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A single-gene recessive mutant (Abs-) of Lupinus angustifoliusL. ‘Danja’ that does not abscise any organs wascompared with its parent during continuous exposure of explantsfrom 14 d old seedlings to 10 µl l-1ethylene. Both endo-(1,4)-ß- D -glucanase (cellulase) and polygalacturonase(PGA) activities increased significantly and progressively inpetiole-stem abscission zones of the parent before the onsetof abscission, and were reflected in a rapid decline in breakstrengthfrom 300 to 70 g within 32 h. In the mutant there was negligibleincrease in hydrolytic enzyme activity, breakstrength declinedslowly (to 180–200 g by 72 h) and there was no abscission.Isoelectric focusing showed two cellulase isoforms (pI 5.0 andpI 8.5) expressed in abscission zones of the parent; these wereexpressed at much lower levels in the mutant. These data areinterpreted to indicate that expression of at least two formsof cellulase activity is enhanced by ethylene in normal petioleabscission zones of lupin. PGA activity also increased in theabscission zone tissue of the parent but to a lesser extentin that of the mutant. We attribute the Abs-phenotype to mutationof a gene regulating ethylene-responsive expression of abscission-specifichydrolytic enzymes. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius, abscission, breakstrength, cellulase, ethylene, legume, lupin, mutant, polygalacturonase  相似文献   

Using Nycodenz, a novel density gradient medium, we isolated intact protein bodies from developing seeds of Lupinus angustifolius L. (cultivar Unicrop) and achieved excellent separation from the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and other organelles. The distribution of the storage protein conglutin-β was taken as evidence that up to 96% of the protein bodies remained intact on the gradients and banded at 1.25 grams per milliliter. The protein bodies also contained the three other abundant proteins present in L. angustifolius seeds: conglutins-α, -γ, and -δ. Pulse labeling experiments were carried out to determine the site of proteolytic processing of conglutin-α, a legumin-like 11Svedberg unit storage protein. Cotyledons aged either 33 or 40 days after flowering were pulsed with [3H]leucine. Protein bodies obtained from the cotyledons aged 33 days after flowering contained only the labeled precursors of conglutin-α with molecular weights 85,000, 72,000, and 64,000, even after a 4 hour chase of the radioactivity. Protein bodies obtained from the cotyledons aged 40 days after flowering contained the same radioactive precursors if the tissue had been pulsed for 2 hours, and the processing products of these precursors when the tissue had been chased for 4 hours. These studies confirm that the subcellular location of proteolytic cleavage of this legumin-like protein is the protein body, that this activity is detected only in protein bodies from lupin seeds aged between 33 and 40 days of seed development after flowering and that protein bodies from seeds younger than this contain only unprocessed conglutin-α.  相似文献   

The proteins that are synthesized during differentiation and development in the cotyledons of Lupinus angustifolius L. were characterized both in situ and after purification. The proteins present in situ were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and subjected to 'Western'-blot analysis to identify immunologically related polypeptides. The major storage proteins of the lupin, conglutins alpha and beta, were both present in juvenile tissue only as higher Mr precursors. For conglutin beta, a family of at least three polypeptides of Mr 66 000-72 000 accumulated during the earliest phases of protein synthesis in the developing cotyledon (20-28 days after flowering). Later in development each of these polypeptides disappeared and there was the concurrent appearance in the cotyledon of the lower-Mr fragments characteristic of mature conglutin beta. For conglutin alpha, an equivalent family of precursor polypeptides of Mr 60 000-83 000 was detected. Multiple internal sites for proteolytic cleavage of all these precursors appeared to be present. However, processing of the precursors was sufficiently slow to allow them to accumulate to over 50% of total soluble protein in juvenile tissue. The precursors were purified by column chromatography under non-dissociating conditions and shown by ultracentrifugation to be multimeric proteins with Mr values in the range 150 000-200 000.  相似文献   

In Lupinus shoots electrical stimulus (DC) produces a voltagewave identical in character with the action potential in stimulatedsimple plant cells or in nerves. These action potentials wereregistered with a Kipp and Zonen Micrograph BD3, calomel electrodes,and an electrometer (input impedance, 1014 ). The wave form and its amplitude propagation velocity, pointof initiation, threshold value of the stimulus, and refractoryperiod were considered; the interdependence between these parametersand the magnitude and manner of application of the electricalstimulus are discussed. An analogy with Pflüger's laws was found.  相似文献   



In pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.), the Def locus defines an abscission event where the seed separates from the funicle through the intervening hilum region at maturity. A spontaneous mutation at this locus results in the seed failing to abscise from the funicle as occurs in wild type peas. In this work, structural differences between wild type peas that developed a distinct abscission zone (AZ) between the funicle and the seed coat and non-abscission def mutant were characterized.  相似文献   

Cellulase expressions in a normal shedding wild-type and a non-abscinding single gene mutant of Lupinus angustifolius have been studied during ethylene treatments of leaf abscission zone explants. Of the range of different glycohydrolases investigated only the abscission cell-specific beta-1,4-glucanhydrolase (cellulase) was not produced in the non-abscinding mutant. An endo-polygalacturonase was induced equally in both wild-type and mutant and other glycohydrolases were equally up-regulated. The abscission cell-specific cellulase induced at shedding of wild-type is antigenically similar to the Phaseolus vulgaris induced leaf abscission pI 9.5 cellulase but with a higher molecular mass (50 kD compared with 48 kD) and like the bean abscission-specific cellulase that of lupin is not glycosylated. Causes of the loss of function of cellulase expression in the non-shedding mutant are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lupins (Lupinus angustifolius and L. cosentinii) growing in 321 containers in a glasshouse were exposed to drought by withholding water. Leaf water potential (1), and leaf osmotic potential (s) were measured daily as soil water became depleted. Leaf water relations were further assessed by a pressure-volume technique and by measuring s and relative water content of leaves after rehydration. Analysis by pressure-volume or cryoscopic techniques showed that leaf osmotic potential at saturation (s100) decreased from -0.6 MPa in well watered to -0.9 MPa in severely droughted leaves, and leaf water potential at zero turgor (zt) decreased from about -0.7 to -1.1 MPa in well watered and droughted plants, respectively. Relative water content at zero turgor (RWCzt) was high (88%) and tended to be decreased by drought. The ratio of turgid leaf weight to dry weight was not influenced by drought and was high at about 8.0. The bulk elastic modulus () was approximately halved by drought when related to leaf turgor potential (p) and probably mediated turgor maintenance during drought. The latter was found to be negatively influenced by rate of drought. Supplying the plants with high levels of K salts did not promote adjustment or turgor maintenance.  相似文献   

Brennan  Ross F.  Bolland  Mike D.A. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):167-185
Plant and Soil - A field experiment on an acidic lateritic ironstone gravel sand in south-western Australia compared how Lupinus luteus L. cv. Wodjil and L. angustifolius L. cv. Kalya used...  相似文献   

Ji  Yishan  Liu  Rong  Hu  Jinguo  Huang  Yuning  Wang  Dong  Li  Guan  Rahman  Md. Mosiur  Zhang  Hongyan  Wang  Chenyu  Li  Mengwei  Yang  Tao  Zong  Xuxiao 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(7):5215-5224
Molecular Biology Reports - Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is used as grain legumes, fodder for livestock and green manure in the world and has a great potential to be developed as...  相似文献   

The effect of high pH on the morphology and anatomy of the rootsof lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Yandee) and pea (Pisumsativum L. cv. Dundale) was examined in buffered solution. Themorphology and anatomy of lupin roots were markedly altered,and root growth was reduced by increasing solution pH from 5·2to 7·5, whereas pea roots were unaffected. In lupin roots,pH 7·5 caused disintegration of the root surface andimpaired root hair formation. Lupin roots grown at pH 7·5also had decreased cell lengths but increased cell diameterin both the epidermis and the cortex in comparison to rootsgrown at pH 5·2. High pH reduced cell volume greatlyin the epidermis, to a lesser extent in the outer cortex andnot at all in the inner cortex. It appears that in lupins, theprimary detrimental effects of growth at pH 7·5 is reducedlongitudinal growth of cells near the root surface with a consequentreduction in elongation of the cells in inner cortex.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L., high pH, root morphology, root anatomy  相似文献   

A root tip cDNA library, constructed in the lambda Zap II expression vector, was immunoscreened with a monoclonal antibody raised against aspartate aminotransferase-P1 from Lupinus angustifolius L. var Uniharvest. One 1452-base pair clone was isolated. The encoded protein sequence had high homology to both plant and animal aspartate aminotransferase sequences. The clone was converted to the phagemid form and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was enzymically active and could be immunocomplexed with aspartate aminotransferase-P1-specific antibodies. The complete aspartate aminotransferase-P1 cDNA was cloned into the yeast expression vector pEMBL-yex4 and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain BRSCS6, which possesses a mutated aspartate aminotransferase gene (the asp5 mutation). Complementation of the mutation was achieved using this construct.  相似文献   

Embryo DNA, isolated from ungerminated seeds of Lupinus angustifolius L., contains an exceptionally high amount of guanine-cytosine-rich satellite DNA. The thermal denaturation curve of total embryo DNA is biphasic with an inflexion point at 62% denaturation, indicating the presence of satellite DNA. The satellite fraction could be separated from the mainband DNA by three successive preparative CsCl-gradient centrifugations. The densities of the DNA fractions are 1.7045 g cm-3 and 1.6925 g cm-3, respectively. The percentages of guanine-cytosine calculated from these densities are comparable to the percentages of GC calculated from the melting temperatures. Finally, ressociation studies prove that foldback DNA and highly repeated sequences are much more frequent in the satellite DNA fraction than in the mainband DNA.Abbreviation C o t the product of the DNA concentration (mol nucleotides l-1) and the time (s) of incubation in a DNA reassociation reaction - GC guanine-cytosine - np nucleotide parirs - T temperature interval between 16 and 84% denaturation  相似文献   

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