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A technique for the analysis of fluorescein and rhodamine in a flow system using a single wavelength of excitation is described. Both optics and electronics are used to discriminate the fluorescein and rhodamine signals. This technique has been used to study the relationship between immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin D on mouse splenic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a disposable microfabricated fluorescence-activated cell sorter (microFACS) for sorting various biological entities. Compared with conventional FACS machines, the microFACS provides higher sensitivity, no cross-contamination, and lower cost. We have used microFACS chips to obtain substantial enrichment of micron-sized fluorescent bead populations of differing colors. Furthermore, we have separated Escherichia coli cells expressing green fluorescent protein from a background of nonfluorescent E. coli cells and shown that the bacteria are viable after extraction from the sorting device. These sorters can function as stand-alone devices or as components of an integrated microanalytical chip.  相似文献   

We have developed a quadrupole magnetic flow sorter (QMS) to facilitate high-throughput binary cell separation. Optimized QMS operation requires the adjustment of three flow parameters based on the immunomagnetic characteristics of the target cell sample. To overcome the inefficiency of semiempirical operation/optimization of QMS flow parameters, a theoretical model of the QMS sorting process was developed. Application of this model requires measurement of the magnetophoretic mobility distribution of the cell sample by the cell tracking velocimetry (CTV) technique developed in our laboratory. In this work, the theoretical model was experimentally tested using breast carcinoma cells (HCC1954) overexpressing the HER-2/neu gene, and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). The magnetophoretic mobility distribution of immunomagnetically labeled HCC1954 cells was measured using the CTV technique, and then theoretical predictions of sorting recoveries were calculated. Mean magnetophoretic mobilities of (1-3) x 10(-4) mm(3)/(T A s) were obtained depending on the labeling conditions. Labeled HCC1954 cells were mixed with unlabeled PBLs to form a "spiked" sample to be separated by the QMS. Fractional recoveries of cells for different flow parameters were examined and compared with theoretical predictions. Experimental results showed that the theoretical model accurately predicted fractional recoveries of HCC1954 cells. High-throughput (3.29 x 10(5) cells/s) separations with high recovery (0.89) of HCC1954 cells were achieved.  相似文献   

The novel calcium indicator fura red and the oxidative burst indicator dihydrorhodamine (both excited at 488 nm) were used in combination with multiparameter flow cytometry to allow simultaneous kinetic measurements of calcium fluxes and oxidative bursts in monocytes and granulocytes. Using this method it was possible to obtain direct evidence for the following cell type- and stimulus-specific differences in signal transduction pathways: 1) n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP)/cytochalasin B-induced oxidative burst is several-fold higher in granulocytes than in monocytes although the calcium fluxes have similar amplitudes in the two cell types; 2) stimulus-induced calcium fluxes in granulocytes are mainly due to release from intracellular stores, whereas monocytes mobilize calcium mainly by influx from the medium; 3) the FMLP/cytochalasin B-induced calcium flux in monocytes is less sensitive to the G-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin than the flux in granulocytes; 4) in contrast to FMLP/cytochalasin B, the protein kinase C activator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) induces an oxidative burst that is not preceded by a cytoplasmic calcium flux; 5) the PMA-induced oxidative burst can be triggered in monocytes and granulocytes that are depleted of intracellular calcium ions, whereas that induced by FMLP/cytochalasin B can not; 6) the G-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin blocks an early event in the signal transduction pathway of FMLP/cytochalasin B, as shown by inhibition of both calcium fluxes and oxidative burst; and 7) 100 nM of the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine blocks the FMLP/cytochalasin B-induced respiratory burst by interfering with a step downstream to cytoplasmic calcium fluxes, whereas only 10-20 nM is necessary to block PMA-induced oxidative burst.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were reacted with fluorescein-conjugated antibodies specific to T or B cell surface antigen and fractionated with a fluorescence activated cell sorter. The isolated T and B cells were examined for their capacity to synthesize metallothioneins (MTs). Analysis by gel electrophoresis indicated that both T and B cells were able to produce MTs in a Cd2+-inducible manner, suggesting that both cells types have a mechanism of protection against Cd2+ toxicity.  相似文献   

Monolayers of freshly isolated human monocytes are known to ingest particulate activators of the human alternative complement pathway. The ingestion of rabbit erythrocytes, ER, by human monocytes in serum-free medium was studied. The process is Mg2+-dependent and optimum phagocytic activity was obtained at approximately 20 mM MgCl2. Preincubation of mononuclear leukocytes increased the number of monocytes ingesting ER by at least twofold and this involved de novo protein synthesis, as evidenced by inhibition with cycloheximide. However, preincubation of the mononuclear leukocytes for longer periods (greater than 4 hr) caused a decrease in the percentage of ingesting monocytes. No inhibition of ingestion of ER was observed by cobra venom factor (CVF) or F(ab')2 rabbit anti-human C3 of F(ab')2 murine monoclonal anti-human Bb, known to inhibit C3 convertase activity. The ingestion was also not inhibited by (a) rabbit anti-human CR1, (b) OKM1 or anti-MO1, two monoclonal anti-CR3 antibodies, (c) goat anti-human IgG Fc receptor, or (d) mannan, a competitive inhibitor of ligand uptake by the mannosyl-fucosyl receptor (MFR). In contrast, ingestion was inhibited by glucan particles of yeast.  相似文献   

Studies on cell communication with enucleated human fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Metabolic cooperation, the correction of the mutant phenotype in cells deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT-) by intimate contact with normal cells (HPRT+), represents a form of cell communication that is easily studied with radioautography. In the present study it was found that the formation of cell junctions needed for communication does not require protein synthesis nor is it under the immediate control of the cell nucleus. Enucleated normal cells efficiently communicate with HPRT- mutant cells. The effectiveness of enucleated cells as donors in metabolic cooperation provides evidence that it is the transfer of small molecules, nucleotide, or nucleotide derivatives that is responsible for correction of the mutant phenotype. Karyoplasts (nuclei with small amounts of cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane) are unable to efficiently communicate with intact cells. The utilization of [3H]hypoxanthine by communicating mixtures of HPRT+ and HPRT- human cells is not significantly different than in the normal cells alone. Metabolic cooperation, as studied involves a redistribution of purine-containing compounds among communicating cells.  相似文献   

The expression of cell surface nuclear Ag was studied by examining the binding of anti-histone mAb to viable human peripheral blood cells. Freshly isolated cells showed no binding of these mAb. However, in vitro culture in the presence of LPS induced a dose-dependent expression of cell surface nuclear Ag on monocytes (M3+ cells). The addition of IL-1 beta to cultures also induced expression of cell surface nuclear Ag, whereas IFN-gamma was without effect. Release of nuclear material into the supernatants over time was demonstrated by using a chromatin-specific sandwich ELISA. Analysis of the DNA in the released nuclear material demonstrated banding at multiples of 190 bp, suggesting the release of polynucleosomes. Although LPS was required for cell surface nuclear Ag expression, it did not affect the release of nuclear material into the supernatants. The ability of monocytes to bind exogenous chromatin was studied by adding biotinylated-chromatin to PBL and detection with FITC-avidin. Freshly isolated PBL bound no chromatin, but when PBL were cultured in the presence of LPS, monocytes bound chromatin in a saturable manner. The LPS induction of the capacity to bind exogenous chromatin was blocked by cycloheximide. These data suggest that monocyte activation is associated with the expression of a chromatin (?nucleosome)-binding receptor and that this receptor is capable of binding nuclear material released into the cellular milieu. Monocytes may thus provide an important mechanism for the removal of extracellular nuclear material at sites of cell death and/or inflammation. The binding of nuclear Ag to cell surfaces and potential abnormalities of this binding may play a role in the induction of antinuclear antibodies and/or tissue damage in diseases such as SLE.  相似文献   

A fluorescence -activated cell sorter (FACS-II) was used to examine biochemical parameters in a heterogeneous population of cultured human lymphocytes. Incubation of cells in the presence of benz(a)anthracene (BA) during culture was employed to induce the enzyme system which metabolizes carcinogens. Carcinogen metabolism was assayed directly by measuring the phenolic metabolites of cells exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BP). Metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene was measured in single cells and was determined to be greater in the larger cells than in the smaller cells of the cultures. For a given size of cells, the enzyme activity was greater in those exposed to benz(a)anthracene during culture. In some studies, viable cells were first sorted by size and subpopulations assayed for the o-deethylation of the compound, ethoxyresorufin, which measures more specifically the activity of cytochrome P-448. Larger cells had higher levels of enzyme activity than smaller cells in agreement with the direct determinations above. It is possible to measure carcinogen metabolism in other tissues by using the techniques described here.  相似文献   

Fluorescence-activated cell sorters permit analyses and separation of cell populations based on light scatter and surface immunofluorescence parameters. Since a sorter can deposit individually identifiable cells onto a microscope slide, it was considered of interest to combine the flow measurements with analyses available on cells adhering to a surface as in, for example, morphological studies, cytoplasmic immunofluorescent staining, and mRNA in situ hybridization. A necessary condition for these studies is the preservation of cell structures after sorting. We report here a procedure suitable for this purpose. The most important features of this procedure are A) reducing the saline content of the sorter sheath fluid to about 0.0015 M (one-hundredth that of normal saline) to prevent cell damage due to hypertonicity during drying, and B) coating the substrate with a thin layer of newborn calf serum to promote the adherence of the cells to the substrate during subsequent fixing and staining.  相似文献   

We developed a method for cloning cells of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila in chemically defined medium (CDM) using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Although T. thermophila is a model unicellular eukaryote, two major technical difficulties remain in its cloning. First, T. thermophila fails to proliferate from low density in CDM, particularly if the inoculum contains single cells. Second, general cloning methods are time consuming and have low throughput. Here, we modified the CDM by addition of bovine serum albumin that helped growth from an inoculum with a density of 10 cell/ml (1 cell/100 μl). In addition, we applied a FACS for isolation of single cells. We showed that it is possible to separate cell populations based on the presence or absence of phagocytosed fluorescent beads and to isolate single cells in a modified CDM by FACS. Our techniques allow the direct isolation of single cells and facilitate the establishment of clonal strains.  相似文献   

FITC-conjugated bovine serum albumin (FITC-BSA) molecules were quantitatively introduced into human erythrocyte ghosts by gradual hemolysis. When the ghosts and L cells were fused with UV-inactivated HVJ (Sendai virus), FITC-BSA was introduced into the cytoplasm of the L cells and fluorescence could be observed inthe cells with a fluorescence microscope. A mixture of L cells and ghosts was introduced into a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS), which could separate the mononuclear cells on the basis of their light-scattering profile. Four distinct populations of mononuclear cells were found by fluorescence analysis. These populations were separated from the cell mixture and found to correspond to cells fused with one, two and three ghosts and unfused cells. After separation, the cells from each population could form colonies in culture. As a given macromolecule can be quantitatively introduced into erythrocyte ghosts with the FITC-BSA, after fusion of these ghosts with cells, this sorting method is useful for separating cells containing a definite number of macromolecules.  相似文献   

A high-resolution triple-laser sorter was designed and constructed to provide flexible switchover and high-resolution sorting of cells or chromosomes with any combination of one, two, or three lasers. These features provide a central facility instrument that currently serves multiple users and analyzes different stain combinations with minimal switchover effort between experiments. Improved optics and mounts that focus the three laser beams independently are able to resolve beads and chromosomes better than our previously reported dual-laser sorter. An improved signal collection unit with electronically controlled reference positions can be focused more quickly and precisely for any signal combination. A removable dye laser extends the range of usable fluorochrome labels. A rapid sheath switchover permits sorting of sterile cells and sterile chromosomes sequentially without additional sterilization or reservoir sheath change. Improved dual-laser chromosome resolution is at least as good, analyzing 8,000 chromosomes/s, compared to the previous dual-laser bench at 2,000/s. Stimulated and unstimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes were analyzed according to simultaneous measurements of cell surface receptors labeled with a fluoresceinated neuropeptide and a Texas red-labeled antibody as well as DNA content during the cell cycle. These results demonstrate the broad range of potential applications of this triple-laser system.  相似文献   

Purification of human monocytes on microexudate-coated surfaces.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Human blood monocytes, but not other Ficoll-Hypaque cells, adhere to plastic surfaces from which confluent BHK cells have been removed. EDTA (3mM) rapidly and completely removes monocytes, providing a simple technique for preparation of human monocytes in suspension. The method should be valuable for studies of monocyte function where monocyte monolayers are not suitable.  相似文献   

The interaction between radioiodinated lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 (125I-LPS) and human peripheral-blood monocytes was studied. The association of 125I-LPS with monocytes at 37 degrees C appeared to depend on binding to the cell membrane with subsequent internalization of the molecule, and was not saturable with time (up to 2 h) or 125I-LPS concentration (up to 10 micrograms/ml). There was no apparent difference in the behaviour of unlabelled LPS and 125I-LPS with respect to monocyte association. 125I-LPS association with monocytes was inhibited by LPS and O-polysaccharide from E. coli 0111:B4 and Salmonella typhi 0901, but not by lipid A or polymyxin B. We propose that the mechanism of human monocyte stimulation by LPS involves polysaccharide-dependent binding to the cell membrane followed by internalization of the LPS molecule. We were unable to demonstrate a specific LPS receptor such as that found on murine B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Biological and genetic variability is a prominent feature of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strains, especially in tropism, syncytium formation, and replicative capacity. To determine whether there were variable host cell effects on HIV replication in monocytes, three different strains of low-passage-number monocytotropic blood isolates of HIV and the laboratory-adapted strain Ba-L were inoculated into panels of adherent monocytes drawn from 44 different donors, and peak extracellular HIV p24 antigen titers were compared. The clinical HIV strains showed patterns of either moderate or low-level replication in most donor monocytes (20 to 4,000 pg/ml). However, within this range there was marked variation in peak titers in most donors. HIV type 1 Ba-L replicated in all donor monocytes to much higher levels with less variability (30 to 40 ng/ml). Furthermore, replication of 21 clinical blood-derived strains of HIV in blood monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from pairs of identical twins and age-matched unrelated donors (URD) of the same sex were compared. In all of the seven pairs of identical twins, the kinetics of replication (measured by extracellular HIV p24 antigen) of panels of four clinical HIV type 1 isolates in monocytes were similar within pairs. However, marked and significant differences in kinetics of HIV production occurred within 10 of the 12 unrelated donor pairs (P = 0.0007). The remaining two URD pairs showed similar kinetic patterns, but only one pair had the same HLA-DR genotype. Similar results were observed with monocytes/MDMs obtained from a second bleed of the same donor. Hence, discordant patterns of HIV replication kinetics between URD monocyte pairs contrasted with concordant patterns in identical twin monocytes. These data strongly suggest a host cell genetic effect on productive viral replication in monocytes and MDMs. So far, no consistent genetic linkage of HIV replication pattern with HLA-DR genotype has been observed.  相似文献   

A rabbit antibody against a chemically synthesized peptide (p84), encompassing residues 59-72 of mature human interleukin 2 (IL-2), has been shown to react specifically with natural or recombinant IL-2. This antibody was used in immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence techniques for identification of IL-2-containing cells in human peripheral blood or tonsils. Lymphocytes were stimulated with T-cell mitogens (PHA, PWM), fixed, and incubated with affinity-purified anti-p84 antibody, followed by appropriately conjugated secondary antibodies. FACS analysis demonstrated a low fluorescence intensity in 5 to 15% of unstimulated cells. In contrast, 40-60% of mitogen-stimulated cells were stained at a high fluorescence intensity. Staining was inhibited by preincubating the anti-p84 antibody with the homologous peptide or recombinant IL-2, but not by unrelated peptides. In immunoperoxidase staining, anti-p84 antibody reacted selectively with an enriched T-cell population which was 95% Leu 5+, 80% Leu 3+, and 60% Tac+. Thus, this antibody to a synthetic IL-2 peptide reacts selectively with activated T cells, and may serve, therefore, as a useful tool for visualization and enumeration of IL-2-containing cells in blood and tissues.  相似文献   

GB24 is a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against human trophoblast microvilli, which recognizes an antigenic determinant on the acrosomal region of the human sperm head. By indirect immunofluorescence, reactivity of GB24 could not be detected on freshly ejaculated spermatozoa but was strongly positive after sperm permeabilization with acetone. On viable, motile spermatozoa, reactivity appeared after induction of the acrosomal reaction with the calcium ionophore A23187. These results suggest that the antigen recognized by GB24 is present on the inner acrosomal membrane. A quantitative evaluation assay of the acrosome reaction on viable spermatozoa by flow cytometry using GB24 and indirect immunofluorescence is proposed.  相似文献   

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