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Miconia santanana, which occurs in broad-leaved forests along streams of pineland habitats in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, is described and illustrated. It is compared withM. ferruginea andM. adenocalyx, two presumed close relatives withinMiconia sect.Chaenopleura. Eco-geographic characterizations and a key are presented for these three species.  相似文献   

Miconia howardiana, which is known only from a diverse moist montane forest in the vicinity of Loma Trocha de Pey (or “Monteada Nueva”), the easternmost peak of the Sierra de Baoruco, is described and illustrated. It is compared to phenetically similar (and probably phylogenetically related) species of theMiconia favosa complex, i.e.,M. favosa, M. xenotricha, M. campanensis M. Sintenisii, M. foveolata, andM. pycnoneura. The species of this complex are characterized by bullate leaves with frequently cordate bases and often six secondary veins. Most species also have large berries and flowers, 5-locular ovaries, large inflorescence bracts and bracteoles, and more or less dendritic multicellular hairs.  相似文献   

Miconia zanonii, which occurs in broad-leaved cloud forests at four localities in the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, is described and illustrated. It is compared withM. krugii andM. samanensis, two probably close relatives withinMiconia sect.Chaenopleura.  相似文献   

Walter S. Judd 《Brittonia》1986,38(2):150-161
In the Miconieae (Melastomataceae) the inflorescences may be either lateral (with shoots pleonanthic and plants showing Rauh's architectural model) or the terminal (with shoots hapaxanthic and plants illustrating Leeuwenberg's, or less commonly Scarrone's or Stone's, architectural models). Inflorescence position is a valuable taxonomic character in the tribe and is usually uniform within genera or speciesgroups. An analysis of variation of this character elucidates the complex and difficult generic delimitations within the tribe.Ossaea DC. andClidemia D. Don, as presently delimited, contain both terminal-and axillary-flowered species and are undoubtedly polyphyletic assemblages. Some groups, e.g.,Clidemia sect.Clidemia, Leandra Raddi sect.Chaetodon Cogn.,Ossaea sect.Octopleura (Griseb.) Cogn., andMyrmidone Mart. have species that develop pseudolateral inflorescences, i.e., the terminal nature of the inflorescence is obscured by the early development of an axillary bud which continues growth of the branch. Pseudolateral inflorescences seem to have evolved several times within the tribe, andClidemia sect.Clidemia likely evolved from the obviously terminal-floweredHeterotrichum DC. andMiconia Ruíz & Pavón sect.Octomeris Hook. f. (p. p.);Myrmidone andMicrophysca Naud. are closely related toTococa Aublet; andLeandra sect.Chaetodon (and probably alsoOssea sect.Octopleura) show affinity with the remaining sections ofLeandra.  相似文献   

Calycogonium formonense, a new species, is here described from the floristically diverse Massif de la Hotte of southern Haiti. It is compared to C. hispidulum, to which it is likely related. Although the genus Calycogonium is not monophyletic, C. formonense and C. hispidulum are probably related to other species, e.g., C. calycopteris, C. heterophyllum, and C. reticulatum, that exhibit reduced inflorescences and 4-merous flowers having hypanthia with four conspicuous lobes separated by longitudinal grooves and external calyx lobes that are flattened parallel to the floral radii. These distinctive species may form a clade. Calycogonium formonense is distinguished from C. hispidulum by its smaller leaves with the tertiary veins not raised on the abaxial surface, with entire margins (i.e., margin without elongate multicellular hairs), and usually solitary flowers.  相似文献   

Miconia caiuia occurs only in the highly endangered submontane moist forests in the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco, and northern Bahia, Brazil. It belongs to Miconia section Miconia subsection Secundiflorae. This new species can be distinguished from other species in this subsection by the lepidote-stellate trichomes on young branches, petioles, inflorescences and hypanthia, leaves with suprabasal nerves and wrinkled/auriculate bases, abaxial leaf surfaces with only sparse trichomes, a 5-locular ovary, and large mature fruits (10–13?×?12–15 mm) with up to 15 seeds, which are 2.5–3.5 mm long.  相似文献   

Two new species of Miconia from Bolivia are described: Miconia galeiformis and Miconia neei. Both species occur in Andean montane forests. Miconia galeiformis (sect. Chaenopleura) is distinctive within Miconia due to the presence of setose stems, petioles and abaxial leaf surface, and a large, globose stigma. Miconia neei bears unisexual flowers, and can be distinguished from similar species of Miconia sect. Cremanium in Bolivia based on the furfuraceous stems and young nodes, in addition to serrulate leaf margins. The documentation of dioecy in Miconia neei and the occasional occurrence of unisexual flowers in Miconia galeiformis adds to our burgeoning understanding of complex breeding systems within Miconia.  相似文献   

In the course of a phylogenetic analysis and systematic revision ofCharianthus, it was discovered thatC. purpureus, as traditionally circumscribed, is polyphyletic, consisting of three morphologically diagnosable entities. Thus two new species,Charianthus dominicensis andC. grenadensis, are described and illustrated. Each is endemic to the Lesser Antillean island for which it is named—Dominica and Grenada, respectively.Charianthus, the only vascular plant genus endemic to the Lesser Antilles, comprises six species of nectariferous, hummingbird-pollinated shrubs and small trees.  相似文献   

Three new species in the genus Gyrosigma Hassall (G. caliG. Reid sp. nov., G. gibbyiG. Reid sp. nov. and G. murphyi G. Reid sp. nov) are described. A cladistic analysis on the basis of 10 morphological characters, was undertaken to investigate the interrelationships of these new species within Gyrosigma. As well as ‘standard’ cladistic analysis, which apportions equal weight to all characters, a posteriori differential weighting was also investigated. Pleurosigma subtilis Brébisson is transferred to Gyrosigma, as G. subtile (Brébisson) G. Reid comb. nov., because it is more closely related to other species of Gyrosigma than to Pleurosigma Smith. G. balticum var. californicum Grunow in Cleve and Möller is elevated to specific status [as G. californicum (Grunow in Cleve and Möller) G. Reid stat. nov.], because it does not form a monophyletic group with G. balticum (Ehrenberg) Rabenhorst.  相似文献   

J. Dan Skean 《Brittonia》2000,52(2):191-195
Mecranium juddii is described and illustrated. It is known only from 1650–1700 m elevation in the Ravine du Sud on the northern slopes of Morne Formon in Macaya National Park, Haiti.Mecranium juddii is a member of theM. multiflorum complex and is phenetically most similar toM. revolutum andM. alpestre, which differ fromM. juddii in stem indumentum or leaf size and shape.  相似文献   

For the systematic study of the gonostomatid fishes of theDiplophos taenia species complex, a total of 698 specimens was obtained from the three oceans. Four valid species were recognized:D. taenia Günther,D. proximus Parr,D. orientalis Matsubara, andD. australis sp. nov. The diagnostic characters are 90–100 total vertebrae (TV) (37–41 abdominal (AV) +52–60 caudal vertebrae (CV)) and 103–115 IC photophores (IC) for D.taenia, 85–90 TV (36–39 AV + 48–52 CV) and 98–104 IC forD. proximus, 83–86 TV (33–35 AV + 49–52 CV) and 92–100 IC for D.orientalis, and 84–91 TV (33–37 AV+ 50–54 CV) and 99–105 IC forD. australis. In addition to the above,D. proximus has larger orbital diameter (the proportion to head length 21–28%) than the other three species (15–23%) beyond 70mm in standard length. Due to wide distribution,D. taenia shows meristic variations: the numbers of TV, IC and anal fin rays (A) are smaller at lower latitudes and larger at higher ones in all oceans, and the number of A is smaller in the Atlantic (56–71) than in the other oceans (59–72) of the same latitude. Because of these variations, identification to species level is possible only area by area. The distribution of each of the four species is also distinct:D. taenia is a cosmopolitan between about 40° N and 30° S exclusive of the eastern tropical Pacific;D. proximus is endemic to the eastern tropical Pacific;D. orientalis is limited to the North Pacific transitional zone between about 30° and 40° N; andD. australis in a transitional zone of the Southern Ocean south of 20° S.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):358-363
The Phytosciara genus group (Diptera, Sciaridae: Phytosciara Frey, Dolichosciara Tuomikoski, and Prosciara Frey) are studied in the Korean peninsula. Dolichosciara koreaensis Shin & Menzel sp. n. is described and illustrated as new to science. Additionally, four species are reported as new to Korea: Dolichosciara orcina (Tuomikoski, 1960), Dolichosciara semiferruginea (Menzel, 1995), Prosciara producta (Tuomikoski, 1960), and Prosciara ussuriensis (Antonova, 1977). Identification keys are given for the genera of the Phytosciara genus group and for the Korean species of the genera Dolichosciara Tuomikoski and Prosciara Frey. The COI barcode for the new species is studied.  相似文献   

The Drosophila auraria species complex, especially from the Ryukyu archipelago and Taiwan, was reviewed. A new species, D. neoasahinai Watada and Kondo, sp. nov., was described from Okinawa‐jima and surrounding islands. Two synonymies were proposed on the basis of the present and previous morphological comparisons and cross experiments: (i) D. yuwanensis Kim and Okada, 1988 as a junior synonym of D. asahinai Okada, 1964; and (ii) D. quadraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972 as a junior synonym of D. triauraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972. A laboratory stock (no. 14020–0011.01) maintained in the Drosophila Species Stock Center at the University of California, San Diego and so far designated as D. rufa Kikkawa and Peng, 1938 was identified as D. tani Cheng and Okada, 1985, based on morphology.  相似文献   

In order to compare ant and non-ant defended species of Melastomataceae, production of hydrogen cyanide gas was tested in the field for 51 species of 10 genera of the tribe Miconieae. Using both the picric acid and the Feigl–Anger tests all populations surveyed tested negative for the presence of cyanogenic glycosides. These results confirm that cyanogenesis is rare in the family, although not completely absent. Cyanogenic glycosides are not responsible for the protection against herbivory in non-ant defended species, but this does not rule out that there are quantitative of qualitative differences in other secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Platyrrhinus is a diverse genus of small to large phyllostomid bats characterized by a comparatively narrow uropatagium thickly fringed with hair, a white dorsal stripe, comparatively large inner upper incisors that are convergent at the tips, and three upper and three lower molars. Eighteen species are currently recognized, the majority occurring in the Andes. Molecular, morphological, and morphometric analyses of specimens formerly identified as Platyrrhinus helleri support recognition of Platyrrhinus incarum as a separate species and reveal the presence of two species from western and northern South America that we describe herein as new ( Platyrrhinus angustirostris sp. nov. from eastern Colombia and Ecuador, north‐eastern Peru, and Venezuela and Platyrrhinus fusciventris sp. nov. from Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, northern Brazil, eastern Ecuador, and southern Venezuela). These two new species are sister taxa and, in turn, sister to Platyrrhinus incarum. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 785–812.  相似文献   

We review the systematics of the Hypsiboas calcaratus species complex, a group of widely distributed Amazonian hylid frogs. A comprehensive analysis of genetic, morphological, and bioacoustic datasets uncovered the existence of eleven candidate species, six of which are confirmed. Two of them correspond to Hypsiboas fasciatus and Hypsiboas calcaratus and the remaining four are new species that we describe here. Hypsiboas fasciatus sensu stricto has a geographic range restricted to the eastern Andean foothills of southern Ecuador while Hypsiboas calcaratus sensu stricto has a wide distribution in the Amazon basin. Hypsiboas almendarizae sp. n. occurs at elevations between 500 and 1950 m in central and northern Ecuador; the other new species (H. maculateralis sp. n., H. alfaroi sp. n., and H. tetete sp. n.) occur at elevations below 500 m in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. The new species differ from H. calcaratus and H. fasciatus in morphology, advertisement calls, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Five candidate species from the Guianan region, Peru, and Bolivia are left as unconfirmed. Examination of the type material of Hyla steinbachi, from Bolivia, shows that it is not conspecific with H. fasciatus and thus is removed from its synonymy.  相似文献   


We have completed a taxonomic revision of the New Zealand marbled skink (Cyclodina oliveri) species complex. Morphological analyses and mitochondrial sequence data (ND2, ND4, Cytochrome b; Total 1933 bp) are used to describe a new taxon (commonly known as the “Mokohinau” skink) and redefine C. oliveri. The morphological and molecular data indicate that C. oliveri is distributed on the Poor Knights Islands, Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The new species is restricted to the Mokohinau Islands, Hen and Chickens group, Little Barrier Island and Great Barrier Island. Our data demonstrate that there is no support for the separation of the Poor Knights Islands population of C. oliveri from those on the Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The genetic data indicate that C. whitakeri is part of the C. oliveri species group. Divergence time estimates indicate that the C. oliveri species complex diverged during the late‐Miocene, with further divergences among island groups in C. oliveri including the origin of the new taxon during the late‐Pliocene and mid‐Pleistocene. We present a diagnostic key for Cyclodina.  相似文献   

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