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In the course of a half-reaction of enzymic transamination, the aldimine adduct formed between the coenzyme pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and the amino acid substrate tautomerizes to the ketimine intermediate which is then hydrolyzed to the oxo acid product and the pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate form of the enzyme. In the reverse half-reaction the tautomerization is initiated by the removal of a proton from the pro-S position at C-4' of the PMP moiety of the ketimine intermediate. The present study investigates the question whether the pro-S hydrogen at C-4' of PMP is labilized by its active site environment independently of the formation of the ketimine intermediate, i.e. in the absence of substrate. Reconstitution of apoaspartate aminotransferase (mitochondrial isoenzyme from chicken) with [4'-3H] PMP results indeed in a stereospecific exchange of pro-S 3H with solvent water. The exchange follows first order kinetics (t 1/2 = 23 min at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees C). Unbound PMP showed no measurable exchange. Rigorous control experiments excluded the possibility that the observed exchange was due to a transamination reaction of the enzyme with contaminating oxo acid substrates. The newly observed stereospecific exchange reaction allows to investigate the acid/base properties of C-4' and the modulating effects of its active site environment independently of the preceding and following steps of enzymic transamination.  相似文献   

Measurement of the stereospecific release of the pro-S proton from C-4' of enzyme-bound pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate provides an experimental means to probe parts of the active site of aspartate aminotransferase independently of substrate turnover (Tobler, H. P., Christen, P., and Gehring, H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7105-7108). The release of pro-S 3H from enzyme-bound [3H]pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate is 30,000 times faster than from free coenzyme. Enzyme-bound [3H]pyridoxine 5'-phosphate is not detritiated suggesting an essential role of the 4'-amino group. Formation of the unproductive complex of the [3H]pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate-enzyme with aspartate or glutamate results in a 400-fold acceleration of 3H release. In contrast, addition of borohydride or cyanoborohydride immediately stops 3H release. Experiments with a fluorescent reporter group and with differential chemical modifications indicate that the activating effect of aspartate on the release of 3H is accompanied by a shift of the so-called open/closed conformational equilibrium of the enzyme (Kirsch, J.F., Eichele, G., Ford, G. C., Vincent, M.G., Jansonius, J.N., Gehring, H., and Christen, P. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 174, 497-525) toward the closed conformation; the inhibiting effect of borohydride and cyanoborohydride appears to be accompanied by a shift toward the open conformation. Apparently, at least part of the catalytic apparatus of aspartate aminotransferase becomes fully operative only in the closed conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The reaction of 3'-O-methylpyridoxal 5'-phosphate bound into the active site of aspartate aminotransferase with the substrate L-aspartate has been investigated. This methylated coenzyme is a very poor catalyst but it does function slowly to produce normal products of a transamination half-reaction. At pH 8.5 and above the characteristic absorption band of a quinonoid intermediate appears rapidly and becomes very intense when the aspartate concentration is raised to 2 M. At pH 6 the quinonoid band is not seen, but the conversion of the methylated coenzyme into 3'-O-methylpyridoxamine 5'-phosphate is about 7 times faster than at high pH with the pH dependence being determined by an apparent pKa of 8.1 at 30 degrees C. We suggest that the active site containing the methylated coenzyme carries a net charge 1 unit more positive than that of native enzyme. This causes a loss of some other proton from the active site and could leave the catalytic lysine-258 deprotonated in the quinonoid species. This may explain its inability to react rapidly. We have measured the spectral band shapes of the quinonoid species studied here and have compared it with that seen with native enzyme. Because of the close similarity we conclude that during normal transamination the proton bound to the imine nitrogen probably shifts onto the phenolic oxygen prior to or synchronously with the formation of the observed quinonoid species.  相似文献   

The active site lysyl residue (Lys258) of E. coli aspartate amino transferase was substituted for an arginyl residue by oligonucleotide-directed, site-specific mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme was obviously unable to form an aldimine bond with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate but firmly bound the coenzyme. The finding that the mutation did not lead to entire loss in the enzymic activity suggests that Lys258 may not be essential but auxiliary for enzymic catalysis. It is also conceived that the positive charge provided by Arg258 may contribute to the enzymic catalysis.  相似文献   

A preparation of pyridoxine (pyridoxamine) 5′-phosphate oxidase, with a specific activity of 9,400 nmoles/hr/mg protein, 10-fold higher than that previously reported, was used to study the oxidation of various N-(5′-phospho-4′-pyridoxyl)amines. Values for Km, from 3.1 × 10?5 M to 1.6 × 10?3 M, and for Vmax, relative to pyridoxamine-P, of 20 to 140% were obtained. Compounds lacking a 5′-phosphate were not substrates, and the enzymic reaction was dependent on the presence of both FMN and O2. N-(phosphopyridoxyl)-L-amino acids had lower Km's than the corresponding -D-amino acid compounds. When 1-14C-N-(phosphopyridoxyl)glycine was used as a substrate, no 14CO2 was evolved, and 1-14C-glycine was detected in the incubation mixture.  相似文献   

A sensitive non-radioactive method for determination of the stereospecificity of the C-4′ hydrogen transfer on the coenzymes (pyridoxal phosphate, PLP; and pyridoxamine phosphate, PMP) of aminotransferases has been developed. Aminotransferase of unknown stereospecificity in its PLP form was incubated in 2H2O with a substrate amino acid resulted in PMP labeled with deuterium at C-4′ in the pro-S or pro-R configuration according to the stereospecificity of the aminotransferase tested. The [4′-2H]PMP was isolated from the enzyme protein and divided into two portions. The first portion was incubated in aqueous buffer with apo-aspartate aminotransferase (a reference si-face specific enzyme), and the other was incubated with apo-branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (a reference re-face specific enzyme) in the presence of a substrate 2-oxo acid. The 2H at C-4′ is retained with the PLP if the aminotransferase in question transfers C-4′ hydrogen on the opposite face of the coenzyme compared with the reference aminotransferase, but the 2H is removed if the test and reference aminotransferases catalyze hydrogen transfer on the same face. PLP formed in the final reactions was analyzed by LC–MS/MS for the presence or absence of 2H. The method was highly sensitive that for the aminotransferase with ca. 50 kDa subunit molecular weight, only 2 mg of the enzyme was sufficient for the whole test. With this method, the use of radioactive substances could be avoided without compromising the sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

We have carried out a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase in the spectral region where phosphate monoesters give rise to absorption. Infrared spectra in the above-mentioned region are dominated by protein absorption. Yet, below 1020 cm-1 protein interferences are minor, permitting the detection of the band arising from the symmetric stretching of dianionic phosphate monoesters [T. Shimanouchi, M. Tsuboi, and Y. Kyogoku (1964) Adv. Chem. Phys. 8, 435-498]. The integrated intensity of this band in several enzyme forms (pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxamine phosphate, and sodium borohydride-reduced, pyridoxyl phosphate form) does not change with pH in the range 5-9. This behavior contrasts that of free pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP) in solution, where the dependence of the same infrared band intensity with pH can be correlated to the known pK values for the 5'-phosphate ester in solution. The integrated intensity value of this infrared band for the PLP enzyme form before and after reduction with sodium borohydride is close to that given by free PLP at pH 8-9. These results are taken as evidence that in the active site of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase the 5'-phosphate group of PLP remains mostly dianionic even at a pH near 5. Thus, it is suggested that the chemical shift changes associated with pH titrations of various PLP forms reported in a previous 31P NMR study of this enzyme [M. E. Mattingly, J. R. Mattingly, and M. Martinez-Carrion (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 8872] are due to the fact that the phosphorus chemical shift senses the O-P-O bond distortions induced by the ionization of a nearby residue. Since no chemical shift changes were observed in pH titrations of the PMP forms (lacking an ionizable internal aldimine) of this isozyme, the Schiff base between PLP and Lys-258 at the active site is the most likely candidate for the ionizing group influencing the phosphorus chemical shift in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Lys-258 of aspartate aminotransferase forms a Schiff base with pyridoxal phosphate and is responsible for catalysis of the 1,3-prototropic shift central to the transamination reaction sequence. Substitution of arginine for Lys-258 stabilizes the otherwise elusive quinonoid intermediate, as assessed by the long wavelength absorption bands observed in the reactions of this mutant with several amino acid substrates. The external aldimine intermediate is not detectable during reactions of this mutant with amino acids, although the inhibitor alpha-methylaspartate does slowly and stably form this species. These results suggest that external aldimine formation is one of the rate-determining steps of the reaction. The pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate-like enzyme form (330-nm absorption maximum) is unreactive toward keto acid substrates, and the coenzyme bound to this species is not dissociable from the protein.  相似文献   

Pyridoxamine (pyridoxine) 5'-phosphate oxidase (EC has been shown to bind 1 mol of riboflavin 5'-phosphate (FMN) per mol of apoenzyme and is active with or inhibited by numerous FMN analogues [Kazarinoff, M. N., & McCormick, D. B. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 3436--3442]. The KD values and spectra for selected apoenzyme--flavin complexes have been determined and used to elucidate some of the properties of the FMN-binding site of this flavoprotein. Alterations of the pyrimidinoid portion of the flavin ring decrease binding considerably. The absorption spectra for the protein complexes with 3-deaza-FMN and 8-hydroxy-FMN indicate the presence of a dipolar or positively charged protein group near N1 and O2. The substitution of methyl for hydrogen at N3 apparently causes distortion of the interaction between the flavin ring and an active-site aromatic amino acid residue. Although binding is also decreased somewhat by substitutions at postions 8 and 8 alpha, considerable bulk [e.g., 8-(diethylamino)-FMN and 8 alpha-S-(N-acetyl-cysteinyl)-FMN] is accommodated. Hence, this portion of the flavin ring is probably oriented toward, possibly in contact with, solvent, as has been found for the flavodoxins. The importance of optimum interactions between the flavin and the apoprotein is further emphasized by large differences in the activity of flavin analogues that have similar midpoint potentials in solution.  相似文献   

In order to determine the ionization state of the 5'-phosphate of bound pyridoxal phosphate, a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase has been carried out. Dianionic and monoanionic phosphate monoesters give rise to two bands each in the infrared spectrum [Shimanouchi, T., Tsuboi, M., & Kyogoku, Y. (1964) Adv. Chem. Phys. 8, 435-498]. These bands can be identified in infrared spectra of the free coenzyme in solution. Due to interfering bands arising from the protein, only the band assigned to the symmetric stretching of the dianionic phosphate is observed in holoenzyme solutions. The integrated intensity of this band does not change with pH in the range 5.3-8.6, while for free pyridoxal phosphate, the integrated intensity of the same band changes with pH according to the pK value expected for the 5'-phosphate group in solution. Moreover, the value of the integrated intensity for the bound cofactor is close to the value given by free cofactor at pH 8-9. These results suggest that the 5'-phosphate of the bound cofactor remains mostly dianionic throughout the investigated pH range and disfavor other interpretations in terms of ionization of the phosphate group on the basis of the nuclear magnetic resonance 31P chemical shift-pH titration curve of holoenzyme [Schnackerz, K. D. (1984) in Chemical and Biological Aspects of Vitamin B6 Catalysis (Evangelopoulos, E. A., Ed.) Part A, pp 195-208, Alan R. Liss, New York].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The synthesis of a number of 19-substituted androgens is described. 2. A method for the partially stereospecific introduction of a tritium label at C-19 in 19-hydroxyandrost-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol was developed. The 19-(3)H-labelled triol produced by reduction of 19-oxoandrost-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol with tritiated sodium borohydride is tentatively formulated as 19-hydroxy[(19-R)-19-(3)H]androst-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol and the 19-(3)H-labelled triol produced by reduction of 19-oxo[19-(3)H]-androst-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol with sodium borohydride as 19-hydroxy[(19-S)-19-(3)H]-androst-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol. 3. In the conversion of the (19-R)-19-(3)H-labelled compound into oestrogen by a microsomal preparation from human term placenta more radioactivity was liberated in formic acid (61.6%) than in water (38.4%). In a parallel experiment with the (19-S)-19-(3)H-labelled compound the order of radioactivity was reversed: formic acid (23.4%), water (76.2%). 4. These observations are interpreted in terms of the removal of the 19-S-hydrogen atom in the conversion of a 19-hydroxy androgen into a 19-oxo androgen during oestrogen biosynthesis. 5. It is suggested that the removal of C-19 in oestrogen biosynthesis occurs compulsorily at the oxidation state of a 19-aldehyde with the liberation of formic acid.  相似文献   

M Herold  B Leistler  A Hage  K Luger  K Kirschner 《Biochemistry》1991,30(15):3612-3620
The coenzyme (PLP) binding domain (residues 47-329) of the dimeric aspartate aminotransferase from Escherichia coli was produced separately by recombinant DNA methods. It folded autonomously both in vivo and in vitro, that is, independently of the native N- and C-terminal extensions that combine to form the small domain of eAAT. The PLP-domain had one binding site for PLP of relatively high affinity involving a covalent bond to the protein. It was monomeric, although the major subunit-subunit interface at the 2-fold symmetry axis remained unchanged. This effect appears to be due mainly to the absence of the N-terminal extension that contains hydrophobic residues, which interact with the PLP-domain of the second subunit in the wild-type dimer. Judged by circular dichroism, fluorescence, and HPLC gel filtration at increasing concentrations of guanidinium chloride, the PLP-domain underwent a three-state unfolding transition (M' in equilibrium M'* in equilibrium U') involving a compact intermediate M'*. This behavior parallels the unfolding of the dissociated native monomer of cAAT.  相似文献   

The tissue content of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is controlled principally by the protein binding of this coenzyme and its hydrolysis by a cellular phosphatase. The present study identifies this enzyme and its intracellular location in rat liver. Pyridoxal-P is not hydrolyzed by the acid phosphatase of intact lysosomes. At pH 7.4 and 9.0, the subcellular distribution of pyridoxal-P phosphatase activity is similar to the for p-nitrophenyl-P, and the major portion of both activities is found in the plasma membrane fraction. The ratio of specific activities for pyridoxal-P and p-nitrophenyl-P hydrolysis remains relatively constant during the isolation of plasma membranes. These activities also behave concordantly with respect to pH rate profile, pH-Km profile, and response to chelating agents, Zn2+, Mg2+, and inhibitors. Kinetic studies indicate that pyridoxal-P binds to same enzyme sites as beta-glycerophosphate and phosphorylcholine. The data strongly favor alkaline phosphatase as the enzyme which functions in the control of pyridoxal-P and pyridoxamine-P metabolism in rat liver. Alkaline phosphatase was solubilized from isolated plasma membranes. The kinetic properties of the enzyme are not markedly altered by its dissociation from the membrane matrix. However, there are significant differences in its behavior toward Mg2+ which suggest a structural role for Mg2+ in liver alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

The cofactor analogue N-(bromoacetyl)pyridoxamine (BAPM) has been employed to inactivate the cytosolic isozyme of apo-aspartate aminotransferase. Inactivation is the result of covalent bond formation in the (bromoacetyl)-pyridoxamine-transferase complex, via the epsilon-amino group of a lysyl residue at the active site. The stoichiometry of this inactivation is one molecule of (bromoacetyl)pyridoxamine per subunit of the transaminase dimer. Trace amounts of inorganic phosphate protect the enzyme from BAPM inactivation. In the absence of phosphate, inactivation demonstrates time, concentration, and pH dependence with an apparent pK for the target group of about 8.5 or higher. A tryptic peptide from the alpha subform has been obtained containing the carboxymethyl derivative of lysine-258, identifying this particular residue as the reactive group in the region of cofactor binding. Evidence is presented indicating that the pK of Lys-258 appears to be highly dependent upon the electrostatic state of neighboring groups in the active site region. Hence, experimentally obtained values vary according to the chemical nature and charge of the modifying agent or probe.  相似文献   

The pyridoxal form of the alpha subform of cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (EC is fully active and binds pyridoxal 5'-phosphate via an aldimine formation with Lys-258 whereas the gamma subform is virtually inactive and lacks the aldimine linkage. Comparison of 1H NMR spectra between the alpha and gamma subforms suggested that peak 1 of the alpha subform at 8.89 ppm contains a resonance assignable to the internal aldimine 4'-H. Reaction with a reagent that cleaves or modifies the internal aldimine bond [(amino-oxy)acetate, L-cysteinesulfinate, NH2OH, NaBH4, or NaCNBH3] caused the disappearance of a resonance line at 8.89 ppm that possessed a broad line width and corresponded in intensity to a single proton. These reagents were also used successfully for the identification of the aldimine 4'-H resonance in the mitochondrial isoenzyme. In contrast to the cytosolic isoenzyme whose resonance for the 4'-H did not show any detectable change in chemical shift with pH, the corresponding resonance in the mitochondrial isoenzyme exhibited pH-dependent chemical shift change (8.84 ppm at pH 5 and 8.67 ppm at pH 8) with a pK value of 6.3, reflecting the interisozymic difference in the microenvironment provided for the internal aldimine. Validity of the signal assignment was further shown by the two findings: the resonance assigned to the 4'-H emerged upon conversion of the pyridoxamine into the pyridoxal form, and the resonance appeared upon reconstitution of the apoenzyme with [4'-1H]pyridoxal phosphate but not with [4'-2H]pyridoxal phosphate.  相似文献   

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