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Cell and Tissue Research - Human follicular dendritic cell (FDC)-like cells (FLC) have been utilized for the in vitro analysis of germinal center reactions. However, there is no consensus whether...  相似文献   

Isolated follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) showed true and pseudoemperipolesis of fresh tonsillar lymphocytes, even after long-term (50-day) cultivation. Emperipolesis by FDCs was not restricted by allotype specificity, nor was it inhibited by the addition of antibodies against MHC-I & II antigens. Follicular dendritic cells predominantly engulfed B-cells; monocytes and macrophages were not found between FDC cytoplasmic extensions. When highly purified T-cell populations were added to FDC cultures emperipolesis of T-cells occurred, particularly those of the CD4-positive phenotype. Mitoses appeared within 6 h in the emperipolesed lymphocytes and, after an additional 18 h, some lymphocytes exhibited apoptosis.  相似文献   

W Klein  P B?ck 《Acta anatomica》1983,116(2):106-113
The elastic layer of the endocardium is studied in various laboratory animals (mouse, rat, rabbit, cat, and dog) and in man. Coarse elastica-positive fibers form a tightly woven layer in the endocardium of the left atrium; the elastic layer consists of loosely arranged delicate fibers in the endocardium of the right atrium. Electron microscopy shows the elastic material to consist of homogeneous elastin (E) and of elastic fiber microfibrils (EFM). Elastic material in the endocardium of the left atrium is mainly formed of E with few EFM present. By contrast, the portion of EFM predominated that of E in elastic fibers from the right atrium, where some elastica-positive fibers even appear as pure bundles of microfibrils. This was also observed in human material obtained from aged individuals (8th decennium). It is concluded that EFM are not only progenitors of E but represent an independent fibrous component of the connective tissue.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cells (dendritic reticular cells) in germinal centres bind antigen-antibody complexes via C3 receptors and retain the complexes at their surface for long periods of time. The follicular dendritic cells (FDC) are distinct from macrophages and from dendritic cells found in T-dependent areas, and are not derived from bone marrow stem cells. On histological evidence it has been proposed that they are derived from reticulum cells. Complexes are probably transported to FDC by a subpopulation of B cells in the marginal zone. Binding of complexes to FDC causes germinal centre enlargement and is a very efficient, and possibly essential stimulus to the generation of B memory cells which recognize epitopes on antigen or antibody in the complexes. An hypothesis is discussed which draws together these observations and suggests that antigen on FDC plays a central role in control of humoral immunity.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine the cytological features of isolated follicular dendritic cells (FDC), which distinguish them from other leukocytes or dendritic cell types. Consequently, we have developed methods for the fixation, peroxidase cytochemistry, and visualization of FDC, which are applicable to cytological evaluations by Nomarski optics, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. A functionally supported identification of FDC in vitro was made possible by utilizing, in conjunction with the dendritic morphology, the cytochemically identifiable antigen, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and the known capacity of FDC to sequester immune complexes (i.e. HRP-anti-HRP) on their plasma membranes. The observations showed that FDC constitute a relatively pleomorphic, nonphagocytic group, distinct from other dendritic type cells such as lymphoid dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, and interdigitating cells (LDC, LC, and IDC), as well as typical leukocytes. Morphologically distinct FDC were identified as cells either with filiform dendrites or with "beaded" dendrites. FDC possessed a single or sometimes a double, lymphocyte-size cell body, which contained an irregular, lobated nucleus, Golgi apparatus, numerous small vesicles, and some mitochondria. Mitochondria were not abundant in the dendritic processes. Filiform dendrites tended to branch and anastomose near the cell body and form a radiating "sunburst"-like pattern. On the average, dendrites measured 15-20 microns in length and 0.1-0.3 micron in diameter. Occasional dendrites were extremely elongated, reached several hundred microns in length, and terminated in an enlargement measuring nearly a micron in diameter. Other filiform dendrites usually had a club-shaped terminal enlargement. The microspheres of "beaded" dendrites ranged between 0.3 and 0.6 micron in diameter. The dendritic processes were also shown to have a highly ordered pattern of immune complex attachment on their surface, suggestive of a periodic arrangement of receptor sites.  相似文献   

The B-dependent areas of human lymphoid tissue contain non-lymphoid, non-phagocytic cells known as dendritic reticulum cells (DRC). These cells can be detected only very occasionally in routinely stained histologic sections. Recently we were able to overcome this limitation by preparing a monoclonal antibody, termed R 4/23, that reacts selectively with DRC. Thus by using an optimized immunoperoxidase method applied to frozen sections, it is possible to detect DRC in situ. To determine the antigenic profile of DRC, serial frozen sections of human tonsils were immunostained with R 4/23 and a large panel of other monoclonal antibodies or conventional antisera. In addition, touch imprints of tonsils and cytocentrifuge slides of cell suspensions with increased concentrations of DRC were immunostained with these reagents. DRC proved to be positive for mu, gamma, alpha, kappa and lambda chains, complement component C3b, C3b receptors, C3d receptors, HLA-A,B,C antigens, human Ia-like antigens, common ALL antigen (cALLa), and antigens that are characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage lineages. DRC did not express delta chains, T cell antigens, or antigens that are expressed on interdigitating reticulum cells (IDC) and Langerhans cells. DRC in touch imprints and suspensions prepared from hyperplastic tonsils were found to be giant cells often with 10 or more nuclei. In certain cases of follicular hyperplasia and of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, DRC with several nuclei were also detectable in situ. These results show that (1) the phenotype of DRC differs from that of all other cell types in lymphoid tissue, (2) this phenotype most nearly resembles that of cells of the monocyte/macrophage series, thus suggesting that DRC are related to these cell lineages, and (3) DRC are multinucleated giant cells.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are immune accessory cells found in the follicles of secondary lymphoid organs where they promote B cell maturation in germinal centers (GCs) that develop following antigen exposure. Recently, we published a method for isolating functional murine FDCs in high purity. We reasoned that disruption of FDC reticula in vivo would alter FDC morphology. The present study was undertaken to determine the morphological features of isolated FDCs. FDC-M1 and immune complex (IC) labeling were used to identify FDCs in isolated preparations. Results at the light-microscopic level revealed that isolated FDCs trapped ICs, expressed FDC-M1 and cadherins, but generally appeared non-dendritic. However, at the ultrastructural level, the majority of FDCs exhibited dendrites and typical euchromatic nuclei that appeared as single, bilobed, or double nuclei. Based on morphology, four varieties of FDCs were distinguishable, possibly indicative of differences in maturity. Remarkably, ICs trapped by FDCs showed a distinctive periodic arrangement consistent with that known to induce immune responses by thymus independent-2 (TI-2) antigens that engage and cross-link multiple B cell receptors. The ability of FDCs to trap ICs and then display these T-cell-dependent antigens with repeating periodicity suggests that multiple B cell receptors are cross-linked by antigen on FDCs, thus promoting B cell stimulation and proliferation. Rapid proliferation is characteristic of the GC reaction, and the arrangement of T-dependent antigens in this periodic fashion may help to explain the profuse B cell proliferation in the GC microenvironment. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant AI-17142. Electron microscopy and confocal microscopy were performed at the VCU Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy Microscopy Facility supported, in part, by funding from an NIH-NINDS Center core grant (5P30NS047463).  相似文献   

Minced human tonsils were digested with DNase and collagenase, and lymphoid cell-depleted low density cells were cultured and grown in granulocyte-macrophage-CSF. Large, morphologically homogenous adherent cells with elongated extensions grew continuously in culture. These nonphagocytic cells appear to be related to follicular dendritic cell (FDC) as they do not have properties of monocytic lineage cells or dendritic cells and because, like FDC, 1) they express CD11b, CD14, CD29, CD40, CD54, CD73, CD74, and VCAM-1, and do not express CD11c, CD22, T cell markers, CD18, CD25 and CD45; and 2) they bind human B lymphocytes and B cell lines, but not T lymphocytes by an adhesion blocked in part by mAb to VLA-4 (CD49d). The cultured FDC also augmented B cell proliferation stimulated by anti-mu sera and/or CD40 mAb. Cultured FDC spontaneously produced low levels of IL-6, but did not produce IL-1 alpha or TNF-alpha; however, after treatment with either IFN-gamma or LPS, they produced more IL-6. The expression of CD54 (ICAM-1) was elevated by treating the cultured FDC with either TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IFN-gamma or granulocyte-macrophage-CSF; in contrast, IL-4 had no effect on CD54 but rather up-regulated expression of VCAM-1. IFN-gamma, unlike the other cytokines tested, increased expression of a set of markers on cultured FDC (CD54, VCAM-1, and CD14) and converted these class II-negative cells into class II+ cells. The fact that various T cell-derived cytokines have different effects on FDC suggests that the T cell products may influence the manner by which FDC stimulate B cell proliferation and maturation.  相似文献   

Highly purified follicular dendritic cells (FDC) were isolated from human tonsils and cultivated for up to 150 days. The cell separation method employed produced pure aggregates (FDC-clusters) composed of FDC and germinal center lymphoid cells, useful for the analysis of the relationship between these two cell types and of the behavior of FDC in culture. During the first few days of culture, lymphoid cells located between FDC extensions survived better than those which were free or partly covered by FDC. After 6 days, the lymphoid population degenerated and only the FDC survived. The unique antigenic pattern of FDC (positive for HLA-DR. DRC-1, CD14b, CD21, CD23, CD35) disappeared within a few days of culture. Recombinant interferon-gamma exerted a positive effect either on retaining HLA-DR expression or on the reexpression of these antigens by FDC. HLA-ABC antigens were traced until the 10th day and desmosomal junctions until the 14th day. Subsequently, FDC presented peculiar features, including oval and rhomboid shapes, one to ten nuclei, fine amoeboid extensions, stress fibers and a radical dense zone in their cytoplasm. FDC possessed actin, tubulin and vimentin, but neither desmin nor cytokeratin. After 40 days of culture, FDC enlarged and were covered with abundant membrane extensions. Even when kept as long as 150 days in vitro. FDC did not proliferate in any of the culture conditions employed.  相似文献   

Association of B-1 B cells with follicular dendritic cells in spleen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although CD5(+) B-1 B cells have been recognized as an infrequent B cell subset in mice for many years, attempts to identify their histologic location in normal mouse spleen have proven difficult due to both their paucity and low level expression of CD5. In this study we have studied V(H)11/D(H)/J(H) gene-targeted mice, V(H)11t, that develop elevated numbers of CD5(+) V(H)11/V(k)9 B cells with an anti-phosphatidylcholine (anti-PtC) autoreactive specificity, allowing B-1 B cell detection by anti-PtC Id-specific Abs in spleen section staining. Using this approach we found that anti-PtC B-1 cells first appear within the white pulp in neonates, expand in association with follicular dendritic cells (FDC), and localize more centrally than other (non-B-1) IgD(high) follicular B cells in adults. Among neonatal B cells, CD5(+) B-1 cells in both normal and V(H)11t mouse spleen and peritoneal cavity express the highest levels of CXCR5, which is important for FDC development. Injection of purified spleen or peritoneal B-1 cells into RAG knockout mice resulted in B-1 cell follicle formation in spleen, inducing FDC development and plasma cell generation. These results indicate that B-1 B cells are the first B cells to express fully mature levels of CXCR5, thereby promoting the development of FDC.  相似文献   

The immune system is central in the pathogenesis of scrapie and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or 'prion' diseases. After infecting by peripheral (intraperitoneal or oral) routes, most TSE agents replicate in spleen and lymph nodes before neuroinvasion. Characterization of the cells supporting replication in these tissues is essential to understanding early pathogenesis and may indicate potential targets for therapy, for example, in 'new variant' Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The host 'prion' protein (PrP) is required for TSE agent replication and accumulates in modified forms in infected tissues. Abnormal PrP is detected readily on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in lymphoid tissues of patients with 'new variant' Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, sheep with natural scrapie and mice experimentally infected with scrapie. The normal protein is present on FDCs in uninfected mice and, at lower levels, on lymphocytes. Studies using severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, with and without bone marrow (BM) grafts, have indicated involvement of FDCs and/or lymphocytes in scrapie pathogenesis. To clarify the separate roles of FDCs and lymphocytes, we produced chimeric mice with a mismatch in PrP status between FDCs and other cells of the immune system, by grafting bone marrow from PrP-deficient knockout mice into PrP-expressing mice and vice versa. Using these chimeric models, we obtained strong evidence that FDCs themselves produce PrP and that replication of a mouse-passaged scrapie strain in spleen depends on PrP-expressing FDCs rather than on lymphocytes or other bone marrow-derived cells.  相似文献   

NADPase activity has been localized in the exocrine pancreas of rat, by cytochemistry according to the procedure of Smith as modified by Clermont et al. With NADP or NADPH as substrate, an intense reaction was detected in one or two intermediary saccules of the Golgi stack. Reaction product was also present in lysosomes, dense bodies and the gland lumen. It was absent from condensing vacuoles and zymogen granules. A very intense reaction was found over a "snake-like" structure not previously reported. These are elongated tubules located in basal and central portions of the acinar cell where they are frequently seen close to the Golgi stack or the basolateral cell surface.  相似文献   

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