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Surfactant proteins (SPs), designated SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D, play an important role in surfactant metabolism and host defense mechanisms in the lung. This study investigates expression of the different SP types in human nasal mucosa and cultured normal human nasal epithelial (NHNE) cells and whether the expression of SP mRNA is influenced by the degree of mucociliary differentiation. RT-PCR was performed with mRNA from cultured NHNE cells and nasal mucosa. Immunohistochemical staining for SPs was performed on nasal mucosa specimens. Western blot analysis was performed on cell lysates from cultured NHNE cells. SP-A2, SP-B, and SP-D mRNAs were expressed in normal NHNE cells and human nasal mucosa. SPs were localized in ciliated cells of the surface epithelium and serous acini of the submucosal glands. SP-A, SP-B, and SP-D proteins were expressed in cultured NHNE cells. The degree of mucociliary differentiation influenced expression of the SP gene. We demonstrate that SP-A, SP-B, and SP-D are expressed in human nasal mucosa and cultured NHNE cells. Further study of the functional role of SPs in the upper airway is required.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein (SP) A and SP-D are collectins that have roles in host defense. The Eustachian tube (ET) maintains the patency between the upper airways and the middle ear. Dysfunction of local mucosal immunity in ET may predispose infants to recurrent otitis media. We recently described preliminary evidence of the expression of SP-A and SP-D in the ET. Our present aim was to establish the sites of SP-A and SP-D expression within the epithelium of the ET in vivo. With in situ hybridization, electron microscopy, and immunoelectron microscopy, the cells responsible for SP-A and SP-D expression and storage were identified. SP-A expression was localized within the ET epithelium, and the protein was found in the electron-dense granules of microvillar epithelial cells. Being concentrated in the epithelial lining, only a few cells revealed intracellular SP-D, and it was not associated with granules. The SP-A and SP-D immunoreactivities in ET lavage fluid, as shown by Western blot analyses, were similar to those in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. We propose that there are specialized cells in the ET epithelium expressing and secreting SP-A and SP-D. SP-A and SP-D may be important for antibody-independent protection of the middle ear against infections.  相似文献   

SP-B(CTERM) is a cationic amphipathic helical peptide and functional fragment composed of residues 63 to 78 of surfactant protein B (SP-B). Static oriented and magic angle spinning solid state NMR, along with molecular dynamics simulation was used to investigate its structure, orientation, and depth in lipid bilayers of several compositions, namely POPC, DPPC, DPPC/POPC/POPG, and bovine lung surfactant extract (BLES). In all lipid environments the peptide was oriented parallel to the membrane surface. While maintaining this approximately planar orientation, SP-B(CTERM) exhibited a flexible topology controlled by subtle variations in lipid composition. SP-B(CTERM)-induced lipid realignment and/or conformational changes at the level of the head group were observed using (31)P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Measurements of the depth of SP-B(CTERM) indicated the peptide center positions ~8? more deeply than the phosphate headgroups, a topology that may allow the peptide to promote functional lipid structures without causing micellization upon compression.  相似文献   

Development of otitis media has been related to abnormal Eustachian tube (ET) mechanics. ET is a collapsible tube that is periodically opened to regulate middle ear pressure and to clear middle ear fluid into the nasopharynx. The ability to perform these physiological functions depends on several mechanical properties, including the ET's opening pressure (P(open)), compliance (ETC), and hysteresis (eta). In this study, a previously developed modified force-response protocol was used to determine ET mechanical properties after experimental manipulation of the mucosal surface condition. Specifically, these properties were measured in the right ear of six cynomologous monkeys under baseline conditions after "washing out" the normal ET mucous layer and after instillation of a pulmonary surfactant, Infasurf. Removal of the normal mucosa did not significantly alter P(open) but did result in a decrease in ETC and eta (P < 0.05). Treatment of the mucosa with Infasurf was effective in reducing P(open) and increasing both ETC and eta to baseline values (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the mucosa-air surface tension can affect the overall ETC and eta properties of the ET. In addition, this study indicates that surfactant therapy may only be beneficial in patients with rigid or inelastic ETs (large P(open) and low ETC and eta).  相似文献   

The presence of surfactant proteins was investigated in the human organ of Corti, Eustachian tube and kidney tissues. It has previously been shown that lamellar bodies are present in hairy cells of organ of Corti, in the cytoplasm of secretory and lumen of tubal glands of Eustachian tube and kidney renal basement membrane. No evidence for the presence of surfactant proteins in the organ of Corti and kidney has been presented until now. The aim of this study was to find out if surfactant proteins were expressed in other epithelia such as organ of Corti, Eustachian tube and kidney. Surfactant proteins were identified using one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. On one-dimensional Western blots, bands for surfactant protein A in human Eustachian tube (SP-A, 34 kDa) and in kidney extracts, and for surfactant protein D (SP-D, 43 kDa) in Eustachian tube and in kidney extracts (SP-D, 86 kDa), and for surfactant protein B (SP-B, 8 kDa) in human Eustachian tube and organ of Corti extracts were detected. Bands corresponded to monomeric forms of lung surfactant proteins. These results indicate the presence of SP-A and SP-D in kidney epithelium, SP-A, SP-B and SP-D in Eustachian tube and SP-B in the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is essential to the function of pulmonary surfactant and to alveolar type 2 cell phenotype. Human SP-B is the 79-amino acid product of extensive post-translational processing of a 381-amino acid preproprotein. Processing involves modification of the primary translation product from 39 to 42 kDa and at least 3 subsequent proteolytic cleavages to produce the mature 8-kDa SP-B. To examine the intracellular sites of SP-B processing, we carried out immunofluorescence cytochemistry and inhibitor studies on human fetal lung in explant culture and isolated type 2 cells in monolayer culture using polyclonal antibodies to human SP-B(8) (Phe(201)-Met(279)) and specific epitopes within the N- (NFProx, Ser(145)-Leu(160); NFlank Gln(186)-Gln(200)) and C-terminal (CFlank, Gly(284)-Ser(304)) propeptides of pro-SP-B. Fluorescence immunocytochemistry using epitope-specific antisera showed colocalization of pro-SP-B with the endoplasmic reticulum resident protein BiP. The 25-kDa intermediate was partially endo H-sensitive, colocalized with the medial Golgi resident protein MG160, and shifted into the endoplasmic reticulum in the presence of brefeldin A, which interferes with anterograde transport from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi. The 9-kDa intermediate colocalized in part with MG160 but not with Lamp-1, a transmembrane protein resident in late endosomes and lamellar bodies. Brefeldin A induced a loss of colocalization between MG160 and NFlank, shifting NFlank immunostaining to a juxtanuclear tubular array. In pulse-chase studies, brefeldin A blocked all processing of 42-kDa pro-SP-B whereas similar studies using monensin blocked the final N-terminal processing event of 9 to 8 kDa SP-B. We conclude that: 1) the first enzymatic cleavage of pro-SP-B to the 25-kDa intermediate is in the brefeldin A-sensitive, medial Golgi; 2) cleavage of the 25-kDa intermediate to a 9-kDa form is a trans-Golgi event that is slowed but not blocked by monensin; 3) the final cleavage of 9 to 8 kDa SP-B is a monensin-sensitive, post-Golgi event occurring prior to transfer of SP-B to lamellar bodies.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the main phospholipid in lung surfactant and, more specifically, dipalmitoyl PC (PC16:0/16:0) is the major surface-active component. Several studies have tentatively shown that eustachian tube lavage fluid (ETLF) contains surface-active material. The aim of the present study was to determine, using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, whether the phospholipid molecular species composition of ETLF is similar to that of lung surfactant. PC was the main component of both ETLF and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). The concentration of phosphatidylethanolamine was higher and phosphatidylglycerol was undetectable in ETLF compared with BALF. The molecular species composition of PC in ETLF was notably different from that of BALF, palmitoyloleoyl PC being the major component. Importantly, given its predominance in BALF PC, the concentration of PC16:0/16:0 was low in ETLF. As expected on the basis of this molecular species composition of PC, ETLF did not generate low surface tension values under dynamic compression in a pulsating bubble surfactometer.We conclude that the surfactant in ET is different from lung surfactant, and that low surface tension is not a major determinant of ETLF function.  相似文献   

The content-dependent activity of surfactant protein (SP)-B was studied in mixtures with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), synthetic lipids (SL), and purified phospholipids (PPL) from calf lung surfactant extract (CLSE). At fixed SP-B content, adsorption and dynamic surface tension lowering were ordered as PPL/SP-B approximately SL/SP-B > DPPC/SP-B. All mixtures were similar in having increased surface activity as SP-B content was incrementally raised from 0.05 to 0.75% by weight. SP-B had small but measurable effects on interfacial properties even at very low levels < or =0.1% by weight. PPL/SP-B (0.75%) had the highest adsorption and dynamic surface activity, approaching the behavior of CLSE. All mixtures containing 0.75% SP-B reached minimum surface tensions <1 mN/m in pulsating bubble studies at low phospholipid concentration (1 mg/ml). Mixtures of PPL or SL with SP-B (0.5%) also had minimum surface tensions <1 mN/m at 1 mg/ml, whereas DPPC/SP-B (0.5%) reached <1 mN/m at 2.5 mg/ml. Physiological activity also was strongly dependent on SP-B content. The ability of instilled SL/SP-B mixtures to improve surfactant-deficient pressure-volume mechanics in excised lavaged rat lungs increased as SP-B content was raised from 0.1 to 0.75% by weight. This study emphasizes the crucial functional activity of SP-B in lung surfactants. Significant differences in SP-B content between exogenous surfactants used to treat respiratory disease could be associated with substantial activity variations.  相似文献   

We simulated spontaneous fusion of small unilamellar vesicles mediated by lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) using the MARTINI force field. An SP-B monomer triggers fusion events by anchoring two vesicles and facilitating the formation of a lipid bridge between the proximal leaflets. Once a lipid bridge is formed, fusion proceeds via a previously described stalk - hemifusion diaphragm - pore-opening pathway. In the absence of protein, fusion of vesicles was not observed in either unbiased simulations or upon application of a restraining potential to maintain the vesicles in close proximity. The shape of SP-B appears to enable it to bind to two vesicles at once, forcing their proximity, and to facilitate the initial transfer of lipids to form a high-energy hemifusion intermediate. Our results may provide insight into more general mechanisms of protein-mediated membrane fusion, and a possible role of SP-B in the secretory pathway and transfer of lung surfactant to the gas exchange interface.  相似文献   

Summary The middle ear cavity of the rat is lined with ciliated and squamous epithelium. The arrangement of the ciliated cells, interspersed with secretory cells, in distinct tracts and their continuity with the ciliated epithelium of the Eustachian tube, suggests the existence of a mucociliary transport system for cleaning the middle ear cleft. The secretory cells produce either neutral or sulphated glycoproteins, dependent on their location. In addition to these secretions, the epithelium of the lower part of the Eustachian tube is bathed with secretory products of seromucous glands.Also in the areas with squamous epithelium, numerous small secretory cells, the character of which is only identifiable with the electronmicroscope, are present. It is concluded that the middle ear lining can be considered as a locally modified respiratory epithelium.Blockade of the mucociliary transport system, supposedly a crucial aetiological factor in secretory otitis media, by obstruction of the Eustachian tube, induces pathogenic behaviour of microorganisms normally present in the middle ear. This results in either a transient or a longstanding infective middle ear disease, associated with a large variety of changes of the mucosa, especially with respect to the secretory activity.The data obtained indicate that the increased secretory activity encountered in secretory otitis media cannot be attributed to the isolated effect of tubal occlusion, but rather to an infective process.  相似文献   

Porcine organs and lung surfactant have medically important applications in both xenotransplantation and therapy. We have started to characterize porcine lung surfactant by cloning the cDNA of porcine surfactant protein D (SP-D). SP-D and SP-A are important mediators in innate immune defense for the lung and possibly other mucosal surfaces. Porcine SP-D will also be an important reagent for use in existing porcine animal models for human lung infections. The complete cDNA sequence of porcine SP-D, including the 5' and 3' untranslated regions, was determined from two overlapping bacteriophage clones and by PCR cloning. Three unique features were revealed from the porcine sequence in comparison to SP-D from other previously characterized species, making porcine SP-D an intriguing species addition to the SP-D/collectin family. The collagen region contains an extra cysteine residue, which may have important structural consequences. The other two differences, a potential glycosylation site and an insertion of three amino acids, lie in the loop regions of the carbohydrate recognition domain, close to the carbohydrate binding region and thus may have functional implications. These variations were ruled out as polymorphisms or mutations by confirming the sequence at the genomic level in four different pig breeds. Porcine SP-D was shown to localize primarily to the lung and with less abundance to the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The genes for SP-D and SP-A were also shown to colocalize to a region of porcine chromosome 14 that is syntenic with the human and murine collectin loci.  相似文献   

Grossmann, Gertie, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Bengt Robertson, TsutomuKobayashi, Per Berggren, Wen-Zhi Li, Guo-Wei Song, and Bo Sun.Pathophysiology of neonatal lung injury induced by monoclonal antibody to surfactant protein B. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(6): 2003-2010, 1997.Near-termnewborn rabbits were exposed via the airways to a monoclonal antibodyto surfactant protein B and ventilated for 0-120 min. Controlanimals received nonspecific rabbit or mouse immunoglobulin G, saline,or no material via the airways. Administration of the antibody at 40mg/kg elicited an immediate, significant fall in lung-thorax complianceassociated with progressive intra-alveolar edema and/oralveolar collapse and necrosis and desquamation of airway epithelium,and hyaline membranes. The vascular-to-alveolar leak of human albuminand human immunoglobulin G, injected intravenously at birth anddetermined in lung lavage fluid 60-120 min after instillation ofthe antibody, was 1.8% for the left lung, with no difference betweenthe markers. The average leak in control animals ventilated for 120 minwas <0.3% (P < 0.05). Cytospin preparations of lung lavage fluid from animals exposed to the antibodyshowed significantly increased recruitment of neutrophilic granulocytes. The pathology and pathophysiology of neonatal lung injuryinduced by the monoclonal antibody to surfactant protein B probablyreflect a combination of direct inactivation of surfactant and aninflammatory response triggered by the immune reaction.


Mucins are important glycoproteins in the mucociliary transport system of the middle ear and Eustachian tube. Little is known about mucin expression within this system under physiological and pathological conditions. This study demonstrated the expression of MUC5B, MUC5AC, MUC4, and MUC1 in the human Eustachian tube, whereas only MUC5B mucin expression was demonstrated in noninflamed middle ears. MUC5B and MUC4 mucin genes were upregulated 4.2- and 6-fold, respectively, in middle ears with chronic otitis media (COM) or mucoid otitis media (MOM). This upregulation of mucin genes was accompanied by an increase of MUC5B- and MUC4-producing cells in the middle ear mucosa. Electron microscopy of the secretions from COM and MOM showed the presence of chainlike polymeric mucin. These data indicate that the epithelium of the middle ear and Eustachian tube expresses distinct mucin profiles and that MUC5B and MUC4 mucins are highly produced and secreted in the diseased middle ear. These mucins may form thick mucous effusion in the middle ear cavity and compromise the function of the middle ear.  相似文献   

Using immunogold labeling of fixed, cryosubstituted tissue sections, we compared the distribution of lysozyme, an oxidant-sensitive lamellar body protein, with that of surfactant protein A (SP-A) in rat Type II cells, extracellular surfactant forms, and alveolar macrophages. Morphometric analysis of gold particle distribution revealed that lysozyme and SP-A were present throughout the secretory and endosomal pathways of Type II cells, with prominent localization of lysozyme in the peripheral compartment of lamellar bodies. All extracellular surfactant forms were labeled for both proteins with preferential labeling of tubular myelin and unilamellar vesicles. Labeling of tubular myelin for SP-A was striking when compared with that of lamellar bodies and other extracellular surfactant forms. Lamellar body-like forms and multilamellar structures were uniformly labeled for lysozyme, suggesting that this protein is rapidly redistributed within these forms after secretion of lysozyme-laden lamellar bodies. By contrast, increased labeling for SP-A was observed over peripheral membranes of lamellar body-like forms and multilamellar structures, apparently reflecting progressive SP-A enrichment of these membranes during tubular myelin formation. The results indicate that lysozyme is an integral component of the lamellar body peripheral compartment and secreted surfactant membranes, and support the concept that lysozyme may participate in the structural organization of lung surfactant.  相似文献   

One of the possible functions of lung surfactant protein B (SP-B), an hydrophobic membrane-associated saposin-like protein, is to reduce the alveolar surface tension by promoting insertion of phospholipids into the air/liquid interface of the lung. SP-B is a covalent homodimer; Cys48 of two polypeptides form an intermolecular disulphide bond. In order to test whether dimerisation of SP-B is important for surfactant function, transgenic mice which express (Cys48Ser) human SP-B in a mouse SP-B null background were generated. In previous studies (Cys48Ser)SP-B showed a concentration-dependent in vitro activity, suggesting that it may form non-covalent dimers. Here (Cys48Ser)SP-B isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage of transgenic mice was studied at different concentrations by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, pulsating bubble surfactometry, mass spectrometry and reversed-phase HPLC. The results indicate that (Cys48Ser)SP-B, both in a phospholipid environment and in organic solvents, is largely monomeric and exhibits low activity at concentrations lower than 1 -2 microM, while at higher concentrations it forms non-covalent dimers, which are nearly functionally equivalent to native SP-B in vitro. Furthermore, electrospray mass spectrometry showed that more dimers were found relative to the monomer when the polarity of the solvent was decreased, and when the concentration of SP-B increased. (Cys48Ser)SP-B also eluted earlier than native SP-B in reversed-phase HPLC. Taken together, these results indicate that a polar surface is buried upon dimerisation, thereby promoting formation of interchain ion pairs between Glu51-Arg52' and Glu51'-Arg52.  相似文献   

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