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Acid and alkaline phosphatase activity, determined by the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate, was found in preparations of microtubules purified from bovine brain by temperature-dependent assembly-disassembly and ion-exchange chromatography. Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin contained an associated acid phosphatase activity, stimulated by Mg2+ and by Zn2+. Alkaline phosphatase activity with a pH optimum of 10.4 was measured in a fraction of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Kinetics and the effects of sodium fluoride, sodium tartrate, sulfhydryl-blocking agents, EDTA and Zn2+ are reported.  相似文献   

Mucolipins constitute a family of cation channels with homology with the transient receptor potential family. Mutations in MCOLN1 (mucolipin 1) have been linked to mucolipidosis type IV, a recessive lysosomal storage disease characterized by severe neurological and ophthalmologic abnormalities. At present, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate MCOLN1 activity. In the present paper, we addressed whether MCOLN1 activity is regulated by phosphorylation. We identified two PKA (protein kinase A) consensus motifs in the C-terminal tail of MCOLN1, containing Ser(557) and Ser(559). Ser(557) was the principal phosphorylation site, as mutation of this residue to alanine caused a greater than 75% reduction in the total levels of phosphorylated MCOLN1 C-terminal tail. Activation of PKA with forskolin promoted MCOLN1 phosphorylation, both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, addition of the PKA inhibitor H89 abolished MCOLN1 phosphorylation. We also found that PKA-mediated phosphorylation regulates MCOLN1 channel activity. Forskolin treatment decreased MCOLN1 channel activity, whereas treatment with H89 increased MCOLN1 channel activity. The stimulatory effect of H89 on MCOLN1 function was not observed when Ser(557) and Ser(559) were mutated to alanine residues, indicating that these two residues are essential for PKA-mediated negative regulation of MCOLN1. This paper presents the first example of regulation of a member of the mucolipin family by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle has been found to have an intrinsic ATPase activity that occurs at a rate approximately 0.2% of that of its phosphorylase conversion activity and about three times that of its autophosphorylation activity. The characteristics of this ATPase activity were in all aspects tested essentially the same as the kinase's phosphorylase conversion activity. The ATPase requires Mg2+ and is dramatically stimulated by Ca2+ ions. At neutral pH there is a pronounced lag in the rate of product formation that is not present at alkaline pH, a condition that greatly stimulates both the phosphorylase conversion and ATPase activities. ATP is preferentially hydrolyzed over GTP and the Km for MgATP determined in the ATPase assay is 0.14 mM. ADP, an allosteric activator of phosphorylase conversion, also stimulates the ATPase activity, whereas beta-glycerophosphate, an inhibitor of phosphorylase conversion, is an inhibitor of the ATPase activity. Phosphorylation or partial proteolysis of the kinase, which are known to activate phosphorylase conversion, also activate the ATPase activity. Because the phosphorylase conversion and ATPase activities are regulated in parallel, we conclude that activation of the two catalytic activities must share a common underlying basis, namely an enhanced phosphotransferase activity that is independent of the phosphoryl acceptor.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factor Ect2 is genetically and biochemically linked to the PKCι oncogene in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ect2 is overexpressed and mislocalized to the cytoplasm of NSCLC cells where it binds the oncogenic PKCι-Par6 complex, leading to activation of the Rac1 small GTPase. Here, we identify a previously uncharacterized phosphorylation site on Ect2, threonine 328, that serves to regulate the oncogenic activity of Ect2 in NSCLC cells. PKCι directly phosphorylates Ect2 at Thr-328 in vitro, and RNAi-mediated knockdown of either PKCι or Par6 leads to a decrease in phospho-Thr-328 Ect2, indicating that PKCι regulates Thr-328 Ect2 phosphorylation in NSCLC cells. Both wild-type Ect2 and a phosphomimetic T328D Ect2 mutant bind the PKCι-Par6 complex, activate Rac1, and restore transformed growth and invasion when expressed in NSCLC cells made deficient in endogenous Ect2 by RNAi-mediated knockdown. In contrast, a phosphorylation-deficient T328A Ect2 mutant fails to bind the PKCι-Par6 complex, activate Rac1, or restore transformation. Our data support a model in which PKCι-mediated phosphorylation regulates Ect2 binding to the oncogenic PKCι-Par6 complex thereby activating Rac1 activity and driving transformed growth and invasion.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase β (CaMKKβ) is a serine/threonine-directed kinase that is activated following increases in intracellular Ca(2+). CaMKKβ activates Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I, Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, and the AMP-dependent protein kinase in a number of physiological pathways, including learning and memory formation, neuronal differentiation, and regulation of energy balance. Here, we report the novel regulation of CaMKKβ activity by multisite phosphorylation. We identify three phosphorylation sites in the N terminus of CaMKKβ, which regulate its Ca(2+)/calmodulin-independent autonomous activity. We then identify the kinases responsible for these phosphorylations as cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). In addition to regulation of autonomous activity, we find that phosphorylation of CaMKKβ regulates its half-life. We find that cellular levels of CaMKKβ correlate with CDK5 activity and are regulated developmentally in neurons. Finally, we demonstrate that appropriate phosphorylation of CaMKKβ is critical for its role in neurite development. These results reveal a novel regulatory mechanism for CaMKKβ-dependent signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Activation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2)-cyclin E in the late G(1) phase of the cell cycle is important for transit into S phase. In Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts (IIC9) phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and ERK regulate alpha-thrombin-induced G(1) transit by their effects on cyclin D1 protein accumulation (Phillips-Mason, P. J., Raben, D. M., and Baldassare, J. J. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 18046-18053). Here, we show that ERK also affects CDK2-cyclin E activation by regulating the subcellular localization of CDK2. Ectopic expression of cyclin E rescues the inhibition of alpha-thrombin-induced activation of CDK2-cyclin E and transit into S phase brought about by treatment of IIC9 cells with LY29004, a selective inhibitor of mitogen stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. However, cyclin E expression is ineffectual in rescuing these effects when ERK activation is blocked by treatment with PD98059, a selective inhibitor of MEK activation of ERK. Investigation into the mechanistic reasons for this difference found the following. 1) Although treatment with LY29004 inhibits alpha-thrombin-stimulated nuclear localization, ectopic expression of cyclin E rescues CDK2 translocation. 2) In contrast to treatment with LY29004, ectopic expression of cyclin E fails to restore alpha-thrombin-stimulated nuclear CDK2 translocation in IIC9 cells treated with PD98059. 3) CDK2-cyclin E complexes are not affected by treatment with either inhibitor. These data indicate that, in addition to its effects on cyclin D1 expression, ERK activity is an important controller of the translocation of CDK2 into the nucleus where it is activated.  相似文献   

Regulated mRNA decay is a highly important process for the tight control of gene expression. Inherently unstable mRNAs contain AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3' untranslated regions that direct rapid mRNA decay by interaction with decay-promoting ARE-binding proteins (ARE-BPs). The decay of ARE-containing mRNAs is regulated by signaling pathways that are believed to directly target ARE-BPs. Here, we show that BRF1 involved in ARE-mediated mRNA decay (AMD) is phosphorylated by MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2). In vitro kinase assays using different BRF1 fragments suggest that MK2 phosphorylates BRF1 at four distinct sites, S54, S92, S203, and an unidentified site at the C terminus. Coexpression of an active form of MK2 inhibits ARE mRNA decay activity of BRF1. MK2-mediated inhibition of BRF1 requires phosphorylation at S54, S92, and S203. Phosphorylation of BRF1 by MK2 does not appear to alter its ability to interact with AREs or to associate with mRNA decay enzymes. Thus, MK2 inhibits BRF1-dependent AMD through direct phosphorylation. Although the mechanism underlying this inhibition is still unclear, it appears to target BRF1-dependent AMD at a level downstream from RNA binding and the recruitment of mRNA decay enzymes.  相似文献   

We placed a specific inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) under the control of a prestalk-specific promoter. Cells containing this construct form normally patterned slugs, but under environmental conditions that normally trigger immediate culmination, the slugs undergo prolonged migration. Slugs that eventually enter culmination do so normally but arrest as elongated, hairlike structures that contain neither stalk nor spore cells. Mutant cells do not migrate to the stalk entrance when codeveloped with wild-type cells and show greatly reduced inducibility by DIF, the stalk cell morphogen. These results suggest that the activity of PKA is necessary for the altered pattern of movement of prestalk cells at culmination and their differentiation into stalk cells. We propose a model whereby a protein repressor, under the control of PKA, inhibits precocious induction of stalk cell differentiation by DIF and so regulates the choice between slug migration and culmination.  相似文献   

The c-ABL tyrosine kinase is activated following either the loss or mutation of its Src homology domain 3 (SH3), resulting in both increased autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of cellular substrates and cellular transformation. This suggests that the SH3 domain negatively regulates c-ABL kinase activity. For several reasons this regulation is thought to involve a cellular protein that binds to the SH3 domain. Hyperexpression of c-ABL results in an activation of its kinase, the kinase activity of purified c-ABL protein in the absence of cellular proteins is independent of either the presence or absence of a SH3 domain, and point mutations and deletions within the SH3 domain are sufficient to activate c-ABL transforming ability. To identify proteins that interact with the c-ABL SH3 domain, we screened a cDNA library by the yeast two-hybrid system, using the c-ABL SH3SH2 domains as bait. We identified a novel protein, AAP1 (ABL-associated protein 1), that associates with these c-ABL domains and fails to bind to the SH3 domain in the activated oncoprotein BCRABL. Kinase experiments demonstrated that in the presence of AAP1, the ability of c-ABL to phosphorylate either glutathione S-transferase-CRK or enolase was inhibited. In contrast, AAP1 had little effect on the phosphorylation of glutathione S-transferase-CRK by the activated ABL oncoproteins v-ABL and BCRABL. We conclude that AAP1 inhibits c-ABL tyrosine kinase activity but has little effect on the tyrosine kinase activities of oncogenic BCRABL or v-ABL protein and propose that AAP1 functions as a trans regulator of c-ABL kinase. Our data also indicate that loss of susceptibility to AAP1 regulation correlates with oncogenicity of the activated forms of c-ABL.  相似文献   

The dihydrolipoyl acyl-transferase (E2) enzyme forms the structural and catalytic core of the tripartite 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase multienzyme complexes of the central metabolic pathways. Although this family of multienzyme complexes shares a common architecture, their E2 cores form homo-trimers that, depending on the source, further associate into either octahedral (24-mer) or icosahedral (60-mer) assemblies, as predicted by the principles of quasi-equivalence. In the crystal structure of the E2 core from Thermoplasma acidophilum, a thermophilic archaeon, the homo-trimers assemble into a unique 42-mer oblate spheroid. Analytical equilibrium centrifugation and small-angle X-ray scattering analyses confirm that this catalytically active 1.08 MDa assembly exists as a single species in solution, forming a hollow spheroid with a maximum diameter of 220 ?. In this paper we show that a monodisperse macromolecular assembly, built from identical subunits in non-identical environments, forms an irregular protein shell via non-equivalent interactions. This unusually irregular protein shell, combining cubic and dodecahedral geometrical elements, expands on the concept of quasi-equivalence as a basis for understanding macromolecular assemblies by showing that cubic point group symmetry is not a physical requirement in multienzyme assembly. These results extend our basic knowledge of protein assembly and greatly expand the number of possibilities to manipulate self-assembling biological complexes to be utilized in innovative nanotechnology applications.  相似文献   

Feeding a 17.5% amino acid diet to rats results in inactivation of the hepatic branched-chain 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase complex. Reactivation occurs when preincubating mitochondria in the presence of 0.3 mM ATP, ADP, and AMP. The effect of AMP is assumed to be due to de novo formation of ADP. NaF (25 mM) blocks reactivation suggesting the involvement of a protein phosphatase in the activation process. At high nucleotide concentrations (3 mM) the enzyme is inactive. In the presence of Mg2+ ions nucleotide induced activation is further increased. Mg2+ ions themselves influence the equilibrium state of the enzyme complex. Low concentrations (1 mM) favor inactivation while high concentrations (10 mM) stimulate activation of the enzyme suggesting that Mg2+ ions may act by regulating the associated kinase and phosphatase.  相似文献   

The Orb CPEB protein regulates translation of localized mRNAs in Drosophila ovaries. While there are multiple hypo- and hyperphosphorylated Orb isoforms in wild type ovaries, most are missing in orb(F303), which has an amino acid substitution in a buried region of the second RRM domain. Using a proteomics approach we identified a candidate Orb kinase, Casein Kinase 2 (CK2). In addition to being associated with Orb in vivo, we show that ck2 is required for orb functioning in gurken signaling and in the autoregulation of orb mRNA localization and translation. Supporting a role for ck2 in Orb phosphorylation, we find that the phosphorylation pattern is altered when ck2 activity is partially compromised. Finally, we show that the Orb hypophosphorylated isoforms are in slowly sedimenting complexes that contain the translational repressor Bruno, while the hyperphosphorylated isoforms assemble into large complexes that co-sediment with polysomes and contain the Wisp poly(A) polymerase.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a highly mutagenic and potentially lethal damage that occurs in all organisms. Mammalian cells repair DSBs by homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, the latter requiring DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Werner syndrome is a disorder characterized by genomic instability, aging pathologies and defective WRN, a RecQ-like helicase with exonuclease activity. We show that WRN interacts directly with the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK (DNA-PK(CS)), which inhibits both the helicase and exonuclease activities of WRN. In addition we show that WRN forms a stable complex on DNA with DNA-PK(CS) and the DNA binding subunit Ku. This assembly reverses WRN enzymatic inhibition. Finally, we show that WRN is phosphorylated in vitro by DNA-PK and requires DNA-PK for phosphorylation in vivo, and that cells deficient in WRN are mildly sensitive to ionizing radiation. These data suggest that DNA-PK and WRN may function together in DNA metabolism and implicate WRN function in non-homologous end joining.  相似文献   

Diminished expression of NKX3.1 is associated with prostate cancer progression in humans, and in mice, loss of nkx3.1 leads to epithelial cell proliferation and altered gene expression patterns. The NKX3.1 amino acid sequence includes multiple potential phosphoacceptor sites for protein kinase CK2. To investigate posttranslational regulation of NKX3.1, phosphorylation of NKX3.1 by CK2 was studied. In vitro kinase assays followed by mass spectrometric analyses demonstrated that CK2 phosphorylated recombinant NKX3.1 on Thr89 and Thr93. Blocking CK2 activity in LNCaP cells with apigenin or 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside led to a rapid decrease in NKX3.1 accumulation that was rescued by proteasome inhibition. Replacing Thr89 and Thr93 with alanines decreased NKX3.1 stability in vivo. Small interfering RNA knockdown of CK2alpha' but not CK2alpha also led to a decrease in NKX3.1 steady-state level. In-gel kinase assays and Western blot analyses using fractionated extracts of LNCaP cells demonstrated that free CK2alpha' could phosphorylate recombinant human and mouse NKX3.1, whereas CK2alpha' liberated from the holoenzyme could not. These data establish CK2 as a regulator of NKX3.1 in prostate tumor cells and provide evidence for functionally distinct pools of CK2alpha' in LNCaP cells.  相似文献   

The thiol groups of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

In this study isolated perfused working rat hearts were used to investigate the role of palmitate-regulated protein kinase B (PKB) phosphorylation on glucose metabolism. Rat hearts were perfused aerobically in working mode with 11 mM glucose and either 100 microU/ml insulin or 100 microU/ml insulin and 1.2 mM palmitate. PKB activity and phosphorylation state were reduced in the presence of 1.2 mM palmitate, which correlates with a decrease in glycolysis (47%), glucose oxidation (84%), and glucose uptake (43%). In contrast to skeletal muscle, neither p38 nor ERK underwent changes in their phosphorylation states in response to insulin or insulin and palmitate. Moreover, pharmacological restoration of glucose oxidation rates in hearts perfused with 1.2 mM palmitate demonstrated no increase in PKB phosphorylation state. In cultured mouse cardiac muscle HL-1 cells, insulin markedly increased PKB phosphorylation, which was blunted by pre- and cotreatment with 1.2 mM palmitate. However, neither palmitate nor C(2)-ceramide treatment of insulin-stimulated cells was able to accelerate PKB dephosphorylation beyond that observed following the removal of insulin alone. Taken together, these experiments show the control of PKB phosphorylation by palmitate is independent of ceramide and suggest that this signaling event may be an important regulator of myocardial glucose uptake and oxidation.  相似文献   

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