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Merozoite surface proteins are thought to play an important role during the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites. In this article the strategies for the chromatographic isolation and for the functional and molecular characterisation of isolated antigens from freshly harvested Plasmodium falciparum merozoites from cultures are described.  相似文献   

A comparison of metabolically labeled proteins from continuous in vitro and in vivo derived Plasmodium falciparum revealed both similarities and differences. Metabolic labeling of synchronized cultures showed that the uptake of label increased as the parasites matured from the ring to the schizont stage in both cultures. Also, in both continuous in vitro and in vivo derived cultures, prominent high-molecular-weight proteins were synthesized during the late developmental stages. However, the continuous in vitro cultured parasites incorporated twice as much of the label at each stage as did the in vivo derived parasites. Immunoprecipitation with serum samples from vaccinated Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra monkeys revealed major differences involving protein antigens that migrated in the molecular weight regions of b (Mr = 152,000), c (Mr = 143,000), j (Mr = 82,700), and n (Mr = 57,400). These antigens were more readily detected in the continuous in vitro cultured schizonts than in the in vivo derived schizonts.  相似文献   

A library of cDNA clones expressing proteins of the asexual blood stages of a Papua New Guinean isolate of Plasmodium falciparum (isolate FCQ27/PNG (FC27] was constructed in the bacteriophage vector lambda gt11-Amp3. In an in situ colony immunoassay, human serum was used to identify colonies producing natural immunogens. Sera from donors of defined clinical status, or reactive to a defined subset of natural immunogens were used to identify clones of particular interest (for example, clones reacting with convalescent but not with acute serum or clones expressing the isolate specific S-antigen of FC27). Antisera raised by immunizing mice and rabbits with cloned antigens were used to characterize the P. falciparum proteins corresponding to the antigen-positive clones. Nucleotide sequence analysis of an antigen found on the surface of cells infected with ring stage parasites revealed an unusual sequence coding for eight, four and three amino acid repeats rich in acidic amino acids. The discussion centres on the use of cloned antigens as tools for the analysis of the host-protective immune response and selection of candidate vaccine molecules.  相似文献   

The fine structure of invasion of human erythrocytes by merozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was observed in vitro. The invasion process is similar to that described for P. knowlesi. Merozoites enter apical end first by invagination of the erythrocyte membrane. At the rim of the invagination, where merozoite and erythrocyte are in closest contact, the erythrocyte membrane is thickened. The brushy cell coat of the P. falciparum merozoite appears to be lost at this attachment zone. The part of the merozoite within the erythrocyte invagination has no visible coat. The coat on the portion outside is unaltered. Merozoites can successfully invade erythrocytes after 3 hr in the presence of a concentration of chloroquine harmful to feeding stages.  相似文献   

Natural isolates of Plasmodium falciparum represent a genetically heterogeneous population of parasites. To obtain stable strains of the parasites for long term experiments, a rapid and definitive method of cloning was developed using micropipets and a micromanipulator. Homogeneous parasite clones prepared by this technique were characterized and compared with the parent isolates during 4 years of continuous culture. The process of phenotypic dominance and selection of drug resistance which occur in nature was also simulated in vitro by evaluating population dynamics of two cocultured isolates of P. falciparum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Human malaria infections caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum often contain more than one genetically distinct parasite. Despite this fact, nearly all studies of multiple strain P. falciparum infections have been limited to determining relative densities of each parasite within an infection. In light of this, new methods are needed that can quantify the absolute number of parasites within a single infection. METHODS: A quantitative PCR (qPCR) method was developed to track the dynamic interaction of P. falciparum infections containing genetically distinct parasite clones in cultured red blood cells. Allele-specific primers were used to generate a standard curve and to quantify the absolute concentration of parasite DNA within multi-clonal infections. Effects on dynamic growth relationships between parasites under drug pressure were examined by treating mixed cultures of drug sensitive and drug resistant parasites with the anti-malarial drug chloroquine at different dosing schedules. RESULTS: An absolute quantification method was developed to monitor the dynamics of P. falciparum cultures in vitro. This method allowed for the observation of competitive suppression, the reduction of parasites numbers due to the presence of another parasite, and competitive release, the improved performance of a parasite after the removal of a competitor. These studies demonstrated that the presence of two parasites led to the reduction in density of at least one parasite. containing both a drug resistant and drug sensitive parasites resulted in an increased proportion of the drug resistant parasite. Moreover, following drug treatment, the resistant parasite experienced competitive release by exhibiting a fitness benefit greater than simply surviving drug treatment, due to the removal of competitive suppression by the sensitive parasite. CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed assay allowed for the examination of the dynamics of two distinct clones in vitro; both competitive suppression and release were observed. A deeper understanding of the dynamic growth responses of multiple strain P. falciparum infections, with and without drug pressure, can improve the understanding of the role of parasite interactions in the spread of drug resistant parasites, perhaps suggesting different treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Two gametocyte-forming clones, HB-3 and 3D7, were used. Concentrates of late stage parasites were mixed with bloods containing different proportions of young erythrocytes, and the parasitemia and proportion of gametocytes determined after 2, 3 or 4 days of culture. Significantly more gametocytes were formed in light cells than in heavy cells separated from the same normal blood samples. Up to seven times more gametocytes were formed in reticulocyte-rich bloods from patients with sickle cell anemia than in normal control blood.  相似文献   



The asexual blood stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum produce highly immunogenic polymorphic antigens that are expressed on the surface of the host cell. In contrast, few studies have examined the surface of the gametocyte-infected erythrocyte.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used flow cytometry to detect antibodies recognising the surface of live cultured erythrocytes infected with gametocytes of P. falciparum strain 3D7 in the plasma of 200 Gambian children. The majority of children had been identified as carrying gametocytes after treatment for malaria, and each donated blood for mosquito-feeding experiments. None of the plasma recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with developmental stages of gametocytes (I–IV), but 66 of 194 (34.0%) plasma contained IgG that recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with mature (stage V) gametocytes. Thirty-four (17.0%) of 200 plasma tested recognised erythrocytes infected with trophozoites and schizonts, but there was no association with recognition of the surface of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (odds ratio 1.08, 95% C.I. 0.434–2.57; P = 0.851). Plasma antibodies with the ability to recognise gametocyte surface antigens (GSA) were associated with the presence of antibodies that recognise the gamete antigen Pfs 230, but not Pfs48/45. Antibodies recognising GSA were associated with donors having lower gametocyte densities 4 weeks after antimalarial treatment.


We provide evidence that GSA are distinct from antigens detected on the surface of asexual 3D7 parasites. Our findings suggest a novel strategy for the development of transmission-blocking vaccines.  相似文献   

Stage-dependent effects of chloroquine on Plasmodium falciparum in vitro   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The erythrocytic developmental cycle of Plasmodium falciparum can be conveniently divided into the ring, trophozoite, and schizont stages based on morphology and metabolism. Using highly synchronous cultures of P. falciparum, considerable variation was demonstrated among these stages in sensitivity to chloroquine. The effects of timed, sequential exposure to several clinically relevant concentrations of chloroquine were monitored by three techniques: morphological analysis, changes in the rate of glucose consumption, and changes in the incorporation of 3H-hypoxanthine into parasite nucleic acids. All three techniques gave essentially identical results. The trophozoite and schizont stages were considerably more sensitive to the drug than ring-stage parasites. Chloroquine sensitivity decreased as nuclear division neared completion. The increase in chloroquine sensitivity was coincident with a marked rise in the rate of glucose consumption and nucleic acid synthesis. The rate of nucleic acid synthesis decreased as schizogony progressed while glucose consumption continued at high rates during this process. The degree of chloroquine sensitivity was not highly correlated with either metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Stage-dependent inhibition of chloroquine on Plasmodium falciparum in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Morphological observation of the life cycle of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, in highly synchronous cultures after an exposure to therapeutic concentrations of chloroquine in ring, trophozoite and schizont stages, respectively, were carried out in order to determine the influence of chloroquine on the growth of the different stages of the malarial parasites. It was found that chloroquine could not affect merozoite invasion of the erythrocytes; the ring stage was more sensitive to chloroquine than the trophozoite and schizont stages; and chloroquine in therapeutic concentrations prevented only the transformation of rings to trophozoites and could not affect the transformations of trophozoites to schizonts and schizonts to new rings. The determination of the IC50 of chloroquine showed that the IC50 of trophozoites was about 6 times as high as that of rings.  相似文献   

Sequential treatment with gelatin followed by sorbitol-produced Plasmodium falciparum cultures that remained synchronous for ? 144 hr. The schizont stage was associated with more lactate production than the other asexual erythrocytic stages of the parasite (11–21 vs 4–7 neq/hr-106 parasitized red blood cells [PRBC]). Lactate production in asynchronous cultures was relatively constant at 8–11 neq/hr-106 PRBC and was directly proportional to parasitemia (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

T cells from patients acutely infected with malaria exhibit a disease-related stimulation of DNA synthesis in response to Plasmodium falciparum antigen in vitro. This response is weak and short-lived, suggestive of induction of suppressor mechanisms. Exogenous T cell growth factor (IL 2) that was added to antigen-stimulated T cell cultures enhanced proliferation in antigen-responsive cultures, indicating that the lymphocytes expressed IL 2 receptors. In contrast, the addition of IL 2 to cultures that did not respond to antigen had no effect. Antigen-responsive cultures contained endogenous IL 2 as well, and the antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation was correlated with IL 2 production. However, the results suggested that IL 2 production by the patients' T cells was insufficient or actively shut off, and that this was responsible for the premature cessation of their DNA synthesis. Supernatants from 60% of the T cell cultures treated with malaria antigen and from 30% treated with RBC ghost antigen contained interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), as determined by a cytopathic effect inhibition assay combined with acid treatment and antibody neutralization or by an IFN-gamma-specific ELISA. There was no obvious correlation between antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and the presence of IFN-gamma in the culture supernatants. A high IFN-gamma activity was also seen in antigen-treated cultures from P. falciparum-immune donors living in highly endemic malaria areas. In contrast, no IFN-gamma was found in supernatants of antigen-treated T cells from healthy donors or patients with Plasmodium vivax malaria. Thus, the IFN-gamma activity of these cultures appears to reflect the presence of antigen-reactive T cells and may be useful as a sensitive indicator of cellular immunity in P. falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

The recent reports of artemisinin (ART) resistance in the Thai-Cambodian border area raise a serious concern on the long-term efficacy of ARTs. To elucidate the resistance mechanisms, we performed in vitro selection with dihydroartemisinin (DHA) and obtained two parasite clones from Dd2 with more than 25-fold decrease in susceptibility to DHA. The DHA-resistant clones were more tolerant of stressful growth conditions and more resistant to several commonly used antimalarial drugs than Dd2. The result is worrisome as many of the drugs are currently used as ART partners in malaria control. This study showed that the DHA resistance is not limited to ring stage, but also occurred in trophozoites and schizonts. Microarray and biochemical analyses revealed pfmdr1 amplification, elevation of the antioxidant defence network, and increased expression of many chaperones in the DHA-resistant parasites. Without drug pressure, the DHA-resistant parasites reverted to sensitivity in approximately 8 weeks, accompanied by de-amplification of pfmdr1 and reduced antioxidant activities. The parallel decrease and increase in pfmdr1 copy number and antioxidant activity and the up and down of DHA sensitivity strongly suggest that pfmdr1 and antioxidant defence play a role in in vitro resistance to DHA, providing potential molecular markers for ART resistance.  相似文献   

Chlorpheniramine, a histamine H1 receptor antagonist, was assayed for in vitro antimalarial activity against multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum K1 strain and chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum T9/94 clone, by measuring the 3H-hypoxanthine incorporation. Chlorphenirame inhibited P. falciparum K1 and T9/94 growth with IC50 values of 136.0+/-40.2 microM and 102.0+/-22.6 microM respectively. A combination of antimalarial drug and chlorpheniramine was tested against resistant P. falciparum in vitro. Isobologram analysis showed that chlorpheniramine exerts marked synergistic action on chloroquine against P. falciparum K1 and T9/94. Chlorpheniramine also potentiated antimalarial action of mefloquine, quinine or pyronaridine against both of the resistant strains of P. falciparum. However, chlorpheniramine antagonism with artesunate was obtained in both P. falciparum K1 and T9/94. The results in this study indicate that antihistaminic drugs may be promising candidates for potentiating antimalarial drug action against drug resistant malarial parasites.  相似文献   

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