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C Hélène  N T Thuong 《Génome》1989,31(1):413-421
Oligodeoxynucleotides covalently linked to intercalating agents selectively recognize the complementary sequence of the oligonucleotide. The intercalating agent provides an additional binding energy which stabilizes the complex. These substances can be used in vitro to block mRNA translation. In cell cultures they are able to inhibit the cytopathic effect of viruses, such as influenza virus and the oncogenic virus SV40. They kill trypanosomes in culture as a result of protein synthesis inhibition. A reactive group can be attached to an oligodeoxynucleotide in order to achieve site-directed modifications of the target sequence. Metal complexes of EDTA, phenanthroline or porphyrins induce cleavage reactions of the phosphodiester backbone in both DNA and RNA. Photoactive groups can be used to modify bases in the complementary sequence. The double helix can be recognized and modified by oligonucleotides that bind to the major groove, forming a local triple helix. These site-directed modifications may inhibit biological processes. The oligonucleotide can be made resistant to nuclease digestion by substituting the synthetic alpha-anomers of nucleosides to the natural beta-nucleosides. These results provide the basis for the design of gene-specific inhibitors that can be used as tools in molecular and cellular biology. They also suggest new approaches for the rational development of selective anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-tumoral agents.  相似文献   

New molecules with high and specific affinity for nucleic acid base sequences have been synthesized. They involve an oligodeoxynucleotide covalently attached to an intercalating dye. Visible absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence have been used to investigate the binding of poly(rA) to octadeoxythymidylates substituted by a 9-aminoacridine derivative in different positions along the oligonucleotide chain. The 9-amino group of the acridine dye was linked through a polymethylene bridge to the 3''-phosphate, the 5''-phosphate, the fourth internucleotidic phosphate or to both the 3''- and 5''-phosphates. Different interactions of the acridine dye were exhibited by these different substituted oligodeoxynucleotides when they bind to poly(rA). The interaction was shown to be specific for adenine-containing polynucleotides. The stability of these complexes was compared with that of oligodeoxynucleotides substituted by an alkyl group on the 3''-phosphate. The increase in stability due to the presence of the intercalating dye has been determined from the comparison of melting temperatures. These results are discussed with respect to the strategy of synthesis of a new class of molecules with high affinity and high specificity for nucleic acid base sequences.  相似文献   

The effects of anti-messenger oligodeoxynucleotides, covalently linked to an intercalating agent, on translation of rabbit beta-globin mRNA, were investigated both in wheat germ extract and in microinjected Xenopus oocytes. A specific inhibition of beta-globin synthesis was observed in both expression systems with a modified 11-mer covalently linked to an acridine derivative. In injected oocytes a more efficient block was observed with this modified oligonucleotide than with its unsubstituted homolog. This was ascribed to stacking interactions of the intercalating agent with base pairs which provide an additional stabilization of the [mRNA/DNA] hybrid. We demonstrated that in wheat germ extract, the modified and unmodified oligonucleotides behaved similarly due to the presence of a high RNaseH activity. RNaseH was also present, although to a lesser extent, in the oocyte cytoplasm. This anti-messenger DNA-induced degradation of target mRNA resulted in amplified efficiency of hybrid-arrested translation. This additional mechanism might provide anti-sense DNAs with an advantage over anti-sense RNAs.  相似文献   

We have investigated by means of absorbance measurements at 310 nm the binding of alpha-anomeric or beta-anomeric tetrathymidylates covalently substituted at their 3' end by an intercalating agent (oxazolopyridocarbazolium), to poly(rA). Taking into account the strong autoaggregation of the free ligands, we have derived the binding parameters corresponding to the [alpha] and the [beta] ligands. The affinity of the alpha-anomer for poly(rA) is higher than the affinity of the beta-anomer in accordance with the Tm studies conducted on such a system.  相似文献   

Reductive amination of 3'-apurinic octathymidylate with 9-aminoellipticine provides octathymidylate covalently linked to intercalating ellipticine through a 3,4-dihydroxypentamethylene linker. Studies of its binding properties to poly(rA) reveals the formation of two different complexes depending of the temperature (Tm 13 degrees C and 38 degrees C) with dT/rA stoichiometry respectively equal to 2/1 and 1/1. When compared to parent octathymidylate, stability of the latter duplex is enhanced by the interaction energy provided by the dye moiety.  相似文献   

An oligodeoxynucleotide containing four thymines and covalently attached to an acridine derivative through its 3'-phosphate [(Tp)4(CH2)5Acr] was synthesized. Its conformation in solution was investigated by proton magnetic resonance. Both intramolecular interactions between the acridine dye and thymines and intermolecular interactions were demonstrated. Both proton and phosphorus magnetic resonances were used to study the specific interaction of (Tp)4(CH2)5Acr with poly(rA) and (Ap)3A. The results were compared to those obtained when the acridine-containing substituent was replaced by an ethyl group attached to the 3'-phosphate of the oligothymidylate. The acridine dye strongly stabilized the complexes formed with both poly(rA) and (Ap)3A. Upfield shifts of both adenine and acridine proton resonances were observed in the complexes. These results were ascribed to an intercalation of the acridine ring between A X T base pairs of the duplex structure formed by the oligothymidylate with its complementary oligoadenylate sequence. An analysis of proton and phosphorus chemical shifts as well as measurements of T1 relaxation times at different temperatures allowed us to propose several structures for the complexes formed by (Tp)4(CH2)5Acr with its complementary sequence.  相似文献   

Oligothymidylates covalently linked to iron-porphyrins were synthesized to target the nuclease activity of Fe-porphyrin to complementary polynucleotides. In the presence of oxygen and a reducing agent, oligo(dT)7 bearing the reactive group attached to the 3'-phosphate was shown to be active in the cleavage of poly(dA) and poly(rA) but not poly(dT). When poly(dA) was used as a matrix, the reaction yield was higher at low temperature where the complexes are stable; upon increasing temperature, the reaction yield decreased in agreement with the dissociation of the oligonucleotide-polynucleotide complex as measured by absorption spectroscopy. Thus, oligonucleotides covalently linked to iron-porphyrin derivatives can be used to cleave selectively the target sequence of the oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

The double helix is known to form as a result of hybridization of complementary nucleic acid strands in aqueous solution. In the helix the negatively charged phosphate groups of each nucleic acid strand are distributed helically on the outside of the duplex and are available for interaction with cationic groups. Cation-coated glass surfaces are now widely used in biotechnology, especially for covalent attachment of cDNAs and oligonucleotides as surface-bound probes on microarrays. These cationic surfaces can bind the nucleic acid backbone electrostatically through the phosphate moiety. Here we describe a simple method to fabricate DNA microarrays based upon adsorptive rather than covalent attachment of oligonucleotides to a positively charged surface. We show that such adsorbed oligonucleotide probes form a densely packed monolayer, which retains capacity for base pair-specific hybridization with a solution state DNA target strand to form the duplex. However, both strand dissociation kinetics and the rate of DNase digestion suggest, on symmetry grounds, that the target DNA binds to such adsorbed oligonucleotides to form a highly asymmetrical and unwound duplex. Thus, it is suggested that, at least on a charged surface, a non-helical DNA duplex can be the preferred structural isomer under standard biochemical conditions.  相似文献   

Oligo-heptathymidylates covalently linked to porphyrins bind to complementary sequences and can induce local damages on the target molecule. In dark reactions, iron porphyrin derivatives exhibited various chemical reactivities resulting in base oxidation, crosslinking and chain scission reactions. Reactions induced by reductants, such as ascorbic acid, dithiothreitol or mercapto-propionic acid, led to very localised reactions. A single base was the target for more than 50% of the damages. Oxidising agents such as H2O2 and its alkyl derivatives induced reactions that extended to a wider range of altered bases. The specificity of the chemical modifications observed in these systems is discussed from a mechanistic point of view.  相似文献   

A new set of molecules made of an intercalating agent (oxazolopyridocarbazole, OPC) covalently linked through a polymethylene chain of various length to the 3' end of alpha-anomeric or beta-anomeric tetradeoxynucleotides (alpha- or beta-T4) have been synthesized. The beta-thymidylate modified compound (beta-T4C5OPC) is able to interact with the complementary sequence, beta-poly (rA); this interaction is strongly stabilized compared to the parent compound, beta-oligo(dT)4 and is specific for poly (rA). The molecule synthesized from the unnatural alpha-anomer, alpha-T4C5OPC, is also able to interact with poly (rA) leading to the formation of an alpha-beta hybrid stabilized by the energy provided by the OPC moiety. The stoechiometry of the binding reaction shows that an A-T pairing occurs in the alpha-beta heterohybrids. Tm studies reveal that the alpha-beta heterohybrids are more stable than their beta-beta counterparts.  相似文献   

An oligo-[alpha]-deoxynucleotide of sequence (5')d(TCTAAACTC) (3') was synthesized using the alpha-anomers of deoxynucleosides and its 5'-phosphate was covalently linked to a 9-amino acridine derivative via a pentamethylene linker. Two oligo-[beta]-deoxynucleotides containing the complementary sequence in either the 5'----3' or the 3'----5' orientation were synthesized using natural [beta]-deoxynucleosides. Complex formation was investigated by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies. No change in spectroscopic properties was detected with the anti-parallel [beta] sequence. Absorption changes were induced in the visible absorption band of the acridine derivative at 2 degrees C when the acridine-substituted oligo-[alpha]-deoxynucleotide was mixed in equimolecular amounts with the complementary [beta]-sequence in the parallel orientation. Hypochromism was observed in the UV range. The fluorescence of the acridine derivative was quenched by the guanine base present in the second position of the complementary sequence. Cooperative dissociation curves were observed and identical values of melting temperatures were obtained by absorption and fluorescence. An increase in salt concentration stabilized the complex with a delta Tm of 8 degrees C when NaCl concentration increased from 0.1 to 1 M. These results demonstrate that an oligo-[alpha]-deoxynucleotide covalently linked to an intercalating agent is able to form a double helix with an oligo-[beta]-deoxynucleotide. The two strands of this [alpha]-[beta] double helix adopt a parallel 5'----3' orientation. The acridine ring is able to intercalate between the first two base pairs on the 5'-side of the duplex structure.  相似文献   

Anion binding to neutral and positively charged lipid membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P M Macdonald  J Seelig 《Biochemistry》1988,27(18):6769-6775
Aqueous anion binding to bilayer membranes consisting of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) was investigated by using deuterium and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Only those anions that exhibit chaotropic properties showed significant binding to POPC membranes. A detailed investigation of thiocyanate binding to neutral POPC and to positively charged mixed POPC/dihexadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DHDMAB) (8:2 mol/mol) membranes revealed changes in the 2H NMR quadrupole splittings from POPC specifically deuteriated at either the alpha-segment or the beta-segment of the choline head group which were consistent with a progressive accumulation of excess negative charge at the membrane surface with increasing SCN- concentration. Both the 2H and 31P NMR spectra indicated the presence of fluid lipids in a bilayer configuration up to at least 1.0 M NaSCN with no indication of any phase separation of lipid domains. Calibration of the relationship between the change in the 2H NMR quadrupole splitting and the amount of SCN- binding provided thiocyanate binding isotherms. At a given SCN- concentration the positively charged membranes bound levels of SCN- 3 times that of the neutral membranes. The binding isotherms were analyzed by considering both the electrostatic and the chemical equilibrium contributions to SCN- binding. Electrostatic considerations were accounted for by using the Gouy-Chapman theory. For 100% POPC membranes as well as for mixed POPC/DHDMAB (8:2 mol/mol) membranes the thiocyanate binding up to concentrations of 100 mM was characterized by a partition equilibrium with an association constant of K approximately 1.4 +/- 0.3 M-1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Oligothymidylates involving alternating alkyl phosphotriester-phosphodiester or methylphosphonate-phosphodiester backbones and covalently linked to an acridine derivative have been studied using circular dichroism. Two isomers with the same diastereoisomeric configuration for all the phosphotriesters (ethyl triester and neopentyl triester) or the methylphosphonate linkages were studied. These six compounds were compared to the parent oligonucleotide with unmodified phosphodiester bonds. Intramolecular interactions between the acridine and the bases of the oligonucleotides were revealed by the induced circular dichroism of the acridine dye. Binding to poly(rA) and poly(dA) induced large changes in the circular dichroism signal. All oligothymidylates formed double-stranded complexes with poly(rA). Substitution of phosphotriesters and methylphosphonates to phosphates allowed both double- and triple-stranded structures to be formed with with poly(dA). The double-stranded structures formed with poly(rA) and poly(dA) were characterized by different environments of the acridine dye. The circular dichroism spectra of the complexes with poly(dA) and the thermal stabilities of the complexes formed with both poly(rA) and poly(dA) were drastically dependent of the diastereoisomeric configuration of the phosphate modification. For the complexes formed with the pseudoequatorial stereoisomer the modification of the phosphate groups increased the stability of the complexes as compared with the oligothymidylate containing only phosphodiester linkages whereas it decreased it for pseudoaxial modifications.  相似文献   

Porphyrins linked to oligonucleotides produce various types of photodamage on a complementary target DNA. The observed reactions include oxidation of guanine bases and cross-linking reactions of the oligonucleotide to its target sequence. Guanines located close to the porphyrin macrocycle were the most altered as compared to more remote guanines on the target sequence. No specific reaction was observed when the complexes were dissociated at temperatures above the melting temperature of the oligonucleotide-target hybrid. Both cross-linking and oxidation reactions accounted for ca. 60% modification of the target chains in the complex. Our results show that oligonucleotides covalently linked to porphyrins are efficient systems for inducing irreversible sequence-specific photodamage on a target DNA.  相似文献   

An octathymidylate covalently linked via its 3'-end to an acridine derivative inhibited the cytopathic effect of Simian Virus SV40 on CV-1 cells in culture. Control experiments revealed that this effect was virus-specific and did not arise as a result of oligonucleotide degradation by nucleases. A photoactive probe was covalently attached to the 5'-end of the oligonucleotide-acridine conjugate. Upon UV-irradiation, photocrosslinking was shown to occur at the A. T-rich region within the viral origin of replication. A local triple helix can form at moderate salt concentrations with two octathymidylate-acridine conjugates bound to the octaadenylate sequence. Alternatively the octathymidylate-acridine conjugate can bind to the major groove of duplex DNA forming a local triple helix. Different mechanisms are discussed to explain the inhibition of viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

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