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Determining the functions of novel genes implicated in cell survival is directly relevant to our understanding of mammalian development and carcinogenesis. ARS2 is an evolutionarily conserved gene that confers arsenite resistance on arsenite-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary cells. Little is known regarding the function of ARS2 in mammals. We report that ARS2 is transcribed throughout embryonic development and is expressed ubiquitously in mouse and human tissues. The mouse ARS2 protein is predominantly localized to the nucleus, and this nuclear localization is ablated in ARS2-null embryos, which in turn die around the time of implantation. After 24 h of culture, ARS2-null blastocysts contained a significantly greater number of apoptotic cells than wild-type or heterozygous blastocysts. By 48 h of in vitro culture, null blastocysts invariably collapsed and failed to proliferate. These data indicate ARS2 is essential for early mammalian development and is likely involved in an essential cellular process. The analysis of data from several independent protein-protein interaction studies in mammals, combined with functional studies of its Arabidopsis ortholog, SERRATE, suggests that this essential process is related to RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

CD38 is a multifunctional protein possessing ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity responsible for both the synthesis and the degradation of several Ca(2+)-mobilizing second messengers. Although a variety of functions have been ascribed to CD38, such as immune responses, insulin secretion, and social behavior in adults, nothing is known of its role during embryonic development when Ca(2+) signals feature prominently. Here, we report the identification and functional expression of CD38 from Xenopus laevis, a key model organism for the study of vertebrate development. We show that CD38 expression and endogenous ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity are developmentally regulated during cellular differentiation. Chemical or molecular inhibition of CD38 abolished ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity and disrupted elongation of the anterior-posterior axis and differentiation of skeletal muscle, culminating in embryonic death. Our data uncover a previously unknown role for CD38 as an essential regulator of embryonic development.  相似文献   

Aurora A is a serine/threonine kinase that functions in various stages of mitosis. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that gene amplification and overexpression of Aurora A are linked to tumorigenesis, suggesting that Aurora A is an oncogene. In addition, Aurora A overexpression has been used as a negative prognostic marker, because it is associated with resistance to anti-mitotic agents commonly used for cancer therapy. To understand the physiological functions of Aurora A, we generated Aurora A knock-out mice. Aurora A null mice die early during embryonic development before the 16-cell stage. These Aurora A null embryos have defects in mitosis, particularly in spindle assembly, supporting critical functions of Aurora A during mitotic transitions. Interestingly, Aurora A heterozygosity results in a significantly increased tumor incidence in mice, suggesting that Aurora A may also act as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor. Consistently, Aurora A heterozygous mouse embryonic fibroblasts have higher rates of aneuploidy. We further discovered that VX-680, an Aurora kinase inhibitor currently in phase II clinical trials for cancer treatment, could induce aneuploidy in wild type mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We conclude that a balanced Aurora A level is critical for maintaining genomic stability and one needs to be fully aware of the potential side effects of anti-cancer therapy based on the use of Aurora A-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Cse1l is essential for early embryonic growth and development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The CSE1L gene, the human homologue of the yeast chromosome segregation gene CSE1, is a nuclear transport factor that plays a role in proliferation as well as in apoptosis. CSE1 and CSE1L are essential genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian cells, as shown by conditional yeast mutants and mammalian cell culture experiments with antisense-mediated depletion of CSE1L. To analyze whether CSE1L is also essential in vivo and whether its absence can be compensated for by other genes or mechanisms, we have cloned the murine CSE1L gene (Cse1l) and analyzed its tissue- and development-specific expression: Cse1l was detected at embryonic day 7.0 (E7.0), E11.0, E15.0, and E17.0, and in adults, high expression was observed in proliferating tissues. Subsequently, we inactivated the Cse1l gene in embryonic stem cells to generate heterozygous and homozygous knockout mice. Mice heterozygous for Cse1l appear normal and are fertile. However, no homozygous pups were born after interbreeding of heterozygous mice. In 30 heterozygote interbreeding experiments, 50 Cse1l wild-type mice and 100 heterozygotes were born but no animal with both Cse1l alleles deleted was born. Embryo analyses showed that homozygous mutant embryos were already disorganized and degenerated by E5.5. This implicates with high significance (P < 0.0001, Pearson chi-square test) an embryonically lethal phenotype of homozygous murine CSE1 deficiency and suggests that Cse1l plays a critical role in early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Maspin (Mp) is a member of the serpin family with inhibitory functions against cell migration, metastasis and angiogenesis. To identify its role in embryonic development in vivo, we generated maspin knockout mice by gene targeting. In this study, we showed that homozygous loss of maspin expression was lethal at the peri-implantation stage. Maspin was specifically expressed in the visceral endoderm after implantation; deletion of maspin interfered with the formation of the endodermal cell layer, thereby disrupting the morphogenesis of the epiblast. In vitro, the ICM of the Mp(-/-) blastocysts failed to grow out appropriately. Data from embryoid body formation studies indicated that the Mp(-/-) EBs had a disorganized, endodermal cell mass and lacked a basement membrane layer. We showed that the embryonic ectoderm lineage was lost in the Mp(-/-) EBs, compared with that of the Mp(+/+) EBs. Re-expression of maspin partially rescued the defects observed in the Mp(-/-) EBs, as evidenced by the appearance of ectoderm cells and a layer of endoderm cells surrounding the ectoderm. In addition, a maspin antibody specifically blocked normal EB formation, indicating that maspin controls the process through a cell surface event. Furthermore, we showed that maspin directly increased endodermal cell adhesion to laminin matrix but not to fibronectin. Mp(+/-) endodermal cells grew significantly slower than Mp(+/+) endodermal cells on laminin substrate. We conclude that deletion of maspin affects VE function by reducing cell proliferation and adhesion, thereby controlling early embryonic development.  相似文献   

The Drosophila protein DEAF-1 is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein that was isolated as a putative cofactor of the Hox protein Deformed (Dfd). In this study, we analyze the effects of loss or gain of DEAF-1 function on Drosophila development. Maternal/zygotic mutations of DEAF-1 largely result in early embryonic arrest prior to the expression of zygotic segmentation genes, although a few embryos develop into larvae with segmentation defects of variable severity. Overexpression of DEAF-1 protein in embryos can induce defects in migration/closure of the dorsal epidermis, and overexpression in adult primordia can strongly disrupt the development of eye or wing. The DEAF-1 protein associates with many discrete sites on polytene chromosomes, suggesting that DEAF-1 is a rather general regulator of gene expression.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinases (Plks) are serine/threonine kinases that are highly conserved in organisms from yeasts to humans. Previous reports have shown that Plk1 is critical for all stages of mitosis and may play a role in DNA replication during S phase. While much work has focused on Plk1, little is known about the physiological function of Plk1 in vivo. To address this question, we generated Plk1 knockout mice. Plk1 homozygous null mice were embryonic lethal, and early Plk1−/− embryos failed to survive after the eight-cell stage. Immunocytochemistry studies revealed that Plk1-null embryos were arrested outside the mitotic phase, suggesting that Plk1 is important for proper cell cycle progression. It has been postulated that Plk1 is a potential oncogene, due to its overexpression in a variety of tumors and tumor cell lines. While the Plk1 heterozygotes were healthy at birth, the incidence of tumors in these animals was threefold greater than that in their wild-type counterparts, demonstrating that the loss of one Plk1 allele accelerates tumor formation. Collectively, our data support that Plk1 is important for early embryonic development and may function as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Six4 is a member of the Six family genes, homologues of Drosophila melanogaster sine oculis. The gene is thought to be involved in neurogenesis, myogenesis, and development of other organs, based on its specific expression in certain neuronal cells of the developing embryo and in adult skeletal muscles. To elucidate the biological roles of Six4, we generated Six4-deficient mice by replacing the Six homologous region and homeobox by the beta-galactosidase gene. 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside staining of the heterozygous mutant embryos revealed expression of Six4 in cranial and dorsal root ganglia, somites, otic and nasal placodes, branchial arches, Rathke's pouch, apical ectodermal ridges of limb buds, and mesonephros. The expression pattern was similar to that of Six1 except at the early stage of embryonic day 8.5. Six4-deficient mice were born according to the Mendelian rule with normal gross appearance and were fertile. No hearing defects were detected. Six4-deficient embryos showed no morphological abnormalities, and the expression patterns of several molecular markers, e.g., myogenin and NeuroD3 (neurogenin1), were normal. Our results indicate that Six4 is not essential for mouse embryogenesis and suggest that other members of the Six family seem to compensate for the loss of Six4.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that GATA6 has an integral role in controlling development of the mammalian liver. Unfortunately, this proposal has been impossible to address directly because mouse embryos lacking GATA6 die during gastrulation. Here we show that the early embryonic deficiency associated with GATA6-knockout mice can be overcome by providing GATA6-null embryos with a wild-type extraembryonic endoderm with the use of tetraploid embryo complementation. Analysis of rescued Gata6-/- embryos revealed that, although hepatic specification occurs normally, the specified cells fail to differentiate and the liver bud does not expand. Although GATA6 is expressed in multiple tissues that impact development of the liver, including the heart, septum transversum mesenchyme, and vasculature, all are relatively unaffected by loss of GATA6, which is consistent with a cell-autonomous requirement for GATA6 during hepatogenesis. We also demonstrate that a closely related GATA factor, GATA4, is expressed transiently in the prehepatic endoderm during hepatic specification and then lost during expansion of the hepatic primordium. Our data support the proposal that GATA4 and GATA6 are functionally redundant during hepatic specification but that GATA6 alone is available for liver bud growth and commitment of the endoderm to a hepatic cell fate.  相似文献   

pICln is a 26-kDa protein that is ubiquitously expressed and highly conserved from Xenopus laevis to Homo sapiens. The physiological functions of pICln remain to be established. To address this question, we disrupted the ICln gene in embryonic stem cells. We found that murine embryos lacking ICln die early in gestation (between stages E3.5 and E7.5). Furthermore, we found that ICln is essential for embryonic stem cell viability. Previously, we showed that pICln interacts directly with a homolog of a yeast protein that binds a PAK-like kinase and participates in the regulation of cell morphology and cell cycling. pICln also forms a complex with several core spliceosomal proteins, and this interaction may play a role in the regulation of spliceosomal biogenesis. Collectively, these data strongly suggest that pICln participates in critical cellular pathways, including regulation of the cell cycle and RNA processing.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new female sterile mutant from Drosophila melanogaster, which arrests the embryonic development during the transition from syncytial to cellular blastoderm. Cytological analysis of the mutant embryos indicates that pseudocleavage furrows in the syncytial blastoderm are abnormal but not completely disrupted. However, cleavage furrows during cellularization are totally disorganized, and no embryos can develop beyond this stage. Consistent with this observation, the expression of this gene peaks around the cellular blastoderm and not in any later developmental stages. Based on immunofluorescence experiments, the protein product of this gene is localized in both pseudocleavage furrows at the syncytial blastoderm and in the cleavage furrows during the cellularization stage. Sequence homology analysis demonstrates a modest, but statistically significant, similarity of this protein with the carboxyl-terminal domains of dystrophin and a family of proteins collectively known as apodystrophins. It is possible that this protein may play an essential role in organizing and maintaining a specialized cytoskeletal structure, a function also suggested for dystrophin and apodystrophins.  相似文献   

Guermah M  Ge K  Chiang CM  Roeder RG 《Molecular cell》2003,12(4):991-1001
Human TFIID contains the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and several TBP-associated factors (hTAFs) that have been shown to play important roles, within TFIID, both in core promoter recognition and as coactivators. Here we show that the human TAF(II)43 (TAF8) is an integral component of a functional TFIID and an apparent ortholog to the recently reported mouse TBN, which is essential for early embryonic mouse developmental events. Significantly, we also show that TAF8 is dramatically induced and sequestered within TFIID upon differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes to adipocytes, whereas the expression of all other TAFs tested is slightly reduced. Moreover, when ectopically expressed, the histone fold domain of TAF8 acts as a dominant-negative mutant and selectively inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenic differentiation. Furthermore TAF8 acts as a positive regulator of adipogenesis and reverses the inhibitory effect of its histone fold. These data suggest a selective role for TAF8 in a specific cell differentiation process(es).  相似文献   

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