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ABSTRACT The main cause of nest mortality for most bird species is predation and nest survival rates often vary in relation to time‐specific variables. Few investigators have examined time‐specific patterns of nest survival in Neotropical birds, and most such studies have focused on tropical and subtropical species. To better understand age‐related patterns of nest survival, we studied nest survival of Red‐crested Cardinals (Paroaria coronata, Thraupidae) in a south‐temperate forest in Argentina. We modeled daily nest survival rates (DSR) using program MARK. We examined the relationship between nest age and nest survival rate, controlling for the effects of physical characteristics of nest sites and progression of the breeding season. We monitored 367 nests for a total of 4018 exposure days. We found that DSR increased with nest age and was higher in small isolated patches than in large continuous patches of forests. The increase of DSR with nest age could be a consequence of more vulnerable nests being predated early in the nesting cycle or a result of parents defending nests more vigorously as nestlings age because of their increasing reproductive value. Open areas of grassland that surrounded the small isolated patches of forests in our study may have been a barrier to predator movements, possibly explaining the lower predation rates. Nest survival rates in our study were lower than those reported for tropical or Nearctic temperate birds, but similar to those reported in other studies of Neotropical temperate birds. Reasons for the low nest survival rates of Neotropical temperate birds remain unclear, and additional studies of predator communities are needed to help elucidate this topic.  相似文献   

We estimated nesting success of a breeding bird assemblage in the central Monte Desert in four breeding seasons (1995–1999). We analyzed the effect of year, period within the breeding season, nest type, and nest location on daily survival rates (DSR). Averaged nesting success of passeriforms in natural habitats was very low (<20% on average, n=12 species). DSR tended to be lower during the egg-laying stage in Furnariidae, Rhinocryptidae, Mimidae, and Emberizidae. Tyrannidae had the highest DSR for all nesting stages and Emberizidae the lowest. Predation was the main cause of nest failure (>90% on average, n=12 species). DSR differed among years, being higher in the driest year (1995) and lower in the most humid year (1997). Nests initiated in the first half of the breeding season had higher DSR than those initiated in the second half. Closed nests had similar survival rates to open nests. DSR differed according to species of plant that supported the nest. Nest predation in the central Monte Desert may be an important selective pressure in birds' life history, which is in accordance with other results for South American temperate birds.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are preferred nesting sites for many bird species in a range of habitats. However, no studies have examined the use of mistletoes by nesting birds in the semi‐arid savannah. We studied nesting in mistletoe and its role in determining nesting success in the Grey Go‐away‐bird in south‐west Zimbabwe. We modelled the effects of mistletoe, mistletoe abundance, nest microclimate, concealment and nest height on daily survival rates (DSR) using program MARK. A constant survival model was best fitted for the Grey Go‐away‐bird suggesting a constant nest survival rate across the nesting period. Mistletoe nests had lower DSR than nests placed elsewhere in the canopy. Mistletoe abundance and nest height had a positive association with DSR whereas visibility distance, microclimate and concealment were negatively associated with DSR. Overall, survival for nests in mistletoe was 22.1% compared with 90.5% for nests in other substrates over the 50‐day nesting period. In conclusion, the low nest survival in mistletoe suggests either that the factors used to select mistletoe as nest sites by these birds are poor predictors of nest success or that nesting in mistletoe may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and other habitat disturbances are long known to negatively affect birds, in large part by decreasing nest success due to high nest predation rates. The factors, however, that cause this decrease in nest success are still poorly understood and may vary among regions or species. Here, we show that nest survival is also lower in a disturbed landscape versus a protected cerrado (savanna-like) Neotropical landscape. Also, we tested the importance of garbage in the nest, brood parasitism, microhabitat and bird family in nest survival, controlling for temporal effects. We monitored 144 birds’ nests in a disturbed landscape and 150 nests in a natural reserve of cerrado vegetation in central Brazil, between September and December 2006. We used Program MARK to estimate nest survival probabilities and evaluate the effect of covariates in nest success in the disturbed area. Nest daily survival rate (DSR) was higher in the reserve (survival probability = 29.4%) than in the disturbed landscape (survival probability = 16.6%). Nest daily survival rate (DSR) was smaller in nests with garbage (survival probability = 9.3%) than in nests without garbage (survival probability = 19.5%) in the disturbed landscape. Effects of habitat disturbance on nest survival differed among bird families, with finches and tanagers being more affected mostly due to high nest predation rates. Conservation and management of birds in disturbed landscapes should include actions to decrease nest predation. In poor rural or suburban areas in developing countries, such as Brazil, actions like better garbage treatment may help conserve birds in disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

Snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) are a species of conservation concern throughout North America and listed as a threatened species in Kansas. Management to minimize the effects of flooding and predation were implemented at Kansas breeding sites in the 1980s to encourage reproductive success. However, the effectiveness of those strategies and the effect of other variables that may influence nest survival have not been formally assessed. We used Program MARK to model the daily survival rate (DSR) of 317 snowy plover nests with 14 habitat- and management-related covariates to identify factors that influence nest survival and examine the efficacy of current management practices. In 2005 and 2006, we monitored nests and collected habitat data at the 2 known breeding sites in Kansas, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (WA). Overall DSR was greater at Quivira NWR in 2006 (0.954) than at Cheyenne Bottoms WA (0.917) and Quivira NWR (0.942) in 2005. We developed 88 candidate models of which 4 competing models (ΔAICc < 2) were identified. We selected the most parsimonious model (K = 14, wi = 0.23) as the remaining 3 included covariates deemed biologically uninformative. This model included the effect of study site and year on a quadratic time trend, and included covariates quantifying nest age; precipitation; the proportion of gravel, rock, and vegetation at nests; occurrence within an electric fence and within 20 m of a road; occurrence on a human-constructed nest mound; and adult capture during incubation. We found a strong positive relationship between the use of nest mounds and DSR, and a strong negative relationship between precipitation and DSR. We also found a strong positive relationship between DSR and the proportion of vegetation at nest sites, the occurrence of a nest within an electric fence, and adult capture at a nest. We noted a strong negative relationship between DSR and occurrence within 20 m of a road. However, we found that DSR was not sensitive to the proportion of vegetation at a nest, occurrence within an electric fence or within 20 m of a road, and to adult capture at a nest in light of covariates quantifying precipitation and the use of nest mounds. We found weak support for a positive relationship between DSR, nest age, and the proportion of gravel and rock at nests. Our results indicate that large rainfall events are a major source of snowy plover nest loss in Kansas that can be mitigated by the construction of nest mounds. Limited influence of environmental variables found to influence nest survival at other breeding sites suggests that threats to snowy plover nest survival are site specific and managers should assess local sources of nest loss prior to implementing management strategies to improve reproductive success. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》2001,143(3):632-641
Daily survival rates (DSR) of three nest types were compared among three passerine species in woodland habitats of the Czech Republic in 1998‐99. The species were: Yellowhammer (YH) Emberiza citrinella, Blackcap (BC) Sylvia atricapilla, Song Thrush (ST) Turdus philomelos. The nest types were: AA, artificial nests with artificial plastic eggs, both mimicking the real models (total n= 432); NA, natural nests left in their original position and baited with artificial plastic eggs (n= 706); and NN, active natural nests observed during the egg stage (n= 596). Rodents were dominant predators of the near‐ground YH nests while predation by corvids slightly prevailed in the shrub nests of BC and ST. There was no consistent relationship between nest type (AA vs. NA) and type of predator. Effects of nest type (AA vs. NA or AA vs. NN, respectively), species, date and study plot on DSR were examined by fitting logistic regression models. Marginally significant (< P < 0.05) differences were found between AA and NA nests in both years. Due to the interaction with date in 1998, the model predicted lower/higher DSR for AA nests before/after about 25 May respectively. In 1999 the DSR of AA nests was consistently higher (difference: 0.011; 95% CI: 0.001 to 0.021). Marginally significant differences between AA and NN nests were found only in 1998: the DSR of AA nests was consistently lower (‐0.014, 95% CI: ‐0.027 to ‐0.001). Comparisons of mean DSR within each species‐year sample showed that the differences between nest types were of both directions and varied from almost zero to 0.02 (ST, BC; ns) or 0.04 (YH; P < 0.05). Although the experimental nests accurately reflected the mean values as well as seasonal trends and interspecific differences in DSR of the real nests in some subsets of data, the pattern was not consistent across species and between years. This study suggests that artificial nests could not be used to assess survival of natural nests without careful validation of the experimental results.  相似文献   

Birds living in alpine environments are becoming increasingly impacted by human‐induced threats. We investigated the impacts of introduced mammalian predators on an endangered alpine species, the New Zealand Rockwren Xenicus gilviventris, and assessed whether predator control improved its breeding success. Nest monitoring revealed that the primary cause of nest failure was predation by invasive mammals, primarily Stoats Mustela erminea and House Mice Mus musculus. Daily survival rates (DSR) decreased with nest age, and nests were at their most vulnerable to predators just prior to fledging. DSR, egg‐hatching and fledgling rates were all improved by predator trapping, demonstrating the significant impacts that even low numbers of invasive predators can have on sensitive alpine and upland species.  相似文献   

We investigated potential effects of nest site and landscape scale factors, including anthropogenic disturbance and habitat patchiness, on the nesting success of a reintroduced population of northern aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis septentrionalis) in southern Texas. We monitored 62 nesting attempts during 2002–2004 in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. We developed hierarchical models describing daily nest survival rates (DSR) and compared the models using a Bayesian approach in R and WinBUGS. We considered possible effects of nest age, temporal trends, nest site variables, landscape structure, territory (a random effect), and 3 measures of anthropogenic disturbance: distance to paved road, proximity to power pole, and nocturnal light intensity. Whether evaluated by Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) scores or the models' overall posterior probabilities as estimated with a reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, none of our landscape or disturbance measures affected DSR. Rather, variation in DSR was best described by nest height, overhead cover, and nest source (artificial or natural). These nest site level factors may be manipulated by managers through provision of artificial nests. We recommend that artificial nests continue to be provided, as such nests are highly successful when located on moderately tall substrates, and they permit researchers to access nest contents for population monitoring. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the last 20 years scaup numbers have declined, and these declines have been greatest in the northern boreal forests of Canada and Alaska where most lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) nest. We studied nest success and duckling survival of lesser scaup over 3 field seasons, 2001–2003, on the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska, USA. Daily survival rate (DSR) of nests on our study area across all 3 years was 0.943 (n = 177 nests, 95% CI: 0.930–0.954), corresponding to a nest success of only 12.3%, considerably lower than published estimates of an average nest success as high as 57% for lesser scaup in the northern boreal forest. With Mayfield logistic regression, we investigated effects on nest survival of year, clutch initiation date, and nesting habitat type (large wetlands >10 ha, small wetlands <10 ha, and wooded creeks). Neither year nor clutch initiation date influenced nest survival; however, the odds of nest success on large wetlands was 49% lower than on wooded creeks (odds ratio = 0.512, 95% CI = 0.286, 0.918). Based on the model that used only habitat type for estimation, DSR on large wetlands was 0.931 (corresponding nest success = 7.6%), DSR on small wetlands was 0.941 (nest success = 11.1%), and DSR on wooded creeks was 0.963 (nest success = 26.2%). To estimate duckling survival, we monitored 10 broods (n = 75 ducklings) over 3 field seasons by radiotagging hens at nest hatch. Most duckling mortality (94%) occurred in the first 10 days after hatch. Average duckling survival during 1–10 days was 0.321 (95% CI: 0.122–0.772), during 11–20 days was 0.996 (95% CI: 0.891–1.040), and during 21–30 days was 0.923 (95% CI: 0.769–1.041). Three of 10 hens moved all or part of their broods overland between nesting and brood-rearing wetlands for distances of 0.3–1.6 km. Our estimates of lesser scaup nest success and duckling survival on the Yukon Flats were among the lowest ever reported for ducks nesting at northern latitudes, even though the study site was in pristine boreal forest. Estimating and comparing scaup demographic rates from different geographic areas can contribute to improved conservation. Given the scarcity of information on scaup nesting in the boreal forest, basic nesting parameters are important to those trying to model scaup population dynamics.  相似文献   

Shrubs, such as mesquite (Prosopis spp.) and cholla (Opuntia spp.), now dominate fire-suppressed grasslands in southwestern North America. Responses of birds to prescribed burning of the shortgrass prairie in this region are poorly understood. We examined daily survival rates of mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) and lark sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) nests in an experimental landscape (4,811 ha) of spatially replicated, inter-annual fire frequencies (burning every 2 yr, 4 yr, or 10 yr) near Amarillo, Texas. Herbaceous habitat structure was most developed in infrequently burned plots, but shrub densities were less variable among the burn treatments. We modeled daily nest survival (DSR) against burn frequency, shrub density at nest sites, and nest stage (incubation or nestling). Daily survival of mourning dove nests was not well-related to any measured covariate, but lark sparrow DSR was negatively related to the duration of inter-annual burn frequency. In semiarid grasslands heavily inundated with shrubs, prescribed burning may positively influence the nest success of some bird species. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Male reproductive coalitions, in which males cooperate to attract females, are a rare strategy among vertebrates. While some studies have investigated ultimate aspects of these relationships, little is known about the mechanistic role that hormones play in modulating cooperative behaviours. Here, we examined male testosterone variation in a tropical lekking bird, the wire-tailed manakin (Pipra filicauda), which exhibits cooperative male-male display coalitions. We found that testosterone levels in territorial males were comparable to those of temperate breeding birds, a surprising result given their environmental, social and reproductive dynamics. In addition, social status rather than plumage was a strong predictor of testosterone variation. Territorial males had significantly higher testosterone levels than did two other plumage classes of floater males, who do not hold territories. We hypothesize that testosterone variation plays an important role in the establishment of male dominance hierarchies (competition), while concurrently facilitating stable display partnerships (cooperation).  相似文献   

In the past 60 years, reservoirs have reshaped riverine ecosystems and transformed breeding habitats used by the threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus; hereafter plover). Currently, 29 % of the Northern Great Plains plover population nests at reservoirs that might function as ecological traps because reservoirs have more diverse habitat features and greater dynamics in water levels than habitats historically used by breeding plovers. We examined factors influencing daily survival rates (DSR) of 346 plover nests at Lake Sakakawea (SAK; reservoir) during 2006–2009 by evaluating multiple a priori models, and we used our best model to hindcast nest success of plovers during 1985–2009. Our observed and hindcast estimates of nest success were low compared to published estimates. Previous findings indicate that plovers prefer nest sites that are low relative to water level. We found that elevation of nests above the water level had a strong positive correlation with DSR because water levels of SAK typically increased throughout the nesting period. Habitat characteristics on the reservoir differ from those that shaped nest-site selection for plovers. Accordingly, extraordinary nest loss occurs there in many years, largely due to inundation of nests, and based on low fledging rates those losses were not compensated by potential changes in chick survival. Therefore, our example supports the concept of ecological traps in birds because it addresses quantitative assessments of habitat preference and productivity over 25 years (since species listing) and affects a large portion of the population.  相似文献   

Comparing closely related species that live in different environments is a powerful way to understand selective pressures that influence life‐history evolution. We examined a suite of life‐history traits and parental care in neotropical buff‐breasted wrens Cantorchilus leucotis and north‐temperate Carolina wrens Thryothorus ludovicianus (Family Troglodytidae), to test hypotheses about life‐history evolution. As expected, buff‐breasted wrens exhibited smaller clutch sizes and higher annual adult survival than Carolina wrens. We found minimal support for the nest predation hypothesis, as nest survival and age‐corrected provisioning rates to whole broods were similar between species, and number of breeding attempts and breeding season length were greater in temperate wrens. Critical predictions of the food limitation hypothesis were not supported; in particular age‐corrected provisioning rates per nestling were higher in the tropical than temperate species. The adult survival and offspring quality hypothesis garnered the most support, as buff‐breasted wrens exhibited greater age‐corrected provisioning rates per nestling, a longer nestling period, longer re‐nesting intervals following nest success, and lower annual fecundity than Carolina wrens. Despite similarly prolonged breeding seasons, reproductive strategies differ between species with buff‐breasted wrens investing considerably in single broods to optimize first‐year survival and Carolina wrens investing in multiple small broods to optimize annual fecundity.  相似文献   

The investigation of factors that cause differences in life-history traits between temperate and tropical birds is often hampered by a lack of knowledge about tropical species. Even within the well-known warblers of the genus Sylvia , which include resident species from temperate and tropical regions as well as migrants, there are few data from tropical species. We investigated the breeding biology of the tropical species Sylvia lugens and S. boehmi in a 2-year study in Kenya. Both species had a clutch size of 2.0 and laid c.  3.7 clutches per year. Breeding was characterized by long incubation periods ( S. lugens 14.5 days, S. boehmi 15.0 days), long nestling periods (16.0 and 12.9 days, respectively) and high predation rates (Mayfield nest success S. lugens 33.2%, S. boehmi 19.4%). Annual fecundity was 2.3 fledglings in S. lugens and 1.4 fledglings in S. boehmi . After fledging, the young birds were fed for 37.5 days ( S. lugens ) and 58.5 days ( S. boehmi ) (time to independence) and they stayed in their parents' territory for days or weeks, even after feeding had stopped. Fledgling survival until independence was 55.4% in S. lugens and 69.2% in S. boehmi . In general, S. lugens and S. boehmi have smaller but more numerous clutches, longer developmental periods, higher nest predation rates, lower annual fecundity and longer post-fledging care than their temperate congenerics.  相似文献   

Survival of offspring is a key fitness component and, for birds, the threat of predation on nests is especially influential. Data on rates of nest success from tropical regions are comparatively few, conservation‐relevant, and essential for assessing the validity of models comparing the life histories and behavior or birds across latitudinal gradients. We monitored over 2 000 nests in the lowland forests of central Panama and, using the logistic exposure to model the fate of nests, explored the importance of variation in rate of nest success according to type of nest, height of nests, among years, in early versus late nests, and at different stages of the nest cycle. Analyses of over 1 400 nests for 18 species revealed considerable variation among species in the daily survival rate of nests (range among 18 species=0.91 to 0.98), but nest type and stage of the nesting cycle were generally influential on the probability of nest success. Cavity or enclosed nesters experienced greater nest success than open cup nesters and rates of nest loss were generally greatest in the nestling stage. We found limited evidence that height of nests affected probability of success, but no indication that timing of nesting effort was influential. Despite the occurrence of a severe ENSO event during our sampling, annual variation in nest success was not consistent among species. Interspecific variation in the rates and patterns of nest predation in our study, coupled with reports of high rates of nest loss at temperate latitudes, lead us to question long standing assumptions about latitudinal trends in rates of nest loss. We urge further work to understand the implications of nest predation on the evolutionary ecology of tropical birds.  相似文献   

Avian plumage traits are the targets of both natural and sexual selection. Consequently, genetic changes resulting in plumage variation among closely related taxa might represent important evolutionary events. The molecular basis of such differences, however, is unknown in most cases. Sequence variation in the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R) is associated with melanistic phenotypes in many vertebrate taxa, including several avian species. The blue-crowned manakin (Lepidothrix coronata), a widespread, sexually dichromatic passerine, exhibits striking geographic variation in male plumage colour across its range in southern Central America and western Amazonia. Northern males are black with brilliant blue crowns whereas southern males are green with lighter blue crowns. We sequenced 810 bp of the MC1R coding region in 23 individuals spanning the range of male plumage variation. The only variable sites we detected among L. coronata sequences were four synonymous substitutions, none of which were strictly associated with either plumage type. Similarly, comparative analyses showed that L. coronata sequences were monomorphic at the three amino acid sites hypothesized to be functionally important in other birds. These results demonstrate that genes other than MC1R underlie melanic plumage polymorphism in blue-crowned manakins.  相似文献   

To explore the nest survival rate of Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and the nest-site factors that affect it,we conducted artificial nest experiments with reference to natural nests at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve (DNNR),Henan Province and Pingjingguan,Hubei Province from April to June 2014 simulating the situation in its early and later breeding season.We also determined distance characteristics of the nest sites by ArcGIS 10.0.Nest survival models were constructed in Program MARK for data analysis.Results indicated that in the early breeding season,the apparent survival rate (ASR) in DNNR (52.4%) was significantly greater than that in Pingjingguan (13.5%),and the ASR in the later breeding season in DNNR (26.7%) was not indistinctively correlated with Pingjingguan (3.2%).The daily survival rate (DSR) in the later breeding season was 93.8% in DNNR and 92.0% in Pingjingguan,respectively.The DSRs were both negatively correlated with nest distance to forest edges and settlements.The DSR in Pingjingguan was positively correlated with nest distance to paths and negatively correlated with nest distance to water sources.However,the DSR in DNNR was negatively correlated with nest distance to paths but positively correlated with nest distance to water sources.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of environmental stressors on daily nest survival of introduced birds is important because it can affect introduction success as well as the ability to evaluate introduction programs. For long-lived birds with low annual production, adjustment to local breeding conditions can take many years. We examined nest success rates of 2 introduced bird species, whooping crane (Grus americana) and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), in Wisconsin. Both species are long-lived with low annual reproductive rates. Trumpeter swans were established in our study area approximately 10 years before whooping cranes. We predicted that trumpeter swans would show less sensitivity to environmental stressors. We used daily nest survival rates (DNSRs) as our response variable to model several environmental parameters including weather, phenology, and ornithophilic black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Additionally, we examined the influence of captive history, age, release method, energetics, and nesting experience on whooping crane DNSRs. Daily nest survival of whooping cranes was the most sensitive to stressors. Trumpeter swan daily nest survival showed less sensitivity to the same stressors. Daily nest survival for both species peaked later in the nesting season, after 30 April and before 30 May. We also found that the daily nest survival rate (DNSR) for whooping cranes was potentially affected by captive exposure (measured by generations removed from the wild). Our results highlight the difficulties associated with conservation of long-lived birds with low annual productivity as they adjust to local breeding conditions and that nest phenology at the source location can determine how these conditions are interfaced. We recommend that the juxtaposition of source and introduction location nest phenology be considered prior to introduction site selection. Additionally, strategically selecting offspring from captive pairs with nest phenology similar to that of sympatric species at the introduction location should be considered. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Parental behaviour and nest site are supposed to affect nest predation in birds. Few nest visits and high nest attentiveness are assumed to lead to low predation rates. Poorly concealed nests are thought to be more likely to be preyed upon than well concealed nests. Studies on the relationship between parental behaviour, nest site, and nest predation are rare and none have, so far, been conducted in the Afrotropics. We studied the effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the nest predation rate of the two tropical warblers Sylvia boehmi and Sylvia lugens in Kenya. Parental behaviour and predation on nests of 13 breeding pairs of both species were observed daily in two consecutive breeding seasons. In both species, parental activity at the nest was low [0.9 trips to the nest in 30 min during incubation, maximum 4.6 (S. boehmi) and 5.8 (S. lugens) trips to the nest in the nestling stage]. Predation rates in both species were high (Mayfield nest success 19.4 and 33.2%). Our analysis revealed only weak evidence for an effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the predation rate. It is suggested that smaller clutches of tropical in comparison to northern temperate birds result from lower feeding rates in tropical ecosystems with high predation rates (Skutchs hypothesis). The underlying mechanism could not be proven in this study.  相似文献   

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