stages of trees, (ii) focus on different limiting factors of tree establishment, and (iii) emphasize different subsets of the potential interactions between trees and grasses. Furthermore, models differ in terms of the most basic assumptions as to whether trees or grasses are the better competitors. We believe an integration of competition‐based and demographic approaches is required if a comprehensive model that explains both coexistence and the relative productivity of the tree and grass components across the diverse savannas of the world is to emerge. As a first step towards this end, we outline a conceptual framework that integrates existing approaches and applies them explicitly to different life‐history stage of trees.  相似文献   

A key question in savanna ecology is how trees and grasses coexist under N limitation. We used N stable isotopes and N content to study N source partitioning across seasons from trees and associated grasses in a semi-arid savanna. We also used 15N tracer additions to investigate possible redistribution of N by trees to grasses. Foliar stable N isotope ratio (δ15N) values were consistent with trees and grasses using mycorrhiza-supplied N in all seasons except in the wet season when they switched to microbially fixed N. The dependence of trees and grasses on mineralized soil N seemed highly unlikely based on seasonal variation in mineralization rates in the Kruger Park region. Remarkably, foliar δ15N values were similar for all three tree species differing in the potential for N fixation through nodulation. The tracer experiment showed that N was redistributed by trees to understory grasses in all seasons. Our results suggest that the redistribution of N from trees to grasses and uptake of N was independent of water redistribution. Although there is overlap of N sources between trees and grasses, dependence on biological sources of N coupled with redistribution of subsoil N by trees may contribute to the coexistence of trees and grasses in semi-arid savannas.  相似文献   

Yankari Game Reserve in northeastern Nigeria consists largely of savanna woodland with trees on the better soils growing to 15 m and with spreading crowns. On shallow and stony soils the tree height is generally less and the canopy is discontinuous. The Gaji River riparian zone supports a wide variety of vegetation types ranging from evergreen, closed canopy forest to sedge meadows and patches of open grassland.
Elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) range backwards and forwards along the riparian strip, feeding on perennial grasses and a variety of browse material and utilizing closed canopy forest patches for shade cover. The major movement patterns of other important herbivore species are perpendicular to the riparian strip. Areas used intensively are: waterbuck ( Kobus defassa )–open savanna woodland immediately behind the riparian strip: Western hartebeest ( Alcelaphus buselaphus major )– open grassy habitat in relatively poor woodland at middle distances from the river; Roan antelope ( Hippotragus equinus )–patches of well-developed and infrequently burned woodland, often at major distances from the river. Buffalo ( Syncerus caffer brachyceros ) during the dry season ranged between the riparian grassland areas and the more open sections of nearby savanna woodland, but travelled out to distant sections of the reserve after rainwater pools had formed.
A major problem in management was the development of a burning policy that would maintain an appropriate balance between perennial and annual grasses and the shade providing trees.  相似文献   

Walter’s two-layer hypothesis revisited: back to the roots!   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Walter (Jahrb Wiss Bot 87:750–860, 1939) proposed a two-layer hypothesis, an equilibrium explanation for coexistence of savanna trees and grasses. This hypothesis relies on vertical niche partitioning and assumed that grasses are more water-use efficient than trees and use subsurface water while trees also have access to deeper water sources. Thus, in open savannas, grasses were predicted to predominate because of their water use efficiency and access to subsurface water. This hypothesis has been a prominent part of the savanna literature since first proposed. We review the literature on Walter’s hypothesis and reconsider his original intentions. Walter intended this hypothesis to be restricted to dry savannas. In his opinion, mesic and humid savannas were controlled by biotic factors and disturbances. We surveyed the global savanna literature for records of vertical niche partitioning by grasses and trees. We find that, within the scope of Walter’s original intentions, this hypothesis works remarkably well, and in some cases is appropriate for deserts as well as for dry temperate systems and even some mesic savannas.  相似文献   

Ludwig F  De Kroon H  Prins HH 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):487-496
Recently, cover of large trees in African savannas has rapidly declined due to elephant pressure, frequent fires and charcoal production. The reduction in large trees could have consequences for large herbivores through a change in forage quality. In Tarangire National Park, in Northern Tanzania, we studied the impact of large savanna trees on forage quality for wildebeest by collecting samples of dominant grass species in open grassland and under and around large Acacia tortilis trees. Grasses growing under trees had a much higher forage quality than grasses from the open field indicated by a more favourable leaf/stem ratio and higher protein and lower fibre concentrations. Analysing the grass leaf data with a linear programming model indicated that large savanna trees could be essential for the survival of wildebeest, the dominant herbivore in Tarangire. Due to the high fibre content and low nutrient and protein concentrations of grasses from the open field, maximum fibre intake is reached before nutrient requirements are satisfied. All requirements can only be satisfied by combining forage from open grassland with either forage from under or around tree canopies. Forage quality was also higher around dead trees than in the open field. So forage quality does not reduce immediately after trees die which explains why negative effects of reduced tree numbers probably go initially unnoticed. In conclusion our results suggest that continued destruction of large trees could affect future numbers of large herbivores in African savannas and better protection of large trees is probably necessary to sustain high animal densities in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ludwig  Fulco  de Kroon  Hans  Berendse  Frank  Prins  Herbert H.T. 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(1):93-105
In an East African savanna herbaceous layer productivity and species composition were studied around Acacia tortilis trees of three different age classes, as well as around dead trees and in open grassland patches. The effects of trees on nutrient, light and water availability were measured to obtain an insight into which resources determine changes in productivity and composition of the herbaceous layer. Soil nutrient availability increased with tree age and size and was lowest in open grassland and highest under dead trees. The lower N:P ratios of grasses from open grassland compared to grasses from under trees suggested that productivity in open grassland was limited by nitrogen, while under trees the limiting nutrient was probably P. N:P ratios of grasses growing under bushes and small trees were intermediate between large trees and open grassland indicating that the understorey of Acacia trees seemed to change gradually from a N-limited to a P-limited vegetation. Soil moisture contents were lower under than those outside of canopies of large Acacia trees suggesting that water competition between trees and grasses was important. Species composition of the herbaceous layer under Acacia trees was completely different from the vegetation in open grassland. Also the vegetation under bushes of Acacia tortilis was different from both open grassland and the understorey of large trees. The main factor causing differences in species composition was probably nutrient availability because species compositions were similar for stands of similar soil nutrient concentrations even when light and water availability was different. Changes in species composition did not result in differences in above-ground biomass, which was remarkably similar under different sized trees and in open grassland. The only exception was around dead trees where herbaceous plant production was 60% higher than under living trees. The results suggest that herbaceous layer productivity did not increase under trees by a higher soil nutrient availability, probably because grass production was limited by competition for water. This was consistent with the high plant production around dead trees because when trees die, water competition disappears but the high soil nutrient availability remains. Hence, in addition to tree soil nutrient enrichment, below-ground competition for water appears to be an important process regulating tree-grass interactions in semi-arid savanna.  相似文献   

A popular hypothesis for tree and grass coexistence in savannas is that tree seedlings are limited by competition from grasses. However, competition may be important in favourable climatic conditions when abiotic stress is low, whereas facilitation may be more important under stressful conditions. Seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in abiotic conditions may alter the outcome of tree–grass interactions in savanna systems and contribute to coexistence. We investigated interactions between coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) tree seedlings and perennial C4 grasses in semi-arid savannas in eastern Australia in contrasting seasonal conditions. In glasshouse and field experiments, we measured survival and growth of tree seedlings with different densities of C4 grasses across seasons. In warm glasshouse conditions, where water was not limiting, competition from grasses reduced tree seedling growth but did not affect tree survival. In the field, all tree seedlings died in hot dry summer conditions irrespective of grass or shade cover, whereas in winter, facilitation from grasses significantly increased tree seedling survival by ameliorating heat stress and protecting seedlings from herbivory. We demonstrated that interactions between tree seedlings and perennial grasses vary seasonally, and timing of tree germination may determine the importance of facilitation or competition in structuring savanna vegetation because of fluctuations in abiotic stress. Our finding that trees can grow and survive in a dense C4 grass sward contrasts with the common perception that grass competition limits woody plant recruitment in savannas.  相似文献   

The origin of the savanna biome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Savannas are a major terrestrial biome, comprising of grasses with the C4 photosynthetic pathway and trees with the C3 type. This mixed grass–tree biome rapidly appeared on the ecological stage 8 million years ago with the near‐synchronous expansion of C4 grasses around the world. We propose a new hypothesis for this global event based on a systems analysis that integrates recent advances in how fire influences cloud microphysics, climate and savanna ecology in a low carbon dioxide (CO2) world. We show that fire accelerates forest loss and C4 grassland expansion through multiple positive feedback loops that each promote drought and more fire. A low CO2 atmosphere amplifies this cycle by limiting tree recruitment, allowing the ingress of C4 grasses to greatly increase ecosystem flammability. Continued intensification of land use could enhance or moderate the network of feedbacks that have initiated, promoted and sustained savannas for millions of years. We suggest these alterations will overprint the effects of anthropogenic atmospheric change in coming decades.  相似文献   

The mechanisms permitting the co-existence of tree and grass in savannas have been a source of contention for many years. The two main classes of explanations involve either competition for resources, or differential sensitivity to disturbances. Published models focus principally on one or the other of these mechanisms. Here we introduce a simple ecohydrologic model of savanna vegetation involving both competition for water, and differential sensitivity of trees and grasses to fire disturbances. We show how the co-existence of trees and grasses in savannas can be simultaneously controlled by rainfall and fire, and how the relative importance of the two factors distinguishes between dry and moist savannas. The stability map allows to predict the changes in vegetation structure along gradients of rainfall and fire disturbances realistically, and to clarify the distinction between climate- and disturbance-dependent ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim To deepen understanding of the factors that influenced the formation of oak savanna in central Kentucky, USA. Particular attention was focused on the link between historical disturbance and the formation of savanna ecosystem structure. Location Central Kentucky, USA. Methods We used dendrochronological analysis of tree‐ring samples to understand the historical growth environment of remnant savanna stems. We used release detection and branch‐establishment dates to evaluate changes in tree growth and the establishment of savanna physiognomy. We contrasted our growth chronology with reference chronologies for regional tree growth, climate and human population dynamics. Results Trees growing in Kentucky Inner Bluegrass Region (IBR) savanna remnants exhibited a period of suppression, extending from the establishment date of the tree to release events that occurred c. 1800. This release resulted in a tripling of the annual radial growth rate from levels typical of oaks suppressed under a forest canopy (< 1 mm year?1) to levels typical of open‐grown stems (3 mm year?1). The growth releases in savanna trees coincided with low branch establishment. Over the release period, climatic conditions remained relatively constant and growth in regional forest trees was even; however, the growth increase in savanna stems was strongly correlated with a marked increase in Euro‐American population density in the region. Main conclusions Our data suggest that trees growing in savanna remnants originated in the understorey of a closed canopy forest. We hypothesize that Euro‐American land clearing to create pasturelands released these trees from light competition and resulted in the savanna physiognomy that is apparent in remnant stands in the IBR. Although our data suggest that savanna trees originated in a forest understorey, this system structure itself may have been a result of an unprecedented lack of Native American activity in the region due to population loss associated with pandemics brought to North America by Euro‐Americans. We present a hypothetical model that links human population dynamics, land‐use activities and ecosystem structure. Our model focuses on the following three land‐use eras: Native American habitation/utilization; land abandonment; and Euro‐American land clearance. Ecological understanding of historical dynamics in other ecosystems of eastern North America may be enhanced through recognition of these eras.  相似文献   

Vegetation mosaics of grassland/savanna and forest can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, as in southern Brazil, where climate conditions are suitable for forest. Changes in intensity or frequency of disturbances could enable woody species encroachment in grassland communities; however, the processes are related to site conditions and life history of pioneer species. In this paper, we study transition patterns of forest to grassland in the absence of grazing, but under different site conditions related to aspect (landscape position) and time since the last burn. Data are based on shrub and tree species composition and soil variables at forest–grassland boundaries. We found 119 woody species of 42 families along transects of 27 m into the forest and 31.5 m into the grassland. Gradients from forest to grassland were analysed as compositional trajectories in ordination space and differences in the spatial patterns depicted between distinct site aspects. The time since the last fire did not influence these patterns. Inside the forest, tree species diversity was significantly higher close to the edge, independent of the density of individuals. Two main mechanisms may promote forest expansion into the grassland. First, a gradual tree encroachment near the edge and, second, a mechanism linked to the recruitment of isolated pioneer trees within the grassland matrix, most frequently near rocky outcrops, where a decrease in grass biomass leads to low-intensity fires. Despite vegetation patterns at boundaries differing according to aspect, the most important explanatory factor was the distance from the forest border, not just by itself, but with all correlated parameters that are changing along the gradient.  相似文献   

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